
Asnotified by Power Supply Administration,there will be a disruption of power supply for our factory from 4:00am to 6:00pm on Apr 12th,2013. our shop will be shut down for one day.
As notified by Power Supply Administration,there will be a disruption of power supply for our factory from 4:00am to 6:00pm on Apr 12th,2013. our shop will be shut down for one day. 翻译: 根据供电局通知,我们工厂日早上4点到下午6点停电,我们的商店将停业一天。shut down基本翻译停工,关闭
As notified by Power Supply Administration,there will be a disruption of power supply for our factory from 4:00am to 6:00pm on Apr 12th,2013. Our shop will be shut down for one day.中文翻译:根据供电局通知,我们工厂在日从早上4:00到下午6:00会中断电力供应。我们的商店将关闭一天。
恋就像是林肯法球 ,投入大量时间和金钱,结果只能避免自己再次受伤。分手就像是疯狂面具 ,顺风时,对对方造成更大伤害,逆风时,只能使你死的更快。分手之后,我知道要有一颗坚强的龙心 ,可是受伤时,却一点用也没有……分手以前,我以为自己心里很坚强,就像带着一把蝴蝶 ,或多或少能闪避一些伤害,分手之后,我才发现她的mkb开着克敌机先 ,原来对于那种心痛,我躲不开。恋爱就像拿着六把圣剑 ,可一旦夭折,就会变得一无所有…所谓的初恋,只是几个树枝 ,开始的时候往往是很幸福,但只要过了一会,马上这幸福,就会被丢到商店。劈腿就像分身斧 风光的时候再多的分身,也挡不住谎言被猜穿的瞬间。人心就是一个血晶石 ,失恋的次数越多,将来恢复得越快。女人就像是圣剑,当你倒下的时候,也许别人会将她捡起,而这个人往往最有可能是你的朋友…失恋好比被变羊 ,跟整个人生变比是短暂的,确实最无奈,痛苦的。分手的时候开着臂章 横冲直撞以为把她伤的越惨自己才痛快可关上房门才发现伤的最重的一直都是自己。爱情就像是卡嘉的长笛,以为可以抵挡一些伤害,抬起头才发现,自己被带上嘞绿帽子…失恋后的报复就好比刃甲 ,伤了别人也伤了自己。寂寞就像弹射法杖 ,更疏远,或者试图接近。感情就像神灵 ,每一滴心血的泣述,都使自己愈发坚强。分手时我以为我有绿杖可以不受伤害哪知道丫的你带了大根 。谈恋爱就像对线,被压制的人只有两种结果,要么换线,要么找人帮忙。 失恋后喝酒就像船长的朗姆酒 ,尽管一时能舒服点,但过后伤害总会完全地加在你身上。暗恋就像黑血的隐刺,你永远不知道在她面前现身会有什么结果。与她分手时我什么也没说,现在想来就像紫苑一样 ,沉默时带来更深的伤害。爹妈就象出门那六百块,给你吃给你喝让你成长,可后来却最容易被遗忘。分手就想开臂章,每当你看到希望,疯狂的想挽回时,才发现她在很远的地方,纵有万般热情也只能慢慢濒向死亡。思念就像小鹿推进 ,离得越远,思念就越强烈。浪漫就像是一块虚无宝石 ,承载着爱情的幻想,却忘了只有加上现实的治疗指环 ,才会更坚韧 。。爱就是船长的标记 ,都要回到原点。大学爱情就像树枝随着时间的漂移和形式的发展终究要舍弃它但是当它成为大魔棒 的时候终究会在你最痛苦的时刻给你些许美好的回忆。爱情就像是复仇的大 ,即使你能够把她换到你身边,却发现自己的心已不在那一直等待的地方了。爱情就像回程 和飞鞋,有了飞鞋 卖了回程。热恋就JB脸的大招 ,总希望时间在那一刻静止。然而几秒过了,还是得各干各的~!青春是一堵复制墙 ,当我们走过时才发现,不仅留下了曾经脆弱的自己,也受了点伤。情场的敌人就像是红杖的宙斯或许他先会放一些无关痛痒的小雷可是你千万不能忽视他的爆发力。即使你用蚂蚁的大倒回五秒,那五秒也根本改变不了故事的结局。女朋友就是补刀F.的时候花钱请,不的时候不仅仍了,还要打暴。那些永远不会有结果的恋爱就像中了巫妖的大 ,两个人纠缠的越紧,受的伤越深,分开才是唯一的解脱。有些男人就像是小NAGA ,被他睡了,就再也找不到他了。你可以同时爱上两个人.就像假腿 和相位 .但你只能选择一个.有时候还不得不选择该死的飞鞋 。男人好比DOTA,坏男人不是拿FB就是追求杀人数好男人只追求胜利。幸福就像一罐大药膏大药膏 ,随时都可能被打断。真正的男人就像孤独的ROSHAN ,不管被伤害的多深,他都能再一次站起来,而且他依然会把不朽的祝福 送给那个曾今伤过他的人。&&
Love just like Lincoln method ball, invest a lot of time and money, the result can only to avoid their injury.
Break up like crazy masks, to each other causing kinaa, more big damage, contrary, will only make it die quickly.
After breaking up, I know to want to have a single strong LongXin, but injured, but it is no...
I thought myself before the part, the heart is very strong, just like with a butterfly, more or less can dodge some damage, after breaking up, I found out that her MKB open grams of enemy aircraft, originally for that first, I hide not open heartache.
Love is like carrying six ShengJian, but once dead, will become nothing...
The so-called first love, just a few branches, when beginning is often very happiness, but as long as after a while, immediately the happiness, will be cast into the shop.
Split leg like when doppelganger axe scenery more doppelganger, also can not hold up against the moment by guess wear lies.
Hearts is a blood SPAR, brokenhearted, the more the faster in the future recovery.
Women are like ShengJian, when you fall, perhaps others will she picked up, and this man often most may be your friend...
Brokenhearted like be sheep with whole life change, than is short, really the most helpless, painful.
Split up open armbands barged thought put her injury can be more miserable themselves to a closed the door just discover the heaviest always hurt themselves.
Love is like the flute, thought card jia can withstand some damage, raise head just discover, oneself are putting MAO zelda...
Brokenhearted empress revenge is like blade mail, hurt others also hurt yourself.
Lonely as ejection staves, more alienated, or trying to close.
Feeling like gods, every drop of painstaking care, make oneself qi increasingly strong.
Break up I thought I have green rod can not hurt which know ya you brought large root.
Love is like the suppressed in line, only two kinds of results, or line change, or ask for help.Brokenhearted empress drinking like the captain's rum, although temporary can comfortable, but always completely after injury put upon you.
Like like black blood secret thorn, you never know in front of her. What will the results appeared
When I broke up with her what also didn't say, now that I think about it like, like when asters bring deeper damage silence.
Parents like go out that LiuBaiKuai and feed you give you drink make you grow, but afterwards but most easily forgotten.
Break up to want to open a armbands, whenever you see hope, crazy trying to save, they found her in distant places, even though a madly enthusiasm are only slowly to death, yangzhou-the.
Miss like fawn propulsion, the farther away, missing is stronger.
Romance is like a nihilistic gem, carrying love fantasy, but forgot to only add realistic treatment ring, will be more fortitude..
Love is the captain's mark, return again to origin.
University love is like the branches as time drift and development of forms will ultimately discard it but when it became a big when the wand will eventually you most painful hour give you some fond memories.
Love is like the big revenge, even if you can take her change to your side, but found that his heart was not in the place that has been waiting for.
Love is like a return and fly shoes, some flying shoes sold return.
Love is the big recruit JB face, total hope time at that moment is stationary. However a few seconds each, or do their ~!
Youth is a physical copy wall, when we passed discovered that not only leaves once fragile oneself, also a persistent calf injury.
Feeling enemy like red rod Zeus maybe he'll first put displace more benign dear recoba but you can't ignore his explosive force.
Even if you use ant's big reversed five seconds, the five seconds also fundamental change the end of the story.
Girlfriend is filling knife f. pay, no, not only is critical to attack.
Those who never have the result in just as the love of the lich, two men of foulness
the deeper, the separation of is the only liberation.
Some men are like small NAGA, was he went to sleep, you'll never find him.
You can also love two men. Like artificial leg and phase. But you can only choose one. Sometimes had to choose a damn fly shoes.
Men are like a DOTA, bad men not take FB is pursuing the good man kill number only for victory.
Happiness is like a pot of ointment, big ointment at large may be interrupted.
Real men like lonely ROSHAN, no matter how deeply hurt, he can once again stand up, and he will continue to put immortal wishes to that once this hurt him.
其他回答 (2)
-Love is like Lincoln method ball, invest a lot of time and money, the result can only to avoid their injury.
Break up like crazy masks, to each other causing kinaa, more big damage, contrary, will only make it die quickly.
After breaking up, I know to want to have a single strong LongXin, but injured, but it is no...
I thought myself before the part, the heart is very strong, just like with a butterfly, more or less can dodge some damage, after breaking up, I found out that her MKB open grams of enemy aircraft, originally for that first, I hide not open heartache.
Love is like carrying six ShengJian, but once dead, will become nothing...
The so-called first love, just a few branches, when beginning is often very happiness, but as long as after a while, immediately the happiness, will be cast into the shop.
Split leg like when doppelganger axe scenery more doppelganger, also can not hold up against the moment by guess wear lies.
Hearts is a blood SPAR, brokenhearted, the more the faster in the future recovery.
Women are like ShengJian, when you fall, perhaps others will she picked up, and this man often most may be your friend...
Brokenhearted like be sheep with whole life change, than is short, really the most helpless, painful.
Split up open armbands barged thought put her injury can be more miserable themselves to a closed the door just discover the heaviest always hurt themselves.
Love is like the flute, thought card jia can withstand some damage, raise head just discover, oneself are putting MAO zelda...
Brokenhearted empress revenge is like blade mail, hurt others also hurt yourself.
Lonely as ejection staves, more alienated, or trying to close.
Feeling like gods, every drop of painstaking care, make oneself qi increasingly strong.
Break up I thought I have green rod can not hurt which know ya you brought large root.
Love is like the suppressed in line, only two kinds of results, or line change, or ask for help.Brokenhearted empress drinking like the captain's rum, although temporary can comfortable, but always completely after injury put upon you.
Like like black blood secret thorn, you never know in front of her. What will the results appeared
When I broke up with her what also didn't say, now that I think about it like, like when asters bring deeper damage silence.
Parents like go out that LiuBaiKuai and feed you give you drink make you grow, but afterwards but most easily forgotten.
Break up to want to open a armbands, whenever you see hope, crazy trying to save, they found her in distant places, even though a madly enthusiasm are only slowly to death, yangzhou-the.
Miss like fawn propulsion, the farther away, missing is stronger.
Romance is like a nihilistic gem, carrying love fantasy, but forgot to only add realistic treatment ring, will be more fortitude..
Love is the captain's mark, return again to origin.
University love is like the branches as time drift and development of forms will ultimately discard it but when it became a big when the wand will eventually you most painful hour give you some fond memories.
Love is like the big revenge, even if you can take her change to your side, but found that his heart was not in the place that has been waiting for.
Love is like a return and fly shoes, some flying shoes sold return.
Love is the big recruit JB face, total hope time at that moment is stationary. However a few seconds each, or do their ~!
Youth is a physical copy wall, when we passed discovered that not only leaves once fragile oneself, also a persistent calf injury.
Feeling enemy like red rod Zeus maybe he'll first put displace more benign dear recoba but you can't ignore his explosive force.
Even if you use ant's big reversed five seconds, the five seconds also fundamental change the end of the story.
Girlfriend is filling knife f. pay, no, not only is critical to attack.
Those who never have the result in just as the love of the lich, two men of foulness
the deeper, the separation of is the only liberation.
Some men are like small NAGA, was he went to sleep, you'll never find him.
You can also love two men. Like artificial leg and phase. But you can only choose one. Sometimes had to choose a damn fly shoes.
Men are like a DOTA, bad men not take FB is pursuing the good man kill number only for victory.
Happiness is like a pot of ointment, big ointment at large may be interrupted.
Real men like lonely ROSHAN, no matter how deeply hurt, he can once again stand up, and he will continue to put immortal wishes to that once this hurt him.
Leifeng Pagoda is one of the ten sights of the West Lake, (and it is known) because of the Legend of the White Snake. In the old days, Leifeng Pagoda used to mirror Baochu Pagada, as Chinese poem goes, &Leifeng as old monk, Baochu as fair lady&. At sunset, the silhouette of Leifeng Pagoda is the most magnificent, as it glows and glitters against the sky, hence, the name &Leifeng Sunset&.本人手工翻译。若有疑问欢迎追问。
LeiFengDa is one of the ten views of the west lake, because &the tale of the white snake& famous legends. The old, LeiFengDa once and treasure Chu tower summit. LeiFengRu of old, treasure Chu like beauty. When the sun goes down to the west, tower shadow spell, resplendent and magnificent, hence the name from lei feng
Lei Feng tower is one of the wonders of West Lake, because legend& White Snake&. Formerly, Lei Feng tower has worked with treasure Chu tower echo each other at a distance. Lei Feng as I treasure Chu, such as beauty. Sundowners, tower shadow sky, beautiful decoration. Hence, Lei Feng sunset
this is FOB price, which has strong competition even in competitive America and Australia. we may make sutible adjustment for the price if the conditions in quantity of order and raw material are changed.这类灯具一般是由直流12V或24V的电瓶供电补充翻译:Such lights are generally powered by DC12V or DC24V battary.our products are manufactured and tested complying with CEm rohs, ip68 standard, electricity will also pass aging test. we have not applied certification yet, as you have known, which will be at the cost of product. In the future we will apply certification based on situation, but the most important thing is that our present products are under all of these quality standard, and you can arrange test when you get the specimen.Generally, ours could be yours, but some of special requirement will not be free.I am sure that some of Chinese suppliers are not good in quality due to some key processes are not under control. we know some details of products very well, such as the documents we sent to you, from raw material to workmanship, quality can be guaranteed, you will understand how we pursue the quality. We can not provide professional staff for service, but this will not affect our quality and service, we will be careful to handle the cooperation in between us, and look forward to benefiting both of us in the future.


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