
作文。  题目:我喜欢________ &&&&&  提示与要求:先在横线上填上你喜欢的一种动物,把题目补充完整。写作时,要抓住这种动物的特点写,写出真情实感,做到有中心,有条理。
小学生作文主要涉及以下几种考查方向:1、扩写、缩写、改写、续写故事。不应改变原作的意思和主旨,语言要合理。 2、读后感。一般格式就是:略述原文有关内容——提出自己见解——深刻论证——强调或延伸扩展自己见解。 3、命题作文和半命题作文:命题作文:一般是指出题者给出一个既定的题目,要求应试者根据这个给定题目进行写作。半命题作文:指作文题目只出现一半或一部分,另外一半或一部分由考生自己去补充的一种作文。这是因为这种题型的最大特点是:有一半或一部分的命题权握在了作者手里,选材有较大的自由度,在一定范围内考生有一定的自主权,与全命题作文相比,有利于考生发挥自己的写作水平,可以较灵活自由地进行写作。 4、话题作文:话题作文是一种用一段导引材料启发思考,激发想象,用话题限定写作范围的作文题型。“话题”,就是指谈话的中心;以所给的话题为中心,并围绕这个中心内容而进行选材写出的文章就是“话题”作文。这类作文题表面上一般不含有观点,内容上不予限制,形式上往往也是体裁不限。“话题”作文其实只是提供了一个话题,即规定了表达的中心内容,而不限制取材范围和表达方式的作文形式。以话题为内容的开放式命题与以往的命题作文相比较,它的好处是给考生写作的空间更大,发挥的余地更大。 5、材料作文:材料作文,是根据所给材料和要求来写文章的一种作文形式。材料作文的特点是要求考生依据材料来立意、构思,材料所反映的中心就是文章中心的来源,不能脱离材料所揭示的中心来写作,故材料作文又叫“命意作文”,属于自命题。 小学生作文技巧:1、移步换形法【特点】采用移步换形的方法描写建筑物,可以不断地变换立足点和观察点,对建筑物进行多方面的观察描写。同一个建筑物,从不同的角度去看,得到的印象是不一样的。因此采用移步换形法描写建筑物首先要把观察点和立足点交代清楚,使读者明白你所描述的建筑物形象是从哪一个角度看到的。否则,容易把读者搞糊涂了。其次,采用移步换形法描写建筑物时,一定要抓住建筑物的最主要的特征来写。如果采用面面俱到的方法来描写,文章容易变成一本流水账。
Li Lei &&1& a student. He usually gets up early. But this morning he got up& 2& . It was already &&3& &o'clock. He had no time to have his breakfast. He said goodbye to his &&4& &and hurried out. He &&5& &to school quickly by &&6& . When he &&7& &to the school gate, he found it was &&8& . Suddenly he &&9& &it was &&10& . He had already forgotten that. &
1.It was late last Monday, but Tom was still &&1& TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. &&2& excited(激动的)he was! That night he &&3& &go to bed until twelve o'clock.
2.The next morning, it was a &&4& &to eight. It was too late for Tom to get to school &&5& &time. But he was still in bed.
3.When Tom &&6& &school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got &&7& &and said,“What time is it now, Tom?”Tom felt sorry and could say &&8& .
4.In English class, he &&9& &a test.& As he didn't know the lessons at& 10& , Tom failed his English test.
Meimei can't go to school today because she isn't feeling well. Mum asked her to stay in &&1& . This morning Meimei went to the &&2& &&&3& together with Mum. The doctor asked Meimei to &&4& &her &&5& &and &&6& “Ah.”He looked over Meimei carefully. It was &&7& &serious. So the doctor said to her,“You've caught a bit of cold. Take this &&8& &&&&9& &times a day and drink more &&10& . You'll feel better soon.”
It was &&1& &yesterday. I &&2& &&&3& &at &&4& &past six in the morning. We &&5& &&&6& &the West Hill Park to &&7& &trees. As soon as we got there, we began to work. I dug holes and Li Ming &&8& &the trees in them. We worked hard the whole day.
Yesterday Li Lei felt very weak. He had a cold. Doctor said to him, “Take the &&1& &&&2& &times a day. Drink more &&3& &every day. From now on &&4& &need to get up early and do morning &&5& .”
& 1& &is the best season of the years. &&2& &begins to &&3& &It's very hot in &&4& . Swimming is the best &&5& &in this season. &&6& &is a harvest season. Farmers are usually very &&7& &in the season. It's very &&8& &in winter. People need to &&9& &more clothes. We like to &&10& &skating on the ice. &
A:Hi, Jack.
B:Hi, Ling Ming. I'm &&1& &to see you.
A:I hear there &&2& &&&3& &to be a &&4& &
match at the school playground this &&5& .
B:Really? Is that &&6& &school?
A:Yes. At four o'clock.
B:That's &&7& &!
A:& 8& &we go and watch it?
B:Why not? &&9& &go at half past three.
A: &&10& !
Li Ming got up at a______ &&1& &______this morning.
After breakfast he hurried to the school &&2& . He was riding ______ &&3 _____ stop himself at the crossing when the traffic
light turned red. His bike______ &&4&& _____ and he fell down
heavily to the ground.
He was hurt and______ &&5& _______ ______.
We should all remember such a lesson(教训).
A:Excuse me! Can you tell me the &&1& &to the station, please?
B:Yes, Go down this road, and turn &&2& &at the first crossing. Go along& 3& &until you reach the end. You'll find the station &&4& &of you.
A:& 5& &is it from here?
B:It's about half an hour's walk, but it will take you only ten minutes if you to there by bus.
A:Thank you very much.
B:Not at all.
1.The woman is ____ the street ____ the telephone box. In the telephone box, a young woman ____ a long ____ is
2.A woman ____ a girl is ____ the street.
3.A black ____ drove too fast and ____ into____
one. The man was ____ frightened(害怕)that he threw ____ to the ground, but the young woman looked quiet.
4.The policeman at the ____, and he didn't ____ to know what to do.
How to plant a tree
1.____ a hole large enough for the tree.
2.Knock a long, strong stick ____ the earth next to the hole.
3.Put the ____ back in the hole again.
4.Tie the ____ to the top of the stick.
5._____ it well, as often as possible.
(Zhu Min is asking Li Yi what he is going to do during his summer holidays. Z: Zhu M L: Li Yi)
Z: When will the summer holidays(1)____, do you know?
L: Yes, next week. The holiday will(2)____ from July 7th to August 31st.
Z: How are you going to(3)____ your holidays?
L: My(4) ____ and I will travel to a few big cities in the (5) ____ of China.
Z: What cities are you going to(6) ____ ?
L:(7) ____we're going to Shenyang and we'll(8)
____ there for half a month, then to Changchun, and finally(最后)to Harbin.
Z: Wonderful! They're all places of great interest, I think. By the way, how are you going there?
L:(9)____ ____.
Z:I hope you'll(10)____ ____.
L: Thank you. I'm sure we'll have a good time.
Long long ago, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud(自傲). The &&1& &thought of himself strong, and the &&2& &felt himself quick.
One day they went to ask the old &&3& ,“Can you tell us which is &&4& &important, strong or quick?”The old bird didn't give them the answer at once. Instead he &&5& &them to get some bananas on the other side of the &&6& &and bring them to him.
So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the &&7& &ran so fast that the monkey was afraid.
“Get on my &&8& , Monkey,”said the elephant,“I shall take you there. I'm big and strong, and I can swim &&9& &the river.”
Soon they got to the other side. The elephant &&10& &hard to reach the bananas, but they were too &&11& .“Wait a &&12& , please. I can &&13& ,”said the monkey. He quickly ran up the &&14& &and passed the &&15& &to the elephant.
Then they came &&16& &happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas.“Now, you see, the elephant is strong,”said the old bird &&17& &a smile, “but he couldn' the monkey is quick, but he couldn't &&18& . Only you two could do the &&19& &well when you helped &&20& &other.”
One day Jim was very &&1& . Mrs Green was &&2& . She took Jim to &&3& &a doctor. The doctor looked &&4& &Jim very carefully. Then she said Jim had caught a bad &&5& . She told Jim to &&6& &more water and take &&7& &on time. The next day Jim was &&8& &right. He wa &&9& to pla y& 10& again.
It was &&1& &o'clock in the morning, but Jim was still &&2& . His mother came in and &&3& &him &&4& .
It seemed there was &&5& &wrong with him. Jim told his mother he had a headache.
His mother asked him &&6& &to go to school, and to see a doctor.
At the doctor's, the doctor looked him &&7& &carefully. He had a bad cold, but it's nothing serious. He gave Jim some pills and told him to have a good &&8& .
At home after he &&9& &some medicine, Jim went to &&10& .
1.There is a____ smile____ his face.
2.Today is ____, 29th.
3.There is a man, a ____and a tree in the ____.
4.The man ____live in the city. He lives in the ____. ____is spring now. He is working on the ____.
1.A:Hi, Meimei! How are you?
B:I'm_____ Thank you.____
A:I'm fine, too. Thank you.
2.A:Look! What are Mike and Tom doing?
B:They are____ ____.
3.A:What does Mary like doing?
B:She likes____ ____.
4.A:Mary often ____in the river.
She is______ at swimming.
B:Who ____her?
A:No one. She teaches ____.
5.A:Where is Lucy?
B:She is ill____ ____.
A:Who comes to see her?
B:Lily. She brings Lucy some ____.
There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all &&1& &to People's Park. They had a good time, &&2&& I didn't go. After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she &&3& &worried. She said to me,“Grandma is ill. I must take her to& 4& . But my baby,…”
“Don't &&5& ,”I said.“I can look after her.”
“Thank you, Xiao Feng.”Then she left.
The baby was about ten months &&6& .At first she was asleep. Half an hour& 7& &she woke up and began to &&8& &“Don't cry,”I said. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I &&9& &on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few &&10& &she started to cry &&11& . Then I started to sing. The baby watched and listened, and she didn't cry any more. Then I made &&12& &and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed &&13& &laughed.
I jumped and sang and did all &&14& &of things all that afternoon till Aunt Huang came back. I was so &&15& .
In the evening Liu Ming came to &&16& &me. After I told him the whole &&17& &he said,“You are &&18& ! I'm& going& to& tell everyone: &&19& &your babies to Ling Feng. He can take good care &&20& &your babies.”
One day, Mrs King &&1& &Lucy to go shopping, and &&2& &her a shopping list. When Lucy &&3& &to the shop, she bought all the things &&4& the list. Now it was time to pay for them.“Sorry!”she said. “I've &&5& &my money!”So she went &&6& &home quickly. Her money &&7& &still &&8& &on the chair. She got the money to pay for the things. Then she said &&9& &to the shop-keeper and &&10& &the things home.
It(1)w&&& Saturday yesterday. Li Lei and Zhang Hua(2)d&&& &go home. They(3)s&&& &in the classroom to read and write.
It was noon. It was(4)t&&& &for them to have(5)l&&& . They left the classroom.
About two(6)h&&& &later(之后),they came(7)b&&& &to the classroom, again.
“Look, Li Lei!”said Zhang Hua. “There is a problem(题目)on the(8)b&&& .”
“What's the next number, please?”asked Li Lei.
“Let me(9)s&&& . Um, I know it's(10)n&&& !”answered Zhang Hua. &
Zhang Ying studies at No. 5 Middle School. She is never late for school.
Yesterday morning she got up at seven as usual. After breakfast, she &&1& at half past seven. On her way to school she &&2& &on the road. She picked it up and stood on the roadside(路边). But nobody &&3& . She decided to send it to the police. She went to the nearest police station and &&4& &what had happened. The policeman received the bag and said to Zhang Ying.“ &&5& ,thank you.”
Though Zhang Ying was a few minutes late for school yesterday, she was happy. Her teacher and classmates were happy, too.
1.It was Sunday morning. The &&1&& was fine. David and his friends didn't go to school. They went fishing in a river. His friends caught one fish after another, but David caught none.
2.Half &&2& &hour later, David had an idea. He went to a fish shop and& 3& &a big fish in it.
3.Then he went back to the river. He &&4& &the hook(鱼钩)into the fish's& 5& , and then threw the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all this, because &&6& &of them had his own work to do.
4.& 7& &a few minutes, David shouted, “What a big fish I've caught &&8& &last!”His friends were all surprised when they saw David pulling a big fish up &&9& &the water. They asked him how he was able to catch &&10& &a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead.
1.____& 2.____& 3.____& 4.____& 5.____
6.____& 7.____& 8.____& 9.____& 10.____
1.One &&1& &day, Li Ping, a boy of eight years, saw an old man when he was on his way to school.
2.Li Ping lifted his umbrella(雨伞)for the man. But he wasn't &&2& &enough to &&3& &the man's head with the umbrella.
3.& 4& &could he do it? Suddenly he had a good &&5& .
4.He &&6& &the man and asked &&7& &the stick.
5.He &&8& &the stick from the man and tied it to the umbrella.
6.He &&9& &go to school until he sent the man to his home. He might be& 10& &for school, but he felt very happy.
1.Jim ____ up early every morning.
2.He goes to school on ____ every day.
3.He has lunch ____ twelve o'clock.
4.In the afternoon he usually goes to have a ____.
5.In the evening he gets ____ for his new lesson.
It is a fine Wednesday morning. There are many children near the river. They are students of &&1& &Middle School. They are students of Grade One. There are two &&2& &with them. All of the students are &&3& . They are having their Young Pioneers' Day.
They are not playing games now. They are working. They are &&4& &trees and flowers. Some of the girls are carrying &&5& &for the new trees. The teachers are helping them. They are all working hard. Good work, Young Pioneers!
1.A.the Fifth&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.the Fifteenth
C.No.50 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.No.5
2.A.teachers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.doctors
C.parents&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.farmers
3.A.League members&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.Party members
C.Young Pioneers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.soldiers
4.A.getting in &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.getting down from
C.cutting down&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.planting
5.A.snow&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.water
C.ice &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.earth
One day a &&1& &arrived at a woman's house. He borrowed a pan &&2& &__her. Very soon he returned &&3& &to her. He also gave her a &&4& &one and said it was a baby. The woman &&5& &very pleased and took it.
A &&6& &days later the farmer had some visitors. He asked the woman to lend him the &&7& &again. He &&8& &not return it unitl the woman came to get it back. He told her that the pan was &&9& . But of course, it was only a joke. He gave it back &&10& &her at last.
Dear Bill,
Please come to supper at 6 this evening. This is how you can get to my house by____(1). First, take Bus No. 22 and get off at the Post Office near the____(2). Walk on until you see a crossing. Then turn____(3)and go straight down Xiang Yang Street. Take the____(4)turning on your left and go down the road. It's the third house on your left. There's a____(5)in front of my house.
My friend Fang Ming likes meat and& rice ____ much. She likes ____ and milk a little, but she doesn't like ____ at all. What about ____?“I don't ____,”she says.
A:Excuse me. Which is the ____ to ____ Park, please?
B:Let me see. Er, walk ____ this road and
turn ____. Go on until you reach the ____. You'll find the park in front of you.
A:Thank you.
Wang Fang and Liu Ying are talking about what happened yesterday afternoon. (W: Wang F L: Liu Ying)
W: How did you go home after school yesterday afternoon?
L:(1)____ ____as usualy. I(2)____the
school at five o'clock.
W: Was it cloudy then?
L: No. When I started home, it was(3)____. But the(4)____suddenly(5)____. Dark clouds gathered (乌云密布)and began to(6)____very soon.
W: Were you wet all over?
L: No. Just when I was(7)____home, I heard someone calling me(8)____. I(9)____round and found it was Zhang Lan. She had an umbrella(伞)and invited me to share(共用)it with her. She walked all the way(10)____with me to my home.
Yesterday morning an old woman(1)____a lot of things in a shop. She(2)_____.She was going(3)_____, but the box was heavy and the car wasn't near. At that time Li Ming and We Hua (4)____by the car and talking. When they(5)_____and the big box beside her,& they(6)____. They lifted the heavy box and(7)____the car. Suddenly the box(8)____and one
of Li Ming's feet was badly hurt. He had to(9)____in the hospital for several days. He became worried about his lessons. But his friend Wei Hua said. “(10)_____. I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.”
Grandama Li lives alone. &&1& &is very ill. Han Meimei, Li Lei, Jim, the twins and Lin Tao have &&2& &to help her. Han Meimei is giving food to her. Li Lei is sweeping the floor. Jim is filling the thermos &&3& &hot water. The twins &&4& &cleaning the windows and &&5& &her clothes. Lin Tao is cleaning the table.
Alan worked in an office in the city. He usually went to the seaside for his holidays. But one day he &&1& &an advertisement(广告)in a &&2& .“Enjoy &&3& &&4& . &&5& &a few weeks on Willow &&6& . Fresh(新鲜的)air! Good food! Great prices(价格)! This sounds &&7& &a good idea,”he said to himself, “____go there and enjoy &&9& &&&10& , walking and &&11& . They'll make a& 12& &from sitting by the seaside and swimming. ”&
& 1& &&&2& &7th, 1998 Cloudy
Yesterday when school was over I &&3& &home on foot as usual.
On my &&4& &home, suddenly I saw a boy &&5& &off his bike and hurt himself. He &&6& &on the road.
I took him to the nearest &&7& &at once.
The doctor looked &&8& &the boy carefully and said, “There is &&9& &__serious.”The boy told us he must be careful &&10& &time. we both thanked the doctor and left.
What a wonderful time I had!
1)When I was a freashman (一年级大学生). I felt very homesick(想家的). After about four m&&& (1)study, the new year arrived and I could go home at last.
2)It was a long journey to go home. When I g&&& (2)home, my father let me sit by the fire and handed me a cup of hot tea, my mother was busy c&&& (3)for me. I felt that the house was filled with love and warmth(温暖).
3)When we were having our dinner, my elder brother t&&& (4)out a woolen sweater and something lese, saying,“Dad and Mum, here are my presents for you.”Where was my present for them? I felt sorry. I was 19 that year but I had no m&&& (5)to buy them any present while they spent several thousand yuan every year for my college education(大学教育).
4)My parents found I was very sad and knew why, then they said to me,“You're a college student. We are proud of you(为你骄傲). You &&& (6)give us any present. Just say something in English. We've never heard it.”“Thank you, Dad and Mum,”I said, “Happy New Year!”W&&& (7)these words, tears(眼泪)came out of my eyes.
5)B&&& (8)of my parents looked at me for a while and then smiled. They were very glad to hear my words. I was understood and loved! I will never forget their smiles. I know that was my &b&& (9)present for them.
6)From then on, I sent them a card with some words in English every important h&&& (10). I am sure they would understand my love to them and accept(接受)it with a smile.
& 1& Young Pioneers were playing on the playground. They were &&2& &to find a tree bent(弯曲)down by someone and began to do something for it. They& 3&& &the tree straight again by tying it to a stick, put a rope(绳子)around the tree and then put up a sign. It read,“Take Care of &&4& ”.
It was very &&5& , and after they &&6& &working, they all felt &&7& &.Their teacher was very &&8& &with what they had done and said they were good Young Pioneers.
1.Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang are students of No. 1 Middle School. Last Friday, &&1& &school, they went home &&2& &happily.
2.Suddenly, they saw a wallet(钱包) &&3& &on the road. Xiao Fang picked it up.
3.They thought they should give it &&4& &to the owner(失主)of the wallet. And they &&5& &there till it was dark.
4.The owner didn't come, &&6& &they had to hand it in to a policeman.
5.The &&7& &morning, the headmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming's classroom.
6.The owner said lots of thanks to them and offered(送)a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised(表扬)them for &&8& &they had done and called on(号召)the &&9& &students to &&10& from them. &
After the heavy rain, there was &&1& &everywhere. A school girl was walking &&2&& &herself. She was on her way home. Her shoes got &&3& .
At that moment, a man with an umbrella(雨伞)in his &&4& &hand came to her. He meant to give her some help. The man carried the girl on his &&5& &to cross the water.
How kind! The girl thanked him and &&6& &good-bye to him.
As she &&7& &on, she found that the man's umbrella was in her hand. She returned at &&8& &to give it back to him.
It is a Tree-Planting Day. The &&1& &is shining. Zhao Wen &&2& &Cao Lanfang are planting trees &&3& &the river. Zhao Wen has &&4& &a hole large enough for the &&5& . But the hole is not too deep. Cao Lanfang is now ready to& 6&& &the tree into the &&7& . Then they will put the earth &&8& &in it again and get water &&9& &the river to &&10& &the tree. They had a hard but nice day.
1.One day, Mr White finished his work very &&1& . On his way home, there were no people and no buses. So he had to go home on &&2& .He held his bag in hi &&3& .
2.When he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get the keys. They were always there. But he couldn't find the keys this time.He was worried and he didn't know what to do. When he looked &&4& ,
he suddenly saw his windows was &&5& . He had an &&6& .
3.There was a ladder behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to &&7& &up the ladder. &&8& &dark it was! It was dangerous for him to do that and his hat fell down. So he was very careful and very afraid.
4.A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But when he put his hand into his &&9& , he found his &&10& &right there.
One day my brother was &&1& &a kite. Suddenly it rained &&2& . He had to &&3&& &flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A &&4& minutes &&5& &the rain &&6& &and the sun &&7& &out. He flew his kite &&8& . He put his clothes on the line(线)to make them &&9& . How &&10& &the boy was!
1.It's Sunday. A cat is in his garden. He's putting a &&1& &and a table under a &&2& .
2.Now, the cat is &&3& &on the chair. He's &&4& &a thick magazine(杂志).
3.A black dog is coming &&5& ! The cat is jumping on the &&6& ! The black dog is taking the magazine in his &&7& .
4.Look at the garden now! The &&8& &is empty and the bottle is empty too. The cat is &&9& &the tree. A &&10& &is coming in. 41.1.chair& 2.tree& 3.sitting& 4.reading& 5.in& 6.table& 7.mouth& 8.glass& 9.in& 10.man.
The night &&1& &Jim &&2& &very late(watched TV far into the night).When he &&3&& &in the morning, Jim found that it was already &&4& o'clock. He thought he would be &&5& &for school and felt very &&6& . He &&7& &the bed, took his schoolbag and &&8& &school without breakfast. When he &&9& &school, he found it was quiet and nobody else had come. He realized it was &&10& &and he had made a mistake. &
One Sunday Mr Black went to town on &&1& &&&2& &his dog for shopping. Just before be &&3& &the gate of the &&4& , a &&5&& &&&6& &him.
He said, “The dog mustn't be &&7& &to town and should be kept at& 8& !”So Mr Black said &&9& &to him and went back home &&10& &buying anything.
One morning, Lin Tao carried his bag and said to his father,“It's t& 1& &for me to go to school. G& 2& , Dad.”
He came to a bus s& 3& &near his home. There were a few people w &&4& &for a bus. One of his classmates, Li Lei, was there, too.
They got off the bus near their s& 5& . Li Tao put his b &&6& &on the ground, and he wanted to p& 7& &in the street for a while, f& 8& &it was very early.“S& 9& &we go there to fly k& 10& . then?”said Li Lei.
“Good i& 11& . Let's go!”said Lin Tao.“Haven't you forgotten s& 12& ?”Li Lei& 13& , John& 14& &very& 15& , too.
1.What's the &&1& &like today?
It's &&2& .
2.On Tuesday afternoon a &&3& &of children are &&4& &their way home from school.
3.& 5& &&&6& &he go to work?
He goes to work &&7& &&&8& .
4.What's the time? It's six o'clock.
He &&9& &&&10& &at six every morning.
A:I was &&1& &last Sunday. What about you, Xiao Gao? B:So was I.
A:What did you do?
B:I did some morning &&2& &outside the room. At a quarter past eight I gave some &&3& &to the chicks.
A:Were you free in the &&4& ?
B:No, I wasn't. I cleaned the &&5& .
A:Did you watch TV last &&6& ?
B:& 7& . But I didn't watch TV until I finished& my &&8& .
A:I'm sure you were &&9& .
B:You're right. But I &&10& &it was interesting. &
It was October 20th. When Jim &&1& &up, he looked at the clock. Oh dear! It was 8 o'clock. He &&2& &&&3& &as quickly as possible. He had no time &&4& &breakfast, so he went to school &&5& breakfast. &&6& the bag on his back, he quickly &&7& &&&8&& school &&9 &&&10& . When he &&11& the school gate, the gate &&12& &&&13& . He &&14& that day was &&15& .
This is a street in a town. There are some buildings& 1& each side of the street. It is early& 2& the morning. It's a rush hour. People are going to work& 3& &the children are going to school. There is much& 4& .How& 5& the street is!
Look! A& 6& children& 7& &&&8& &from one side of the street to the& 9& . They are going to& 10& . The policeman& 11& &&&12& &in the middle of the street. He& 13& &&&14& &the traffic. He wants the children &&15& &get across the street safely.
A:Well, what's wrong?
B:A bad cold, I think.
A:Let me have a look at your throat(嗓子). Hmmm… &&1& ah.
A:Let me check your temperature. Hmmm, yes. How's your &&2& ?
B:Well, I've got a big a headache.
A:What's this in English?
B:It's a tape recorder(盒式录音机).
A:What's it made of?
B:It's made of &&3& and plastics(塑料).
A:Where's it made in?
B:Let me see…Oh, it's made in &&4& .
A:Oh, 21-16. Your game.
B:You &&5& play very well.
A:My bat's too light. &&6& game?
B:OK. Whose serve(发球)is it?
A:It's &&7& . Ready?
A:I'm going to paint(漆)this room. Could you give me a &&8& ?
B:Sure. What can I do for you?
A:Er…Would you mind bringing your &&9& ? I need two ladders, so would you bring yours, please?
B:I'm &&10& I can't. My ladder is broken.
One evening, Li Lei &&1& home &&2& work by bike. Suddenly he &&3& “Bang”. He turned &&4& and saw his bike &&5& . “Oh, dear! What should I do?”he said to &&6& .
Just then two boys nearby came to help him &&7& &his bike. Soon they &&8& it. Li Lei &&9& them and said &&10& to them and went home.
1.1.is& 2.late& 3.nine& 4.mother& 5.hurried& 6.bike& 7.got& 8.closed& 9.remembered& 10.Sunday
2.1.watching& 2.How& 3.didn't& 4.quarter& 5.on& 6.reached& 7.angry& 8.nothing& 9.had& 10.all
3.1.bed& 2.Children's& 3.Hospital& 4.open& 5.mouth6.say& 7.nothing& 8.medicine& 9.three& 10.water
4.1.Sunday& 2.got& 3.up& 4.half& 5.went& 6.to& 7.plant& 8.put
5.1.medicine& 2.three& 3.water& 4.you& 5.exercises
6.1.Spring& 2.Plant(Everything)& 3.grow& 4.summer& 5.sport& 6.Autumn& 7.busy& 8.cold& 9.wear& 10.go
7.1.nice(glad,& pleased,& happy)& 2.speak& 3.going& 4.football& 5.afternoon& 6.at& 7.right& 8.Could(Shall,& May)& 9.Let's& 10.OK
8.1.quarter& past& seven& 2.by& bike& 3.too& fast& to& 4.hit& a& car& 5.sent(或taken/carried)& to& the(a)hospital或was& sent(taken/carried)to& hospital&
9.1.way& 2.left& 3.People& Road& 4.in& front& 5.How& far
10.1.cleaning(sweeping),& by(near);& in,& dress(skirt),& telephoning& 2.with,& crossing& 3.car,& hit,& another,& so,& himself& 4.stood,& crossing,& seem
11.1.Dig& 2.into& 3.earth& 4.tree& 5.Water&
12.1.begin/start& 2.last& 3.spend& 4.parents& 5.northeast& 6.visit
7.First& 8.stay& 9.By& train& 10.enjoy& yourselves&
13.1.elephant& 2.monkey& 3.bird& 4.more& 5.asked/told& 6.river& 7.water& 8.back& 9.across& 10.tried& 11.high& 12.minute& 13.climb& 14.tree& 15.bananas& 16.back& 17.with& 18.either&
19.work& 20.each
14.1.ill& 2.worried& 3.see& 4.over& 5.cold& 6.drink&
7.medicine& 8.all& 9.able& 10.football
15.1.seven& 2.sleeping& 3.woke& 4.up& 5.something& 6.not& 7.over& 8.rest& 9.took& 10.bed
16.1.big,& on& 2.Saturday& June& 3.& picture& 4.don't; && It;& farm
17.1.fine,& And,& you& 2.playing,& football& 3.reading& books& 4.swims,& good,& teaches,& herself& 5.in,& bed,& flowers&
18.1.went& 2.but& 3.looked& 4.hospital& 5.worry& 6.old& 7.later& 8.cry& 9.turned& 10.minutes& 11.again& 12.faces &13.and& 14.kinds& 15.tired& 16.see& 17.story& 18.great& 19.bring& 20.of
19.1.asked(或told)& 2.gave& 3.got& 4.on& 5.forgotten& 6.back& 7.was& 8.lying& 9.goodbye& 10.took&
20.1.was& 2.didn't& 3.sat& 4.time& 5.lunch& 6.hours&&&
7.back& 8.blackboard& 9.see &10.nine
21.1.went& to& school& 2.found& a& wallet/bag& lying& 3.came& 4.told& a& policeman& 5.You& are& a& good& girl&
22.1.weather& 2.an& 3.bought/got& 4.put& 5.mouth& 6.each& 7.After& 8.one& 9.from& 10.such&
23.1.rainy& 2.tall& 3.cover& 4.How& 5.idea& 6.stopped& 7.for& 8.took(got)& 9.didn't& 10.late
24.1.gets& 2.foot& 3.at& 4.swim& 5.ready
25.B& A& C& D& B
26.1.farmer& 2.from& 3.it& 4.small& 5.was& 6.few& 7.pan& 8.did& 9.dead& 10.to
27.1.bus& 2.park& 3.right& 4.second& 5.tree
28.A.very,& bread,& eggs,& bananas,& know
B.way& East& along(up,& down,& straight)right& end(park,& place)
29.1.On& foot& 2.left& 3.fine/sunny& 4.weather& 5.changed& 6.rain& 7.running/hurrying/rushing& 8.behind& 9.turned& 10.together
30.1.bought& 2.put& them& into& a(big)& box& 3.to& carry& it& to& the& car& 4.were& walking(standing)& 5.saw& the& old& woman& 6.went& to& help& 7.carried& it& to& 8.fell& down& 9.lie& in& bed& 10.Don't& worry
31.1.She& 2.come& 3.with& 4.are& 5.washing&
32.1.saw(read)& 2.newspaper& 3.country& 4.like& 5.Spend& 6.Farm& 7.like& 8.I'll& 9-10.horse& riding(riding& horses)& 11.fishing& 12.change
33.1.Tuesday&&& 2.April& 3.went& 4.way& 5.fall& 6.lay& 7.hospital& 8.over& 9.nothing& 10.next
34.1.months'&&& 2.got& 3.cooking& 4.took& 5.money& 6.needn't& 7.With& 8.Both& 9.best& 10.holiday
35.1.Three& 2.angry& 3.made& 4.Trees& 5.sunny& 6.finished& 7.happy& 8.pleased
36.1.after& 2.together& 3.lying& 4.back& 5.waited& 6.so& 7.next& 8.what& 9.other& 10.learn&
37.1.water& 2.by& 3.lost& 4.left& 5.back& 6.said& 7.walked& 8.once
38.1.sun& 2.and& 3.along/by/near&&& 4.dug& 5.tree& 6.put& 7.hole& 8.back& 9.from& 10.water
39.1.late& 2.foot& 3.hand& 4.up& 5.open& 6.idea& 7.climb& 8.How& 9.pocket& 10.key
40.1.flying& 2.heavily& 3.stop& 4.few& 5.later& 6.stopped& 7.came& 8.again& 9.dry& 10.clever
41.1.chair& 2.tree& 3.sitting& 4.reading& 5.in& 6.table& 7.mouth& 8.glass& 9.in& 10.man.
42.1.before& 2.stayed& up& 3.woke& up& 4.seven& 5.late& 6.worried& 7.jumped& off& 8.hurried& to& 9.got& to& 10.Sunday
43.(1)foot& (2)with& (3)reached& (4)market& (5)policeman& (6)stopped
(7)taken& (8)home& (9)sorry& (10)without
44.1.time& 2.Good-bye& 3.stop& 4.waiting& 5.school& 6.bag& 7.play& 8.for& 9.Shall& 10.kites& 11.idea& 12.something& 13.pointed& 14.really& 15.thank
45.1.weather& 2.cloudy& 3.group& 4.on& 5.How& 6.does& 7.by& 8.bike& 9.gets& 10.up
46.1.busy& 2.exercises& 3.food& 4.afternoon& 5.pigsty& 6.night& 7.Yes& 8.homework& 9.tired& 10.think
47.1.woke& 2.got& 3.up& 4.for& 5.without& 6.With& 7.went& 8.to& 9.by& 10.bike& 11.reached& 12.was& 13.closed& 14.forgot& 15.Sunday
48.1.on& 2.in& 3.and& 4.traffic& 5.busy& 6.few& 7.are& 8.crossing& 9.other& 10.school& 11.is& 12.standing& 13.is& 14.stopping& 15.to
49.1.say& 2.head& 3.metal& 4.Japan& 5.don't& 6.Another& 7.mine& 8.hand& 9.ladder& 10.afraid&
50.1.went& 2.from& 3.heard&& 4.round& 5.broken& 6.himself& 7.repair& 8.mended& 9.thanked& 10.goodbye&
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