
边城汉子|风流蒲地流片尾曲 情思 刘可 李美丽 试听歌词
边城汉子|风流蒲地流片尾曲 情思 刘可 李美丽 试听歌词
边城汉子 主演: 温峥嵘 / 王斑 / 陈创 / 申军谊 / 白雨 / 高天 / 陈铮 / 陈楚翰 / 高郡伟 / 李嘉明导演: 马鲁剑
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>> 浏览文章风流蒲地流第1-4集剧情介绍
  第1集  蒲敬儒是十里八寨十分敬服的念书人。在碰到强收维护费的匪贼时,骄气十足的蒲敬儒被匪贼灰石包砍下了人头。蒲敬儒的妻子技艺特殊,人称婆娘王。当天就摸进匪窝砍了灰石包及其手下十几小我头来拜祭亡夫,从此结下了蒲家与匪贼的世仇。蒲家二儿子蒲地流不只帅气,并且文武兼修,村寨里的姑娘没一个不喜好他。蒲地流却偏偏只喜好风情万种的美貌孀妇张正英。在他眼中,张正英的雍容大雅、机智聪明是他最宠爱的,情窦初开的蒲地流很天然地就像个情弟弟似的围着张正英。山里人率性朴素,张正英对蒲地流在情绪上毫不躲闪,勇敢地承受着蒲地流的喜欢意。但另一方面,自认命里克夫的张正英想都不敢想嫁给蒲地流这个弟弟情人。为了不耽搁蒲地流的终身大事,张正英亲手撮合蒲地流与本人的邻人美丽姑娘刘翠翠看法……  第2集  不吝啬自动的刘翠翠很快感动了蒲地流的心。就在蒲地流行将去县城念书受训之际,这对年青的情人终于私定了终身。带着两个女性分歧的挂念与怀念,蒲地流浪开了家乡远赴县城。在县城,蒲地流相逢了因杀匪有功而荣任县保安副队长的杨白狼,这对日后打了半辈子的冤家以异常的方法开端了他们之间第一次的晤面。刘翠翠固然与蒲地流私定了终身,但翠翠家有个傻后辈弟刘小哈,翠翠爸爸妈妈擅自做主,要把刘翠翠嫁给舅舅家的傻儿子,换回舅舅家的闺女菊花给小哈做媳妇。由于心里有了蒲地流,面临两家亲上加亲的两门亲事,刘翠翠执意拒绝。为了给死去的弟弟报仇,灰石包的哥哥灰包石带着手下匪贼计划血洗石头寨……  第3集  恰逢蒲地放逐假在家,蒲家母子率领同乡迎头痛击了灰石包。无法之下,灰石包携重金找到杨白狼,但愿杨白狼出手帮本人干失落蒲家。而在击退灰石包之后,蒲地流直奔刘翠翠家,殊不知此时的刘翠翠因不承受换婚,曾经被爸爸妈妈锁在了阁楼里。蒲地流在刘翠翠的共同下爬进了姑娘的闺房,情人终于重聚,情到深处之时蓦地发现行迹败事,捉奸的村民早已围住了刘家,人人手上都握着明晃晃的小刀,群情激怒的村民要对蒲地流施行私刑。原认为女儿辱没了家风的刘翠翠的爸爸妈妈从杀身之灾中缓过神来,不依不饶的要求按寨规重罚诬害之人,后果,不只女儿的洁白得以保全,揭露人刘疤子还由于刘家的名声赔了一坡地。刘疤子只要把对蒲地流的恨埋在心里……  第4集  住在刘翠翠近邻的张正英危机之中私自出手,协助蒲地流躲过了村民的围堵。完毕假期从新返校的前夕,偷跑出来的刘翠翠在小树林里再次向蒲地流信誓旦旦。杨白狼固然曾经是县保安大队队长,国民党少校军衔,但骨子里的匪性让杨白狼比匪贼还匪贼,其扰民不时的行径让县长盛怒,而早就无心当官的杨白狼在残暴地杀戮告发人之后,索性拉着手下的人立时天雷山明目张胆地做了匪贼……
风流蒲地流第1-4集英文剧情1 set
PuJingRu is eight miles village very admire to study. In touch when you receive maintenance fee of the bandits thief, arrogance dye-in-the-wood PuJingRu was bandits thief grey stone cut his head. PuJingRu wife special craft, says much like the king. And he touched the day into the bandits nests are cut down grey stone package come to worship offering late husband and his ego dozen head, have the rush home feud with bandits thief. Rush home to the second son pu to flow not only handsome, and civil and repairing, villages girl didnt a dont like him. Pu to flow but must only be fond of amorous feelings of beauty widow zheng-ying zhang. Zheng-ying zhang, in his eyes, the natural and graceful jedaiah, smart is his favourite, the period of the pu to flow very naturally like a brother like around zheng-ying zhang. Simple, mountaineers permeance zheng-ying zhang to rush in emotional not dodge and bravely under pu to flow like. But on the other hand, since the appointed ricks zheng-ying zhang want to all dare not to marry pu to flow this brother lover. In order not to delay rush of life events and zheng-ying zhang personally set pu to flow with my neighbor is beautiful girl cui-cui liu view...
Dont mean automatic cui-cui liu soon touched the hearts of the pu to flow. Will go to the county seat in the rush to popular study training, the young lover finally together for life. Miss and miss with two women of differences, rush to stray away hometown in the county. Met in the county seat, pu to flow for killing bandits active privilege county security vice captain Yang the white Wolf, to play the rest of your life in the future encounters with abnormal method to start the first expansion of between them. Cui-cui liu is with pu to flow together for life, but there was a silly junior brother Liu Xiaoha cui cui home, cui cui mom and dad make decision without authorization, to have married cui-cui liu to my uncles silly son, daughter of the switch back to my uncle do daughter-in-law chrysanthemum to hargreaves. Due to the in the mind have the pu to flow, facing two kisses on two marriage, cui-cui liu would refuse. In order to revenge for dead brother, grey stone package brother ash BaoShi took bandits thief plans to annihilate Shi Touzhai...
The third set
Coincided with the rush to banish fake at home, rush home mother led the countrymen confronted grey stone package. Cannot under, grey stone package with heavily find Yang the white Wolf, hopefully, Yang the white Wolf to help oneself do lost rush home. To push back the grey stone package, pu to flow straight to cui-cui liu home, little imagine cui-cui liu at this time due to not bear, in marriage, have been mom and dad locked in the attic. Pu to flow under the common cui-cui liu climbed into the girls boudoir, lover finally reunited, feeling to the depths of suddenly found it character, sex of the villagers had surrounded the liu, hand everyone hold a bright knife, feature of villagers to rush flow of lynching. Thought her daughter prostitute the start-up cui-cui lius mom and dad from the disaster of killed huanguo to god, adamant4 requirements according to heavy penalties ZhaiGui frame, consequences, not only preserve the daughter of white, exposing people liu scar son also lost a slope due to the lius reputation. Liu scar son just bury to rush flow of hate in the heart...
Live in cui-cui liu neighbor zheng-ying zhang crisis, secretly to assist the pu to flow from the containment of the villagers. Completion of the eve of the new school, the holiday steal ran out cui-cui liu toward the rush flow swear again in the woods. Yang the white Wolf brigade captain is used to be a county public security, the kuomintang major ranks, but just one instance to Yang the white Wolf than bandits thief bandits thief, the intrusive way let county magistrate angry from time to time, and have no mood to officer Yang the white Wolf in the brutal killings reported, just under the hands of people was built leishan blatant my day bandits thief...更多当前位置:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&风流蒲地流电视剧 上一篇: 下一篇:风流蒲地流电视剧全集0分主演:&&&&&&&&&& 导演:&&地区:大陆 上映时间:2010年打分:发布时间: 14:03:37 剧情介绍:主要讲述了蒲家二儿子蒲地流英俊而正气,母亲传给他一身好功夫。能文善武的蒲地流也因此备受十里八寨女人的喜爱。尤其是同村寨的寡妇张正英,她在蒲地流芳华年少
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