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初一下英语期末试卷答案 仁爱版
第一部分听力 20分
Ⅰ 听句子选择正确答语对话读两遍 5分
A Yes I could
B No I couldnt
C Sure my name is John
A Shes a worker
B She is 37
C She looks beautiful
A Yes I do
B Yes please A hamburger for me
C No thanks A hamburger please
A OK Id like
B OK Id love to
C Sure Id love
A No problem
B Sit down please
C Sure Come in please
Ⅱ 听句子选择与其内容相符的图片有两张图片是多余的句子读两遍 5分
Ⅲ 听对话选择正确答案对话读两遍 5分
11 Who is the letter from
A Zhang Hao
12 Where do Joe and Mary live
A In China
B In Canada
C In England
13 What does your mother do
B A doctor
C A teacher
14 Where do they work
A In a school
B On a farm
C In an office
15 What does the boys dog look like
A Its short
B Its small
Ⅳ 听短文完成表格短文读两遍 5分
Country国籍 17__________
The number of family members
家庭成员的数目 18___________
Fathers job工作 19___________
Mothers job 20___________
Ⅰ单项选择 12分
21Its time _____ supper
OK Lets _____
Afor go Bfor to go Cfor going
22My brother usually _____ his room after school But now he _____ soccer
Acleans plays Bcleaning playing
Ccleans is playing Dcleans is playing the
23The old man sometimes _____ to the park _____ foot
Ago on Bgoes on Cgo by
24My sister and I _____
Ais doing my homework Bam doing my homeworks
Care doing our homeworks Dare doing our homework
25 Do you want ____ with us
A play ping-pong
B play the game
C to play football
D to play piano
It is now the world’s most successful online
business and its users consider themselves part of a distinct
The site has a number of features which made it
attractive to potential users: fast service, search capability, low
costs for users, tools for comparing prices of books, and
personalization in the form of customer-written book
Children who often talk with their parents are happier than those
who don’t, according to a &&&&
new research/study.
The manager had to resign (from his post) on account of poor
No longer did he feel depressed, but happy and hopeful.
I would rather watch TV at home, if you don’t mind.
He could hardly earn his own living, let alone support his
He found this an appealing idea since he’d already
got into the habit of speed-reading stories to his son.
Honore realized he had become so anxious to rush
through this nightly ritual that he’d rather read seven or even
eight stories in less time than it would take a normal person to
They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.
(comply with)
The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety
(keep secret)
The test questions are kept secret (so as) to prevent
(once again)
History once again proves that
China and other countries need more cultural exchanges.
exclusive use
Scientists should not allow poets the exclusive use of
Universities are facing cuts of more than
£900m over the next three years, and fear worse is still to
It has taken more than 800 years to create one of
the world’s greatest education systems and it looks like it will
take just six months to bring it to its knees.
It said reports suggested that as many as 30
universities might not survive in their current form even if
minimal funding cuts were introduced.
Nicolas Sarkozy has just announced an investment
of 11 billion euros in higher education in France, stating he wants
“the best universities in the world”.
The article calls for ministers to consider
reversing proposed cuts and for assurances that no further cuts
will be imposed.
Easy to remember, the name Haibao coincides with its blue color and
is a typical lucky name && in
the Chinese tradition.
Previous World Expo mascots not only represented the theme of each
Expo, but also &&&&
embodied the culture and spirit of the host countries and
World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, is a global event that is hosted
by China and the city of &&&
The mascot for the World Expo 2010, in Shanghai, China, should be
different from the &&
mascots of previous World Expos and other major international
events in its theme &&&&&&
manifestation and image design.
The design concept should be clear and unique and coincide with the
theme, and should be & easy for the public to
The concept of personal branding has been around
for more than a decade, but the Internet and social networking have
made it easier than ever to sell the brand “you”.
The basic idea of personal branding is to promote
yourself as having certain values, skills or expertise——your
brand——so that if someone needs that expertise, they’ll come to you
While many people are still uncomfortable with the
idea of marketing themselves as a commodity, others see it as part
of the changing world of work.
We’re living in an age when corporate businesses
don’t care about you as an individual any more——you’re just an
employee number.
Next, give yourself a short and long-term plan of
where you want to be, what job you want to have, and how you want
people to perceive you.
Teaching is successful only when students are able
to relate what they learn to real life.
Getting students whose level of Chinese is
extremely low to read a short essay is difficult, let alone getting
them to read a book.
We can also get students to share their thoughts
in comic books, which will provide them with an opportunity to
train their speaking skills, and will also get other students
If students were forced to read books according to
the preference of teachers, they would likely end up hating the
Chinese language even more.
As expected, within a week, some students had
finished reading the novel, which had three volumes, and were
happily talking about the story.
Through her work, she observed that successful
people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching
Although we had no money, between the covers of
those books, I could go anywhere, do anything and be
I realized my mother was a financial genius to be
able to keep a roof over our heads and any kind of food on the
table, much less buy clothes.
I also realized that immediate gratification
wasn’t going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual
My story is really my mother’s story——a woman with
little formal education or worldly goods who used her position as a
parent to change the lives of many people around the
The product is characterized by a unique design, high quality and a
large capacity.
Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy
of family planning.
In order to solve the problem, a systematic and thorough
investigation is necessary. This is &&&
the process of analysis.
is true that prose is easier to write than verse. However, writing
prose well still requires&&&&&&&
was such a hot day that we could do nothing but stay in the
air-conditioned house.
Young men who have reason to fear that they will
be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that
they have been cheated of the best things that life has to
But in an old man who has known human joys and
sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the
fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
The best way to
overcome it——so at least it seems to me——is to make your interests
gradually wider and more impersonal. until bit by bit the walls of
ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the
universal life.
The man who, in old age, can see life in this way,
will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares
for will continue.
I should wish to die while still at work, knowing
that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in
the thought that what was possible has been done.
1. (spread over)
Generally speaking, the course in American
Literature is spread over one academic year.
2. (make full use of)
Making full use of time in class means spending
less time working after class.
3. (too...to)
How can you communicate with anyone if your voice
is too low to be heard?
4. (criticize,
Many experts criticized the author because his
book was full of plagiarisms.
5. “”“”6152034(take)
I have taken the TOEFL, and GRE test. My scores
on/ of the two tests were 615 and 2034 respectively.
To them, I’m just Mom——too impossibly
old-fashioned and ordinary to understand the winds of their
A marriage certificate won’t solve all your
problems, but until you have the guarantee of one, you can’t begin
the struggle to forge yourselves into one unit against the
world——the ultimate goal.
Loving someone doesn’t mean your goals are always
identical. But if you want something, then your mate wants it for
And so in my sleepless hours, Robby and Johanna, I
wish for you that moment when you look up and find someone watching
you as if you were a candle——as if you were the only light in a
world of darkness.
It is not easy to learn English well, but if you persist, you will
succeed in the end.
She also began a program that promises a college scholarship to
every student who graduates &&&&
from high school in her hometown.
即使他们得到提升,薪水仍可能比做同样工作的男人少。(even if, less
Even if they are promoted, their salary may still be less than that
of a man doing the same &&&&&
Recently a team of British scientists declared
that the common housefly is the most talented aerodynamicist on the
planet, superior to any bird, bat, or bee.
They can hover in one spot, hustle through the air
to another location, and then race back to their original hovering
point precisely.
Imagine if you didn’t utter an opinion until you
had read hundreds of books, magazines, newspaper articles, and
blogs, and then issued a statement based on a few basic
Given that flies have evolved for hundreds of
millions years (and that they were the first animals to take to the
air), we shouldn’t be surprised that they’re such good
文章呼吁对外语教学中的文化干扰问题给予更多关注。(call for)
The article calls for more attention to be given to the cultural
interference in foreign language &&&&&&
This Chinese movie star once said that he would rather be thought
of as an everyman than a celebrity.
司令官对他的军队讲到,在任何情况下都不允许敌人跨国国境。(under no
The commandant told his army that under no circumstances should the
enemy cross the frontier.
While many current Hollywood depictions of
marriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America are
alarming: each year half as many Americans get divorced as
They should mutually agree on the length of the
separation——three to six months is average——and both must continue
to work on their own problems during that time, either with or
without a counselor.
During their period of trial separation couples
should not pursue each other at all, either to fight or to
reconcile, but should agree in advance on what kind of contact they
will have.
Some therapists advice their clients to agree not
to talk to each other about their relationship during these
encounters and to use the time apart to reflect on their own lives
and see what they can change about themselves.
If both are unsure about the future of the
marriage, it can provide a timeout, during which they can see what
life would be like without the other.
目前世界上还存在着种族歧视、政治冲突和国家间的领土纠纷。(there be)
At present there is still racial discrimination, political
conflicts and territorial disputes & between nations in the
In fact, the gap between children and their parents is not so wide
as we expect.
It is a pity that many people have not realized the importance of
He proceeded to tell us about what he saw and heard
Many colleges and universities have enlarged their enrollments in
order that more young &&&&&&
people can receive higher education. &&&&&
In the last few years the conventional wisdom has
been that the advent of the new media will hasten the demise of
print, and that the culture of print will soon be a thing of the
A number of recent developments suggest that new
media may actually be the salvation of old media, and could
preserve and extend the best aspects of the print
More than a third of their revenue comes from
classified advertising, which readily lends itself to searchable
Web sites.
The Web sites, meanwhile, have become a way to
broaden and deepen Newspapers’ content as a potential source of
revenue, as home pages attract new advertisers and
By 1999, nearly half of those registered readers
reported that they had never purchased a paper copy of the Times,
which means that the online version was introducing the brand to an
entirely new group.
A teacher is supposed to treat his students as if
they were his own children.
It is not what we say but what we do that
We can not estimate the value of modern science
Man can no more
live without food than plants can
grow without sunshine.
Under no circumstances should we forget the
importance of birth control.
Business is becoming more international and
secretaries will increasingly need international communication
Vicky Collins will focus on this in the first part
of her seminar, and prove that communication across language and
cultural barriers is easier than most British secretaries
Collins explains: “The business cultures of some
countries offer more potential pitfalls than others. The wrong
message can be conveyed as easily by body language as by the spoken
It is quite possible that, as such, secretaries
may well find themselves liaising between the English-speaking
world and a non-English speaking company.”
Such an approach also requires no knowledge of
irregular verbs or complicated tenses. Even a handful of such
phrases can increase confidence and make the experience,
Applied linguistics and language teaching are not identical but
share many common & interests..
Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your
There are many theories as to how and why horses and humans have
developed such a special relationship over the ages.
It’s studied that the risk of heart attacks was 17 per cent higher
in the winter than in the & summer, when they were
least frequent.
Data was obtained from 50 men and women aged between 16 and 65, who
to a questionnaire in a face-to-face interview in the shopping
Under its beefburger guise, it was the first of
the new range of “convenience” foods which were about to make the
world a better place and begin the liberation of women from the
drudgery of home-cooking and housework.
True, there were those who rebelled against it,
but to most the hamburger was a reflection of the national love
affair with Americana (美国文化).
By the end of the Eighties it had grown to such a
size that every day 28 million global citizens ate there and the
Big Mac became omnipresent.
McDonald’s stormed the world, but its successes
also drew upon it in the Nineties the criticisms which were leveled
at that era.
Food experts began to see the world’s changing
culinary tastes as a symbol of what is wrong with the new
Culture is everything. Culture is the way we dress, the way we
walk, the way we tie our ties.
Health experts have warned that the incidents of diseases related
to eating and drinking too & much has risen in
recent years, especially during holiday seasons when people tend to
eat and &&&&
drink more but take less exercise.
Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, and heals all
If you have great talents, indust if you have
but moderate abilities, &&&
industry will supply their deficiency.
The stage production of The Sound of Music is to be performed for
the first time in the & Austrian capital, 40
years after the film was released.
Creative thinking requires an attitude that allows
you to search for ideas and manipulate your knowledge and
Genes, the basic parts of cells which are passed
down from parents to children, may have something to do with human
Misunderstanding often happens when two people try
to communicate but fail to say exactly what they mean or
incorrectly assume that they understand what the other has
Today, left-handedness is becoming more and more
acceptable in society, and is even considered advantageous in some
Our lives are so dependent on various kinds of
transportation that we cannot imagine life without them.
New technology could increase rather than solve
the problem of theft and fraud, a British criminologist
We can do anything we want to do, if we stick to
it long enough.
New research has found no link between the use of
cell phones and tumors in the head.
By the time they reached the door, Mrs. Bates had
opened it and the two sisters hurried inside
It’s very fashionable to hand out your email
address, but it would not be sensible to hand it out at random if
you want to control the email volume you have.
The school made it a rule that the students should
stand up when class begins.
Great changes have taken place in my home town in
the past ten years.
At the age of fifteen, he became a famous
Different people have different views to the same
problem, therefore have different solutions.
Decision makers tend to be the key to the
development of company’s business.
His every perception will come to him with a new
freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original.
In part, his success is due to good
Because of bad management, his company
Water pollution causes the residents vulnerable to
Despite what she says, I don’t believe the news
that she was fired.
Modern music attaches great importance to the
participation of the audiences and listeners.
The quarrel originated from
For the sake of your health, you shouldn’t take on
too heavy work.
We should be capable of facing with all
difficulties at critical moments.
Schools should set the student’s full/ all-round
development as their own objectives.
Millions of Americans lie awake at night counting
sheep or have a stiff drink
or pop a pill, hoping it will make them sleepy.
Almost a third of adults have trouble sleeping,
and about 10 percent have symptoms of daytime impairment that
signal true insomnia.
The panel called for a broad range of research
into insomnia, noting that if scientists understood its underlying
causes, they could develop better treatment.
Most, but not all, insomnia is thought to
accompany other health problems, from arthritis and depression to
cardio-vascular disease.
Other diseases aside, the risk of insomnia seems
to increase with age and to be more common among women, especially
after they are fifty.
But there had been too much publicity about my
case./ But my case has become the talk of town now.
陌生感会随着时间而消失& The strangeness will
wear off with time.
There’s never been a day in his life that/when he
didn’t improve in some way.
I didn’t even speak to him, much less discuss your
problem with him.
一切会在六点准备好,也许会差几分钟。 It’ll be ready at six, give
or take a few minutes.
A couple of days had passed before the passenger
ship put into Dalian port.
She is always fooling around. It seems that she is
going to hang about her parents’ neck for the rest of her
Due to circumstances over which he had no control,
he only had four years of schooling and had to work to support his
Adherence to the principle of one China is the
basis and premise for peaceful reunification.
If no one claims the lost umbrella, the person who
found it can keep it.
Teaching is successful only when students are able
to relate what they learn to real life.
9. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,与其身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
Easy to remember, the name Haibao coincides with
its blue color and is a typical lucky name in the Chinese
People in the global village experience cultural
exchanges and clashes, seeking common development in a harmonious
and mutually respectful relationship.
The Taiwan issue bears on the national pride of
the entire Chinese people, and the sovereignty, territorial
integrity and development of China.
We should step up efforts to establish a social
security system.
It is essential to have a profound understanding
of the long-term, arduous and complex nature of the work against
The key to increasing effective demand is the
stimulation of markets and expansion of consumption.
Carpets made in our company are beautiful and
The large-scale development program for the
western region was unfolded and the implementation of strategic
concepts concerning western development was begun.
小冲突发展成为全面对抗 minor clashes develop into all-out
将短篇小说扩充为长篇小说 develop a short story into a full-scale
墙壁上开始出现大裂缝& Large cracks have
begun to develop in the wall of the house.
Does the teacher ever include catch question in
examination papers?
The house for sale is very
cheap;there must be a catch
in it somewhere.
The catch was now being hauled in.
The catch on the door is broken.
He unfastened the lock catch of a box.
account for
The hilly area accounts for a third of the
country’s cultivated land.
They accounted for twenty enemy
as... attest
effectively protect women’s rights against
coincide with the theme &主题表现
theme manifestation
造型设计 image design
带来机遇与挑战& present opportunities
and challenges
全方位对外开放格局基本形成& the pattern of
all-round opening has basically taken shape.
telecommunications has advanced by leaps and bounds
利用外资形势好转& utilization of
foreign capital took a turn for the better.
努力提高利用外资水平& We need to make
better use of foreign funds.
consultation on the basis of equality
step up their economic and technical exchanges and
进口幅度大幅度增加& Import volume
increased by a big margin
have one’s hands full
美中不足 a fly in the ointment
1. His speech was Irish throughout, versatile,
witty, and occasionally pointed.
2. He was struck by her powerful profile, her rich
black hair falling freely onto her shoulders, the intensity of her
dark eyes.
3. All the ones we have seen here have four-star
abilities with five-star ambitions.
4. American parents struggle in a competitive
world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and
5. Their minds are constantly bombarded with
different elements of reality that compete for their
6. Biofeedback teaches patients to control
normally involuntary body function such as heart rate by providing
real-time monitoring of such responses.
7. Generally it is necessary to touch the fish in
two places, completing the circuit, in order to receive a
8. The discovery of the Antarctic not only proved
to be one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures,
but created what might be called “the heroic age of Antarctic
9. Plans are already on foot to set up permanent
bases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years ago
was regarded as a “dead continent” now promises to be a most active
center of human life and endeavor.
10. The concept of personal branding has been
around for more than a decade.
11. While many people are still uncomfortable with
the idea of marketing themselves as a commodity, others see it as
part of the changing world of work.
The match was put on the airs last
airs at the meeting yesterday morning.
Executives must be able to handle a change in
broad segment of industry, society, and government.
The government strongly wish(es) the bill
Poverty is a stranger to industry.&
After receiving high praise from the audience, the
actress has her head turned.
I’m now a little under the weather.
I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh
He is above bribery.
His parents are dead against the trip.&
他的父母坚决反对这次旅行。(dead: completely)
All the engineers could do was bridge it, and that
was a hell of a job. But bridge it they did, and only in
twenty-four hours.
It is these cultural common denominators upon
which we can build understanding, respect and communication.
The present should never be chained to customs
which have lost their usefulness.
He doesn’t teach because teaching is easy for
It never rains but it pours.&
Traditional Japanese fine art may be the only
exception, but it has to be remembered that it has been heavily
influenced by the Chinese culture.
They are seen not only as tools for drawing
pictures, but also as a collective symbol of artistic
The country’s best painters were grouped in the
imperial academy of paintings, where they were ranked the same way
as official according to their artistic accomplishments.
They like to give meaning to the objects they
It doesn’t take a lot of training to paint
landscapes, which all depends on the painter’s personality and
A recent parliamentary report blames the
government and the food industry for the growth in obesity. The
Department of Transport is blamed for not doing enough to promote
facilities for pedestrians and cyclists while submitting to
pressure from motoring organizations representing car
The food industry is blamed for promoting junk
food to school children and not doing enough to cut down on sugar,
fats and salt in prepared foods.
The industry stung by the current popularity of
the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond, but it is
trying to protect a huge market and will need to do considerably
more if it is to ward off increased regulation.
Interestingly, Japanese cuisine has become highly
popular in Britain.
But Britain has to do more to tackle the problems
of alcoholism associated with the binge drinking culture—including
violence and vandalism. Limited consumption of alcohol, as long as
it is not combined with driving, is harmless and possibly
A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in
the United States believe that communication between them and their
parents is poor and further that one of the prime causes of this
gap is deficient listening behavior.
As a case in point, one parent believed that her
daughter had a severe hearing problem. She was so convinced that
she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested.
A leading cause of the rising divorce rate is the
failure of husbands and wives to interact effectively. They don’t
listen to each other. Neither person responds to the actual message
sent by the other.
Because they don’t believe that they listen to
them. In fact, it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t even
listen to themselves.
When he rose to speak to the horror of the press
aide and the amusement of his audience, Montoya began reading the
press release, not his speech.
Early retirement places an unsustainable burden on
pension financing. There is no easy solution, but delaying
retirement could help.
Early retirement may seem like a worthy individual
goal, but it is a socially expensive one, and makes the present
public pension system difficult to sustain for long.
In the next 50 years, low fertility rates and
rising life expectancy in OECD countries will cause this old-age
dependency rate to roughly double in size.
Action is needed, but simply aiming to reduce the
generosity of public pensions, or trying to augment the role of
privately funded pensions within the system, though necessary
steps, may be insufficient to deal with the dependency
Surely, the thinking goes, if we are healthier now
and jobs are physically less strenuous and unemployment is down,
then perhaps the present rate should rise anew.


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