
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  1.be on show / display / play...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:08
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以turn为中心的词组  give a new ...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:07
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以take为中心的词组  be taken aba...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:07
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以put为中心的词组  put aside 把~...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:07
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以make为中心的词组  be made from...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:06
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以look为中心的词组  look about ...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:05
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以give为中心的词组  be given to...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:05
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以get为中心的词组  get about 徘...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:02
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以do为中心的词组  be done in 精...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:02
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以come为中心的词组  come across ...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:02
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以catch为中心的词组  be caught d...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 10:00
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  以break为中心的词组  break away ...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 09:58
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。点击查看&&&2017高考英语完形填空必备短语  1.With the help of 在~~帮助下...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 09:52
  2017高考正在复习中,新东方在线高考网小编整理了2017高考英语完形填空必备短语,供同学们参考学习。  1.With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of ...
来源:新东方在线03月01日 09:50
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改编自 2006 年高考完形填空的阅读材料1. 全国卷 I On a hot summer day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront café on a Greek island. It was over a hundred degrees in still air,and
crowded, tempers(脾气)of both the tourists and waiters had risen to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment(环境). At the table next to mine sat an attractive, well-dressed couple, waiting for service. They held hands, whispered, kissed, and laughed. Suddenly they stood, picked up their metal table and stepped together off the edge of where they were sitting to place the table in the sea water. The man stepped back for the two chairs. He politely seated his lady in the knee-deep water and then sat down himself. All people around laughed and cheered. A waiter appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to set the table and take their order, and then walked back to the loud cheers of the rest of his customers. Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went once more into the water to serve the wine. The couple toasted(祝酒)each other, the waiter and the crowd. And the crowd replied by cheering and throwing flowers to them. Three other tables joined in to have lunch in the water. The place was now filled with laughter. One doesn’t step into water in one’s best summer clothes. Why not? Customers are not served in the sea. Why not? Sometimes one should consider crossing the line of convention (常规) enjoy and life to the fullest.2 全国卷 II 全国卷 The year I went away to college was a very difficult transition(过渡期)for me. As is probably true with many people. I got quite homesick and often thought about going home. Although the happiest time for many students is getting letters from home, my mailbox was frequently empty. One day when I went to the mailbox, there was a postcard staring out at me. I sat down to read it, expecting a note from someone back home. But I became increasingly puzzled (困惑) no post It was as a full news report about a woman named Mabel and her newborn baby. I took the card back to my room and forgot about it. Several days later I received another postcard, this one delivering news about Maybelline, Mabel’s cousin. Soon after, another card arrived and then another, each full of news of different people. I began to really look forward to the next one, interested to see what this author would come up with next. I was never disappointed. Finally, the cards stopped coming, right about the time I had begun to feel easy about college life. They had been such a happy distraction(调剂)that I have saved all the postcards and still bring them out to read whenever I need a lift.1 3. 北京卷 Learning to Accept I learned how to accept life as it is from my father. However, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was weak and ill. My father was once a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness took all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is difficult. One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started talking about life, and I told them about one of my beliefs. I said that we must very often give things up as we grow --- our youth, our beauty, our friends --- but it always seems that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father spoke up. He said, “But, Peter, I gave up everything! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. Surprisingly, he nswered his own question: “I gained the love of my family,” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness. I was also touched by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (愤怒 的) at someone, I would remember his words and become calm. If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be able to give up my small irritations. In this way, I learned the power of acceptance from my father. Sometimes I wonder what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one gift. 4. 上海卷 A Several years ago, well-known writer and editor Norman Cousins became very ill. His body ached and he felt constantly tired. It was difficult for him to even move around. His doctor told him that he would lose the ability to move and eventually die from the disease. He was told he had only a 1 in 500 chance of survival. Besides the diagnosis(诊断), Cousins was determined to overcome the disease and survive. He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative attitudes. The book made Cousins think about the possible shortcoming of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, “Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the fear to 1ive have positive treatment value?” He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptoms of his disease. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would bring about positive emotions. “Laugh therapy” became part of his treatment. He arranged time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would draw out positive emotions. Within eight days of starting his ‘‘laugh therapy” program his pain began to decrease and he was able to sleep more easily. He was able to return to work in a few months’ time and actually reached complete recovery after a few years.2 B “When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ’’said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world’s first department stores. This revolutionary concept changed the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, in truth the shopper was cheated out of the crown. Although manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 1imited number of publications. Now media choice, has exploded too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources―especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. Thanks to the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, consumer power has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be “customer-driven” or “consumer-centered”. Now their shops will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers’ ignorance will no longer be possible: people will know―and soon tell others, even those without the internet―that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in raising standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. 5. 天津卷 I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to educate him. Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and rough. For the first two tays, he said almost nothing. I worried the trip was too much for a 17-year-old. Then on day three, as we were climbing over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑),“Pretty hard.” After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes too large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized 着迷)He couldn’t stop smiling. Later he said regretfully. ( . “I wish I could speak French.” I was surprised -this from a boy who hated and fought against French classes throughout school. Usually silent, he befriended Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people. He blossomed(活泼起来). However, the moment that really took his breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains. I was interviewing a woman villager for an article. 135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in will. Through determination, she had learned to read and write and struggled to become part of the leadership of the village . Learning her story, Barrett was as touched as I by this tiny woman’s achievements. His eyes were wet and there was a combination of love and respect on his face. He had finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home, Barrett even offered to stay behind as a volunteer. My insides suddenly felt struck. This trip achieved all I’d expected. Soon he will celebrate3 his 18th birthday. He’ll be a man. 6.重庆卷 . Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system(神经系 统).She was unable to walk .In fact, she could hardly make any difference. Although she believed that she had a good chance of recovering, the doctors said that few, if any, could come back to normal after getting this disease. Having heard this, the little girl was not discouraged .There, lying in her hospital bed, she insisted that no matter what the doctors said, her going back to school was certain. She was moved to a specialized health center, and whatever method could be tried was used. Still she would not give up. It seemed that she was undefeatable .The doctors were all fond of her andtaught her about imagining that she could make it . Every day Angela would lie there, faithfully doing her mental exercise. One day, as she was imagining her legs moving again, it seemed as though a ( happened: The bed began to move! “Look what I’m doing! Look! I can miracle 奇迹) do it! I moved! I moved! ”she screamed. Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was frightened.More importantly, they were running for safely. People were crying, and equipment was falling.You see, it was an earthquake. But don’t tell that to Angela. She has believed that she did it, just as she had never doubted that she would recover. And now only a few years later, She’s back in school. You see, to such a person who can shake the earth, such a disease is a small problem, isn’t it? 7. 福建卷 The battle was followed by a terrible storm. Therefore, it wasn’t until October 26 that Vice-Admiral(海军中将)Collingwood was able to send off his report to Britain announcing the victory and Nelson’s death. He chose for the task one of the smallest ships in his fleet. Pickle, led by Captain Lapenotiere. In spite of strong winds and rough seas. Pickle made the voyage of more than 1,000 miles in just over eight days, arriving at Falmouth on the morning of November 4. From there. Captain Lapenotiere took a fast post chaise(轻便马车)to London, traveling continuously for 37 hours. He reached the Admiralty in Whitehall at 1 a.m. on Wednesday. November 6-less than 11 days after he had left Collingwood. Most of the officials had gone to bed long before , but the secretary was still at work in the famous Board Room. Lapenotiere hurried in and handed over the report w”Sir, we have gained a great victory. But we have lost lord Nelson.” Copies of the report were quickly made and sent to the Prime Minister and King George Ⅲ. A special edition of a newspaper was rushed out and delivered all over the country. The atmosphere of public happiness for the victory was weakened by widespread sorrow for the death of Nelson. As one poet later wrote:” The victory of Trafalgar was4 celebrated,indeed, with the usual forms of rejoicing(欢庆), but they were without joy.” 8. 湖北卷 In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager, she dreamed of going to the United States. Most of what she knew about American life was from the textbooks she had read. &I had a picture in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room, Mummy baking cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.& Atsuko arranged to attend college in California. When she arrived, however, she found it was not her imagined world.' &People were struggling with problems and often seemed tense ,& she said. &I felt very alone.& One of her hardest classes was physical education. &We played volleyball.& she said. &The other students were good at it, but I wasn't.& One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to hit the ball to her teammates so they could knock it over the net- NO problem for most people, but it terrified Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face if she failed. A young man on her team sensed “ What she was going through.& He walked up to me and whispered , 'Come on. You can do that'& &You will never understand how those words of encouragement made me feel.. Four words: You can do that I felt like crying with happiness& She made it through the class. Perhaps she t she is not sure.. Six years have passed. Atsuko is back in Japan, working as a salesclerk. &I have never forgotten the words.& she said. &When things are not going so well, I think of them.& She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness meant to her. &He probably doesn't even remember it,& she said. That may be the lesson. Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind---you have no idea how long the words will stay . She's all the way over in Japan, but still she hears those four simple words: You can do that. 湖南卷 9. 湖南卷 I returned to Abujs,the capital of Nigerin,after college gradvation.I had been there before my mother became a minister. Two weeks Inter.I told my mother I was bored.She said.“Here’re the car keys.Go and buy some fruit.” Delighted, I jurnped into the car and speeded off. Seeing me or rather my car, a boy sprang up(跳起来). eager to sell his banan is and peanuts.“Banana 300 naira.Peanut 200 naira!” Looking at his black-striped bananas,I bargained down to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He agreed .I handed him a 500 naira note.He didn’t have change. So I told him not to worry.He was grateful and smiled a row of petfect teeth. When.two weeks later.I ran into this same boy.I was more aware of my position in5 Nigerian soeicty.I should enjoy this country as the son of a minister. But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so common to see a little boy who should have been in school selling frust. “What’s up?”I asked.He answered in broken English,“I…I no get money to buy book.”I took out two 500 naira notes.He looked around nervously before sticking his hand into the car for the bills.One thousand naira means a lot to a farnily that makes only 50,000 cach year. The next morning,security officers told me,“In this place,when you give a little,people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).” Possibly it’s right,but this happens everywhere in the world.I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for books. After six months’work in northern Nigeria,I returned and saw him again standing on the road. “Are you in school now?” He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other,then I realized what he wanted.I held out a 500 naira note.“Take this.” He shook his head fiercely and stepped back as if hurt. “It’s a gift.”I said. Shaking his head again,he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts,“I’ve been waiting to give these to you.”10. 山东卷 One summer day my father sent me to buy wire for our farm . At 16, I liked nothing better than driving our truck, but this time I was not happy . My father had told me I’d have to ask for credit (赊账)at the stores . Sixteen is a prideful age , when a young man wants respect , not charity . It was 1976,and the ugly intention of racial discrimination was still a fact of life . I’d seen my friends ask for credit and than stand, head down, while the store owner questioned whether they were “good for it.” I know black youths just like me who were watched like thieves by the store clerk each time they went into a grocery . My family was honest. We paid our debts. But before harvest , cash was short . Would the store owner trust us ? At David’s store , Buck Davis stood behind the cash desk , talking to a farmer. I nodded as I passed him on my way to the hardware shelves . When I brought my purchases to the cash desk . I said carefully , “I need to put this our credit.” The farmer gave me an amused , distrustful look. But Buck’s face didn’t change , “Sure . he said easily. “Your daddy is always good for it .” He turned to the other man . “This here is one of James Williams’s sons .” The farmer nodded in a neighborly way. I was filled with pride . James Williams’s son . These three words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust . That day I discovered that the good name my parents had earned brought our whole family the respect of our neighbors , Everyone knew what to expect from a W a decent person who kept his word and respected himself too much to do wrong .6 11. 陕西卷The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙)operation. His throat cut, and he was afraid .However ,the young nurse jumping by his bed smiled so shyly that the little boy smiled back .He began to be afraid .The young nurse was May Paxton began she was deaf(聋的).May Paxton graduated in the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909 .Three years before she went to see Dr. Richardson about seeking a nurse . Dr. Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City. We had never heard of a deaf nurse .She told May that her pay would be very low and that the work would be disappointing.However ,May said that hard work did not frighten her .Dr. Richardson was satisfied with her ,and accepted May as a student nurse. Dr. Richardson never liked her decision . In public, she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses .The one was Miss Marian Finch ,who was hard of listening.The second was Miss Lillie Bessie .These three were chosen “the silent angles(天使)of Mercy Hospital” during the term they worked there. Dr. Richardson often spoke of her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing .She wrote to May. “For three years ,you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man, boy or child ever ,to my knowledge ,made a complaint(投诉)against you…” 12. 四川卷 One day,Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场) house in a large valley. Everything seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds rolled across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did. Suddenly, the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly blinding Raul.The thunder(雷声) was so loud that he buried his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes.Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄 声). He looked up.There before him stood a tall, white horse . An old man stared down at him from its back. “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul.“My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered slowly .“Come with me.” Raul followed on his horse. A strange feeling came over him. All .around them the rain was pouring down, yet not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be heading back toward Raul’s home.Raul lost track of time.Then all at once he found himself at the ranch gate.The old man turned his horse, waved his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were gone . Raul’s father ran out across the yard to meet him.“we have been worried sick about you. Are you okay?Hurry.Let’s get in out of the rain .” “Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”7 “Can’t say I … wait. I believe my great-grandfather used to tell storied about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was struck by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?”13. 广东卷 广东卷The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can suffer from a different kind of poverty ― of the spirit. For instance , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides ( 自杀 ) every year by children under 15, and one child in five needs psychiatric (心理) advice. There are many good things about childhood in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example. In the West, the very nature of work puts distance between adults and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. Instead , the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbours working nearby and often shares in that work. A child growing up in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's work:helping to dig or build, look after animals or babies -- rather than through playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets or playing with dolls. These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the Western children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, on the other hand , are provided with a watch as one of the earliest signs of growing up, so that they can care along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows … Third World children do not usually have to stay indoors, still less in highrise apartments (公寓) . Instead of dangerous roads, &keep off the grass& signs and &don't speak to strangers&, there is often a sense of freedom to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them anxiously from ten floors up. Of course, twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease. But childhood in the Third World is not all bad。14. 江苏卷 江苏卷I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real fault. He had gone out of the study for some reason, leaving me alone. In his absence I looked to see what was on his desk. In the middle was a small piece of paper on which were written the words “English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Serious of Biographies (人物传记)”. An honest boy would have avoided looking at the title as soon as he saw the paper. I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a secret until the start of the exam so I could not help reading it. When the headmaster returned, I was looking out of the window. I should have told him what had happened then. It would have been so easy to say: “I’m sorry, but I saw the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to change it.” The chance passed and I did not take it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t . mean to cheat, but it was still cheating anyhow. That was thirty-eight years ago when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before, nor have I tried to explain to myself why not. The obvious explanation is that I could not admit I had seen the title without admitting that I8 had been looking at the things on his desk. But there must have been more behind it. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境). 15 .辽宁卷 辽宁卷 It was a bright spring afternoon when Freda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work -moving up and down the stairs of her three-storey home. cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. She was wearing jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just cleaned , a pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’s pay was going to be reduced by thirty percent, and they were trying to live as if it had already happened. I felt sorry for her, but I also felt a sense of loss . I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had developed an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just that I had become an expert at scraping 刮掉) stuck to their wooden floor, ( dirt orthat I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was more than that, for I felt I had become a part of their more . Freda stayed at home with the kids, more I would often see her in the morning taking them to school. And I’d be there when they returned home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had watched them grow up. Now I was tired, but the strange thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family. I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the strange of my relationship with my clients(主 顾). Who am I tothem? As a matter of fact, I’m merely an employee - the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted member of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me. 16. 安徽卷 . 安徽卷 Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you can do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a way for many people to shop without ever having to leave their homes. Some shoppers are tired of department stores and supermarkets―fighting the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes having slight hope of finding anything they want to buy.They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe a product while a model shows it.And they can shop around the clock, buying something phone call. Department stores and even mail-order companies are eager to join in the success of home shopping.Large department stores are busy setting up their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future.Customers can ask questions about products and place orders , all through their TV sets. Will shopping by television finally take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so.Yet many people find shopping at a real store a great enjoyment.And for many shoppers, it is still important to touch or try on dresses they want to buy.That’s why specialists say that in the future, home shopping will exist together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it. 17.江西卷 . While I studied at school, I felt a great difficulty in learning my Latin translations. I was9simply by making a always very slow in using a dictionary ,and found it most difficult ,while to other boys it seemed no trouble. I formed an alliance(盟友)with a boy in the Sixth Grade .He was very clever and could read Latin as easily as English .My friend for his part was almost as much troubled by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was by these Latin words .We agreed together that he would tell me my Latin translations and that I should do his essays. The arrangement worked wonderfully. The headmaster seemed quite satisfied with my work ,and I had more time to myself in the morning. On the other hand ,once a week or so I had to compose the essays of my friend. For several months no difficulty appeared, but once we were nearly caught out. One afternoon ,the headmaster called.my friend to discuss one essay with him in a lively spirit. “I was interested in this point you make here .I think you might have gone further .Tell me what you had in your mind.” The headmaster continued in this way for some time to the fear of my friend. However the headmaster, not wishing to turn an occasion of praise into one of fault-finding, finally. Let him go. He came back to me like a man who had had a very narrow escape and I made up my mind to make every effort to study my translations. 18. 浙江卷 One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited patiently for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became angry. When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had an idea. When he saw a photograph difficult in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that shocked even him. He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a clerk behind the desk in the booth. “If you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression . obviously looking for someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then returned to his office in Morrison Building, satisfied that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good lecture! He sat down with a smile. His wife saved those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married … How are you with patience ?One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are waiting for.We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. we wait for someone to change his or her mind. Patience is an important quality of a happy and rewarding life. After all, some things are worth waiting for. Every day presents many opportunities for wait training. We can hate waiting, accept it or even get good at it ! But one thing is certain ―we cannot avoid it. How is your wait training coming along?10
昆明市2015高考英语 阅读类、短文改错改编练习(4)_高三英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。2015 昆明市高考英语阅读类、短文改错改编练习(4) 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握...四川省2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空精练(4)_英语_高中教育_教育专区。完形填空(四川)精练(4)【由云南省昆明市2014一模试卷改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文, 从...昆明市2015高考英语 阅读类、短文改错改编练习(7)_高三英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。2015 昆明市高考英语阅读类、短文改错改编练习(7) 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从...昆明市2015高考英语 阅读类、短文改错改编练习(5)_高三英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。2015 昆明市高考英语阅读类、短文改错改编练习(5) 完形填空 阅读 下面短文,掌...C 表示声音的意思 【由 2014 山东省济南外国语学校质量检测改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入 空白...昆明市2015高考英语 阅读类、短文改错改编练习(10)_高三英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。2015 昆明市高考英语阅读类、短文改错改编练习(10) 完形填空。 阅读下面短文...40. D从上下文可知?读确实很难,但我可以做好其他的事 【由 2014 高考英语江西省景德镇质量检测改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后个题所给的四个选项(A...2016济南市高考英语完形填空和阅读理解一轮精品自练(13)及答案_英语_高中教育_教育专区。【由 2013 界广东省东莞市高三上调研测试改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,...hair 【参考答案】完形填空 1―5、DBCAA 6―10、CBDCD 11―15、ADBCD 16―20、ACBBD 【由 2013 界广东省潮州市高三上质量检测卷改编】 完形填空。阅读下面...【由浙江省金华十校 2014 高考英语模拟试题改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21~40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D) 中,选出最佳选项,...
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