拜托大师帮忙把这英文翻译成中文。在线等,谢谢你的帮忙 英文!

帮我翻译一下这些这句子。中文翻译成英文,满意的我会采纳!拜托了各位 谢谢_百度知道
帮我翻译一下这些这句子。中文翻译成英文,满意的我会采纳!拜托了各位 谢谢
12、Only a few people can see the material of all the facts concerning this case. 11. 2、The child let his mother help solve difficulties in his homework、The book will have great vs Chinese language level has reached the degree of
sense、Through a year&#39, but very strong、The ship is small、This research project will enhance my career. 5. 81, Mr Thomson&#39. 7;ll check the dictionary to find the definition.
满意请采纳. 6、A novel is usually divided it find it、She hid the money to which her husband couldn&#39. 9、He thinks that going abroad on holidays hard work. 10、The man who is responsible for luggage has posted a tag on each piece of luggage 、I&#39. 4. 3、Satellites make long-distant transmission of broadcast television possible
多情啊.值得欣赏。.Cai, I really love you so much, and I can't live without you. I feel horrible during the da供沪垛疚艹狡讹挟番锚ys when you're not around, and I don't want to continue experiencing that kind of life. Cai, could you be with me everyday, every second??Cai, I really can't lose you..You trust me...I love you very very much, and it's damn real~!!
Cai, I really love you so much, and I can't live without you. I feel horrible during the days when you供沪垛疚艹狡讹挟番锚're not around, and I don't want to continue experiencing that kind of life. Cai, could you be with me everyday, every second??Cai, I really can't lose you..You trust me...I love you very very much, and it's damn real~!!
摇摆舞曲。由于流行音乐具备上述特点,也是娱乐,易为听者接受和传唱。 流行音乐与其它大众媒介的差异主要是流行音乐有三种特性,发声方法各有千秋;小乐队的强声伴奏与歌声融为一体:POP MUSIC就是上面那些啦可以帮忙翻译成英文吗,流行歌曲作为一种以消遣娱乐为主的大众文化现象,90年代的流行音乐变化较广,刷新了听众的耳目,演奏方法多种多样,探戈舞曲,圆舞曲以及各种不同风格的舞曲和各类小型歌剧的配乐等,更加的深入人心。 现在我们所听的歌曲.,他们的歌都属于流行音乐.流行音乐乃是一重复的形式。 流行音乐也就是通俗音乐.,流行歌曲的发展和社会发展的脉络息息相关、曲调顺口、易于传唱,甚至是大众思想,轻松活泼或抒情优美,使得流行歌曲的内容形式更加的多元化,并被广大群众所喜爱,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲,织体层次简明、张惠妹等等歌手。这种新兴音乐。 2,是对某一经验之体验.。然而流行歌曲不仅是艺术、内容通俗。这些乐曲和歌曲,流行音乐所包含的内容极其广泛,轰动了全美国:音乐是属于艺术而非科学的领域,无论文化水平的高低所谓流行音乐,音响多变,俨然已成为日常生活的一部份:其强调对接收者的身体、蔡依林,易引起听众的共鸣.: 1、音域不宽.,所以就能够和群众连在一起;歌手多是自成一格的流行歌星:节奏鲜明,乐队规模不大:流行音乐的主题内涵不断的重复,不受声乐学派的约束,并且与我们的生长背景较为接近。20世纪初,又很快传遍西欧各国,色彩丰富,自然亲切,都易于接受?拜托,美国出现了一种由多民族文化汇集而成的爵士音乐。声乐作品的特点是、爵士乐、意识型态的指标.、迪斯科舞曲,是指那些结构短小;大众音乐”之称,演唱时感情重于声音技巧。因此,浅显易.流行音乐是一种经验上的形式;歌词多用生活语言,动和自由不羁,像是周杰伦。 3,又有&quot,广泛传唱或欣赏、生理与感官能力之刺激,尤其是90年代以后随著国家的政策开放、形式活泼.流行音乐多属非叙述性的形式、精神寄托,它包括丰富多彩的轻音乐。 在今天,而具有穿透阅听人之意识的能力,以它独特的演奏(演唱)方式,更是反应百姓生活的写实记录。 流行音乐起源于美国的爵士音乐,现代作品多使用电声乐器,手法通俗、风趣、抒情:生活气息浓郁。
流行音乐的英文翻译。在器乐作品中,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中、情感真挚。 流行音乐中器乐作品的特点是
its emphasis on the recipient&#39. The early 20th century, widely sung or appreciate fad spread to future generations and even Music and songs. 3. Therefore, and even the general public thought, concise Texture level. These tunes and songs, the use of many modern works of electro-acoustic instruments, vocal method is different from the school of vocal restraint: the subject of popular music continuously ds body, popular content, are easily accepted, another &quot, physiology and ability to stimulate the senses, more people, such as Jay Chou: 1, melody comes to people'popular music&quot, easy to sing. Instrumental music at workThe so-called pop music: music are belong to art rather than a scientific field, especially after age 90 with National policy and opening up: clear-cut rhythm. Pop music in the instrumental works s ears and stir the whole of the United States and quickly spread throughout Western Europe, lyrical, dynamic and free uninhibited. This new music to its unique performances (concerts) method to refresh the audience&#39. Pop music with other mass media are the main differences in pop music has three characteristics, range is not wide. Vocal works are characterized by, naturally warm and easy to arouse the audience&#39, as an entertainment-oriented mass culture phenomenon. Because pop music has these characteristics, pop music, simple easy, witty, and was loved by the masses, and with the growth of our
many singers are sui generis pop singers, but also are realistic response to people&#39, are the experience of an experience, but also entertainment, making the content of the form of pop music more diversified. Pop music is popular music, easy for the listenes mind, Jolin Tsai, the form of lively, which is a duplicate of the form, waltz and a variety of different styles of dance music and all kinds of music, regardless of the level of literacy, jazz, the contens livelihood Record, has become p is called. Pop music of many non-narrative forms, popular songs, tango. English translation of popular music, spiritual sustenance, 90&#39, which includes a variety of soft music, lyric and lively or elegant way to perform a variety of audio and varied, ideological target, lyrics Living with many languages, the way pop, the United States there is a pool formed by the many cultures of jazz music, and has a penetrating sense of audience capacity, emotional sincerity, the development of pop music and social development is closely related context, emotional singing voice more is sympathy. Today, swing dances. Pop music is a kind of experience on the form, the band is small. But pop songs are not only artistic. Now we have to listen to the songs. Pop music, and so on singer Chang Hui-mei. Pop music originated in the United States of jazz music. 2, such as small-scale opera, so on the can and the masses together, small band of strong acoustic accompaniment and singing together, and their songs all belong to pop music, rooted in the public life of the rich soil, I was referring to ths pop music changes in a wider: Living flavor rich
&lt求夏目漱石 心 日文原文和中文翻译悬赏分:100 - 离问题结束还有 12 天 23 小时两样都有最好&瞧人家给多少分
The so-called pop music, I was referring to the structure of short, popular content, the form of lively, emotional sincerity, and was loved by the masses, widely sung, or appreciate, and even popular spread to future generations of Music and songs. These music and songs, rooted in the public life of the rich soil. Therefore, and &pop music& was. The origin of pop music, jazz music in the United States. The early 20th century, the United States there is a pool formed by the many cultures of the jazz music. This new music to its unique performances (concerts) method to refresh the audience's ears and stir the whole of the United States and quickly spread throughout Western Europe. Today, pop music by a wide range of content. Instrumental music at work, which includes a variety of soft music, jazz, swing dances, disco dances, Tango, Waltz and a variety of different styles of dance music and all kinds of music, such as small-scale opera. Pop music in the instrumental works are characterized by: clear-cut rhythm, lyric and lively or elegant way to a variety of performances, sound and varied, colorful, concise Texture level, the band is small, the use of many modern works of electro-acoustic instruments. The characteristics of vocal works are: rich flavor of life, lyrical, witty, wide range do not, the way pop, melody comes to people's mind, lyrics Living with many languages, simple easy to easy to accept and s many singers are sui generis pop singers, vocal method is different from school vocal restraint, emotional singing voice more important than skills, dynamic and free uninhibited, natural kind, easy to arouse the audience' small band of strong acoustic accompaniment and singing together. Because of popular music with the above characteristics and therefore can be linked to the masses, regardless of the level of literacy, are easily accepted. Pop music is pop music, pop music as an entertainment-oriented mass culture phenomenon, the development of pop music and social development is closely related to the context, has become part of everyday life, especially after age 90 with National policy and opening up, making the content of the form of pop music more diversified, more people, 90 years broad changes in popular music, and the growth of our background and more near. But pop songs are not only artistic, but also entertainment, spiritual support, and more people are living realist response records, and even thought the general public, ideological target. Now we have to listen to the songs, like Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, and so on singer Chang Hui-mei, and their songs are pop music. Pop music and other mass media are the main differences in pop music has three characteristics: 1. Pop music, which is a duplicate of the form: the subject content of popular music continued to repeat, and have a penetrating awareness of audience capacity. 2. Popular music of many forms of non-narrative: its emphasis on the recipient's body, physical ability and sensory stimulation. 3. Pop music is a form of experience: the music is the field of art rather than science, is the experience of an experience. English translation of popular music: POP MUSIC
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&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"麻烦帮忙翻译成韩语,谢谢!"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"麻烦帮忙翻译成韩语,谢谢!"相关的详细问题如下:该加油了,你和我一起来公司拿货还是我自己来拿, 但是不知道几点。这段话韩语怎么说,油卡我用一下好吗,要不我拿到货以后给你打电话,加完油再给你.谢谢。物流公司给我打电话预计明天送货===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
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&&&&&& 我很高兴向你推荐我的学生**,一个我很满意的学生,他正要申请就读贵校计算机专业的硕士课程。
&&&&&& 他是计算机学院07级计算机科学与技术专业的在读学生。据我所知,他能够认真思考课堂所学,课下积极和导师交流。并能提出一些很有创意的观点。他的想象力和创造力让人惊讶,这得益于他有意识地时常锻炼自己的动手能力。他带领的团队参加了挑战杯程序设计大赛,他有面对挑战的勇气。
&&&&&& 基于以上原因,作为他的班主任,我愿意推荐他到贵校继续深造。
&&&&&& 我要向您推荐的是我的一个学生,他叫**。他申请就读于贵校的计算机专业。
&&&&&& 首先我要肯定的是,他是一个善良诚恳的人。他会用自己的热情去感染别人,从他做学生工作的经历中就可以看出。他曾经做为计算机学院07级学生党支部的宣传委员组织过学生工作。在与他共事的人中得到了一致的好评。同时他也是值得信赖的朋友,能够帮助老师和朋友分担忧虑。
&&&&&& 其次,他是一个聪明且肯动脑的人,我认为他有很大的教学潜力。他会将把所学到的知识进行自己的理解,很多时候都能提出很有新意的观点。得益于他这样的性格,他的成绩在院系也是名列前茅的。他有这样一种求知欲,希望能够通过动手实践,将所学到的知识变成对现实生活有帮助的东西。他就曾经和他的团队开发过一种依托于工作流的医院系统,虽然不够完善,但是他面对挑战的勇气值得肯定。
&&&&&& 他有着迫切的留学愿望,希望接触到更新的知识。因此,我作为他的院长,希望借我的推荐,能够完成他在贵校攻读硕士的愿望。
l&&&&&&&& 首先我性格开朗随和,与朋友相处融洽。其次,我是一个乐观开朗而且进取心很强的人,不会因为挫折而放弃我的追求。第三,我是一个理性、客观的人,遇事能够冷静分析,而且我做事认真,对于交给我的工作我会全力以赴。
l&&&&&&&& 我有着丰富地待人处事经验。我在高中就已加入中国共产党,从大学入学开始就担任计算机与软件学院07级党支部宣传委员,所在支部在七一评优时获得了校优秀支部称号,我个人也曾多次获得三好学生、优秀党员称号,现担任0704104班党支部书记。
l&&&&&&&& 我有很强的求知欲望,尤其对我所学计算机专业领域的知识感兴趣。因此我在大学期间的学习成绩很优秀,平均成绩在院系名列前茅,曾获多次人民奖学金。同时动手能力强,曾带领团队参加过挑战杯程序设计部分的比赛,获得优秀奖。
l&&&&&&&& 我有丰富的业余爱好。喜欢音乐,对中外音乐都有所涉猎,在所有的音乐形式中比较喜欢爵士乐和蓝调音乐,尤其是巴萨努瓦。因此我也很喜欢唱歌,我认为我有一副好嗓子。热衷于读书,读过很多中外名著以增长见闻,同时对于书本里提出的观点我会有自己的看法和见解。
l&&&&&&&& 对英国这个国家的喜爱,包括对英国古老建筑,自然风光以及当地风土人情的好奇。
l&&&&&&&& 英国有很多世界知名的高等学府,例如牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工大学等等。我希望能在我向往的学校学习,感受其中的学术氛围。
l&&&&&&&& 增加人生阅历,开阔眼界。在中国生活了20多年的我渴望看看中国已外的世界,这对我完整世界观和价值观的形成是有积极作用的。同时留学国外,适应独自的生活对我也是一种锻炼和激励。
l&&&&&&&& 了解更多知识,真正掌握专业领域技能,以更好的姿态面对今后的就业形势,同时为今后追求更高的目标奠定基础。
l&&&&&&&& 关于一些个人经历,由于我热衷读书,经常在图书馆中查阅书籍。我发现很多有关专业性很强的领域的书籍全都是翻译的外文书,而在我国本土出版的相关书籍则很少,而且阐释也不够深刻,而且如今科技发展的现状是很多欧美等国家的科技研究引领全球的科技发展。所以我希望通过出国留学更超前地接受新的技术发展方向。
l&&&&&&&& 我所学习的专业是计算机,我所申请的是计算机专业方面的授课型硕士。因此我希望能够在我求学的这一年中深入对我专业领域的探索,同时培养能力将所学的知识迅速低地转换成生产力,可以应用于实际。
l&&&&&&&& 我希望在读完硕士之后继续攻读博士,因为我认为计算机是一个技术性极强的专业,也是更新换代很快的专业,所以更加广泛而深入地对现有的知识进行了解和学习有助于我今后的发展,同时博士生导师们丰富的经验也是一笔宝贵的财富。
Respect of sir or madam:
I am pleased to recommend to you my students, a * * * I am satisfied with the student, he was about to apply for admission to your computer specialized courses.
He is a computer college 07 level of computer science and technology university student. As far as I know, he can seriously thinking of the classroom, the positive and tutor exchange. And put forward some very creative ideas. His imagination and creativity surprising, thanks to his consciously often exercise their practice ability. He leads a team to challenge the program design contest, he has the courage to face challenges.
In his school grades are ranked, and won many scholarship, strong study quality and independent learning ability. He is rich, master of professional knowledge and very solid. In C + +, Java, C #, the programming language proficiency, familiar with the application of database can be related to development of technology, the operating system structure and some detail also has a profound understanding of, for application software development also have some experiences.
He served as a faculty member, party propaganda success led the branch made the title of excellent branch school). This was the only one of the outstanding branch school grade 07. He can be conscientious teacher gave his task seriously. While he is sedate, sincere, I'm satisfied with his wheels for professional and his desire and ability to academic success, expected and determination.
Based on the above reasons, as his teacher, I would like to recommend him to continue their study at this university.
Article 2:
Respect of sir or madam:
I will recommend you is one of my students, he call * * *. He applied for studying in your computer.
First, I will certainly, he is a good sincere man. He will use his enthusiasm to infect others, from his student experience can be seen. He had a computer college students' party branch grade 7 students work organization committee propaganda. In working with him who received consistent high praise. He is trustworthy friend can help teachers and friends share anxiety.
Secondly, he is a smart and willing to move the brain, I think he has great potential in the teaching. He will take the knowledge you have learned in his own understanding, a lot of time to put forward new ideas. Thanks to his personality, he scores in college is ranked. He is such a kind of desire, the hope can through practice and knowledge to real life has become the help. He and his team have developed a system based on workflow hospital, although not perfect, but his courage to face the challenges.
He has the desire to study abroad, hope urgently to update knowledge. Contact Therefore, I hope the President as he borrowed my recommendation, can finish his desire to study for a master's in your university.
Article 3:
Personal statement
I give myself summary have the following:
L personality easygoing, first I get along well with friends. Secondly, I am a very optimistic, cheerful and enterprising, won't abandon me because of setbacks and pursuit. Third, I is a rational and objective, it can calm analysis, and I work conscientiously, for I will give my best work.
L I have rich experience to others. In high school, I had joined the communist party of China, from the university entrance began as a computer and software college level party branch committee propaganda, 2007 in July when decide where branch school won excellent branch, I have won many titles miyoshi students, outstanding communist party member, 0704104 class party branch secretary.
L I have strong desire for knowledge, especially my computer specialized knowledge learned interest. Therefore I learn in college grades are excellent, the average scores in college, and won many top people's scholarship. And practical ability, to lead the team in the challenge of part programming, obtain excellent.
L I had a lot of hobbies. Like music, music and all parts in the form of music, all in jazz and blues music like Barcelona mondereported, especially. Therefore I also like singing, I think I have a good voice. Keen to read, read many Chinese classics to increase knowledge, and put forward the ideas to the books I have their own ideas and opinions.
To study in UK:
In Britain the country l, including Britain, natural scenery and ancient architecture of the local customs.
There are many world famous l UK institutions, such as the Oxford and Cambridge university, imperial college, etc. I hope I can study in the school, the yearning feeling of academic atmosphere.
L add life experience, widen your horizon. Living in China for more than 20 years, I desire to see the world, China has to complete my world outlook and values of the form is a positive role. While studying abroad, adapt to the life I alone is a kind of exercise and motivation.
L learn more knowledge and skills, professional master with better posture face future employment situation, while pursuing higher goals for the future.
L about some personal experience, because I really like reading in the library, often consult books. I found a lot of relevant professional strong field of books are all the percentage of foreign books, translated and published in China's domestic relevant books are rarely, but have not deep, the present situation of the development of science and technology nowadays many European countries is the world's leading scientific research and technological development. So I hope to study abroad to accept the new technology more advanced development direction.
To study abroad to:
L I learned my major is computer, I have applied for the computer professional teaching model. So I hope I can study in the years of my deep field exploration, and cultivating ability of knowledge quickly, can convert low productivity in practical application.
L I want to read in the Ph.D. Degree, because I think that the computer is one of professional technical, professional and update quickly, so more extensive and thorough understanding of the existing knowledge and learning helps my future development, at the same time, the tutor of rich experience is a treasure.
I intend to study abroad in during a period of time and the enterprises engaged in my major, and to increase the relevant work experience. The study is due to my master, teaching model can ask me better, and application of knowledge in local enterprises to improve the work is a very good chance of practical ability.
Dear Sir or Madam: & &&&&&&&I am pleased to recommend my students **, I am very satisfied with a student, he was about to attend your school for computer science master's program. & &&&&&&&He is a Computer Science 07 Computer Science and Technology professional in-time students. As far as I know, he can seriously consider the classes, courses and instructors under the active exchange. And can offer some very creative ideas. His amazing imagination and creativity, which often benefited from his conscious ability to exercise their own hands. He led the team to participate in the Challenge Cup programming contest, he has the courage to face challenges. & He is among the best in the school's academic performance, and won many scholarships, research quality has a strong and independent learning. His rich professional knowledge and grasp of the very solid. For C, C + +, C #, java and other language programming is very familiar with, and be able to skillfully make use of database-related development technologies, the operating system's structure and some details also have a more profound understanding of the application software there are some tips. & He served as a faculty member of the party branch of the propaganda has succeeded in leading the school has made outstanding branch branch title. It was only a 07 outstanding school branch. His rigorous work, able to tutor to complete his task seriously. He was sincere at the same time steady, persistent work hard, I am very satisfied with his professionalism and his desire for knowledge and the capacity of academic success, hope and determination. . & &&&&&&&Based on these reasons, as his class teacher, I would recommend him to your school for further studies.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sir or Madam:&&&&&&&&I would like to recommend is one of my student, he called **. He applied computer science student at your school.&&&&&&&&First, I need to be sure, he is a good honest person. He will use his enthusiasm to infect others, from his experience working with students can be seen. He had as a student branch of Computer Science, 07 members of organized student advocacy work. Among those who worked with him received unanimous praise. He is also a trusted friend, can help teachers and friends share concerns.&&&&&&&&Secondly, he is a smart thinker and is willing to, I think he has great teaching potential. He will put the knowledge acquired to conduct their own understanding, can often make a lot of new point of view. Benefit from his character that he is among the best achievements in the Department of. He has such a thirst for knowledge, want to practice by doing, will have learned into real life on the things that really help. He and his team have worked on a kind of relying on hospital workflow system, although not perfect, but his courage to face challenges worthy of recognition.&&&&&&&&He has an urgent desire to study in the hope that access to updated knowledge. Therefore, I, as president of his hope that through my recommendation to complete his master's desire to study in your school.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal Statement & I myself have the following conclusion: & l First of all, I am cheerful easy-going, and friends get along well. Secondly, I am a very optimistic, cheerful and enterprising people will not give up my pursuit of frustration. Third, I am a rational, objective person, failing to calm analysis, and I do things seriously, for to my work I will go all out. l I have rich experience in dealing with people. In high school I had joined the Communist Party of China, beginning from the university entrance as a Computer Network and 07 members of the party branch advocacy, where the branches get in the 71 Appraising the school when the best branch of the title, my students have won several Miyoshi , an outstanding member of the title, now held 0,704,104 Class branch secretary. l I have a strong desire for knowledge, especially in the field of my professional knowledge of computer science interest. I was in college during the academic excellence, grade point average among the highest in the faculties, several people won scholarships. At the same time strong hands, he led the team participated in the Challenge Cup programming part of the game to receive the award. l I have a rich hobby. Like music, has the read materials on Chinese and Western music, the music in all forms of jazz and blues music preferred, especially Basanuwa. I also like singing, I think I have a good voice. Keen on reading, read by many famous Chinese and foreign news, while the arguments put forward for the books I have my own views and opinions. & Reasons to study in the UK: & l love this country of Britain, including the United Kingdom old architecture, natural scenery and local customs of curiosity. l United Kingdom has many world-renowned institutions of higher learning, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College and so on. I hope to aspire to in my school and feel the atmosphere in which academic. l increase the life experience, broaden their horizons. Living in China for 20 years, I yearned to see the world outside China has, which I complete the formation of world view and values have a positive effect. While studying abroad, to adapt to living on my own is also a training and incentive. l more knowledge, the real fields of skills to master in order to better face the future employment situation gesture, while the pursuit of higher goals for the future lay the foundation. l on some personal experience, because I love reading, regular access to books in the library. I found many of the highly specialized field of translation of foreign books are all instruments, and in the books published by our local community is very small, but not enough to explain the profound, and the status of technological development today is in many western countries such as science and technology research leading the global technological development. So I hope to go abroad to accept the new technology ahead of development. & The intention to study abroad: & l I have to learn a computer professional, I applied for a computer-based teaching professional master. I hope to study this year in my in-depth exploration of my areas of expertise, capacity-building will also have learned quickly into low productivity, can be applied to the actual. l I wish to continue after reading the master's doctoral, because I think the computer is a highly technical professional, is also a replacement Henkuai professional, Suo Yi broader and deeper De pairs of existing's Zhishijinxing help I know and learn future development, while doctoral tutors experience is a valuable asset. I intend to study in foreign enterprises during the period of time and I learned professional related work, to increase the experience. Since I studied the type of master classes, asked me to better grasp and application of knowledge, so internships in local businesses is a good practical ability to improve an opportunity.
&文章1 & & & &Respect of sir or madam:I am pleased to recommend to you my students, a * * * I am satisfied with the student, he was about to apply for admission to your computer specialized courses.He is a computer college 07 level of computer science and technology university student. As far as I know, he can seriously thinking of the classroom, the positive and tutor exchange. And put forward some very creative ideas. His imagination and creativity surprising, thanks to his consciously often exercise their practice ability. He leads a team to challenge the program design contest, he has the courage to face challenges.In his school grades are ranked, and won many scholarship, strong study quality and independent learning ability. He is rich, master of professional knowledge and very solid. In C + +, Java, C #, the programming language proficiency, familiar with the application of database can be related to development of technology, the operating system structure and some detail also has a profound understanding of, for application software development also have some experiences.He served as a faculty member, party propaganda success led the branch made the title of excellent branch school). This was the only one of the outstanding branch school grade 07. He can be conscientious teacher gave his task seriously. While he is sedate, sincere, I'm satisfied with his wheels for professional and his desire and ability to academic success, expected and determination.Based on the above reasons, as his teacher, I would like to recommend him to continue their study at this university.文章2Respect of sir or madam:I will recommend you is one of my students, he call * * *. He applied for studying in your computer.First, I will certainly, he is a good sincere man. He will use his enthusiasm to infect others, from his student experience can be seen. He had a computer college students' party branch grade 7 students work organization committee propaganda. In working with him who received consistent high praise. He is trustworthy friend can help teachers and friends share anxiety.Secondly, he is a smart and willing to move the brain, I think he has great potential in the teaching. He will take the knowledge you have learned in his own understanding, a lot of time to put forward new ideas. Thanks to his personality, he scores in college is ranked. He is such a kind of desire, the hope can through practice and knowledge to real life has become the help. He and his team have developed a system based on workflow hospital, although not perfect, but his courage to face the challenges.He has the desire to study abroad, hope urgently to update knowledge. Contact Therefore, I hope the President as he borrowed my recommendation, can finish his desire to study for a master's in your university.文章3Personal statementI give myself summary have the following:L personality easygoing, first I get along well with friends. Secondly, I am a very optimistic, cheerful and enterprising, won't abandon me because of setbacks and pursuit. Third, I is a rational and objective, it can calm analysis, and I work conscientiously, for I will give my best work.L I have rich experience to others. In high school, I had joined the communist party of China, from the university entrance began as a computer and software college level party branch committee propaganda, 2007 in July when decide where branch school won excellent branch, I have won many titles miyoshi students, outstanding communist party member, 0704104 class party branch secretary.L I have strong desire for knowledge, especially my computer specialized knowledge learned interest. Therefore I learn in college grades are excellent, the average scores in college, and won many top people's scholarship. And practical ability, to lead the team in the challenge of part programming, obtain excellent.L I had a lot of hobbies. Like music, music and all parts in the form of music, all in jazz and blues music like Barcelona mondereported, especially. Therefore I also like singing, I think I have a good voice. Keen to read, read many Chinese classics to increase knowledge, and put forward the ideas to the books I have their own ideas and opinions.To study in UK:In Britain the country l, including Britain, natural scenery and ancient architecture of the local customs.There are many world famous l UK institutions, such as the Oxford and Cambridge university, imperial college, etc. I hope I can study in the school, the yearning feeling of academic atmosphere.L add life experience, widen your horizon. Living in China for more than 20 years, I desire to see the world, China has to complete my world outlook and values of the form is a positive role. While studying abroad, adapt to the life I alone is a kind of exercise and motivation.L learn more knowledge and skills, professional master with better posture face future employment situation, while pursuing higher goals for the future.L about some personal experience, because I really like reading in the library, often consult books. I found a lot of relevant professional strong field of books are all the percentage of foreign books, translated and published in China's domestic relevant books are rarely, but have not deep, the present situation of the development of science and technology nowadays many European countries is the world's leading scientific research and technological development. So I hope to study abroad to accept the new technology more advanced development direction.To study abroad to:L I learned my major is computer, I have applied for the computer professional teaching model. So I hope I can study in the years of my deep field exploration, and cultivating ability of knowledge quickly, can convert low productivity in practical application.L I want to read in the Ph.D. Degree, because I think that the computer is one of professional technical, professional and update quickly, so more extensive and thorough understanding of the existing knowledge and learning helps my future development, at the same time, the tutor of rich experience is a treasure.I intend to study abroad in during a period of time and the enterprises engaged in my major, and to increase the relevant work experience. The study is due to my master, teaching model can ask me better, and application of knowledge in local enterprises to improve the work is a very good chance of practical ability.
文章一:Respect of sir or madam:
I am pleased to recommend to you my students, a * * * I am satisfied with the student, he was about to apply for admission to your computer specialized courses.
He is a computer college 07 level of computer science and technology university student. As far as I know, he can seriously thinking of the classroom, the positive and tutor exchange. And put forward some very creative ideas. His imagination and creativity surprising, thanks to his consciously often exercise their practice ability. He leads a team to challenge the program design contest, he has the courage to face challenges.
In his school grades are ranked, and won many scholarship, strong study quality and independent learning ability. He is rich, master of professional knowledge and very solid. In C + +, Java, C #, the programming language proficiency, familiar with the application of database can ...
文章二:Respect of sir or madam:
I will recommend you is one of my students, he call * * *. He applied for studying in your computer.
First, I will certainly, he is a good sincere man. He will use his enthusiasm to infect others, from his student experience can be seen. He had a computer college students' party branch grade 7 students work organization committee propaganda. In working with him who received consistent high praise. He is trustworthy friend can help teachers and friends share anxiety.
Secondly, he is a smart and willing to move the brain, I think he has great potential in the teaching. He will take the knowledge you have learned in his own understanding, a lot of time to put forward new ideas. Thanks to his personality, he scores in college is ranked. He is such a kind of desire, the hope can through practice and knowledge to become...
文章三:Personal statement
I give myself summary have the following:
L personality easygoing, first I get along well with friends. Secondly, I am a very optimistic, cheerful and enterprising, won't abandon me because of setbacks and pursuit. Third, I is a rational and objective, it can calm analysis, and I work conscientiously, for I will give my best work.L I have rich experience to others. In high school, I had joined the communist party of China, from the university entrance began as a computer and software college level party branch committee propaganda, 2007 in July when decide where branch school won excellent branch, I have won many titles miyoshi students, outstanding communist party member, 0704104 class party branch secretary.L I have strong desire for knowledge, especially my computer specialized knowledge learned interest. Therefore I learn in college grades are excellent, the a...
To study in UK:
In Britain the country l, including Britain, natural scenery and ancient architecture of the local customs.There are many world famous l UK institutions, such as the Oxford and Cambridge university, imperial college, etc. I hope I can study in the school, the yearning feeling of academic atmosphere.L add life experience, widen your horizon. Living in China for more than 20 years, I desire to see the world, China has to complete my world outlook and values of the form is a positive role. While studying abroad, adapt to the life I alone is a kind of exercise and motivation.L learn more knowledge and skills, professional master with better posture face future employment situation, while pursuing higher goals for the future.L about some personal experience, because I really like reading in the library, often consult books. I found a lot of relevant designed...


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