on and on什么意思so on的意思是?

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&&英文单词:and so on
简明英汉词典and so onadv.等等现代英汉综合大辞典on[Cn]prep.(1)在...上a painting on the wall墙上的一幅画(2)在...旁, 靠近the inn on the road路旁的旅店the town on the river临河的城镇(3)向着...march on London向伦敦前进smile on sb.对着某人笑(4)在...时候; ...之后立即on the morning of May 5th在五月五日早晨on arriving home刚到家就...on analysis经分析后(5)根据; 凭; 靠act on principles照原则办事live on靠...生活On what ground?凭什么理 由?(6)关于; 论述a book on grammar语法书(7)是...的成员be on the committee担任委员(8)在从事...中, 处于...情况中on duty值班on guard [the watch]看守(9)通过, 以...方式hear music on the radio用收音机听音乐on the quiet偷偷地(10)由...支付, 由...承担All the expenses fall on me.全部费用由我支付。It is incumbent on me to reclaim him.劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。(11)一个又一个, 又, 累加loss on loss一再损失heaps on heaps许许多多(12)冒...危险on pain of death冒生命危险You bet she could cook, She was just on it.她当然会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。词性变化onadv.(1)(安置)上去; (连接)上去have one's shoes on穿上鞋turn on the radio开收音机(2)向前去; 进行下去; 继续下去further on再向前go on往前走; 继续下去(3)自从from that day on自从那天以后later on后来onadj.(1)进行中的The race is on.比赛在进行中。(2)[口]同意的; 乐意参加的Are you on?你同意(去)吗?(3)[俚]醉了的He is a bit on.他有点儿醉了。继承用法on-againadj.时有时无的, 断断续续的oncoming[5CnkQmiN]adj.迎面而来的, 即将到来的on-courseadv.在航线上onfall[5CnfC:l]n.攻击, 袭击on-fibern.给光型纤维on-ga(u)geadj.标准的, 合格的on-gradeadj.健全的, 无缺陷的; 等内的on-hookn.【信】挂机, 在钩on-impedancen.动态阻抗on-licence[`Cn9laIsLns,`R:n-]n.酒吧营业执照onload[`CnlEJd,`R:n-]vt.装载onlooker[5RnlJkE(r)]n.(袖手)旁观者; 目击者onlookingn., adj.旁观(的)on-miken.靠近话筒; 正在送话on-off[`CnCf,`R:nR:f]adj.时断时续的, 开关的, 离合的, 双位的, 通断, 起停on-peakadj.最高的; 峰值的onrolln.滚滚向前onside[5RnsaId, Rn5saId]adj.未越位的on-siteadv.在工地上; 场[厂]区内; 单位内; 装置内onslaught[5RnslC:t]n.突击, 猛攻onstage[`Cn`steIdV]adj., adv.在前台(的)on-stateadj.(处于)接通(状态下)的, 接通时的, 开态on-streamadv.在操作中; 在工作中; 在运转中; 开车onsweep[`Cnswi:p]n.向前疾驶on-switchn.启动开关on-the -airadj.正在广播, 正在发射(电波)on-the -job -trainingadj.在职训练on-the -runadj.临时的, 仓促而成的on-the -shelfadj.滞销的; 搁置的; 废弃的on-the -spotadj.现场的; 当场的on-timen.接通持续时间, 工作时间; 准时on-trackn.搬上轨道on-tuben.接通(电子)管习惯用语and so on等等be on at不断地找岔[唠叨]be on it[美口]准备就绪; 决定动手做; 熟练(某事)be on to知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]get on to知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]have sth. on sb.掌握某人的一些事实[证据]just on差不多neither off nor on优柔寡断的; 三心二意的; 没有关系的off and on (=on and off)断断续续地; 不规则地on and after自...起, ...以后on and on继续不断地on with穿戴上; 开始; 继续基本词义and[A End, nd]conj.(1)[连接并列的名词、代词或数词]同, 和, 与, 如: Father and I went to Xinhua bookstore yesterday. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。(2)[连接并列的形容词、副词]又, 而且Read slowly and loudly.读得既要慢些又要大点声音。(3)[口][连接并列的动词, 表示目的]Try and shoot the bird.开枪打那只鸟试试。(4)[连接两个并列句]而, 而且I did not answer, and he, too, kept silent.我没有回答, (而)他也不作声。(5)[连接两个句子, 后者表示结果]只要...就会; 那么Go at once and you will see her.马上去, 那么你就会见到她了。(6)[连接两个相同的词]反复, 一再We talked and talked.我们说呀, 说呀, 说个没完。(7)[表示转折]但, 却He is so rich and lives like a beggar.他非常有钱可是生活得象个乞丐。(8)[表示加重语气]而且She did the work and she did it well.她做了这件工作而且做得很好。(9)[用于句子开头以表示连续性或者表示惊异]And as for us, we are fortunate.可对我们来说, 我们是幸运的。And are you really going with him?嘿! 你真要和他一起走吗?(10)[表示同时]We ate and drank to our full content.我们尽情地连吃带喝饱餐了一顿。(11)[用在数词中, 连接十位和百位数等, 美国人有时省略不用]one million, two hundred and forty-five thousand, three hundred and thirty-three (=1, 245, 333)词性变化and[A End, nd]n.(1)附加条件(2)[常用复]附带的细节It was a long story with many ands.这故事说来话长, 有许多细节。习惯用语and all等等; 连...一齐都; [方]此外; 的确and all that如此等等and as at that而且and as well以及, 又and how[美]非常, 很and now那么and so所以and so on等等, 云云and so forth等等, 云云and that而且and then其次, 然后and yet然而, 但[七国语言]英汉公共大词典and so on等英汉航海大词典and so on adv.等等,诸如此类 英汉化学大词典and so on pron.等等
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Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.高频词,一定要记住哦!
[表示同意、赞成等] 好啦,就这样吧!停下!(停住)别动!;
[表示惊讶、冷淡等] 哦;
1. Look, you've typed " do " as'so " , and made nonsense of the whole sentence.
瞧, 你把do打成了so, 这样一来句子就不通了.
2. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do.
来自金山词霸 每日一句
3. He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important and so is bran.
5. He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness.
and so on (或 forth)
these savouries include cheeses, cold meats, and so on.
just so much
1. (主贬)(物)太多的
it's just so much ideological cant.
not so much —— as ——
1. 与其说…,还不如说…
the novel was not so much unfinished as unfinishable.
only so much
there is only so much you can do to protect yourself.
and so on 或 and so forth
1. 等等:同样地;以同样的方式继续
Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival.
I stopped so that you could catch up.
2. 因此,所以
1. “也,又,相当地,同样地”释义下的同义词
2. “像那样,就那样”释义下的同义词
3. “因此,所以”释义下的同义词
4. “极端地,非常地,相当大地”释义下的同义词
5. “真正的,明确的,无误的”释义下的同义词
6. “这样,就这样”释义下的同义词
Usually pronounced /s??/ for meanings 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 17. 义项 1、6、7、8、9、16 和17下通常不重读。
如此,这样(指已经提到的事) You use so to refer back to something that has just been mentioned.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
'Do you think that made much of a difference to the family?' — 'I think so.'...
If you can't play straight, then say so...
'Is he the kind of man who can be as flexible as he needs to be?' — ' Well, I hope so.'...
同样,也一样(指后者跟前者一样) You use so when you are saying that something which has just been said about one person or thing is also true of another one.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
I enjoy Ann's company and so does Martin...
They had a wonderful time and so did I...
The police arrived, and so did reporters and a photographer from the 'Journal'.
(表示两个事件或情况在某方面相似)正如…,也… You use the structures as...so and just as...so when you want to indicate that two events or situations are similar in some way.&
As computer systems become even more sophisticated, so too do the methods of those who exploit the technology...
Just as John has changed, so has his wife...
Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.
(指某一情况)就是这样,事实如此 If you say that a state of affairs is so, you mean that it is the way it has been described.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADV
Gold has been a poor investment over the past 20 years, and will continue to be so...
最近 20 年来投资黄金的收益很差,今后仍会如此。
In those days English dances as well as songs were taught at school, but that seems no longer to be so...
It is strange to think that he held strong views on many things, but it must have been so.
(向别人示范)这样,像这样;(用手势比划大小、高度或长度)这么,那么 You can use so with actions and gestures to show a person how to do something, or to indicate the size, height, or length of something.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
Clasp the chain like so.
...holding the champagne glass with long red nails positioned just so.
(用于引出结果)因此,所以 You use so and so that to introduce the result of the situation you have just mentioned.&
I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him...
People are living longer than ever before, so even people who are 65 or 70 have a surprising amount of time left...
人们的寿命比以前任何时候都长了,所以即便到了 65 岁或 70 岁,余下的光阴也还很长。
I was an only child, and so had no experience of large families...
(用于引出原因)为了;以便 You use so ,so that, and so as to introduce the reason for doing the thing that you have just mentioned.&
Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston...
He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard...
I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends.
(在叙述过程中引出一系列事件中的下一件或说明两件事情之间的联系)此后,于是 You can use so in stories and accounts to introduce the next event in a series of events or to suggest a connection between two events.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
The woman asked if he could perhaps mend her fences, and so he stayed...
She was free for five whole days, from Christmas Eve. And so she would be going to Charles, to join her family...
她从圣诞夜开始有整整 5 天的自由时间,于是她准备去查尔斯跟家人呆在一起。
I thought, 'Here's someone who'll understand me.' So I wrote to her...
(表示开始新话题、引入新问题或对刚说过的问题进行评论)那么,这么 You can use so in conversations to introduce a new topic, or to introduce a question or comment about something that has been said.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
So how was your day?...
So you're a runner, huh?...
So as for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no...
(谈话中表示接受别人的说法)的确,确实 You can use so in conversations to show that you are accepting what someone has just said.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
'It makes me feel, well, important.' — 'And so you are.'...
'You can't possibly use this word.' — 'So I won't.'...
'You know who Diana was, Grandfather.' — 'So I do!'...
(表示某人说的话无关紧要)那又怎样呢? You say 'So?' and 'So what?' to indicate that you think that something that someone has said is unimportant.&
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式
'My name's Bruno.' — 'So?'...
'You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.' — 'So what?'...
I enjoy someone telling me I'm wonderful, but part of me thinks, 'So what? You won't say that tomorrow.'
(用于形容词和副词之前强调所描述的特性)如此,这么,多么,太 You can use so in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing.&
【搭配模式】:ADV adj/adv
'I am so afraid,' Francis thought...
He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different...
What is so compromising about being an employee of the state?
如此…(以致…);到…的程度(以致…) You can use so...that and so...as to emphasize the degree of something by mentioning the result or consequence of it.&
【搭配模式】:ADV adj that
The tears were streaming so fast she could not see...
The deal seems so attractive it would be ridiculous to say no...
Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted...
Usage Note
So, very, and too can all be used to intensify the meaning of an adjective, an adverb, or a word like much or many. However, they are not used in the same way. Very is the simplest intensifier. It has no other meaning beyond that. So can suggest an
emotional reaction on the part of the speaker, such as pleasure, surprise, or disappointment. John makes me so angry!... Oh thank you so much! So can also refer forward to a result clause introduced by that. The procession was forced to move so slowly that he arrived three hours late. Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount, often so much that a particular result does not or cannot happen. She does wear too much make-up at times... He was too late to save her.
so,very 和 too 都可以用来强调形容词、副词或 much,many 等词的意思,但用法有所不同。very 是最简单的强调词,除强调以外没有其他含义。so 可以表达说话人的情感,如喜悦、惊讶或失望等,例如:John makes me so angry (约翰真是让我生气),Oh thank you so much (实在是太谢谢您啦)。so 还可以和 that 引导的结果状语从句相呼应,例如:The procession was forced to move so slowly that he arrived three hours late (由于行进队伍被迫缓慢进行,结果他迟到了 3 个小时)。too 表示数量过多或不尽如人意,常常导致没有或无法达到某一结果,例如:She does wear too much make-up at times (有时她化的妆确实太浓了),He was too late to save her (他来得太晚了,没能救得了她)。
及诸如此类;等等 You use and so on or and so forth at the end of a list to indicate that there are other items that you could also mention.&
【搭配模式】:cl/group PHR
...the Government's policies on such important issues as health, education, tax and so on...
The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.
(指某事有一定限度,但未言明具体限度)这么多,这么些,到这种程度 You use so much and so many when you are saying that there is a definite limit to something but you are not saying what this limit is.&
【搭配模式】:PHR n
There is only so much time in the day for answering letters...
There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble...
Even the greatest city can support only so many lawyers.
与其说是…不如说是… You use the structures not...so much and not so much...as to say that something is one kind of thing rather than another kind.&
I did not really object to Will's behaviour so much as his personality...
A good birth depends not so much on who you are but where you are and how much you know.
…左右;…上下 You use or so when you are giving an approximate amount.&
【搭配模式】:amount PHR
Though rates are heading down, they still offer real returns of 8% or so...
尽管利率在下降,它们仍然能提供 8%左右的实际收益率。
Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here...
The driver usually spends four hours or so helping to load and prepare his lorry.
司机通常花 4 小时左右的时间帮忙装货和打理货车。
so much the better→see:
ever so→see:
so far so good→see:
so long→see:
so much for→see:
so much so→see:
every so often→see:
so there→see:
1. (表示程度)这么,这样,那么,那样,如此
Don't be so childish.
2. 这样, 那样
First, you turn the engine on so.
首先, 你这样开动引擎。
3. 同样; 也
“He can play football.”“So can I.”
4. 当然; 是的
“He will go to Hong Kong.”“So he will.”
“他将要去香港。”“是的, 他将要去。”
I am so glad that you have come.
6. (指刚说过的事物)这样,如此
7. (表示大小或数量)这么,那么
8. (尤指感到惊讶时表示同意)的确如此
9. (儿童常用以反驳对方)偏偏,就 (口语)
10. (演示或描述事由)这样
1. (表示因果关系)因此,所以
The dog was hungry, so we fed it.
狗饿了, 所以我们喂它。
I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost.
我给你一张地图, 这样你就不会迷路了。
2. (表示目的)为了,以便
3. (引出下文)
4. (认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时) (口语)
5. (引出结束语)(口语)
6. (引出评论或问题) (口语)
7. (在问句中代指刚谈论的事)(口语)
8. (指出两种情况等相类似)
1. 如此,这样
I'm well and will remain so.
2. 大约,左右
1. [表示同意、赞成等] 好啦,就这样吧!停下!(停住)别动!
2. [表示惊讶、冷淡等] 哦;真的吗
1. 真的;事实如此的
2. 如此的,这样的
3. 整齐的,秩序井然的
1. the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization
"I wouldn't have told you this if it weren't so"
"a truthful statement"
"everything is in order"
"his books are always just so"
"things must be exactly so"
1. to a very gr
"the idea is so obvious"
"never been so happy"
"I love you so"
"my head aches so!"
"he stooped down so he could pick up his hat"
3. in such a condition or manner, especially as
"They're happy and I hope they will remain so"
"so live your life that old age will bring no regrets"
4. to a certain unspecif
"I can only go so far with this student"
"can do only so much in a day"
"I was offended and so was he"
"worked hard and so did she"
"hold the brush so"
"set up the pieces thus"; (`thusly' is a nonstandard variant)
7. (usually followed by `that') to an extent or
"he was so tired he could hardly stand"
"so dirty that it smells"
8. subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors);
"then he left"
"go left first, then right"
"first came lightning, then thunder"
"we watched the late movie and then went to bed"
"and so home and to bed"
9. in truth (often tends to intensify);
"they said the car would break down and indeed it did"
"it is very cold indeed"
"was indeed grateful"
"indeed, the rain may still come"
"he did so do it!"
second opinion
seller's option
senior officer
sex offender
shift-out (character)
ship's option
shipping order
shop order
1. 甜蜜约定
183有什么歌好听_百度知道 ... 感情线 Affective Line 甜蜜约定 A Date so sweet 魔法
- 183club.wma.
- 基于129484个网页
not so hot
1. 不太好的,中等的,差的
I didn't flunk,but my record isn't so hot.
1. (表示对某事不关心,不以为然或对抗等的感叹语)那又怎么样?那又有什么关系呢?那又有什么法子?这有什么?
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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