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Quotes on Success
Goals & PurposeTo
to win the respect of intelligent people and the a to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betra to appreciate beauty, to fin to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redee to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Motivation will almost always beat mere talent. – Norman R. Augustine
Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. – Unknown
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. – Henry Ford
We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. – B.J. Palmer
The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. – Benjamin Mays
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word — excellence.
To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. – Pearl S. Buck
As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person. – Paul Shane Spear
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. – Benjamin Franklin
Success will not lower its standard to us.
We must raise our standard to success. – Rev. Randall R. McBride, Jr.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.- Robert Byrne
Success is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Arbitelle
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. – Roosevelt
If you have the will to win, you have achiev if you don’t, you have achieved half your failure. – David Ambrose
If you would hit the mark, you must a
Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I cannot give you a formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – which is: try to please everybody. – Herbert Bayard Swope
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it. – Arnold Toynbee
The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. – Cecil B. DeMille
The secret of success is consistency of purpose. – Benjamin Disraeli
Far better it is to dare mighty
things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt
Your goal should be out of reach but not out of sight. – Anita DeFrantz
A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives. – Jackie Robinson
It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference. – Tom Brokaw
Many persons
have the wrong idea of what constitutes happiness.
It is not attained through self-gratification
but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. – Helen Keller
Character & Strength
Try not to be a man of success, but rather to be a man of value. – Albert Einstein
Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength. – Henry Ward Beecher
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. – Theodore Roosevelt
Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue. – Francis Bacon
Any coward can fight a battle when he’ but give me the man who has the pluck to fight when he’s sure of losing. – George Eliot
After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. – Italian proverb
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is the tree is the real thing. – Abraham Lincoln
What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside you. – Wayne Dyer
Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were. – Cherie Carter-Scott
I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week. – Mario Cuomo
Success is never final. Failure is never fatal.
Courage is what counts. – Sir Winston Churchill
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. – Abraham Lincoln
What we have done for ourselve what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. – Albert Pike
Hard work spotlights the character of people:
some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all. – Sam Ewig
The art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of our great men. – Captain J.A. Hatfield
Rule your mind or it will rule you. – Horace
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. – Sidney Greenberg
Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely. – Kim Lyons
Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
One helps you make a living,
the other helps you make a life. – Sandra Carey
How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone forever. – David Norris
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the
ambition inspired, and success achieved. – Helen Keller
Genius is seldom recognized for what it is: a great capacity for hard work. – Henry Ford
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. – Martin Luther King Jr.
What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline. – H.P. Liddon
Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked, and never mended well. – Benjamin Franklin
He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. – Henry Ward Beecher
It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. – John Bunyan
There is one who scatters,
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. – Proverbs 11:24,25
Potential & Risk
Unless a man undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all that he can. – Henry Drummond
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget
how you make them feel. – Carol Buchner
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. – Arthur Golden
One never notice one can only see what remains to be done. – Marie Currie
What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail? – Robert Schuller
Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. – Malcolm Forbes
Not every successful man is a good father.
But every good father is a successful man. – R. Duvall
The real contest is always between what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing.
You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else. – Geoffrey Gaberino
It’s never too late to be who you might have been. – George Elliot
The mind is like a parachute – it works only when it is open. – Unknown
I do not know what I may but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. – Isaac Newton
I used to sit on the banks with a raft and watch the water roll lazily by. One day I pushed my raft into the shallows of the water and found the water moved swifter than I thought. My raft was actually a boat. Then, after some time, I
rowed my little boat into deeper water. There were great storms, mighty winds, tremendous waves, and sometimes I felt so alone. But I have noticed my little rowboat is now a mighty ship manned by my fr
and beautiful calm seas, warm sunny days, and nights filled with comfortable dreams always double after a storm. Now, I could never go back and sit on the bank. In fact, I search for deeper water. Such is life when lived. – B. D. Gulledge
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. – John Maxwell
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. – Ronald E. Osborn
You must do the very thing you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability. – John Wooden
Action & Achievement
Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. – Samuel Johnson
The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation…The hand is the cutting edge of the mind. – Jacob Bronowski
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it. – Vince Lombardi
The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. – Confucius
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. – Anonymous
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – Helen Keller
You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do. – Henry Ford
Opportunity is missed by most
people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas Edison
Talk does not cook rice. – Chinese Proverb
To achieve the impossible, one m to look where everyone else has looked, but to see what no else has seen. – Unknown
I can not do everything, but I can do something.
I must not fail to do the something that I can do. – Helen Keller
If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life, you’ll find you’ve done it. – George B. Shaw
One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. – Dale Carnegie
Success is your dreams with work clothes on. – Unknown
The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work. – Richard Bach
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. – Tim Notke
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. – Helen Keller
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills
The freedom to do your best means nothing unless you are willing to do your best. – Colin Powell
Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work. – Booker T. Washington
Sometimes our best is simply not enough…. We have to do what is required. – Sir Winston Churchill
Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first overcome. – Samuel Johnson
None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. – Unknown
You shouldn’t gloat about anything you’ You ought to keep going and try to find something better to do. – David Packard
Not everything that is faced can be changed.
But nothing can be changed until it is faced. – James Baldwin
He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything. – Samuel Johnson
Perseverance & Will
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. – Thomas Edison
Victory belongs to the most persevering. – Napoleon
To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity.
We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way.
We can never let up. – Ralph Bunche
I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. – Christopher Reeves
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. – Vince Lambardi
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. – Sir Winston Churchill
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. – General George Patton
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. – Seneca
According to aerodynamic laws,
the bumblebee cannot fly.
Its body weight is not the right proportion to its wingspan.
Ignoring these laws, the bee flies anyway. – M. Sainte-Lague
It is when the well is dry that we know the price of water. – Benjamin Franklin
Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it. – George Hala
A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits. – Richard Nixon
We must accept finite disappointment,
but never lose infinite hope. – Martin Luther King Jr.
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times. – Anonymous
The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster. – Rosabeth Moss Cantor
Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. – Charles Lindbergh
It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top. – Arnold Bennett
Leadership & Greatness
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John C. Maxwell
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. – William James
Empowerment is all about letting go so that others can get going. – Kenneth Blanchard
If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility.
You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer… He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen. – Robert L. Schwart
Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. – Colin Powell
I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep. – Talleyrand
Outstanding leaders appeal to the hearts of their followers – not their minds. – Unknown
If there is anything I would like to be remembered for it is that I helped people understand that leadership is helping other people grow and succeed. To repeat myself,
leadership is not just about you.
It’s about them. – Jack Welch
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved. – Barbara Johnson
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself. – Philip Massinger
Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top. – J.C. Penny
If you aren’t making any mistakes, it’s a sure sign you’re playing it too safe. – John Maxwell
There are countless ways of achieving greatness, but any road to achieving one’s maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity. – Buck Rodgers
There are three ways to get something done: Do it yourself, employ someone or forbid your children to do it. – Monta Crane
The man who keeps busy helping the man
below him won’t have time to envy the man above him. – Henrietta Mears
A leader is one who see more than others see,
who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see. – Leroy Eims
The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind in other people
the convictions and the will to carry on. – Walter Lippmann
The more extensive a man’s knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do. – Benjamin Disraeli
Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility… in the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have… is the ability to take on responsibility. – Michael Korda
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. –
Robert Louis Stevenson
The price of greatness is responsibility. – Winston Churchill
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Practical Christian FinancesJune 21,
pm EDTCommunity Prayer and PraiseJune 22,网络他或许是一位运动员1.他或许是一位运动员 ... It may be too dangerous . 或许太危险了 He may be an athlete . 他或许是一位运动员 He may be brave . 他或许很勇敢 ... |© 2015 Microsoftsuccess - definition of success by The Free Dictionary /success
success Also found in: , , , , .
The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work.2. a.
The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success.b.
The extent of such gain.3.
One that is successful: The plan was a success.4.
A result or an outcome.[Latin successus, from past participle of succēdere, to succeed; see
succeed.]success (səkˈsɛs) n1. the favourable outcome of something attempted2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc3. an action, performance, etc, that is characterized by success4. a person or thing that is successful5. any outcome[C16: from Latin successus an outcome, from succēdere to succeed] sucˈcessless adjsuc•cess
the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
a successful performance or achievement.
a person or thing that is successful.
Obs. outcome.
[;40; & Latin successus &succed-, variant s. of succēdere to ] Success/Failure&See Also: ; ; The anatomy of the first major success is like the young human body, a miracle only the owner can fully savor &John FowlesAs he rose like a rocket, he fell like a stick &Thomas PaineA certain prosperity coats these people like scent or the layer of buttery light in a painting by Rubens &Jean ThompsonA conqueror, like a cannon ball, if he rebounds, his career is over &The Duke of Wellington(The midlist author is) dogged by his past sales record, like a utility infielder with a .228 lifetime batting average &Phillip Lopate, New York Times Book Review, May 24, 1987Failed & like an old hanging bridge &Marge PiercyFail like a five-year plan &Derek LambertFailure grabs a man like an old and shabby suit &Derek Lambert(A great beauty) flourishing like a rose &Isak DinesenFlourishing like a weed in a hot house &Susan Fromberg SchaefferFlourishing like trees &Hilma WolitzerHad risen to his great height like a man lifted to the ceiling by a sort of slow explosion &G. K. ChestertonHigh offi only two kinds of animals reach the summit, reptiles and eagles &Jean Le Rond d&AlembertHis life, day after day, was failing like an unreplenished stream &Percy Bysshe ShelleyMoving up hand over hand & like a champion &Tom WolfePursued success as a knight the Holy Grail &Anon
See Also: Sailed through the world like a white yacht jubilant with flags &John GardnerSelling like lemonade at a track meet &T. Coraghessan BoyleSell like hotcakes &Anon
Different industries have coined many phrases for things which sell well. This American simile which came into use in the middle of the nineteenth century is still the most widely used. For a twist in meaning there&s &Selling like cold hot cakes& from The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley.Sold [books by nineteenth century author Karl May] like pancakes topped by wild blueberries and heavy cream &Vincent Canby, New York Times, June 25, 1986Sold like picks and pans in a gold rush &Robert Guenther, Wall Street Journal, August 6, 1986Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole &Vicki Baum
See Also: Success is feminine and like a woman, if you cringe before her, she will override you &William Faulkner
Faulkner expanded on this simile still further: &So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.&Success on some men looks
it sits on you as though it had been made to order &Edith WhartonTriumphs like a trumpet &Wallace StevensWanted his success acknowledged & like the high school loser who dreams of driving to the class reunion in a custom-made sports car &Jean ThompsonWinning an Oscar & it&s like getting thirty thousand red roses at one time &Louise Fletcher, from Rex Reed interviewWore his success like his health &George GarrettSuccess&(See also .)bring down the house To elicit a vigorous and lengthy ovat to be a sm sometimes bring down the gallery. The image created by this expression, in which house means &theater& or &playhouse,& is one of such loud, sustained applause as to bring about the collapse of the building. The phrase was in use as early as 1754.have the last laugh To prove ultimately successful afte to avenge. The idea of having the last laugh is fairly literal, i.e., though others may laugh now, the butt of their humor will laugh later when, in the final analysis, he is victorious. This phrase was popularized in the 1937 song &They All Laughed,&by George and Ira Gershwin:They all laughed at us and how!But Ho, Ho, Ho!Who&s got the last laugh now?Related expressions are he who laughs last laughs best, and he laughs best that laughs last. The latter appeared in The Mistake (1706) by Sir John Vanbrugh.hit the jackpot See .land on one&s feet To achieve success desp to extricate one-self from a potentially to escape failure narrowly. This popular expression usually appears in a context implying that the one who &lands on his feet& does so thr he repeatedly gets himself into scrapes but somehow survives. It is apparently based on the notion that one plummeting downward is unlikely to land safely, let alone feet first.pan out T to yield results, espec to occur. This expression alludes to panning for gold, a method of prospecting in which a shallow pan is used to scoop a small amount of gravel and sand from a stream. Any gold present settles to the bottom of the pan as the gravel and sand are washed away. Pan out, then, originally indicated a successful prospecting venture. As the California gold rush that spawned this expression began to subside, pan out became more figurative, and has remained in widespread usage since the late 19th century.Socialism & may pan out as a new kind of religion. (Sinclair Lewis, Our Mr. Wrenn, 1914)pay dirt Any desired result or goal, especially one related
a fortunate discovery. Literally, pay dirt is a mining term that refers to an area of land that contains enough valuable metals or other resources to merit excavation. After its introduction in the 1870s, pay dirt soon became more figurative, commonly being applied to any success.I didn&t hit pay dirt until near the bottom of the second box of discarded telephone directories. (John Evans, Halo in Blood, 1946)In recent years, pay dirt has been used frequently to describe the end zone (goal area) of a football field.ring the bell To succeed, to be the best. The bell of this expression may be that attached to the strength-testing machine at carnivals which rings when a player is successful. Or it may be the bell in target shooting that rings when the bull&s-eye is hit.strike oil To have good luck or success,
to discover a source of potential per to hit pay dirt. This expression alludes to oil as an entity which inevitably leads to wealth and success, a concept strengthened in recent years by the increasing prominence of Middle East oil barons. Though still used literally to describe the locating of underground oil, strike oil is commonly applied figuratively in contexts directly or indirectly related to money or other personal good fortune.He has certainly &struck oil& in the Costa Rica and Honduras loans. {Punch, March 6, 1875)turn up trumps To turn out successfully, to come out better than expected, to t to be lucky, to land on one&s feet.Instances & of short courtships and speedy marriages, which have turned up trumps&I beg your pardon&which have turned out well, after all. (Wilkie Collins, No Name, 1862)The allusion is to drawing or playing a winning trump card. See trump card, .with flying colors Victoriously, triumphantly, handily, superbly, in extraordinary fashion. This phrase, usually in expressions such as come off with flying colors and come out of it with flying colors, alludes to a triumphant fleet of ships sailing into home port with their colors (i.e., flags) proudly displayed on the mastheads. Used figuratively, with flying colors often implies that one has not only survived a potentially precarious predicament but has been victorious to boot.success - A person who spoils a plot or who ruins the success of an undertaking or process. - A test that is conclusive of the value or success of something, derived from the original use of nitric acid as a test for gold.,
- A core asset is something essential to success, and a core competency is a distinguishing advantage. - Originally meant "progress, success," and "speed."
Noun1.success - an event that accomplishes
"let's call heads a success and tails a failure"; "the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs", , ,
- an event that happens - an impressiv "the rock concert was a real barnburner" -
"they wished him Godspeed",
- a successful ending of a "a narrow victory"; "the general always gets credit for his army's victory"; "clinched a victory"; "convincing victory"; "the agreement was a triumph for common sense" - (angling) an instance of a
"after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite" - an event that does not accomplish
"the surprise party was a complete failure"2.success - an attainmen "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success" - the act "the attainment of independence" - succeeding w "winning is not everything", , , ,
- a "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang", , ,
- something that exactly succeeds i "the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"; "scored a bull's eye"; "hit the mark"; "the president's speech was a home run" - success in mastering "the conquest of space" - a brilliant and notable success,
- "they passed inspection with flying colors", ,
- success in satisfying a "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry",
- an improbable an "the biggest upset since David beat Goliath",
- an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone - the act of scorin "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play" - the successful action
"the solution took three hours"3.success - a state o "he is enjoying great success"; "he does not consider wealth synonymous with success",
- the con having good fortune - the highest level of an occupation (especially in entertainment) -
"the inventor worked for years before hitting pay dirt" - "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"4.success - a person with a "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success", , , , , , ,
- "there was too much for one person to do" - the leading woman in an art or profession - a person who has achieved distinction and "he is one of the greats of American music",
- a person of great ability and ambition - someone regarded a "he's a natural for the job" - an unexpected "the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it"successnoun1. , , positive result, favourable outcome,
the success of European business in building a stronger partnership victory , , , , 2. , , , , , , , , ,
Nearly all of them believed work was the key to success.3.
(informal), ,
(informal), ,
(slang), , sell-out,
(slang), , ,
(informal), box office success We hope it will be a commercial success. hit
(informal), , ,
(slang)4. , ,
(informal), , , ,
(informal), V.I.P. Everyone who knows her says she will be a great success. big name , , , ,
(Brit. slang)Quotations"Eighty percent of success is showing up" [Woody Allen]"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail" [Gore Vidal]"Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive" [Steven Spielberg]"Getting on is the opium of the middle classes" [Walter James]"To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise" [C.L. de Montesquieu Pensées]"Success has ruin'd many a man" [Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack]"The secret of business success is honesty and sincerity. If you can fake those, you've got it made" [attributed to Groucho Marx]"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. W and z is keeping your mouth shut" [Albert Einstein]"S""It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things" [T.S. Eliot The Family Reunion]"success: the one unpardonable sin against one's fellows" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet 'em on your way down" [Wilson Mizner]Proverbs"Nothing succeeds like success""There is always room at the top"successnounThe achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted:, .
success [səkˈses]A. N1. (at task) →
m (at, in en) the success or failure of the strategy → el
success never went to his head → el
nunca se le
congratulations on your success! → ?enhorabuena, lo has !the key to success at school → la
his success at the Olympics → sus
we have had some success in reducing the national debt → hemos
la to make a success of sth would you say he's made a success of his life? → ? que ha
?we have made a success of the venture → hemos
sea un to meet with success → to wish sb every success →
a algn todo she tried without success to get a loan from the bank → , sin ,
I tried to distract him but without success →
distraerlo pero no lo
or 2. (= sensation, hit) →
mto be a success [product, event] → ; [person] → he was a great success →
he was a success at last →
el a commercial success → un
B. CPD success rate N the success rate of organ transplants → el
(frm)the police success rate in tracking down murderers → el
success story N →
msuccess [səkˈsɛs] n [person, plan, attempt, play] →
mthe key to success → la
du without success → sans
(= successful person or thing) →
mThe play was a great success → La
.success n →
m; without success → ohne , ; wishing you every success in your exams → mit
; to make a success of something → mit or bei
, mit or bei
; they made a success of their marriage → ihre Ehe war ein ; to be a success with somebody → bei
; the new car is not a success → das
ein (durchschlagender) ; the plan was a success → der
or ein voller ; to meet with success → , ; success story → Erfolgsstory f; (= person) →
msuccess [səkˈsɛs] n (gen) → , she was a great success → ha avuto un without success →
or to make a success of sth →
in qcto meet with success → success →
úspěch succes
framg?ng ??????????
s? thành c?ng success n. éxito, acierto, triunfo.
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All my little success in life has been gained in the pulpit. by
It was the very success of his last and most pretentious effort that had placed him in the horrifying predicament in which he now found himself--with the corpse of what was apparently a human being in his workshop and no available explanation that could possibly be acceptable to a matter-of-fact and unscientific police. by
I planned the
and when such success has blessed me in this instance, dear papa, you cannot think that I shall leave off matchmaking. by
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