
[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克劳福德 Crowfoot的变体;
[地名] [美国、南非共和国、英国] 克劳福德
1. Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career.
2. On his ranch in Crawford, Texas, the President keeps longhorn cow named Ofelia.
在他得克萨斯州Crawford农场, 布什总统养着一头名叫Ofelia的长角牛.
3. There was a booming of bells and Crawford said, " There it is. "
钟声沉重地响了,克劳夫德说: “ 钟响了. ”
4. Edmund came on the very same business that had brought Miss Crawford.
5. Miss Crawford's beauty did her no disservice with the Miss Bertrams.
1. United States neoclassical sculptor ()
2. United States film actress ()
1. 琼克劳馥
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2. 克罗弗德
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连卡佛(lane Crawford) 9折卡号:00 7 折卡: ,Ms Dai,tel:折卡号折,, 卡号:501…
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1. 辛迪·克劳馥
【图】明星风云榜_海报时尚网 ... 切·格瓦拉 Che Guevara 辛迪·克劳馥 Cindy Crawford 张震岳 Chang chen-yue.
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2. 辛蒂克劳馥
从辛蒂克劳馥(Cindy Crawford)以及克莉斯提特灵顿(Christy Turlington)到名模苏菲达儿(Sophie Dahl)等,这些明星及模特儿经纪公司把.
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1. 贾马尔-克劳福德
NBA历年选秀名单 ... Chris Mihm 克里斯-米姆 Jamal Crawford 贾马尔-克劳福德 Joel Przybilla 乔尔-普尔奇比拉.
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克劳佛不只名字看起来跟球队的克劳佛(Jamal Crawford)一样,连球队位置与球风都很类似,不过在J.强森(Joe Johnson)可能离队的状 …
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1. 琼安克劳馥
琼安克劳馥(Joan Crawford)美国电影女演员,因演出《欲海情魔》获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,曾与阿德莫尔合著自传《琼安的自画象》 …
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Neoclassical metal is a subgenre of
that is heavily influenced by
and usually features very technical playing, consisting of elements borrowed from both classical and heavy metal music. 's
pioneered the subgenre by merging classical melodies and . Later,
became one of the most notable musicians in the subgenre, and contributed greatly to the development of the style in the 1980s. Other notable players in the genre are , , , and .
Neoclassical metal takes its name from a broad conception of . In this it is a concept distinct from how
is understood within the classical music tradition.
usually refers to a movement in musical
which developed roughly a century after the end of the Classical period and peaked during the years in between the two World Wars.
On the other hand, neoclassical metal music does not restrict itself to a return to classical aesthetic ideals, such as equilibrium and formalism. Its influences include both the Romantic musical period and the Baroque period of the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth centuries. The music of late Baroque composers such as ,
was often highly ornate. Neoclassical metal musicians such as
are inspired by this aspect of
and also by later composers such as the violinist
in using runs and other decorative and showy techniques in their performances. Neoclassical metal music thus looks to classical music as broadly understood by the general public and not to the more specialist technical definition used within classical circles.
(right), a key figure in neoclassical metal, with vocalist
In the 1960s and 1970s, there were many works that influenced this subgenre, Deep Purple's
being the most important one. Other bands, like
also featured neoclassical influences. Early
influences within
and heavy metal are most notably found in the playing of ,
and . But it was in the 1980s when neoclassical metal became a distinct subgenre.[]
Heavy metal guitar technique developed rapidly from its late-1960s beginnings to its late-1980s peak, but before the 1980s, few metal guitarists displayed the advanced technical proficiency which is a hallmark of the neoclassical metal style. The popularization and growth of neoclassical metal is closely related to the ascension of the guitar "" movement.
The "golden age" of neoclassical metal in the middle to late 1980s revolved around the sizeable roster of flashy electric-guitar soloists who recorded mostly instrumental albums for 's
label. Swedish guitarist , widely regarded as the originator and still-reigning king of neoclassical metal, was brought to the United States by Varney to sign with Shrapnel Records in 1982.
Many subsequent Shrapnel artists, including , , , , , , and , emerged in the latter 1980s as exemplars of the neoclassical style.
In recent years, appreciation of the neoclassical metal oeuvre has been largely confined to guitarists in more of an underground setting, as the style is not well known beyond the realm of guitarists. Today, there are many more bands that contribute as a whole as opposed to the "solo" musicians in the past. Some of today's notable neoclassical metal performers are , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
and . Even more recently there has been a sudden burst of slight neoclassical influence within mainstream metal acts such as ,
A common practice in the genre is to transcribe classical pieces and play them in a rock/metal band format. The
periods have been particularly influential to the genre because of their unique sound and techniques that blend into a
setting effectively.[]
"L'arrivée du néoclassique remet au go?t du jour la virtuosité et le travail de l'instrument", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
"C'est véritablement en 1984, avec son premier album solo "Rising Force", que le virtuose suédois Yngwie Malmsteen fait découvrir au monde son mélange unique de baroque et de heavy metal", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
"Toute un pléiade de guitars heroes va deferler, pour la plupart révélés par le label Shrapel records, parmi lesquels les plus légendaires sont Jason Becker, Tony MacAlpine, Timo Tolkki et Vinnie Moore", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
"C'est véritablement en 1984, avec son premier album solo "Rising Force", que le virtuose suédois Yngwie Malmsteen fait découvrir au monde son mélange unique de baroque et de heavy metal", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
"Si l'on peut clairement considérer Randy Rhoads, Uli Jon Roth et Ritchie Blackmore, comme les précurseurs, c'est véritablement en 1984, [...] que le virtuose suédois Yngwie Malmsteen fait découvrir au monde son mélange unique de baroque et de heavy metal", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
"Toute une pléiade de guitars heroes va déferler, pour la plupart révélés par le label Shrapnel Records, parmi lesquels les plus légendaires sont Jason Becker, Tony McAlpine et Vinnie Moore", "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, p.14
Stephan Forté, "Metal néoclassique" in Guitarist Magazine Pedago, Hors Série #29, "Les secrets du metal- Etudes de Style", March 2009, pp.14-15.
Farley, Helen (2013). "Demons, The Occult Devils and Witches: in Heavy Metal Music". In Bayer, Gerd. . . pp. 80–81.  .
, , retrieved 13-9-2009
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