
试题研究 2000
/ 试题研究 2000 
试题研究中考单项填空命题中必须克服的两种倾向山东 傅大明  单项填空是英语中考试题中的传统题型,以测试词汇、语法等语言基础 知识和交际用语为主要内容。初中阶段所学的都是英语中最基本的词汇,初 中教学大纲中所规定的语法内容基本覆盖了英语基础语法的主要项目。因此 中考单项填空题的命题质量,对初中英语教学起着重要的导向作用。  近年来,我国中学英语教学发展很快,主要体现在中学英语新教材的普 遍采用以及素质教育的逐步推广这两方面。  面对中学英语教学的新形势,我们一方面要努力学习、探索、创新,把 握大方向;另一方面,又要保持清醒的头脑,认真思考新形势下出现的新问 题,防止一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向。  最近笔者研究了近年来全国各地部分中考英语试题,结合国内外中学英 语教学的现状和历史进行了深入的考察,认为在中考英语单项填空题的命题 中必须克服以下两种倾向:一、继续克服“重知识,轻能力”的不良倾向  由于受旧语言观念的束缚,“重知识,轻能力”的错误倾向很长一段时 间内在中学英语教学中曾占据统治地位。繁琐的语法分析连初一、初二的学 生也未能幸免。可以说我国初中学生所知道的语法条条,连美国不少教师也 自叹不如;但一动真格的,便傻了眼。这一倾向在我国中学英语教学中依然 存在,而且在我们的中考试题中也有所反映。有些命题人在命题过程中,不 是从鲜活的自然语言中选择考点,而是先确定考点,然后生编硬造考题。如 某省1998 年的考题中有这样一道题:The driver is very careful.He oftendrives his car carefully.此题在语言知识上没有问题。但实际上英美人会这样说话吗?既然有前面的 The driver is very careful,后面的 He oftendrives his car carefully 岂不多余?这与常见的 I’m interested inthe interesting story.如出一辙!再如某省 1997 年的考题中有这样一道题:The fat man alwayssays his meat looks good and sells well.此题的考点一目了然,但这句话纯属生编硬造。不管是中国人还是英美人,大概 没一个人会这样说:“我这肉看上去不错,卖得也挺好。”这说明相当一部 分教师甚至命题人在命题时头脑中仍有“知识第一”的残余。  “重知识,轻能力”的倾向在中考单项填空中的另一表现是:命题人对 初中教材中语言基础知识的重点与难点把握不准,盲目拔高。如某省的中考 题中有这样一题:The population is growing faster in less developedcountries than in more developedcountries.这类题到高二再考也不算晚,何必在中考中考?另外 His health is as poor as,if not poorer than,his sister’s.一题,纯属前几年一道高考题的翻版。那道题在当年的高考题中也属于答对率最低的几个题之一,用作中考题结果又会如何?有相当一 部分教师和命题人试图通过拓宽、拔高、过度综合等方法来考查考生的能力,实际上这反映出他们对能力测试的一种误解。真正高水平的能力测试题恰恰 是在具体语境中测试最简单的语言基础知识。如 1997 年的高考题中有这样一 道题:——Have you see a pen?I left it herethis morning.——Is it ablack pen?I think I saw itsomewhere.此题考查的不过是不定冠词 a 表示 “某一个”这种最基本的用法。但由于是在具体语境中考查,区分度很高。 越是那些生搬硬套语法规则的考生越答不对。不少教师,甚至教研人员在中、 高考复习中对语言知识的复习提出了“大网密扣”、“深要到底,宽要到边” 等说法,在命题中不适当地拔高、拓宽、过度综合,在复习方法上热衷于“千 题百练”。之所以出现这种情况,根本原因在于他们把语言知识和运用能力 割裂开来,对立起来。这种观念不可能在短时间内根除,对此我们仍必须高 度重视,认真克服。二、克服忽视“基础”,空谈“能力”的不良倾向  与此同时,我们还要警惕一种新的不良倾向:忽视基础知识,空谈培养 运用能力。尤其是在新教材淡化了语法知识的权重,提高了对初步运用英语 能力的要求这种新形势下,这种新的不良倾向更具迷惑性,其危害性也就更 大。任何一个学科的教学都必须扎扎实实打好基础,切切实实培养能力。前者是后者的基础,实际操作起来也比后者更难,而且无法“立竿见影”。有 些人把新教材以及新形势下的中考题对“交际能力”的要求或测试,简单地 理解为“听得懂”“说得出”“答得对”,误以为让学生多听(录音)、多 看(录像)、多说、多做(模拟题,其中有不少属于“揠苗助长”式的“能 力”题),就可培养“运用能力”。这实际上是一厢情愿,其结果必然是“基 础”“能力”两头落空。美国中小学英语教学中的教训很值得我们借鉴。  最近从英文报纸上读到的一篇关于美国中小学语法教学的报道。现摘要 如下:一位美国母亲说:“My son at 15,cannot tell thedifference between‘there,’‘their’and‘they’re,’and Ifear for his future employment.” 一位十余年来一直负责在网上解答语法问题,被称为 Grammar Lady 的女 士感到很沮丧,“becauseshe is answering the same questions——thedifferencebetween its and it’s,for example.”  美国的商业界对他们所雇佣的高中毕业生连一个简单的陈述句也写不出 感到非常恼火。他们表示“不愿意花钱让这些雇员去进修类似标点符号这些 他们本应在小学就掌握的最起码的知识”。  迫于种种压力,目前在美国的中小学里,尽管不少学生抵制,语法教学 也不得不大大加强。现在美国教师聚在一起,“研讨语法教学的新方法已经 成为一种时尚”。  俗话说:“没有规矩无以成方圆。”英语是美国学生的母语,一旦忽视 了语言基础知识的教学和测试,连美国学生尚且如此。如果我们现在空谈“交 际能力”,忽视扎扎实实的语言基础知识教学,我国中学外语教学将走向何 方?这个问题我们不能不考虑。中学英语教学的一个关键问题是如何正确处理语言知识与运用英语能力之间的辩证关系。这一问题在当前更为迫切。作为中考命题人,应以强烈的 责任感,通过试题发挥正确的、积极的导向作用,保证我国中小学英语教学 沿着正确的方向健康发展。  如何在试题中正确处理语言基础知识和运用英语能力之间的关系?笔者 认为必须掌握以下几个原则:1.了解英语这门语言的特点 与汉语相比,英语最显著的特点之一是英语的曲折变化多,如名词有单复数,人称代词有主格和宾格,多数形容词和副词有比较级和最高级,动词 有时态、语态以及人称和数的变化。这些变化多以词尾的变化来体现。英语 的这一特点给中国学生学习英语带来很大的困难。因此,上述内容应该是中 考语法测试题的重点。  另外,冠词的基本用法、常见不定代词的用法、肯定句、否定句、疑问 句的构成,动词的五种基本句型,以及宾语从句、状语从句等也应该是初中 阶段语法测试的重点。2.把握语法项目在交际运用中的权重 动词的时态、情态动词、祈使句、反意问句、感叹句以及 but,of course等连词或起连接作用的短语,在实际交际中起着相当重要的作用,也应作为 语法测试的重点。3.密切联系中国学生学习英语的具体情况  中国学生在英语学习中往往忽视词类。英语如同其他表现力强的语言一 样,一词多义现象非常普遍。忽视词类,不仅影响正确使用词汇,而且会对 学习语法造成极大的困难。我们教师都知道:学生对动词的五种基本句型掌 握得较差。这里有学习方法和学习习惯的问题:不少学生忽视记忆,不善于 观察、分析、理解、归纳,这与学生在词汇学习中忽视词类,进而无法掌握 简单句的基本句子成分有直接关系。另外,学生在学习中不注意区别可数名 词与不可数名词,在学习动词时态时往往顾名思义,认为“现在进行时只是 表示现在正在进行的动作”,“表示已经完成的动作就应该用完成时态”。 这些都是中国学生,尤其是初中生学习英语语法中的误区。中考命题应该对 此进行重点考查。在中考语言基础知识测试中,也要考虑英语学习的规律和初中英语教学的任务,不宜过早拔高、拓宽。应严格区分要求学生“掌握”与“理解”的 知识之间的界限。把师生的注意力引导到扎扎实实打好基础,培养可持续学 习的能力上来。4.坚持在具体语境中“较真”的命题方向 当代外语教学越来越强调培养学生运用外语的能力。这一点在中考和高考试题中体现得越来越明显。但强调考查能力绝对不意味着可以稍许忽视语 言基础知识,而是在运用中“较真”,即在具体语境中考查考生准确理解和 灵活运用语言基础知识的能力。NMET 99 第 10 小题便很好地体现了这一命题 原则:——Alice,you feed the bird today,
?——But I fed it you B.will youC.didn’t you D.don’t you从语法上讲,此题考查的不过是祈使句后的追加问句 will you?这一点连初中生也不陌生。但许多考生都答错了,并不是因为他们不懂语法,恰恰 相反,是因为他们太“懂”语法了。把前一句当成陈述句,以为是在考反意 问句的构成,因而误选 C 或 D。如果考生明确上面那两句话的话题——喂鸟, 明确其交际目的——请求,能从具体语境中发现交际双方的身份地位——兄 妹或同学等熟人(这一点从发话人对对方直呼其名便不难看出),真正了解 这种追加问句的交际功能——减缓祈使句中的命令语气,便不难选出正确答案。  因此,要真正考查考生运用语言基础知识的能力,就应该坚持“话题、 语境、结构、功能四位一体”这一命题原则。只有这样才能在语篇或话语中 激活、盘活、深化、巩固语言基础知识,培养运用能力。这种正确的命题原 则势必对中学英语教学发挥良好的导向作用。综观近年来的全国各地中考试 题,类似这样的好题不胜枚举。许多单项填空题在设计上增加了语境因素。 这代表了语言基础知识测试题的发展趋势,应该坚持下去,并使其不断巩固、 完善。  听力测试的导向作用与命题应遵循的原则湖北 扈华唯  有声语言交际的活动是日常交际活动的主体,特别是在当今交通十分发 达的条件下,国际间交往中面对面的交际活动更为频繁。因此,英语教学必 须重视培养学生的听说能力,才能达到为交际服务的目的。听是人们在交际 中获取信息的主要手段,听力是形成英语语言能力的重要组成部分。因此缺 乏听力测试的英语考试或考查,不可能全面地反映学生英语的整体水平。  不管测试专家们承认与否,中考、高考事实上成了中学教学的指挥棒, 因为它们的成绩被社会、家长乃至学生当作衡量一所学校、一个教师的教学 质量的一个非常重要的标志。学校的期中和期末考试、班级的单元测验、随 堂小测验、家庭作业等多种多样的测评活动,都毫无疑问地成了评价学生阶 段性学习成果的依据,它们是学生学习英语的指挥棒。利用测试的导向性, 将听力测试纳入各种英语测评活动中去,能更好地发挥测试的导向作用,转 变学生在学习过程中重知识轻能力的倾向。  听力是英语教学大纲规定的必测能力之一。只有将听力和口语纳入中 考、高考英语测试,才能使大纲、教材和教学形成合力,才能进一步推进中 学英语教学改革。这一改革将从根本上改变目前的知识灌输型的课堂教学模 式,使注重培养学生听说读写能力的教师脱颖而出,使他们注重语言实践的 教学模式和方法得到应有的肯定。这样才会使中学英语教学真正朝着培养学 生运用英语进行交际的能力的方向发展。这就是英语听力测试的导向作用。 为能发挥听力测试的上述导向作用,我们不能不注意提高听力测试的可 信度,这就要在命题构思和试题的编制上下功夫。笔者认为,以下一些原则应予重视。1.口语性原则 听力是口语活动能力的重要部分,因此听力材料应该是口语特征较强的句子、句群和语段。它们应具有词语通俗、简洁明了等特点。不能将适用于阅读理解或书面表达的短文作为听力材料来使用,这样测试出来的成绩一般 会不理想,也不利于培养学生听力理解能力。2.真实性原则  所选材料内容应该贴近生活且真实可信,是现实生活中的人和事。只有 真实可信的语言材料,才能激活学生的“知识库”,对所听内容作出合乎逻 辑的正确判断和反应。3.情景性原则 所选语言材料应具有一定的情景或情节,且人物之间的关系明确。情节过于起伏曲折或反复更迭的材料不易检测到学生真实的听力水平,从而降低 听力测试的信度。4.层次性原则 所提问题从顺序上和深度上应该是循序渐进的。先听的材料内容先提问,后听到的内容后提问。所提问题不仅要有梯度,而且应该从易到难、由 表及里。5.意义性原则 所提问题和所供选项要从意义出发,考查对句子、句群或语段从字面到字里行间意义的领悟。表层意义和深层意义都应明确无误,不能模棱两可。 听力测试题不能以结构为出发点来考查学生,因为它不是语法知识考查题。 总之,导向作用的正确与否,力度如何,与命题密切相关,它们之间的关系,值得深入探讨。英语口试命题谈广东 禹明  目前中小学英语教学中进行的成绩测试,主要是采用笔试的形式,大部 分学校已经加进了听力测试的内容,但这毕竟是不完整的。我们认为,成绩 测试还应该包括口试,这样才能全面地检查和评定学生在一个教学阶段内的 英语学习是否达到了教学大纲和教材的要求。目前,我们强调在英语教学中 实施素质教育,而口语是英语素质的重要组成部分。因此我们在有关专家的 指导下,在全区范围内对中小学生在期末加试英语口试,取得了一定的经验。 本文着重介绍我们对英语口试命题的一些想法。一、英语口试的目的  无论是《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》还是《全日制普 通高级中学英语教学大纲》都明确提出了培养学生在口头上初步运用英语进 行交际能力的要求,而且对“说”分别提出了具体的要求。两个大纲都附列 了日常交际用语简表,详细地规定了学生口头交际应涉及的范围。根据大纲 的要求,现行各种版本的英语教材都提供了供学生“说”的材料与相应的训 练内容。对于考试,《大纲》指出:“考试、考查既要有笔试,也要有口试 和听力测试。”大纲有规定,教材有要求,教学又有说的训练,那么,我们 就应有相应的检测。英语口试的目的是检查学生是否达到了大纲及教材所规 定的要求,是否具备了一定的口头表达能力,看他们是否能就某些交际主题 进行正确的表达。此外,我们认为,英语口试还应注意评价非智力因素方面的内容。例如,在我们的评分标准中,提出对学生学习英语的态度予以评价,采用本文以下 提到的激励性原则,对敢于开口,主动运用英语的学生的积极性予以肯定。 因为,在某种意义上来讲,对学生持什么样的态度更能影响个体未来的学习。 除此之外,我们还注意到测试学生的能力倾向,肯定那些语感好、善模仿、 有潜质的学生。二、英语口试命题的原则1.同步性。既然期末口试是属于成绩 测试,那么,我们在命题时一定要考虑到口试题与学生所学教材内容的相关。这样,我们才能正确评价学生。例如,深港版初中英语第四册有一篇 课文:He gave the money to theProject of Hope,谈到一群学生讨论如何为 Project of Hope 募捐的事。在我们提供的口试题中,我们就设计一道 What shall we do for theProject of Hope?让学生回答这个问题,或开展小组 讨论。这类题目源于教材,体现了同步性,又高于教材,体现了创造性,学 生可以根据自己的理解进行回答。  2.交际性。口头交际是人类最直接的语言交际活动,因此我们设计的口 试题要尽可能地围绕大纲规定的交际项目设计。这样可以使学生在学校中学 到的英语知识和获得的英语表达能力迅速地迁移到实际生活环境中去。深圳  是座对外开放的城市,学生接触到的英语媒体与英语实践机会都比较多。我 们在设计试题时,就注意到他们与外国朋友、外籍教师或到国外旅行时可能 出现的一些谈论深圳,谈论深圳某些景点(Window of the World,ChinaFolk Culture Village?)的交际话题。我们有不少学校都组织学生假期去欧、美、 加等国学习,他们回来后都感到平时这类题材的训练使他们受益匪浅。  3.趣味性。口语测试要避免枯燥、单调。因此,我们在命题时注意了趣 味性原则。首先,要针对不同层次的学生设制不同类型的试题,使口语试题 内容多样化,让学生有话可说,有话想说。口试的组织形式也应多样,有小 组活动、学生对话、表演、讲故事等,也就是说,我们延用教师在教学中采 用过的各种形式的活动。让学生既熟悉,又乐于参与,感到这是一次表现自 我的机会。  4.激励性。口试与笔试、听力测试不同,它在评分标准上主观性、随意 性较大。在目前条件下,要想取得绝对准确的评分结果是很难的。因此,我 们在评分标准中特别注重激励性原则。这就是,以鼓动学生运用英语为出发 点,在全区范围内推行的口语测试中不强求各校之间成绩的可比性。我们还 把测试学生口头运用英语的能力与考查学生的学习态度及学习潜质结合起 来,使学生们对口试一点也不感到望而生畏。他们积极配合,使口试进行得 十分顺利,有些口试不理想的学生,一而再,再而三地要求教师让他们重考。 我们觉得,通过口试,调动了学生学习英语的积极性是最大的收获,我们寻 求的合理的相对准确的评分标准也会在这种和谐的氛围中得到解决。三、英语口试题的主要题型我们设计的口试题主要是以下三种类型: 一是机械性学习型。这类口试题主要是为少数学习有困难的学生提供的。对于他们,我们着眼于开口与养成好的口语学习习惯。因此,我们提供的试题主要是朗读课文,回答老师简单的问题等等。 二是练习性输出型(practice output)。这是针对大多数学生的。主要是提供一些活动思路,如展示一些图片、话题、角色,让学生根据这些思路来运用所学的语言。  三是交际性输出型(communicative output)。这是针对一部分口语好 的学生的。例如我们提供一个情景,让他们(通常是一个小组)自己主动地 承担角色,组织活动。就形式而言,我们觉得以下几种最受到学生的欢迎:  1.看图说话。提供一组或一张图片,让学生就这些图片的内容进行口头 表达。2.小组活动。提供一个话题,让学生在小组中进行讨论。  3.讲故事或谈论某件事。这种个体行为受到学生喜爱的原因,是因为有 的学生喜欢以个人行为表现自我。  4.表演。提供一个情景,让学生们进行准备,让他们自己分担角色,进 行表演。  5.采用广东省高考口试题型。让一个学生先从老师甲处了解某种信息(如 关于某个展览等),然后回到教师乙处进行转述。从以上所述可以看出,我们把口试变成了学生的一次学习机会,一次合作的机会,一次自我表现的机会。我们觉得,这样有利于学生学会做人,学 会学习,学会相处。在上面的口试活动中,教师主考官的身份被淡化了,他 更多的是起到组织者的作用,并以“旁观者”的身份去评判每个学生的口语 能力。这样,学生们就会感到口试是一次轻松愉快的学习活动,而不是一种 可怕的压力。中考完形填空题的特点与解题方法湖北 杨开成一、命题特点  完形填空题是中考必考的一个能力型题型,目的在于考查考生的阅读理 解能力和综合运用语言知识的能力。纵观近几年各省市中考英语完形填空题 的命制情况,笔者认为有以下特点:  1.本题型设空以考查文意为主,信息词汇(即实词——名词、动词、形 容词和副词等)占极大的比重。  2.降低了对单词本身词意的考查要求,以突出本题型的主要测试目的: 对文章的整体理解,上下文段落的衔接,逻辑思维与判断推理能力。  3.增加了考查连词的题目,重点考查考生对行文逻辑的掌握及文句之间 关联的理解。  4.结合文章内容考查对词汇用法的掌握,主要是词语搭配,近义辨异和 各种语法规则。二、例题分析(一)Dick was born in a
family.His father had asmall boat and wentfishing
the afternoon.Then he brought some
for his family.When wintercame,they were oftenhungry.One morning the hungry man
the riverandwasn’t found again.Dick’s mother left her three-year-oldson without saying good-bye.His aunt
look afterhim.Twenty years passed.Dick
a tall,strong man.He found workon a farm.He worked hard and wanted toget more money.He often went to see his aunt
somenice presents.The woman was very happy,but onedayshe
in a traffic accident.The young man was verysad.After heburied(埋葬)her,he decided to buy abeautiful tombstone(墓碑)for her.He went to town andcame into a shop,but all the tombstones were too
.He asked,“Do you sell an old tombstone,please?”“Yes,we do,sir,”answered the shopkeeper. “Is it as expensive as the new one?”“No,it’s much cheaper,”said the man.“But
name was onit.”“It doesn’t matter,”said Dick.“My aunt couldn’t
.”1.A.big B.smallC.poor D.rich2.A.presents B.foodC.clothes D.meat3.A.fell into B.fell offC.dropped in D.went down4.A.dared B.needed toC.had D.had to5.A.had B.grewC.became D.got6.A.for B.byC.from D.with7.A.died B.was deadC.was dying D.was hurt8.A.nice B.newC.expensive D.cheap9.A.others’ B.anotherC.any other D.the other10.A.hear D.write答案与分析:1.情理分析题。四个选项的形容词都能修饰  family,但是从下文“His father had a small boat?”和“When winter came,they were often hungry.”中就不难判断出正确答案为 C 了。2.情理分析题。四个选项的名词都可作 bought 的宾语,但是我们从空白前的“Dick was born in a poorfamily”和空白后的“When winter came, they were oftenhungry.”所提供的信息进行综合分析后,就可以判断出正 确答案为 B 了。3.词义、情理分析题。四个选项的短语动词的含义各不相同:fall into意为“掉进”“跌入”;fall off 意为“掉落”“落下”;drop in 意为“投 入”“顺便来访”;godown 意为“下去”“落下”。根据空白后谓语动词 wasn’t found again 作出的暗示,正确答案应为 A。  4.情理分析题。根据上文“One morning thehungry man fell into the river and wasn’t found again.Dick’s mother left her three-year-oldson without sayinggood-bye.”所提供的信息就可以判断出正确答案为 D。  5.词义题。填入 A,D 两项意思不通,应先排除。grow 作不及物动词用 时意为“生长”“成长”,其后不能带宾语;作连系动词用时意为“变得” 其后一般接形容词;作及物动词时意为“种植”,填入后句意不通。become 作“变为”“成为”解时为连系动词,其后可接形容词或名词作表语,用 become,句意和句型结构都正确,故 C 为正确答案。  6.词义题。for 表示“为”,目的状语;by 意为“通过”,方式状语; from 意为“从”,地点状语;这些从语意上都讲不通。而介词 with 在句中 意为“随身携带”,和后面的名词构成介词短语作伴随情况状语,故 D 为正 确答案。  7.词义、情理分析题。was dead 为系表结构,表示状态;was dying 意 为“要死,但还没有死”;was hurt 为“受伤”;died 强调动作,又根据下  文“After he buriedher”所提供的信息,正确答案应为 A。  8.情理分析题。从下文 Dick 询问店主的话“Doyou sell an old tombstone,please?”和“Is it as expensiveas the new one?”所提供 的信息可以判断出此空应填表示价格昂贵的形容词 expensive,其前有副词 too 修饰,意为“太过分”,故正确答案为 C。9.词义、语法题。others 为不定代词 other 的复数形式,其所有格后面的 name 应为名词的复数形式;表示二者中的“另一个”用the other;any other 为“另外”“任何的”;不定数目中的“另一个”用 another,此处泛指另 外一个人的名字。故正确答案为 B。  10.词义、情理分析题。四个选项从语法上讲都正确,但根据常识及行文 逻辑只有填入 read 才能和上文“but another name was on it”的意思相对,故 C 为正确答案。(二)  One evening Mr White took his daughter to arestaurant.They sat down,and there were a lot of
in the restaurant.They waited andwaited,
nowaiters came to their table.Mr White said,“I’m
.I can’t wait toolong.”He
for a minute and said,“Now I ’m going to
somethingto get a waiter soon.”He went out of the restaurant and
therestaurant,“Mydaughter is at
in your restaurant.She’s wearing
the people.Then he said to
.Do you want to talk to her?”“
,”Mr White said,“Butshe hasn’t got any
yet.She wants some quickly.”Then he went
the restaurant again.He was
that awaiter was now at his table.1.A.waiters B.peopleC.tables D.chairs2.A.and B.orC.but D.so3.A.hungry B.angryC.ready D.the first4.A.waited B.stoppedC.thought B.buyC.ask for D.give you6.A.watched B.telephonedC.looked at D.returned7.A.a window B.a doorC.a table D.a B.a red D.her skirt9.A.looked for B.foundC.looked at D.saw10.A.Mr White B.the girlC.Miss White D.another waiter11.A.out B.eating thereC.talking with me
D.here12.A.Yes,I do B.Of course notC.No,I don’t D.Sure13.A.friend D.milk14.A.out of B.intoC.around D.through15.A.glad B.afraidC.sorry D.not sure答案与分析:1.B。进餐需要等候,一定是“人”多。2.C。前句是久等,下句是没有侍者过来招呼,应填表示“转折”的词。3.A。进饭馆为吃饭,“饿”了不能久等。4.C。以下妙计还是动了一番脑筋“想”出来的。  5.A。要做点什么事好把侍者招来。如选其他三项动词,下文均无交待, 故不妥。6.B。人出了 restaurant 又要和里面的侍者讲话,只有靠“telephone”。7.C。作为顾客,等候就餐,应是“at a table”。8.B。四个选项虽然都可“wear”,能作为辨认标志的只有“red hat”。  9.C。拿着电话的 waiter 要朝店堂中的 people“看”去,才能回答电话 中的问题。saw 表示“看见”,强调 look 之后的结果,用于此处不妥。10.A。上文十分明确,电话的那一头是 MrWhite。11.D。其余三项均与当时的事实不符。12.C。看完上下文,知其用意并非要 daughter 接电话,应给予否定回答。13.C。是要“吃的”。14.B。电话打完,重回饭馆。15.A。妙计成功,waiter 已在桌前,此先生自然“高兴”了。三、解题步骤  从上述例题分析可以看出,完形填空题的解题方法一般来说有以下三个 步骤。1.通读全文,掌握大意 首先要快速地通读全文,通读时跳过空格,运用所学的语言知识进行推测和联想,努力理解短文大意。文章的首句通常是一个完整无缺的句子,它 能为我们了解全文大意提供重要信息,帮助我们理顺思路,把握全篇。如果 是记叙文,通读时应特别注意文章中提到的时间、地点、人物、事件和结果。 如果是议论文,就应该注意论点和论据。通读时可先在草稿纸上或脑子中做 尝试性的填充。2.综合考虑,逐项填空 第二步要前后照应,全面思考。在掌握大意的前提下做到能抓住关键词句,确切理解词义、句义,运用所学的语言知识进行综合思考分析。筛选时, 必须纵观全文,从语篇出发,既要注意语法、惯用法、短语搭配等问题,又 要考虑上下文情景,逐一加以推敲权衡,选择出意义和结构都正确的答案。 做题时可先选出那些根据上下文内容稍加推理判断就能确定的明显的答案, 如一些固定的词组,常见的句型,惯用法等。剩下的疑难问题可根据已补上 的空缺再读全文,待对内容有进一步理解后再确定选项。3.认真复读,仔细验证 全部题目初步完成后要认真复读,仔细验证。复读时要根据语感和对全篇文章的理解,检查全文是否前后贯通,再次调整和修改不合题意的答案, 使所选的答案在意义、词义、语法、惯用法搭配、逻辑关系等方面都无懈可 击。中考非谓语动词测试要点概述江西 郭克晴  有关非谓语动词的测试在全国各省、市中考试题中占有一定的比例。为 了帮助同学们熟练掌握应试方法,本人结合近两年各地中考试题中出现的非 谓语动词试题,谈谈其测试要点(题中划线部分均为正确答案)。一、对动词不定式的考查1.考查动词不定式的构成 动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,不受人称和数的变化限制,它是由不定式符号 to 加动词原形构成。如:There is going to
an English party thisWednesday afternoon.(’99 西宁) B.have C.being D.has2.考查动词不定式作宾语  有些动词,如 hope,decide,ask,agree,wish,choose 等,一般只能 后接动词不定式作宾语,而不能用动词-ing 形式作宾语。如:  I want
99 湖南)these books to the classroom.Can youhelp me?(’A.take B.took C.taking take注意:用动词不定式(短语)作宾语时,如果其后有宾语补足语,常用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语之后,其句型为:“主语+ 谓语+it+宾语补足语+动词不定式(短语)”。如:In learning a foreign language,I find
important to do morespeaking.(’98 杭州) D.everyone3.考查动词不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语时,与被它修饰的名词有动宾关系。如:I have a lot of things
this weekend.(’99 上海) B.did C.doing do  若动词不定式是不及物动词,则要带上必要的介词,构成及物动词短语。 如:They are looking for a house live live in4.考查动词不定式作宾语补足语  有些动词,如 ask,teach,want,tell 等可接带 to 的不定式作宾语补 足语,即构成“ask/teach/want/tellsb to do sth”结构。如:Liu Ying told me
for her at home.(’99 北京) A.waits B.wait wait D.waitingJim wanted me
him up at ten o’clock.(’99 吉林) A.ring B.rings ring D.rangMr Zhang often teaches his Japanese friends
Chinese food.(’99 河北)A.cook B.cooks C.cooked cookThe parents asked the teacher
the childrenenough work to do.(’99 武汉)A.give give  注意:动词不定式用作使役动词(如 let,make 等)及感观动词(如 see, hear,watch,feel 等)的宾语补足语时都不带 to;在 help 后面作宾语补足 语时,to 可有可无。但将其改为被动语态时,则要加上 to(但 let 一般不能 用于被动语态)。如:—When can I go out to play basketball,Mum?  —Finish your homework first,or I won’t let you
.(’98 河北) go out B.go outC.going out D.will go outCould you make her
laughing?(’98 宁夏)A.stop stopC.stops D.stoppedI saw him
basketball with Jack an hour ago.(’99 天津)A.plays playC.played D.play5.考查动词不定式的否定式动词不定式的否定式是在 to 前加 not。“ask/teach/want/tell sb notto do sth”结构是各省市中考试题中常见的考查内容。如:Jim asked Lin Feng
forget to change water.(’99 哈尔滨) not B.don’tC.not D.not toThe teacher asked Sam
A.not be B.was notlate.(’99 济南)C.not to be not be6.考查动词不定式作主语 在许多情况下,动词不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,而用 it 作形式主语。如:
is very important to learn English.(’99 广州) A.This B.ItC.That D.He  如果需要说明动词不定式的动作是由谁做的,可在不定式前加一个 for 引起的短语;但如果表语是 kind,nice,right,wrong,clever,polite 等描述行为者性格、品质的形容词,则应在不定式前加一个 of 引起的短语。 如:  It’s difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项 工作很难。  It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busystreet.对孩 子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。It’s very kind of you to help me.你能帮我,真好。  It’s good of you to help me with my English.你能帮我学英语,真 好。7.考查“连接代(副)词+动词不定式”结构的用法在英语中有些动词,如 ask,know,learn,decide,tell 等后可接“疑问代(副)词+不定式” 作宾语。如:Mike is learning
a computer.(’99 广州) can he use to he use to usingHe wants to know
to the People’s Cinema.(’98 广西)A.when go B.when to goC.when goes D.when to giving8.考查动词不定式作状语 动词不定式作状语主要用来修饰动词,表示目的,也可以表示结果或原因。如:He ran into the room
the girl.(’98 辽宁)A.saving saveC.saves D.saved9.考查在固定结构中动词不定式的用法  ①had better do sth 意为“最好做某事”,常用来向对方提出建议, 其否定式是 had better not do sth“最好不要做某事”。如:  It’s getting dark.We’d better
齐)A.took take D.takea bus home.(’99 乌鲁木It’s cold outside.You’d better
A.not to take off B.not take not take off D.don’t take offyour coat.(’99 吉林)You’d better
upstairs and tell the children
makeso much noise.(’99 安徽)A.go,not to B.go,don’ go,not to go,don’t  ②Why not do sth?意为“为什么不做???”,也用来表示向对方提 建议。如:—Do you know the meaning of this word?—No.But why not
in your dictionary.(’99 安徽)A.look it up B.look up look up it D.look it up  ③Will/Would you please(not)do sth?意为“请你(不要)??好 吗?”如:  Will you please
me your ruler?(’99 海南)A.lending lend borrowWould you please
the door?(’98 陕西)A.not open B.don’t openC.not to open not open二、对动词-ing 形式的考查对动词-ing 形式主要在以下结构中加以考查。1.enjoy doing sth 意为“喜欢做某事”。如:The boy enjoys
the radio in the morning.(’99 吉林)A.listening B.listening toC.listen to listen about doing sth?也是提建议的一种表达方式,意为:“?? 怎么样(如何)?”如:  How about
to the cinema on Sunday?(’99 哈尔滨)A.go goC.going D.will goWhat about
to see a film?(’98 哈尔滨)A.going go D.goes  3.Would you mind doing sth?表示请求许可或请求别人做某事,意为: “请你做??,你反对(介意)吗?”如:  Would you mind
the window,please?(’98 广州) open D.opening4.stop?from doing sth 意为“阻止(防止)??做某事”。如:The heavy snow
arriving in time.(’99 河南)A.let the train not B.made the train not toC.stopped the train of D.stopped the train fromThe Great Green Wall will stop the wind
(’98 西安)A.from blowing blowingC.blew blowtheearth away.5.Thank sb for(doing)sth 意为“因??而感谢某人”。如:Thank you for
to my party.(’98 海南)A.going go D.goes good at(doing)sth 意为“擅长做某事”“在某方面做得好”。 如:  She is good at
flowers.(’99 宁夏)A.draw drawC.draws busy doing sth 意为“忙于做某事”。如:The little boy is busy doC.doing D.doeshis homework now.(’99 广州)8.keep doing sth 意为“一直(继续)做某事”。如:We kept
the ball to each other,and theybegan to get angry.(’99 辽宁) pass B.passingC.pass D.past  The students are always
English or Chineseevery morning on weekdays.(’99 重庆)A.kept reading B.keeping readingC.kept to read D.keeping to read三、注意事项  1.有些动词后既可以接动词不定式作宾语,也可以接动词-ing 形式作宾 语,但所表达的意义不同,应注意区别。? remember / forget to do sth记得 / 忘记要做某事?? remember / forget doing sth记得 / 忘记曾经做过某事?go on to do sth做完一件事后,继续做另一件??go on doing sth继续做某事如:Don’t forget
(’99 宁夏)Miss Zhao to come to my party,will you?A.asking askC.let let  2.在 see,watch,find,feel 等动词后,既可以接不带 to 的动词不定 式作宾语补足语,也可以接动词-ing 形式作宾语补足语。前者表示动作的全过 程 已 结 束 , 后 者 表 示 动 作 正 在 进 行 。 试 比 较 :?I saw her passing across the road.? 我看见她正在穿过马路。(动作正在进行)?I saw her pass across the road.?? 我看见她穿过了马路。(动作全部结束)?I heard hi m knocking at the door.? 我听见他正在敲门。(动作正在进行)?I heard hi m knock at the door.?? 我听见他敲过门。(动作全部结束)如:—Where’s Han Meimei now?Do you know?—No,but I heard her
99 济南) sing B.singsC.sang D.singin her room a fewminutes ago.(’When I
through the station,I saw theaccident
.(’99 安徽)A.past,happening B.passed,happenedC.past,to happen D.passed,happen  There was a traffic accident.Kate saw it
onher way home and then told the policeman all about it.(’99 重庆)A.happened B.happenC.happening D.was happening—Did you hear her
—Sometimes.(’98 安徽) A.sing B.sangthis song?C.singing sing  3.stop to do sth 和 stop doing sth 的区别。stop todo sth 意为“停 下来做某事”,不定式作状语,表示目的;stop doing sth 意为“停止做某 事”,doing 是 stop 的宾语,是要停止做的事情。如:We’ll go out for a walk as soon as it
(’99 济南)A.stopsraining B.rainingC.stop to rain D.rainIt’s time for supper now.Let’s
A.stop to have B.stop stop to have D.stopping to haveit.(’99 江西)中考情景交际题选析陕西 叶元凯  笔者最近对 25 份各省、市中考英语试题作一分类统计,发现情景交际题 在试题中都占有较大的比重(听力题和对话形式的选择填空题不计在内)。 有的省市一份试题中有几种不同题型的情景交际题,下面就使用最多的四种 题型作一选析。一、用语配对  从右栏的若干个句子中找出一个与左栏某句意义相关的句子,使两者构 成一个简单的交际情景。1.Thank you for your beautiful present.2.Would like one more cup of tea,please?3.Shall we bring food for a picnic?4.I think Japanese is less important than English.5.I can’t find my money.6.It’s very cold here.7.Happy New Year to all of you!8.Mary could write when she was five.9.Kate likes playing volleyball very much.10.What was the date yesterday?A.It’s best to wear warmer clothes. B.It doesn’t matter.C.The same to you!D.How clever she was! E.So does Tom.F.It was April 1st.G.It was a pleasure. H.No,thanks.I.What a good idea!J.I don’t agree with you. K.It must be in your pocket. L.It was Monday.答案及简析:  1.G。 It’s a pleasure.(也可以说 It’s my pleasure.或简化为 My pleasure.)意为“这是一件对我很愉快的事。”常用作回应感谢的答语。  2.H。one more cup of tea 表示“(在原有基础上)再来一杯茶”。“No, thanks.”表示有礼貌地谢绝,也可以说:No,thanks.I’m full.如果还想 吃一点,就可以说:Yes,please,just a little.或:Yes,please.I’d lovesome.3.I。答句使用了一个感叹句,使回答具有感情色彩,表示极为赞成。如果说:That’s a good idea.则仅表示正面肯定。  4.J。左栏的句子中使用了“I think+宾语从句”结构,表达自己的一种 看法。答者认为这种看法不能苟同,所以才使用 don’t agree with?的表 达形式。  5.K。答句使用了“must+be”结构,表示“一定是”,带有断言性,如 不十分肯定,就可以用:Maybe?,或 perhaps?  6.A。左栏的句子就气温表示自己的感觉,右栏没有议论天气的答句。答 者从“劝告和建议”(Adviceand suggestions)的角度作了回答。7.C。你祝我新年好,我也祝你新年好。8.D。表示“惊奇”。9.E。表示后者的情况与前者相同。10.F。关于日期的问答。二、补全对话  采用这一题型的省市非常多,因为“对话”是一种口头交际方式,考查 这一内容符合大纲和教材的要求。同时,“对话”具有一定的主题和上下文, 学生“补全”的水平足以表达其对“对话”主题的理解力和综合运用语言知 识去表达该主题的能力。(一)根据对话内容,在每一空格内填写一词(缩写词占一格)。Mike:Hi,Mary.Are you going
the farmtomorrow morning?Mary:Yes.We’ll start at 7∶30.Would you like to go
us?Mike:I’d love to.But I’m afraid
going torain.Mary:I don’t think so.It hasn’t rained for
,and todayisn’t cloudy,
.Mike:I hope it will be fine tomorrow.How far is thefarm? Mary:Not far.It’ll take us half an hour.It’s only 5bus
.Mike:You mean we’ll go there by bus.
a bus.Mike:I prefer bikes
buses.At that time thestreets arebusiest.Buses can’t go
than bikes at that time of
.Mary:I agree with you.Bikes can both save time
have fun.答案及简析:1.visit。全文围绕外出活动,以 visit 为佳。2.with。该句表达“邀请”,后用介词短语作状语,构成 go with sb结构。’s。话题转入天气,应用 it’s。  4.days。该处应用时间名词的复数形式,如 days/weeks/months 等,但 以 days 为佳。  5.either。空格位于句末,前有逗号,从 and 前后两个否定句的语气判 断,此处应使用表示加强语气的 either。  6.stops。stop 是名词,5 bus stops 意为“5 站路”。如能意识到该句 是议论行程的距离,就容易填出该词。  7.Is。空格位于疑问句句首,应填动词。全句要求对方证实,故应填 Is。8.take。take 与 a bus 构成短语。。因 prefer 后接 sth to sth。  10.faster。从上句的内容及本句的 can’t go?than?足以判定:空格 处应使用 fast 的比较级。。at this/that time of day 是固定短语。12.and。both?and 是并列连词。  (二)请根据情景叙述和对话内容,从各小题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项完成对话。Zhu Feng is doing some shopping at a clothes shop.(Z:Zhu;S:the salesgirl)S:Good morning,sir.May I help you? Z:Yes,please.
.Do you have any?S:Yes.
?Z:M is OK.(“M”means between large and small.)S:Here you are. Z:
?S:Sure?Is it all right?Z:Yes.I like it very much.How much please? S:115 yuan.Z:
.Do you have any other kind?I want oneunder 100 yuan.S:How about this one?It’s only 88 yuan.Z:OK.It’s just my size and colour.I’ll take it.Here is the money. S:Thank you.
?Z:No,thanks.1.A.I’d love to buy a suit of sports clothes.B.I want to have a pair of white shoes. C.I’d like to have a light blue T-shirt. D.I’m looking for a pair of glasses.2.A.What’s your sizeB.What colour do you like C.What about this one D.How about this pair3.A.Can I take a look at themB.Can I try it onC.Do you think it’s my sizeD.Do you think it’s my colour4.A.That’s OK,I thinkB.I’ll buy itC.Not very dear,I thinkD.A bit too dear,I’m afraid5.A.Are you pleased with it B.Are you sure C.Anything else D.Is that all 答案及简析: 1.C。该句表达顾客告诉售货员想买什么东西。I’d like to?/I want to?/I’m looking for?都可以表达购物内容,但一般不用 I’d love to?。 同时,后文用 it/one 代替该物,而 clothes/shoes/glasses 是复数名词,应 用复数的代词代替。故所购之物应是 T-shirt。2.A。下面的答句表明,此处是询问尺码的大小。3.B。A 项的 them 与 T-shirt 不对应。C、D 与 下句的情景不相配。省略号“?”表示说话人期待的过程,只有 try sthon 才需要等待。  4.D。A、B、C 都表“同意”,与后句的意义矛盾。a bit too 表示轻微 的不满意,可与后句内容衔接。  5.C。该句用于一件商品成交后,售货员询问顾客是否还要再购买别的东 西。  (三)选择适当的单词完成对话,使对话完整、正确,每空填一个单词, 每个单词使用一次,有两个为多余单词。(broken,hit,dangerous,happened,walking,sent,interesting,hurt,fallen,when,speak,operated)A:Hi,Li Hua.Where are you going?You look verybusy. B:Oh,I am going to see my nucle in hospital.A:What
?B:Last night
on a road,a jeep
him.A:I’m sorry to hear that.Was he badly
?B:Yes.He couldn’t
and move.There was blood(血)everywhere.A:Did the driver take him to the hospital at once?B:Yes.He was7
to the hospital ten minutes later.The doctor
on him at once.He was saved atlast.But his rightleg and right hand were
!We must be careful when we walk on theroad.B:You are right.答案及简析:1.happened。表示惊讶,并想了解有关信息。2.when。引出时间从句。3.walking。与 was 构成过去进行式。4.hit。表示“撞击”。  5.hurt。表示“伤害”,与 was 构成被动态。6.speak。couldn’t 后用 动词原形,与 move 是并列关系,表事故造成的后果。7.sent。与 was 构成被动态,表示伤后被送往医院。8.operated。与 on 构成短语动词。  9.broken。与 were 构成被动态,表“骨折”。10.dangerous。表对事故 的“惊叹”。三、单项选择(一)根据所给情景选择最佳答案。1.如果你与一位不相识的英国朋友交谈,你最好以什么话题开头? A.Where do you come from?B.Beautiful weather,isn’t it?C.What’s your name? D.How old are you?2.你想知道去邮局的路,你应该说:“
” A.Sorry.B.Excuse me.C.Hello,what’s your name? D.May I ask you a question?3.有人找 Tom 接电话,碰巧他当时不在,你应该说:“
” A.Goodbye.B.No,you’ve got the wrong number. C.Sorry,he isn’t here at the moment. D.Sorry,he has no time.4.你听说你的朋友生病了,你应该说:“
” A.Never mind.B.I’m sorry to hear that. C.It doesn’t matter. D.Don’t mind it.答案及简析:1.B。在与陌生人搭话时,西方人习惯以谈论天气作为开场白。  2.B。问路对别人是一种打扰,故应说 Excuse me.如果是自己做错了事, 要用 Sorry 致歉。3.C。4.B。(二)根据所给问句,选出最佳答语。1.Would you like to have a cup of tea? A.Yes,thanks. B.Yes,I would.C.I have no idea. D.It’s nice of you.2.Can you pass me a piece of paper? A.You’re welcome. B.I can get it.C.Yes,I have. D.OK.Here you are.3.How is the weather today?A.It’s May 4. B.It’s fine. C.It’s Monday. D.It was raining.4.Would you please show me the way to the station? A.This is the road. B.No,I don’t.C.It’s not far. D.Go straight along here.5.What’s the trouble with you? A.I’ve got a cold. B.Don’t laugh at me. C.Take good care. D.It doesn’t matter. 答案与简析:  1.A。属“就餐”用语,主人有礼貌地征询客人的意见,客人也应有礼貌 地表示接受或婉拒。2.D。属“请求和应答”类。3.B。属“谈论天气”类。D 项的时态与问句不同。4.D。属“问路和应答”类。C 项表示距离,答非所问。5.A。属“询问健康”类。(三)根据对话内容,选出最佳的问句或答句。1.—
—I am.A.Where are you? B.Is that you? C.Who’s on duty today? D.Are you in Row 3?2.—How is the young man?—
A.He is twenty-two. B.He’s a doctor. C.He’s much better now. D.He’s David.3.—May I use your ruler?—
A.Yes,here you are. B.Yes,give you. C.Sorry,here it is. D.No,thanks.4.—This is John speaking.Who is that?—
A.This is Bill. B.I am Bill.C.You are Bill. D.Where is Bill?5.—How old is he?—
 A.He’s fine. B.He’s Li Lei. C.He’s fifteen. D.He’s here. 答案与简析:1.C。属“询问情况”类。从答句看出,问句应是特殊问句。2.C。属“询问病情”类。3.A。属“请求允许”类。4.A。属“打电话”类。5.C。属“询问年龄”类。四、排序题要求从每组对话中,选出正确的排列顺序。1.(1)Please take your time.No hurry!(2)Good afternoon.What can I do for you?(3)How do you like the woolen ones?(4)Let me have a look.Thank you. (5)Good afternoon.I am looking for two skirts formy daughter. A.(5)~(2)~(3)~(4)~(1) B.(2)~(3)~(4)~(1)~(5) C.(2)~(5)~(3)~(4)~(1) D.(5)~(1)~(2)~(3)~(4)2.(1)Yes,first you should dig a hole.(2)Yes,then put the tree in.(3)Can you tell me how to plant trees?(4)Is the hole big and deep enough? (5)And water it as often as possible,am I right? A.(4)~(1)~(3)~(2)~(5) B.(3)~(1)~(4)~(2)~(5) C.(4)~(1)~(5)~(2)~(3) D.(3)~(1)~(5)~(2)~(4)3.(1)Don’t forget anything.(2)Oh,do you have to?(3)Thanks.I think we have everything.(4)Bruce,I am afraid we have to go now. (5)Yes,I am afraid so.It’s getting late. A.(4)~(2)~(5)~(1)~(3) B.(1)~(3)~(4)~(5)~(2) C.(2)~(5)~(4)~(1)~(3) D.(4)~(5)~(1)~(3)~(2)答案与简析:1.C。属“购物”类的对话。2.B。属“请求指导”类的对话。3.A。属“告别”类的对话。句型转换题的测试内容与解题方法广东 李启焕  句型转换题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,该题型主要考查学生对 英语句型的掌握情况和灵活运用的能力。命题形式一般是给出一个英语句 子,要求考生根据所提要求改写这个句子。一、测试内容  1.句子种类的转换:将肯定的陈述句改为否定句。将陈述句改为感叹句、 一般疑问句、反意疑问句、或特殊疑问句(即对划线部分提问)。将简单句 转换为复合句。将并列句转换为简单句。将两个简单句合并为一个简单句或 复合句。  2.简单句的几种基本句型之间的转换:如将主谓结构变为主系表结构, 将双宾语结构改为复合宾语结构等。3.语态的转换:将主动语态变为被动语态或将被动语态变为主动语态。4.引语的转换:将直接引语改为间接引语或将间接引语改为直接引语。  5.同义句转换:在中考英语试题中,同义句转换的题量较大,除了句型 间的转换外,有些是同义词语间的转换。二、解题方法  1.吃透原句。在答题时首先要弄清所给句子的句型结构、主语的人称和 数、谓语动词的形式、以及全句的意思。2.明确要求。要看清楚题目的要求,弄懂题意,不要盲目动笔。3.对“症”下“药”。即针对不同的要求采用不同的方法。  (1)将肯定句改为否定句时,除要正确使用谓语动词的否定形式外,还 要将句中的 some 改为 any,将 something 改为 anything 等。例如:There is some rice in the bowl.→There isn’t any rice in the bowl.They bought something in the supermarket.→They didn’t buy anything in the supermarket.  (2)将陈述句改为一般疑问句时,要根据陈述句中的谓语动词及其时态 形式确定其疑问式,同时还要注意将原句中的 some 改为 any,将 something 改为 anything 等。例如:I’ve got some money with me.→ Have you got any money with you?Mr.Wang said something about the accident at themeeting.→Did Mr.Wang say anything about the accident at the meeting?  (3)将陈述句改为反意疑问句时,除了遵循陈述部分若为肯定式,疑问 部分则用否定式和陈述部分若为否定式,疑问部分则用肯定式的原则外,还 要注意:当陈述部分含有 little,few,no,nothing,never 等否定意义的 词时,疑问部分要用肯定形式。另外,还要注意部分情态动词的特殊情况,  如当陈述部分为 must be,表示对现在情况的推测,作“一定”或“肯定” 讲时,疑问部分的动词一般用 be 的相应否定形式,而不用 mustn’t。例如:Tom likes reading,doesn’t he?There weren’t any mice in the room,were there?There is little water in the cup,is there?They must be in the reading-room,aren’t they?  (4)对划线部分提问时,可按一定、二移(或加)、三变化、四删除的 步骤进行。第一步“定”,就是根据划线部分的内容确定适当的疑问词。如 问时间用 when 或 what time,问地点用 where,问价钱用 howmuch,问年龄用 how old,问原因用 why,问“做什么事”用 what?do/does/did 等。第二 步“移(或加)”,就是将句子结构改为一般疑问句的形式,如果谓语部分 含有系动词 be,助动词 be,will,have 或情态动词时,则将这类动词移到 句首。如果谓语动词是行为动词,则需在主语前加助动词 do,does 或 did。 但是,如果划线部分是原句的主语或主语部分的定语,则不需要这一步。第 三步“变化”,即对句子中某些词作相应的变化,除了将谓语动词变为原形 动词外,还要注意将原句中句首单词(专有名词除外)的首字母改为小写, 将句中的 some 变为 any,将句号变为问号等。第四步“删除”,就是去掉被 疑问词替换的划线部分的词。例如:My uncle has been to Hong Kong twice.→How many times has your uncle been to Hong Kong?It took the artist half an hour to draw the beautifulhorse.→How long did it take the artist to draw the beautifulhorse?Her mother is a nurse.→What is her mother?The children are playing football on the playground.→Where are the boys playing football?He read some newspapers in the reading room.→What did he do in the reading-room?  (5)将陈述句变为感叹句时,首先要确定是用 what 还是用 how 开头。 如果强调部分的中心词是名词,就用 what;若是形容词或副词,则用 how。 然后将所强调的部分移至 what 或 how 之后,要注意去掉修饰这一形容词或副 词的副词。例如:He is a very good teacher.→ What a good teacher he is! They danced quite well.→How well they danced!  (6)将简单句变为复合句或将复合句变为并列句或简单句时,既要注意 句子的结构变化,又要注意不能改变句子的意思。要重视一些常用连词和动 词的非谓语形式的用法。例如:We think it true.→We think that it is true.If you use your head,you’ll find a way.→ Use you head,then you’ll find a way.He was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.→ He was too angry to say a word.  (7)将主动语态变为被动语态时,谓语动词变为 be+过去分词”形式, 这里的 be 除了要与原句在时态上保持一致外,还要与句子的主语在人称和数 等方面保持一致。例如:They have set up a new primary school in myhometown.→A new primary school has been set up in myhometown.  (8)将直接引语改为间接引语时,除了要对人称代词、动词时态、时间 状语和地点状语等作相应的变化外,有时还要更改相应的谓语动词或将谓语 动词改为非谓语形式。例如:The teacher said,“Will you come here next Sunday?”→The teacher asked me whether I would go there thenext Sunday.The woman said to the boy,“Go away.”→ The woman ordered the boy to go away.  (9)在作同义词语的转换时,首先要理解原句的意思,然后根据原句的 意思和要补全句子的结构填入所缺少的词,使两句意思相同或相近。例如:My father drives to work every day.→My father goes to work by car every day.May I borrow your bike,please?→Can you lend me your bike, please?  4.仔细检查。一是从所写答案是否符合题目的要求方面来检查。二是从 句子的时态、语态、人称和数方面来检查。三是从单词的拼写与标点符号的 使用方面来检查。四是将两个句子相互对照来检查。如先看“对划线部分提 问”的答案(问句),再看原句(答句),这样一问一答,容易判断正误。  中考模拟英语试题(总分 120 分,时间 100 分钟) 上海 李剑虹  第一部分 听力(30 分)(略) 第二部分(语音、词汇和语法)(42 分)  Ⅰ.找出与所给音标发音相同的词,或选出与划线部分词发音相同的 音标,并使句意通顺:(4 分)  1.Mr.Black[w:kt] in an office in London , but he lived in the[kntri] B.worked??country C.worked??counter2.He doesn’t[nu][‘we ]it will be fine B.know?weather C.know?whether3.Is there any meat on the plate?A.[met] B.[mi:t] C.[meit]4. Her[sn]is playing basketball in the[sn]A.son??sun B.sun??son C.sun??samⅡ.找出与划线部分意思最接近的词:(4 分)1.He failed to win the game.A.wasn’t able to B.tried toC.managed to D.did his best to2.Now that you are ill, you’d better go to see adoctor.A.For B.ThoughC.Since D.Whether3.I will come to see you as soon as often as possible faster as I can sooner as I can soon as I can4. My aunt had left Paris when I got there to seehim.A.gone to B.been away fromC.been to D.left forⅢ.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(4 分)1.That happened on the
it is raining now.(heavy)3.Edison was one of the greatest
(invent)inthe world.  4.He is a good student.It is
(usual)forhim to be late for class.Ⅳ.选择填空:(15 分)1.The Greens have
daughter.A.a 8-year-old 8-year-oldC.a 8-years-old 8-years old2.Draw 4 lines
the four points,and thenyou’ll get a square.A.among D./3.He
goes to the seaside and stay there for
.A.sometime ,some time B.some times ,sometimeC.sometimes,sometime D.sometimes,some time4.We wonder
do to help can we we canC.what we can D.what can we5.All of them enjoy
football match watch B.watchC.watching D.watched6.A friend of
is coming to see B.mine?? long
the army?B:For over two years.A.has your sister taken part inB.has your sister been inC.has your sister joinedD.has your brother started to work8.I’ll
my daughter to a good school nextterm.A.send B.takeC.bring D.get9.I know
“O” in“UFO” is short for theword“object”.A.a B.anC./ D.the10.It’s hardly for him to work out the mathsproblem,
_ ? A.isn’t it B.hasn’t it D.has it11.Tom
go camping if it
tomorrow.A.doesn’t, is going to snow B.doesn’t,will snow C.won’t,snows D.don’t,snows12.My aunt is talking with some
A.Germans B.GermenC.German D.Germanynow.13.There are many
in your school.A.women teachers B.woman teachersC.women teacher D.woman teacher14.That is
.an easy problem
everyone can workA.too,for,out B.too,for,it outC.such,that, it out,that,it out15.
_is important for us to study English well.A.That B.ItC.This D.ThoseⅤ.动词填空:(8 分)  1.The story
(take)place on the night ofOctober 20,1939.Dr Bethune
(operate) on awounded soldier in a temple when word came that theenemy soldiers were near.When one of the soldiers askedDr.Bethune
(leave)at once,he said that he
(not leave) until the work was over.2.The moon is our satellite.It
(go)aroundthe earth.Man
(visit)it several times.Mr.Smithsaid he
(never be)there before.He hopes he
(go)to visit it some day in the future.Ⅵ.句型转换:(按要求改变下列句型)(7 分)1.The novel isn’t cheap enough for me to buy.(保持原句意思)The novel is
for me to buy.2.You can make your son do the exercises himself.(改成被动语态)Your son can
do the exercises himself.3.You look tired.You shouldn’t go on working.(保持原句意思)You look tired.You’d
go on working.4.He often does his lessons in the evening.(一般疑问句)
his lessons in the evening?5.They often go to school by underground.(就划线部分提问)
they often go to school?6.Tom is the tallest student in his class.(保持原句意思)Tom is
in his class.
第三部分(48 分)Ⅰ.阅读理解:(15 分)A  The United States has many different kinds of climate(气候).On the west coast(海岸),the temperaturechanges very little between summer and winter , but thenorth central states have a very different kind of climate.In those states,people wear light clothing in the winter.  In the southwest ,
the climate is pleasantly warmduring the winter,but the summer is unpleasantly hot.In the eastern part of the United States,summertemperatures arevery different from winter temperatures.Summers are usually hot, and winters are usually cold.Spring temperatures are comfortably warm,and autumntemperatures are pleasantly cool.Years ago,people in the cold parts of the UnitedStates didnot often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruitsduring the winter.Today,however,trucks and trainscarry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United States.In this way,Americans “send theirclimates”to people in other states.True or False1.Different places have different kinds of climate inthe UnitedStates.2.In the eastern part of the United States,thetemperature changesa lot during the year.  3.On the west coast the temperatures of summer andwinter are quite different.4.Americans“ send their climates”to the othercountries.5.The climate in the north central states is not coldat all.  6.Fresh vegetables and fruits can be sent to all partsof the United Stats so quickly that people in the cold partsfeel no difference from those in the warm places.B  The word“sport”first meant something that peopledid in their free time.Later it often meant hunting wildanimals and birds.About a hundred years ago the wordwas first used for organized games.This is  the usualmeaning of the word today.People spend a lot of theirspare time playing football,basketball,tennis and manyother sports.Such people play because they want to.Afew people are paid for the sport they play.These peopleare called professional sportsmen.They may be sportsmenfor only a few years,but during that time the best ones cangeta lot of money.For example,a professional footballer in England getsmore than£30,000 a year.The stars get a lot more.Perhaps the most surprising thing about sportsmen andmoney is this:the stars can get more money fromadvertising than from sport.An advertisement for sportsequipment(器械)does not simply say“Buy our things”.It says“Buy the same shirt and shoes as?”.Famoussportsmen can even advertise(做广告) things like watchesand food.They allow the companies to use their namesora photographs of them and they are paid for this.Sport isno longer just something for people’s spare time.True or False1.Both advertisements and sports may bring moneyto stars.  2.People play football,basketball,tennis and manyother sports in their free time.3.All sportsmen can be paid a lot of money.  4.Hundreds of years ago the word “sport” got theusual meaning of the word today.C  The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in theworld.It is more than6,000 kilometres long,about 7metres high,5~6metres wide.It is known to be the onlyone of the structures built by men on Earth that can beseen from the moon.The Potala(布达拉宫) in Tibet,China,is theworld’s highestpalace.It is over 3 kilometres above thesea level.The great Pyramid in Egypt is the biggest burial placeever built.Itis
high , or
40 - storey building.Each side of the Pyramid is about230 metres long,or aboutas long as 2 city blocks.  The Sears Tower in Chicago,U.S.A.,reaches aheight of 443metres.It has 110 storeys and covers a totalfloor space of 420,000 square metres.It is the tallestoffice building in the would.1.The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in theworld becauseit is
.A.over six thousand kilometers longB.about two hundred and thirty metres longC.about as long as two city blocksD.more than three kilometres above sea-level2.The biggest burial place that men ever built is in
.A.Tibet B.EgyptC.the Potala D.the Great Wall3.The Sears Tower is about
,so it is thetallest office building in the metres hundred and thirty seven metres highC.four hundred and forty-three metres highD.four hundred and twenty thousand metres high4.The only one of the objects built by men on theearth that canbeen seen from the moon is
.A.the Great Pyramid B.the Great Wall C.the Sears Tower D.the Potala5.The Potala is in
.A.Chicago B.EgyptC.the U.S.A D.ChinaⅡ.完型填空(19 分)A根据所给的首字母,填空完成短文:(8 分)The word D
has two meanings.When we talkabout the n
ofdays we are using DAY to mean 24h
.But when we talk about theday and n
weare using DAY to mean the time b
sunriseandsunset.Since the earth is shaped like a b
,the suncan s
ononly half of it at a time.Always one half ofthe earth is having day and o
half night.A place is moved from day into night and fromnight into day over andover by the spinning(自转)of the earth.B  阅读下列短文,在 A、B、C 或 D 中选出一个最佳答案填入空格内:(11 分)  When a group of people work together to reach thesame goal,they make up a team.Teamwork is veryimportant as men try to learn more about the world inwhich we
.In 1957,a team of eighteen men from the UnitedStates
thewinter at the South Pole.They were there
the secrets of the earthand the sky.The South Pole is at the bottom of the world.Duringits winter,the sun never
.The men has
the darkness of a six-monthnight,as well as the world’sworst
.The men lived in a group of buildings joined togetherby tennels(隧道).They were cut off from the rest of theworld.During the long winter,they could not be reachedeven by plane.The men depended on one
for company.Everyone took turnsworking in the “snow mine”.This wasthe giant(巨大的)cave dug into the ice beneath theircamp.There,they dug out
snow needed as awatersupply.Each man also had his own important
to do.There was a
10and a doctor.There were scientistsand men who were trained in other jobs.Workingtogether,they proved that men can live and work
11the South
3.A.learn learn study
B.faces face
7.A.the other
B.other other
9.A.a job
D.a work
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