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友情链接:英语作文1:My dream school 70字以上2:My Home Town 70字以上3:写一封邀请信,邀请朋友来参加你们班的圣诞晚会,并附上路线图.70字以上4:Amazing thing 70字以上5:李磊总是乐于助人,有一天他帮助王奶奶_百度作业帮
英语作文1:My dream school 70字以上2:My Home Town 70字以上3:写一封邀请信,邀请朋友来参加你们班的圣诞晚会,并附上路线图.70字以上4:Amazing thing 70字以上5:李磊总是乐于助人,有一天他帮助王奶奶
英语作文1:My dream school 70字以上2:My Home Town 70字以上3:写一封邀请信,邀请朋友来参加你们班的圣诞晚会,并附上路线图.70字以上4:Amazing thing 70字以上5:李磊总是乐于助人,有一天他帮助王奶奶逃离火海,大家推荐他为八年级最乐于助人将人选,写一封推荐信,50字以上如果回答满意,
这个是我从网上找的;My dream school is very big.It has a swimming pool and a football pitch and a basketball court.You don't have to do much work and you have lots of play time.All the teachers are really nice and do sport and art everyday.In every classroom there is a computer for everyone.The classrooms would be huge and you could sit where you want to.At lunch time you could pick something from the school fridge.Every kind of food imaginable would be in this fridge.这个是我瞎写的,但肯定没错别字,这个你放心:My home town is very big and beautiful.It has a lot of parks and swimming pool,with beautiful shops everywhere,there is two hospitals,three schools and a lot of shopping mall.We have lots of kids in my home town,we always play together after school or on the weekends and the holidays.I love my home town very much and I wish to stay here forever.这个是告诉你怎样协邀请函的:Names of party hosts or sponsoring organization.Type of event (birthday party,business networking meeting,etc.).Place.Date.Time.RSVP date and phone number.Any special dress requirements from black-tie to bathing suits.Rain date (if any).Be specific about who is invited,whether addressee only,with guest,or with spouse and children.Tips:Always send written invitations for formal events such as business gatherings,formal dinners,and special occasions like showers,weddings or events honoring someone.If guests are not from your local area,include a map to location of event.Send anywhere from 8 - 2 weeks in advance depending on formality of occasion.Weddings require the longest lead- casual dinners and brunches require 这个是关于鸟类的amazing things:First,not all young birds are altruistic and share food with their siblings in order to increase the likelihood of passing on their (assumed shared) in reality,some bird species (such as the blue-footed booby) purposely kill their siblings--siblicide--or force them out of the nest in order to monopolize the available resources,namely food from the parent bird,therefore ensuring their own survival and the passing on of their own genes.My other problem is with the statement "[Parrots] can solve certain linguistic processing tasks as deftly as 4-6 year-old children." Now,I completely agree that some parrots are able to do this...the key word here being "some." But not all parrots possess the higher cognitive functioning that this article seems to imply they have.Level of cognitive function is dependent upon the species,and indeed,even upon individuals within the same species.Budgies do not have the same ability to learn the difference between "same" and "different" as say,African Greys.Further,only after years of intense training was Alex,the famous African Grey,able to understand the abstract concept of "none" or "zero."Overall,the article was an interesting read,although I think the broad generalizations regarding whole categories of animals are misleading and counter-productive to providing accurate information,and are borderline unacceptable from a website devoted to science.Many people take articles from a science-oriented website as gospel truth,and so I think the author should be more mindful regarding the accuracy of information that is being written.第六个我真的帮不了你.这个是讲狗的,可以么?My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones.His favourite toy is a doll.’dian dian ’ likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!
my dream schoolMy dream school is very beautiful and large.There is a big library ,a garden and a big playground in this school.We can borrow books and read the books in the library , t...我的同学作文 要用一件事来突出乐于助人_百度知道
我的同学作文 要用一件事来突出乐于助人
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