shallow side <Try to fight toit>资源

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I can't stand the way you always lead me on
I follow blindly right behind you and I still get lost
You never look and check to see
If maybe I'm ok
This crazy world you live in
Is filled with mistakes
I, I lose it all when I speak to you
Your face, your eyes, changes what I've been through
Now, now I can't help but to scream your name
I try to fight it
I try to fight it
And I can't stand the way your lies they seem so real
Now every time I burn inside it's all that I can feel
You promise you will always change
But things just stay the same
You bend me till you break me and it's driving me insane
But then I see you smile...
I, l lose it all when I speak to you
Your face, your eyes, changes what I've been through
Now, now I can't help but to scream your name
I try to fight it
I try to fight it
It's just the touch of your skin
The way you pull me in
I can't deny it
I try to fight it
But then I see you smile
And I, I lose it all when I speak to you
Your face, your eyes, changes what I've been through
Now, now I can't help but to scream out your name
I try to fight it
I try to fight it
I try to fight it
I try to fight it
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BGM: Shallow Side - Try to Fight It
| 网络文化经营许可证:沪网文[6号 | 信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 | 互联网ICP备案:沪ICP备号-3 沪ICP证:沪B2- | 违法不良信息举报邮箱: | 违法不良信息举报电话:转3Kick your opponent where it hurts. If there are no rules in your fight, then your only goal should be to win. If you just want to win a fight, then you don't have to follow Fighting Etiquette 101 -- just try to get your opponent to be hurt, crippled, or to fall to the ground, giving you enough time to get away. Here are some ways to do it:
Knee your opponent in the groin. This is guaranteed to stop him in his tracks.
Low-kick your opponent in the groin, knee, or abdomen. Kick him using the bottom of your foot. Just make sure to do it quickly and to stay on balance -- you can easily be thrown off your game while you're kicking.
Attack your opponent's face. The face is another highly vulnerable place to attack. Hurting your opponent's eyes, nose, and face can be a great way to cause great pain and to slow down your opponent tremendously. Here are some methods to try:
Headbutt your opponent's face. Use your forehead to slam your opponent across his nose. This can break his nose if you do it the right way.
Poke his eyes with your fingers. This can cause excruciating pain and can blind and disorient your opponent for enough time for you to escape or cause more damage.
Punch him in the nose. This is a highly-effective place to cause some serious damage.
Go for the neck and throat. Hitting your opponent's neck and face is guaranteed to stop him cold, if only for a short period of time. If you really want to cause some harm, try these indelicate moves:
Punch your opponent in the back of the neck to make him black out temporarily.
Punch your opponent in the middle of his throat to cause damage to his airway.
Get in fighting position. If you want to fight, you'll need to be in the fighting stance. To do this, just spread your legs about shoulder's width apart and bend your knees slightly so you're not standing completely upright. You need to stay balanced so you don't get thrown to the ground. Stay loose. Bounce slightly as you adjust your position by taking small steps, and keep your hands up to shield your face.
Clenching your teeth will make you less likely to get a broken jaw if you're punched.
Punch your opponent. The first thing you have to do is make your fist the right way. To make an effective fist, fold your four fingers downward into your hand and place your thumb on the outside of your fingers -- not on the inside, unless you want to break your thumb. Punch your opponent in his nose or stomach to cause some serious damage. The simple straight punch is best for untrained fighters. Here's how you do it:
Keep your elbow bent at a 30-45 degree angle in front of your face, and keep your hands up at all times.
Extend the fist along with your elbow and shoulder, straightening your arm.
Push your weight through your shoulder and into your arm, connecting the punch at the peak of your extension to get the most force for your hit.
Attack first. Once you've gained your footing, don't hesitate. Throwing the first punch is much more likely to throw off your opponent and will give you the dominant position in the fight. Don't spend too much time stepping around your opponent or trying to get in the perfect position. Instead, punch him once you have a clear shot.
Adapt your strengths to the fight. Use the beginning of the fight to get an idea for how your opponent performs. Base your own fighting objectives on your strengths and his or her weaknesses:
If you're taller, try to keep your opponent at a distance. Your longer limbs will allow you to strike over a distance that your opponent can't cover.
If you're shorter, hurry up and get close. They'll try to keep you at a distance to use their height to their advantage.
If you're faster, get in fast, strike fast, and get out fast. Do your fighting in effective bursts.
If you're slower, keep it simple. Make the opponent come to you, as opposed to chasing them.
Know your strengths, and use them at the right time. One calculated move far outweighs a dozen uncalculated ones.
Fight off your opponent if he's holding you from behind. This is a position you want to get out of as quickly as possible, before your opponent gets you on the ground and dominates you. So, here are some moves to try to incapacitate him and turn back around in the right direction:
Stomp on his instep. Land your heel as hard as you can on the instep of your opponent's foot and wait for him to yelp in pain.
Do the backwards headbutt. Fling back your skull until you hit your opponent's nose. He'll let go of you after you've done the damage.
Wring his fingers. Instead of grabbing his wrists, put your hands around all of his fingers and wring them until he gives up.
Conserve your energy. Concentrate your energy in your moves, and don't make so many moves that you tired yourself out halfway through the fight. Some opponents will try to make you "dance" so that they can attack once you're exhausted. Be prepared to practice 'Aikido'. Taking a few punches whilst protecting yourself can exhaust and mentally defeat your opponent.
Never look away from your opponent. Never ever look away from your opponent. Sometimes your opponent will do nothing if you look away but more experienced fighters will use that situation and may knock you out.
Fake an attack. Every time you attack, you become vulnerable. If you punch, for example, that arm is no longer available for defense, and the opponent might block the punch and go for your now vulnerable spot with the other hand. If you fake an attack, however, your opponent will respond with a counterattack and become vulnerable. The key is to convince the person that you will make a certain move, and to anticipate how they will respond.
You can mix fake attacks with real attacks so that the opponent becomes confused and can't predict whether you'll follow through with your moves.
Take a punch to the head. Though not getting punched is your best option, if you're fighting, it's likely that you will get punched at some point, so it's better to know how to avoid it. To take a punch to the head, move toward the punch, tightening your neck and clenching your jaw to minimize the impact. Aim your forehead at the punch, so your opponent ends up hurting his hand instead of hurting your nose, cheek, or jaw.
Leaning in toward the punch instead of away will actually minimize the impact of the punch, because your opponent will have less time to gain momentum.
Take a punch to the stomach. If a punch is coming at your stomach, you should tighten your stomach muscles without sucking your stomach in. If you can, try to move around so you get hit in your sides instead of right in your stomach, which can damage your organs and cause enough pain to double you over.
Avoid holding your breath or you will literally have the wind knocked out of you. Instead, try exhaling slightly before the punch, which will naturally tighten your stomach.
Avoid getting charged and tackled. If your opponent tries to tackle you, then he'll come low to the ground and will wrap his arms around your waist and hips as he tries to knock you off balance. Don't try to grab his head, though this may be tempting. Instead, move your hands forward and grip his hips or upper body, trying to push him away.
After that, you've created enough distance and regained your balance, so you can try to kick your opponent in the groin or stomp on his feet.
Avoid the chokehold. If your opponent is on your back and has you in a chokehold, don't try to bend your knees and toss him over your back. This will actually tighten his grip and it could cause some serious damage, especially if you're not strong enough to hold his weight. Instead, turn the choke by grabbing the opponent's arm that's around your neck, tilting to the side to create some space between the two of you until he slides sideways off your back.
If you tilt sideways enough, you may even make your opponent fall to the ground. Once you've got him down, you can try to pin him to the ground on his back.
Know what to do if you're knocked to the ground. If your attacker has you on your back, don't turn away from him and try to get up. Looking away from him is a way to guarantee that you will be hit right away. Instead, keep looking at your attacker and raise your legs, trying to kick him as hard as you can to his shin, knee, or groin. If he's low to the ground, go for his face. Once you've caused enough damage, you can pop back up.
Once you've kicked or hurt your opponent, making him spring back, roll to the side and then use your arms to support your body weight as you regain your footing.
Continue looking at your opponent, even when you try to get up. You may think he's hurt, but he can come right back at you while you're still struggling to stand.
Don't let your opponent pin you to the ground. If you're on the ground with your opponent, you need to prevent him from mounting you, or getting on top of you at all costs. Get on your side or belly -- your chances of escape are better than if he has you pinned on your back. Once you've assumed this position, try to scramble as fast as you can to get up and away.
If he has you pinned to your back, he'll be easily able to pin you down and punch you in the face. Avoid this maneuver at all costs.
Yell. If you want to get out of the fight as soon as possible, just yell your heart out as you're fighting. This makes it much more likely that someone will come along and scare off your opponent, thus bringing you to safety. Even if you're in a place that feels deserted, try yelling as loudly as you can anyway, in hopes that someone will come along. Yelling will also throw off your opponent because he won't expect you to yell in the middle of a fight.
Even if no one comes to your rescue, yelling can disorient your opponent and scare him into thinking someone else will come along.
What is the most painful spot in the body?
wikiHow Contributor
The body parts with the most pain cells are the lips, eyes, testes, or wherever you hit a person repeatedly over and over.
What can you do if your opponent is stronger than you?
wikiHow Contributor
Aim for the nose, neck, eyes, groin and stomach areas. These are good places to hit because there is less muscle and they are easy places to reach.
What if I go to kick my opponent, but he grabs my leg?
wikiHow Contributor
You can brace yourself for a fall, then swing upwards with your other leg to kick them in the teeth, but it is risky. Or you can struggle and thrash, and try to pull them in with a leg, then beat their head like a drum till they let go.
I can box, but what if my opponent is stronger than me?
wikiHow Contributor
The "stronger" boxer doesn't always win.
Boxers with a longer reach, quick footwork and dodging skills can win against a more powerful opponent.
How do I block a punch?
wikiHow Contributor
Keep your hands in front of you as if you were holding a basketball. You may at first look like you're trying to avoid the fight, but really it's a defensive stance. Then, when your opponent punches, twist your hips towards the outside of the arm he or she is punching with (if you block to the inside of the punch, your opponent can punch with the other hand).
How can I stop myself from crying a bit after fighting, even if I won?
wikiHow Contributor
Crying can be the result of relief flooding over you. Even the best fighters in the world cry. Nothing to be concerned about. You can try to walk away to a secluded location to cry, bite your lip to stop yourself, or just wipe away the tears and say you're sweating into your eyes.
What do I do if I am knocked on the ground?
Victor Brookd
You get up as quickly as you can, but if your opponent attacks as soon as your down, avoid the attack by rolling or moving out of reach.
What do I do if my opponent is on my back choking and punching me?
wikiHow Contributor
This will be tough. First, you will have to take their pain, so that you will have the element of suprise, and also so you can rest. Second, when you are ready, and when they are just having fun hurting you, use your arm to slide between your neck and your opponent's arm, and tug away. Do this quickly, for their surprise will not last long. Roll over, and make them tumble. Then make them go under your back. wrap your leg around the back of theirs in the process, and pull with that leg to roll off, get up and escape.
What do I do when I lose a fight?
wikiHow Contributor
There is nothing you can really do once you lose but you can take it gracefully. Once you lose, just walk away and try not to let anyone harass you about it. It's done with, now move on. Get any injuries attended to.
How do I choke hold someone?
wikiHow Contributor
Go around the back and wrap one arm around the neck, then using your other hand, pull your tightening hand to compress on their neck.
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Kicking down on your opponents knee of the leg that's supporting him/her breaking it or heavily damaging it.
Avoid looking at people's feet or hands. The way to read kicks and punches are to look at the knees and shoulders. If they look at your feet, wiggle them and punch toward the head.
Try to see how the person fights before going up against them. This could give you a tactical advantage, although it may not always be possible.
Fake-outs are a very useful tool, but hard to use if the opponent is experienced.
It is always good to know some sort of martial arts first as well as being experienced.
Punch the opponent, but make sure you do it properly. If this is done incorrectly, a fracture of the thumb should not come as a surprise.
Try aiming at the Opponents back. When he's not looking. This will make him/her struggle.
Always try to hit first. This can give you a huge advantage. Also aim for the jaw, straight on, or slightly from the side. This punch can easily stun someone or even knock them out if performed correctly.
It is also good to learn martial arts so you have even more skill.
When your opponent tries to tackle you, keeping his head down is a defense to him, so uppercut his head and throw him off balance.
Don't let your guard down. If you do, your opponent may attempt stunning you or knocking you out.
Look into the eyes of your opponent, they will tell you what he/she is going to do.
Aim for the chest. This will wind your opponent.
If your opponent attempts to tackle you, place your hands on his sides, spread your legs to the side, and sprawl (slide your feet backward) so that he is essentially carrying you.
Do not straighten your arm because you actually can break it or bend it slightly. Make sure it is slightly bent at all times.
Try kicking someone behind the knee, it might make them fall to the ground.
When giving a choke hold, the easiest, most powerful and most energy-efficient way to hold is by grabbing the elbow around the opponent's neck, and pull hard and keep pulling harder until they can't resist much, the go for a rib cage punch, or kidney punch.
You can go for the lower back, with a soccer kick.
Fight if necessary only to the extent which allows you to escape, this is a recommendation otherwise hitting back your opponent too much (Too many kicks and punches) can be exhausting to you and waste your energy and you might unintentionally kill someone and put yourself involved with the police or even serve jail times.
If fighting dirty, you can use your surroundings to your advantage. Sticks, stones, dirt/sand are pretty effective. Be careful and try not to break anything that is not yours or valuable unless you are defending.
Counter attacks doesn't always come effective and may put you in great disadvantage if the opponent turns back with a weapon, remember that the opponent may have a knife or a gun which could tremendously hurt you or even lead to the point a full loss of control and get you killed.
Never attack first at school, as it will often get you in trouble. Even counter attacks can have bad consequences, like getting into trouble and getting hurt.
Don't hesitate. In other words, the second you go to kick, kick. Otherwise you will stop and get kicked yourself, and the element of surprise is lost.
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