
biggins的意思是比金斯,biggins是什么意思 英文名biggins的翻译、发音、来源,biggins常见英文名音译是比金斯。用作姓氏较多,用作女孩男孩英文名字均可,来源于英语,biggins是个好听的名字,这个名字寓意坚定不移、条理分明。
单词“biggins”在英语中并没有确切的意义,可能是一个拼写错误或口语俚语。没有固定的中文翻译和读音。在语境不明确的情况下。1. 发音和拼写:Biggins是一个不常见的单词或缩写词,有时也被拼写为“beggins”,通常发音为“bigginz”或“begginz”。2. 意义和用法:Biggins的意思和用法可以因语境而异。在一些地方,它可以指一个被重建或翻新的建筑物,或者指一个小型的房子或公寓。此外,表示开始做某事或者开始解决某个问题。3. 词源和历史:Biggins的词源可能来自于古英语单词“byggan”,意为建造。在一些地方,Biggins也被称为“bothy”,这个词来自于苏格兰语,指一个农场工人居住的小屋。4. 例句:- The biggins in the old town are getting a makeover to attract more tourists. (指被重建或翻新的建筑物)- We moved into a cute little biggins on the outskirts of the city. (指一个小型的房子或公寓)- Let's get cracking and start the biggins on this project. (作为俚语,表示开始做某事)- The team had some biggins to solve during the development process. (作为俚语,表示开始解决某个问题)- The bothy is a cozy little biggins where we can stay while we work on the farm. (在一些地方,Biggins也被称为“bothy”)- The biggins on the hilltop have been standing there for centuries. (指被重建或翻新的建筑物)- We rented a biggins in the countryside for a weekend getaway. (指一个小型的房子或公寓)- I'll bring my tools and we can start the biggins on repairing the fence. (作为俚语,表示开始做某事)- The team faced some biggins while trying to integrate the new software. (作为俚语,表示开始解决某个问题)- The bothy was a welcome sight after a long day of hiking in the mountains. (在一些地方,Biggins也被称为“bothy”)标签:


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