连成句子:1.at Shanghai No.1super junior综艺 High School,my cousin and I are studying

Unit Three YLE_百度文库
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Unit Three YLE|新​世​纪​版​初​一​上​u练​习
你可能喜欢(11)  1.Jack's h he is my n _________ .  2.A letter has to be put into an e_____________ before posting it  3.He m__________ the board and found it to be the exact. Size.  4.The weather has been fine r ____________him.   5.Not having seen her uncle for many years, Mary could hardly r_____________ him.  6.Following Marx's advice on how to lean a f__________ language, she made great progress in English   7.I spend a lot of tine on English and it is my f __________subject.  8.All children should r__________ their parents.  9.They are leaving for shanghai tomorrow, and now they are busy p___________ for the jourmey.  10.The driver stopped the bus to pick up p_______________.  
(12)  1.He shut his mouth and r____________ to say anything more.  2.You are wanted on the p______________.   3.How can we r______________ silent on this question?  4.In the dark I couldn't find the e____________ to the hall.   5.The family finally s______________ in Sough America.  6.We mustn't p __________to know what we don't know.'  7.I'll give you five minutes to work ort this p____________.  8.Is it n_____________ to finish the work right away?  9.The girl d_____________ in a red coat is Lucy.  10.Tom always does his homework c_________ and makes mistakes her and there.  
(13)   1.He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger in the old s__________.  2.She spent her old age in such c____________ and happiness  3.I w___________- which university to study in after I finish middle school.  4.She remembers that her family were often h ___________ before liberation  5.The old worker showed the f____________ visitors round the factory.  6.We repeated the experiment and got the same r___________.  7.Eating more v_____________ instead of meat can cut down your fatness.  8.She s_______________ a table-cloth on the table.  9.She s _______________, but her husband prefers city life.  10. She washed her face and hands, then went d_________.  
(14)  1.I warn you if you do that again we'll p __________you.  11.She teaches both physics and c_________.   12.The o_________ of the new machine can be hard to learn.  13.Th p___________ of the new machine can be hard to learn.  14.U___________ , we' divided, we'll fail.'.  15.With this letter I'd like to I____________ myself to you as a mew pen friend.  16.His teacher often praised him in p___________.  17.They had to s______________ with all kinds of difficulties.  18.To her surprise, she fund herself in a c__________ different world.  19.We found English is a bridge to a____________ science and technology.    
(15)  1.No book or magazine can be taken out of the reading-room with out p _________.  2.He doesn't like things others have .He always wants something p_________.  3.Can you p___________ this word? I don't know how to read it.   4.We usually begin our new school year in s___________.  5.My parents often e___________ me to learn English and computer.   6.He is an o ________________ -looking person but we all think him very handsome.  7.Without e___________ , how can we have the light on?  8.He must have a fever as he has got a high t ___________.  9.He is always against me and we often q __________with each other.  10.My brother had an accident yesterday but f_________ , he wasn't hurt.  
(16)  1.We can go to the moon by s________.  2.He likes fishing but he is mot a f__________.  3.&---What's the w________ like today?  ---It's fine.  4.Many people asked the doctor, &What can we do to p________ this disease from preading.  5.He has made even g________ progress as he has been working hard at his lessons.  6.While c_________ the street, his mother was knocked down by a passing car.  7.His plan certainly sounded r________.  8.Water f_________ at zero degree centigrade.  9.The visitors invited to the party are m_________ young people.  10.He often p________ others to give up smoking.  
(17)  1.Blood is t_________ than water.  2.China is sure to turn all her wishes into r_____________ , as we all know.  3.We went to join her b__________ party.   4.Many countries, I_________ China, belong to the Third World.  5.He is our kind n __________ and often helps us.  6.In the war they were d_____________ and they became the slaves.  7.The new comer always goes to the library h__________ after school because he wants to keep up with his classmates in the shortest tine.  8.In that mountain area lots of trees are d__________ by the burning in the dry season each year.  9.It is obvious that change of state is a p__________ change.  10.Smoking is f__________ in public areas in Beijing.  
(18)  1.His article will a____________ in tomorrow's new paper.  2.The story was so f____________ that it made everyone laugh.  3.Do you have anything e__________ to say?  4.You may take this kind of m____________ to cure your disease.  5.Swimming is my f__________ sport.   6.All the swimmers stayed indoor in the snowy w__________.  7.We learn English by listening to the tape r___________.   8.Many farmers have become rich by means of science and t_____________.  9.We c______________ you on you on your success.  10.Being a shy man, he didn't attend the c____________ held on his birthday.  
(19)  1.He looks honest, but a___________ he is not.  2.I'm feeling t____________ Could you get me somethihg to drink?  3.The d__________ the city into two parts.  4.Mr Smith is not home yet. Will you please leave a m___________ for him?  5.Tom fell asleep as soon as he went to bed. O__________ he was too tired.  6.Football is the boys f___________ sport. That is to say, they like football more than any other sport.  7.My TV set doesn't work. I'll have it f___________ this afternoon.  8.He is r______________ for his bravery.   9.Sleep is n_____________ to health.  10.He has no c_____________ but to go ort for a living.  
(20)  1.This work d_________ your attention without delay.  2.They are both British c________ but live in India.  3.They have known each other for at least 3 years, so they're f________ with on another.  4.After he got m________, he became very serious towards women as well as a responsible husband.  5.It was f_______ for her that she met the doctor when she was about to become seriously ill.  6.He won great bonour in the battle because he was b_________ than any other any other new soldier.  7.Sudden rainstorms happen to this coast f________, so people living along this coast are used to the changeable weather.  8.When some people live in plenty, l_________ nothing in life, they are likely to be very wasteful.  9.When the rescuing ship arrived at the spot, the wrecked whip had already s_______ with the loss of over 80 lives.  10.The dustmen come to our neighbourhood for the r_________ twice a week so the streets are very clean.  
(21)  1.George looked very nice that day. He was w________ a very nice suit.  2.The bus was so c________ that there was only standing room.  3.We have three m_______ a day : breakfast, lunch and supper.  4.Britain and America share a c_________ language.  5.Camels can travel long d_________ over the desert.  6.----We are going to Guangzhou next Monday.  ----Have a good j________.  7.We should p_________ wild animals in order to keep the balance of nature.  8.Thank you for lending me the guide book. It was full of useful i________.  9.The river d_________ the city into two parts.  10.I can't find my hat. Somebody must have taken it by m_________.  
(22)  1.At last she was e________ to a young man against her will.  2.I tried my best to p________ him to take the job.  3.To tell the t_________, I really can't come.  4.They can't go to the concert because none of them get any t________.  5.I have no c________ but to go out for a living.  6.What's the o_________ meaning of &active&? It's &passive&.  7.The s_________ we've sent up this month goes around the earth every day.  8.A___________ it was raining hard, they went on working in the fields.  9.John was so sleepy that he could h__________ keep his eyes open.  10.He is r_________ for his bravery.  
(23)  1.What shall I send you as birthday P__________?  2.He p____________ her with a diamond worth a thousand dollars.  3.It seems that his hair-style was already p__________ in those days.  4.He used to tell us his e _________of working in Los Angles  5.Some clouds are made up not of tiny d ____________ of water, bur of bit of ice.  6.We should take every possible means to s _____________- the need deep rooted in human nature.  7.It is mainly the I ________ of the population that causes the poverty of the poorer countries. .  8.He was the first person to I___________ this kind machine into China.  9.Time is more v __________than money.   10.I could find no words with which to e ___________my thanks  
(24)  1.He didn't work hard enough, so he f ______________ in the exam.  2.Jack is as strong as a horse. He is s ____________ill.  3.They were good friends and never q __________with each other.  4.Let me I____________ myself to all of you. I'm Wang Ping, and I come from Shanghai.  5.At night my father was fast asleep but I was wide a_________.  6.Sports can keep us h_________.
  7.If you want to lose w_________, you have to eat less and exercise more.  8.In order to become an architect in the future, my cousin is now studying a________ in Qinghua University.  9.The dress is a little e________. Why not get that cheap one?  10.Not knowing you a________, I couldn't write to you.    
(25)  1.A b_________ person is one who can not see anything.  2.I'll take you to a newly opened m_________, where you may get all you need.  3.F_________ is the second month of the year.  4.An English -Chinese d_________ is a book that tells you the Chinese meaning of English words.  5.A shop a_________ is one who serves customers.  6.London is the c__________ of England.  7. An h__________ man does not tell lies.  8. As a s_________ she has to help her boss to write letters and keep records.  9.Th world's coldest continent and the most difficult to reach is the A_________.  10.He is an e ______________ student. He has been at the top of the class since he came to study here  
(26)  1.Lincoln is one of the greatest p___________ that are respected by the American people.  2.There are seven continents in the world, and A ________is the largest one.   3.There are different kinds of a ___________ in the zoo.  4.You should stick a stamp in the e____________.  5.When storm comes, we can see lightning and t___________.  6.There are twelve I ___________in the zoo  7.Water b __________at 100degrees centigrade.  8.San Francisco lies in the west of the States very near the P_____________.  9.Her heart beat so fast that she could hardly b_________.  10.I don't believe this medicine can cure your i_________.  
(27)  1.Reading in the sun will be h_________ to the eyes.  2.What's wrong with you? You look p________.  3.The Atlantic is the second largest o__________.  4.He got the h_________ marks in the final exam. It was all because he had worked very hard.  5.Since everyone is p________, let's begin our meeting.  6.You'd better start out i_________, or you won't be able to catch the early bus.  7.The medicine is p_________ if taken in large quantities.  8.The doctor told Tom to open his mouth and put out his t_________.  9.Smoking is f_________ in public places.  10.I r__________ their invitation because I had visited the museum twice.  
(28)  1.She had changed so much that I could hardly r_______ her.  2.He kept on working in the secret of science in the e__________.  3.A forgetful man should not trust his m_________.  4.Sleep is a must to h__________.  5.Readers are r_________ not to take these books out of the library.  6.Our plans must be d_________ by circumstances.  7.My son is h_________ about joining the baseball team because it might take him a lot of time.  8.The farmers nearby supply the city with meat and v_________.  9.Many people now make it a rule to buy cards for their friends before C________, December 25.  10.You've learned it. I don't think the sentence needs e_______.  
(29)  1. ---Will you lend me your dictionary?  
---With p________. Here it is.  2.Can you help me p_________ the door green?  3.when we feel t_______, we need something to drink.  4.The Great Wall was rebuilt h_________ of years ago.  5.As soon as the plane took off, every p________ was told to fasten his safety belt.  6.You must be more serious in f________.  7.I remembered putting my keys in my coat p________.  8.Buses and taxis are allowed to go f_________ in the city.  9.F_______, she found the money that she had lost.  10.After twenty years' hard work they paid off their d________.  
(30)  1.She's become the champion. Let's say c________ to her.  2.We loved visiting China and greatly a_________ everyone's kindness.  3.His e_________ on his face suggests that everything is going on smoothy.  4.Would you please sign your name and a_________?  5.The rice fields are i__________ by water bringing from a pond through a ditch.  6.There was great f__________ between the two countries.  7.I saw he was driving in the o_________ direction.  8.My daughter is e_________ to a young man who is a research worker.  9.We want both quality and q________.  10.Look at the clock. It is two fifteen. We can also say : It's a q_______ past two.  
(31)  1.You didn't finish your homework yesterday. Could you e_________ why?  2.Every day I have to water the flowers to stop the soil getting d_________.  3.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?  Sorry, I don't know. I am a s_________ here.  4.I'm p________ to hear that you are coming to visit our country.  5.Green plants take carbon dioxide from the air and give off o_______ when light shines on them.  6.The Frenchman caught such a bad cold that he c_________ day and night.  7.There aren't enough beds for so many p _________
in our hospital.  8.It is very cold outside. You must put on more c________.  9.People are not p________ to smoke in the office.  10.The Third World is made up of d_________ countries.
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