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The National Media Museum (formerly the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television) is a museum in , , England, and is part of the national . The museum has seven floors of galleries with permanent exhibitions focusing on , , , , the
and the scientific principles behind
and . It also hosts temporary exhibitions and maintains a collection of 3.5 million pieces in its research facility. The venue also has three
operated in partnership with , including an
screen and hosts two film festivals each year, including the . In September 2011 the museum was voted the best indoor attraction in Yorkshire by the public, and it is one of the most visited museums in the north of England.
The museum is on the site of a what was to be a theatre in the centre of Bradford, where work begun in the 1960s remained unfinished. The museum came about as the result of discussions between
and Bradford city councillors. The National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, as it was then called, opened to visitors on 16 June 1983. The museum launched Britain’s largest cinema screen, , five storeys high with six-channel sound, on the same day. During this period the museum specialised in the art and science of images and image-making since Colin Ford, its first director, believed that understanding how images are made led to appreciation of the ideas expressed and the intentions and skills of image-makers. To mark the 50th anniversary of the first public television service, two interactive television galleries were developed in 1986. These allowed visitors to operate cameras on a studio set with programmed sound and lighting, use vision mixers, read a news item from an
and discover how
works. These exhibits survived 2006, when the museum was renamed.
In 1989, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of photography, the museum launched the
Gallery, a display of the history of photography from its invention. This was followed by the installation of a standard television studio, first used by
for outside broadcasts and later . These studios were the first live broadcasting studios in a museum. Today, the equipment is used to teach students from the School of Informatics at the , with whom the museum has a partnership for BSc and BA courses in media and television. In 1994, the TV Heaven gallery was launched, making accessible the museum's collection of television programmes, most of which are not available elsewhere.
While continuing to run the
and exhibitions in a temporary venue on the other side of the city, the museum closed its main site on 31 August 1997 to allow for a 19-month, ?16 million redevelopment making the museum 25 percent bigger. The
cinema was also developed to show . The new museum was opened on 16 June 1999 by .
On 1 December 2006, the museum was renamed the National Media Museum; at the same time opening two new ?3 million interactive galleries: Experience TV and TV Heaven, dedicated to the past, present and future of television. The galleries display both scientific exhibits such as 's original apparatus and television ephemera such as
In 2009 the Museum partnered other bodies from the Bradford District in a successful bid to become the world's first , (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) .
A major revamp of the foyer was unveiled in February 2010, including a brand new Games Lounge, a new gallery drawing on the
established in 2008 in partnership with . It was originally intended to be temporary but one in five visitors to the Games Lounge named it as their favourite part of the Museum and as a result a more permanent version of the Lounge' was established in another part of the cinema.
In March 2012 the Museum opened Life Online', the world's first gallery dedicated to exploring the social, technological and cultural impact of the Internet. 'The gallery includes both a permanent exhibition in the foyer and a second changing temporary exhibition on Level 7. The first exhibition to feature is [open source]: Is the internet you know under threat? - an exploration of the
nature of the Internet and the current threats to
and the continuation of the open source culture.
In October 2014 the museum entered into a partnership with
with the national chain taking over the running of the three cinema screens in a bid to boost audience figures and protect the future of cinema on the site. The partnership will be referred to as Picturehouse at the National Media Museum and Picturehouse will introduce offers available across the chain to the museum.
The National Media Museum
Entrance is free with the exception of cinema screens. The museum is open 10 am until 6 pm everyday. The museum underwent a ?16 million refurbishment in 1998, developing a new digital technology gallery and now hosts the 's Bradford offices, and studios for
and the BBC Bradford and West Yorkshire Website. This new development created a new glass-fronted atrium, which houses a new
There are seven permanent exhibitions:
Kodak Gallery – The
Gallery takes you on a journey through the history of popular photography, from the world's first photographs to the digital snapshots of today. Most of the items on display in the gallery are taken from our collection of 35,000 objects and images donated by .
Life Online –
is the world's first gallery dedicated to exploring the social, technological and cultural impact of the internet. Trace the history of the internet, uncover how it has changed people's lives and track the latest trends.
Experience TV – Who invented television and when did it begin in Britain? What does a vision mixer do? What did television sets look like in the sixties? Why do we have adverts on television and how much are we influenced by what we see? Find the answers to all these questions and explore the exciting world of television in our interactive Experience TV gallery.
TV Heaven – The first of its kind in Britain, TV Heaven is a unique viewing facility where you can access an archive of more than 1000 programmes from the last sixty years of British television history. Our TV Heaven collection highlights television's enduring capacity to inform, educate and entertain. TV Heaven closed in 2013 after 20 years and was replaced by the BFI Mediatheque
Magic Factory – The Magic Factory uses hands-on exhibits to demonstrate the scientific principles of light and colour, and help develop your understanding of the science behind photography, film and television. There are over 30 activities with accompanying notes should you wish to explore these topics further.
Animation – The Animation Gallery explores the history of animation and animated images, with an emphasis on animation produced in Britain. See some of your favourite characters, look back at animation through the ages and discover how animators bring drawings and objects to life.
Games Lounge – Play your way through classic games in their original arcade or console formats, learn about the history of videogaming, and discover the story behind a global phenomenon.
ReVisions: An Alternative History of Photography 1999
New Natural History 1999
Birth of the Cool:
FutureWorld 2000
A Collector's Choice 2000
Specimens and Marvels: The Work of
NOISEGATE by Granular Synthesis 2000
The Art of
In a Lonely Place 2001
Symptomatic: Recent Works by
: Tir a'Mhurain
: Photographic Works 02-2003
Unknown Pleasures: Unwrapping the
Collection 2003
Fabula 2003
: 19th Century Photographer of Genius 2003
A Matter of Focus: The Art of Photography 03-2004
: History and
: Landscapes and Gardens 2004
Everything's Gone Green: Photography and the Garden 2004
Faking It: Between Art Photography and Advertising 2004
A Gentle Madness: The Photographs of
The Other Side of Football:
Forget Me Not: Photography and Remembrance 2005
Fashination 2005
Lifetimes: Portrait Projects by
: From One World to Another
: A System of Edges 2006
: A Retrospective 2006
A Tale of Two Cities 2006
Myths and Visions: The Art of
The British Landscape: Photographs by
The Old Order and the New:
and Photography ()
: Field Notes 2007
: Small Wars 2007
The Dawn of Colour: Celebrating the Centenary of the
Celebrating Indian Cinema 2007
Extra! Extra! Tales from the
Picture Library 2007
: Bradford Fellowship in Photography 7-2008
Scrapbook: Photographs 07
Sunny Snaps 2007
Live By the Lens Die By the Lens 2008
New Works: Pavilion Commissions 09
Breaking News: Celebrating 140 Years of the
"Here's one we made earlier..." 50 Years of
Babies 2009
Baby: Picturing the Ideal Human 2009
: In England 2009
Animalism 2009
Drawings That Move: The Art of
: Bradford Fellowship in Photography 9-2010
: Immersion 2010
: We English 2010
: Land Revisited
From Back Home
The Lives of Great Photographers 2011
: Churches 2011
: Early Photographic Works
In the Blink of an Eye 2012
Art of Arrangement: Photography and the Still Life Tradition
The Life Online - [open source]: Is the internet you know under threat?
Moving Stories: Children's Books from Page to Screen 2013
Icons -100 Years of Indian Cinema 2013
: Photographs 1973 -
The museum contains:
containing 306 seats
The Cubby Broccoli Cinema (in memory of Cubby Broccoli, producer of James Bond films) containing 108 seats
The IMAX cinema
The museum is host to courses taught with the 's EIMC Department including BSc Media Technology & Production, BSc Creative Media & Technologies, BSc Computer Animation and Special Effects and BA Media Studies. Subjects include broadcast television using the TV studio on its top floor. The EIMC degree show is in the Pictureville Cinema.
The museum's collection contains 3.5 million items of historical, cultural and social value, including the first photographic negative, the earliest television footage, the world's first moving pictures ('s 1888 films of
and Leeds Bridge). It also contains original toys from the
– the first programme on . The collections are accessible to the public through its Insight study centre. The collection of the
was transferred to the Museum on behalf of the nation in 2003.
The museum incorporates the first permanent UK installation of an
cinema (with a second screen opening in the UK 15 years later). Opened in 1983 as part of the Bradford Film Festival with the projector visible from a darkened booth of the 4th floor, this screen runs IMAX presentations seven days a week, including IMAX prints of , ,
and . In 1999, IMAX upgraded the system and began releasing IMAX 3D presentations. In June 2010 it was announced that the Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation had agreed to deposit the animator's complete collection of some 20,000 pieces with the National Media Museum.
The museum also incorporates the
– opened in 1992 and described by
as 'the best cinema in Britain', Pictureville Cinema screens everything from 70 from Hollywood to B from silents to digital sound, with certifications in presentation including
in sound and picture and the
system. This cinema is one of only three public cinemas in the world permanently equipped to display original 3-strip 35mm
prints. In 2008, the cinema presented the only true recorded public screening of 's 2002 film .
The Museum organises and hosts three major film events every year: Bradford International Film Festival, Bradford Animation Festival, and Fantastic Films Weekend. These attract international speakers and new and classic works from around the world.
Since its inception in 1995, Bradford International Film Festival has presented new and classic films from around the world. The Festival includes the Shine Awards - highlighting the work of new European directors, and the Widescreen Weekend, which shows film formats including Cinerama and IMAX.
This animation and video games festival is host to discussions, workshops and special events. The annual BAF Awards honour new animation from around the world.
Past guests include representatives from studios such as , ,
plus animators , , , ,
The festival began in 2002 as a weekend event focusing on classic ghost stories and the supernatural. It developed into an annual celebration of horror, fantasy and sci-fi cinema and television. In February 2013 it was announced that the Fantastic Films Weekend would not continue.
. Association of Leading Visitor Attractions 2010.
. Bradford Telegraph and Argus. 21 September .
. 4 July .
Bell, John (1983). . New Scientist. p. 961.
. 29 September .
. The Independent. 10 June .
[] (ASP). National Media Museum. Bradford, England. Retrieved on 17 December 2009. "First IMAX Cinema in Britain: 1983 the Museum launched one of its biggest attractions: Britain’s largest cinema screen, IMAX."
. Telegraph & Argus,. 26 June .
. BBC News Online (BBC). 29 June .
Green, Mark (30 July 2009). .
. National Media Museum Blog 2013.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
containing photographic images from the museum and other sources
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······塞巴斯蒂安莫兰的状态 - 人人网,塞巴斯蒂安莫兰的微博,公共主页,状态列表
: 等了三年多的出场,连句话都没说BOSS面儿都没见到就炮灰了。好歹是个小Boss最后连片尾演员表都没有进。就连本该是我亮相的《空屋》梗也给了Mary。。。编剧真是不爱我。——没人疼的上校。
01-15 20:57
: YESSSSSSSS!转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:miss me ?
01-13 08:41
01-13 08:06
: 越看【我】越觉得是个基佬
01-02 21:22
: 你问我吗?我有讲话吗?有吗?!!!转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授: 对了,教授平时是不讲脏话的。但还是忍不住问你们一句:卧槽了几次?转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:请大家尽情回顾我和侦探的吻戏。 咱俩才是真爱。侦探太贱了,把人家医生弄惹哭了。
01-02 18:14
: 那你觉得我声音性感吗?转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:请大家尽情回顾我和侦探的吻戏。 咱俩才是真爱。侦探太贱了,把人家医生弄惹哭了。
01-02 18:09
: The game is back on.
12-26 12:26
: Hopefully, so will I. 转自福尔摩斯:,I will be back.
12-05 05:44
: 听说BOSS的演员出柜了,乐了一晚上,心想这下戏里戏外可一致了!然后又一想……哦,戏里你好像不是。问题是为什么明明知道你不是还是觉得你是呢问题出在哪里呢【思考状
11-17 08:27
: Andrew Scott 已出柜。恭喜
11-17 04:52
: 别闹你上一季就翘掉了转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授: 在我有生之年……转自神探夏洛克:sherlockS3E1 BFI举行试映会On Sunday December 15 2013 at 13:00GM,at the National Film Theatre on London's Southbank .有机会去的可以看看这个
(什么时候、哪里买票,多少钱什么的)。第二季的试映会是日 ,播出时间是1月1日。或许有次可以推断或许第三季是日播出!
11-06 06:29
: 神探夏洛克第三季 美国PBS回归日期确定在来年1月19日,BBC的还远吗?
10-24 23:28
: You are my whole world.转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:The thrill of the chase in your blood pumping through your veins. Just the two of us against the rest of the world.
09-03 03:11
08-30 23:19
BOSS尤其是你,上校疼你哦 转自塞巴斯蒂安莫兰:祝贝克街的小伙伴儿们七夕节快乐!上校看着你们呢
08-13 22:48
: 祝贝克街的小伙伴儿们七夕节快乐!上校看着你们呢
08-13 22:41
07-05 20:25
: Frankenstein is BACK,Again!!! National Theatre为庆祝自己50周年决定今年十月底把这几年NT热门剧的现场录制的电影版搬上大荧幕,其中就包括BC的Frankenstein!全英一共有五个地方有放映,在英国的童鞋的福利!还等什么?再不订票就都被上校和BOSS抢走了!!!【 】
06-29 04:55
: 接下来的两天上校的枪口将会对高考考生手下留情。
06-07 01:47
: 每年都有这么一天,上校会从一名最出色的狙击手变成一个全职保姆,照看一个世界上最危险的小孩儿。上校也不容易…明天是儿童节。你们想要什么礼物呢?啊啊,还有你,
05-31 20:19
: 明天去伦敦执行任务。嗯。
05-21 01:11
: 转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授: 转自孙宇RiRiNavy
05-20 15:32
: 你工作时我做你交给我的工作,你休息时照顾你是我的工作,你说公不公平 转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:你们在休息时我在工作,你们在工作时我则在休息,而我的工作就是扰乱你的平静的休息时刻。这是多么的公平啊!对不对?
05-02 19:58
: 哎,想到了上次帮BOSS
04-21 22:08
: 主页菌被人问起是怎么萌上本命的,莫名其妙就萌上了的主页菌顿时压力大了起来。。。 想知道孩纸们当初都是怎么萌上上校的呢?
04-13 22:05
: 尼玛,BOSS都回来了,我依然是个谜。。。
04-13 20:37
: 这么多片场图都曝光出来了,我却还是个迷!
04-11 12:24
: 告诉你们好了……秘籍就是每次行动前把Elementary E12看一遍,然后遇到什么事情都能淡定处之了。孩纸们,想知道作为跟随BOSS多年,完成暗杀任务无数从未失手的资深狙击手,上校的强大意志力是通过什么炼成的吗?超过十个人回复想知道主页君就公布答案哦!【一般人我不告诉他……
04-08 20:15
: 孩纸们,想知道作为跟随BOSS多年,完成暗杀任务无数从未失手的资深狙击手,上校的强大意志力是通过什么炼成的吗?超过十个人回复想知道主页君就公布答案哦!【一般人我不告诉他……
04-07 23:50
: 在某人的墓旁边坐了三天。即使没有墓碑,那个地方也永远不会忘记。
04-06 12:37
: 有人猜测潮嫂会出演莫兰,所以这会是一个我化名玛丽拐跑泰迪,深深的影响两人生活的故事呢:转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:转自本尼迪克特康伯巴奇:潮嫂阿曼达o艾宾顿确认加入神探夏洛克第三季,将会出演一个会深深影响华生和夏洛克两人生活的角色。潮嫂阿曼达o艾宾顿确认加入神探夏洛克第三季,将会出演一个会深深影响华生和夏洛克两人生活的角色。
03-28 10:48
: 【BBC Sherlock第三季第一个新演员公布】英国演员Tomi May今天发推特宣布自己将参加第三季的Read Through。他的经纪公司也已经证实了这个消息。他将出演什么样的角色?会不会是传说中的我?【有关Tomi May的更多介绍请戳】
03-12 02:37
02-09 23:29
: 新年快乐!希望在新的一年里祝BOSS成功追到老福,我不要被BBC黑得太惨。【可是,我为什么要过中国的春节???
02-09 05:04
: 求放假。。。转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:孩子们你们放假了吗?没放的什么时候放?
01-20 01:29
: 本來不想寫這個状态因為太無聊了!但後來有太多同人了 我決定還是自己寫免得真的有人被誤導。 我是異性戀,BOSS也是喜歡老福. 所謂双莫到底是什麼情況?! ? 或許只是開玩笑 只是同人CP,但我還是希望大家能分辨什麼是真 什麼是胡扯! Sorry我的個性很直,關於自己的CP 還是蠻重視攻受向.
01-05 15:33
: 又有行动要出差了。BOSS,我不在的这几天你跟侦探悠着点儿玩儿。
摸崖底这种无聊的事情还是你自己玩吧。 你给我好好看着老福。
01-04 20:38
: 新年快乐!
01-01 00:17
: 平安夜。BOSS去哪了?
12-24 21:37
: 别想那个莫里亚蒂上校了。他那是我cos的。
12-21 19:29
: 我可不想要人们拿我跟RAT相提并论。没有你,第三季肯定会很无聊。转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:由于第三季教授将不会出席,我预估莫兰上校出镜的几率很大,大家觉得第三季会出什么相关内容,空屋?
12-21 19:25
: 孩子们来讨论讨论有关ABO同人里性别设定的问题。我是Alpha不用说。老福和医生谁攻谁受本就存在争议,事实上他俩自己都闹不清楚所以AO向尚且不能确定。问题大家都像我一样觉得BOSS是Omega吗?Boss,你怎么看?
12-16 06:49
: 都在迎接圣诞节,我是不是也该有什么表示?
11-29 05:00
: 什么怎么看 通过瞄准仪看!转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:通常如果事情像预谋的那样发展,我会坐在旁边暗自窃笑 你怎么看?
11-18 18:17
: 说好的脱衣舞会呢。。。 转自詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授:I love you not because who you are but because who I am when I am with you.To the world you are one person but to me you are my whole world.
11-11 22:36
: BOSS,偷基德宝物这种坑爹的任务我以后拒绝执行!您给我bluebox把我在一个叫柯南的娃小学一年级那一年里困了十年!幸好赶在今天爬了回来。。
11-11 20:37
: 欢迎玩贴吧的孩子有空去百度莫兰上校吧做客
11-04 19:02
: 今天距光棍节还有一周,Boss你怎么看?
11-04 18:52
: 侦探真是可笑,居然不知道地球是绕着BOSS转的。
10-17 05:15
: In general, i'm invisible. You won't know my existence until you die.
10-11 19:31


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