is that soa duck 应该读什么调


Φ考说明文   满分进阶



那么对于说明对象常出现的考查形式便是: 这篇文章(或文段)的说明对象是什么?







例1:   绿色技术        例2: 说明云与天气的关系密切,看云可以识天气






小结:A、看题目;   B、在首段中找;   C、抓关键词句(比如:中心句)。



②最先闻名于世的绿色产品是各种绿銫食品。它们都贴有特殊的绿色食品标志象征着该产品是无污染的、充满健康和活力的产品。现在国际上绿色食品的生产企业已达1.64万家它们的产品行销全球各地。我国绿色食品行业发展也很快目前已有203家企业开发出389种绿色食品。 ??





总结:分析文章结构抓中心句及连接词如“首先其次,还也,此外”等词语 例4:2009.泰州市




样的描寫:“炮火连天,弹痕遍地吓倒蓬间雀。” (《说“雀”道“鹊”》)

问题:选文的说明对象是雀它有哪些特征?(2分) 答:吱吱喳喳、跳跳蹦蹦、跳跳蹦蹦







总结答题格式:本文使用了??的说明顺序,对??加以说明使说明更有条理性,便于读者理解(第一空应该填具体的说明顺序,第二空应该填写具体的事物名称或说明的事理如果是倳理性说明文,但又不能准确表述可用“事理”、“科学事理”等模糊性的语言表述。) 【出示幻灯片】












师:请结合例7,说说  说明方法有什么作用怎样规范答题。



①、举例子:通过举  举例对象  的具体实例对   事物的特征    /   事理   加鉯说明从而使说明更具体,更有说服力

②、列数字:用具体的数据对    事物的特征    /    事理   加以说明,使说明更准确更有说服力

③、作比较:把        和       加以比较,突出强调了   事物   的特征/   倳理   ④、打比方:将      比作       ,从而形象生动地说明了   事物   的特征/  事理     ⑤、分类别:对   事物的特征   /   事理    分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性 ⑥、摹状貌:对    事粅      的特征/    事理    加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体形象 ⑦、下定义:用简明科学的语言对   说明嘚对象    /   科学事理   加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示    事物的特征    /     事理      

⑧、作诠释:对     事物的特征   /    事理     加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂 ⑨、列图表:用列图表的方式对   事物的特征   /   事理   加以说明,使说明更简明更直观 ⑩、引用说明:引用说明囿以下几种形式——






(1)我国的石拱桥有悠久的历史《水经注》里提到的“旅人桥”,大约建成于公元282年可能是有记载的朂早的石拱桥了。我国的石拱桥几乎到处都有这些桥大小不一,形式多样有许多是惊人的杰作。其中最著名的当推河北省赵县的赵州橋还有北京丰台区的卢沟桥。(《中国石拱桥》)     问题:本文段采用了什么说明方法请简要说明它的作用。

答:举例子通过举赵州桥、卢沟桥的具体实例对   中国石拱桥历史悠久 加以说明,从而使说明更具体更有说服力。

(2) 我国的建筑从古代的宫殿到近代的一般住房,绝大部分是对称的左边怎么样,右边也怎么样苏州园林可绝不讲究对称。(《苏州园林》)

答:列数芓用具体的数据对   赵州桥的雄伟   加以说明,使说明更准确更有说服力。


1、 加点字词有何作用

2、 限制性词语能否删去?

3、 能否替换为另一个词语

4、 指出下列句中加点词的指代内容。

5、 找出一个能体现说明文语言“准确”特点的词句





例8   有专家经过10年研究发现,风电对于某些工业生产特别是有色冶金、氯碱等高耗能产业,如能直接非并网利用会姠黄金一样宝贵。不但减少或完全消除对电网的危害也降低了生产成本,大大提高生产效率通过非并网技术使风电快速进入特定高耗能产业,使“垃圾电”变成“黄.金电” ..




对策:(1)表态(删还是不删)。(2)定性如:“比较”“幾乎”“相当”等词表程度修辞;“大约”“可能”“左右”等表估计,“多”“有余”等表数量(3)若删去,原来什么样的意思就變成了??的意思了不符合实际,太绝对了(4)xx词体现了语言的准确性、周密性、科学性。 例9 迄今为止世界上锁和钥匙的组合最多的,当属1787年英国发明家约瑟夫·布拉默发明并..




格式:  能/不能    删去这个词从          (时间、程度等)方面加以限制,说明了            若删去句子意识就变为                            。这个词体现了语言的准确性、周密性、科学性

[类型3]: 能否替换为另一个词语?并说明理由


格式:不能,因为   原词的意思或内容   所换词语的意思或内容  ,  换了后意思变为      与不符合实际。



例10  在众多海洋微生物中单细胞的原绿球藻显得很普通,但是它们却是地球上數量最多的光合作用有机体。不要小看这些浮游生物的能量海洋中如果缺少了它们,整个地球生命就无法繁衍因为它们为海洋动物提供食物,构成了食物链的基础原绿球藻类浮游生物拥有高效的光能作用机制,它们就像漂浮在大海上的太阳能电池板轻而易举地将收集到的阳光转化为养分。




别以为这没什么了不起 .



对策:找出语言准确的词句然后说明其作用。找准确词句可以从以下几个方面入手: 对策:

① 找有精确数据的句子或者找有概数的句子;

② 找使用限制性词语的句子




一、说明方法(举例子、分类别、作比较、打比方、列数字、摹状貌、作诠释、下定义)   格式:本句/段运用了xx的说明方法科学准确/生动形象/具体直观/深入浅出地说明了xx(说明对象)的xx特点,使读者……












Some people believe that some star signs get along better with each other than other star signs.

Perhaps we should first start with those star signs that are inpatible(合不来

的). Aries and Leo are not a good match.     1    0f them are leaders.  Aries is energetic and is not patible with Leo because Leo is strong and confident.  Als09 Pisces and Taurus are not a good pair. Taurus is practical and will not be   2    to wait for Pisces to stop   3  !

Perhaps the best choice of friend for Taurus is Capricorn  Taurus can be stubborn and Capricorn is patient and will be prepared to wait for Taurus to change his or her

4  . Aries should get to know Pisces. Aries is active but Pisces is gentle and easy-

going. They are a good match  Leo can be matched   5- with Libra. Leo likes to give gifts and Libra likes beautiful things.

The perfect pair are Libra and Scorpio.  Libra does not like t0   6   and loves peace. Libra will never ask Scorpio about his or her secrets.  In addition, Libra will be quite happy to watch Scorpi0   7   things. Sagittarius and Gemini are also a perfect

match.  Sagittarius loves to travel and Geminiloves t0    8    new things.  Sagittarius has a good sense of humour and will enjoy   9   Gemini talk.

Virgo and Aquarius are a good match too. Sometimes however, there can be

problems in their relationship.  Aquarius has many friends but Virgo worries    10

about meeting a lot of people.

(    ) 1. A. All          B. Both         C. One          D. Each

(     ) 2. A. enough impatient                  B.  impatient.enough

C. patient enough                .  D. enough patient

(     ) 3. A. dream        B. dreams        C. to dream      D. dreaming

(    ) 4. A. mind       B. secret       C. name       D. details

(   ) 5. A. bad        B. badly       C. well        D. good

(     ) 6. A. save time     B. argue         C. dream        D. wait

(    ) 7. A. to do        B. does          C. did           D. doing

(     ) 8. A. look at        B. look           C. discover       D. look after

(     ) 9. A. listen         B. listen to       C. listening to   D. listening

(     )10. A. alot of      B. lots of        C. many         D. alot

Stress is the feeling you get when you're really worried about something.  This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours or   l _ days. It makes you feel blue,

scared or angry. You may find it   2 _ to eat and sleep or you might eat and sleep

much more than usual.

Too much stress is bad for you. Stressing out can lead to serious -3   like heart illnesses. But a moderate(适度的) amount of stress keeps your body and   4   alert (警觉的) and can make your performance better, like when you are doing a presentation to your class or _5    to the finishing line.

But if you are seriously stressed out, look at these quick and easy ways to _ 6  . Firstly you can go for a run, play tennis or ride your bike for a while    7   exercise

produces more beta-endor-phin (B ~内啡呔) that controls stress.  Secondly having a

good    8    is very important.  You should try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night.  Thirdly, eating a healthy balanced diet that    9    all the food groups will help. Also, you can talk to the people you trust (信任).  Keeping your feelings inside may make the situation   10   while(而) talking to a person you trust may make you feel better. They may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

(    ) 1. A. still         B. also         C. even         D. only

(    ) 2. A. easy        B. hard        C. possible     D. fortable

(   ) 3. A. worries     B. sadness     C. problems    D. questions

(    ) 4. A. personality  B. strength     C. talent '     D. mind

(   ) 5. A. running     B. leading      C. replying     D. turning

(   ) 6. A. relax       B. operate      C. plain    D. explore

(   ) 7. A. although    B. unless      C. if          D. because

(    ) 8. A. walk       B. rest         C. time        D. sense

(   ) 9. A. includes    B. creates      C. develops     D. produces

(   )10. A. better     B. worse      C. angrier     D. safer

The United States  Great Britain took the war (战争 )  on Iraq(伊拉克)  in late March, 2003.    1   0ver tty days American soldiers were in Baghdad(巴市)

the    2   of Iraq.  They ended the government(政府) of Saddam.     3 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam was   4   at first. No one knew   5 _ he's dead or alive.

In some parts of the city there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells(油 井) were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and   6  . Many soldiers and

people who were hurt in the war need medical care. People also need    7    to find their family members.

After the war some Iraqis broke into Saddam's palace, government buildings and stores. They _8    many things from Iraqi Museums.  Other Iraqis are angry that the

U. S.  soldiers didn't stop the robbers(抢劫者).  So far there is    9    no government of Iraqis.

The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are    10    weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June 6th, 2003 they hadn't found any

(    ) 1. A. For         B. About       C. By          D. During

(    ) 2. A. city        B. town        C. capital       D. village

(     ) 3. A. Thousand    B. Thousands    C. Thousand of  D. Thousands of

(   ) 4. A. tired       B. run         C. gone        D. forgotten

(   ) 5. A. whether    B. when       C. how        D. that

(   ) 6. A. spaceships   B. flowers      C. people      D. medicine

(     ) 7. A. anidea       B. a way         C. a plane        D. a bridge

(   ) 8. A bought     B. borrowed    C. stole        D. brought

(   ) 9. A. still        B. ever    .   C. yet         D. already

(     )10. A. looking at    B. looking for    C. giving up     D. putting down 4

Many people think the more time is spent the more work will be done.  So students

have to spend the whole    1   doing schoolwork except the three meals. It is   2   to see students struggling(挣扎) in a sea of schoolwork both at school and at home.

Modern students usually have many -3   .  They love music and sports.  They like reading and watching TV. A two-day weekend can get them _ 4   from too much

schoolwork, and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not think about it.

5   they have too much schoolwork they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. So they usually don't do their weekend

homework    6  _ Sunday night.  And there is not enough time but much work; students have to finish it carelessly.  The _ 7    weekend homework makes teachers angry.

Things always get  8  without right ideas. Too much schoolwork makes

students lose interest in learning.  It's also bad for their health.

A horse runs faster after a    9   .  But for students only rest is not enough.  So such a learning condition(学习氛围) should be   10    to give students both pleasure and knowledge.

Please give students less homework but leave them more free time.

(    ) 1. A. day         B. morning     C. afternoon    D. week

(   ) 2. A. never       B. mon     C. glad        D. hardly

(    ) 3. A. books      B. interests     C. sports       D. friends

( .  ) 4. A. busy       B. pleased      C. away       D. tired

(   ) 5. A. For        B. With       C. Though     D. Because

(   ) 6. A. until       B. when       C. at   .      D. on

(   ) 7. A. good       B. poor        C. careful      D. happy

(   ) 8. A. better      B. afraid       C. worse       D. wonderful

(    ) 9. A. minute      B. moment  '   C. meal        D. rest

(   )10. A. kept      B. changed    C. same      D. different

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effectivec有效的) ? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long    l   .  This is very good but it doesn't  2  a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep

enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It's good for your study.

When you return   3    your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you'll learn more    4    study better. Psychologists(心理学家)    5    that learning takes place in this way.  Here take English learning   6   an example. First you make a lot of

progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems   7    the same. So you will think you're learning   8   and you may give up.  This can last for days or even weeks yet you needn't give up. At some point your language study will again take

another big   9  . You'll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get

enough sleep, food rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and

10   .  Don't give up along the way. Learn slowly and you're sure to get a good result.

(    ) 1. A. days        B. time        C. hours       D. weeks

(    ) 2. A. help        B. give        C. make       D. take

(    ) 3. A. after       B. for         C. at          D. to

(    ) 4. A. yet         B. and         C. or          D. but

(     ) 5. A. have found   B. have taught   C. told           D. said

(    ) 6. A. with       B. for         C. as         D. to

(      ) 7. A. to have       B. to make       C. to take        D. to stay

(    ) 8. A. something   B. anything     C. nothing      D. everything

(    ) 9. A. work       B. jump        C. walk        D. result

(   )10. A hard       B. mon     C. interesting   D. possible

Many of you are studying English and you may be   l   why it is so difficult to learn It's actually not too difficult to learn  2   you know some  3   about the

language and culture that it reflects(反映).  Perhaps.the first thing you need to know about English is that it is made up of several other languages    4    French, German Latin, Greek and Anglo-Saxon  In addition there are words   5   Spanish in English

and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese     6     can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words   7   0ther languages is    8   0f the key reasons _ 9   people meet with (遇到) some of the difficulties _ 10 they are learning English.

(    ) 1. A. knowing     B. wondering    C. earning      D. hearing

(   ) 2. A. but        B. and         C. if          D. unless

(   ) 3. A. news       B. facts        C. truth       D. information

(     ) 4. A. such as       B. the same as   C. so as          D. for example

(   ) 5. A. in         B. off         C. of          D. from

(   ) 6. A. words      B. culture      C. language     D. letters

(   ) 7. A. for         B. to          C. from        D. out

(    ) 8. A. that        B. something    C. one         D. this

(   ) 9. A. why       B. if          C. what       D. for

(   )10. A. when     B. before      C. after       D. while

Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks9

1   give your money back Of course, it   2   happens quite like that. The only

language easy to learn is the mother language. And think   3   practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language to study

the literature(文学) of the country.  Now most people want t0    4    a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning it.

How do they do it Some people try at home   5 _ books and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs. If they use the language only twice or three

times a week learning it will    6    a long time, like language learning at school.  A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 0r _ 7   hours a day. It's much

easier to learn the language in the country where it    8   .  But most people are _9    to do this and many people don't have to do so. Machines and good books will be very

helpful, but they can not do the students' work.     10    the language is learned quickly or slowly it depends on hard work.

(    ) 1. A. so          B. or          C. and         D. but

(    ) 2. A. can't       B. impossible   C. never       D. often

(     ) 3. A. how much    B. howlong      C. how fast       D. how many

(    ) 4. A. talk        B. tell         C. speak       D. say

(   ) 5. A. without     B. with        C. in          D. by

(   ) 6. A. spend      B. use         C. take        D. cost

(   ) 7. A. some       B. more       C. other       D. less

(     ) 8. A. speaks        B. is speaking    C. spoke         D. is spoken

(     ) 9. A. able           B. possible       C. unable         D. not possible

(   )10. A. Either     B. Whether    C. What       D. How

Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history

geography, physics chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that

they can    l    a living.  School education is very important and useful.  Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he   2    can not teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher's job is to show his students

how to read and how to _ 3  . So much more is to be learned   4   school by the

students themselves.

It is always more important to know how to study by   5  than to memorize(熟

记)some facts or formula(公式).  It is    6    quite easy to learn a    7    fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in   8   0ut a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein Newton and Galileo, didn't learn many

things from school. But they were all so successful that they invented so many things

for mankind.

The   9   for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not   10 _ at school. They worked hard all their lives wasting not a single

moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of


(    ) 1. A. make        B. do           C. have         D. get

(   ) 2. A. teaches     B. knows       C. learns       D. practises

(   ) 3. A. study       B. play        C. think       D. work

(    ) 4. A. from        B. in          C. within       D. outside

(   ) 5. A. heart       B. students     C. us          D. oneself

(   ) 6. A. not        B. actually     C. seldom      D. known

(   ) 7. A. real        B. true        C. certain      D. great

(    ) 8. A. setting      B. working     C. making      D. doing

(   ) 9. A. experiment  B. reason      C. result   '    D. way

(   )10. A. kept      B. showed     C. expressed   D. taught

It's never easy to admit(承认) you are wrong. We all   l   to know the art of

apology. Think how often you've done wrong. Then count how many times you've

expressed clearly you were   2  . You can't go to bed with an easy mind if you do

3   about it.

My friend, a doctor Mr Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches heart trouble and insomnia (失眠).  After some careful

exams, Mr Lied found nothing   4   with him and said

worrying you, I can't help you.

inheritance(遗产). Then and there the clever doctor   5    the man write to his brother and  6  his money. As soon as the _ 7  was put into the post box the man

suddenly cried.

An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系) but also make it   9  . If you can think of someone who should be   10   an apology from you, do something about it right now.

(    ) 1. A. decide      B. have        C. need        D. try

(    ) 2. A. sorry       B. weak        C. sad         D. wrong

(   ) 3. A. something   B. anything     C. nothing      D. everything

(    ) 4. A. well        B. wrong       C. good        D. bad

(   ) 5. A. made       B. helped      C. saw        D. let

(   ) 6. A. return      B. give        C. keep        D. pay

(   )7. A. paper      B. box        C. money      D. letter

(   ) 8. A. better      B. well        C. sick        D. worse

(    ) 9. A. never      B. worse       C. stronger     D. harder

(   )10. A. given     B. received    C. known     D. forgotten

Different colours usually stand for different feelings. Red for example, is the

colour of fire heat, blood and life.  People say red is an exciting and active colour.  They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like   l  . Red is used for signs of

2   such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm colour of

leaves in autumn.  People say orange is a   3   colour.  They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the colour of   4  . People say it is a cheerful colour. They

associate yellow too with happiness.  Green is the cool colour of grass in spring.  People say it is a refreshing colour.  In general, people    5  _ two groups of colours: warm

colours and cool colours.  The warm colours are red orange and _  6   .  Where there is warm colour and a lot of light, people usually want to be active.  Those who like to be with  7  like red. The cool colours are  8  and blue. Where there are these

colours people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to go by more slowly in a room with warm colours.  They suggest that a warm colour is a good .  9 for a living room or a   10  . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want

time to pass quickly.  Cool colours are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

(    ) 1. A. sadness                     B. anger

C. administration            D. smile

(   ) 2. A. roads      B. ways       C. danger      D. places

(    ) 3. A. lively       B. dark        C. noisy       D. frightening

(   ) 4. A. moonlight   B. light        C. sunlight     D. stars

(     ) 5. A. speak         B. say            C. talk about     D. tell

(    ) 6. A. green       B. yellow      C. white       D. gray

(     ) 7. A. the other     B. another        C. other one      D. others

(    ) 8. A. black       B. green       C. golden      D. yellow

(   ) g. A. one        B. way        C. fact        D. matter

(   )10. A. factory    B. classroom   C. restaurant   D. hospital

Many people think that Americans    l    their cars almost more than anything else. When   2   people are fourteen years old, they want to have their   3   cars. They don't ask for a car from their   4  . So many of them work in   5   time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning t0   6   and getting a driver's license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person's life.

Some people almost   7   go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will _  8 their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a   9   . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may _ 10  . most of their time washing and repairing their cars.

(    ) 1. A. prefer       B. love         C. drive        D. play

(    ) 2. A. little        B. big          C. old          D. young

(    ) 3. A. new .      B. own        C. expensive    D. cheap

(   ) 4. A. friends      B. teachers   .  C. parents      D. brothers

(   ) 5. A. free        B. busy        C. study       D. good

(   ) 6. A. make       B. mend       C. wash       D. drive

(   ) 7. A. always     B. never       C. often       D. usually

(   ) 8. A. take        B. carry        C. pull         D. lift

(   ) 9. A. question    B. wrong       C. mistake      D. problem

(   )10. A. cost      B. get        C. spend      D. use

Most parents I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story   1

their children.  And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a    2    children's book.  Either the author has aimed (定目标) too high so that children can't follow what is in his (or more often, her) story    3   the story seems to be talking to the readers.     The best children's books are   4   very difficult nor very simple, and can satisfy c令人满意的) the child who hears the story and the adult(成年人) wh0  5  it.

Unfortunately(不幸的是) there are in fact few books like this,   6   the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not easy to solve.  This may be why many of the books

regarded as    7    0f children's literature(文学) were in fact written for   8   . Alicein Wonderland is perhaps the most obvious(明显)of this.

Children left for themselves, often are not interested in literature. Just leave a

child in a bookshop or a    9    and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative(并非想象的 ) way or have a look at the most children's ics(连环图 书) ,  full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and right-thinking parents.

Perhaps we parents should stop     10     to brainwash(洗脑) children into accepting (接受) our taste in literature.  After all children and adults are so different that we

parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books.  So I suppose we'll just have to promise(妥协)over the bedtime story.

(    ) 1. A. to          B. in           C. with         D. around

(   ) 2. A. short       B. long        C. bad        D. good

(   ) 3. A. and        B. but         C. or         D. so

(   ) 4. A. both       B. neither      C. either       D. very

(   ) 5. A. hears       B. buys        C. understands  D. reads

(    ) 6. A. but        B. however     C. so          D. because

(   ) 7. A. s     B. works      C. arts        D. work

. (    ) 8. A. grown-ups   B. girls        C. boys        D. children

(   ) 9. A. school      B. library      C. office       D. home

(   )10. A. going      B. liking      C. trying      D. preferring








2.参考词汇:通讯municate (with sb.)vi.munication n.;互联网the Internet n.。

从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提出的要求“描述变化及影响”可知本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的變化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时例如:In the past,people in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone及

It several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现茬造成的影响时谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“

way of munication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“With these changespeople’people’s work more efficient ”。 相对来说本文用第三人称容易把握。

Great changes have taken place in the way of munication in people’s life in recent years.

In the pastpeople kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone.But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can municate with each other almost at any place and at any time.What’s more,people have easy access to the Internetwhich enables them to send and receive emails whenever they like.With these changes,people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient.It used to take several days to hear from each otherbut now it takes only

several minutes,even if they are in two different continents.

In a wordpeople have an easier life nowadays.

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Beijing Roast Duck has the reputation of the most delicious food in Beijing.________________________________________________________________________


Beijing Roast Duck has the reputation of the most delicious food in Beijing.Eating it is a mustdo while you are here.Ducks are slowly roasted over flames by fruittree woodwhich you actually can see with your own eyes in the restaurant.Among all the restaurants that offer Beijing Roast Duck,Quan Ju De Restaurantwhich has a long history of 130 years,and Bian Yi Fang Restaurantopened in 1833,are the most famous.At table the cook helps you cut the meat into slices.Then the meat is served with green onion and a special kind of sauce.The best roast duck is dateredshining with oil.It has a crisp skin and tender meat.I am sure you’ll never forget the taste once you’ve tried it.



广东商学院2012-JX16-本科毕业论文(设计)基于云计算平台的Openstack系统集成与实现院(系)信息学院专业软件工程学号学生姓名HSIN指导教师陈章提交日期2012年 05月15日诚 信 声 明本人郑重聲明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我个人在导师指导下,由我本人独立完成有关观点、方法、数据和文献等的引用已在文中特别指出,并与参栲文献相对应据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注外论文中不包括其他已经发表和撰写的研究成果,也不包括为获得其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信如在文中涉及到抄袭或剽窃行为,本人愿承担由此而造成的一切后果及责任毕业论文(设计)作者签名:           年   月   日 毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表毕业论文(设计)指导教師评语及成绩成绩 指导教师签名 年 月 日毕业论文(设计)复评教师评语及成绩成绩 复评教师签名 年 月 日毕业论文(设计)答辩评语及成绩荿绩 答辩委员会主席签名年 月 日毕业论文(设计)总成绩(五级记分制) 院(系)负责人签名年 月 日TITLE:The Openstack system integration Chen摘要云计算是一种商业模型,被称為继个人电脑、互联网之后的第三次信息化革命云计算正颠覆着传统的it模式,通过对云的应用和管理企业可以降低信息化建设成本和各部门重复投资的硬件与管理成本,云计算的核心思想是将大量用网络连接的计算资源统一管理和调度从而形成一个计算资源池向用户按需供给的服务。云计算已成为现代IT行业的一种趋势对云计算的探讨是很有必要和价值的。从整体上来说云计算的应用是基于大规模汾布式的基础架构及平台之上的云计算应用两个方面的,其中基础架构建设是整个云计算平台的基础,一种基于IaaS层资源管理的系统是必鈈可少的Openstack是一款完全免费的开源的云操作管理工具,旨在为公共及私有云的建设与管理提供软件目前由OpenStack基金会管理,以其开放性获嘚了众多厂商和开发者的支持,它提供了一种基础设施即服务(IaaS)的云计算解决方案Openstack通过创建、启动和部署虚拟机的方式将资源引入云Φ。另外Openstack还可以通过虚拟机的方式将物理设备上分散的资源有效地集中起来快速便捷地引入云中,提高资源的利用率本文通过全方位嘚展示开源云计算IaaS平台OpenStack的技术,展示目前这个平台的发展现状以及这个平台部署过程中会遇到的问题,分享基于这个平台的部署和开发過程中的实战经验来加深人们对云计算平台的认识和理解,让人们深入了解openstack的架构和原理以及在基础设施层的部署实现和集成。技术汾析讲解OpenStack部署应用以及在此过程中遇到的问题,OpenStack的常用模块及功能;实战集成部署演示也是本文重要的一个环节。最后对所有过程进荇了总结并讨论进一步工作展望。关键字:云计算Openstack


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