喜欢哪个battle likes got7and Dislikes

likes and dislikes喜欢与厌恶
来源:转载 文章作者:匿名
Love hate adore enjoy wonderful terrible great fantastic ok loathe excellent fascination attractive disgusting delicious Phrases Can t stand Keen on All right Crazy about Into something Not bad Can t
  Love hate adore enjoy wonderful terrible great fantastic ok loathe excellent fascination attractive disgusting delicious
  Can&t stand
  Keen on
  All right
  Crazy about
  Into something
  Not bad
  Can&t bear
  Mad on/ about
  Find something /someone interesting
  Fond of
  A: do you like animals? I really like dogs.
  B: so do i. I don&t like cats.
  A: why? I think cats are ok.
  B: I can&t bear being near cats. They don&t seem to like me either.
  A:I like wild animals. I don&t like spiders and snakes. I think spiders and snakes are disgusting.
  B: I&m fond of snakes. I think they&re great. I agree with you about spiders though. I think spiders are horrible. I think it&s because they have so many legs.
  A; I think bears are wonderful. Pandas are fantastic. I loathe people who kill them for their fur.
  B; I agree. I&m carzy about mice. I think they&re so cute!
  A; really? I don&t see the attraction. I&m afraid of mice.
  A; what do you think of the people in our class? I think most of them are fine.
  B: I think so too. I don&t like mark. He&s so arrogant. I despise arrogant people.
  A: mike is fascinating. I&m fond of people who have something intelligent to say.
  B; carol&s fun to be with. I really look forward to hearing her jokes. What do you think of tom?
  A: he&s all right. I don&t dislike him, but I don&t really like him much either. What do you think of him?
  B: I think he&s ok. He&s very quiet, so it&s hard to know what kind of person he really is.
  A: I&m fond of jane. She&s a very interesting girl. She&s crazy about boy-bands.
  B; really? I&m mad on them too. I should get to know her better. Are you keen on music?
  A: I think that dance music is excellent. I love going to a disco and dancing to the music. I enjoy meeting new people there.
  B; my parents loathe dance music. If I play it at home, they always complain. Are you parents the same?
  A: my mom hates it, but my dad thinks its ok. He doesn&t mind as long as I don&t play the music too loud.
  B; are you hungry? Let&s go and get some pizza. I think pizza is delicious.
导读:日学而思名师康睿做客E度访谈...my likes and dislikes 的英语作文 记住内容是爱好和不爱好2个 急用!
I like being the comic relief of my friends and family!I like that I can easily makes people laugh,and make them happy is something I enjoy.I dislike that I find dificult to trust my problems,sadness to people.I prefer to keep my life kind of like a secret to others,I prefer to deal with my own problems opposite to talk with others and trying to figure out a solution.
Likes and Dislikes
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Feelings and Emotions 情感与情绪
Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶
Giving and Receiving 给予与接受 ...
likes and dislikes
Whether you liked or (more likely) loathed LeBron James and Chris Bosh signing with the Miami Heat last off-season, you watched them.
Dr. Singer's team was simply trying to see if the study subjects' degree of empathy correlated with how much they liked or disliked the person being punished.
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喜欢的和不喜欢的双语对照词典结果:likes and dislikes爱好和厌恶; 好恶; 以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.Share what you are experiencing in terms of flavours and textures,likesand dislikes.分享你体验过的口味和材质,你的好恶.


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