I am  not happy beca se se是什么意思思

【英文天天写】130402 翻拍的“逆袭”——创新or噱头?
发布于: 20:00:01
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&& 1、本节目是一档写作类节目,目的在于提升大家的英语写作能力。每天一期,每晚20点发布。2、每期节目选取当下国内外热点槽点话题,由主持人给出写作提示和范文后发布。3、节目参与形式为:1)沪友递交自己的作文。2)除首层楼之外,其他参与沪友对自己楼上的沪友作文进行点评。3)主持人按照点评标准选取作文进行点评。4、写作字数限制为100个单词左右。由于主持人时间和精力有限,不能对所有沪友递交的作文进行点评,因此采用如下点评标准:1、写作字数在100个单词左右。2、除首层楼的沪友外,其他参与沪友要对自己楼上沪友的作文进行简单点评(可以从拼写、语法、遣词造句、行文结构等方面进行点评,不求多么精确,但求互相鼓励。因为主持人受限于时间和精力可能照顾不到每一个沪友,因此希望大家能够多多互动,多多交流,多多讨论。讨论和交流的过程本来也就是一个进步的过程。)。3、在节目发布后的24小时内递交作文。4、递交作文对所有沪友开放。因为点评数量有限,如果设置了“仅楼主可见”,那么其他参与沪友只能看到主持人的点评,却看不到作文。这样就白白浪费了一次汲取经验的机会。5、符合以上条件的沪友,会按照回复楼层从上到下进行点评。每期每个小编至少点评10名,大家要珍惜机会噢。 注:考虑到有一些沪友会提前抢占楼层,随后才递交作文。因此,实际点评顺序以小编值班时的作文楼层顺序为准。
& & &Nowadays, a growing number of TV dramas have been adapted from classic works of the same title. &Of course, there is nothing wrong with this.& But should the original ones be totally changed just for catching audiences' eyes?& A recent case concerns Jin Yong's famous Kongfu novel,&The Smiling Proud Wanderer(Xiao ao jiang hu), which has been adapted again for the screen by FAMOUS scriptwriter, Mr. Yu.& With its subversion of the characters and shocking plot, it became a massive hit.& Those within film and TV circles criticize him for he spoils the rules of this field while some youngsters, especially those born after 1995, argue that but for the TV drama they would not know this book.&&& &&& & &&& & &&
Have you ever seen this new TV drama? &What do you think of it? &&Are you shocked by it?& Or do you just think that is no ground for blame?& Write whatever you want to say.
主持人例文&&by &beata娟
& &&&Actually, I felt very angry at this remake drama immediately I saw its trailer.& No words could describe my disappointment and annoyance.&It totally did ruin the characters I like.& In my view, it is not innovation, but an eye-catching publicity stunt.& Definitely, under market economy system, money talks and audience ratings&mean a lot toTV stations and&media&firms.& But should they sacrifice&their responsibilities just&for&pursuit&of&interests?& Is the rise in ratings well worth the decline of quality?& And what I wonder most is the place where they will draw the bottom line.&Entering&the&visual&communication&ages, the attention becomes the important and economic resources.&&Maybe closing my eyes to many things is my best silent boycott.&I don’t worry much about the classic, because the reason why the classic can be classic is that they will never fade with the passing of time.
1 话题:这次的话题比较随意,大家发表自己的观点就好,要学会用各种不同方式表达自己的感情。吐槽也是要抓住要点的,众所周知,老外的吐槽功力可是很高的,杀人不见血的那种级别。 2 模仿:模仿是很重要的英文写作方法(例文里面就模仿了一些新概念的句子),模仿你学过的、背过的句子和文章,开始的时候换几个词,然后换一些词组,慢慢到最后就可以灵活运用了。这样可以很好的避免中式英语的表达。 3 标点符号:英文里面标点符号是有一定格式的,一般逗号后面空一格,句号(问号、感叹号等)后面空两格(不过现在好像大多数老外习惯只空一格)。关于英文标点符号的运用,沪江里面的几篇文章大家可以看一下。 常用标点符号用法与表达 & & 托福写作:标点符号的使用一、二、三&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&& & & & & & &&
点评例文&&by &陈巧欢
& & &I haven’t seen it yet. For me, adapted movies offer a different way to savor the books. They can satisfy our desire to see characters come into life. The boundless landscape and charming Mr. Darcy in the movie&Pride and Prejudice&aretruly arresting. Or they might kill our romance. I found the book&Hunger Games&quite fun and gripping but my fantasy was strangled by the adapted movie. As for the movies that are just made for entertainment, I see most of them a flop.&Pilgrimage to the West&(Xi you ji)&has been adapted into many wild versions. I shudder to think that Sun&Wukong would want to be loved by a woman. I’d rather fancy the book as one of trust, loyalty and persistence.
怎么样,你是不是也can’t stand众多翻拍影视剧了 或者你内心足够强大,越shock越爱 不管怎样 & & & &都来畅所欲言吧!!
欢迎来到【英文天天写】 这周起我们节目全新改版为日更节目了~~ 鼓掌~撒花 &O(∩_∩)O 以后每周二我和巧欢都在这里 大家要踊跃地写、大胆地写 有什么意见和建议也不要忘了提出来 Keep practising, and we will make progress!!
There is nothing wrong with the action itself of remaking classics, but the attitude to do it and the effect is the matter. As is known to all, literature, film and television works reflect the characteristics of a specific era. Also, they require the authors or filmmakers’ a lot of effort. That’s the reason why many classics remain in minds of most people permanently. In contrast, those remake works on TV nowadays, can no longer represent the original social feature and the author’s ideas. And the actors' performance is also poor for a lack of the deep understanding of the original work. Maybe nothing else but money is the purpose. So I will never watch the drama for it’s sure to be nonsense, from my point.
(on the road)
乃要不要这么快。。沙发君 。。
beata娟说:乃要不要这么快。。沙发君 。。写得匆忙,请多指正。
(on the road)
There is nothing wrong with the action itself of remaking classics, but the attitude to do it and the effect is the matter. As is known to all, literature, film and television works reflect the characteristics of a specific era. Also, they require the authors or filmmakers’ a lot of efforts. That’s the reason why many classics remain in minds of most people permanently. In contrast, those remake works on TV nowadays can no longer represent the original social features and the author’s ideas. And the actors' performance is also poor for lack of(“由于缺乏……”可以直接用for lack of...表达) the deep understanding of the original works. Maybe nothing else, but for money.(这句最好补完整哦) So I will never watch the drama for it’s sure to be nonsense, from my point.
Good job!!只有一点点粗心的小错误~~
Thanks for joining us!!
beata娟说:There is nothing wrong with the action itself of remaking classics, but the attitude to do it and the effect is the matt...嗯。改好了。谢谢点评。我会坚持练习。Fighting!!
(on the road)
cily12说:嗯。改好了。谢谢点评。我会坚持练习。Fighting!!表扬一个~~Maybe nothing else but money is the purpose.这句要去掉for哦~
but for意为“要不是”,一般用于虚拟语气~~
beata娟说:表扬一个~~Maybe nothing else but money is the purpose.这句要去掉for哦~
but for意为“要不是”,一般用于虚拟语气~~嗯。谢谢指点。学习了。
(on the road)
cily12说:嗯。谢谢指点。学习了。嗯嗯,更正一下~~lack作名词时,a lack of前的a可有可无,我之前貌似说错了~~抱歉啦,我肯定是昨天晚上脑子抽了~~
beata娟说:嗯嗯,更正一下~~lack作名词时,a lack of前的a可有可无,我之前貌似说错了~~抱歉啦,我肯定是昨天晚上脑子抽了~~呵呵。我又学习了。谢谢!
Jin Yiong is my favorite writer when I was young. I am familiar with his every single novel as I am a big fan of him.
I’ve refused to watch any TV shows adapted from his novels since I started reading them. Because of the limitation of screen, the program makers have to rearrange some of the plots and try to express the story in their own ways.
But the matter is it is not easy to satisfy the audience who have already read the books. They got their own understanding of the classic and it is hard to change their minds. But for those who have never read those books, it is a good way to introduce them a great classic. A recent case concerned the Ice and Fire Songs. With the TV play was shown, the novels gained a great popularity in a flash.
In short, adapting a classic is acceptable for me and
the producers have their rights to present his comprehension of the classic in different ways. It is no need to be angry with them. But for me, I would rather not to watch those TV dramas that I have already read. ^_^
(on the road)
I‘m waiting for your words, dear~~~
寫好了, 主持, 麻煩看看, 謝謝^^
(on the road)
Jin Yong is my favorite writer when I was young. I am familiar with his every single novel as I am a big fan of him. I’ve refused to watch any TV shows adapted from his novels since I started reading them. Because of the limitation of screen, the program makers have to rearrange some of the plots and try to express the story in their own ways. But the matter is that(引导表语从句的that一般不要省略~~) it is not easy to satisfy the audience who have already read the books. They got their own understanding of the classic and it is hard to change their minds. But for those who have never read those books, it is a good way to introduce them a great classic. A recent case concerned the Ice and Fire Songs. With the TV play shown, the novels gained a great popularity in a flash. (注意with引导伴随状语时的用法,此时相当于一个独立主格结构,一般结构为with...doing/with sth. done)In short, adapting a classic is acceptable to me(某人可以接受的表达是be acceptable to sb.), and the producers have their rights to present their comprehension of the classic in different ways. It is no need to be angry with them. But for me, I would rather not watch(表达应该为would rather not do sth.,没有to哦;would rather后面是接动词原形,否定形式后面也要接原形~~) those TV dramas that I have already read. Good job!!行文流畅,观点明确~~基本没有错误~Dear以后要早点提交哦,不然我们就看漏掉了~~Thanks for joining us. Hope to see u next time!Fighting!!
When I was a little boy, I had already read all of the Jin Yong’s 15 fictions score of times. I know every plot of every Jin Yong novel, and my farorite TV dramas are also adapted from Jin Yong. I like these TV dramas which were made in 1980s and 1990s, most of them are by TVB. But after 2000, the new adapted dramas gradually disappointed me. Recenty the new adapted drama The Smiling Proud Wanderer shocked me. When I watched it some times, I could’t control myself to shout out “Are you kidding me?” Absolutely it’s funny and attracting many people’s eyes, but it’s not The Smiling Proud Wanderer which is so classic that always in my memory since I read it at first time.
(on the road)
(on the road)
When I was a little boy, I had already read all of the Jin Yong’s 15 novels(fiction主要是指科幻小说,用novel就可以了) score of times. I know every plot of every Jin Yong’s novel, and my favorite TV dramas are also adapted from them. I like those TV dramas which were made in 1980s and 1990s, and most of them were made by TVB.(逗号不能连接句子啊) But after 2000, the new adapted dramas gradually disappointed me. Recenty the new adapted drama The Smiling Proud Wanderer(书名、影视剧名用斜体哦) shocked me. When I watched it sometimes(sometimes意为“有时,间或”,some times意为“不少次”,注意区分), I could’t control myself to shout out “Are you kidding me?” Absolutely it is funny and attracts(这里用一般现在时就可以了) many people’s eyes, but it’s not The Smiling Proud Wanderer which is so classic that it has been always in my memory since I read it at the first time.(没有at first time这个词组哦;since的用法:意为“自从…以来”,主句用现在完成时,since引导的从句用一般过去时;注意so...that...句型用法,that后面加完整句子)
beata娟说:When I was a little boy, I had already read all of the Jin Yong’s 15 novels[color=#00008B](fictio...时隔11天又看到beata的点评了,铁杆金庸迷果断留下了幸福的泪水有木有(┳_┳)... 1、表示小说的词不知道除了fiction和novel还有哪些,那么多小说的种类,是都有特定的名词来表示的吗?比如fiction主要指科幻小说。2、单词拼写错误,该打啊我……以及,逗号不能连接句子beata已经多次强调,我总是想当然地忘记加连词,(。﹏。*) 我错了…… 3、书名、影视剧名用斜体,那文章名也要斜体吗?如果是手写的作文,也是要故意写的斜一点吗?4、突然想到,attract many people‘s eyes(吸引很多人的眼球)这样的表达会不会过于中式思维?英语当中有吸引眼球这样的说法么,我算不算是直译的写法?5、so...that...的句型that后面要加完整句子,现在才第一次知道啊,谢谢beata^3^进步很大咩,好开心有木有!这才是写到第九篇啊,继续加油~Fighting together!!!
(on the road)
禾城一隐说:时隔11天又看到beata的点评了,铁杆金庸迷果断留下了幸福的泪水有木有(┳_┳)... 1、表示小说的词不知道除了fiction和novel还有哪些,那么多小说的种类,是都有特定的名词来表示的吗?比如fiction主要指科幻小说。2...哈哈~~看到你每次都来写,我们才感激地抹泪了有木有~~因为我是负责周二节目的,所以这个星期才现身~~1 novel是小说的总称,具体的种类的确有不同的说法(有的跟电影分类很类似):幽默小说 humorous story,历史小说 historical novel,爱情小说 love story,侦探小说 detective story,怪诞小说 mystery story,科幻小说 science fiction……等等,可以灵活表达的~~2 书名等名字手写的时候,可以用双引号,但现在将非介词的词语第一个字母大写比较常用~~3 attract many people‘s eyes 英文中有这个词组的呀~~4 that是引导句子的嘛,后面当然要接完整句子~~真的有进步呀~~相信你会越来越好~~
beata娟说:哈哈~~看到你每次都来写,我们才感激地抹泪了有木有~~因为我是负责周二节目的,所以这个星期才现身~~1 novel是小说的总称,具体的种类的确有不同的说法(有的跟电影分类很类似):幽默小说 humorous story,历史小说 hi...嘛 得到夸奖神马的最开心啦~
(on the road)
禾城一隐说:嘛 得到夸奖神马的最开心啦~继续表扬~~这种方法也值得鼓励~~
交作業了,電視劇看的少,冒昧談點看法,主要還是看英語啦I haven’t seen it yet and I am not a big fun of TV drama. In my opinion whether adapting from classic work is creative innovation or ridiculous stunt depends on the producers’ responsibility. Of course prof covering with a familiar name can save the effort on background and pre-catch audience’s attention no matter the quality is. As comments rising up, no matters criticize or praise, the show win. Luckily there are some conscientious producers with their product, the bride with white hair, at least they try to decorate the classic rather than trash it.
(on the road)
I haven’t seen it yet and I am not a big fan of TV drama. In my opinion whether adapting from classic works is creative innovation or a ridiculous stunt depends on the producers’ responsibility. Of course prof covering with a familiar name can save the effort on setting background and pre-catch audience’s attention no matter how low the quality is.(no matter+疑问词才能引导让步状语从句哦~) As comments accumulating(rise up意为“耸立; 上升; 起来造反; 起义” 这里用不合适哦~), no matters criticize or praise, the show win.(no matter单独使用时,意为“不要紧”或者作句中的表语,这里就是一个单独的分句,与后面的分句间差一个连接词;criticize是v.一句分句中不能出现两个及以上动词啊~~参考写法:It is no matter to the “success” of the show that it gets criticism or praise.电视剧得到批评还是赞扬对它的“胜利”来说无关紧要。) Luckily there are some conscientious producers with their product, The Bride with White Hair(英文中书名、影视剧名记得斜体哦~), and at least they try to decorate the classic rather than trash it.(逗号不能连接两句话)第一个交作业,表扬一个~~俺滴废话有点多,见谅~~写得不错哦,观点很清晰~~注意一下no matter的用法就好了~~Thanks for joining us,and hope you can make progress!!
I believe that the reason many scriptwriter choose classic novels and put it into the TV dramas or films is that classic novels will attract many people who have
read it and loved it. It will also attract the NEWs agents, who will broadcast your TV dramas for free. So it will cost
the film production less to make the film known to the public. For the famous novel"Xiao ao jiang hu",however, it has already been put into TV dramas and films for several editions. So if the film production want to use the fame of the novel and also make the viewers feel something fresh. They had to make some changes. In a word, it is a really commercial strategy to use classical novels' fame and also won't make the viewers feel that there still exists something new and it deserves to be watched. This phenomenon has nothing to do with innovations but only less money for more audience rating. More audience rating means more money, and the money is all what they want.答题用时:[16:42]
(on the road)
I believe that the reason why many scriptwriter choose classic novels and put it into the TV dramas or films is that classic novels will attract many people who have read them and loved them.(注意后面的从句是修饰reason的,所以关系词不能省) It will also attract the NEWs agencies(注意区分agent和agency哦) which will broadcast your TV dramas for free. So it will cost lower production fees to make the film known to the public. For the famous novel &Xiao ao jiang hu&,however, it has already been put into TV dramas and films many times. So if the film producers want to use the fame of the novel and also make the viewers feel something fresh, they have to make some changes.(这个句子还没结束哦,直接用逗号连接,注意时态一致。) In a word, it is a really commercial strategy to use classic(注意区分classic经典的和classical古典的) novels' fame. But it won't make the viewers feel that there still exists something new and it deserves to be watched.(注意切分句子,一句话不要包含太多信息,很容易造成语意不明) This phenomenon has nothing to do with innovation(这个词意为“创新”时,不可数哦) but only high audience rating at a low cost.(这是我的写法,你看这样会不会好一点?) High audience rating(rate/rating一般用high修饰~) means more money, and the money is all they want.(最后一小句要不就用all后面省略定语从句的关系词,要不就用what引导表语从句,all what...这样不对呀~~)
I like your points~~很犀利哦~~
Thanks for joining us!!
beata娟说:I believe that the reason why many scriptwriter choose classic novels and put it into the TV dram...谢谢点评,到处都是错误捉襟现肘,不忍卒视哈。可是不写又永远没有提高,就硬皮头写着了。再次谢谢beata娟,一篇文章我就学到了不少信息,哈。
(on the road)
zhuliyeer说:谢谢点评,到处都是错误捉襟现肘,不忍卒视哈。可是不写又永远没有提高,就硬皮头写着了。再次谢谢beata娟,一篇文章我就学到了不少信息,哈。真心没有什么大问题啊,没有到处都是错误呀~~Practice makes perfect~~有帮助就好~~我们都是互相学习,一起提高~~
beata娟说:真心没有什么大问题啊,没有到处都是错误呀~~Practice makes perfect~~有帮助就好~~我们都是互相学习,一起提高~~恩,你点评的方式很好。写出来帖子,自己越看越觉得不好,不过得到点评总有些莫名小兴奋,呵呵。进步,进步~
(on the road)
zhuliyeer说:恩,你点评的方式很好。写出来帖子,自己越看越觉得不好,不过得到点评总有些莫名小兴奋,呵呵。进步,进步~ 每期都会有小编点评的,所以乃不要犹豫,果断写~~~
I think there are enough negative arguments behind Mr. Yu.
It is true that he is a little bit cheap to copy others' ideas and claim them as his own TV however, this reflects a more social problem.
It indicates that our generation lack of innovation and we want to produce the drama as fast as possible and tracing the money as much as we can.
A good scriptwriter needs to spend his time to generate his ideas, to choose the candidness of the drama and etc..
Look at the drama from the USA, they spend their whole year to work with season one that only contained maybe 12 episodes.
How about us?
We spend 3 months to finish up to 36 or 40 episodes.
If Mr. Yu said he would finish his TV productions in a year, I believe the entire Chinese will say NO to him.
It is not only his problem, when we question his ability to write a good script, have we ever given him enough time to write a good one? 答题用时:[12:02]
(on the road)
I think there are enough negative arguments behind Mr. Yu.
It is true that he is a little bit cheap to copy others' ideas and claim them as his own TV however, this reflects a big social problem.(没有a more social problem这种表达的呀~~)
It indicates that our generation lacks of innovation and we just want to produce the drama as fast as possible and pursue money (没有见过trace的这种表达呢,建议改为pursue) as much as we can.
A good scriptwriter needs to spend his time generating(没有spend sth. to do 这种表达,spend常用词组是spend...on sth./on doing sth., spend sth. &in& doing sth.) his ideas, choosing the candidates of the drama and etc..
Look at the drama from USA. They spend their whole year working on(换成work on这个词组会好一些,这个词组有“致力于,一直从事...”的意思) one season that only contains maybe 12 episodes.
How about us?
We spend 3 months finishing up with 36 or 40 episodes.(一般没有finish up to这个词组~~)
If Mr. Yu said he would finish his TV productions in a year, I believe all(entire意为“完整的,整个的”,强调每个组成部分都包括在内,修饰的是整体概念;这里换一个词会比较好,或者写成entire China) Chinese will say NO to him.
It is not only his problem when we question his ability to write a good script, but have we ever given him enough time to write a good one?(注意连接词别忘了,逗号不能连接句子的~)
另辟蹊径的解读~~很好呀!!I like it!
最后一句反问,is so thought-provoking.
的确,很多事情是浮躁的时代,或者说是社会现代化进程中不得不忍受的阵痛~~This is an impetuous era, is a lost era. And fast-food cultures flood in.
Thanks for joining us!
I haven't seen it yet and I won't watch it.
From my point of view, a good adapted
is depend on a good director creative and innovation to give the film a new life from original book and preserve the novel spirit. Like the movie
& The Lord of the Rings&. The director Peter Jack used modern digital technology brought a fantastic vision and still keeping the essential story.
The classic novel& Les Miserable& have been play in big screen and TV drama
by different version, But, never change the main novel characters.
I was growing up with Jin Yong's novels. All of his novel characters are deep in my brain.
To be a loyalty fan, my sugession is turn off the TV and find & The Smiling Proud Wanderer& read it again.
(on the road)
I haven't seen it yet and I won't watch it.
From my point of view, a good adapted
film depends on a good director who has creation and innovation(director后面缺少连接词;adj.怎么能和n.并列呢?要注意所用词的词性呀~~) to give the film a new life from original book and preserve the novel spirit, like the movie
&The Lord of the Rings&.(like意为“像…一样”时,作介词,不能单独引导句子的~) Director Peter Jack used modern digital technology
to bring a fantastic vision and still kept the essential story. (注意一些固定的词组的使用,use sth. to do sth.; 一个分句中不能出现两个及以上的谓语动词的~)
The classic novel &Les Miserable& have been played in big screen and adapted into TV drama many times, but the main novel characters have never been changed.(这样写会比较好哦,原来的句子缺少主语~) I grows up with Jin Yong's novels. All of his novel characters are deep in my brain. To be a loyal fan, my suggestion is turning off the TV and finding &The Smiling Proud Wanderer& to read it again.(还是老问题呀,一个句子中出现太多谓语动词,这是不对的。英文不同于中文,中文的句子松散,想用几个动词用几个动词,但是英文有严密的逻辑,动词不能乱用,需要变换动词的形式或者使用连词。切记~~)又是一个金庸迷哦~~能用到其他两个例子来论证,good!!一定要注意我最后说的那个问题~~Hope we can help you to make progress~~Thanks for joining us!!
I just have seen the preview of this TV show that I can bear.
Maybe the main funcion of TV is tranport the information which we benifit from it.
Therefore, the stuff of the channel have the duty to make or pick up the suitable shows to perform.
It's ok to make appropriate changes on the drama, however, changing a lot is unaccepable for we should respect the writter of The Smiling Proud Wanderer(Xiao ao jiang hu), Jin Yong.
Even though, I still have confidents in our TV shows for there are many excellent directors and writters who is depending themselves on making fabulous TV shows.
I'm looking forward to it.
(on the road)
I just have seen the preview of this TV show that I can't bear.
Maybe the main function of TV is transmitting(这里用transport不太好,transport主要指交通方面的运输,is已经是谓语动词了,不能再用动词哦~~) the information that we can benifit from it.(连接词后面是完整的句子,不能用which引导定语从句;改为that引导的同位语从句,或者还是用which但是要去掉it,from也可以移到which前面~)
Therefore, the staff(staff和stuff不要混淆啦~~) of the channel have the duty to make or pick up suitable shows to air.(用perform这个词不妥,改为air或者broadcast更好~)
It's ok to make appropriate changes on the drama, however, changing a lot is unaccepable for we should respect the writter of The Smiling Proud Wanderer(Xiao ao jiang hu)(记得书名要斜体), Jin Yong.
Even though, I still have confidence in our TV shows for there are many excellent directors and writters who are depending on themselves making fabulous TV shows.(depend是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语,词组是depend on/upon sb doing sth)
I'm looking forward to it. 没有太大问题,有些动词的用法要注意一下~~提交之前检查一下哦~~写一个topic的时候,有很多方面可以入手,最简单的就是--描述现象,解释原因,阐述后果,给出解决方案~~一般的结构是这样的~~不过在我们的节目你可以写任何你想说的,不用太拘束~~写的时候,先亮出观点,然后论证,可以用例子,可以对比论证,数据论证或者名人名言论证等各种方法~~Thanks for joining us!!一起进步吧~~
The classic can't be remade, but imitated. Those scripwriters or directors who say the classic could be far beyond always want to catch eyes. The classic is a symbol reflected not only artists' chrisma, but the environment of the society, people's relationship, drama or movie industry by then. It is a systematic product, not just a simple commodity which is displayed in the store and could be manufactured on assembly line. Also, generally, the classic could be a criterion to measure other drama or movies, so it has its own value, sometimes it could be deeply planted inside ideological system of a generation. By now, I haven't seen any remade works could be on a par with its counterparts.
(on the road)
The classic can't be remade, but imitated. Those scripwriters or directors who say the classic could be far beyond the original ones(far beyond “远远超出”后面差一个宾语~~) always want to catch eyes. The classic are(the+adj.表示复数概念~) a symbol reflecting(现在分词修饰symbol) not only artists' charisma, but the environment of the society, people's relationship and drama or movie industry in that time.(by then意为“到那时候”在句中一般做时间状语,表示有一个时间点,在这里用不合适~~) It is a systematic product, not just a simple commodity which is displayed in the store and could be manufactured on assembly line. Also, generally, the classic could be a criterion to measure other dramas or movies, and they have their own values. Sometimes they could be deeply planted inside ideological system of a generation.(逗号不能连接句子;这句写法有些中式了;参考写法:Sometimes they could be deeply rooted in the ideology of the time.)
By now, I haven't seen any remade works could be on a par with their counterparts.
Well done!!
Thanks for joining us~~
第一句话是 I can't bear。
(on the road)
As far as I am concerned,there is no doubt that none of the remark dramas is failed,we should respect every works,which are full of painstaking effects of the directors,especially wonderful works.The characters,who are writted by King Yong,are performed by different people would show distinguish effects.Actually the actors or actresses are so hard that they should have our praises.Take&Xiao ao jiang hu& for example,it is not adapted that some figures who are in the remark dramas,but 'Dong Fang bubai',who is acted by'Chen Qiao'en' is perfect although this character in the priginal work is a man.In conclusion 'GOOD OR BAD'depends on different people.
As far as I am concerned,there is no doubt that none of the remark dramas is failed (no drama should be deemed as a failure),we (这里应该大写另起一句哦) should respect every works,which are full of painstaking effects(efforts) of the directors,especially wonderful works.The characters,who are writtedwritten by King Yong,are performed by different peoplewhowould show distinguish effects.Actually the actors or actresses are work so hard that they should have deserve our praises.Take&Xiao ao jiang hu& for example,it is not adapted that some figures who are in the remark dramas 这句有点混乱,想表达什么呢,but 'Dong Fang bubai',who is acted by'Chen Qiao'en' is perfect although this character in the priginal work is a man.In conclusion 'GOOD OR BAD'depends on different people.有自己的思考,不错呢。语法还需要再努力一下下哦,句子长了可能容易出现语法混乱。行文可以再放松,多多上来练习哦。
I just heard it from my roommates. It is said that the plot is so unbelieved, but it can be understanded. nowadays many screenwriters just use criticisms from audience to create audience rating.It is indifferent, so just don't care
I just heard it from my roommates. It is said that the plot is so unbelievedunbelievable, but it can be understanded understood. nowadays 注意大写哦many screenwriters just use criticisms常用单数 from audience to create audience rating.It isindifferent 这个表达有点不寻常~~~(╯﹏╰)It is not a big deal, so just don't care.(and does not deserve much of our attention)确实有炒作之嫌。词语的变形还需要注意,第一句看到so,我以为接下来是so... that 呢,感觉你应该要表达的是the plot too unbelievable to be understood~~呵呵。多多上来发表意见哦
When I was a school girl, my parents tried their best to give me some knowledge as much as possible, but I just didn’t like it, so it is meaningless to judge the knowledge is right or wrong because I don’t accept it at all and for me it is useless. It is just like you said “those born after 1995, argue that but for the TV drama they would not know this book.”.
“The original ones are totally changed just for catching audiences' eyes.” If this kind of act could arouse more and more people to read the original ones, that’s good. So let’s set a balance between them: at the end of the drama, it is given that “dear audience, you can get the original one can be got anywhere ”. Some youngsters may be happily to buy one.
When I was a school girl, my parents tried their best to give me some knowledge as much as possible[color=#00008B](compelled me to learn, 这样是不是简洁一点呢), but I just didn’t like it,so(so 后面应该另起一句了呢) it is meaningless to judge (whether)the knowledge is right or wrong beca[/color]use I don’t accept it at all and for me it is useless(后半句删除使句子更简洁哦,而且没有减损原意). It is just like(As) you said “those born after 1995, argue that but for the TV drama they would not know this book.”. “The original ones are totally changed just for catching audiences' eyes.” If this kind of act could arouse (arouse 后面一般加非人的如interest,anger等,这里可以用encourage)more and more people to read the original ones, that’s good. So let’s set a balance between them: at the end of the drama,itis given (The audience should be informed)that “dear audience, you can get the original one can be got anywhere (one后面的定语应该用一个that来连接哦。整句可以改为Dear audience, you can also reach the original books easily if you like)”. Some youngsters may be happily(happy) to buy one. 思路非常清晰,观点明确,经常上来练习会有更大进步哦。
陈巧欢说:When I was a school gi[color=]rl, my parents tried their best to give me some knowledge as much as possible[color=#00008...thank you!
I am just an onlooker for I come here for the first time. I don't dare to critic others' article because my writter English is just so so.
I am just an onlooker after I come here for the first time. I don't dare to critic others' article because my written English is just so so.
没关系的,任何牛人都是从菜鸟做起,不断练习就好了,大家一起进步呢。我们要”厚脸皮“,love losing face!!
PS:critic是名词,可以用criticise 或者comment on
(on the road)
Come on, dear~~We need your participation~~And we will appreciate whatever you write~~
I haven't seen it yet and I'm not going to. For those classic, there is always at least one new adaptation every year, and it's either for entertainment or for putting someone on the map. What was
worse, the stroy which is always being twisted only to please the audiance can not only spoil the classic but also mislead some audiance. Personally speaking, whether a book should be adapted depends on the ability of the director and the original itself. If it's a modern, say Gossip Girl, the fashion and the gorgeous are a feast for eyes. But if it has some historial background with which the truth matters, the director should equip himself with some basic culture knowledge instead of making things up as he thinks.
I‘m new here and I’m so bad at writing, don't laugh.
I haven't seen it yet and I'm not going to. For those classic, there is always at least one new adaptation every year, and 一般连词and前面不用逗号呢it's either for entertainment or for putting someone on the map. What was is
worse, the stroy which is alwaysbeing 陈述一般情况直接the story which is twisted only to please the audiance can not only spoil the classic but also mislead some audiance. Personally speaking, whether a book should be adapted depends on the ability of the director and the (potential of)original itself. If it's a modernone, say Gossip Girl,the fashion and the gorgeous (the fashion elements and gorgeous girls) are a feast for eyes. But if it has some historial background with which the truth matters, the director should equip himself with some basic culture knowledge instead of making things up as he thinks. I‘m new here and I’m so bad at writing, don't laugh.Your writing flows smoothly and some phrases are interesting. The structure is clear with few grammatical mistakes. Practice more and you can become excellent.
而且其实我也不会点=。= 这要怎么办。那我就学习一下,做个笔记吧?put someone on the map 是让某人更加受到关注 的意思吗? 根据上下文猜的a feast for eyes 视觉盛宴哈哈都是大长句,看的好佩服 第二句What was worse 那里 can not only...but also...愣了一下才反应过来,可能会不会用的结构简单一点会看起来比较顺畅呢?菜鸟不懂乱说的。膜拜~!
渣写作过来占个坑=。= 之前的坑就没填……我知道错了[[渣写作出没 请注意]]-------I was totally shocked the first time when I saw the trailer. Though everyone has his own rights to adapt the novel as he wants, being a huge fan of Jin Yong's, I still can't describe my feelings on this one. It is really understandable that high media exposure, followed by massive profits, being the first big thing on the investors' list. No wonder there comes the lack of respecting original works and appreciating of real beautiful works, if only this kind of terrible dramas still attract attentions. Therefore, maybe we shall wait till one day the audiences are only willing to pay for true piece of art.
(on the road)
I was totally shocked the first time(the first time可以直接引导从句,和when两者取一就可以了~) I saw the trailer. Though everyone has his own rights to adapt the novel as he wants, being a huge fan of Jin Yong's, I still can't describe my feelings on this one.
It is really understandable that high media exposure, followed by massive profits, is the first big thing on the investors' list.(从句中没有谓语动词啊~~no no no~~) No wonder there comes the lack of respecting original works and appreciating of real beautiful works, if(momo是不是把only if和if only弄混了~~only if相当于if的加强版,引导条件状语从句,意思是“只有”;if only的意思是“如果.....就好了”,常用于虚拟语气~~这里表示“如果”含义的话,直接用if就可以了~~) this kind of terrible dramas still attract attentions.
Therefore, maybe we shall wait till one day the audiences are only willing to pay for true piece of art.
beata娟说:I was totally shocked the first time[color=#00008B](the first time可以直接引导从句,和when两者取一就可以了~)[/color...神马素 独立主格结构?
(on the road)
禾城一隐说:神马素 独立主格结构?你确定要我讲,那是一个很长很长的故事~~就是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结构,用于修饰整个句子~~你可以就理解为一个分句,一个不用连接词,但是变换谓语动词形式的分句。。不过以后新概念的课文会学到的呀~~不用着急~~
(on the road)
beata娟说:I was totally shocked the first time[color=#00008B](the first time可以直接引导从句,和when两者取一就可以了~)[/color...昂昂昂 beata抱!我知道其实你们改作文比我们听歌辛苦多了=0=
有时候句子一长就容易漏成分= = 下次要用笔写了再手打才行了【我是不是好土_(:з」∠)_
if only 那个的确是疏忽了囧~~~本来是想表达 “‘如果’ ‘只有’这种烂片能够……” 的……_(:з」∠)_
谢谢beata 真的好耐心好认真 ~~ 我以后会常来增添你们的工作量的!!&3&
(on the road)
momo3ma说:昂昂昂 beata抱!我知道其实你们改作文比我们听歌辛苦多了=0=
有时候句子一长就容易漏成分= = 下次要用笔写了再手打才行了【我是不是好土_(:з」∠)_
if only 那个的确是疏忽了囧~~~本来是想表达 “‘如果’ ‘只有’这...不辛苦不辛苦~~欢迎继续增加俺们的工作量,俺们不介意滴~~~手写更有写作文的赶脚啊,如果你不嫌麻烦的话~~是我疏忽啦没反应过来~~原来是if & only~ 表达“如果只有“的意思的话,也可以用there be句型~~抱住乃~~俺有时间就去唱歌~~
beata娟说:不辛苦不辛苦~~欢迎继续增加俺们的工作量,俺们不介意滴~~~手写更有写作文的赶脚啊,如果你不嫌麻烦的话~~是我疏忽啦没反应过来~~原来是if & only~ 表达“如果只有“的意思的话,也可以用there be句型~~抱住乃...那么晚还要继续回复真不好意思& & 是说 if there is only this kind of ... 这样子吗?
(on the road)
momo3ma说:那么晚还要继续回复真不好意思& & 是说 if there is only this kind of ... 这样子吗?米事啦,夜猫子表示无压力~~嗯嗯可以这样写~~
晚安~~!& &
Firstly, i want to say that it is a brillante marketing stategory for Drama producer and Tv Station to catching eyes of the teenager to arouse their interested of a classic novel.
As we awere, usually the teenager,they don't have much time to read classic but TV drama. So it is better creating more adapted movie rather than throwing much Brain Damage movie for our cute teenagers.
At least they could begin to get interested from Classic Novel or Drama from wathing adapted ones.
Seconldy,one hardcore fan of Mr.JinYong,my GF's farther,likes to watching this adapted ones too. it sounds unbelievable, is it right? why!he just likes to see the very different aspect
of each characters
he liked in adapted ones.
What a redicult thing it is,but it is the turth.答题用时:[31:41]
Firstly, i want to say that it is a brillante brilliantmarketing stategory strategy for Drama producer and Tv Station to catching catch eyes of the teenagers and to arouse their interested interestsof in a classic novel.
As we awere(aware是形容词,这里可以We are aware that), usually the teenager,they don't have much time to read classic but TV drama (为了使逻辑更加清楚,我们可以这样子:Teenagers spend much more time on TV dramas than on books.). So it is better creating to create it's better to do sth. 哦。more adapted movie rather than throwingthrow (it is better to do rather than (to) do) much Brain Damage(想说脑残?呵呵,可以用brain-damaging,因为damage和movie是主动的关系,表达有点怪呢,unhealthy等其他词比较符合说话习惯哦) movies for our cute teenagers. At least they could begin to get interested from Classic Novel or Drama from wathing adapted ones.(这句有点混乱,整理一下可以变成:At least they can develop interest in classic novels by watching adapted movies.)
Seconldy,one hardcore fan of Mr.JinYong,my GF's farther,likes to watching (likes watching。) this adapted ones one too. it sounds unbelievable, 这里分开用句号,应该是两句了is it right? why!he just likes to see the very different aspect
of each characters用了each 后面是单数哦
he liked 这里应该用现在时哦 in adapted ones.
What a redicult ridiculous thing it is, 为了流畅,前面的it is 和逗号可以不要but it is the turth .
陈巧欢说:单词拼写方面呢好多像在写法语什么的呢,嘿嘿,语法嘛还需要再努力哦。是个不错的尝试,经常练习就会有不断的进步的。我不可以这样用As we aware吗?As we aware,teenagers spend much more time on TV dramas than on books
aarondc说:我不可以这样用As we aware吗?As we aware,teenagers spend much more time on TV dramas than on books亲,是这样的,aware是形容词不是动词,所以一定是be aware 哦。If you are aware of something, you know about it.
陈巧欢说:亲,是这样的,aware是形容词不是动词,所以一定是be aware 哦。If you are aware of something, you know about it.好感动,感谢欢妮~
陈巧欢说:亲,是这样的,aware是形容词不是动词,所以一定是be aware 哦。If you are aware of something, you know about it.likes to watching,to后面也可以加ing吧
aarondc说:likes to watching,to后面也可以加ing吧不好意思现在才看到~~~~%>_<%。to 后面确实可以加ing的,但是这时的to是介词。like to do这里是动词不定式,所以要用原形,watch不能变成watching哦。态度很认真,表扬~
aarondc说:likes to watching,to后面也可以加ing吧不好意思现在才看到~~~~%>_<%。to 后面确实可以加ing的,但是这时的to是介词。like to do这里是动词不定式,所以要用原形,watch不能变成watching哦。态度很认真,表扬~
I dont know how to describe my feeling when I first saw this
TV dramas. I almost can‘t believe my eyes that.dong fang bu bai how could be a young lady and
fall in love with Make the Fox Rush? That is too funny!In some fans’ heart Mr Yu is famous scriptwriter ,however,in my personal sense he just a Clown who in order to catch audiences’eyes and profit from them.He ruins my dream about this novel and hurts all the fans of Jin Yong.But its all right ,classic will never be replace.With the time passing ,some horrible remade will missing and classic will always stay in our heart . 好久没写作文了,有种好渣的赶脚~~ 求犀利点评
(on the road)
I don't know how to describe my feeling when I first saw this TV drama. I almost can‘t believe my eyes that Dongfang Bubai becomes a young lady and
falls in love with Make the Fox Rush?(注意中文名字姓和名分开,且首字母大写;LOL~~This translation is so funny~~;that引导的从句中直接用陈述句写就好了~~) That is too funny!In some fans’ hearts Mr. Yu is a famous scriptwriter, however, in my personal sense he is just a Clown who wants to(in order to用来引导目的状语,不能当谓语动词用的~~) catch audiences’ eyes and profits from them. He ruins my dream about this novel and hurts all the fans of Jin Yong. But it's all right. Classics will never be replaced. With the time passing, some horrible remakes(remake可以作n.直接表示翻拍品) will disappear and classics will always stay in our hearts.
哈哈,看来乃对于麻麻怨念颇深~~Me too~~
Thanks for joining us~~
(I'm Kitty.)
Actually, I felt very angry at this remake drama immediately I saw its trailer.
No words could describe my disappointment and annoyance. It totally did ruin the characters I like.
In my view, it is not innovation, but an eye-catching publicity stunt.
Definitely, under market economy system, money talks and audience ratings mean a lot toTV stations and media firms.
But should they sacrifice their responsibilities just for pursuit of interests?
Is the rise in ratings well worth the decline of quality?
And what I wonder most is the place where they will draw the bottom line. Entering the visual communication ages, the attention becomes the important and economic resources.
Maybe closing my eyes to many things is my best silent boycott. I don’t worry much about the classic, because the reason why the classic can be classic is that they will never fade with the passing of time.
(on the road)
Are you kidding me, dear?? 我是说咋这么眼熟咧~~
Come on~~ Write some words of yourself~~
Anyway, thanks for your coming~
(I'm Kitty.)
When I was a little boy, I had already read all of the Jin Yong’s 15 fictions score of times. I know every plot of every Jin Yong novel, and my farorite TV dramas are also adapted from Jin Yong. I like these TV dramas which were made in 1980s and 1990s, most of them are by TVB. But after 2000, the new adapted dramas gradually disappointed me. Recenty the new adapted drama The Smiling Proud Wanderer shocked me. When I watched it some times, I could’t control myself to shout out “Are you kidding me?” Absolutely it’s funny and attracting many people’s eyes, but it’s not The Smiling Proud Wanderer which is so classic that always in my memory since I read it at first time. Firstly, i want to say that it is a brillante marketing stategory for Drama producer and Tv Station to catching eyes of the teenager to arouse their interested of a classic novel.
As we awere, usually the teenager,they don't have much time to read classic but TV drama. So it is better creating more adapted movie rather than throwing much Brain Damage movie for our cute teenagers.
At least they could begin to get interested from Classic Novel or Drama from wathing adapted ones.
Seconldy,one hardcore fan of Mr.JinYong,my GF's farther,likes to watching this adapted ones too. it sounds unbelievable, is it right? why!he just likes to see the very different aspect
of each characters
he liked in adapted ones.
What a redicult thing it is,but it is the turth.
Actually, the TV drama which is mentioned in the background context called the Smiling Proud Wanderer is one of my favorite drama this first half year. No matter how it is ridiculous, it brings me a lot of happiness with about three episodes at each work day. I'm staying in USA and in the face of much crazy study. This drama really relaxed me as well as many friends around me. Certainly that, I am not a fan of Jin Yong. However, i believe that many fans of the famous writer would not like the scriptwriter and so do I. What i should say is that if you want to classic story, you can go to read that book and if you want fun, go ahead to watch the funny drama. Different adaptions always produce different economic benefit and at the same time, it's a way that actors are dependent on.答题用时:[11:53]
(on the road)
Actually, the TV drama which is mentioned in the background context called the Smiling Proud Wanderer is one of my favorite dramas this first half year. No matter how ridiculous it is,(感叹句:how+形容词或副词+陈述语序) it brings me a lot of happiness with about three episodes in each work day. I'm staying in USA and in the face of much crazy study. This drama really relaxed me as well as many friends around me. Certainly that, I am not a fan of Jin Yong. However, I believe that many fans of the famous writer would not like the scriptwriter and so do I. What I should say is that if you want the classic story, you can go to read that book and if you want fun, go ahead to watch the funny drama. Different adaptions always produce different economic benefit and at the same time, it's a way that actors are dependent on.Good job!!These words are what we are hoping to read.
Everyone can show his different idea.There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. Thanks for joining us.Take care of yourself in USA.ANDBest wishes for u.Fighting!!Hope to see u next time~~~
Mr. Yu has completely destroyed my bottom line and I feel totally shocked and desperate immediately I saw the adapted drama. Actually, I have not read the classic work written by JinYong, adapted by which I have watched several dramas, though. Frankly speaking, Mr. Yu's work is the last one that can attach my eyes on the TV. I can kind of understand the concept of innovation and creation of Mr. Yu, however, it does not mean he can be forgiven. I firmly believe that the best adapted dramas should seize the main point conveyed by writers tightly first and then plus some creative opinions. Moreover, the dramas could appeal audiences to look at the original work, even only a quick glance, and establish and broaden the horizon from the differences between the original and the adapted.
Mr. Yu has completely destroyed my bottom line and I feel totally shocked and desperate immediately I saw the adapted drama. Actually, I have not read the classic work written by JinYong, adapted by which (by which 这里的which如果指的是works,那么搭配上应该是movies adapted from works,应该是from,但是后半句来看语法还是很混乱,和前面不协调,如果一定要用which的话,可以试试这样:I haven't read about JinYong's works, some of which have been adapted into movies.一句话说完简洁一点可以这样:I haven't read about JIn Yong's works but have watched some of the adapted dramas. ) I have watched several dramas, though. Frankly speaking, Mr. Yu's work is the last one that canattach (attract) my eyes on the TV. I can kind of understand the concept of innovation and creation of Mr. Yu (这里两个of会产生歧义,是yu的创新概念还是关于yu的创新的概念?creation是创造,要表达创造力用的是creativity哦。), however, (用however这里应该另起一句,要不可以用but 连接)it does not mean he can be forgiven. I firmly believe thatthe best(这里没有比较,直接用good或great等表示一般好的改编影视作品)adapted dramas should seize the main point conveyed by writers tightly first and then plus (plus没有动词的用法,可以用add) some creative opinions. Moreover, the dramas could appeal audiences tolook at [color=#00008B](read)[/color] the original work, even only (at) a quick glance, and (这里有点overrun,建议分成两句)establish (establish和horizon不搭配) and broaden the horizon from the differences between the original and the adapted. 意思明了,只是表达不够简洁,用词和搭配方面建议要加强阅读。多上来练练,每次都会有收获的。


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