什么是商业性农业(commercialindigo agriculturee)

添加方式2.搜索微信号ikekenet添加即可。上传用户:yivmbejhrl资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)农业商业救援事关一国农业家当平安,是商业救援的重中之重。本文应用比较法、案例剖析法和剖析归结法,先剖析中国面对的国际农业商业情况;其次剖析美日欧农业商业救援办法和系统及其自创;再剖析中国农业商业救援办法的成绩及缘由;最初综合提出中国农业商业救援办法的对策建议。全文环绕农业商业救援办法的选择和决议计划和农业商业救援系统的构建和完美睁开剖析和论证。文章站在中国若何自动提议商业救援办法的视角上,应用穿插学科的思惟,提出新的商业救援办法分类办法,构建商业救援博弈模子,摸索树立一个完美的农业商业救援办法的运起色制。对策建议是全文重点。我国应介入国际农业商业规矩的制订,积极应用农业商业救援办法,应自动提议农产物商业的反推销、反补助、保证办法、特殊保证办法、反商业壁垒申述,并从出口政策、商业救援司法和审查机制、家当预警机制、征询办事系统动手,完美农业商业救援系统。Abstract:The commercial agriculture related to a country's agricultural rescue belongings safe, is the priority among priorities of commercial rescue. This paper analyzes the situation of China's international agricultural business, and then analyzes the achievements and reasons of the agricultural commercial rescue of China, and then analyzes the reasons of the Chinese agricultural commercial rescue. The paper is to analyze and demonstrate the selection and decision of the agricultural commercial rescue method and the construction of the agricultural commercial rescue system. The article is standing in the perspective of how to automatically propose a commercial rescue approach, the application of the idea of a cross disciplinary approach, and propose a new method for the classification of commercial rescue approach, a commercial rescue game model, and explore the establishment of a perfect system of agricultural commercial rescue. Countermeasures and suggestions are the key of the paper. Our country should formulate rules in international commercial agriculture, application of agricultural business actively rescue measures should be automatically proposed commercial agricultural products anti-dumping, anti subsidy, safeguard measures and special safeguard measures, anti trade barriers and export policy, allegedly from the judicial review mechanism, and commercial rescue home early warning mechanism, consultation service system to the agricultural commercial rescue system perfect.目录:摘要4-5ABSTRACT5-6第一章 导论10-17&&&&1.1 选题背景和选题意义10-11&&&&&&&&1.1.1 选题背景10&&&&&&&&1.1.2 选题的理论意义和应用价值10-11&&&&1.2 关于农业贸易救济理论的文献综述11-14&&&&1.3 主要内容和研究重点14-15&&&&1.4 研究方法及研究思路15&&&&1.5 探索性研究的内容15-17第二章 中国面临的国际农业贸易环境分析17-22&&&&2.1 中国农业贸易运行概况17-18&&&&&&&&2.1.1 中国农业贸易规模与逆差情况17&&&&&&&&2.1.2 中国农产品贸易品种结构17-18&&&&&&&&2.1.3 中国农业贸易市场区域结构与贸易主体结构18&&&&2.2 中国面临的农业贸易不公平竞争环境18-22&&&&&&&&2.2.1 多哈农业议题谈判破裂对中国农业贸易环境的影响19&&&&&&&&2.2.2 中国面临的国外农产品进口激增威胁19-20&&&&&&&&2.2.3 中国面临的严峻国际农业补贴环境20&&&&&&&&2.2.4 中国面临的国际农产品绿色壁垒状况20-21&&&&&&&&2.2.5 次贷金融危机给中国农业贸易带来新的壁垒21-22第三章 主要国家农业贸易救济措施及其借鉴22-32&&&&3.1 世界各国农产品贸易救济状况22-25&&&&&&&&3.1.1 保障措施22-23&&&&&&&&3.1.2 农业特别保障条款23&&&&&&&&3.1.3 反倾销23-24&&&&&&&&3.1.4 反补贴24-25&&&&3.2 主要发达国家的贸易救济措施及其借鉴25-32&&&&&&&&3.2.1 美国的贸易救济措施25-26&&&&&&&&3.2.2 日本的贸易救济措施26-28&&&&&&&&3.2.3 欧盟贸易救济措施28-29&&&&&&&&3.2.4 各国农业贸易救济措施对中国的启示29-32第四章 中国农业贸易救济措施存在的问题及原因分析32-45&&&&4.1 中国农业贸易救济工作现状32-35&&&&&&&&4.1.1 马铃薯淀粉案32-34&&&&&&&&4.1.2 紫菜出口日本贸易壁垒案34-35&&&&4.2 中国农业贸易救济措施存在的问题35-40&&&&&&&&4.2.1 法律体系的不完善和农业救济制度的缺陷35-37&&&&&&&&4.2.2 农业损害预警机制建设滞后37&&&&&&&&4.2.3 缺少专业农业救济机构37-39&&&&&&&&4.2.4 现有农产品行业协会力量薄弱39&&&&&&&&4.2.5 缺乏农业贸易救济人才39-40&&&&4.3 中国农业贸易救济的模型分析40-45&&&&&&&&4.3.1 农业贸易救济博弈模型40-43&&&&&&&&4.3.2 模型的结论43-45第五章 中国农业贸易救济措施的对策建议45-56&&&&5.1 参与国际农业贸易规则的制定45-46&&&&5.2 选择积极的农业贸易救济措施46-50&&&&&&&&5.2.1 以反倾销为重点实施贸易救济46-47&&&&&&&&5.2.2 适时发起农产品反补贴调查47&&&&&&&&5.2.3 研究农产品特保措施在中国的适用方式47-48&&&&&&&&5.2.4 利用技术措施阻止国外农产品进口激增48-49&&&&&&&&5.2.5 积极反击农业技术性非关税壁垒49-50&&&&5.3 建立完善的农业贸易救济体系50-56&&&&&&&&5.3.1 构建农产品出口政策支持体系50-51&&&&&&&&5.3.2 健全我国贸易救济法律体系51&&&&&&&&5.3.3 建立贸易救济审查机制51-52&&&&&&&&5.3.4 建全我国农业产业损害预警机制52-53&&&&&&&&5.3.5 构建我国贸易救济信息咨询服务体系53-56参考文献56-60致谢60-61攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录61分享到:相关文献|农业和商业巨头与超强细菌交锋
内容来源:分享美国 &地址连接:
在举行白宫活动前,美国疾病控制和预防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
医疗卫生工作者保证将对开方使用抗生素更加谨慎。(& AP Images)
Big agriculture, big business versus bad bacteria
Pharmaceutical manufacturers, poultry producers and sandwich
sellers may seem an unlikely alliance, but folks from all these
industries came to the White House in early June to unite against
Health experts around the world have sounded the alarm for years
about the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
—&&that have developed an immunity to
antibiotics that are used to protect humans from infections.
Misuse, overuse and poor manufacture of antibiotics allowed
bacterial resistance to evolve. Better practices in antibiotic use
might help fix the problem.
Before the White House event, Dr. Tom Frieden of the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said
that&&must end if these medicines are to
remain effective in overcoming human infections, or “watch as the
clock turns back to a world where simple infections kill
The White House put out a&&in March to address antibiotic-resistant
bacteria through medical and research channels. The June meeting
recruited new soldiers to the bacteria battle — about 150 companies
and institutions, including McDonald’s restaurants, Wal-Mart,
health educators and agricultural producers.
Various industries have identified better practices that will
reduce the further development of “nightmare bacteria” and combat
bad bugs already in circulation. The White House released
a&&summarizing the actions ahead.
Health care practitioners pledge to use more discretion in
prescribing antibiotics. (& AP Images)
Health care providers
will improve how they prescribe antibiotics to patients to reduce
inappropriate dosing for viral conditions.
Pharmaceutical and
diagnostic companies will develop new surveillance tools to better
understand where and how bad bugs are emerging and spreading.
Commercial agriculture
enterprises will scale back use of antibiotics in their flocks and
herds to pre-empt disease and speed growth. This practice must be
scaled back to contain the nightmare bacteria, experts say.
You too can be a warrior against
superbacteria.&&for antibiotics. Ask your butcher for
meat and poultry raised without antibiotics.


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