it would look like a jackson pollock painting是什么意思 in

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名人轶事:Jackson Pollock Invented a New Kind of Painting
Jackson Pollock Invented a New Kind of Painting That Changed the Way People Looked at Art
Written by Dana Demange
I'm Faith Lapidus.
And I'm Bob Doughty with People in America in VOA Special English. Today, we tell about the famous artist Jackson Pollock who helped redefine modern art in the United States. Pollock invented a new kind of painting that changed the way the world looked at art.
Jackson Pollock (Photo courtesy Estate of Hans Namuth, 1999)&&&&&
Until the twentieth century, most paintings were representational. This means that artists &represented& their subjects in a way that was realistic and recognizable. However, during the first half of the twentieth century, artists like Jackson Pollock started to explore other methods of representation.
When he first began painting, Jackson Pollock painted representational objects such as people and animals. However, he is famous for helping to create a whole new art movement called Abstract Expressionism. An &abstract& image is one where the subject is not represented realistically. Instead, the artist uses color and shapes to suggest the most general qualities of the subject. &Expressionism& is a kind of art that expresses feelings and thoughts. Abstract Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non-representational forms.
In Pollock's most famous works, there is no recognizable subject. His art works are large surfaces of canvas completely covered in different colors of paint. However, Pollock did not start out as a revolutionary painter. He developed the artistic process he became famous for over many years.
VOICE ONE:&&&&&&&&&&&&
Jackson Pollock was born in Cody, Wyoming in nineteen twelve. He grew up in the states of Arizona and California. Pollock later said that the wide-open land of these western areas greatly influenced his expansive artwork. In nineteen thirty he moved east to New York City where he studied at the Art Students League. There, Pollock spent a few years studying with the artist Thomas Hart Benton who painted images of every day American life. Pollock's early works are similar to his teacher's kind of painting. However, Pollock slowly left this traditional art education behind.
Pollock's work had many other influences. For example, he liked a group of Mexican painters who made murals. Murals are large images that the artists paint directly onto a wall. Some of these painters were working in New York City in the nineteen thirties, so Pollock was able to see them work. Pollock borrowed several methods and ideas from these artists. They included the use of large canvases, the method of freely applying paint and honoring old and new traditions.
Pollock was also influenced by the Spanish artist Miro. Miro was part of a movement of surrealist painters. Surrealist artists thought that true art comes from a part of the mind called the unconscious. The unconscious controls the area of the mind that produces dreams. Pollock agreed with these artists that the unconscious mind was an important force in creating art.
Also, when he was in his late twenties, Pollock suffered a mental breakdown. It was caused in part by depression and dependence on alcohol. As a result, he was treated by a Jungian psychoanalyst. This is a special kind of expert in emotional health who works to understand the unconscious mind, dreams, and emotions. Pollock was influenced by this kind of investigation of human relations and emotions. This &inside world& would become the subject of his paintings.
In nineteen forty-four, Pollock married Lee Krasner who was also a skilled Abstract Expressionist painter. The next year they moved to East Hampton, a small town on Long Island in the state of New York. The couple wanted to get away from the busy life of New York City. In this country environment they could enjoy nature and have more time to work on their art.
Next to their house Pollock set up a studio building where he could create his artwork. In this large studio Pollock created the paintings that would make him famous.
Jackson Pollock's action painting method
During these years Jackson Pollock started to paint in a completely new way. He created art that was very physical. In fact, his method is sometimes called &action painting&. Most artists painted on a surface that stood upright or vertical. But Pollock put his large canvases on the floor so that he could move around all four sides of his work. He also used very liquid paints so that he could easily drop the paint onto his canvases. This &dripping& method allowed him to make energetic works.
His paintings are explosions of curving lines, shapes and colors. In his art you can see every movement that his arm made. You can see how he had to move his body around the canvas. Videos of Pollock painting show this process, which looks like a painterly dance.
Unlike other artists, Jackson Pollock did not plan the way he wanted his paintings to look. Many artists plan their works by making small drawings before painting. Pollock developed what he called a &direct method,& applying the paint directly onto an empty canvas. He painted by following his immediate thoughts and emotions. Pollock combined careful movement with exact color and line. Though his paintings appear accidental, they required careful control.
Here is a recording of Pollock describing his way of painting. It was taken from a movie the British Broadcasting Corporation made about the artist in nineteen ninety-nine.
As Pollock said, he wanted to create art that was a visual representation of the motion and energy of his &inside world.& He was once asked why he did not paint pictures of objects people could identify. He answered that if you wanted to see a flower, you could go look at a real one. He said that what interested him was not outside objects.
Pollock's works were both praised and criticized. His paintings were in several shows in galleries in the middle nineteen forties. However, Pollock did not produce his fully abstract &drip& paintings until later. In nineteen-fifty, the public saw these works at Betty Parson's Gallery in New York. Some art critics said this was one of the best shows of the year and that Pollock was one of the greatest painters in America. Others did not understand his work. One critic said that Pollock's art showed chaos -- complete disorder without any method.
&Lavender Mist& by Jackson Pollock&&&
Today, Pollock's works sell for millions of dollars. But only one painting sold at this show. It was a famous work called &Lavender Mist&. This painting now hangs in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. &Lavender Mist& represents perfectly what was so interesting about Pollock's work. The canvas is more than two meters tall and almost three meters long. The entire surface is covered in small rivers of white, black, grey, yellow, brown and pink paint. These colors and lines create a painting that is full of visual energy.
Interestingly, there is no lavender, or light purple, color paint in this work. One of Pollock's friends suggested the name because the many other colors of paint created an atmospheric effect that looked like lavender mist. Usually, Pollock would simply name his paintings with a number and a date. He did not want the titles to explain to viewers what to see when they looked at his work.
With paintings like &Lavender Mist& Jackson Pollock helped introduce the world to a whole new way of painting and thinking about art. But he did not live very long. He died in a car accident in nineteen fifty-six at the age of forty-four.
The home in East Hampton, New York where Jackson Pollock lived with his wife Lee Krasner is now a museum. At this special place you can see the rooms where these artists lived. Most importantly, you can see the studio where Pollock and Krasner created their work. On the floor of the studio is the evidence of years and years of Pollock's thrown paint. The floor looks just like one of Pollock's paintings.
Experts say this museum is a cultural treasure. It is the place where Jackson Pollock helped introduce the world to Abstract Expressionism. Pollock helped break the traditional rules of representation and established America as an important center for modern art.
This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. I'm Faith Lapidus.
And I'm Bob Doughty. Join us again next week for PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English.
> 在看《银河护卫队》前你该知道的事(多高清图)
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1. 《银河护卫队》里的主要人物就算对漫威迷来说也不是家喻户晓。所以事先做功课是不必要的,除非你想更好地欣赏这部片子的牛逼之处。 2. 不用和《复联》作比较。银河护卫队的成员都没有&英雄&背景,最有爱的两个角色是 CGI 合成的,最有名气的卡司只负责帮他们配音。 3. 导演 James Gunn 是个奇才,他为这部片子挑选的音乐简直绝了。 4. 电影的细节太多,绝对值得二刷甚至三刷四刷,而且条件允许的情况下还是看 IMAX 3D,画面实在太美了&&字幕后的彩蛋是为漫威迷准备的,如果(国内保留了彩蛋)你不是的话,漫长的等待不是很值得。 5. You're welcome. 主要人物: 一个小偷、两个绑匪、一个刺客,和一个疯子。 他们都是自己种族的唯一幸存者,都是历经悲剧和孤独的角色。按照 Star Lord(星爵)的话来说,都是 Losers(经历过失去的人)。 他们有些好,有些坏。在监狱里组成团伙,之后成为了银河护卫队。 & 银河护卫队 & Peter Jason Quill / Star Lord 扮演者:Chris Pratt 半地球、半 Spartoi 星人。自封为 Star Lord,他很喜欢把自己想象成一个流氓中的传奇人物(但其实只是个小偷而已)。Peter 在很小的时候就被拐走,离开地球,被迫在完全陌生的外空环境中生存。情感上,他还是那个在 1988 年离开地球的男孩。 飞船上的卡带是妈妈帮他混制的。九五后你们知道这是什么吗? 他有一艘叫 Milano 的飞船,根据儿时的女神&&女演员 Alyssa Milano 命名。一个可以增强视力、输出氧气(外带翻译器)的战盔,两把 Kree 族冲锋手枪,一套电磁铁、等离子闪光球、靴子推进器等装备。在原本的漫画中,Star Lord 的形象是相当反英雄的,于是电影的概念艺术家就让他的头发从头盔里露出来点,不至于看上去太阴暗。 图:The Art of GotG 飞船和手枪都由他自己改造过,全透着男孩子气。同时,Milano 也沿袭 the Ravager(掠夺者) && 俘走并养育 Peter Quill 的太空海盗团伙的气质。他们虽然处在未来世界,但偏爱重型机甲的设计。 Milano 电影主要是基于 Dan Abnett 和 Andy Lanning 的 2008 年版《Guardians of the Galaxy》而来(Earth-616),这时候银河护卫队已经成立。Peter Quill 是小队长。 在 2013 版的漫画中,交代了 Peter Quill 的出生背景。他的父亲 Jason(Spartax 贵族,即将继承王位)遭遇外星人追杀而导致飞船迫降在地球,被他妈妈救下。Jason 并没有在地球呆很久,走的时候我们才知道 Peter 的妈妈已经怀孕。小 Peter 充满正义感,一次被外星人追捕的过程中,妈妈被杀害,他侥幸逃脱,之后被孤儿院和寄宿家庭抚养长大。电影里 Peter Quill 的母亲得了癌症过世,父亲留下的元素枪(Element Gun,可以生成和操纵水、火、空气和土)也没出现。 我们在电影里看到 Peter Quill 的主要技能就是耍宝&&他从小就很有战略头脑;没有超能力或者过于常人的愈合能力,尽管长期在外太空的生活可能对他的体格产生了些许改变,Peter Quill 与生俱来的,只有 Spartax 星球古老的贵族血统。总的来说,Peter Quill 这个角色主要是漫威用来接地气的。 Fun Facts: - James Gunn 本来连 Chris Pratt 的试镜都不想看,但被他的助手说服了。后来听了 Pratt 念了 30 秒台词就决定由他出演,甚至愿意让他不减重来接这个角色(准备 P 六块腹肌出来)。Pratt 说给我六个月,保证减掉 50 磅(22.6 公斤)。结果他在六个月减去了 60 磅(27.2 公斤)。 - 迳蛞彩切蔷舻暮蜓≈唬恕Sin City 2》推掉了这个角色(呵呵)。除此之外,星爵的候选人还有 John Krasinski 、Eddie Redmayne、Jim Sturgess、和李佩佩(演了 Ronan)等等等等。 其实我觉得 Chris Pratt 既有 Peter Quill 典型的美式金发大男孩外貌,又有一股浑然天成的缺心眼儿气质(Parks and Rec 在国内不火,但在美国 Chris Pratt 饰演的角色 Andy Dwyer 是剧中最受欢迎的角色)戏里戏外无敌的喜剧天赋和幽默感,真的是这个人物的不二之选。当然价格便宜也是另外一大优势。 References: Peter Quill 在片中提到了几个人物,可能对国内观众来说很陌生: - Kevin Bacon 和 Footloose 台词:&Really? Well, on my planet, we have a legend about people like you. It's called Footloose. And in it, a great hero, named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that, dancing, well, is the greatest thing there is.& 《Footloose》是一部 1984 年代的美国经典歌舞电影,由 Kevin Bacon 主演。他的角色是一个充满活力的芝加哥男青年,来到一个小镇后发现,在这个镇上跳舞和摇滚乐都被镇长明令禁止。他的到来最后改变了镇上的年轻人。《Footloose》本身其实是当时在美国大受欢迎的垃圾电影,Kevin Bacon 今年在 Jimmy Fallon 的 the Tonight Show 上又跳了一段,舞技还是和当年一样骚。 - John Stamos 台词:&I come from a planet of outlaws: Billy the Kid, Bonnie & Clyde, John Stamos&& 比利小子、邦妮和克莱德都是美国历史上著名的逃犯,但 John Stamos 是 80 年代的歌手、演员、主持人。他在代表作《Full House》节目里扮演又会耍酷又叛逆的 Uncle Jesse,也是 Peter Quill 心中的偶像吧。 - Jackson Pollock 台词:&She has no idea. If we had a blacklight, it would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.& 杰克逊&波洛克,美国著名的抽象派画家。这是他的画: Rocket & Groot 配音:Bradley Cooper & Vin Diesel 远看很可爱,近看很凶猛的 Rocket 是只浣熊。曾是实验对象的他被植入了机械组件,基因改造后有了过人(literally)的智慧。标志性的武器是一把来福枪。在漫画里,他也有过硬的军事战术和领导能力, Peter Quill 不在的时候顶替队长位置。 &他就像我的儿子,或者说,是我的 ID。& James Gunn 这么表示,毫无疑问地展露出他在这个角色身上倾注的热情。 Rocket 浣熊最好的朋友,兼御用打手是树人 Groot,两者密不可分。虽然前者对待后者像奴隶一般(疼爱)。 Groot 是个温和的巨人、勇猛的战士、一个充满好奇心的青少年(而不是一棵老树)。七尺高的他可以产生巨大的毁灭力,却也拥有一颗敏感的心灵。他能快速自愈,控制枝干的生长,语言只停留在简单的&I am Groot&,想表达的意思只有相处了很久的 Rocket 才听得懂。坚固耐用的 Groot 同时也拥有再生的能力。 Fun Facts: - Rocket 的真实扮演者分别是一只叫奥利奥的小浣熊和 James Gunn 的弟弟 Sean。后者不仅要演出 2.5 尺(76 厘米)高的浣熊在片场到处爬,还贡献了很多全片最有趣的台词(比如&A bunch of jackasses standing in a circle.&(一帮傻缺围成一团)),都是即兴发挥。Bradley Cooper 在配音的时候照搬了这些话,以他为灵感塑造角色。 Sean Gunn 在片中还饰演了 The Ravager 中的二把手 Kraglin(对于 Sean Gunn 这次演出的详细介绍)。 - Rocket 的配音候选包括了 Adam Sandler、David Tennant、Jim Carry 等等。很难想象有比 Bradley Cooper 更适合演绎躁郁症患者的男演员。 - Rocket 在片中把 Peter Quill 的挎包(knapsack)说成手提包(purse,多为女用),Bradley Cooper 在《宿醉》第一部也有类似的台词。 - 漫画执行编辑 Tom Brevoort 让编辑 Bill Rosemann 从1969 年开始的《银河护卫队》系列中,每十年挑一个角色。后来他只缺一个 60 年代的,漫威在当时还并没有太多太空角色,于是就找到了那头大怪兽&& 1960 年袭击地球的树形怪物 Groot。 - Vin Diesel 为全片仅有的台词&I am Groot&说了无数遍,他还录制了西班牙、普通话、葡萄牙、法语等版本。 Drax / the Destroyer 扮演者:Dave Bautista 内心满怀忧伤和懊悔的彪形大汉。 在漫画中,Drax 原先是人类,妻子和女儿被 Thanos(灭霸)所杀。死去后身体被改造,有着可与雷神匹敌的力量以及几乎不可摧毁的身躯。复仇心切,几乎被冲昏了头脑的他,性格却有些像天真任性的小孩。在电影里,他因为杀死了 Ronan 的手下而被关入监狱,继而和其他的银河护卫队成员认识。 Drax 讲话像古人,而且只能理解字面上的意思,听不懂比喻。 Fun Facts: - 为了扮演 Drax,Dave Bautista 身上的红色疤痕/纹身每天都要被剥下重新粘贴。在原始剧本中,Drax 还像我们解释了这些纹身的含义,比如父亲临终的日子、和女儿游泳的回忆等等,他有一个纹身是这么解释的:&这,是 Camaria 刚出生的时候。也是我这辈子第一次流眼泪。&(链接) Gamora 扮演者:Zoe Saldana 漫画里,她是银河系最危险的杀手。作为族群唯一幸存者被 Thanos 收养和训练,擅长武术,有快速愈合能力,冷艳、捉摸不透。武器是一把能杀死神族的匕首。Nebula 有类似的经历,是她的小师妹。电影里保留了 Gamora 的出身背景,被 Thanos 安排作为 Ronan 的助手。 Fun Facts: - 预告片里有一幕她背部全裸的镜头,但正片里被剪掉了&& - Olivia Wilde 拒绝了这个角色。她的选择是明智的。不得不说 Gamora 这个角色在电影里风头完全被其他角色盖过。 Yondu 扮演者:Michael Rooker 漫画里,Yondu 是银河护卫队最早的成员之一。身份与原著有很大不同,电影保留了他的种族、基础造型和武器。总的来说是比原先漫画里的帅多了。 Yondu 是太空犯罪团伙 the Ravager 的首领,对于 Peter Quill 来说像是干爹,Peter 也从他身上学来了坑蒙拐骗(迷人)的本领。 & 黑暗势力 & Ronan the Accuser 扮演者:Lee Pace 强大的极端主义者,与他的种族 Kree 断绝了关系。受命于 Thanos,Ronan 厌恶弱者,他认为这个世界只有强者才有存活下来的理由。Ronan 漫画中的武器 Dan Walker 被电影沿用,有点像雷神的锤子。Thanos 答应帮他摧毁 Xandar 星球和 Nova Corps(新星部队,类似 Xandar 星球上的神盾局),以 Orb 作为交换。 Ronan 每次出现的时候画面都暗搓搓。我第一次看的时候没选 IMAX,于是他出场的时候眼前就乌漆抹黑一片,连李佩佩的肉体都没能好好欣赏。 Ronan 操纵的巨型飞船 Dark Aster Nebula 扮演者:Karen Gillan Thanos 另一个干女儿,被改造得只剩下部分脸部有皮肤了。和 Gamora 一样遭遇灭族之灾,也和她一样,不是十足的坏心眼。漫画里,她曾因为轻信 Gamora 坠落悬崖,此后就再也不信她了。Nebula 和 Ronan 一样仇恨弱者,是个有些自毁倾向的女孩子。 黑暗势力(包括她在内的其他小喽)驾驶的 Necrocraft,设计灵感来源于苍蝇。 Necrocraft 概念图 Korath the Pursuer:Sakaaran 战士。 我只是想展示下化妆的细节 另外一些 Sakaaran 战士,被 Peter Quill 称呼为&忍者神龟&。有意思的是《银河护卫队》在北美上映的时间和《忍者神龟》差不多。 Thanos:大 Boss,之前在《复联》彩蛋里已经露过面。就好像银河护卫队一样,黑暗势力也是一个庞大家族,族长就是巨人灭霸。但和银河护卫队把人性善的一面激发出来不同,灭霸主要是激发人性丑恶的一面。 The Collector:Benicio Del Toro 扮演,在《雷神 2》的彩蛋里我们已经见过他和他的女佣了,这里不多做介绍。 这里就有个彩蛋& 电影美学: Fantastic But Grounded. Originality Without Being Weird. Bright Colors. Grandiosity. Contrast Are Good. 《银河护卫队》里全是色彩。 运用 50、60 年代的科幻电影美学,借鉴了《Forbidden Planet》、《Fantastic Voyage》、《Barbarella》等老电影的同时,又保持现代科幻电影中的真实感&&你能在这个世界中看到老建筑和新建筑并列拔地而起,用未来科技启动的飞船与 80 年代的索尼 Walkman 一同出现,先看到一片灰色死寂下的废弃行星,后又是绚烂夺目的璀璨星云。 James Starlin 的色彩:来自外太空的红、蓝、紫。 James Starlin 是 DC 元老,也是漫威终极反派 Thanos 的创造者。图中是他的漫画 Warlock 系列(那个绿绿的是 Gamora...)。 Magritte 的油画影响了 James Gunn 对于光与影的运用。白光与阴影用极致的方式展现,从而达到一种美丽与丑恶并存,极不真实的效果(Magritte effect)。 他的 The Empire of Lights 是 James Gunn 拿来给团队每个人看的油画系列。 海报中的运用(文章第一张配图也是例子) 电影中对 Magritte effect 的运用: 场景和设计: Morag:一个荒废的星球,在埃及取景。 Peter Quill 在那里的一间庙宇内找到了 Orb,环绕在 Orb 四周的壁画大有讲究。 上面刻的分别是 Death(死亡)、Entropy(熵)、Eternity(永恒)和 Infinite (无限)环绕中的 Infinite Stones(无限宝石),漫威宇宙中的超自然角色。 Xandar:和 Morag 的死气沉沉截然相反,Xander 一派生机勃勃,住着各种族群的外星人。取景地点包括了澳大利亚和新加坡。 漫威为了这部电影重新创建了一个世界,连这个星球的主要能源都考虑进去了。 部队驾驶的&六角星& Nova Starblaster 不同肤色和造型的外星人是一方面,Nova Corps 是另一方面:从部队等级、制服到武器都有一套体系,根据漫画中的设定来创作。 这张图里,左右两个士兵手臂上的肩章等级就是不同的呢 Klyn:银河护卫队被关押的监狱。38 尺高,含 350,000 磅钢铁。Klyn 是整部电影最出众的场景,囚犯们的造型也很有意思。而且人物之间的许多互动都在同时进行着,所以看的时候一定要仔细了(二刷的理由)。 Knowhere:漫威宇宙高级种族 Celestials 一员的首级,有几百年历史。James Gunn 还要求团队保留一段脊椎骨在骷髅下面。 居住在这里的人又是千奇百怪了,有丰富的夜生活,酒吧啊俱乐部什么的。 Collector 的博物馆/实验室:《雷神 2》彩蛋里出现的 The Collector 和他的博物馆正式登场。里面的藏品太多了,到处都是彩蛋。在这里,第三块无限宝石,紫色的 The Power Stone 也正式亮相。我们先前已经在《美队》和《雷神》系列里见过了两颗:蓝色的 Tesseract 和 红色的 Aether。 Knowhere 上的 spacepod 设计稿,在细节上下的功夫简直了。 Ravager Fighters:Ravagers 有好几代成员,他们穿统一风格的赤红色制服(银河护卫队也换上了,于是红色成为了贯穿全片的颜色),也有不同的阶级地位。 VFX 团队 Territory Studio 为电影制作了大量精细的操作界面(the Creator's project 上有视频和更多图片): 我目前觉得值得一说的就这些,文章中的高清大图来自这个帖子(imgur,需翻),以及网络。画质很烂的业余拼图是我弄的,图片来自两本书:《The Art of Guardians of the Galaxy》 和 《Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude》, 前者是电影的艺术创作,大量的概念图什么的,后者是主要人物历年出场的部分漫画集合。都是在亚马逊上买的,发货很快。 我已经提到了不少彩蛋,如果之后有时间的话会再写一篇完整的彩蛋整理。 最后,贴几张 EW 帮 Chris Pratt 拍的美照(可爱死了)。 everything is so awesome.
摄影,在日文里称为写真 如今提到写真这个词 你一定会有其他的联...
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