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Physicochemical Properties and Functional Compounds of Commercial Green Tea Seed Oil--《茶叶》2013年04期
Physicochemical Properties and Functional Compounds of Commercial Green Tea Seed Oil
【摘要】:Physicochemical properties of green tea seed oil including cold test,color,flash point,gravity,refraction index,moisture content,acid value,iodine value,unsaponifiable matter and saponification value were investigated.Fatty acid composition and catechin content of the oil was determined by GC and HPLC analysis.The oil is stable at low temperature.High flash point(267.8 ± 5.1℃) showed the high thermal stability of green tea seed oil as well,which support for suitability to use as cooking oil.Specific gravity and refraction index of green tea seed oil was found as 0.913 and 1.4679,respectively.Color of the oil was measured as 99.7 ± 0.2 for lightness,1.9 ± 0.1 for greenness and 6.6 ± 0.1 for yellowness.Acid value(KOH mg/ml),iodine value,unsaponifiable matter(%) and saponification value of green tea seed oil were 0.21,104.1,0.11 and 215,respectively.Fatty acids compositions of green tea seed oil was found to be dominated by oleic acid(81.3%) and presence of minor amount of linoleic acid(4.8%),palmitic acid(4.6%),palmitoleic acid(3.3%),linolenic acid(3.2%) and stearic acid(1.0%).The presence of antioxidative compounds such as(-)-epicatechingallate(207.2 ± 0.2 g /g) and(-)-epigallocatechin gallate(99.5 ± 0.6 g/g) in the oil could enhance its shelf life during storage.
1.IntroductionTea(Camellia sinensis L.),the most widely consumed beverages,is categorized into three main types asgreen,they are varied in the level of oxidation[1].Among them,green tea appears to be thehealthiest one due to presence
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Grape Seed Oil Benefits
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The grape seed oil is made by cold-pressing the grape seeds. It has been extensively used around the world. &It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and antioxidants.&Grape seed oil contains high quantities of Vitamin E and F and also minerals like zinc potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium. But most of all grape seed oil is rich in&proanthocyanidins&(OPC) a compound that is high in antioxidants which are 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. Antioxidants are found in grape skins and seeds and are more concentrated in red and black grapes.&
Even though grapes are cultivated for thousands of years, grape seed oil was not produced or used on a large scale until the 20th century because of the difficult technology necessary for obtaining it and also because grape seeds contain a lower percentage of oil as compared to other oil-producing seeds, nuts, or beans.
Grape seed oil benefits in cosmetics
In terms of cosmetics grapes seed oil is often used as a moisturizer for its ability to nourish the skin and keep it smooth.& Due to its lightness, it is easily absorbed by the skin.&Grape seed oil is found in many cosmetic products such as hand creams, body creams, lip balm, and lotions. It is suitable for all skin types, it's regenerative properties moisturize the skin and help maintain the elasticity of the skin. It is increasingly used as massage oil. It provides a great relief to the tired and aching body. It is also useful in the preparation of hair care products.
Grape seed oil benefits in health
It has many other benefits and can help relieve varicose veins and spider veins, prevent cancer, dental cavities and diminish premenstrual syndrome. &It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancerous and anti-microbial activity. Studies have demonstrated that the anti-oxidants contained in the grape seed extract are 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times greater than vitamin E. It can be used for treating acne and dermatitis, sun burns, age spots, diabetes, high-blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts and macular degenerations, wrinkles and stretch marks. Besides, grape seed oil has antiseptic properties and is good for the skin around the eyes. Hard to believe that for centuries it was considered a waste product.
Grape seed oil benefits in cooking
It is very appreciated by many chefs for retaining the original flavor of foods and for its versatility. It is able to handle high-temperatures without smoking, burning or splattering. &As it has a smoke point (around 420 F)&higher than other oils , such as olive, corn or sesame, grape seed oil can be safely used for deep frying and baking.& Not only this, but it is also delicious, with a light nutty flavor lacking the heaviness of other oils.&
The recommended daily amount for grape seed oil is 25-45 g per day, around 2-4 tablespoons per day. Grape seed oil is an excellent ingredient in salad dressings, marinades and homemade mayonnaise.
It is cholesterol free and helps lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good one. Grape seed oil is health-conscious, especially if you buy one that is free of solvents and preservatives (such as TBHQ and BHT). The cold-pressed organic oil retains most of the natural beneficial ingredients compared to the chemically pressed oils. &It is also extremely durable because it contains fatty acids and antioxidants which prevent the potentially breakdown products from excessive frying of foods to form.
Yes, I am very pleased of this oil too, you can also use it in desserts:)
I am glad my article helped you find the information you need. Grapeseed oil is not only good for frying but because it doesn't have a strong taste is perfect for cakes too. &So, have fun in the kitchen:)
Thank you for noticing the mistake!! The correct version is &grapeseed oil is 20 times stronger than vitamin C and 50 times stronger than vitamin E.& Have a nice day :)
Red grapes with seeds offer nearly 290 mg of potassium for every 1-cup serving size when we&need to consume 4,700 mg of potassium daily. So I can not figure the amount of potassium in grape seed oil, which is taken from seeds only, but probably small quantities. Hope this helps.&
I am sure you will be pleased of this oil in cooking, it's the kind of oil that doesn't affect in any way the flavor of the ingredients, it's a very discreet oil:)&
I don't know why he would have told you that, where did he read this, so far as I have been searching upon this subject i have found out the contrary, that &Grape seed oil also helps in maintaining the healthy collagen level, the fibrous part of connective joint tissue, thereby preventing arthritis. Intake of grape seed oil during arthritis reduces the inflammation that causes pain.& &- /lounge/health-benefits-of-grape-seed-oil-9568.html
As regarding with heating it at high temperature, this oil is known to have a &&high smoke point of approximately 216 &C (421 &F). As a result, it is better suited than several other cooking oils like olive oil, sunflower oil, &for high temperature cooking and can be safely used to cook at moderate temperatures during stir-frying, saut&ing, or deep-frying. &
For me what you said seems like false, but I am not a specialist, this is just my opinion according to what I have been reading too.&
My view is different, but I am not a specialist, so my opinions are formed from what I have been reading and found so far too. What is clear is that grapeseed oil has a high smoke point, higher than other oils, Grapeseed Oil &around 420 F&(Extra Virgin Olive Oil - &406 F, Unrefined Sunflower Oil -&225 F, ..) so it's better than others for deep frying and baking. &I personally never used it for deep frying, I don't make recipes that require deep frying as a rule for my cooking, (as frying is not healthy no matter the oil, this is my opinion) I like to use this oil for sauteing vegetables, for cakes in baking or as it is for salads.&
As regarding of polyunsaturated fats I have found here some benefits of them &.... polyunsaturated fatty acids are better for you than saturated fatty acids. They have been shown to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol while increasing HDL or good cholestorel. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain essential fatty acids (EFAs) like omega-3 and&omega-6 acids.These are fatty acids that the body needs but can not produce....& -&/fitness-articles/nutrition/fats/what-are-polyunsaturated-fatty-acids.html#b
I have to admit it's the first time I have heard that oils high in&polyunsaturated fats might not be good to use in cooking &at high temperatures, still need to make some research on that.&
&Not the grape seed oil is stronger than Vit C and E, the antioxidants found in the grape seeds.&http://www./info/grape-seed.htm Hope this helps.&
There it says &Proanthocyanadin, the active ingredient of grape seed extract has been proven to be 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E as an antioxidant! Science News magazine, the weekly news magazine of Science, published the findings of Dr. Ho (Tufts University, Medford, MA) on February 22, 1997.&
Thank you for your comment, very useful information&you pointed out here, will be searching for Mary Enig's& &&The Oiling of America& and see in detail.&
I will see what I can found about scars, but I have read in some forums that there were people who used grapeseed oil for scars too and &after few month the scars were almost invisible.&
Yes, later after I posted the article I have discovered this too, seems that many chefs love this because of its high smoking point, but they forget to take in count the aspect you mentioned. I will have to redo this part of the article according to the latest discoveries.&
Sorry for such a late answer. Did you try canola oil? As grape seed oil this one is also an oil with light flavor and it can be a good alternative.&
From what I have been reading it seems that you can use the grape seed oil for either cooking or for face/hair. I also use in the same idea the olive oil for both cooking and for face/hair applications:)
Thank you for your comment. I have started using coconut oil too, recently, &but still have some cold pressed oils &(olive, sun flower, grapeseed and sesame at the moment) I can never get rid off. I don't cook with them at high temperature but like to have them for various recipes that don't require cooking.&
Facts to know about grape seed oil
If you want to preserve the grape seed oil, keep it in a dark-green glass bottle, which filters the ultraviolet light. In this way you protect the nutrients and prevent the formation of free-radicals and trans fatty acids.& You don&t have to keep it in the refrigerator, because this oil has a naturally high level of vitamin E which helps to keep it&fresh.&
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Grape seed oil is a sweet and nutty-flavored oil, extracted from the seeds of different varieties of Vitis vinifera grapes. The oil is obtained by cold-pressing the grape seeds, which are usually used in winemaking. Grapes are believed to have originated in Asia and introduced to Europe and North America around the 1600s.
Italy and France are the main producers of grape seed oil, though it is also produced in Spain and Argentina. Grapes are known for their medicinal and nutritive properties, and have been cherished for thousands of years. Nowadays, several scientific researches have revealed that grape seed extract and the oil derived from the seeds, have many health benefits.
Health Benefits of Grape Seed Oil
Folk healers of Europe were believed to have developed an ointment from the sap of grapevines for curing skin and eye related diseases. In recent times, many studies have been conducted on grape seed oil, some of which have unearthed the health benefits of certain compounds found in this oil.
The anti-inflammatory properties, as well as many other health benefits of this oil can be attributed to the presence of a flavonoid, known as oligomeric proanthocyanidin. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of oligomeric proanthocyanidin, grape seed oil may help alleviate pain and inflammation associated with several conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis. It may help speed up the wound healing process as well.
Antioxidant Benefits
The main antioxidants found in grape seed oil are, vitamin E and oligomeric proanthocyanidin. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin is an extremely powerful antioxidant, being 20 times stronger than vitamin C and 50 times more effective than vitamin E. This compound can therefore, provide effective protection against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals, and thus may prove helpful in lowering the risk of several diseases, including cancer.
Benefits for the Cardiovascular System
Grape seed oil can help improve the health of the heart and cardiovascular system, which can also be attributed to the compound, oligomeric proanthocyanidin. This flavonoid can not only help lower the level of LDL cholesterol, but its oxidation as well.
Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is the main risk factor for the accumulation of plaque on the walls of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which in turn can result in health problems, like coronary heart disease. Grape seed oil has also been claimed to increase the level of HDL cholesterol, which helps reduce the risk for heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Acne and Dermatitis
The linoleic acid found in grape seed oil is believed to have anti-allergen and anti-inflammatory properties, for which it may help alleviate skin conditions, like acne, dermatitis, allergic reactions, and atopic eczema. The oil can be applied topically on the affected area of the skin to get relief from these skin problems.
The anti-inflammatory properties of oligomeric proanthocyanidin, found in grape seed oil can also help relieve the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. This oil can provide relief in bleeding hemorrhoids as well. Bleeding can be a sign of infection, in which case grape seed oil can help cure it.
Varicose and Spider Veins
Grape seed oil may help prevent the abnormal dilation of veins and hence, prove beneficial in conditions, like varicose vein and spider veins. These two conditions are usually caused by the damage of the blood vessels and their inability to maintain the normal flow of blood. Grape seed oil can improve circulation, and help treat varicose veins.
For the diabetic patients, grape seed oil can help prevent certain complications associated with this disease. One major complication of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy, which results when the small blood vessels that supply the nerves get damaged, due to the elevated levels of blood sugar. Grape seed oil may provide relief in both peripheral neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy. Gamma-linoleic acid found in grape seed oil might help reverse the nerve damage caused by peripheral neuropathy, while procyanidin may help prevent diabetic retinopathy, by improving circulation and strengthening the capillary wall.
Cosmetic Benefits of Grape Seed Oil
Today, grape seed oil has found a wide range of applications in the cosmetic industry, for its emollient properties. It is an important ingredient in a number of hair care products, lip balms, creams, and lotions. The following are some of the noteworthy cosmetic benefits of this oil.
✿ Grape seed oil is an excellent moisturizer for all skin types. It nourishes, moisturizes, and maintains the elasticity of the skin, and makes it smooth and supple.
✿ The oil has astringent properties, for which it can be used as a skin toner.
✿ The antioxidant compounds present in grape seed oil help combat the effects of the free radicals on skin, and thus prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles and fine lines.
✿ This oil helps make the skin tone even and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
✿ Grape seed oil can protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation of the sun, and minimize the risk of sunburn. It can help reduce skin pigmentation and age spots as well.
✿ Grape seed oil can also be used as a hair conditioner, and a natural remedy for dandruff.
Cooking with Grape Seed Oil
The smoke point of grape seed oil is approximately 421 degree Fahrenheit, for which it can be used as a cooking oil at moderate temperature. It is usually ideal for stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, and also for salad dressings, and baking. The oil has light taste and flavor, and so, does not overpower the original flavor of the dish. This oil can also be used as a base for oil infusions of herbs and spices, such as garlic and rosemary.
To sum up, you can use grape seed oil in a number of ways, right from cooking various dishes, to get relief from certain ailments, or for getting smooth and glowing skin. No major side effect of this oil has been discovered so far. However, people allergic to grapes are advised to avoid any type of grape seed extract. Individuals using anticoagulant medications and phenacetin, should also talk to their health care provider regarding the use of grape seed oil, as oligomeric proanthocyanidin found in the oil may react with these medications.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.
By Last Updated: May 21, 2013


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