the world is because i love youof me and you will be more

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This response was generated by Wordfence.the world is because of me and you will be more_百度知道
the world is because of me and you will be more
xciting 这句怎样翻译汉
exciting用对了,你将更加exciting”。那么句子这样看,直译一定只能是“世界因为我,那么这句话就出现两个谓语, sth,语意递进,至少后一句用了exciting是用错的,显然错了。and 是并列句的连词? 也许是某一首歌的词,可是把and连接你我,从提供的句子来看,对于sb,觉得似乎译的正确. 才能用exciting,将更加exciting:世界因为我和你。这句是English native-speaker 说的吗.来说只能excited。但是本人看了下面的2条回答,也有可能,似乎糊里八涂, is (because) 和will be,可是


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