Pinnacle PCX 萨摩耶大概多少钱钱

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以下将分为Intel和AMD系列的 Intel主流配置: CPU 1 880 Intel Pentium4 506 主板 1 680 青云 PX915PC-G 微星 915PL NEO-V 680 技嘉 GA-8I915PL-G 690 富士康915P7AD-8KS 790 Intel D915PGN(原装主板)780 华硕 P5GPL 790 升技GD8 790元(此主板有两个IDE接口,可以说该主板为超频而生) 磐正 EP-5EDAI 780元 内存 2 340 金士顿/三星金条DDR400 512M 硬盘 1 470 西部数据 WD800JD 显卡 1 690 影驰6600LE 影驰6600LE欧美版 690 双敏火旋风PCX Inno3D映众6600LE GDDR3 690元 425Mhz/1000Mhz 微星RX700-TD128E黄金版 690元 400Mhz/500Mhz 微星 RX600Pro-TD128E 590元 PCI-E 400Mhz/600Mhz 蓝宝石 X700白金版 790 双敏 速配PCX6618超强版 790 GDDR3/2.0ns/350Mhz/800Mhz Inno3D映众6600GDDR3 790 GDDR3/2.0ns/400Mhz/800Mhz 迪兰恒进 镭姬杀手X700 PCI-E黄金版 790 425/860Mhz 蓝宝石 X700 PCIE 白金版 799元 2.0ns/425MHz/800MHz 艾尔莎 X70旗舰版 799元 DDR3/400/800MHz 迪兰恒进镭姬杀手 X1300加强版 699元 2.8ns/DDR2/256M/128Bit/600MHz/800MHz HIS X700 GDDR3 PCI-E,699元 128M/128bit/2.0ns/DDR3/400MHz/700MHz 迪兰恒进 镭姬杀手X700XT欧美版 799元 128MB/128bit,475MHz/1050MHz 影驰6600GE极品玩家版 799元 三星GDDR3 1.6ns显存 光驱 1 199 建兴16X DVD 显示器 950 飞力浦107H6 机箱 100 自选 电源 180 航嘉 冷静王钻石版P 点评:Intel Pentium4 506(64位/盒) LGA 775/0.09um/2.66GHz/L2 1024K/前端总线 533MHz,目前在850元左右,是一款性价比高的CPU,具有很强的超频能力,主板选用915PL、915P+ICH6芯片组,支持双通道,并具有较好的扩展能力。本配置属于中低端主流家庭娱乐配置,可以满足普通用户大多数需求。 带有的LCD配置 P4 506 880 宏迅 HS-915P 520 HY256M*2 310 西部数据 WD800JD 470 蓝宇宙 蓝镭X300SE(黄金版) 420 工包8X LG DVD刻录 280 钻石龙 171V 1690 台达P350W+机箱 300 键鼠 60 CPU Intel Celeron D331(盒)480 主板 青云PX915PC Pro-G 690 显卡 影驰 6600LE玩家版 690 /新版采用2.5ns显存,640元 影驰6600LE欧美版 690 双敏火旋风PCX Inno3D映众6600LE GDDR3 690 425Mhz/1000Mhz 迪兰恒进镭姬杀手 X1300加强版 699元 2.8ns/DDR2/256M/128Bit/600MHz/800MHz HIS X700 GDDR3 PCI-E,699元 128M/128bit/2.0ns/DDR3/400MHz/700MHz 内存 金士顿 DDR400 256MB*2 360 硬盘 西部数据 WD800JD(8M) 460 显示器 MAYA A8V 8ms 1990/金长城 T171A Plus 1999元(带DVI)8ms 光驱 建兴16X DVD 199 音箱 声迈 X100 120 机箱 自选 100 电源 长城350W 150 点评:本配置为入门级带独立显卡家庭娱乐型液晶配置。 AMD主流配置推荐: CPU 1 880 Intel Pentium4 506 主板 1 680 青云 PX915PC-G 微星 915PL NEO-V 680 技嘉 GA-8I915PL-G 690 富士康915P7AD-8KS 790 Intel D915PGN(原装主板)780 华硕 P5GPL 790 升技GD8 790元(此主板有两个IDE接口,可以说该主板为超频而生) 磐正 EP-5EDAI 780元 内存 2 340 金士顿/三星金条DDR400 512M 硬盘 1 470 西部数据 WD800JD 显卡 1 690 影驰6600LE 影驰6600LE欧美版 690 双敏火旋风PCX Inno3D映众6600LE GDDR3 690元 425Mhz/1000Mhz 微星RX700-TD128E黄金版 690元 400Mhz/500Mhz 微星 RX600Pro-TD128E 590元 PCI-E 400Mhz/600Mhz 蓝宝石 X700白金版 790 双敏 速配PCX6618超强版 790 GDDR3/2.0ns/350Mhz/800Mhz Inno3D映众6600GDDR3 790 GDDR3/2.0ns/400Mhz/800Mhz 迪兰恒进 镭姬杀手X700 PCI-E黄金版 790 425/860Mhz 蓝宝石 X700 PCIE 白金版 799元 2.0ns/425MHz/800MHz 艾尔莎 X70旗舰版 799元 DDR3/400/800MHz 迪兰恒进镭姬杀手 X1300加强版 699元 2.8ns/DDR2/256M/128Bit/600MHz/800MHz HIS X700 GDDR3 PCI-E,699元 128M/128bit/2.0ns/DDR3/400MHz/700MHz 迪兰恒进 镭姬杀手X700XT欧美版 799元 128MB/128bit,475MHz/1050MHz 影驰6600GE极品玩家版 799元 三星GDDR3 1.6ns显存 光驱 1 199 建兴16X DVD 显示器 950 飞力浦107H6 机箱 100 自选 电源 180 航嘉 冷静王钻石版P 点评:Intel Pentium4 506(64位/盒) LGA 775/0.09um/2.66GHz/L2 1024K/前端总线 533MHz,目前在850元左右,是一款性价比高的CPU,具有很强的超频能力,主板选用915PL、915P+ICH6芯片组,支持双通道,并具有较好的扩展能力。本配置属于中低端主流家庭娱乐配置,可以满足普通用户大多数需求。 LCD液晶配置 CPU:AMD SP2500+ (64) 590 主板:技嘉K8NE 690 DFI NF4X 690 升技NV8 690 华硕K8N4-E 690 硬盘:西数WD800JB 460 内存:金士顿512DDR400 330 显卡:双敏X700 DDR3 690 INNO3D 6600LE 690 影驰6600LE 690 影驰6600LE欧美版 690 HIS X700 GDDR3 PCI-E,699元 128M/128bit/2.0ns/DDR3/400MHz/700MHz 光驱:华硕 DVD 220 显示器:三星711N 2290元/优派VX715 2290元/飞利浦170C6 2290元/玛雅 A8 2190元/玛雅 F1 1990元 机箱:自选 100 电源:冷钻 180 音响:麦博FC-360 260 点评:本配置为入门级液晶配置,可以满足用户基本游戏和办公、娱乐需要。 最后总结:这些都是我从网上收集的,总的来说还是配得不错得,只是一些细节方面不尽人意,这得看你得需求了, 我想现在配机子不只是学习和上网吧(如果真是,你就是牛人了,^_^),所以我的意见是推荐AMD系列的,现在的AMD已经不像以前的AMD的,就目前来说某些方面还是比Intel的CPU领先的,而且效能在大部分测试中都有优势,性价比相当高啊!!!还有就是现在的游戏一年比一年变态了,对配置的要求那是高啊,但是对于CPU的要求并不是太高,所以没必要买太高频的CPU,想玩游戏爽一些的话,建议把钱多放在显卡这边比较有价值,重点推荐6600GT和6800XT的,价格都在1000左右,ATI的是X1600 pro,但是ATI的显卡不够平衡,OpenGL的性能实在是不行啊. 主板是机器稳定的前提,所以不能马虎,建议购买一线大厂的(比如华硕,微星,技嘉),当然某些口碑好的品牌也是不错的,比如磐正的就不错.买AMD的话,建议购买n-Force 4系列的. 硬盘建议购买SATA-Ⅱ(也就是传输率300 MB/s的).容量起码也得160GB的吧,更大也行,反正硬盘不怕大. 显示器的话,现在我觉得还是买液晶的吧,无辐射,无闪烁,重量轻,剩空间等等优点(为了健康值啊!),目前的价格不贵了,都可以接受的. 最后是机箱和电源了,一定不能图便宜,一定要质量过硬,这也是电脑稳定的重要因素啊! 其他的你就自己看着办吧.可能最后配出来的价格会有些高,你看看哪些是不太重要的,就适当的调整一下就可以了. 最后提醒你的是买电脑最重要的是知道你要用来做什么,才能有所针对,有明确的目标去选购,去搭配,着重什么方面就加强什么方面,不过一定要平衡,这样整体的性能才会是均衡的,多跑跑,多看看,多请教,就多有收获,祝你买到诚心如意的电脑.
主流7300GT显卡160G硬盘17寸液晶(如果放家里不考虑携带问题,那么推荐19寸CRT显示器,虽然大点,但是能用的住,液晶的玩2年屏幕就黑了)AMD 3800+ CPU(玩游戏还是AMD平台好)QQ1.必须是DVD刻录;刻录机不值钱,200-300,应该没问题2.显卡必须是独立,且512M以上. 独立显卡没问题,512M显存有点扯,内存么1G都可以,显存没戏再说显存大不一定就好,这年头看芯片
出门在外也不愁Gaurav Dogra | LinkedIn
, , Recommendations5 people have recommended Gaurav500+connectionsJoin LinkedIn & access Gaurav's full profileJoin LinkedIn & access Gaurav's full profile. It's free!As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.See who you know in commonGet introducedContact Gaurav directly500+connectionsLonza: A Global Leader In Life SciencesResearch Associate III Testing R&DApril 2014 – Present
BackgroundI am a cross-functional scientist with the talent and expertise to solve challenging research problems. The unique experience of working with complex matrices from milk/yogurt to feed and forage and a knack for handling tough analytical problems underlines my professional abilities. I have a varied array of technical experience that includes, but is not limited to molecular biology, microbiology, separation sciences (analytical and preparative), method development and validation, laboratory and personnel management, and project management.
Specialties: Analytical chemistry, molecular microbiology, protein chemistry, HPLC, ELISA, GC, derivatization, complex matrix sample prepExperienceResearch Associate III Testing R&DMethod Development Specialist• Established a method development lab for the detection and quantification of mycotoxins in bovine, equine, and porcine feed and forages
• Developed a 10+ approach for mycotoxin analysis in complex matrices using a multiaffinity IAC and the Agilent 1100 HPLC coupled to a Pickering Pinnacle PCX postcolumn derivatization unit
• Validated single mycotoxin and combined analytical approaches to quantify trichothecenes, aflatoxins, zearalenone, fumonisins, and ochratoxin A using HPLC, ELISA, and GC methodologies
• Strong understanding of chromatography principles, derivatization systems for HPLC and GC analysis, analytical quality assurance, sample preparation, personnel management and training, instrument procurement and troubleshooting, method cost analysis, and hazardous material management
• Developed ability to handle up to 50 complex feed samples a day with 24 hour turnaround, including rechecks and quality assurance
• Managerial experience - trained two interns and managed two technicians for day to day operations in the labAdjunct Professor - Biotechnology (STEM)• Taught the Fall 2013 BTC-101-02, Introduction to Biotechnology course to several students from various backgrounds - evening sessions
• Responsible for lesson plans, classroom administration, student evaluation and progress
• Attended the Maryland Consortium for Adjunct Faculty Professional Development Seventh Annual FALL CONFERENCE – October 2013 at Howard Community College, Columbia MDGraduate Research AssistantSUMMARY
• Successfully characterized the molecular function of a bacterial chemotaxis protein (CheS)
• Discovered a new signal termination mechanism in Rhizobial chemotaxis after a 14 year gap
• Expressed and purified (IMPACT, AKTA: SEC, IEX, NiNTA) recombinant chemotaxis proteins
• Characterized domain interaction and phosphorylation kinetics using MS and radio-labeled assays
• Collaborated during graduate studies with two laboratory groups for biophysical studies
• Authored a publication ranked by Faculty of 1000 among top 2% papers in biology/ medicine
• Rated 3.9/4.0 for teaching excellence in the undergraduate microbiology lab by 97 students
Genetic engineering
• PCR: genomic, overlap-extension for site-directed mutagenesis and gene deletions (Biometra TGradient, MJ PTC-100, and Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient thermocyclers)
• Cloning: Genomic and Plasmid DNA purification and quantification (NanoDrop1000 UV-Vis spectrophotometer), primer design and analysis, transformation, conjugative transfer, electroporation, restriction endonuclease digestion, ligation, DNA sequencing, DNA sequence analysis
• Electrophoresis: agarose gel electrophoresis
Protein biochemistry
• Protein expression and purification: denaturation/refolding, ÄKTAprime plus FPLC: affinity, ion exchange (IEX), analytical/preparative gel filtration (SEC), IMPACT
• Western blotting, antibody purification
• Enzyme kinetics, radio-labeled assays, phosphate transfer kinetics (Typhoon Trio Phosphorimager, Beckman-Coulter LS6500 Scintillation Counter)
• Structure-Function: proteolytic domain mapping, secondary structure prediction, homology modeling, multiple sequence alignment
Microscopy: fluorescence (IF and in vivo G/mR/CFP protein fusions, Olympus IX71 Microscope)
OriginLab8.1, PyMol, MODELLER Web, Scion Image, BioEdit, LASERGENE, EXPASY Tools, ImageQuant TL, Applied Precision SoftWorx, Shimadzu CLASS-VP, Microsoft Office SuiteSenior Research FellowSUMMARY:
• Developed a fermented milk-based yogurt containing Vitamin B12 produced by probiotic bacteria
• Managed project goals through instrument procurement, method validation and staff training
• Improved sensitivity 10X and reduced time/cost for the AOAC Vitamin B12 microbiological assay
• Designed a rapid uPLC-refractive index method to detect soy milk adulteration of bovine milk
• Analyzed SNPs by single strand conformation analysis in the LH-β subunit gene in B. bubalis
• Verified a novel tandem lysis method for genomic DNA isolation from gram positive bacteria
• Co-authored four international publications for: B12 ELISA, SSCP, HPLC and Microbiology
Animal Biotechnology
• PCR: genomic, reverse-transcriptase
• Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP-PAGE) analysis for mammalian SNP identification
• Bacteriology: BSL-1 and BSL-2 experience, bacterial isolation and culture, probiotics, pathogens, anaerobes (Sanyo MCO-5M CO2/N2 multi-gas incubator)
• Microscopy: Bright-field, dark-field, phase-contrast, simple and differential staining (Gram’s, Capsule, Endospore, Negative, Acid-Fast)
• General: aseptic technique, anaerobic culture, culture stock maintenance, lyophilization
uPLC: Vitamin B12, and milk carbohydrate profiling (Shimadzu Prominence UltraFast HPLC-RIO10A RI and SPD-20AV)Junior Research Fellow• Tested bacteriocin action on food pathogens (6 pathogenic bacteria) isolated from street food
• Validated a commercial competitive binding ELISA kit for the determination of milk Vitamin B12Certifications, License KFPSU6XML5Test ScoresTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)Score: 117/120Graduate Record Examination (GRE)Score: , writing 5SkillsELISAPCRMicrobiologyAnalytical ChemistryMethod DevelopmentAnalytical Method...Operations ManagementHPLCEmployee TrainingMolecular BiologyWestern BlottingProtein PurificationFPLCFluorescence MicroscopyUV/VisDNASignal TransductionAKTACloningGas ChromatographyKarl FisherBiotechnologyImmunoassaysElectrophoresisFluorescenceMicroscopyAgarose Gel...Gel Filtration...Aseptic TechniqueLaboratoryPrimer DesignDNA sequencingSite-directed...Allelic exchangeMass SpectrometryIon ExchangeIMPACT ChromatographyRadiation SafetyAOAC Microbiological...Limited proteolysisProtein-Protein...ConjugationAgilentTecanImmunoaffinity...Solid Phase ExtractionMicrosoft Office 2007Chemical SafetyProduction BudgetingUniversity TeachingPublicationsJournal of Bacteriology, ASM Press, Published ahead of print (12/2011)FACULTY OF 1000 (F1000) INCLUSION REVIEW:
George W Ordal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. F1000 Microbiology
In this article, the authors report a new protein, CheS, that enhances the binding of CheA to CheY-1-P to bring about its dephosphorylation in Sinorhizobium meliloti. It is exciting that after this many years, a novel chemotaxis protein has been discovered.
The main response regulator in S. meliloti chemotaxis is CheY2-P. Although all phosphorylated response regulators spontaneously dephosphorylate, in all chemotactic organisms that I am aware of this dephosphorylation is speeded up by catalysis involving other proteins, such as by CheZ in E. coli {1} and CheC or FliY in Bacillus subtilis (see {2}, on which I am a co-author). In the case of S. meliloti, the phosphoryl groups are transferred back to CheA and thence to a different CheY, namely CheY-1, which dephosphorylates. The rate of this dephosphorylation is increased by CheS. As expected, the rate of CheY2-P dephosphorylation, in absence of CheY1, is unaffected by CheS. As determined by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, CheY1 binds about 100-fold more strongly to CheA/CheS than to CheA. Limited proteolysis revealed the locus of binding of CheS to CheA to be the N-terminal part of the CheY2 binding domain in CheA. Deletion of cheS has the same phenotype as a deletion of cheY1.
{1} Hess et al. Cell -87 [PMID:3280143].
{2} Szurmant et al. J Biol Chem 787-92 [PMID:].
Competing interests: None declaredAuthors:, Frauke G. Purschke, Verena Wagner, Martin Haslbeck, Thomas Kriehuber, Jonathan G. Hughes, Maxwell L. Van Tasell, Crystal Gilbert, Melanie Niemeyer, W. Keith Ray, Richard F. Helm, Birgit E. ScharfIndian Journal of Microbiology, SpringerLinkA simple, inexpensive and effective genomic DNA isolation procedure for Lactobacillus isolates from traditional Indian fermented milk (dahi) is described. A total of 269 Lactobacillus isolates from fermented milk collected from four places in North and west India were tested for lysis by an initial weakening of the Gram positive cell wall with Ampicillin followed by Lysozyme treatment. The average genomic DNA yield was ~50 &#x3g/ml log phase culture. Quality and repeatability of the method was found to be adequate for subsequent molecular applications. The quality of the genomic DNA isolated by this method was verified by restriction digestion and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). No inhibition was observed in subsequent PCR amplification and restriction digestion. The presented method is rapid, cheap and useful for routine DNA isolation from gram positive bacteria such as Lactobacillus.Authors:, , Gurpreet Kaur, Amit Roy, Ramakant Kaushik, Paras Yadav, Rameshwar Singh, Tirtha Kumar Datta, Surender Lal GoswamiInternational Journal of Dairy Technology, WileyA high-performance liquid chromatography method is described for the detection of adulteration of milk with soymilk, based on separation of sugars on NH2 column and their detection by refractive index detector. Sugars were extracted with 20% acetonitrile in the presence of Carrez solutions and quantified. Recovery of added raffinose to soymilk was 96.3%. Owing to relative high concentration of lactose in milk or adulterated milk, lactose peak was very broad and spread to retention time corresponding to sucrose and raffinose. However, stachyose peak remained well separated. Presence of stachyose peak in milk can be used for the detection of adulteration of milk with soymilk and the method can detect upto 5% soymilk in milk.Authors:, , Poonam, Yudhishthir S. Rajput, Sudhir K TomarGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology, ElsevierThe cDNA sequence of leuteinizing hormone (LH) beta subunit was determined to understand the molecular basis for silent oestrus behavior and poor response to superovulation in buffalo. The LH-β cDNA contains an open reading frame 426 bp long. The deduced sequence of the LH-β is 141 amino acids in length. The amino acid sequences of the Indian river buffalo LH-β subunit showed overall similarity to those of other mammals. The nucleotide sequence variability of LH-β was studied in more than ∼350 Indian buffaloes covering five different breeds. The results of the sequence analysis showed that the buffalo LH-β gene is not highly conserved and non-synonymous mutations are not rare, at least in the samples collected randomly from five different breeds and buffalo populations. A total of seven different variants were obtained. In spite of its crucial role in reproduction, variation of the LH-β gene was found present in this species. The polymorphisms found were unique in the Indian river buffalo population.Authors:, Mallikarjuna Shivapura Basavarajappa, , Manish Thakur, Tirtha Kumar Datta, Paras Yadav, Surender Lal GoswamiMilchwissenschaft (Milk Science International), German Association of Dairy ScienceA competitive-binding enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the estimation of vitamin B12 was evaluated for its applicability in milks from different Indian milking animal species. The detected vitamin B12 levels in milks from cow, buffalo and goat were found to be 4.91, 21.68 and 3.91 ppb, respectively. The reliability of the ELISA method was checked by adding 3 and 6 ppb of vitamin B12 standard (cyanocobalamin) to the raw milk of each species and the recovery was quantitative. Estimation for vitamin B12 by ELISA was found to be simple, reproducible, and the results can be obtained on the same day.Authors:, , Yudhishthir S Rajput, Sudhir K TomarEducationMS, , 3.8Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate ProgramActivities and Societies:&Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor SocietyMSc, , First ClassBSc, , , First ClassCourses Independent CourseworkSS: Advanced Microbial Genetics (BIOL5984)SS: Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis (BIOL5984)Biochemistry for the Life Sciences (BCHM5124)Prokaryotic Gene Regulation (BCHM5054)Computational Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (BCHM5024)Protein Structure and Function (BCHM5224)Seminar in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology (BIOL5064)Honors & Awards
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