
/6该会员上传的其它文档:35 p.17 p.30 p.30 p.30 p.37 p.21 p.60 p.43 p.47 p.26 p.53 p.45 p.59 p.20 p.23 p.43 p.31 p.38 p.68 p.71 p.71 p.36 p.28 p.2014高考英语短文改错训练(4)及答案(精品)1.短文改错此题要求改正所给..2014高考英语短文改错训练(4)及答案(精品)1.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。短文中有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线2014高考英语短文改错训练(4)及答案(精品)相关文档专题pptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptpptppt关于我们常见问题关注我们官方公共微信英语短文改错有何技巧??_百度知道
熟悉错误规律握改 ——短文改错解题谈 苏玉杰 供稿 认真析历高考短文改错题难发现历高考注重考查名词、冠词、代词、介词、形容词、副词、连词、词、词态词语态、主谓语致等语知识显熟悉错误规律握改提高短文改错题关键 、名词错误规律改 名词错误主要体现名词单复数错误确定名词单复数几种:看修饰语;看主谓语致性;数名词前单数修饰语定要用复数;看其限制 例 You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. (04全IV) 析:a few应修饰复数数名词minute应改minutes 二、冠词错误规律改 冠词见错误:表特指用the;表……用a/an;a与an混用考应增强冠词见错误识别意识 例 As we all left home at ∧ early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. (04津) 析:处……意at面应加an 三、连词错误规律改 现并列句主复合句考应析句逻辑关系现定语句考应析先行词句作用确使用连词 1.连词般性错误 例 I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. (04全I) 析:析语境逻辑知处表that应改why 2.连词称性错误 例 I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks. (04全II) 析:根据and称性应visit改visiting与making起共同作介词of宾语 四、形容词、副词错误规律改 类错误主要形容词与副词混用错误解题应握形容词与副词本身区别:修饰联系词及名词用形容词;修饰行词、形容词、词及整句用副词 例 Finding information on the Net is easily. (04全IV) 析:is联系词应用形容词修饰easily应改easy 五、代词错误规律改 解题考应细析每作执行者与承受者准确确定称代词 1.称代词偷换错误 例 I wrote down new words and added it to my collection. (04重庆) 析:处应指代文wordsit应改them 2.缺少称代词错误 例 Luckily, the teacher did not punish ∧ for cheating but instead gave me a second chance. (04湖南) 析:punish及物词根据语境逻辑其应加me 3.称代词属格错误 例 We had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us. (04津) 析:处介词宾语与主语指同应用反身代词形式us应改ourselves 六、词态错误规律改 解题考应借助于特定语境、特定间状语、特定句意及逻辑关系或连词称性原则确调整态 1.根据态环境用错态 例 We were living in a big family. We treat each other as brothers and sisters. (04津) 析:前句词were living及文其词表明本文态环境般treat应改treated 2.根据间状语用错态 例 By the end of last year, my collection has grown to 3,000 words (04重庆) 析:By the end of last year完标志应用完has应改had 3.根据句意及逻辑关系用错态 例 I don’t know what to say. (04湖南) 析:析语境知我知道该说应性作don’t应改didn’t 4.根据连词称性原则用错态 例 At once I apologize and controlled myself at my best till the dinner started. (04江苏) 析:根据and称性原则结合原文态环境应apologize改apologized与面controlled态保持致 七、语态错误规律改 语态错误主要体现该用主语态却用语态该用语态却用主语态考应根据句意析主语作执行与承受关系使用确语态 例 As we were all left home at an early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. (04津) 析:leave表离语态应掉were 八、主谓语致错误规律改 主谓语致错误设计主语复数词却用单数或主语单数词却用复数解题考应认真析主语单复数并配单复数形式确词 例 But not all information are good to society (04全IV) 析:主语information数名词所谓语词应用单数are应改is 九、词错误规律改 解题考应词突破口析句否词其含义形式否确 1.少用实义词(尤其缺be)错误 例 I often dream of ∧ a teacher. (04湖北) 析:处缺少实义词应of面加being或becoming表 2.词误用错误 例 Maybe you could come during the winter holidays. Uncle Ben will also go back for Christmas.(NMET 95) 析:前句词用come句go前边also表所go应改come 十、非谓语词错误 非谓语词错误主要表现词与非谓语词混用错误及非谓语词各种形式混用错误考应注意要做谓语能用词形式能用非谓语词形式并根据非谓语份选用非谓语词形式尤其值提作主语或宾语由定式或名词担任作目状语由定式担任作伴随状语由现词担任 例 Shake her head, she said, ‘It isn’t a good time to do that, dear.’ 析:析语境逻辑句份知处应作伴随状语Shake应改Shaking 十、介词错误规律改 介词握除掌握介词含义用外应记固定搭配另外熟悉介词宾语表现形式重要 1.介词般性错误即用、少用、误用介词错误 例 I’m sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. (04全I) 析:表嘲笑应用laugh at短语to应改at 2.介词用宾格称代词错误 例 And I can't forget the food you cooked for I . (NMET 95) 析:for介词边应接宾格称代词所I应改me 3.介词词用名词错误 例 It’s like going to a huge library without have to walk abroad to find your books. (04全IV) 析:without介词面应接
苏玉杰 供稿
没效耶读练才给语、名词错误规律改 名词错误主要体现名词单复数错误确定名词单复数几种:看修饰语;看主谓语致性;数名词前单数修饰语定要用复数;看其限制 例 You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. (04全IV) 析:a few应修饰复数数名词minute应改minutes 二、冠词错误规律改 冠词见错误:表特指用the;表……用a/an;a与an混用考应增强冠词见错误识别意识 例 As we all left home at ∧ early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. (04津) 析:处……意at面应加an 三、连词错误规律改 现并列句主复合句考应析句逻辑关系现定语句考应析先行词句作用确使用连词 1.连词般性错误 例 I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. (04全I) 析:析语境逻辑知处表that应改why 2.连词称性错误 例 I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks. (04全II) 析:根据and称性应visit改visiting与making起共同作介词of宾语 四、形容词、副词错误规律改 类错误主要形容词与副词混用错误解题应握形容词与副词本身区别:修饰联系词及名词用形容词;修饰行词、形容词、词及整句用副词 例 Finding information on the Net is easily. (04全IV) 析:is联系词应用形容词修饰easily应改easy 五、代词错误规律改 解题考应细析每作执行者与承受者准确确定称代词 1.称代词偷换错误 例 I wrote down new words and added it to my collection. (04重庆) 析:处应指代文wordsit应改them 2.缺少称代词错误 例 Luckily, the teacher did not punish ∧ for cheating but instead gave me a second chance. (04湖南) 析:punish及物词根据语境逻辑其应加me 3.称代词属格错误 例 We had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us. (04津) 析:处介词宾语与主语指同应用反身代词形式us应改ourselves 六、词态错误规律改 解题考应借助于特定语境、特定间状语、特定句意及逻辑关系或连词称性原则确调整态 1.根据态环境用错态 例 We were living in a big family. We treat each other as brothers and sisters. (04津) 析:前句词were living及文其词表明本文态环境般treat应改treated 2.根据间状语用错态 例 By the end of last year, my collection has grown to 3,000 words (04重庆) 析:By the end of last year完标志应用完has应改had 3.根据句意及逻辑关系用错态 例 I don’t know what to say. (04湖南) 析:析语境知我知道该说应性作don’t应改didn’t 4.根据连词称性原则用错态 例 At once I apologize and controlled myself at my best till the dinner started. (04江苏) 析:根据and称性原则结合原文态环境应apologize改apologized与面controlled态保持致 七、语态错误规律改 语态错误主要体现该用主语态却用语态该用语态却用主语态考应根据句意析主语作执行与承受关系使用确语态 例 As we were all left home at an early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. (04津) 析:leave表离语态应掉were 八、主谓语致错误规律改 主谓语致错误设计主语复数词却用单数或主语单数词却用复数解题考应认真析主语单复数并配单复数形式确词 例 But not all information are good to society (04全IV) 析:主语information数名词所谓语词应用单数are应改is 九、词错误规律改 解题考应词突破口析句否词其含义形式否确 1.少用实义词(尤其缺be)错误 例 I often dream of ∧ a teacher. (04湖北) 析:处缺少实义词应of面加being或becoming表 2.词误用错误 例 Maybe you could come during the winter holidays. Uncle Ben will also go back for Christmas.(NMET 95) 析:前句词用come句go前边also表所go应改come 十、非谓语词错误 非谓语词错误主要表现词与非谓语词混用错误及非谓语词各种形式混用错误考应注意要做谓语能用词形式能用非谓语词形式并根据非谓语份选用非谓语词形式尤其值提作主语或宾语由定式或名词担任作目状语由定式担任作伴随状语由现词担任 例 Shake her head, she said, ‘It isn’t a good time to do that, dear.’ 析:析语境逻辑句份知处应作伴随状语Shake应改Shaking 十、介词错误规律改 介词握除掌握介词含义用外应记固定搭配另外熟悉介词宾语表现形式重要 1.介词般性错误即用、少用、误用介词错误 例 I’m sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. (04全I) 析:表嘲笑应用laugh at短语to应改at 2.介词用宾格称代词错误 例 And I can't forget the food you cooked for I . (NMET 95) 析:for介词边应接宾格称代词所I应改me 3.介词词用名词错误 例 It’s like going to a huge library without have to walk abroad to find your books. (04全IV) 析:without介词面应接
出门在外也不愁短文改错 急求_百度知道
短文改错 急求
Dear Editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about if百度文库新客户端 海量文档免费下1/8an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions are divided. 60% of the students are being against the idea of entrance fees. They believe that a public park should be free with charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy them. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What’s more, it will become necessarily to build gates and walls, which will do harmful to the appearance of a city. On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged when the park needs money pay gardeners and other workers and to buy plants like young trees. We suggest, however, fees should be quite low as possible. Yours truly, Li Hua
1. about if an entrance fee 一句中if--whether
因为if从句不能作介词的宾语. 2.去掉 are being against 中的being一词. 3.free with charge--free of charge &免费的&,固定短语 4.enjoy them-- enjoy themselves 玩得高兴,过得愉快5.necessarily--necessary(作表语应用形容词)6.do harmful to-- do harm to 对...有危害7.when the park needs..一句中的when--because 8.money pay gardeners中,在pay加上不定式的to . 9.We suggest--They suggest (因为这儿是指代40%的学生,属于第三人称,故用They) 10.quite low as possible--as low as possible 尽可能低 注: 关于plants like young trees.这一处:如果把young trees当作是plants的一种,就可不改;如果把plants 和 young trees看作不同类的东西,就改成:plants and young trees.


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