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His kung-fu is stronger. And fatter.
"For someone who cannot see his feet, you are very light on them!"
&#8212; Prince Naveen,
Simply put, a fat character who can maneuver like a gymnast, sprint like an Olympic runner, or kick your ass like , despite being... you know... fat. These characters are also usually , although
are not unheard of. May intersect with
for characters who aren't actually fat, but rather very musclebound. Originally just made to subvert the idea of .
Almost always male, probably due to the media reluctance to ever depict a female of less than
Sometimes , since body fat has little bearing on muscle or flexibility ? the correlation is between fat and lack of exercise, so someone who exercises but still eats a ton can end up like this. For example, sumo wrestlers and linebackers in American Football.note& Moreover, mass x acceleration = force, so as long as someone can move effectively, more mass means more powerful strikes when they hit you. (In fictional works, the talent will often be humorously explained by way of the fact that, well, round people "roll" really easily, and thus will be good at basic tumbling.)
Compare , which often goes hand-in-hand with this trope and , where the fat guy is strong rather than agile. Due to both, an acrofatic character is more often than not a . The person who is this may be a , explaining some of it.
is the . A very good way to establish a character as .
Subtrope of .
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&&Anime & Manga&
Subverted in the
franchise, because every notable fighter in the series in that show are fast and agile whether they're fat or slender. The ones who do play the trope straight, however, are:
Pintar in the tournament arc of . (It didn't help him.)
with Fat Gotenks. Everyone thought that he was going to be comparable to the played-straight Majin Buu, but he couldn't even run a few steps.
: Boss. He was pretty fat, but he could be fast when he wanted or if he needed. Combine that with him being strong and sturdy, and he could deliver a good beating to anyone (except Kouji, much to his chagrin and disgust). He also showed up in the sequels ( and ).
has Pharaoh, Daitokuji-sensei's cat. Despite his bulk, he's pretty fast and strong.
In , Yuma's pal Tetsuo is like this. He's a big, bulky, fat guy, but he can ride a skateboard at ludicrous speed and deliver a powerful jumping uppercut to a giant robot.
Another fat cat is Rhett Butler/Hercules from , who saves Luna twice from a large gang of stray cats in one episode. The 3rd time was when Zoisite turns him into the monster-cat Youma called Bakene, and, despite destructive intention like the other Youma, saves Luna from falling.
Choji Akimichi (as well as the whole Akimichi clan) from ; there are definitely faster
but they've never had trouble with the
or other acrobatics expected of them.
Josuke is the fattest character in the cast, but he's also a really fast, speedy ninja (mainly because he's a sort of balloon man, hence almost weightless).
Tongpu, a.k.a. (Mad) Pierrot from Episode 20: Pierrot le Fou of , the maniacally grinning rogue assassin. However, it's not clear how much of it is actual fat, and how much is an anti-grav suit. Or the absurd amount of hardware he's packed into his coat, ranging from hand grenades and shotguns to a frikkin' ROCKET LAUNCHER.
Buccha from
though somewhat of a subversion as he's not technically fat. There's little actual fat on his body, what he does have however is a huge volume of blood, which concentrates mostly on his belly, and when required it floods his muscles. During said moments he has a much leaner, and his Air Treks are miniaturized tanks.
: The first five seated officers of the Gotei 13 Second Division each control one of the five units of the separate Secret Remote Squad (ie, ninjas). The second unit requires great talent in
to carry out its missions and its leader is the Second Division lieutenant, Marechiyo Omaeda. Omaeda is a lazy, overweight, wealth-obsessed food-junkie, who appears to be holding his position solely by virtue of family connections. Except that
is one of his favourite tactics: when this man starts fighting seriously, he makes high-speed combat acrobatics look easy. In his division, he is second only to Soifon for speed, and Soifon is one of the fastest captains in the entire Gotei 13.
from . Although he's naturally , he's unbelievably agile and fast for someone with his age and frame. Even when transformed into a panda. He is, however, not so much obese as he is a large man in general.
Oars &#8212; he's a giant (even by giant standards) who jumps several times higher than his own height. And he's damn fast. It helps that he had Luffy's shadow animating his corpse. His descendant, Little Oars Jr., is similar but perhaps a bit slower.
Somewhat earlier is Yama of Skypeia. Really, a body that fat with arms and legs that small, it's a wonder the guy can even move. Yet he can move pretty damn well.
And then there's Sentomaru, who's built like a sumo wrestler but can keep pace with Luffy.
Lucky Roux, for a time fans were convinced that he's the fastest man on the OP universe, and well, he's fat.
Also, Chopper's Kung F in it he's almost round and has very short extremities, yet it seems to be his fastest form.
of , the Millennium Earl, is a fairly rotund individual, but is capable of readily fending off the protagonist in a sword fight.
At least his Earl form is. His human form is a lot leaner.
. In the , S?suke battles an overweight bodyguard who does Neo's "bending over backwards to dodge bullets trick" from .
Somewhat more down-to-Earth version: Mitsuyoshi Anzai from
is fat and old (in his mid to late 50's at least), but he can still shoot three-pointers like a pro. And he bounces a bit, too.
can pull off all the same acrobatics as the thinner members of the team.
has Gluttony. As the name implies, he's quite rotund, yet he can get around pretty easily. That's due to him being a Homunculus.
It also brings us minor character Jerso, a chimera who can turn into a blobby
creature. He jumps like you'd expect, and is surprisingly fast in other ways as well.
Ash's Snorlax in . It may be extremely fat and heavy, but it can also move pretty fast when it needs to and flip through the air to land on its feet after being thrown. Also, May's Munchlax.
Tierno in the XY series displays shades of this in the camp arc, much like his game counterpart.
Rin in Orange Delivery is a very short and round girl - and a legendarily graceful figure skater.
Goemon Ishikawa in
is quite large and plump, but he's a
when he fights.
Iwado the fat judoka from . The notes point out that many underestimate the speed of judoka.
Mr. Legend from
was the first Superhero ever and inspired the main character to become a superhero himself. Acts like Superman and has a Superman-like suit, but is fat and in his late 40s when he appears &#8212; however he's nonetheless the most badass Superhero out of all.
And then he loses his powers. It obliterates him when this trope stops working,
especially when his son charges up a soul fire attack.
During the graphic OVA film, , Oburi is sent to take out an overweight business man whom looks harmless. Turns out that overweight man was a special agent who takes the fight to the young assassin, nearly killing him.
features Bomber, one of the island's assassins, who is very fat but also extremely fast, capable of covering a person in explosive mines in a second.
and his amazing sidekick, Fatman. Yes. They both use enough calories to give Michael Jordan a heart attack. Ratman turns calories into pure energy while Fatman is more this trope, with his superpower being the ability to turn body fat into a type of muscle fat. It's as awkward and awesome as it sounds.
General Pepel of . Though he is far bulkier than any other member of Zvezda, he is still able to leap around with superhuman agility, most notably during his battle with White Falcon.
&&&&Card Games&
card game, brought to you by Steve Jackson of , is about ninja who run a burger delivery service. One ninja takes full advantage of the company discount, and therefore only climbs as well as an Olympic athlete. He does have the weakest climb stat in the game, since the missions are : 30 minutes from our franchise to honorable customer's secret location in Roswell or we commit seppuku!
&&&&Comic Books&
Blob, foe of the , while in the shows and movies is a , in the comics has the athletic ability of an Olympian. He has used cartwheels and gymnastic flips to place himself precisely where he wants to be as a blockade &#8212; or on top of a foe! Remember, Fred Dukes was a circus performer before he became a supervillain.
A minor Western Marvel villain from Kid Colt called simply The Fat Man, who could roll and .
Big Bertha of the .
is agile enough to fight
hand to hand. However, Kingpin himself said that very little of his body mass is actually fat. Confirmed by Daredevil who compared hitting Kingpin to hitting a brick wall. He doesn't REALLY compare to to Spider-Man in terms of pure strength (Spidey, like any hero with super strength, holds back so as not to kill him with a single blow to the head). Demonstrated humiliatingly for the Kingpin during the
storyline when Spider-Man broke INTO prison to beat the crap out of him in front of all the other inmates. This time, Spidey didn't hold back so much because he was 1) Super Pissed-Off and 2) making a point (back in his black costume) that if you went after his family, the "friendly" neighborhood spider-man was not the one that would come after you. However, if the Kingpin actually gets his hands on you, you will go squish.
Case in point, Kingpin once fought , who is one of Marvel's best hand-to-hand combatants, to a standstill.
Fat Cobra from
is very fat and proves to be faster and more agile than the Hero.
It helps that
can bounce.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum are extremely rotund, yet also extremely agile and acrobatic, capable of launching themselves at enemies like cannonballs.
, the Penguin, who is always depicted as portly, is often more agile and a far better fighter than most men of his girth. While he has sometimes been written as a pysical match for Batman, he has also been written as a character the masked vigilante can floor with a solid punch, but it usually takes him a while to actually land one. He's also a skilled judoka, which definitely helps.
In , Alex Hayden becomes obscenely obese, and prefers to sit around eating munchies than doing any actual work. However, in Deadpool vs The Marvel Universe, after a little pep talk from Outlaw while dinosaurs affected by the
symbiote are ravaging the town, he finally gets back into action, starting by leaping off a skyscraper and onto a dinosaur.
"Did someone call for Agent X, master of Kung-Fu, Tai-Kwan-Do, Jeet-Kun-Do, and apparently Sumo Wrestling? Well you got him &#8212; 'cuz I'm back, baby! Now which dinosaur wants to get eaten first?"
Partially subverted by . On the one hand, he is a fat, bespectacled loser with a bad haircut who easily defeats bank robbers, alien invaders, and Satan. On the other hand, his abilities are not from any training or skill, but from an arsenal of magic lollipops.
Obelix from
is very fat, but he has super-strength, is invincible in combat, and can defeat a Roman legion single-handed. It's canon that he fell in a cauldron of magic potion when he was little and is thus permanently under the effect of the potion. . He's just well-covered.
Both Obelix and Asterix mention a few times that Obelix is considered an excellent dancer - in fact, one of the best in the village. He only does this a few times, but he is consistently very talented, if indelicate with his partners. By contrast, Asterix (who is not fat) openly admits that he's a terrible dancer.
According to Asterix and Obelix's Birthday, Obelix is brilliant at Twister.
Tobias Whale, an
giant from
of the Kingpin), is regularly able to outmaneuver and outfight Black Lightning, a former Olympic athlete.
. Buck is huge because he comes from a high-gravity planet, and yet surprisingly quick.
Played with by the late minor
villain Pinball from Marvel's
alternate universe. It's not so much that he was fat (although he did look distinctly chubby), it's that his costume would pneumatically inflate on command and let him bounce around. Sadly his direction control wasn't the greatest.
Mason Savoy from
is fat, strong, and can kick a whole lot of ass.
Little Lotta is that rare female example - her identifying traits were a massive appetite and superhuman strength.
&&&&Comic Strips&
. For such a fat cat, he can run like the wind when he really wants to. Possibly best emphasized in
early strip.
(After shocking John) "Did you know you can flex fat?"
&&&&Fan Works&
has the re-imagined Sonic the Hedgehog. His body type was changed to better reflect the bodies of real life hedgehogs, but he isn't any slower. He only ever seems to use his spin-based attacks though, so whether he is just as agile as before is up in the air.
Ballser, the
of . Despite looking very round and heavy, Ballser gets faster and faster during the later phases of his boss fight. He even sprouts wings to become even faster and uses his weight to shake the ground and stun Mario.
&&&&Films &#8212; Animation&
Mr. Bobinsky from the
Po from , after being taught how to fight. His being fat is actually why he's able to defeat Tai Lung. The others fell when he started using his pressure point attacks, but, , Po's bulk makes it too hard to hit the nerves properly, and all it does is tickle him. Po was already quite agile, so long as his objective was the acquisition of food. Shifu simply needed to use this fact to his advantage in order to train Po to be so on command.
It's also how Po managed to retrieve the Dragon Scroll before Tai Lung could, by imagining it as a cookie.
In the sequel, his bulk also allows him to survive being blasted by a cannon. Though this takes him some time to recover from, perhaps because he's noted to have lost weight between the films.
In , Jigo the wandering priest is a fat old man but he can move rather quickly and skillfully as demonstrated when he jumps from rock to rock while his companions have to struggle to keep up with him. Made even more impressive by his impractical footwear...which was actually worn by Real Life priests of this type, to avoid ritual impurity.
In Disney's , Chin Po went from anxiously balancing on poles above water to gracefully cartwheeling over them during training. See
at 2:46 and 4:16.
In , Pete's rather overweight son PJ shows some surprising dexterity on a bike, a skateboard, and on the dance floor.
In , Mr. Incredible is this post-time-skip, before he gets himself back in shape, along with
of course.
Both Gru and El Macho from
are much more agile than one would guess based on their bulk, with the latter especially pulling off some truly impressive salsa moves.
: For an elephant, Horton is quite graceful. He does a perfect swan dive into the river. He also climbs up a steep cliff.
&&&&Films &#8212; Live-Action&
might be the
for film, as he showed amazing nimbleness for a man of his size. In , the climax features an impressive stunt where Fatty runs back and forth on electric power lines.
The Kaiju, . Just look at him working the parallel bars in .
In the first film of
trilogy, Vito's rather surprising quickness saves his life during Sollozzo's ambush.
. Sure, he's normally content just lumbering at a relatively slow pace. But, when he decides to move fast, he does. His surprising agility even allows him to kick his enemies, with both feet, while sliding on his tail. His , , is much bulkier, but can easily fly around quickly using telekinesis. After all, when you have psychic powers, why walk when you can float?
One of the monks in
has weightless moving as his specialty... even years later, after he had stopped exercising and gained a lot of weight.
The title character of
is a surprisingly good fighter and very acrobatic (at times). In fact, being fat doesn't slow him down at all &#8212; suffering from hypoglycemia does, though.
proves, Kevin James is able to be this on command.
proved to be agile in some of his movies, including pulling off some martial arts moves in Delirious as well as being able to ride a horse. He does a somersault in Who's Harry Crumb and can toss his shoes with deadly precision.
of the third
movie is extremely agile in combat. He can even flip, though
Obélix of the
films, played by .
Speed, one of the supervillian/bullies in , was a Flash like speedster in spite of being overweight.
described his
character, Edna Turnblad, in these terms. Tra a significant part of the film is focused on her mad dancing skills.
's Haru in
&#8212; Farley himself was pretty agile and did many of his own stunts in this and other films.
Philip Seymour Hoffman's Davian is seen doing some acrobatic maneuvering. It is not actually Davian &#8212; it is Tom Cruise's character dressed up to look like him.
Near the end of the direct-to-video comedy film , an overweight kid who was kidnapped by disgruntled Reality TV stars and spent his entire captivity playing
proceeds to beat the crap out of his kidnappers
while the song "Ass Kickin' Fat Kid" plays in the background.
in everything he ever did.
Jolly U in
is very fat, but is fast enough to catch up to running children.
John Belushi as Jake Blues in . A singing, dancing, backflipping genius.
Eddie Valiant from , especially in his song and dance number. Most impressive of all is when he performs several backflips across the floor of the Acme Gag Factory, despite wearing a hat, coat, and trousers!
An interesting varient in "Big Momma 2," since she's actually a man in a fat suit. To the characters not in on the deception however she definitely appears to be this, performing multiple backflips at great speed.
Oliver Hardy from
was quite agile despite his girth.
Bombur and the Great Goblin from
count, as they can run with decent speed despite their weights. In one scene with the former he runs much faster than everyone else, and Bilbo .
Cora, from , is eventually revealed to be this. When Django warns Cora and
to flee the plantation, Cora hightails it out of there much, much faster than Sheba, having already reached the front gate by the time Sheba has made it down the steps.
While Andy Knightley from
at first looks like your usual middle-aged, out-of-shape , when the pub crawl gets violent, he proves to be the group's most capable fighter.
The dead-o Pulaski, a.k.a. "Fat Elvis" from .
In , Bluto, who doesn't look particularly fit and is played by , shows his gymnastic prowess in the climax.
Fred Dukes in , particularly after he gains weight and starts boxing.
Hound in . While fending off Decepticons in Hong Kong, he demonstrates remarkable agility despite being the bulkiest Autobot in the film. He even states "I'm like a fat ballerina..."
can jump around like man who weighs a tenth of what he actually masses&#8212; because he does. His power is gravity control, and he habitually lightens himself to get around more easily.
In one of the Burke novels by , Max the Silent has a brief spar with one. Although Max beats him, he is impressed with his skill. Also, in Terminal, we get introduced to Gigi, who is a perfect example of this trope at 450 pounds and ninja-quick. B he is described as large and slippery, but lacking the knockout punch power to be a full .
The greatest and most agile thief in the
universe (except Conan himself), was a morbidly obese man named Rendara, who was able to shimmy up walls, crawl through tight openings and generally leap around like someone a quarter of his size.
Hern Heslin, in , is described several times as short and pudgy. The first time you see him, he's tied up...but not for long. After freeing himself, he quickly outmaneuvers and kills a bad guy who's much taller and trimmer. He ends up repeating both feats in Moonscatter.
books, Mocker is noted for being very fat &#8212; and one of the deadliest swordsmen alive. His comrade Bragi Ragnarson, described as a giant of a man, flinches when Mocker threatens him.
book The Planet of Twilight there was Beldorion the Hutt, the only Hutt ever to become a Jedi, who, unfortunately, degenerated into evil after surviving . Possessing strength and agility unheard of for his species, he uses a lightsaber quite effectively against Leia. She even comments to herself about how fast he can move for such a massive creature. He loses, leading to a very squicky description of what happens to a Hutt's body when it's sliced open by a lightsaber.
Sergeant Garcia from the
is a good swordsman and strong, agile and fit enough to be a credible threat to The Fox himself. He is also a distinctly pudgy .
A rare female example in
whenever Perdita takes over Agnes' body. Agnes has a quite a lot of muscle she never knows how to use.
an imposter takes the place of obese opera singer Enrico Basilica on stage during a masked ball scene. The fake is a normal sized guy pretending to be fat by padding his clothes, and moving quite clumsily when he tries to dance. The real Enrico is described as actually being quite light on his feet, like a barely tethered balloon.
has Vanin, a horse thief that ended up in the Band of the Red Hand. The internal monologuing, and conversations, frequently mention that he's a superbly skilled rider (even compared to the extremely-mobile Band) and one of best horse thieves alive, all while obese.
Partial points for Mark from the , who despite being short and force-fed until he was nearly too fat to stand, managed to completely destroy
Baron Ryoval with his hands tied behind his back.
Karadjoz from
is stated to be grossly overweight, yet incredibly agile. We , though.
is short, fat and slovenly. He's also a superb swordsman and rider.
the Great Avar, Maia's maternal grandfather, is this. Maia's first impression is that he is "monstrously fat" but he is surprisingly light on his feet.
Both justified and downplayed in the case of the Arkhos of Nemohaim in the Fire of Heaven trilogy. A
in his youth, the Arkhos has since become almost grotesquely obese, but maintains much of his old skill, and can both move incredibly quickly for a man of his bulk, and outfight all but the most experienced of swordsmen. He tires easily, however, and is typically left coughing and wheezing after any serious exertion.
: Lord Wyman Manderley is quite obese and not much of a fighter, but he is well-known for being a very good dancer.
In Literature/Protector, by , one of his
novels, a minor character (who lives in space), is said to be so fat he couldn't support himself on Earth. Not much is made of it.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
for television actors. The man was versatile and able to not only do spry physical comedy, but was an excellent dancer as well.
Jim Belushi on . One of the main differences between him and other hefty comics on the show (such as Chris Farley) was his ability to move.
runs with surprising grace in one episode when he chases after Kramer on the street.
The "Obesity" episode of
&#8212; which focused on addressing common misconceptions about fat people &#8212; held a "Fat Guy Olympics" (with one skinny guy). Most of the fat guys outran the skinny guy. "Fat" was determined purely by BMI values as a point about their uselessness, only one of the participants was what most would consider fat and he was by far the worst competitor.
Randy from
despite being fat is actually a really talented natural gymnast. It is only brought up once a season or so though to preserve the
value of it.
when Buddy is discussing what he would bring to the study group, he says they need a chubby, agile guy. Though his actual invocation of this tropes is a bit messy.
ice-skating on
Sammo Law in .
Josh Nichols in
during their talent show performance based on the
entry above.
Quite a few
were incredibly fat, but excellent fighters. The best example was Hydro Hog, an obese creature who the Alien Rangers considered their
on their own planet, and with good reason: he was more than a match for all five of them at once.
is without a doubt the most limber dancer.
Serious actor Raymond Burr(, ) does a .
&&&&Music Videos&
Arthur the miner, from the video for The Avalanches' "".
Deliberately invoked with the video for 's "." Al (in a fat suit) is, after all, supposed to channel .
In most of his rap videos, overweight rap icon Heavy D showed how an athletic big man can dance.
&&&&Pro Wrestling&
wasn't always the lumbering behemoth we know from the late 80s - in his youth, he could execute dropkicks and move fairly fast for his size. However, by the time he signed up with the WWF, age and problems with acromegaly had forced him to slow down.
is a rare real life example. Any near-300-pounder who can run rings around 's X Division, which is made up of , can definitely call himself Acrofatic. Even more impressive, he often uses Enziguris, a move whose largest practitioner has traditionally been , who weighs barely 220 pounds.
Along with . 450 pound men usually don't do moonsaults.
American Balloon. Obese dude doing the sky twister press. Seriously.
The late , known for doing cartwheels in the ring.
(before his weight loss). Both of these guys used moonsaults for their finishers.
was so fat that he should have worn a bra, but still was amazingly agile.
was an example of this trope. He could hit a sunset flip then lift a 500 pound man off the ground and hold him in a . Injuries severely decreased his mobility , now he's only stronger than everybody else.
Born Windham Rotunda,
"The Army Tank with the Ferrari Engine" and has quite the speed and vertical leap. Even with some weight loss, he retained the speed with some added blood lust following his repackaging as .
Jerry "Crusher" Blackwell. A 472-pound man who could effectively execute dropkicks.
was fat, yet he could do one-armed pushups and nip-ups. Part of his gimmick was that no matter how fat he got, he always claimed his weight was only 217 pounds. He described himself as "built for go, not for show."
Vic Grimes. An almost 400-pound wrestler doing corkscrew sentons is not something you see every day.
was quite fast on his feet for weighing 300+ pounds.
can sure oversell a .
by Nemesis, who bragged about her size and agility while shedding fat and even muscle in preparation for her title shot(s) at Tracy Taylor,
, losing both the PGWA and WXCW titles to her.
Calypso from Trinidad, whose finisher is a cartwheel splash she calls the Caribbean quake. She really caught on with the ICW and
Ring Warriors fans.
&&&&Tabletop Games&
In , having a Fat or Very Fat character give you no penalties to acrobatics and agility, at least not directly.
The Book of Vile Darkness from
introduces a feat called "Deformity (Obese)" in which a character becomes "grossly overweight... now at least triple the normal weight of creatures of her kind." To be fair this feat does come with a -2 to Dexterity since someone of that size would have a harder time moving around, but really, in terms of D&D, -2 Dexterity is a very minimal penalty and doesn't do much to stop a character from performing crazy feats of acrobatics and agility if they gain them with other feats or class abilities.
used to be this, his lifelong love of sweets and fine foods not getting in the way of the education, lifestyle and mystical power of a Dragon Blooded warrior. Unfortunately, a crippling injury cause him to lose the ability to exercise while his appetites remained as they always were (at least), causing him to transition to .
and its later expansion Jadeclaw feature the Corpulent flaw, which counts as an automatic stone (14 imperial pounds) of encumbrance, but it does not come with any limitations to the speed dice. It can also be taken multiple times...and Jadeclaw introduced viable skill trees for unarmed combat. This meant you could design a character who was several dozen pounds overweight, yet still able to run at about 22 kph and make a variety of impressive leaps, dodges, and feints (if you bought the skills for it) if they possessed the necessary level of speed dice. A few of the various unarmed martial arts skill trees rewarded characters who weighed more increasing their striking power against lighter foes. Pairing that to a fast-but-heavy build could lead to a steamroller-esque experience of near- levels.
&&&&Video Games&
Cheng Shin Zan of , he has no problems flipping about like any of the thinner fighters in the series. It's the most evident in the Real Bout series where one of his supers has him floating in the air like a blimp.
E. Honda and Rufus (pictured above) in the
series. Mostly Rufus though. While Honda is no slouch, capable of leaping very high in the air (even doing somersaults in some versions) and launching himself at opponents like a missile, he's still got elements of . Oddly, the most recent games depict him with a sumo's build that seems to be completely made of muscle without any visible body fat. Conversely, look at the gelatinous, almost-spherical Rufus: He's not only strong, but among the most agile characters in the game. This combination makes many complain that he's broken (after all, the whole point of the
is that he's powerful, but is slow, so as to give lighter and faster characters a chance).
6. Justified in the fact that . He's a Sammo Hung tribute. According to his backstory, Bob was once a very fit fighter who wanted to take his skills to the next level, and developed
implicitly, he was less agile before he gained all that weight. You can use the average-build version of Bob in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (he's still pretty nimble but some of his moves account for weight he no longer has, which trips him up and changes some of the properties of his moves).
Karnov, especially from the fighting game series, . He plays the final boss for both games released. Even though he's fat, he's is a powerful martial artist and magician. He has the ability to turn his fat into muscle at will. Karnov also had an adventure game named after him for both the arcade and consoles back in the 8-bit days.
King K. Rool in the
is able to jump from one side of the screen to the other despite his weight.
Wario in the
is very agile and acrobatic for somebody his size. It has gotten to a point where he is able to catapult himself up high by swinging on bars. In the
series, he can backflip and kick a ball in mid-air as well as celebrate by doing the splits. In
Brawl, he has some very fast attacks and extreme aerial maneuverability for a heavyweight. His
form, Wario-Man, is even faster and stronger, and can jump absurdly high to boot. Oh, and The Shake King from
Shake It. He can do everything Wario can (jump across the room, charge, etc.) as well as fly while shooting laser beams and electricity at things.
Mario too, though not as fat as Wario, is far from a picture of physical fitness but still capable of pulling off acrobatic feats that would put real life gymnasts to shame. He wasn't originally called "Jumpman" for nothing, and his speed, agility, and hang-time have only increased since then.
that his fatness was to allow for easier collision detection in 80's hardware.
dips in and out of this trope, depending on the game. Bowser is typically the , living up to the "slow but powerful" character type, but in some games, Bowser can run and jump as well as Mario can. Even when he's portrayed as slow and a bad jumper, Bowser's still usually shown as quite agile, pulling off the flips and spins Mario is so known for with just as much ease. If
is anything to go by, Bowser is also an incredible dancer and can pull off breakdancing with ease, despite his bulk.
Elvis from . Some of the
mooks are also capable of incredibly fast lunges.
...up to and including launching themselves forward headfirst at breakneck speed as living missiles.
: Homer Simpson in almost every game where he's a selectable character.
One of the bosses in
named McGuire whose special attack is an .
is something usually given to nimble characters. Folks with, say, ninja training. Thus, the ninjas in the
series tend to pull this off. Including Earthquake the Texan ninja, who lives up to his name.
The description of the Seeq in
indicates that despite their rotundity, they're surprisingly agile. They's generally faster than Bangaa and Nu Mou, which isn't that speedy, but they can jump higher than any other race, allowing them to navigate paths that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Mad Clown from the SNES version of Super
The Elven Priestesses from .
Zeke from . Despite the fact that Cole jumps off a 20-story apartment building... Zeke is waiting for him at the street somehow, all while touting the biggest beer gut this side of Texas. And that's just one example. There's also the fact that his running speed is actually just slightly less than Cole's. Then there's how he falls into the harbor during the failed escape attempt, yet is waiting for Cole when he returns - even though he admits that he had a crapton of trouble with the swim.
Sammo, an obese child who is one of the three possible successors of the
in . Justified in that he's used to running away from restaurants without paying. He's based loosely off of Sammo Hung.
Kiesha Phillips of .
Dr. Eggman spends most of his time in machines, but when he gets out, he tends to display impressive feats of strength and agility. These range from keeping pace with Sonic himself and competing as an Olympic athlete, to being able to punch a moving train and knock it off its tracks in . Notably, in , he was able to shatter a large wall of ice with his bare hands.
Big the Cat also qualifies. He's enormously fat but also , and in
he has no problems navigating the loop-de-loops with his teammates.
Darth Baras from "" qualifies. He's a fat Sith sorcerer with obvious man boobs and oversized robe. Yet his class in the actual boss fight you fight him in is Sith Warrior, complete with acrobatic jumps and leaps. You'd expect him to be a Sith Sorcerer who relies primarily in lightning attacks since in the cutscenes he spams lightning like a typical spell caster, but nope. Get ready for Darth Fatass to knock you halfway across the map with an elbow only for him to Force Jump to your location and whale on you with lightsaber moves.
Also any player character in The Old Republic can be this, since the body model Darth Baras uses is available at character creation. This may actu the model looks fat in a robe or loose outfit, but in armor or shirtless it's clear they are barrel-chested and ripped. Those aren't man-boobs, those are pecs bigger than the average-size model's entire chest.
Luther from the
games. Obese? Definitely. Capable of decatuple backflips under the right circumstances? Oh yeah.
: Do not try to spring an attack on Scott Shelby.
is heavyset, double-chinned, and can keep pace with the much slimmer Alan and the toned sheriff Sarah Breaker. He occasionally complains and bends over to catch his breath, but Alan himself is a non-athletic protagonist who can only sprint a few meters before he has to do the same.
Baragon in
is, , noticeably round. However, he's also the most agile monster in the game, fighting his opponents with flips, cartwheels, jumps, and spinning.
Spacegodzilla, much like his film version, is noticeably bulky and quite slow normally. But, if the player uses his levitate/fly ability, he becomes noticieably faster and more agile.
Murray from the
series qualifies when you play as him from the second game on. He can jump through the air and sidle along walls just as sneakily as Sly can.
Multiple examples from
runs very fast for a guy that big.
The Borgia messengers in
are visibly overweight, yet are among the most able freerunners in medieval Italy. Rodrgio and Juan Borgia are no slouches in this department themselves.
The Blacksmith and Engineer from , despite being noticeably rotund, can freerun just as well as the other multiplayer characters. Their "rotundness" probably seems to come from the clothing they're wearing.
Helga, the pleasantly plump robot from the
series, is introduced as Captain Qwark's personal fitness trainer. Although Helga is constantly portrayed as being extremely physically fit due to her high standards, the only proof of this is the
skill point, "Beat Helga's Best Time", in which it is suggested that she conquered the VR Hacker & Hypershot training course in 0:50 seconds.
King Dedede from The
series can fly the same way that Kirby does, despite being really fat.
For that matter, Kirby's not exactly slim himself!
has several. , while being lazy enough to only attack , is fat like
but has decent/high Speed. Also,
are pretty fat and bulky looking Pokémon with -like stat distributions, and Scolipede's Hidden Ability is now Speed Boost.
Typhlosion does not look like it should have a base 100 Speed (that's faster than some nimble Pokémon like Lucario) with those little stubs for legs, nor should Gengar, who's even faster.
Starmie is faster than both of those two, despite it being an echinoderm (whose movements, in , are only visible through time lapse).
According to the Pokedex entries, Hydreigon spends all its time , all of which goes to one bloated body somehow able to fly with those six skinny little wings... and what do you mean, it has a base 98 speed?!
It's also notably able to use both Acrobatics and U-Turn, which are otherwise reserved for the more agile-looking fliers.
Tierno, one of the rivals in
is a dancer whose very round.
With it's , Metagross takes the crown for this trope in the Pokémon series thus far. It weighs almost one metric ton, making it the second heaviest Pokémon right after Groudon while being as fast as Gengar.
Bo Rai Cho in the
series. (In fact, in at least one game, he uses Sumo as one of his fighting styles.)
Dynamo and Alternator from
are very rotund but can swing and charge very fast.
has Mokomoko, a giant furball , who can run at blazing speeds, and can pull off very fast combos.
: The Heavy, usually the slowest class, gains a significant speed boost when equipped with the Gloves of Running Urgently or for a brief period after eating a Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
Normally, players that are able to get their heavy the high ground can drop down on enemies in manner similar to this trope. His regular running speed isn't that slow (about 4/5 the average); he's mostly a
Even then, this doesn't keep him from turning around as fast as the player can move the mouse, as many a Spy has discovered.
Pyros are fairly portly themselves or at least wear baggy clothing, and yet are notorious for how fast they can move.
gives us Goro, a stout little boy who can climb a tree with a few well-placed jumps. Unfortunately,
In fairness, nobody can actually jump except
falls under this banner.
's Pandaren are a whole race fitting this trope. They are large and stocky creatures, often even depicted with large bellies which by human standards would qualify as heavily overweight, yet:
Pandaren have a long tradition of mystic warfare and are exceedingly strong and agile. The traditional pandaren fighting style focuses upon mobility, speed and precision, as well as stunning acrobatic tricks.
They're now playable in
: Mists Of Pandaria.
World Of Warcraft features Bear Druids. Their main role is to use . They also need to have a very high Agility rating, as this allows them to dodge more attacks.
They can also trigger a party-wide movement speed boost with Stampeding Roar. .
There's also the "RAWRBOMB" technique, in which a Bear Druid charges from freefall.
is rotund and looks incredibly out of shape, but is quick enough with his tiny sword to cut a stalk of bamboo upwards of 30 times before it falls. This odd combination is
as he was once a top-ranked Sky Knight but has since retired&#8212;presumably, Peater was once even better than he is now.
isn't as fast as
Ornstein, but he's pretty quick for someone so huge and bulky. Smough might not actually be that bulky under the armor.
Ganondorf of , while still seven and a half foot tall mass of muscles, has gained some extra padding over the years. You'd think he'd be a
type of boss, right? .
Oinkie of , who is an obese and round martial artist (Not unlike Rufus). And he gets even faster when he transforms!
The Veteran in
is a pro wrestler
Vader. He's a hybrid of the
Enforcer class type and the
Commando class type, making him a heavy and powerful pro who can move like greased lightning.
Where the Veteran is hefty, the Wascot is just flabby, but his lunge is very acrobatic and he's an accomplished breakdancer, much like the focus of his obsession, SMNC mascot Bullseye.
Fatman, in , can zoom around the map and pirouette on his in-line skates, in spite of his size and heavy blast suit. While drinking glasses of red wine through a straw.
The volus in the muliplayer part of . They are actually a odd subversion of this trope. The basic character is capable of both rolling in all 4 directions(forward, back, both sides) and taking cover behind walls, corners and low objects. Tougher races such as Krogan and Batarians can use cover, but can't roll. A few races can use cover, but can only hop(roll) to the sides(Quarians, Salarians, Geth). The Volus are short race of ammonia breathers who always wear environmental suits that make them look like short(half the height off anything else), round teddy bears. In an odd subversion off this trope, they can run as fast as any other character(which looks odd, given their short legs) and can roll in all 4 directions....but cannot use cover. I.e. they have the same agility as anyone else, but cannot do one thing that every other character can.
The mobile phone game Subway Surfer features you being chased by a large police officer or security guard. He's always behind you even as you're running across train tracks and jumping from train to train.
The Placerias in
can run rather quickly, especially for the purpose of trampling an unwary hunter.
In , Randy Tugman is disturbingly obese, but during his boss battle, he can run around the room like a track star. He does have to stop to rest once in a while.
Drei Belanos from . He's pretty limb for a big guy. As in doing a
in thin air.
game P.O.W. Prisoners of War.
The Thanatos in
is an extremely wide
- often likened to a barn with legs - which is the most agile and quickest Heavy mech around, comparable to many medium mechs. It typically mounts either
for maximum agility, and is
to always keep an enemy within its sights. It's not the most powerful heavy around, but its combination of speed, armor, and overall firepower make it a potent . It has a
in its terrible hill-handling ability thanks to its
Toy Freddy in
is noticeably bigger in terms of girth than the other animatronics, yet he still moves at a rather high rate of speed.
&&&& Web Comics&
Murphy from Neko the Kitty .
Butch R. Mann of
varies between this and just plain fat, depending on the joke. In general, he gains a massive boost of strength and speed when his life is in danger.
has Wood Man.
gives us titular Sergeant
Schlock, who is a , weighs 250-300 kilos and looks like a massive pile of greenish poo... er, goo. However, due to his every cell having multiple functions, his entire mass can act as a single muscle, allowing him to bounce around . While also being
In a rare female example,
has Tori in a borderline exaggeration of this trope. Inu and Uma predict her weight to be in the tons and yet, because this a Sonic fan comic, is still as fast as most of the other characters.
&&&& Web Animation&
Pom Pom from
is a lot like a big balloon, but that doesn't mean he can't be .
Cinderella from the
series is one. She was cursed by Devil to be overweight, but she was still able to chase him down because she was just as athletic as when she was thin.
&&&& Web Original&
who, despite being on the pudgy side, can apparently do a cartwheel into a backflip with little difficulty.
&&&& Western Animation&
Bat-foe The Penguin was controversially reimagined as very skilled in martial arts for .
With him it was less the agility and more the -esque jumps, especially since the character design had very stumpy legs.
Control Freak from . Despite looking like a lazy overweight teenager, Control Freak is surprisingly athletic and well schooled in martial arts.
during the fourth season, after taking .
Homer and Flanders have a
sequence in one episode. Flanders is quite fit, but Homer is, well, Homer. Then there was the time he was training for . He's even been shown to be able to walk with his hands.
In a high school flashback, Homer was shown to be a talented gymnast until his father distracted him in the middle of a competitive floor routine, cutting his career short.
is, well, fat, but he proves able to brawl with the best of them in the episode where his gang gets into a fight with a group of
All three members of the .
Tubbimura. Pretty agile for an overweight ninja.
Panda Bubba could also apply here. He's a rather bulky guy, but held his own in a Showdown with the monks.
Clay himself. He started off as a
but manages to pull off some pretty high jumps and can run pretty fast as the series continued and his martial arts training increased. He prefers the
style though.
Broadway from
is agile for his bulk, though the fact that he has the largest wingspan of the Manhattan clan may have something to do with that.
Although 's The Ancient One usually isn't the most active character, his appearance in the flashback episode "Fathers and Sons" show that this trope very much applies to him.
Owen, LeShawna, and Beth from the
series compete in the same physical challenges as the other contestants without any problems. While Owen and LeShawna are sometimes out of breath, it never seems to cause them any big problems. Owen's weight and/or size has occasionally posed a problem for his team when the challenge involved moving or lif but as often, he's the one doing the lifting or moving of someone else and his accompanying strength is a real asset. Plus, , the smell of food can motivate him to incredible speeds.
Bulkhead in
can move really damn fast if he wants to, despite his rotund shape.
. These combine to make him a total , verging on .
Roland of , despite being rather chubby, is quite limber and agile.
isn't huge but he's defintely pudgy and still manages amazing stunts and maneuvers.
is a talented ballet dancer.
is a more subtle example. He's chubbier than the other main six (save for Mikey), but can pull off some pretty awesome stunts.
The overweight ninja from
So The Drama.
Tohru in , when he has the Rabbit Talisman.
becomes surprisingly light on his feet when doing his famous winning bowling technique.
Peter Griffin in
is shown to be quite a good runner and jumper, despite being extremely obese. It's very rare for Peter to actually be exhausted from any physical activity.
Similarly, Cleveland in
is very overweight but can still run around as if his weight doesn't hold back while under pressure.
Stan Smith in
has a pot belly but is extremely athletic, which is most likely a requirement for his work in the C.I.A. His gut is only visible when he's shirtless.
Practically anyone who appears on
is a better fighter than his or her real-life counterpart, and they've had quite a few clay representations of overweight celebrities.
Hoggish Greedly in
is a borderline case. He's an obese , but he proved to be a rather good runner in at least three episodes.
, of the show by the same name, has impressive dexterity for an overweight kid in sandals. Examples include reassembling a tall stack of waffles piece by piece as they fall in midair ("SKILLS!") and playing keep-away with a
until it complely tied itself around the pillars of the boardwalk. His physical strength is
was an accomplished swordfighter and led an army against her homeworld, she was probably an example as well. A flashback episode shows her making a rather impressive leap and drifting gracefully down.
In , Humpty Dumpty is really fat, but fast enough to outrun Batman, even if he is carrying someone.
&&&&Real Life&
The main reason fat people can be agile is because they rely on fast-twitch anaerobic muscles. This is why many of the early baseball heroes like Babe Ruth were a bit on the pudgy side. They didn't need endurance, just a quick burst of speed to get to first base.
, a legendary action superstar and frequent collaborator with
and Yuen Biao in Hong Kong action cinema. He suffered an injury at 16 that left him bedridden for months, and the resulting weight gain has more or less become his calling card. Even nearing the
and not getting any thinner, he can still go toe-to-toe with the likes of much younger action stars such as
Most female practitioners of traditional Middle Eastern and African dance are exactly this &#8212; not particularly surprising, as the dances come from places where being fat is a sign of good luck and/or affluence.
Heavy Impact from Americas Best Dance Crew is a group of acrofatic dancers.
was surprisingly agile and performed some of his own stunts. His dance moves in this
are actually pretty hard to pull off.
Oliver Hardy was a talented physical comedy performer and a graceful dancer, as seen in many
Silent film comedian , who earned his nickname (it would later cause him health problems) was very nimble as well.
Both Curly Howard and Curly Joe De Rita in the later years of . Howard was a skilled ballroom dancer, and showed his dancing skills in some of the boys' shorts.
Roy "Big Country" Nelson is one of few s to compete at a high level that could be genuinely considered "fat." He spent most of his career with a massive beer belly, which he would rub after stoppage victories. It was widely known that his entrance into the UFC was delayed considerably due to reluctance in hiring a fat fighter. On , Nelson fought the most-watched MMA bout in US network history against chiseled street fighter Kimbo Slice, won a lopsided stoppage, and promptly demanded a cheeseburger. Recently, however, he has come under considerably more pressure to slim down and drop to light-heavyweight.
Daniel Cormier is also know for his obesity and his love of Popeye's chicken. However, he moves faster than he looks and has defeated some of the best and more fit heavyweight superstars. He has recently dropped to light heavyweight and has been crowned a UFC champion, after Jon Jones was stripped of it..
John B just watch
and see the acrobatics a small fat man can perform while dancing on stage. He was a starting linebacker on his high school's football team. His nickname then was "Killer".
Actors in general, including overweight ones, are often trained in mime and other forms of movement performance, since acting can rely on gesture and body language as much as it does on speech. Even bumbling comedians need to be athletically trained in order to .
Women who play roller derby often fall under this trope. While there are many players who are slender or average, some of the best are much larger.
, aka Butterbean. This guy is like steel wrapped in fat.
According to ESPN the Magazine's NFL Draft Glossary, this is what is scouts refer to as a "circus elephant", a big man with stunning agility, and not just for someone his size.
William "The Refrigerator" Perry of the Chicago Bears in the 1980's would be a prime example of the type.
Linebackers and linemen in football almost always fit this trope since their main role is to hit hard, but they need to be quick on their feet as well. Sure, linemen may not have the speed that a running back or a cornerback does, but when the pocket collapses and the quarterback has to run to avoid a sack, he has to run fast. To put this into perspective, the average NFL running back, normally the fastest member on the team, can run the 40 yard dash in a little over 4.3 seconds, while the average linebacker can run it in 4.6 seconds.
James "Lights Out" Toney, Sextuple Weight Class Champion. Could, on a slim day, be described as "chubby." Still one of the slickest, most technical boxers of the last twenty years. Hard to imagine such a hefty dude being so fast... He was most dominant at the lower weight classes, when he was slimmer and in shape. While he did quite well as a (fat) heavyweight, and WAS very slick and technical even after putting on the weight, it was from his sheer talent as a boxer: he did well in spite of the weight, rather than because of it.
This is only to be expected from a founding member of
. Although on the pudgy side, he is surprisingly agile and can perform physical comedy with the best of them. Specifically referenced in his appearance on , where he tries to gain access to the group by claiming they need "an agile fat guy". He then accidentally high-kicks Jeff in the face.
certainly exists, many professional basketball players, particularly "bigs" who usually play the center position, are notably husky - including such all time greats as Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal.
Barkley was particularly an example in college. He slimmed down a little in the pros &#8212; his official playing weight was 252 lbs. &#8212; but was frequently up in the 280 to 290 range while at Auburn. His first national exposure came during the 1984 Olympic trials, and other players there reported being amazed that anyone so big could be so explosively quick and such a powerful jumper.
stands out as
John "Hot Plate" Williams (the nickname is a deliberate takeoff on ), Thomas Hamilton, Robert Traylor and Oliver Miller, most of whom fit the trope despite weight issues.
Pablo Sandoval of the . During the 2009 season he was 5'11" tall and weighed close to 280lbs, but showed remarkable agility despite his size. After scoring a run by jumping over the opposing catcher's tag at home plate, a teammate gave him the affectionate nickname of "".
, head of the FSK, is anything but a small man. Not that you'd ever notice whilst he's moving.
Roman legionaries. They were professional soldiers who trained all the time with the gladius and were constantly marching with heavy loads or performing manual labor. They were also generally fattened up when not on campaign to increase survivability. As one book put it 'the most reliable supply train in their eyes was around their waists'.
Fighting bulls. Nicely summed up by the ' trial of
Manx cats, as well as lacking tails, have a generally bulky body shape and faintly ridiculous long hind limbs that earned them the nickname 'cabbit'. However, they are still perfectly capable of the dainty athleticism cats are known for.
Any fat cat in general. Even outright obese cats can be shockingly agile and good jumpers when they decide to move.
While it's up to you to decide whether or not crocodiles can be perceived as fat, they are easy to mistake for sluggish predators on land. It's really downright terrifying to see how fast they actually run.
Similarly, gorillas may look overweight, but are still , and a charging silverback is still quite frightening, even if it's usually just a bluff. In fact, the overweight appearance is simply due to their need for a large gut in order to sufficiently digest the amount of vegetable matter they eat.
Troy Jackson, aka "Escalade" was a 500 lbs professional streetballer.
Thais Carla, a hefty Brazilian teenager who's a skilled, graceful dancer.
Also from Brazil, the late comedian
of Casseta & Planeta, whose biography states that "defying the laws of physics, remained playing great soccer despite gaining weight". (in fact, the afternoon before his death was spent playing
with some foreigners)
Professional baseball pitcher
However, he is one of the most dominating aces playing baseball today. He won a Cy Young award while on the Cleveland Indians and he lead the New York Yankees to a World Series title. He's known for his great stamina, despite his size. He can throw over 120-to-140 pitches an outing. Because of this, baseball experts call him a work-horse.
Former pitcher Rick "Big Daddy" Reuschel actually ran well enough that he was sometimes used as a pinch runner, a task often reserved for leaner athletes.
David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox is huge (6'5") and has an obvious gut, and while he may not be the fastest person on the diamond can haul when he needs to and most other players will wisely get out of the way.
Buster Mathis and his son Buster Mathis Jr. were overweight heavyweight boxers during the golden era of heavyweight boxing. However, they were both known for having great agility, flexibility, and defensive skills, despite their size. They both would be contenders whom only lost to the elite level of boxers during their careers.
Pretty much any sumo wrestler. Notable however as a good example that,
Indeed, recent times have seen much urging for the wrestlers to slim down.
Jack Patillo from
is not exactly the thinnest guy around (admittedly not the fattest either, but still), yet he can move with surprising speed when he needs to. Case in point is his tennis match against the lighter and faster Gavin Free, where he utterly curbstomps him, mostly owing to his better grasp of the game but also with surprising bursts of speed to make shots count.
Roman gladiators. Recent studies had proved that gladiators' diet had high levels of calories that were enough to make one hell of a gut. The guys behind the studies believes that the gladiators ate large volumes of calorie-rich food in order to built up fat that would be protective against wounds and hits, but of course, like other overweight athletes, behind all that fat there were large muscles that could swing heavy sword and shields just as fast and easy like no problems.
That and a cut that just went through fat was impressively bloody and brutal looking without being lethal. The crowds wanted to see blood, but gladiators were too expensive to kill in most matches.
() doing a dance routine in the "Honey Baked Ham competition" skit, the second time she hosted SNL.
Daniel Lambert was an English prison keeper at the end of the XVI century. He became famous for being incredibly fat. At the time of his death he weighed 52 stones (739 lbs). But he could still run 11 km "with much less apparent fatigue than several middle-sized men who were of the party" He also gave swimming lessons and could stay afloat with two men over him.
Drag performer Divine was a very large man in real life but was known for doing pretty much anything
asked during their collaborations on films, including wading through a river in full drag requiring only a single take and doing quite a bit of physical comedy in the film Lust In the Dust. Later in life many of his friends were concerned by how much strain Divine put on his body during club performances with a ton of dancing, during which he was often seen dripping with sweat. Sadly he died at the age of 42 of a massive heart attack.
Boxers in the upper weight classes can be this. For one there is the practice of weight-cutting where competitors diet and dehydrate themselves before a weigh-in to make the cut for a lower weight class than they would usually qualify for since it is advantageous to be in the upper range of your weight class. Since weigh-in day was traditionally a day before a fight, the competitors would have time to put weight back on for the match. Obviously, fighting an opponent above your weight-class is considered dangerous, however boxers usually to gain weight as they age. It isn't uncommon for boxers to move up a weight class or two during their career and still keep good win/loss records. Gaining weight basically makes them tougher or at least less likely to get a concussion from a heavier opponent.
Veteran baseball pitcher Bartolo Colon is short and pudgy, but he's a consistent pitcher who has given many solid starts throughout his long career. He has over 200 wins and counting. In 2015, at 40 plus years old, Bartolo is still going strong. He is also ver able to field his position when a ground ball occurs.
Alternative Title(s):
Fatter Than A Speeding Bullet


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