
1. He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.
2. I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.
3. She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.
4. He is being treated for a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
5. She summoned up all her pity for him, to smother her self-pity.
英汉词汇翻译对照表_吴畏_新浪博客 ... Self-renovation: 自主创新 Self-reproach: 自责 Self-righteousness: 自以为是.
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... remorseless adj. 无情的,残忍的; 不懊悔的, 不悔恨的 self-reproach n. 自责; 后悔 compunction n. 内疚, 后悔, 悔恨.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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self-discipline ['self'd?s?pl?n]
1. He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。 2. An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing. 苦行,布赎一种用来表示悔罪或对过失错误的赎罪的自我惩罚或忏悔的行为 3. A self-made man? Yes, and worship his creator. 是自己奋斗成功的人士吗?是啊,正在礼拜他的造物主呢。 4. Emma Woodhouse, rich, clever, beautiful, and no more spoiled and self-satisfied than one would expect under such circumstances, had just seen her friend, companion, and ex-governess, Miss Taylor, married to a neighboring widower, Mr. Weston. 爱玛·伍德豪斯家境富有,人又聪颖、美丽,处于这种环境里的人有些娇生惯养,自以为是,也在情理之中。她刚刚参加了她的朋友、伴侣、前家庭教师泰勒小姐嫁给邻近的鳏夫韦斯顿先生的婚礼。 5. The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, bravery. 勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量使人带有沉着、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态; 勇气 6. Self- make men are very apt to usurp the prerogative of the almighty and overwork themselves. 全凭一己奋斗而成功的人,大有篡夺上帝的大权之势而过度工作。当前位置: &
中文翻译自我正当性自义:&&&&n. (pl. selves ) 1.自己;自身;本身; ...
例句与用法1.May we pursue the right without self-righteousness .愿我们追求正义而不自以为是。2.Avoid self-righteousness like the devil--nothing is so self-blinding .不要象魔鬼那样自认为是--没有什么比这更盲目的了。3.Conventionality is not morality . self - righteousness is not religion习俗不不等于道德,自以为是也不是宗教。 4.Avoid self - righteousness like the devil - - nothing is so self - blinding不要象魔鬼那样自认为是- -没有什么比这更盲目的了。 5.This attitude - what later writers would call " triumphalism " - would soon bear bitter fruit , as self - righteousness men came into conflict with each other在自以为义的人彼此之间产生冲突之后,这样的心态(作者后来将称之为成功主义( )很快地长出了恶果。 6.Modernism in the anglo - saxon world began as a reaction against certain qualities of smugness , earnestness and self - righteousness that walter pater and the aesthetes perceived to be the dominant tone of victorian literature盎格鲁撒克逊世界的现代主义是以反对洋洋得意、一本正经和自命清高的一些风气而兴起的,这些风气被沃尔特?佩特和美学家们视为维多利亚文学的主调。
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中文翻译自扫描:&&&&n. (pl. selves ) 1.自己;自身;本身; ...:&&&&vt. (-nn-) 1.细看,细察;审视。 2.〔口语 ...
例句与用法1.We propose and analyze an experimental scheme for studying the self - scanning effects of ce : batio3 phase conjugator . then we propose a tunable experimental scheme for p567 laser output using self - scanning effect提出了研究ce : batio _ 3自扫描特性的实验方案,设计并讨论了利用自扫描效应进行固态p567激光调谐浙江大学博士学位论文的实现方案。 2.The effects of multi - grating diffraction result in enhancement of the diffraction efficiency in two - beam interference experiments . with self - pumped phase - conjugate external cavity of ce : batio3 for the cw ti : sapphire laser , the frequency shift of the laser output due to the self - scanning effect was observed , which approve the possibility of the self - scanning tunable method同时位相共轭外腔还使得激光阂值由未加位相共轭腔时的4 . 7w下降到加位相共轭腔时的3 . 6w ,利用外腔理论对实验结果进行了理论分析,理论计算结果和实验结果基本符合。 3.Abstract : based on the electronic focus technology development of state - of - the - art , the paper suggested a complete apparatus s cheme ofauto - focus based on sspd ( self - scanned photodiode array ) and 8098 singl e chipprocessor , giving out a focus criterion algorithm based on image high freq uencystatistics . the function of auto - focus of both reflected and transparent o pticalmicroscope was realized . meanwhile some corresponding problems such as sta bility of lightsource , step motor driving etc . were also discussed , which greatly improved the accuracy andreliability of the system文摘:在介绍与分析了国内外电子调焦系统的技术发展与现状的基础上,提出了一种基于sspd (自扫描光电二极管列阵)与8098单片微处理器自动调焦的整体技术方案,给出了基于图像高频成分统计的聚焦判识算法,在此基础上实现了反射式与透射式光学显微镜的自动调焦,同时对系统的可靠性有关的其它相关问题如光源稳定性、步进电机驱动等问题也进行了讨论。
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中文翻译百科解释董事与公司间之交易假公济私自我交易:&&&&n. (pl. selves ) 1.自己;自身;本身; ...:&&&&n. 1.待遇;处置。 2.(对人的)行为,举动。 3. ...
例句与用法1.The company has gotten self - dealing export and import rights in june 2003公司于二00三年六月取得自营进出口经营权。 2.He irked shareholders , borrowers and staff alike by interrupting the flow of money to self - dealing governments or tainted projects他中断了通向非常规交易政府与低劣项目的货币流通,从而激怒了股东国,借贷国与相关职员。 3.From the view of comparing independent directors with interior ones and supervisors , this article analyzes the main duties of independent director : providing related suggestions , inspecting and supervising management groups , controlling self - dealing , approving the action of engaging in a similar line of business in competition with corporation " business by the directors or officers and checking derivative litigation , etc . ( 3 ) foundation and perfection of independent director system in china另外介绍了有关独立董事任命的几个问题:独立董事的资格、独立董事的提名和任期等。二、独立董事制度在国外的实践和完善主要从其与内部董事、监事相比较的角度分析了独立董事的几大职权:提供相关建议、检查监督管理队伍、管制自我交易,批准董事的“竞业禁止”行为及审查派生诉讼等。 4.The dissertation includes four parts with more than 30 , 000 characters : in the first part , i summarize the regulation system by defining the concepts of " interested party " and " interested party transactions " , classifying the interested party transactions into such four categories as self - dealing , joint transaction , agency transaction and personal tradings and introducing the history of the regulation system本文围绕这一问题共撰写四个部分的内容,约三万余字:第一部分是对利害关系人交易监管制度进行概述,界定本文的核心概念?利害关系人与利害关系人交易,同时把该交易归为本人交易、共同交易、代理交易及个人交易四类。 5.The fiduciary duty of controlling shareholder is different from that of directors . as for the former , duty of care will be happened only in the sale of control , and the duty of loyalty , which prohibit controlling shareholder from oppression on minority , insider - trading , self - dealing and usurping corporation chance , is the crux of controlling shareholders " fiduciary duty与董事的信义义务不同的是,注意义务只是在控制权出售时控制股东承担的义务,而忠实义务是控制股东信义义务的核心,包括不得欺诈、排挤小股东,不得进行内部人交易、不得进行自我交易、不得篡夺公司机会等内容。 6.Some suggestions , which are as follows : ( 1 ) to increase the regulations about obli ( 2 ) to regulate the self - dealing ( 3 ) to forbid usurping the opportunity the co ( 4 ) to increase the obligations of directors " keeping commercial secrets and forbidding to compete with one ' s own company in the same interest in any other companies after ending the bargain , the obligations that directors should fulfill automatically after ( 5 ) to consummate the system of company
( 6 ) to establish and consummate the right of litigation of shareholders , were put forward to bring the obligations and liabilities of directors of our company legislation to completion tentatively我国《公司法》既未规定董事的注意义务,又未规定忠实义务的积极性要求,而对忠实义务的消极性规定则存在较大缺陷。本文提出了完善我国有关董事义务与责任立法的几点建议,包括: ( 1 )增加董事注意义务的规定; ( 2 )系统规定董事“自我交易”规则; ( 3 )明确禁止篡夺“公司机会”的规定; ( 4 )增加董事保守商业秘密和竞业禁止的后契约义务; ( 5 )完善公司介入权制度; ( 6 )确立并完善股东诉权。 7.Some matters in the oversea legal , such as the criterions of obligation of attention , business judgement rule , obligation restriction and exemption when violating obligation of attention , the basic self - dealing , the corporate opportunity doctrine , non - competing rule have be researched in this paper , which has a referential significance to our company law本文对国外法律中关于董事注意义务的标准、经营判断准则、违反注意义务的责任限制和免除、自我交易规则、公司机会规则、竞业禁止义务等问题进行了述评,并阐述了对我国《公司法》的借鉴意义。 8.Because of the information asymmetry between fundholders and fund managers , and on the premise of limited rationality and opportunism of each sides , fund managers ( agent ) ' s behavior will in many situations conflicts with the utility of fundholders , thus producing the agency problems under the structure of investment funds . the specific agency problems of investment funds may include : inefficient investing allocation arising from the adverse selection , and self - dealing , expense - shifting , related transactions , unreasonable risks , and herding behavior deriving from the moral hazard of fund managers基金代理问题的主要类型有:由逆向选择而引起的投资资源的分配无效率以及由基金管理人道德风险而产生的自易行为( self - dealing ) 、费用转移( expense - shifting ) 、关联交易( relatedtransactions ) 、投资风险扭曲( unreasonablerisks )与从众行为( herding ) 。 9.Concerning the problems in the directors ' duty of loyalty system in china ' s corporation law and using relative legal provisions in foreign countries as a reference , this paper puts forward the legislative suggestions on improving the directors ' duty of loyalty system , that is , optimizing the director ' s duty of loyalty , non - competition - duty and contractual duty as well as self - dealing system摘要针对我国公司法中董事忠实义务制度存在的问题,本文在借鉴国外相关立法规定的基础上,提出了完善我国公司法中董事忠实义务制度的立法建议:完善董事忠实义务,完善董事竞业禁止后契约义务和完善自我交易制度。


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