邓紫棋我是歌手刚才唱的那首歌叫什么? We are wall什么的

【段志超世界音乐】一首凄美委婉感动到你想落泪的歌曲Spagna Con il tuo nome
意大利女歌手Ivana Spagna演唱的这首曲子令人感到一股莫明的悲伤,她那高亢浓郁的嗓音似乎不在在意你是否已处悲伤,仍然用一个个伤感的旋律和自符狠狠的把你推入哀伤与悲凉的旋涡,似乎这种莫明的伤感已经透入了你的骨髓直至灵魂深处,久久激荡…… &br /&歌曲背景: &br /&一个女子在年轻的时候由于父亲的安排嫁给了一个显贵的子弟,她开始担心自己的年龄有一天会成为感情悲剧的主因,她埋怨父亲错误的将自己嫁给了一个比她小很多的男子。婚后第二年,他们有了自己的孩子,而她的夫君却也还是一个孩子,在一天天的长大。她送他去上学,为他裹了蓝色的头巾,她怕别人抢走父亲为自己选定依存的真爱。 &br /&而命运的捉弄,却使她很快成了寡妇,在为爱人缝制寿衣的时候,她的悲哀成了整个曲子的灵魂…没有太多电子和流行元素的介入,自然、淳朴、原始,是我喜欢的风格。这一首来自 altan的凯尔特元歌曲,便是这样毫无雕饰。深深打动我的,是父女俩的这般现实的对话以及女子失去爱人后汩汩流淌的哀伤..&br /&. L’amore resta un mistero &br /&che non si svelerà mai &br /&Z0e a volte capita che ami chi non ha &br /&per te nessuna pietà. &br /&L’amore non chiama amore &br /&e spesso fugge da te &br /&z0ed io che ti ho creduto &br /&ora credo che &br /&m0non mi resta che dimenticarti e &br /&con il tuo nome &br /&scritto dentro l’anima &br /&cercherò amore &br /&amore che sempre hai negato a me. &br /&Non c’è giustizia in amore &br /&e c’è chi paga per te &br /&anche se non vorrei fare a nessuno mai &br /&0il male che tu invece hai fatto a me &br /&e un altro amerò se non posso amare te. &br /&Con il tuo nome &br /&scritto dentro l’anima &br /&0cercherò amore &br /&l’amore è tutto quello che da te non ho. &br /&Con il tuo nome &br /&scritto dentro l’anima. &br /&Con il tuo nome &br /&che inciso dentro il cuore porterò &br /&cercherò amore &br /&e tutto quello che da te non ho &br /&中文歌词: &br /&树儿,他高高的生长,叶儿,她嫩绿嫩绿 &br /&&br /&很早我就见到了我的爱人 &br /&&br /&很多时候,我悄悄凝望他 &br /&g
唱的本人自己作品 母亲去世后做的。。。
这是杰伦10年前的歌曲。人这一生没有几个十年。也许当年陪伴你一起听杰伦的人 已经远去了,但是最初的感觉却是从来没有变过。有时,你并不是怀念某一个具体的人,你怀念的只是当时的那一种感觉而已。无损音频下载:
青海的老乡们:新年之际光影工作室联合淘宝和生道店铺给大家送礼物来了,青海特产全场3折促销+包邮 。网址: 只要是青海的老乡购买,能优惠的我们尽量优惠!老乡们抓紧时间选购哦。。
感动 歌曲,最让人感动流泪的歌曲,唱给女朋友的感动歌曲
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真的太喜欢这首歌了,听第一遍就深深的喜欢上了,第一遍听的我就有些感动,太棒了。。&br /&Cammino lungo la tua via &br /&e il tempo sai non passa mai &br /&lontano da te la vita non è facile &br /&nel mio silenzio resterò &br /&e fincherespiro non avrò &br /&ti aspetterò io sarò qui se tornerai &br /&e poi sarai &br /&davanti a tutto tu &br /&combatterò per dirti che io credo in noi &br /&perchè per me lo sai sei musica nell\'anima &br /&e insieme a te non cadrò non cadrò &br /&per te che non mi stanco un attimo di vivere &br /&comunque andrò dentro di me tu vivrai &br /&e suonerai &br /&vorrei guardare gli occhi tuoi &br /&e in ogni istante viverti &br /&sentire che tu resterai sempre con me &br /&da qui così &br /&il mio sentiero sarai tu &br /&mi porterai dentro di te se vorrai &br /&perché per me lo sai sei musica nell\'anima &br /&io senza te non vivrò non vivrò no &br /&per te che il sole non finisce mai di splendere &br /&non smetterò di amarti mai dentro me &br /&tu suonerai &br /&cosìsarai &br /&davanti a tutto tu &br /&combatterò per dirti che io credo in noi &br /&perchè per me lo sai sei musica nell\'anima &br /&e insieme a te non cadrò non cadrò no &br /&\'per te che il sole non finisce mai &br /&di splendere &br /&comunque andrò dentro di me tu vivrai &br /&e suonerai &br /&看对了眼 看错了你 又为爱闯祸 &br /&不得不信 爱情魔术 就是抓不住 &br /&千娇百态 随心所变 会不会出错 &br /&丢下伪装 卸下惧怕 冒险穿越过 &br /&&br /&看对了眼 看错了你 又为爱闯祸 &br /&不得不信 爱情魔术 就是抓不住 &br /&别再压抑 蠢蠢欲动 让音乐渗透 &br /&节奏加速 心跳加快 让你我超速 &br /&&br /&Reina de la noche se calienta,balia por la musica &br /&别再抗拒 她魅力诱惑 夜晚的煽动 &br /&Reina de la noche se calienta,balia por la musica &br /&就让热情 一触即发 废话别多说
【段志超世界音乐】一首伤感动人的分手对唱歌曲Almost Here
黛尔塔与野人花园、是同出澳大利亚的新生代女歌。2003年,年仅18岁的她发行首张专辑《Innocent Eyes(纯真眼眸)》,便成功创造了“Born To Try”,“Lost Without You”等5首澳洲排行榜冠军单曲,同时首支单曲“Born To Try”还打入了英国榜的前三位置;该专辑本身也在澳洲排行榜榜首停留了25周,并攻下英国、新西兰以及无数的欧洲排行榜,共创 下250万张的专辑销售,其中光是英国一地便创下逾百万张销售,可以说2003是黛尔塔最风光的一年。但是她被诊断出患有淋巴肿瘤。不得不离开舞台,去治疗。如今黛尔塔新专集个人专辑《Mistaken Identity(美丽错误)》
这收歌是和前西城男孩Westlife成员Brian McFadden对唱。情人分手的情歌,前者唱。后者总是接得非常完美。喜欢黛尔塔的朋友不要错过《Mistaken Identity》这个专集
\'cos i thought you said ,let\'s think it over 你竟然说让我们结束
you have been my life 你就是我生命的全部
and i never planned growing old without you 我从未想象过没有你而老去
shadows bleeding through the light 穿过黑夜里的影子在
where the love once shined so bright 曾经我们的爱照亮了整个黑夜。
came without a reason 这是为什么,我找不到一点原由。
don\'t let go on us tonight 不要再让我们继续下去吧
love\'s not always black and white 爱不仅仅只有黑与白。
why haven\'t i always loved you? 为什么我不能一直爱着你
and when i need you 当我需要你的时候
you\'re almost here 你就在这里
and i know thats not enough 但我知道那并不够
and when i\'m with you 当我和你在一起的时候
i\'m close to tears 我几乎要流泪
\'cos you\'re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在我身边
i would change the world 我将改变这个世界
if i had a chance 如果有机会
oh won\'t you let me treat me like a child 请对我象个孩子一样
throw your arms around me 打开你的双臂 抱着我
oh please protect me 我需要你的保护
bruised and battered by your words 你的言词在刺痛着我,
dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我 它现在还让我头眩 撕裂
oh havent i always loved you? 难道你不爱我了吗
and when i need you 当我需要你时
you\'re almost here 你几乎就在身边
and i know thats not enough 我知道那并不够
and when i\'m with you 当我和你一起时
i\'m close to tears 我几乎流泪
\'cos you\'re only almost here 因为你仅仅是在身边
bruised and battered by your words 你的言语刺痛了我
dazed and shattered now it hurts 敲打着我 它现在还让我头眩 撕裂
haven\'t i always loved you? 为什么我不能总是始终如一的爱你
but when i need you 但是当我需要你的时候
you\'re almost here 你就在这里
well i never knew how far behind i left you 我从没想到我离开你有多远
and when i hold you ,you\'re almost here 当我抱着你的时候,你就在这里
让罗永浩感动到几乎流泪的歌曲 痛仰乐队 生命中最美丽的一天 星光现场
痛仰乐队 生命中最美丽的一天
一首特别感动的的维语尔歌曲 SOYALMIDIM SENI
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate我静静的等着期待一个天使走来And do they know或许她们会知道
The places where we goWhen we re grey and old当你我垂垂老去的时候我们将会身在何方
cos I have been told人们都说天使会张开翅膀That salvation lets their wings unfold把我们拯救出这个世界
So when I m lying in my bedThoughts running through my head所以,如果有一天我躺在床上思绪万千
And I feel the love is dead感觉所有爱都死去的时候I m loving angels instead我会把我所有的爱都给你们,我的天使
And through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affection无论我做的对与错
或是坠入万丈深渊Whether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfall她都一直予我于保护,爱与关怀
Wherever it may take me无论生活把我带向何方I know that life won t break me我都坚信自己不会倒下
When I come to call she won t forsake me我知道,只要我轻声呼唤
I m loving angels instead我会把我所有的爱都给你们,我的天使When I m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way streetI look above
And I know I ll always be blessed with loveAnd as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bonesAnd when love is deadI m loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affection
Whether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfallWherever it may take me
I know that life won t break meWhen I come to call she won t forsake me
I m loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affectionWhether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfall
Wherever it may take meI know that life won t break me
When I come to call she won t forsake meI m loving angels instead我静静的等着
一首特别感动的伊斯兰歌曲 ALLA 伊斯兰女性 标清
【段志超世界音乐】一首感动全天下所有母亲的歌曲a song for mama
You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西,
And everything you\'ve given me 你给我的一切
I\'ll always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。
You\'re the driving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。
There isn\'t anything 如果没有你,
Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。
And it just wouldn\'t feel right 如果你不在我的身边。
If I didn\'t have you by my side 一切都不对劲。
You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我,
When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。
Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候,
You were always there 你总是在那里
To comfort me 给我安慰。
And no one else can be 在我生命中,
What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。
You\'ll always be 你永远是
You will always be the girl 我生命中
In my life for all times 最重要的女人。
Mama you know I love you 你知道我爱你。
Mama you\'re the queen of my heart 你是我心目中最重要的人。
Your love is like 你的爱就像
Tears from the stars 星星的眼泪那样珍贵。
Mama I just want you to know 妈妈,我只想让你知道,
Lovin\' you is like food to my soul 爱你就像爱生命。
You\'re always there for me 你总是在那里为我守候,
Have always been around for me even 在我最糟糕的时候
when I was bad 支持我。
You showed me right from my wrong 你告诉我是非对错。
And you took up for me 你鼓励我
When everyone was downin\' me 当所有人看低我的时候。
You always did understand 你总是理解我,
You gave me strength to go on 你给我继续下去的勇气。
There were so many times 很多时候,回首往事,
Looking back when I was so afraid 当我内心恐惧的时候,
And then you come to me 你就会来到我身边,
And say to me 对我说,
I can face anything 我能战胜一切。
And no one else can do 没有人能做到
What you have done for me 你为我做的一切。
You\'ll always be 你永远是
You will always be 你永远是
The girl in my life 我生命中最重要的女人。
Never gonna go a day without you 不想过一天没有你的日子,
Fills me up just thinking about you 想起你就感觉生命不再空虚。
I\'ll never go a day 妈妈
Without my mama 会陪伴着我度过每一天
一首心酸感动的意大利歌曲《Musica》Paolo Meneguzzi
我不惜一切的来证明给你看 我们可以在一起
因为你知道, 对我来说, 你就是我心灵的乐章
和你在一起我将不再堕落, 不会失败 死亡 丢失 消逝...
因为你, 我生活的没有一丝倦意
无论如何你都将进入我的心, 活在我的心里
如果你愿意, 就把我带进你的心扉
因为你知道, 对我来说, 你是灵魂中美妙的旋律
没有你, 我活不下去, 活不下去
因为你, 阳光永远不会停止闪耀
我永远不会停止爱你, 在我的心里
因为你知道, 对我来说, 你是灵魂中美妙的旋律
和你在一起我将不再跌倒, 不再跌倒
因为你, 太阳从未停止它的光芒
无论如何你都将进入我的心, 活在我的心里
这位出生义大利南部Mendrisio原名Pablo Meneguzzo的Paolo Meneguzzi虽然年过30,却丝毫看不太出来岁月在他脸上留下过多痕迹。Paolo Meneguzzi在97年就已经是很受欢迎的歌手了,这位大气早成的美男如今更是意大利歌坛最红的男艺人之一。专辑《Favola》,一经推出就大受欢迎,证明了Paolo Meneguzzi的超强人气。歌路还是延续了他以往的风格,但明显在高音和选曲的处理上较之以往更上一层楼。他俊秀清雅的脸庞,纯净如水的笑容,好像总是在含情望着你的眼睛以及无与伦比的歌艺为他平添了无数的人气和粉丝。Paolo Meneguzzi的新专辑包括了他的热门歌曲"Non Capiva Che L'amavo"。
1997年顺利发行个人第一张专辑《Por Amor》,这张专辑相当意外的先是在南非造成大轰动,一夜之间,Paolo成为在南非最受欢迎的意大利歌手。让Paolo意外成为南非最受欢迎的意大利歌手。趁着这股热潮尚存之际,1998年Paolo同时在义大利与南非推出全新单曲〈Si Enamorarse〉和第二张专辑《Paolo》,依旧在南非和意大利创下极佳销售量。之后为了拓展Paolo在欧洲其他国家的知名度,Paolo在1999年时发行了首张西班牙语的专辑,将前两张专辑的畅销曲唱成西班牙文版,也在拉丁美洲造成不小的凡响。2000年的时候加入新公司的Paolo Meneguzzi 推出两首单曲〈Mi Sei Mancata〉和〈In Nome Dell'Amore〉占据排行版长打半年以上,尤其是后者更有金唱片的销售量,将Paolo的歌唱事业推上前所未有的高峰。
全新作品《Musica》,充满流行气息,当然不乏多首性感动人欧式抒情小品,打从开场曲〈Stai Con Me〉浮现,弦乐气势磅礴谱入,渐层套进摇滚强力声波,交织成最撼动人心的抒情佳作;接着曼妙琴韵拉出序幕的同名单曲〈Musica〉,淋上节奏蓝调的伴衬音符,在Paolo真假音交唱的高亢声韵指引下,轻易打动每位聆听着的心;人声与钢琴柔美对鸣的〈Fragile Giulia〉,释放无比强大的情绪感应,勾勒出最凄美的音乐图像;魅力无比的鼓动之作〈Aiuto〉,散射电子特效润饰,是在多首慢歌之后,体会Paolo掌握快节奏旋律的绝佳精采表现;末曲〈Dormi Amore〉则是以Acoustic方式谱唱的清新佳作,同现最细腻内敛的感动演出。
唯美感动 必听的经典英文歌曲 Dying In The Sun-Cranberries
格调舒缓 唯美感动 100首好听的经典英文歌曲 不断地重复着放这首歌,简单迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。
高清版《兄弟抱一下》庞龙 演唱感动歌曲
很感人,也很有感悟,《兄弟抱一下》庞龙 演唱感动歌曲
【段志超世界音乐】一首唱到你心醉感动的歌曲Don‘t know much
Don\'t Know Much Aaron Neville&Linda Ronstadt
look at this face i know the years are showing
look at this life i still don\'t know where it\'s going
i don\'t know much but i know i love you
and that may be all i need know
look at these eyes they never see what matters
look at these dreams we beaten and so battered
i don\'t know much but i know i love you
and that may be all need to know
so many questions still left unanseered
so much i\'ve never broken through
and when i feel you near me sometimes
i see so clearly the only truth
i\'ll ever know is near you
look at this man so blessed with inspiration
look at this soul still searching for savation
don\'t know much but i know i love you
and that many be all need to know
催人泪下的值得感动的经典歌曲Everybody Hurts REM
When the day is long and the night,
the night is yours alone,
when you\\'re sure you\\'ve had enough of this life,
well hang on.
Don\\'t let yourself go,
everybody cries
and everybody hurts sometimes.
Sometimes everything is wrong.
Now it\\'s time to sing along.
When your day is night alone,
if you feel like letting go,
when you think you\\'ve had too much of this life,
well hang on.
Everybody hurts.
Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts.
Don\\'t throw your hand.
Don\\'t throw your hand.
If you feel like you\\'re alone,
no, no, no, you are not alone
If you\\'re on your own in this life,
the days and nights are long,
when you think you\\'ve had too much of this life
to hang on.
Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries.
And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes.
So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on.
everybody hurts......
everybody hurts......
丁香花 高清MV 唐磊 感动了无数人的一首歌曲
  《丁香花》——你在天堂能听见吗 ?   2004年,一首叫《丁香花》的网络歌曲感动了中国。这首歌的作者和演唱者名叫唐磊,是深圳的一个网络歌手,各大媒体把他誉为“刀郎之后,中国第二个‘自下而上’的红歌星”。然而,你可曾知道,在这首歌的背后,有着一个比丁香花还要凄美的故事——   “多么娇嫩的花,却躲不过风吹雨打”   曾梦捷是个苦命的女孩。日,她出生在浙江省温州市泰顺镇,刚落地不久,父亲就撒手人寰。她自幼体质羸弱,不久就生了一场大病。母亲无奈把她送到远在四川达州的伯父家。经医院检查,梦捷得的是严重肺炎并发脓肿,虽经抢救保住了小生命,可右肺部分已呈坏死状。   从此,伯父就收养了这位苦命的小女孩。她管叫伯父“老爸”,伯母“老妈”。这个家的每个成员都对梦捷关爱有加。她每天都要吃很多种药,依她自己的话说,是“一桶一桶地吃”。就这样,她被“一桶一桶”地灌养到了12岁。   1996年夏天,在外地上学的哥哥回家看母校的老师,归来时突遇大雷雨。哥哥打电话回家要雨伞。梦捷知道后,提着伞就冲进了倾盆大雨中。没想到这次淋雨竟把梦捷推向了死亡的边缘。当天晚上,她就咳个不停,一咳就吐血,一咳就昏死过去。家人立即将她送到成都抢救,她的右肺被全叶切除,成了一个地地道道的残疾人。   那时梦捷已在达州一中上初中,完全明了自己是怎么回事了。她也在一个偶然的机会知道了自己的身世。起初她绝望、哀伤了好一阵子,时日一长就把生命看得淡了。她知道自己活不了多久。原本就好静的她在老妈细心呵护下,多数时间徜徉在书海之中。   梦捷每天只去学校上半天课,但成绩却出奇地好,不为别的,只为“老爸老妈”争气,不辜负他们的养育之恩。至于上大学,她说:“我这种朝生暮死的身体,光体检就无法通过,还谈什么考不考?”这种先天性的失落让她常常长时间站立在阳台上,幽怨的目光总是湿漉漉的。   特别是日到成都例行检查的结果出来后,梦捷更加沉默寡语了。她的痼疾已经影响到心脏,她知道“那一天”快来了,她已经听到了生命倒计时的滴答声。   老爸老妈打算送她到北京治疗,可她坚决不同意。“为什么你这样倔强?为什么不肯治病?”“老妈”问。“你们再要逼我治病,我就去死!”一家人都不敢吭声了,其实谁都明白小梦捷的良苦用心:她不愿再麻烦这个家庭了。   就在梦捷生命最后的时光里,她无法去上学了,只好呆在家里,难捱的时光就像地平线一样漫长。   哥哥很爱妹妹,梦捷的病是他心头最大的痛。每次放假回家,他都不敢面对妹妹那双幽怨的眼睛。妹妹那般有才华、那般有爱心,可没有未来——她快要死了。   他想给妹妹做点事,让她忘掉病痛和死神。日,哥哥用暑期打工挣的钱给梦捷买了一台电脑。他告诉妹妹:“这里面有一个多彩的世界,你进去看看吧。”   “多么忧郁的花,多愁善感的人啊”   梦捷成了一个网民。也许是缘分吧,她第一次上网就点开了碧海银沙语音网,来到了著名的“美文之声”朗诵大厅。这里集中了很多朗诵艺术家和爱好者,还有很多作家诗人也在这里开有专栏。梦捷一下就喜欢上了这里,喜欢这里的儒雅自由的气氛。   梦捷结识唐磊纯属偶然。那时,唐磊已经从山东建筑材料工业学院毕业了,分配到深圳水务集团工作。他利用业余时间从事音乐创作和表演,是网民中很有影响的网络歌手。2001年10月的一天,在无意中,他来到了“美文之声”,随便取了一个网名“落雪飞花”进去了。恰巧,梦捷在里面,他的网名立即引起了她的注意。梦捷觉得“落雪飞花”好美,立马赞叹道:“你的名字好有诗意!轻盈洒脱,寓意超绝!”   唐磊自然得意。他可能是想考考她,故意问:“为什么?诗意表现在何处?轻盈在何处?寓意在何处?”   梦捷微微一笑,娓娓道来:“宋人有‘雪似梅花,梅花似雪,似和不似都奇绝’之词。从诗词平仄来说,落雪飞花,仄仄平平,读来语音清扬,清壮顿挫,能动摇人心,好听!从词义来看,这名儿让人遐思翩跹,好意!”   唐磊顿时愣住了,半天回不过神来。他自然明白网上“高人”多的是,但像梦捷这样把他的化名信手拈来分析一番的却还从未有过。他望着梦捷,想叫声好,无奈找不到恰当的言语。   梦捷又“说话”了:“我很喜欢这种情愫——好凄美的境地。飞落雪花一片,捧于手中,待欲细看时,早化为莹莹水珠一滴。让人心悸,让人心伤。”   从此,梦捷与唐磊成了无话不谈的朋友。   有一次,梦捷与唐磊聊天,说到自己最喜欢的花。她说最喜欢丁香花,可唐磊不以为然。梦捷告诉他,那是一种紫色的小花,非常漂亮,象征爱情。旋即,唐磊说:“你何不给自己取一个网名,就叫丁香吧。”   这句话一下点醒了梦捷。在她的生命里,会经常出现一个梦,梦中会出现一匹漂亮的小白驹,一直在召唤她。小白驹一路奔跑,从这世界一拂而过,在落霞里奋蹄向西,最后的目的地是一座长满
【段志超世界音乐】一首感动你想落泪的说唱歌曲You Were My Everything
This goes out to someone that was
Once the most important person in my life
I didn\\'\\'t realize it at the time
I can\\'\\'t forgive myself for the way I treated you so
I don\\'\\'t really expect you to either
It\\'\\'s just... I don\\'\\'t even know
Just listen...
You\\'\\'re the one that I want, the one that I need
The one that I gotta have just to succeed
When I first saw you, I knew it was real
I\\'\\'m sorry about the pain I made you feel
That wasn\\'\\' let me show you the way
I looked for the sun, but it\\'\\'s raining today
I remember when I first looked into your eyes
It was like God was there, heaven in the skies
I wore a disguise \\'\\'cause I didn\\'\\'t want to get hurt
But I didn\\'\\'t know I made everything worse
You told me we were crazy in love
But you didn\\'\\'t care when push came to shove
If you loved me as much as you said you did
Then you wouldn\\'\\'t have hurt me like I ain\\'\\'t shit
Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me
I loved you with my heart, really and truly
I guess you forgot about the times that we shared
When I would run my fingers through your hair
Late nights, just holding you in my arms
I don\\'\\'t know how I could do you so wrong
I really wanna show you I really need to hold you
I really wanna know you like no one could else know you
You\\'\\'re number one, always in my heart
And now I can\\'\\'t believe that our love is torn apart
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you \\'\\'cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you (2x)
I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man
And then sit and laugh as you\\'\\'re holding his hand
The thought of that just shatters my heart
It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart
At times we was off I was scared to s
跪羊图 让你感动的歌曲
跪羊图 让你感动的歌曲
一首特别感动的维语尔族歌曲 [ana]uygur mtv
感动到你想落泪的歌曲《the colour of the night》
the colour of the night
演唱:lauren christy(劳伦 克里斯蒂)
you and i moving in the dark (你我漫步黄昏后)
bodies close but souls apart (如此贴近,但你的心却已遛走)
shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed (诡秘的微笑掩藏着你内心的秘密)
i need to know the way you feel (我想知道你此刻的感受)
i\'ll give you everything i am (我愿奉献给你我的所有)
and everything i want to be (以及我希冀拥有的一切的一切)
i\'ll put it in your hands (我愿将它们放入你手)
if you could open up to me oh (只要你敞开心扉把我接受)
can\'t we ever get beyond this wall (难道我们始终无法逾越那道鸿沟)
cause all i want is just once (我想要的只不过是)
to see you in the light (能在阳光下彼此坦诚相待)
but you hide behind (但你却总是隐藏在)
the color of the night (夜色的背后)
i can\'t go on running from the past (我不能总是选择逃避)
love has torn away this mask (爱已逝去如空中琼楼)
and now like clouds like rain i\'m drowning (此刻的我迷失在这凄风苦雨中身心交瘁,饱受折磨)
and i blame it all on you (是你的无情让我如此痛楚)
i\'m lost , god save me~~~ (我迷失了,上帝啊,救救我吧)
i\'ll give you everything i am (我愿奉献给你我的所有)
and everything i want to be (以及我希冀拥有的一切的一切)
i\'ll put it in your hands (我愿将它们放入你手)
if you could open up to me oh (只要你敞开心扉把我接受)
can\'t we ever get beyond this wall (难道我们始终无法逾越那道鸿沟)
cause all i want is just once (我想要的只不过是)
to see you in the light (能在阳光下彼此坦诚相待)
but you hide behind (但你却总是隐藏在)
the color of the night (夜色的背后)
god save me~~~ (上帝啊,救救我吧)
everything i am (我的所有)
and everything i want to be (以及我希冀拥有的一切的一切)
can\'t we ever get beyond this wall (难道我们始终无法逾越那道鸿沟)
cause all i want is just once (我想要的只不过是)
forever and again (和你相依到永远)
i\'m wanting for you I\'m standing in the light(我在阳光下等待着你)
but you hide behind (但你却总是隐藏在)
the color of the night (夜色的背后)
please come out from the color of the night (请你从夜色背后走出来)
( Lauren Christy出生于英国,11-17岁在布什大卫芭蕾舞学校
洛杉矶.1994年为布鲁斯.威廉斯主演的电影创作并演唱同名主题曲 )
一首绝对唱到你感动心碎的完美歌曲The Loneliness
The Loneliness
I\'m sitting here
Thinking bout
How I\'m gonna do without
You around in my life and how am I
Gon\' get by
Ain\'t got no days
Just lonely nights
You want the truth
Well girl I\'m not alright
Feel out of place and out of time
I think I\'m gonna lose my mind
So tell me how you feel (I\'m lonely)
Are you for real (so lonely)
Do you still think of me (I think of you)
Baby still (You only)
Do you dream of me at night (like I dream of you all the time)
So let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday I die)
Wish I was dreaming but its real (when I open up my eyes)
Let me tell you how it feels (and don\'t see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again
I miss your face
I miss your kiss
I even miss the arguments
That we would have from time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I\'m dying here its clear to see
There ain\'t no you, God knows there ain\'t no me
Don\'t wanna live, I wanna die
If I cant have you in my life
[Chorus (repeat till end)]
So tell me how you feel (I\'m lonely)
Are you for real (so lonely)
Do you still think of me (I think of you)
Baby still (You only)
Do you dream of me at night (like I dream of you all the time, so lonely)
Oh let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday I die)
Wish I was dreaming but its real (when I open up my eyes)
Let me tell you how it feels (and don\'t see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again
我在街角 傻傻的绕 午夜后 想你的笑
你的眼神 在心里跳 想抽根烟 想要拥抱
无可救药 睡不着觉 我的发梢 还留着你味道
看你照片 泪流满面 I think i gonna lose my mind
舞不能自己跳 (I\'\'\'\'m lonely)
不能拥抱 (So lonely)
你用过的怀表 (带在胸口)
停了脚 (不再跳)
亮了一夜的灯泡 (忘了伤痛在燃烧)
So long~~~~~~
So Let me tell you how i feel.....
(我的世界开始摇) 想起了你对我的好
( 脸上没有了骄傲) Oh let me tell you how I feel
( 想再吻你的嘴角) 想还能得到你给的依靠
没有安慰 没有拥抱 没有了你 全都得不到
手中啤酒 疯狂的浇 幻想在你怀中睡着
感动上亿人的歌曲 强烈推荐
一首震撼灵魂让人感动到想落泪的摇滚歌曲Helloween—Forever And One
What can I do?
Will I be getting throught?
Now that I must try
To leave it all behind
Did you see
What you have done to me
So hard to justify
Slowly is passing by
Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
Way down in neverland
So hard I was triyng
Tomorrow Ill sill be crying
How could you hide
Your lies, your lies
Seeing you once again
My minds so far away
My hearts so close to stay
Too proud to fight
Im walking back into night
Will I ever find
Someone to belive?
Forever and one
I will miss you
However, I kiss you
Way down in neverland
So hard I was triyng
Tomorrow Ill sill be crying
How could you hide your lies
【段志超世界音乐】一首让人感动鼓舞人心的歌曲i believe i can fly
I Believe I Can Fly 我心飞翔
I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去,
And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是首忧郁的歌,
But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的含义,
I\'m leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀。
If I can see it, then I can do it 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功,
If I just believe it 我相信我能行,
There\'s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。
I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,
Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞……
I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,
I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。
See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我在崩溃堕落的边缘,
Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋。
There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中很多奇迹等我去实现,
But first I know 但我知道要实现奇迹,
It starts inside of me, oh 就必须先从我做起。
If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望,
Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人,
If I just believe it 我相信我能行,
There\'s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。
I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,
Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞……
I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,
I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。
Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh 因为我相信自己
If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望,
Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人,
If I just believe it 我相信我能行,
There\'s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。
I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,
Hey, if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。
I can fly 我可以飞翔,
I can fly 我可以飞翔,
I can fly, hey 我可以飞翔,
If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。
I can fly 我可以飞翔。
一首绝对感动无数人的歌曲you are not alone(英国达人强感人献唱)
英国N个明星翻唱迈克尔.杰克逊的这首you are not along,让我们再一次怀念杰克逊,MJ一路走好~~
【段志超世界音乐】一首唱到你想感动的完美歌曲Through The Rain
When you get caught in the rain with no where to run
When you\'re distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved but nobody comes
And you feel so far away
That you just can\'t find your way home
You can get there alone
It\'s okay, what you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I\'m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And if it keeps falling down don\'t you dare give in
You will arrive safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you\'ll find what you need to prevail
What you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I\'m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And when the wind blows, as shadows grow close don\'t be afraid
There\'s nothing you can\'t face
And should they tell you you\'ll never pull through
Don\'t hesitate, stand tall and say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I\'m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
I can make it through the rain
And stand up once again
And I live one more day and night
I can make it through the rain
[拍客]"威武小男生"感人至深的 原创单曲爸爸
【段志超世界音乐】一首把你感动的无拘无数的悲伤感人摇滚歌曲When the children cry
Little child dry your crying eyes 小孩 将你的眼泪擦去
How can I explain the fear you feel inside 我如何才能解释你心中的恐惧
Cause you were born into this evil world 因为你出生在这罪恶之地
Where man is killing man and no one knows just why 在这里人们互相残杀 没有人知道原因
What have we become just look what we have done 我们能成为什么样的人,取决于我们曾做过什么
All that we destroyed you must build again 我们毁掉的一切你们必须重新建立
When the children cry let them know we tried 当孩子们哭泣时 让他们知道我们的努力
Cause when the children sing then the new world begins 因为世界重获新生 当儿童们的歌声响起
Little child you must show the way 小孩 你必须展示一条道路
To a better day for all the young 通向为所有年青人准备的美好明天
Cause you were born for all the world to see 因为你的出世是为了让全世界看见
That we all can live with love and peace 我们可以生活在爱与和平中
No more presidents and all the wars will end 不再有总统 战争会终止
One united world under God 在天空下世界团结成一体
When the children cry let them know we tried 当孩子们哭泣时 让他们知道我们的努力
Cause when the children sing then the new world begins因为世界重获新生 当儿童们的歌声响起
When the children cry let them know we tried 当孩子们哭泣时 让他们知道我们的努力
When the children fight let them know it ain\\\\'t right 当孩子打斗时 让他们知道那是错误的
When the children pray let them know the way 当孩子祈祷事 教会他们途径
Cause when the children sing then the new world begins因为儿童的歌声代表世界的新生
What have we become just look what we have done 我们能成为什么样的人,取决于我们曾做过什么
All that we destroyed you must build again 我们毁掉的一切你必须重新建造
No more presidents and all the wars will end 不再有总统 战争会终止
One united world under God 在天空下世界团结成一体
When the children cry let them know we tried 当孩子们哭泣时 让他们知道我们的努力
When the children fight let them know it ain\\\\'t right 当孩子打斗时 让他们知道那是错误的
When the children pray let them know the way 当孩子祈祷事 教会他们途径
Cause when the children sing then the new world begins因为世界重获新生 当儿童们的歌声响起
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate我静静的等着期待一个天使走来And do they know或许她们会知道
The places where we goWhen we re grey and old当你我垂垂老去的时候我们将会身在何方
cos I have been told人们都说天使会张开翅膀That salvation lets their wings unfold把我们拯救出这个世界
So when I m lying in my bedThoughts running through my head所以,如果有一天我躺在床上思绪万千
And I feel the love is dead感觉所有爱都死去的时候I m loving angels instead我会把我所有的爱都给你们,我的天使
And through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affection无论我做的对与错
或是坠入万丈深渊Whether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfall她都一直予我于保护,爱与关怀
Wherever it may take me无论生活把我带向何方I know that life won t break me我都坚信自己不会倒下
When I come to call she won t forsake me我知道,只要我轻声呼唤
I m loving angels instead我会把我所有的爱都给你们,我的天使When I m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way streetI look above
And I know I ll always be blessed with loveAnd as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bonesAnd when love is deadI m loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affection
Whether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfallWherever it may take me
I know that life won t break meWhen I come to call she won t forsake me
I m loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affectionWhether I m right or wrongAnd down the waterfall
Wherever it may take meI know that life won t break me
When I come to call she won t forsake meI m loving angels instead我静静的等着
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