this day isone day beforee sunday的英文

必修作业 >人教版课标初中英语八年级八年级下Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?
Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?(初中英语八年级)
(&甘肃庆阳四期环县初中英语一班 )
人教版课标初中英语八年级八年级下Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?
Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn't it?2.所在班级情况,学生特点分析
1.学会区分礼貌的话题与不礼貌的话题。 You’re&Anna’s&brother,&aren’t&you?&(polite) How&big&is&your&apartment?&(impolite) 2.掌握常见的礼貌话题(weather,&traffic,&music,&sports,&movies&and&activities)及其常用语。 3.能运用所学知识编一个dance&party上的small&talk。 5.教学难点分析
一、复习   做一些反意疑问句的练习,复习上节课的目标语言。   1.&You’d&rather&watch&TV&this&evening,&______?   a.&isn’t&it&b.&hadn’t&you&c.&wouldn’t&you&d.&won’t&you   2.&I&suppose&you’re&not&going&today,&______?   a.&are&you&b.&do&you&c.&don’t&you&d.&aren’t&you   3.&I&wish&to&shake&hands&with&you,&______?   a.&shall&b.&may&I&c.&do&I&d.&will&I&   4.&Three&hours&ought&to&be&enough&time,&______?   a.&oughtn’t&three&hours&b.&didn’t&they&c.&shouldn’t&it&d.&shouldn’t&three&hours   5.&They&have&to&study&a&lot,&______?   a.&don’t&they&b.&haven’t&they&c.&did&they&d.&hadn’t&they   6.&When&the&car&crashed,&your&brother&escaped&being&hurt,&______&?   a.&didn’t&he&b.&did&he&c.&did&it&d.&didn’t&it   7.&I’m&sure&dirty,&______?   a.&am&I&b.&isn’t&I&c.&aren’t&I&d.&am&not&I&   8.&You&seem&to&be&dissatisfied&with&your&present&post.&I&don’t&think&you&judged&your&ability&objectively&when&you&applied&for&it,&______&you?   a.&do&b.&did&c.&don’t&d.&didn’t&   9.&That’s&the&sort&of&the&book&you&want,&______?   a.&is&it&d.&isn’t&that&c.&is&that&d.&isn’t&it   10.&All&these&dictionaries&are&a&great&help&to&you,&______?   a.&are&they&b.&aren’t&they&   c.&are&all&these&dictionaries&d.&aren’t&all&these&dictionaries   参考答案:CABCA&&ACBDB   二、教学SectionB-1a,1b   1.&教师可设计如下的问题,让学生相互讨论。   Is&it&polite&to&ask&people&you&don’t&know&well&about&personal&questions?   Which&are&personal&question?   2.师生共看1a中的4幅图片   师:Look&at&Picture&One.&What&does&the&boy&ask?   生:He&asks&“Do&you&like&thrillers?”   师:Is&it&good&to&have&polite&small talk&with&people&you&don’t&know&well?   生:I&think&so.   说明:在闲谈过程中,问别人一些私人问题(如年龄、收入)是非常不礼貌的,应当避免。   3.&师生看1a的图画,就图画上的问题完成对话,完成1b。   师:Do&you&like&thrillers?   生:No,&but&I&love&comedies.   师:&You’re&Anna’s&brother,&aren’t&you?   生:&Yes,&I&am.   说明:通过师生对话来完成“a&small&talk”这一语言功能项目的活动,同时可通过guessing&games来促进练习,如“You&like&playing&football,&don’t&you?”等。   三、教学SectionB-2a,2b   利用学习指导中中学英语人教课标版8年级课后提高中的多媒体课件中的SectionB-2a,2b进行下列教学活动。 和   1.&播放录音,注意每个对话发生的地点,完成2a,教师核对答案。   2.&再次播放录音,将问题和答案匹配,教师核对答案。   3.&学生在完成2a、2b的听力任务后,可继续进行2b中的对话活动。   A:&You’re&Jenny’s&friend,&aren’t&you?   B:&Yes,&I&am.&My&name&is&Rita.   说明:给学生充足的材料来训练“反意疑问句”构成的“a&small&talk”,&从而达到真正理解和运用本单元语言功能项目的目的。   四、教学SectionB-2c   学生看2c部分的内容,完成自己的“a&small&talk”,参考对话如下。   A:&This&is&a&great&party,&isn’t&it?   B:&Yes,&it&is.&All&the&people&are&friendly&and&the&food&is&very&nice.   A:&But&it’s&very&crowded,&isn’t&it?   B:&Maybe&you&are&right.&Too&many&people&are&here.   A:&Would&you&like&something&to&drink?   B:&No,&thanks.   五、延伸拓展   链接一:何种情境下,我们需要写感谢信,表达谢意?   当我们接受别人的邀请去参加晚会或聚会;当别人送给你礼物;当别人邀请你共进晚餐或当别人给与你帮助等,在这些活动之后,你都应该写信表示谢意。   链接二:回答下列问题:   You&like&English,&don’t&you?   You&are&good&at&English,&aren’t&you?   You&can&learn&English&well,&can’t&you?   You&will&do&better&in&English,&won’t&you?   8.课堂练习
Make&a&small&talk&:&At&Karen’s&Dance&party   Useful&expressions:   This&is&a&great&party,&isn’t&it?   Hi.&My&name&is___.&I’m&Karen’s&friend.   You&love&dancing,&aren’t&you?   ……9.作业安排
1.浏览 _________________________
2.相处融洽 _____________________
3.至少 &________________________&
4.闲聊 _________________________
5.感谢信&&& _____________________&&
6.想要……& _____________________
7.容易做某事&&& _________________&&&
8.排队等候& _____________________
9.渡过愉快的一天&&& _____________&
10.横过公路 _____________________
11.It's going to rain ,you'd better take an u_______.
12.There is a b______ selling all kinds of books near our school.
13.You can't leave your baby son a_____ in the house.
14.The Smiths usually have lunch at home at ______.
15.Walk a____ this road and take the second turning on the left.
16.Your apartment is big,______(don' t you/isn't it)?
17.I like action movies. They're exciting,______(are they/ aren't they)?
18.Have you always gone to this school? No,______(I haven't/I didn't).
19.Are you waiting for the bus? Yes,______(I've been waiting for two hours./I didn't wait for it an hour ago.)
20.It's going to rain,______(isn't it/is it)?
21.You are going to Sandy Beach,______(aren't we/aren't you)?
22.He isn't going to have the concert tonight,______(isn't he/is he)?
23. —I hate rainy days.& —______(So do I/So I do).
24.The prices in this market are very______(high/expensive).
25.Allen will come back______(by the noon/by noon).
26.You should be careful while ________(cross) the street.
27.That nice watch is at _______(little) one hundred yuan.
28.Have you _____(see) that man in blue before?
29.My father is having his _____(thirty ) birthday party.
30.The traffic _____(be) very busy at this time.
31.You like thrillers,______ ______(是吗)?
32.—Would you like something to drink?
—Yes, please. I'd love______ ______(一点柠檬汁).
33.Do you like______ ______(小提琴乐曲)?
34.He has been______ the______(练吉他)for a long time.
35.—I usually take the taxi to school. —______ ______I(我也是).
36.Rita,do you______ an______(带雨伞)?It’ s raining.
37.It’ s______ ______(真热)today, isn’t it?
38.He likes playing soccer,______ ______(是吗)?
39.Let's go to the Water World,______ ______(好吗)?
40.Don't stand too close to everyone,______ ______(好吗)?10. 附录(教学资料及资源)
1. He sure is! 他确实很好!
    It sure was a cold day.    的确是个冷天。
    ——Are you going?      你去吗?  ——Sure.      当然啦。
    be sure of表示“对……有把握,肯定……”。
    I’m sure of his coming.    我确信他能来。
    be sure that… 表示“确定,确信……”。
    I’m sure that he will come.    我确信他能来。
  3. Do you think it’ll stop by noon?    你认为到中午雨会停吗?
    Do you think she can carry the box?    你认为她能搬动这个箱子吗?
    Can you finish your work by 6 pm?    下午6点前你们能完成工作吗?
    By the time we got there,the bus had already gone. 
& by也可以表示方法、手段,意为“同,靠,用,通过”。
    by phone 用电话     by bus  乘公共汽车
5. Thank you so much for inviting me.    非常感谢你邀请我。
  (1)这是对别人提出邀请的礼貌答语。thanks for后接名词或动名词形式,用for引起要表示致谢的原因,表示“因为……而感谢你”。表示感谢最简单最常用的方式是说Thank you或Thanks(这是更随便的说法)。
    She invited us to her party.     她邀请我们参加她的聚会。
6. I'm going to ask my cousin,Tommy,to go with me.我打算要我的表兄汤米和我一起去。
  (1)Tommy在本句中作my cousin的同位语,是对my cousin的补充说明。
    My sister,Jane,is a student.    我妹妹,简,是一名学生。
  (2)to go在这里是ask的宾语补足语,即ask sb to do sth,表示“要求某人做某事。”例如:
    My boss asked me to finish the work before six o'clock.
&I am going to the park with my mother.& = My mother and I are going to the park.      
7. He said he'd help me with my math project.    他说他将帮助我做数学作业。
(2)help sb. with sth.是固定搭配。
    May I help you with your luggage?    我帮你拿行李好吗?
    I did my physics project with my classmates in my house yesterday evening.
8. Paul and I are good friends. We get along well because we both like sports.
    We are both tall.   &&&& &&我们俩都很高。
    They are both boys.    && 他们俩都是男孩。
    Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。
    Both teaching and research work are making great strides.教学与科研都在大踏步前进。
  (3)get along也可写作get on,表示“相处”。例如:
    Do you get along well with your parents?  你和父母相处得好吗?
    Lily gets along well with Lucy. 莉莉和露西相处得很好。
  1. 时间介词in,on,at
  in表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening。
(3)in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。(4)“in + 一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。  in half an hour;
on 后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有:
   on May 4th,1919;on Monday;on Teachers’Day;on my birthday;on that day等。 
   on the morning of July 2;on Sunday afternoon;on a cold winter evening等。
  at 具体用法有:
    at six o'clock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time等。 
2. borrow,lend
  I borrowed a book from the school library this afternoon.
  I can lend my bike to you,but you mustn't lend it to others.
 5. how often,how long,how soon与how much
  (1)how often表示“多长时间一次”或者“每隔多久一次”,often是“常常”之意,表示“次数很多”。
    —How often does Mary go to visit the museum?    —Twice a year.   
    —How often do you see a film?        —Once a month.     
  (2)long表示物体的长度或时间的长度。how long表示“多长”或“多久,多长时间”之意。
    —How long can you stay at home during summer holiday?  —More than two months.     
    —How long is this river?     —It’s about 2658 kilometres.    
  (3)how soon通常表示一般将来时,意为“再等多长时间?”“多长时间才……?”,是对“in+时间段”(in ten minutes / two hours / a week)提问。
    Can you tell me how soon you can be ready?    你能告诉我你多久能准备好吗?
  (4)How much is / are… ? ……多少钱?
  ①若询问某一商品多少钱时,一般用How much is / are … ? 这一句型,商品是单数或不可数名词时用is,商品是复数时用are。
    —How much is that sweater?     那件毛衣多少钱?
    —Two hundred and ten yuan.     210元。
    —How much are the bananas?     这些香蕉多少钱?
    —They are twenty-five yuan.     25元。
  6. across,through与cross
    Be careful when you cross the road.
    = Be careful when you go across the road.    当你横穿马路时一定要小心。
    Can you swim across the river?    你能游过这条河吗?
   It took him one hour to walk through the forest.他花费了一个小时的时间穿过那片森林。11. 自我问答
本文章还没有评论Richard is on Amy is swim team.he swims all year.he is at the pool every morning at six and swims for ninety minutes,after that ,he starts his school day.before Richard swims,he likes to strtch,this is how he prepares because he does not want to hurt his body while he is swimming的翻译:理查德是艾米是位于池每天早上六点的所有全神贯注的游泳 team.he 游泳和游泳九十分钟之后,他开始他学校 day.before 理查德 · 游泳,他喜欢到 strtch,这都是他如何准备因为他不想伤害他的身体,而他都游泳 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
Richard is on Amy is swim team.he swims all year.he is at the pool every morning at six and swims for ninety minutes,after that ,he starts his school day.before Richard swims,he likes to strtch,this is how he prepares because he does not want to hurt his body while he is swimming
理查德是艾米是位于池每天早上六点的所有全神贯注的游泳 team.he 游泳和游泳九十分钟之后,他开始他学校 day.before 理查德 · 游泳,他喜欢到 strtch,这都是他如何准备因为他不想伤害他的身体,而他都游泳
理查德是艾米是位于池每天早上六点的所有全神贯注的游泳 team.he 游泳和游泳九十分钟之后,他开始他学校 day.before 理查德 · 游泳,他喜欢到 strtch,这都是他如何准备因为他不想伤害他的身体,而他都游泳扫扫二维码,随身浏览文档
牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit3 A day out同步练习含答案
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3秒自动关闭窗口五年级英语下册《This Is My Day》课文音频
本单元难点在于频度副词usually, sometimes的准确使用;和掌握询问他人作息时间安排的句型“When do you get up/…”及询问他人周末活动安排的句型“What do you do on the weekend?”。
[00:02.48]UNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY 我的一天
[00:06.69]Let's start
[00:08.85]Listen to your teacher 听你的老师说
[00:11.02]and write down your answers.然后写下你的答案.
[00:14.12]1.When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[00:20.53]2.When do you eat breakfast?你什么时候吃早饭?
[00:27.58]3.When do you go to school?你什么时候去学校?
[00:33.96]4.When do you eat lunch?你什么时候吃午饭?
[00:41.64]5.When do you have Chinese class?
[00:49.54]6.When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?
[00:56.00]7.When do you do homework?你什么时候做家庭作业?
[01:02.52]8.When do you watch TV?你什么时候看电视?
[01:09.97]9.When do you go to bed?你什么时候睡觉?
[01:17.73]Let's chant 唱一唱 &&
[01:57.78]When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[02:01.79]I usually get up at 6:30.我通常6:30起床.
[02:08.21]What do you do on the weekend?你周末干什么?
[02:12.46]Oh look here!哦,看这儿!
[02:15.38]This is my weenkend timetalbe.这是我的周末时间表
[02:19.96]It's great.很棒啊!
[02:22.76]A Let's learn
[02:26.28]eat breakfast 吃早饭
[02:28.66]do morning exercises 晨练
[02:31.95]have English class 上英语课
[02:35.06]play sports 运动
[02:37.58]eat dinner 吃晚饭
[02:39.98]When do you do morning exercises?你什么时候晨练?
[02:43.40]I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.
[02:47.89]When do you play sports?你什么时候做运动?
[02:50.37]I usually play sports at 3:30.我一般在三点半运动
[02:55.03]Let's play 做一做
[02:57.46]I get up at 6:30.我八点做早操.
[03:01.43]I do morning exercises at 8:30.我六点半起床.
[03:06.92]I go to bed at 9:00.我九点睡觉.
[03:11.73]Let's try 试一试
[03:13.88]Listen and find out 听一听找一找
[03:17.15]Mike,when do you get up?迈克,你几点起床?
[03:19.96]I usually get up at 6:30.我一般六点半起床.
[03:24.17]When do you eat breakfast?你什么时候吃早饭?
[03:26.54]At 6:50.六点五十.
[03:29.01]When do you go to school?你什么时候去学校?
[03:30.92]At 7:20.七点二十.
[03:33.37]Which is Mike's timetable?哪个是迈克的作息时间表
[03:36.78]Let's talk
[03:39.31]When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[03:41.50]At 6:00.What about you?六点.你呢?
[03:44.54]I usually get up at 6:30.我一般六点半起床.
[03:48.38]When do you eat breakfast?你什么时候吃早饭?
[03:50.76]At 6:20.
[03:52.87]When do you go to school?你几点上学?
[03:55.13]At 7:00.And you? 在起点.你呢?
[03:57.97]At 7:00,too.
[04:01.13]Let's find out 找出答案
[04:04.71]Ask and find out your partner's timetable.
[04:12.39]_____'s timetable ______ 的时间表
[04:15.28]get up 起床 ________
[04:17.42]go to school 去学校 _______
[04:20.13]do morning exercises 做早操 ________
[04:24.32]eat dinner 吃晚饭 ________
[04:26.45]go to bed 睡觉 ________
[04:29.09]Tell us about your day!给我们讲述一下你的一天!
[04:33.98]When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[04:39.44]At 6:30. 六点半.
[04:42.97]Read and write
[04:45.88]Excuse me.
[04:47.30]Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?
[04:51.89]What do you do?你是干什么的?
[04:53.82]I am a policeman.我是一名警察.
[04:56.22]When do you go to work?你几点去班?
[04:58.62]I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.
[05:02.11]When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?
[05:04.23]I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.
[05:07.44]When do you go home?你什么时候回家?
[05:09.44]I go home at 5:00 in the morning.我早上五点回家.
[05:13.00]I eat breakfast at 6:00.我六点吃早饭.
[05:15.56]Then I go to bed.接着我去睡觉.
[05:17.94]When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[05:19.91]I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.
[05:23.58]I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.
[05:27.60]Thank you for telling me about your day.
[05:30.38]You're welcome.不用谢.
[05:32.22]Make a survey 做调查
[05:34.69]When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
[05:37.88]I get up at 6:00.我六点起床.
[05:41.98]Name 姓名
[05:43.72]get up 起床
[05:45.63]eat breakfast 吃早餐
[05:48.58]go to school 去上学
[05:51.36]play sports 做运动
[05:53.63]do homework 做作业
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