
发 货 地:无锡
联 系 人:无锡博联不锈钢销售网
无锡博联不锈钢有限公司是一家集不锈钢批发与材料加工为一体的大型专业公司。主营304不锈钢、316了不锈钢、321不锈钢、904不锈钢、309S不锈钢、310不锈钢及200系、400系不锈钢是国内太钢、张浦、酒钢、联众、西安华新、泰山钢铁的一级代理商,同时是瑞典阿维斯塔.波拉里、西班牙阿西利诺、美国北美、芬兰瑞典奥托昆普、法国阿塞洛、德国克虏伯、台湾烨联、韩国浦项、日本日新、日本冶金、日本新日铁等国外知名钢厂在中国的特约经销商。公司的产品主要用于电炉、锅炉、电热设备、造船、石油、化工、制药、食品、电力、冶金、纺织、印染、机械设备、压力容器等诸多行业,客户遍布全国各地。& 公司的加工中心位于无锡市北塘区,拥有诸多进口加工设备,如:镜面抛光机、中板抛光机、磨砂机、水刀切割机、压花机、分条机、开平机、等离子切割机等,可以按照客户需求提供多元化的个性服务.& 公司自备仓库,提货方便及时,24小时服务,并可为客户代理货物配送业务。为方便东北、华南、山东、山西等地客户,经过十余年的运作,公司已经形成了自己的经营特色:高温板是我们的强项,化工板是我们的优势,中厚板是我们的特长、双相钢是我们的新亮点、多元化加工是我们的追求。&&& 公司信奉“诚信为本,互惠互嬴,与时俱进,同享辉煌”的经营理念,欢迎广大客户来电、来函垂询,公司将以真诚的服务与四方朋友合作公司部分产品钢材行业中创立最早,规模最大、实力最强的企业之一,库存常年保持万吨以上,为更好的服务客户扩大经营范围,我公司特开办了上门送货服务,并有专车专人接送洽谈人员前来订购业务。,是中国长江以南,钢材品种最全、销售各种不锈钢材料保证以最好的质量,以最低的价格,最完善的售后服务,。是一家主要从事不锈钢生产,销售与配送为一体的综合性企业.公司在产品的生产过程中严格按照中国GB、美国ASTM、日本JIS标准,贯彻ISO9001质量管理体系,产品畅销华东地区、部分出口美国、加拿大及欧亚各国,具有良好的市场声誉。&&& 经营国内外知名品牌国内有:宝钢、太钢、首钢、扶钢、宝新等、国外品牌有:日本新日铁、JFE、韩国象唛、韩国浦项、张浦等、台湾、烨联、新荣等&&& 公司以一流的品质,一流的服务,最优惠的价格达成愉快的合作。对客户的承诺,坚持以“质量树信誉,以品牌占市场,以创新求发展,以规模取效益”的信念,坚定不移地做中国优秀的不锈钢材料提供商。欢迎各界朋友垂询。公司不锈钢产品所具特点: 1.不锈钢材表面质量好,棒材表面均无砂眼及黑点,直线度优良。2.无论不锈钢棒或线材管材,尺寸精确,公差高达±0.02mm,3.材料化学成分稳定均匀,偏差小,钢质纯净4.S、P、N等有害元素和夹杂物含量低;5.盘条金相组织好,性能均匀;6.硬线比高,细线比高,优质比高。销售热线9&&& 9.材质齐全,规格齐& 全。 选对一家产品好的供应商将使您一劳永逸,只要您一个电话上门我们将为您处理好所有的事情,包括材料的质量及运输过程的保良,我们均为您做到最好。要买优质的不锈钢材料,就应该到一家正规、可靠、规模大的公司购买,这样才能买到您称心如意的好产品。本公司的不锈钢材料在抗腐蚀性,耐高温方面性能突出,能用于多个领域。欢迎致电我公司查询不锈钢材料价格,节假日照常上班,随时恭侯您的到来。我公司主要经营的不锈钢材料规格、材质如下: 1、不锈钢棒材规格:“φ1mm~φ480mm” 材质:SUS310,316,310S,303,301,304,316L,304L,321,316F,304F,201,303F,420,430等。2不锈钢管材规格:“φ3.0mm~450.0mm” 材质:SUS310,316,316L,301,304,310S,321,301,302,201,202,317,316LN,不锈钢绳等。3不锈钢卷带规格:宽度“2mm~1550mm”厚度“0.02mm~5mm”材质:SUS310,316,304,310S,304L,316L,301,302,201,430,321等。4不锈钢板材规格:厚度;0.3mm~100mm宽度;mm 材质:SUS310,316,310S,316L,301,302,304,304L,201,321,314,317,317L,430,420,904,904L等。5不锈钢线材规格:“φ0.08mm~φ12.6mm” 材质:SUS310,316,304,310S,304L,301,316L,302,302HQ,304HC,304ES,201,202,317等。6·产品符合中国GB,美国ASTM、日本JIS等规范,所有出厂产品都有ROHS指令的SGS报告和材质证明销售热线7·本公司的产品上海304不锈厚板切割规格齐全,价格合理,根据不同用户的需求,可非标订做. 热诚欢迎新老客户来电咨询订购!!!产品材质;202.301.304.304l.321.316.316l.310S 不锈钢板面宽度1000mm,1220mm,1250mm,1500mm,mm 冷轧部;不锈钢板冷轧2B(卷板卷带,平板)特色板3.5mm 304/2B316L/2B厚度冷扎0.16.0mm)。表面:2B光面,BA;8K镜面;拉丝,磨砂;雪花砂;不锈钢无指纹板;装饰面板:彩色板,镀钛板,蚀刻板,油抛发纹板(HLNO.4)3D立体板,喷砂板,压纹板,热轧部:不锈钢板热轧No.1(卷板,平板厚度:工业No.1(3-159mm)表面8K镜面;拉丝,磨砂;雪花砂;不锈钢无指纹板特别加工可按客户指定开不定尺寸宗旨:用户至上,质量第一,诚信为本,持续发展。经营理念:以人为本,全员参与,满意服务,优质产品,持续提高质量水准,满足广大客户的要求200系列:201.202.(铬-镍-锰奥氏体不锈钢) 300系列:304F.316.316L.316F.316S.316Ti.310.310S.314.314L.317.317L.321.304HC.302HQ.301.302.303.304.304L.(铬-镍奥氏体不锈钢) 400系列:416.410.420.420J2.430.430F.431(铁素体和马氏体不锈钢)本厂400系列以棒材和线材为主.备注:L代表低碳,如304L比304含碳量低.H与S代表耐高温.如310S比310耐高温性强.304H比304耐热.耐高温不锈钢:902.904.902L.904L,其正常使用温度达到度.SS316是核用材料.316.316L是船用钢,具有强耐腐蚀性主营产品: 不锈钢板:不锈钢冷轧板,不锈钢中厚板,不锈钢型材 不锈钢板材质:202,304,304L,321,316,316L,310S 不锈钢型材质:201,202,301,304,304L,321,316,316L,310S 不锈钢棒材质:1Cr17Ni2,0Cr13,1Cr13,2Cr13,3Cr13,4Cr13,304,321,316,316L310S 高温钢板材料耐热钢常用于制造锅炉,汽轮机,工业炉以及航空,石化等工业部门中在高温下工作的零部件。309S :( 0Cr23Ni13 )特性:可承受 980 ℃以下反复加热, 具有较高的高温强度及抗氧化性,抗渗碳性能。用途:炉用材料。310S :( 0Cr25Ni20 ) 特性:适于制作各种炉用构件,最高温度 1200 ℃,连续使用温度 1150 ℃。 用途:炉用材料,汽车净化装置用材料。 用途:除了合金元素铬和镍之外,这种牌号的不锈钢还含有少量的稀土金属( Rare Earth Metals,REM ),从而明显地改善了其抗氧化能力。添加了氮以改善蠕变性能并使这种钢成为完全的奥氏体。尽管铬和镍含量相对来说较低,但这种不锈钢有许多情况下具有与高合金化的合金钢和镍基合金相同的高温特性。 310S(0Cr25Ni20)0.8/1.0/2.0/2.5/3.0*1219*C 3.0/4/5/6/8/12/14*1500*C 小差卷16/18/25/30/40*足厚原装板309S(0Cr23Ni13)0.8/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0*1219*C3.0/4/5/6/8/12/14*1500*C 小差卷16/18/25/30/50*足厚原装板1Cr20Ni14Si2 1Cr25Ni20Si2 304L较304相比,304L含镍比304多一些多含一点镍,并且更重要的是304L比304含碳量小很多。304L在焊接点上或者其他处理的地方抗点蚀上面比304更胜一筹。 304L更耐腐蚀,304L含碳少。304用途广泛,具有良好的耐腐蚀性,耐热性,低温强度和机械特性;冲压弯曲等热加工性好,无热处理硬化现象(无磁性,使用温度-196°C~800°C)。304L焊接后或消除应力后,其抗晶界腐蚀能力优秀;在未进行热处理的情况下,亦能保持良好的耐腐蚀性,使用温度-196°C-800°C。 & Wuxi Bora stainless steel limited is a set of stainless steel materials processing and wholesaling of large-scale companies. Main 304 stainless steel, and 316 has stainless steel, and 321 stainless steel, and 904 stainless steel, and 309S stainless steel, and 310 stainless steel and the 200 Department, and 400 Department stainless steel is domestic too steel, and ZhangPu, and wine steel, and Alliance all, and Xian huaxin, and Tarzan steel of a level agents, while is Sweden Avista. Pollari, and Spain axilinuo, and United States North America, and Finland Sweden Outokumpu, and France Arcelor, and Germany grams captured uncle, and Taiwan ye Alliance, and Korea Ponte items, and Japan day new, and Japan metallurgical, and Japan Nippon Steel authorized dealers of well-known foreign steel mills in China. Company's products are mainly used in electric furnaces, boilers, heating equipment, shipbuilding, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, electricity, metallurgy, textile, printing and dyeing machinery and equipment, pressure vessels, and many other industries, customers across the country. Company's processing center is located in the beitang district, Wuxi, with lots of imported processing equipment, such as: mirror polishing machines, polishing machines, grinding machines, waterjet cutting machine, embossing machine, Kaiping, slitting machine, plasma cutting machine, provides a wide range of personalized service according to customer demand. Company-owned warehouses, delivery time, 24 hour service, and client delivery operations. For the convenience of Northeast China and South China, Shandong, Shanxi and other customers, after more than 10 years of operation, the company has formed its own operating characteristics: high temperature plate is our strength, chemical Board is our advantage, plate is our forte, dual-phase steel is our new highlights, a wide range of machining is our pursuit. The company believes in "honesty, mutual win, keeping pace with, and enjoy the splendid" business philosophy, customers are welcome to call us, contact us, the company will cooperate with sincere services with the Quartet of friends Part of the company's products Founded as early as in the steel industry, one of the largest and strongest companies, inventories keep million tons, in order to better serve customers expand their scope of operation, our company offering door-to-door delivery service, chat and special free shuttle people to order business. , Is South of the Yangtze River in China, most varieties of steel, selling all kinds of stainless steel materials to ensure the best quality at the lowest prices, the most complete after-sales service. Is mainly engaged in the stainless steel production, sales and distribution of a body comprehensive enterprise. companies in the production of products in strict accordance with GB in China and the United States ASTM, and Japan JIS Standards, implementing the ISO9001 quality management system, the products sell well in East China, parts of export United States, and Canada and in Europe and Asia, has a good reputation in the market. Operating domestic and international famous brands there are: Baosteel, Taiyuan iron and steel, Shougang, Fu, such as steel, Po, foreign brands are: Japan Nippon Steel, JFE, and Korea like mark, Korea POSCO, ZhangPu, Taiwan, Yieh, glory etc Company with first-class quality, first-class service, the most preferential prices reach a pleasant and cooperative. Commitment to the customer, adhere to the "quality tree credit in order to brand market share, innovation and development, and to scale access to benefits" belief in unswervingly excellent stainless steel materials providers in China. Welcome all friends for more information. The characteristics of stainless steel products company: 1. good quality stainless steel surfaces, surfaces are free of Chlamydia trachomatis and black spots for bar, excellent linearity. 2. stainless steel rods or wire tubing, precise measurement, tolerances up to ± 0.02mm, 3. the material chemical comPOSTTTION stability even small deviations, pure steel 4.S, hazardous elements such as p, n and lo 5. Rod King organized, 6. hard wire ratio, fine ratio, high quality. Sales hotline 9. material is complete, the specification is complete. Selected for a good supplier of products will allow you once and for all, as long as you call home, we will provide you with all the things, including the quality of the materials and transport process of Po Leung Kuk, we all do the best for you. Want to buy high quality stainless steel material, were supposed to be a formal, reliable, the large companies to buy, that will buy you enjoy good products. The company's corrosion resistance of stainless steel materials, high temperature performance is outstanding, can be used in many fields. Welcome to call our company for stainless steel material prices, including holidays and wishes at any time waiting for your arrival. Our company mainly engaged in the stainless steel material specifications, materials are as follows: 1, stainless steel rod specifications: "PHI 1mm~ 480mm" material: SUS310,316,310S,303,301,304,316L,304L,321,316F,304F,201,303F,420,430 and so on. 2 stainless steel pipe specifications: "PHI 3.0mm~450.0mm" material: SUS310,316,316L,301,304,310S,321,301,302,201,202,317,316LN, stainless steel rope, and so on. 3 stainless steel tape specifications: width "2mm~1550mm" thick "0.02mm~5mm" Material: SUS310,316,304,310S,304L,316L,301,302,201,430,321 and so on. Specifications 4 stainless steel sheet: 0.3mm~100mm width of mm material: SUS310,316,310S,316L,301,302,304,304L,201,321,314,317,317L,430,420,904,904L and so on. 5 stainless steel wire specifications: "PHI 0.08mm~ 12.6mm" material: SUS310,316,304,310S,304L,301,316L,302,302HQ,304HC,304ES,201,202,317 and so on. 6 · products meet the Chinese GB, United States ASTM, and Japan JIS standard, all manufactured products have ROHS directive SGS report and Certificate of compliance hotline 7 · our products Shanghai 304 stainless steel thick plate cutting specifications, price is reasonable, according to the needs of different users, non-standard order. Sincerely welcome new and old customers call Advisory order!!! P 202.301.304.304l.321.316.316l.310S Stainless steel plate width 1000mm,1220mm,1250mm,1500mm,mm Department of cold-rolled stainless steel plate cold-rolled 2B (plate bending rolls, flat) features plate thickness cold rolling 3.5mm 304/2B316L/2B 0.16.0mm). Surface: 2B smooth, BA;8K brushed, stainless steel no fingerprint B decorative Panel: color Board, plated titanium Board, etched Board, oil throwing made grain Board (HLNO.4) 3D stereo Board, spray sand Board, pressure grain Board, hot Department: stainless steel board hot No.1 (volume Board, Tablet thickness: industrial No.1 (3-159mm) surface 8K brushed, stainless steel no fingerprint Board special processing can by customer specifies opened indefinite size purposes: user first, Quality first, integrity-centered, sustainable development. Business philosophy: people-oriented, participatory, best service, quality products, sustained improvements in quality, to satisfy customer requirements 200 series: 201.202. (Chromium-nickel-manganese austenitic stainless steel) 300 series: 304F.316.316L.316F.316S.316Ti.310.310S.314.314L.317.317L.321.304HC.302HQ.301.302.303.304.304L. (Chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel) 400 series: 416.410.420.420J2.430.430F.431 (ferritic and Martensitic stainless steel) our 400 series dominated by rods and wires. Note: ? low carbon, such as 304L lower than the carbon content 304. h and s represents the high temperature. 310S 310 high-temperature resistant and strong. 304H than 304 heat. high temperature resistant stainless steel: 902.904.902L.904L, its normal temperature reaches
degrees . SS316 is nuclear material. 316.316L is a ship building steel, strong corrosion resistance of main products: Stainless steel: cold rolled stainless steel sheet, stainless steel plates, stainless steel profiles Quality stainless steel plate: 202,304,304L,321,316,316L,310S Stainless steel type material: 201,202,301,304,304L,321,316,316L,310S Stainless steel rod material: 1Cr17Ni2,0Cr13,1Cr13,2Cr13,3Cr13,4Cr13,304,321,316,316L310S Hot plate material Heat-resisting steel used in the manufacture of boilers, steam turbines, industrial furnaces and aviation, petrochemical and other parts of the work in the industrial sector in the heat. 309S :( 0Cr23Ni13 ) Features: can withstand 980 ° c heated, with high strength at high temperature and oxidation resistance, anti-carburizing performance. Use: furnace material. 310S :( 0Cr25Ni20 ) Features: suitable for making various furnace components, maximum temperature 1200 ° c continuous use temperature 1150 ℃. Usage: furnace material, material for automotive purification plant. Uses: other than alloying elements chromium and nickel, this brand of stainless steel containing small amounts of rare earth metals (Rare Earth Metals,REM), thereby significantly enhancing their antioxidant capacity. Creep of nitrogen is added to improve performance and make this kind of steel fully austenitic. Although chromium and nickel content is relatively low, but there are many cases and high-alloyed stainless steel high temperature characteristics of alloy steels and nickel-based alloys are the same. 310S(0Cr25Ni20) 0.8/1.0/2.0/2.5/3.0*1219*C 3.0/4/5/6/8/12/14*1500*C deserted volume 16/18/25/30/40* foot thick original Board 309S(0Cr23Ni13) 0.8/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0*1219*C 3.0/4/5/6/8/12/14*1500*C deserted volume 16/18/25/30/50* foot thick original Board 1Cr20Ni14Si2 1Cr25Ni20Si2 304L, 304, 304L contains more nickel than more than 304 Contains more nickel and more importantly 304L carbon content was much smaller than the 304. 304L solder or other places on pitting resistance more than 304 is a cut above. 304L more resistant to corrosion, 304L less carbon. 304 are versatile, good corrosion resistance, heat resistance, strength and mechanical propertie stamping bending good thermal processing, non-hardening heat treatment (non-magnetic, temperature-196 ° C~800 ° c). 304L after welding or eliminate stress, grain boundary corro in cases where no thermal treatment are able to maintain good corrosion resistance, using temperature-196 ° C-800 ° c. & & & & & &
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发 货 地:佛山市顺德区陈村镇力源
联 系 人:黄泽良
古铜色201不锈钢矩形管23*11*1.9扁管价格 &&不锈钢凹槽管_椭圆槽管生产供应商首先佛山兴大业不锈钢异型管厂,供应各种不锈钢异型管,是一家专业研发销售各种不锈钢异型管生产商,台商独资经营企业,公司秉承着专业的精神,先进的设备及精湛技术,致力于开发生产各种不锈钢异型管、不锈钢凹槽管_椭圆槽管&不锈钢槽管、特殊不锈钢管材、特殊规格装饰管及食品专用管。&&& 主营产品:不锈钢异型管、不锈钢凹槽管、U型槽管、圆单槽管、90°圆双槽管、180°圆双槽管、椭圆槽管、方矩槽管、不锈钢半圆管、不锈钢毛细管、不锈钢工字型管、不锈钢机械机构、工业配管用不锈钢管、流体输送用管、食品卫生用不锈钢管、汽车排气用不锈钢管等各种特殊不锈钢管。&&& 材质:304\304L\316\316L (其它材质请协商)。&&& 长度:6米为基准长度,其它长度可按要求协商。&&& 厚度:1.0-3.0mm。&&& 属性:不锈钢焊管。&&& 抛光:砂光/拉丝、光面、镜面(600#-1000#)、内抛光等各种高要求的表面处理。&&& 用途:玻璃扶手、商场、机场、地铁、楼房、饭店、展会中心、酒店等装饰建筑工程。&&& 包装:单支收缩膜包装、气泡膜捆装、铁架包装、标准出口捆装、标准出口铁架。&&& 特点:不锈钢焊管一体成型、结构坚实、耐用美观、施工方便,组装方便,省去焊接过程程 序,可弯曲不同形状,配合施工中各种造型设计。&&& 不锈钢凹槽管_椭圆槽管--特殊规格尺寸,可协商定做,质量保证,欢迎来厂来电咨询。&D字型管_半圆管生产供应商首先佛山兴大业不锈钢异型管厂,供应各种不锈钢异型管,是一家专业研发销售各种不锈钢异型管生产商,台商独资经营企业,公司秉承着专业的精神,先进的设备及精湛技术,致力于开发生产各种不锈钢异型管、不锈钢D字型管_半圆管、不锈钢槽管、特殊不锈钢管材、特殊规格装饰管及食品专用管。&一、材质:304、304L、316、316L1、 不锈钢异型管(圆管单槽管、不锈钢凹槽、圆管双槽管、椭圆管、椭圆槽管、特殊矩形管、特殊异型管材)2、 工业配管用不锈钢钢管3、 汽车排气管用不锈钢管4、 机械构造用/流体输送用方管、圆管、矩形管、异形管5、 食品卫生用不锈钢钢管6、不锈钢毛细管7、不锈钢D字型管_半圆管二、优点:A.不锈钢焊管一体成型,结构坚实耐用美观B.产品组合多样化,施工中组合选用方便。C.增加避震效果,确保玻璃结构安全。三、产品用途:机场,地铁,车站,办公大楼、商场,楼房,酒店,采光罩、会展中心、别墅阳台、玻璃扶手等装饰建筑工程。四、质量保证:本公司以" 顾客至上,全员参与品质管理 "為宗旨,不断引进先进检验设备,培养高素质人才,加强品质管理。产品符合美国建筑条例、符合中国GB、日本JIS、美国ASTM、德国DIN等规范。产品生产过程中,严把各道质检关,完善品管手段,提高全员品保观念力保產品零缺陷。 &&D字型管_半圆管--欢迎新老客户来电来函咨询,定购!欢迎来厂参观指导! &
会员级别:认证类型:企业认证企业证件:已通过企业认证 认证公司:佛山兴大业不锈钢有限公司


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