
人教版七年级英语下册unit4 don&t eat in class.教案
人教版七年级英语下册unit4 don&t eat in class.教案
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&&When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying“Yes ma’am” or “No sir.” Just nodding your head or saying any other form of yes or no is not acceptable.
&Make eye contact. When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times. If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.3、别人有好表现,要替他高兴;
If someone in the class wins a game or does something well,we will congratulate that person. Claps should be at leastthree seconds in length with the full part of both hands meeting in a manner that will give the appropriate clap volume.
During discussions, respect other students’ comments,opinions, and ideas. When possible, make statements like, “I agree with John, and I also feel that…” or “I disagree with Sarah. She made a good point I feel that…” or “I think Victor made an excellent observation, and it made me realize…”( 很多时候“我们不同意别人的观点,可又苦于没有一种很轻松的氛围能让我们把满脑子的想法自由地表达出来。” “担心一旦自己的想法自由地表达出来,别人会怎么看,自己会不会遭到嘲笑、贬低和忽略。”
  克拉克先生的办法是:“在讨论问题的时候,要对其他同学的评论、观点和想法表示尊重。要尽可能地这样说:“我同意约翰的观点,同时我也感到……” “我不同意沙拉的看法,尽管她抓住了问题的核心,但我觉得……”或者“我认为维可多的观察真是太精彩了,它让我意识到……  简单地说,就是:尊重别人,注意讲话技巧。核心是要懂得尊重人。而“尊重人”,则是个大原则、大观念了。它可以说含概了前面详细提到的所有教育细节。
If you win or do well at something, do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger. Instead, say something like, “I really enjoyed the competition, and I look forward to playing you again,” or“good game,” or don’t say anything at all. To show anger or sarcasm, such as “I wasn’t playing hard anyway” or “You really aren’t that good,” shows weakness.6、如果别人问你问题,你也回问他问题;
Rule 6&If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a question in return.
Me: “Did you have a nice weekend?”
You: “Yes, I had a great time. My family and I went shopping. What about you? Did you have a nice weekend?”
It is only polite to show others that you are just as interested in them as they are in you.7、打喷嚏、咳嗽或者打嗝都要说对不起;
Rule 7& “When you cough or sneeze or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Using a fist is not acceptable. Afterward, you should say, “Excuse me.”8、不可以有不礼貌的小动作;
Rule 8 &&&“Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.”9、别人送你任何东西,都要说谢谢;
Rule 9 &&“Always say thank you when I give you something. If you do not say it within 3 seconds after receiving the item, I will take it back. There is no excuse for not showing appreciation.”10、接到奖品和礼物,不可以嫌弃;
Rule 10&& “When you are given something from someone, never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift or by insinuating that it wasn’t appreciated”11、用小小的贴心,为别人制造惊喜;
Rule 11 “Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Go our of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous for someone at least once a month.”
Rule 12 &&“Occasionally we may grade each other’s papers as a group. When grading other students’ papers, if you give someone an incorrect grade, whether it is higher or lower than they deserve, the amount the grade differs from the actual grade will be deducted from your paper. The only marks you are allowed to make on others’ papers are an “X” and the number they got incorrect.”“给其他同学的试卷判分时,如果比实际分数高了或低了,高出或低出的分数将在你本人的试卷中扣除。”13、全班一起念课文时,要看着正念的一字一句;
Rule 13 &“When we read together in class, you must follow along. If I call on you to read, you must know exactly where we are and begin to read immediately” “每当给孩子们念书的时候,我会感情饱满、精力充沛、表现力丰富地去读,我会全身心地进入角色。”克拉克先生还根据角色不断变换各种嗓音,做各种动作。“这种方法使整个阅读的过程充满了乐趣,同时也告诉孩子们,阅读是件多么令人着迷的事情。”
Rule 14 “Answer all questions with a complete sentence. For example, if the question asks, “What is the capital of Russia?” you should respond by writing, “The capital of Russia is Moscow.” Also, in conversation with others, it is important to use complete sentences out of respect for the person’s question. For example, if a person asks, “How are you?” instead of just responding by saying, “Fine,” you should say, “I’m doing fine, thank you. How about yourself?”
&&& 第一复述问题并给出答案,第二给出主要理由,第三展开说明进理由,最后重复问题并给出答案结束。克拉克先生要求学生用这样的方式回答问题,锻炼学生的语言表达能力合写作能力。
15、不要主动讨奖品;Rule 15 “At times throughout the year, I will give rewards for good behavior, academic performances and other acts worthy of praise. If you ever ask me for a reward, however, it will not be given. It is rude to ask if you are getting something for good behavior. You should be good and try your best because you are trying to better yourself, not because you are anticipating a reward. I usually give some sort of reward to everyone who scores 100 on unit tests. If you make 100 and ask if you are getting something, no one who made 100 will be given anything.”
Rule 16 “Homework will be turned in each day for each subject by every student with no exceptions.”
克拉克先生的高招是:“在教室外贴了一条巨大的横幅”,上面写着:“全班所有同学连续完成全部家庭作业___天”。当孩子们连续完成超过10天,克拉克先生就开始给孩子们做好吃的小点心。孩子们最长是连续62天,克拉克先生说他都成了“厨爷”了。真是够疯狂的,那年克拉克先生的学生们成绩跟做了火箭一样狂涨。17、做什么事都要有条理;Rule 17& “You will make every effort to be as organized as possible.”
“When we are in transition from one subject to the other, the change will be swift, quiet and orderly. We should be consistently able to turn from one book to another, complete with all homework and necessary materials, as quickly as possible. The opportune amount of time to spend in transition should be less than ten seconds, and we will work toward a goal of seven seconds.”
另外,值得一提的是,克拉克老师每年都问他以前的学生,他们的新老师对他们在班上的表现有哪些看法。这样克拉克老师就可以从侧面了解自己的教学有哪些不足,有哪些成功。多么有心的好老师啊!18、老师在指定作业的时候,不要叫苦;Rule 18&& “When I assign homework, there is to be no moaning or complaining. This will result in a doubled assignment.”
Rule 19 “Do not save seats in the lunchroom. If someone wants to sit down, let him or her. Do not try to exclude anyone. We are a family, and we must treat one another with respect and kindness.”
Rule 20 “While you are with a substitute teacher, you will obey thesame rules that you follow when I am with you. (I know this is hard, but it is important.)”
Rule 21 “We will follow certain classroom protocols. We will be organized, efficient, and on task. In order to do so, we will follow these rules:1. Do not get out of your seat without permission. Exception: If you are sick, leave immediately.2. Do not speak unless: You raise your hand, and I call on you.I ask you a question and you are responding.It is a recess of lunch.I instruct you otherwise (for example, during group work).”
Rule 22“You may bring a bottle of water and leave it on your desk. Do not ask me if you can get water while I am teaching a lesson. You can even have food at your desk as long as others don’t see it and I don’t hear you eat it.”
23、见到每个老师,都要说某某老师好;Rule 23 "Quickly learn the name of other teachers in the school and greet them by saying things like, "Good morning Mrs. Graham," or "Good afternoon Ms. Ortiz. That is a very pretty dress." (Note: If you are in line with the rest of class, you are not allowed to speak to the teachers at that time because the no-talking rule is in effect. You should speak to other teachers if you are entering or leaving the school, on recess, on an errand, or changing classes.)
Rule 24 "Flush the toilet and wash your hands after using the rest room. When in a public rest room, get a paper towel before washing your hands. After washing your hands, use the paper towel to turn off the faucets and to press the dispenser to get another paper towel to dry your hands. (Or use the towel to press the button to start the dryer.) The last thing you want to do is touch areas with clean hands that others have touched with dirty hands."
Rule 25 "We will often have visitors to our school. If someone is coming to visit our class, I will send two students to the front door of the building. You will have a sign welcoming the person. When our visitor arrives, you will shake hands, tell him or her who you are, and welcome the person to our school. You will then take the visitor on a small tour of the building before bringing him or her to the classroom."
Rule 27 “If I or any other teacher in school is speaking to or disciplining a student, do not look at that student. You wouldn’t want others looking at you if you were in trouble or being reprimanded, so don’t look at others in that situation. If you are the student I am talking to, do not get angry or fuss at students who are looking at you. Let me know and I will handle the situation.”
Rule 28& "If you have a question about your homework, you may call me. If I am not there to answer the phone, please leave a message in the following manner: "Hi, Mr. Clark, this is _______________. I need help with the _______________ homework. You can call me back until ___:00. Thank you." There is no need to leave this message fourteen times."
30、吃完饭,自己的垃圾自己处理;Rule 30& “There are several manners dealing with food that you must follow: I call these my ABC’s of Etiquette. A. When you first sit down for a meal, immediately place you napkin in your lap. If you silverware is wrapped in a napkin, unwrap it as soon as you sit down and place the napkin inyour lap.B. When you are finished eating, place your napkin on the table to the left of your plate. Place it loosely beside the plate. Don’t crumple it, because you don’t want to seem untidy. Don’t fold it too neatly, because you don’t want the restaurant to think you assume they are going to use it again. Never leave your napkin on your chair. This implies that the napkin is too dirtyto be left on the table. Also, in some cultures, leaving the napkin on the chair is known as a way to say that you don’t intend to return to the restaurant again.C. Never place you elbows on the table.D. Use one hand to eat, unless you are cutting or buttering food. Never have your fork in one hand and a glass in the other.E. Do not lick your fingers. There is a napkin provided for the purpose of cleaning your fingers. There is no need to lick yourself clean.F. Do not smack you lips or chew noisily.G. Do not chew with your mouth open.H. Do not talk with your mouth full. Sometimes people will place a hand over their mouth and talk anyway. Don’t do that. Wait until you have swallowed your food to speak.I. If something is caught in your teeth, don’ wait until you are in the rest room to remove it.J. D not slurp.K. Do not play with your food.L. If you drop your fork, napkin, or anything else on the floor, DO NOT pick it up. It is very rude and unsanitary to place something on the table that has been on the floor. If you pick up something that has dropped and hand it to a waiter, then you will need to excuse yourself and wash your hands before continuing with your meal. The best way to handle a situation when something has dropped on the floor is to ask a wait leave the old one on the floor.M. You are to use your utensils for eating almost everything. Here are ten types of food you may use your hands to eat:1. Pizza2. Bacon3. Cookies4. Bread (Always tear off a bite-sized piece to eat. If you are going to use butter, never butter the
butter the piece you tore off, and eat that before tearing another piece.)5. Corn on the cob (It is appropriate to eat across instead of eating around.)6. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and sandwiches (including breakfast biscuits)7. French fries and chips8. Fried chicken9. Asparagus (yes, asparagus)10. Small fruits (like grapes on a stem), apples, oranges, carrots, etc.N. Never reach over someone’s plate to get something. You should say, “Will you please pass the salt?”O. Never start eating off of your tray until you are at your seat.P. When we are eating at a restaurant, you are not to begin eating until everyone at the table has received food.Q. You should never complain if the line is too long, the food isn’t good, or if there is a wait. You don’t want to be negative to the point where you spoil the enjoyment of the event for others.R. If you are unsure which silverware to use, simply start with the fork, knife or spoon that is the farthest from your plate. On the left, you will have your salad fork on the outside and yourdinner fork on the inside. On the far right, you will have your soupspoon. Beside it you will have the spoon you will use to stir your coffee or tea, then your salad knife, and then your dinner knife. The utensils above your plate are to be used for dessert.S. When you are finished eating, do not push your plate away from you. Leave it where it is in the setting. If you want to show you have finished eating, you should lay your fork and knife together diagonally across the plate. You should place the fork with the tines down, and you should have the sharp side of the knife facing down. Of the two utensils, the forkshould be closest to you.T. Never place a piece of silverware that you have used back on the table. Leave it on a plate or saucer.U. If you didn’t use a utensil, do not place it on a plate or saucer when you are finished. Just leave it where it is.V. Always look a waiter in the eyes when you are ordering, asking a question, or saying thank you.W. Make a point to remember the waiter’s name when he introduces himself to you. Use his name as often as possible throughout the course of the meal.X. If you have to go to the rest room, you should stand up and say, “Excuse me,” as you leave the table.Y. When you are offered desserts or asked a question such as “What sides would you like?” or “What dressing would you like for your salad?” it is best to ask, “What are my options?” Thatway, you aren’t going through a process of naming things the restaurant might not have.Z. Never talk to waiters or waitresses as if they are servants. Treat them with respect and kindness, and remember, they are the ones who are fixing food and bringing it to you. You do not want to be on the bad side of a waiter.”
克拉克老师要求他的学生们吃晚饭要把桌子擦干净,掉在地上的要捡起来仍到垃圾筒里,还要检查垃圾箱周围有没有垃圾并清理干净。克拉克老师还要求孩子看到别人乱丢的垃圾也要拣起来,经常奖励拣垃圾的孩子,也经常公布不拣垃圾的孩子。为此花了一年的时间才基本培养好了一个班的孩子。31. 不要随处乱扔垃圾
Rule 31 “After we eat, we will clean up after ourselves. This include cleaning off the tables and making sure we haven’t left any trash on the floor or around the eating area. It is important to be responsible for your trash no matter where you are and to be sure not to litter.”
Rule 32& "When we stay in a hotel room, it is appropriate to leave a tip on the pillow for the hotel workers who are responsible for cleaning the room after our stay. Two to three dollars per night is an appropriate amount, depending on the cost of the room."
坐车要有礼貌,不讲话,不胡乱粘东西“When we ride on a bus, we will always sit facing forward. We will never turn around to talk to other students, stick anything out of the windows, or get out of our seats. When we exit the bus, we will always thank the bus driver and tell him to have a good day.”
Rule 33 &"When we go on field trips, we will meet different people. When I introduce you to people, make sure that you remember their names. Then, when we are leaving, make sure to shake their hands and thank them, mentioning their names as you do so."
Rule 34&& "Whenever you are offered food, whether it be on a buffet or treats in class, never take more than your fair share. You never want to be greedy and try to get more than you should, not only because it is wasteful, but also because it is disrespectful to others when you do not leave enough for them."
Rule 35 &&"Whether we are in school or on a field trip, if someone drops something, pick it up and hand it back to them. Even if they are closer to the object, it is only polite to make the gesture of bending down to retrieve the item."36、进门时,如果后面有人,扶住门请别人先走;
Ruel 36& “If you approach a door and someone is following you, hold the door. If the door opens by pulling, pull it open, stand to the side, and allow the other person to pass through it first, then you can walk through. If the door opens by pushing, hold the door open after you push through."
 如果开门的时候需要拉的话,你就拉开门,自己站在一边,让别人先过去,然后你再走过去;如果开门的时候需要推门,你就在自己走过去后用手扶住门,别松手。&& 克拉克老师认为,教孩子一些小小的善意举止虽然看起来微不足道,但对孩子们了解如何尊重和重视别人大有裨益。克拉克老师教孩子的时候非常注意细节,如扶门时站的位置、扶多长时间、说点什么等等更加细节的东西。37、别人碰到你,不管有没有错,都要说声对不起;
Rule 37&& Whennever somebody else bumps into you,you should say sorry though sometimes it seems you are not affended though. In this way , you can show your absolutely good quality.
Rule 38& keeping very quiet when taking a class outside of the classroom or in a public place
39、去参观别人的地方,要不吝于赞美;Rule 39 &"If we are on a field trip, it is a good idea to compliment something about the place where you are visiting. For example, if we visit someone's home, it would be a nice gesture to tell them that you think they have nice curtains. People are always self-conscious when they have guests visit their home, so you want to make them feel at ease. Also, if we are visiting other places, such as a museum or theater, it would be nice to comment on how beautiful the architecture isor to tell the guide that you think the facility is very nice." 
Rule 40& “During an assembly, do not speak and DO NOT look around and try to get the attention of your friends in other classes. We must uphold an image that shows we have out act together!”
我们的老师们也很重视纪律的,经常强调。有趣的是,为了让学生知道怎样保持纪律,可拉克老师把学生们叫到礼堂里,坐好,手放在大腿上,眼睛看着前面。然后,克拉克先生不断地在礼堂的各个位置出现,喊学生的名字,扔小纸团,想办法骚扰孩子们,看哪个孩子破坏纪律。生动有趣,用心良苦。41、接电话的言谈要得体;Rule 41& “When you answer the phone at your house, you must do so in an appropriate manner.”
Rule 42 &&“When we return from a trip, you will shake my hand as well as the hands of every chaperone. You will thank us for taking the time to take you on the trip, and you will let us know that you appreciate having the opportunity to go. I am not concerne I am concerned with teaching you that is it appropriate to show appreciation when someone has gone out of his or her way to help you.
Rule 43 &“When we are on field trips and we have to go up escalators, we will stand to the right. That will give other individuals who are in a hurry the option of walking up the left-hand side of theescalator. When we are going to enter an elevator, the subway, or a doorway, we will wait for others to exit before we enter."
Rule 44&& "W walk single file, two to three feet behind the person in front of you with your arms at your sides. You should face forward at all times. There will be absolutely no talking."
 “也许有人会说,这有点太军事化了,但是我认为孩子们其实喜欢这么排队,他们会为自己能把队排得这么好看而感到骄傲。” 不知道现在的孩子会怎么想,反正我小时侯会有这种感觉。
Rule 45 &“Never cut line. If someone cuts in front of you, do not say or do anything about it. Let it happen, but let me know about it. I will handle the situation. If you fuss with someone who has cut in line, you could get in trouble as well. It’ just let me know what happened. Please handle all disputes with other classmates in the same manner, by coming to me with any problems before you take matters into your own hands."
孩子们必须学会心平气和地解决问题。46、看电影时不要说话;Rule 46 &“When we go to a movie theater, there will be no talking."
Rule 47&& "Do not bring Doritos in the school building."
Rule 48 &&"If any child in this school is bothering you, let me know. I am your teacher, and I am here to look after you and protect you. I am not going to let anyone in this school bully you or make you feel uncomfortable. In return, I ask that you not take matters let me deal with the student."
“我想让他们知道,只要我在这个班,就会保护他们。” “这种来自于大人的支持对一个孩子而言非常重要,它伴随着孩子的成长,帮他们建立起人与人之间的信任感。”49、自己的理想自己要坚持;
Rule 49&& "Stand up for what you believe in. You shouldn't take no for an answer if your heart and mind are leading you in a direction that you feel strongly about."
“在我一生中,已经数不清有多少次了,我想做某事,而周围的每个人都反对。” “我希望他们(我的学生们)有勇气为自己的信念义无返顾地付出努力,并为他们想要做的事情而奋斗。”
Rule 50 &&"Be positive and enjoy life. Some things just aren't worth getting upset over. Keep everything in perspective and focus on the good in your life."
  “保持乐观的态度,尽情享受生活。有些事情不值得大惊小怪。学会为每件事作好准备,去追求生命中的美好。” “我自己也在努力培养这种品质,并且以此来影响我的学生。”
Rule 51&& "Live so that you will never have regrets. If there is something you want to do, do it! Never let fear, doubt, or other obstacles stand in your way. If there is something you want, fight for it with all of your heart. If there is something you want to do, go for it and don't stop until you make it happen. If there is something you want to be, do whatever is necessary in order to live that dream."
Rule 52&& “Accept that you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.”
克拉克先生现身说法,讲述人生道理。老师也是人,是人就会犯错误;老师不是一般人,个人的错误会影响班里的很多孩子。53、不管如何,一定要诚实;Rule 53 &&“No matter what the circumstances, always be honest. Even if you have done something wrong, it is best to admit it to me, because I will respect that, and oftentimes I will forget any disciplinary measures because of your honesty.”
Rule 54&& “Carpe Diem. You only live today once, so don’t waste it. Life is made up of special moments, many of which happen when caution is thrown to the wind and people take action and seize the day.”
&在我的学生生涯中,珍惜时间是老师们谈的最多的,但那时理解不深。如今,已经失去了太多的时间了,认识自然更深,而且会越来越深,但浪费的时间真的少了吗?人啊,最难战胜的就是自己。珍惜时间吧,做该做的事,做该做而不愿意做的事。55、在你的能力范围内,做最好、最好的人。Rule 55&& “Be the best person you can be.”


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