英语翻译 最地道的翻译软件准确 满意即采纳

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来源:互联网 发表时间: 22:22:18 责任编辑:王亮字体:
(可以把句子单词次序改一下. doing a favour for someone“帮助某人”是从句中的主语)58,因为他们还没决定好让她的母亲跟他们一起住:One time52,I found that doing a favour for someone could get you into a lot of trouble.然后她告诉我我不需要搬走。(句中for是连词“因为”.有一次我发现帮助他人可能让自己陷入许多麻烦之中
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京ICP备号-1 京公网安备02号英语翻译要求尽量用地道的英语,而不是中国式的翻译.网上有个人说是:But world because of you splendid我觉得还不错,希望不用wonderful
听楼主的 用splendidTo the world,you are the source of the splendid,while I am the power to change.字面意思:对于世界来说,你是精彩的源泉,而我是改变的动力.
Because of your wonderful world and the world changed because of me.World because of you but wonderful, the world changes because of me.这两种翻译都可以,我个人倾向与第二种.
Wonderful for you in the world, i can make a change in the world
The world is exciting because of your presence and the world changes because of me.用your being/ my being 也行。
The world being splendid because of you, the world changes because of me用这个吧
Because of your wonderful world and the world changed because of me.
Because of you and me, the world becomes
wonderful and change。
你们都直接用翻译软件了吧,话都不像人话,我挑写的最好的给你改一下吧Do you kown what is the hardest thing to do? Exam,
homework or race? No, no,no, I think the most difficult thing to do , is defeating myself.Because the process is fighting
weakest and
the hardest side of myself. And it not easy! But if you want to success, you have to do it and
make progress. I found out this pointwent from my own experience .From childhood, I'm timid. I never dared to attend any type of competition activities.When others energetically standed on the podium,
I only can get is giving them
congratulations . Will
things be like this forever ? No! I don't want to be silence any more . In (你那务求是什么球,自己填上吧)competition the school held,
I am determined to take this opportunity. I asked my
classmates to signed me up. So far, I made the first step.When I set foot in the race, I smiled. It is a larger
joy. I found out that I have huge potential . But difficulty was comeing
soon. This is the first time I faced such thing in my life . I hold the racket and cannot
go up first. But I did it at last . Telling the truth, the game result was unsatisfactory. But I'm still happy for myself, I applaud for myself.I defeated myself , defeated my timid character. I think
I will put this time in my heart . And
whenever I'm
frailty, or I want to
lower the head difficulty, I will use it encourage myself. When I
defeated my weakness once again, I discover I take a step again!PS 再多说一句,英文作文不是这么写的,不应该先写中文再翻译
扫描下载二维码英语翻译如翻译不错立即采纳加分.越快越好!分数不是问题,浮云要多少都可以满足,若嫌分少可以另开若干高分贴让你复制粘贴采纳.主要是时间紧急且专业术语较多.字数挺多的,机译的就别来占地方了,影响网页流量.相信百度知道上有很多善良热心的牛人,等待.另有一系列同篇其他段落类似提问,如能帮忙感激不尽!翻译内容:Although the comparison of the proposed method with other circle detection methods using the chord was not done thoroughly in this work,we observed that most other techniques (i.e.,Chan and Siu,1990; Ho and Chen,1995; Sheu et al.,1997; Goneid et al.,1997) used the vertical and horizontal chords and required the straight line HT (SHT) to detect the symmetrical vertical and horizontal axes.So,they would not work well in the case of the partially occluded circles and would spend much time for the voting process and the peak detection in the SHT.Fig.6(a) shows the simple case of the circle partially occluded by a rectangle.Fig.6(b) is the voting space by the proposed method when s=1 and Ne=10.It has a significant peak corresponding to the circle center.Fig.6(c) is the bool image composed of the mid-points of the horizontal chords to find the candidate symmetrical vertical axes.Two short line segments belonging to the symmetrical vertical axis and one spurious vertical line segment appeared.It is not easy to detect them using the simple SHT and the partially occluded circle may not be detected.On the contrary,the proposed method uses the randomly selected orientations which enable the detection of the occluded circle (Fig.6(d)),the lookup table to avoid the complex computation of the trigonometric function at the expense of the additional small memory,and the sampling rate s to speed up the detection process.5.ConclusionsThis paper proposed a two-step HT-based circle detection algorithm using pairs of chordsintersecting each other.The formula for computing the center of the circle from a pair of the intersecting chords was derived.In the first step,based on the formula,the 2D HT method found robustly and e€ectively the centers of the circles in the image.In the second step,the radius of the circle was computed using the radius histogram.The proposed method does not use the edge direction information which is sensitive to noise.Through the normalization by r2 in the voting of ACC,the thresholding is simple and general.The analysis of the proposed algorithm was given and the reduction of the complexity was discussed.The experimental results for synthetic and real images emonstrated that the proposed method works well for detecting the circles.5 conclusion 里有一个词显示有问题 是effectively1楼:有关图形识别算法;2楼机器;3楼dvd627,静候补充完整回答.
我靠,难道又要我出马,二楼您算了吧,HT是Hough Transform,翻译作霍夫变换!您用翻译机一辈子都不会知道的.ACC是accumulator的意思,哎.开个价,5篇1000分,(每篇完成后再加100,总计200*5 =1000)Deal?


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