a捡到钱包不主动归还了b的钱包 并归还给了b b表示感谢 然后他们之间的对话英语情景对话

第一节单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑21、―I have tw
单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑21、―I have two tickets for the musical Cat tonight.Can you come with me?―oh,__________!I’m going to visit my uncle today. A.how wonderfulB.well doneC.that’S nothingD.what a shame22、 On weekend,the park is full of people__________themselves in the sunshine. A.to enjoyB.enjoyingC.enjoyD.enjoyed23、 The storm in__________early summer caused__________heavy damage to the crops ready to be harvested. A.the;/ B.an;theC./;theD.an;a24、 __________g0ing to French evening classes twice a week,Ann does T’ai Chi on Wednes-days. A.Because ofB.Except forC.AgainstD.Besides25、一Why are you SO busy these days?一We__________trees.Why not join us?A.have plantedB.will plantC.are plantingD.planted26、 Admittedly,I could have tried__________but I still don’t think all this blame is fair. A.hardB.harderC.hardestD.hardly27、 Please remain__________until the airplane comes to a complete stop. A.seatingB.seatC.seatedD.to seat28、 The Pyramids of Egypt were built more than three thousand years a90,and no one knows__________.A.howB.whenC.whatD.where29、 __________I like Carter personally,I don’t think what he’S doing is fight. A.IfB.AsC.WhileD.Unless30、 After the argument Colin ran away and__________since. A.isn’t heard ofB.wasn’t heard ofC.hasn’t been heard ofD.hadn’t been heard of31、一Who can that be at the door at this hour?―__________my neighbor.He often calls this late. A.This isB.He’SC.It’SD.There’S32、 It was__________lovely weather that the boys all went swimmin9. A.suchB.thatC.howD.what33、 The door is open but nobody is in.Susan__________have forgotten to lock the door. A.shouldB.mustC.wouldD.could34、一Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?―__________.A.I hope SOB.Not at allC.That’S nothingD.Go ahead35、 Dick only had some Coke at the party,because he always__________asleep afterr drinkingwine. A.fallsB.becomesC.feelsD.lies第二节
完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  回答36-55题  A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime,but he has been given a lesson in36.The man whom he robbed(抢劫)____37______the ticket and won the£25,000 prize,but he managed to find the thief,and handed over the____38______.   The robbery happened when Professor Sabbatuccci was changing a tyre(轮胎)on a highway.   Another motorist,who stopped‘t0_____39_____ ’,stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The pr0―fessor found the_____40_____ticket and put it in his pocket before___41_______ home.   Next day,the professor saw the lottery____42______0n TV and realized it was a winner.He___43______the£25,000 prize.Then began a___44_______with his conscience(良心).In the end,hedecided he could not keep the money____45______ he had been robbed.He then put a____46______in news―papers and made an announcement on the radi0,___47_______:I'm trying to find the man who robbed me.I have£25,000 for him―a lottery____48______.Please meet me.  The professor received hundreds of____49______from people who were hoping t0___50______him into handing them the cash.But there was one voice he____51______―and he arranged to meet the man in a park.   The robber gave back the___52_______and burst into tears.He could not____53______what was happen’ing.‘Why didn’t you_____54_____the money?’he asked.The professor replied:‘I couldn’t because it’S not mine.Then he walked off,turning down the thief’S_____55_____tO share the prize. 36、A.friendshipB.honestyC.braveryD.adventure37、A.sentB.took outC.boughtD.picked up38、A.crimeB.ticketC.cashD.evidence39、A.repair B.restC.watchD.help40、A.leftB.droppedC.forgottenD.damaged41、A.runningB.walkingC.drivingD.riding42、A.resultsB.storyC.lossD.sales43、A.presentedB.tookC.donatedD.shared44、A.battleB.C.lectureD.quarrel45、A.sinceB.whileC.even thoughD.as if46、A.reviewB.requeStC.showD.notice47、A.jokingB.sayingC.wonderingD.replying48、A.numberB.luckC.winD.receipt49、A.notesB.emailsC.lettersD.calls50、A.trickB.persuadeC.leadD.draw51、A.recognizedB.rememberedC.recordedD.recovered52、A.carB.suitcaseC.moneyD.check53、A.imagineB.blameC.believeD.realize54、A.keepB.returnC.giveD.earn55、A.dealB.promiseC.paymentD.offer Text 1  What would you do if you were a fifth grader facing a huge homework load every night,and you found out that there was a machine that would do all the work for you?T hat’s the situation presented tO Sam,Kelsey,Judy and Brenton in Dan Gutman’s entertaining new book for young readers,The Homework Machine.   The four .all fifth graders in Miss Rasmussen’s class at Grand Canyon School,are as different as any four 11 year-olds could be,but they have one thing in common―all are somewhat separated from their classmates。Sam is a newcomer and has had his share of school trouble before:Kelsey quietly carries her pain at losing her father;Judy’s sense of justice(正义感)always annoys others;and Brenton…well,he is another story entirely.Brenton is easily the Smanest child in school, so smart mat even his parents and teachers have trouble keeping up with him.When Bren― ton and his three classmates are put into the same study group by their teacher,me others discover that Brenton has made a time-saving gadget(装置)to do his homework for him.While the boy genius(天才)is perfectly able to do the homework himself,Sam,Kelsey and Judy could use the help.   Having perfect grades is something new for these three,and as they meet every day to“ do homework”,they find that they’re learning a lot―about each other.Such a good thing Can't last though,and when a secret man starts trying to get in touch with them,the
begin to get nervous. Soon there’s an even morefrightening problem--why can’t the Homework Machine be turned off?  Told in different voices(as all the children make statements to the Grand Canyon Police),the story develops in an interesting fashion.Gutman is a gifted writer who has written dozens of children’s books,each with a funny and impressing tale that should be equally liked by boys and girls. 56、What type of text is it?A.A book review. B.A school report. C.A science story. D.A student,s diary. 57、 What is one common thing that all four children have to deal wim at school?A.Getting along with classmates. B.Overcoming sad feelings. C.Following school rules. D.Keeping good grades. 58、What can we learn about Brenton?A.He is careless. B.He is clever. C.He is brave. D.He is quiet. 59、Why did the children get frightened?A.They had no idea how to stop the machine. B.They lost the connection with each other. C.They were questioned by a strange man. D.They were tracked down by the police.   Text 2  While car sharing is a concept that’s catching on,old―fashioned carpooling where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance(抗拒).In a study on traffic problems by ABC News,84%of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone.More than half of those lone riders insist that carpooling is just too inconvenient,and 18%say they simply don’t know anyone to share a ride with.   Now technology makes carpooling easier and more fun.NuRide,a company provided an on-line carpooling service last year,offers daily travelers in the Washington area not just a web―based list of would―be carpoolers but also a way to arrange a trip online.Here’s how it works:rider seek―ers enter the positions where their trip will begin and end,the time they want to leave and if they’re willing to drive or just ride in someone else’s car.The website’s search engine then looks for matches and makes lists of the names of traveling companions,along withthe car model and the ex―act time and place to meet for each trip.People who want to share the ride can show their interest in joining in online and then meet their car mates when it’s time to 90.   NuRide users aren’t riding with total strangers.They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e―mail address,both of which need to be checked before being listed on the website.   To attract users,NuRide offers a frequent rider prize:anyone who shares a ride gets a$1 credit.So far,2,300 people have signed up.NuRide CEO Rick Steele said that more man 50.000 tides have been arranged on the website,resulting in 1.4 million fewer miles driven and 650 fewer tons of automobile emissions(机动车排放). 60、What has the study found about people’s opinion on carpooling?A.Most people think it is inconvenient. B.Only l8%can find their road mates. C.Some people consider it dangerous. D.Half of the people accept the idea. 61、 What can NuRide do for you when you use the service?A.Decide a car model for you to drive. B.Help you arrange a shared car trip. C.Find your car mates’true names. D.Give you a list of car ownerS. 62、One who wants to share a ride with NuRide users must.A.give information about his interestB.meet his car mates before the tripC.offer the name of his employerD.provide his home address63、We may infer that NuRide has helped in. A.improving air qualityB.reducing driving speedC.promoting safety of drivingD.increasing job opportunities  Text 3  In my time here at Carleton College,I’ve picked up many valuable pieces of advice from oth―ers,and have come up with a few of my own.With my time here drawing to a close.here’s two of the most valuable ones l wish I had known as a freshman(一年级学生).   First,don’t expect to join all the clubs here.Taking part in them is good,but the workload here is too heavy and time with your friends is too limited to devote yourself to a million and one clubs.Find a couple of things you dig,and you’11 find yourself much happier than if you had spent your time joining every single organization that sounds somewhat interesting to you.Als0,don’t always think of your free time in terms of organizations you can join.Getting really good at some’ thing―an instrument(乐器),creative writin9,cooking―is just as good a use of your free time,e―ven if it might never be taken into any r6sum6(简历).   Second,when Socrates said“Know Yourself”,he was talking about your sleep schedule.You can fool yourself into thinking that an 8:30 a.m.class in the winter is the perfect way to get your day started,but you soon may find yourself emailing the teacher with excuses for being absent.Scheduling all your classes aflemoon is sometimes equally deadly;you might just end up going out the night before knowing you can safely sleep in.I’ve found that the way to take classes is to load them in the middle of the day:nothing before 9:50 a.m.,nothing after 3:10 P.m. 64、Who is probably the author of this text?A.A student’s parent. B.A graduating student. C.A university professor. D.A freshman at Carleton. 65、 What does the underlined word“dig”in paragraph 2 mean.?A.make a hole inB.work hard onC.research intoD.be fond of66、What’s the author’s advice about spending free time at college?A.Setting up an interest group. B.Enjoying your own hobbies. C.Joining as many clubs as you can. D.Staying with friends as much as possible. 67、What’s the best way of taking classes?A.Attend all the classes at night. B.Schedule all the classes before noon. C.Set them at 8:30 a.m.every mornin9. D.Put them from 9:50 a.m.t0 3:10 P.m. Text 4  Your dog is as smart as any two year old,according to a new study.Dogs bring much happiness to their owners.and even improve human health.Most two year olds keep us busy in life―an important part of living a long and happy life.According to Stanley Coren,Ph.D.of the University of British Columbia,our dogs are smarterthan we thought.   Dr.Coren reviewed many studies to find out that dogs are as smart as 2 to 2.5 year olds.For―get about one word orders--according to Coren,the smartest dogs can learn up to 250 words.Most dogs understand an average of l65 words.“The upper limit of dogs ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie(博得牧羊犬)named Rico who showed knowledge of 200 spoken words,and fast―track learning’,which scientists believed to be found only in humans and language.1earning apes(猿).”Dogs are also great at trickin9.During play,they have the ability to trick humans and other dogs in order to get treats.“And they are nearly as successful in tricking humans as humans are m tricking dogs,”says Coren.   Dogs can also count to four or five,which might explain how they know when their toys are missing.Coren explains,“Their astonishing flashes of smartness and creativity()are re―minders that they may not be Einsteins,but are sure closer to humans than we thought.”Animals can do much to keep US happy,healthy,and protect tlS from harm.Stories of dog he-roes can be found using a simple Internet search.Pets teach US sense of duty,keep US from loneliness.and can help with treatment of the disabled.Dogs are smarter than we thought as smart as a two year old. 68、How do dogs bring happiness and health to humans according to the author?A.By doing funny tricks. B.By keeping humans busy.C.By serving their owners. D.By playing with their owners.69、 What makes Rico special?A.He seldom uses one word orders. B.He uses words like a 2.5 year old. C.He is Coren’S favorite subject for study. D.He shows a high level of language ability. 70、What does Dr.Coren say about a d09’S counting ability?A.It is as good as an ape’s. B.It is close to human’S.C.It leaves a lot to be studied. D.It helps them keep their toys. 71、For someone interested in knowing more stories about dogs,the author suggests that he__________. A.train a dogB.search the IntemetC.watch a two year oldD.visit a hospital for the disabled  Text 5McEvan,s Supermarket to Mark its Twentieth Anniversary(纪念日) on October 24 !  We would like you to join US on October 24.On this special day,we will be giving you even more ways to save.And there will be live music,some free food,and games for children throughout the day.There are more reasons than ever to come to McEvan’s on October 24.We will offer:  ?great discounts on hundreds of things from nearly every department,including the bakery,the dairy(奶制品)farm,fruit comer,the vegetable garden and electronics center.  ?discount vouchers(代金券)for$10.O0,$15.O0,or$20.O0 to the first l00 customers.  ?McEvan,s Supemarket games for children whose parents are shopping that include free T-shirts and other giveaways.   To learn more about the special events planned for October 24,go to our website at www.mceVan―supermarket.com or ask any one of our 200 employees for more information.Please tear the voucher out. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………Happy 20th!McEvan’S SupermarketOctober 24 0nly$20.00 discountPlease present to cashier at time of shopping Title__________ First Name__________Last Name__________Mailing Address f including apt.number)__________City__________State__________Zip Code__________Would Like to Receive Mail from McEvan’s?__________yes__________noSpecials and Information through E-mail?__________Yes__________NoE-mail Address__________We promise to keep your information to ourselves. It will not be sent to any thirdparty.In me event that your own information changes,please call US at(520)555-0318 or emailUS at info@ .72、What is the text about?A.A supermarket sale. B.A thank-you party.C.A food exhibition. D.A new product.73、 How can a customer receive a voucher?A.He is the winner of the game on October 24. B.He has been shopping at McEvan’S for 20 years.C.He has been an employee of the shop for 20 years.D.Heis one of the first 100 customers on October 24. 74、What can children get at McEvan’S for free?A.Electronic products. B.Vegetables. C.T-shirts. D.Milk. 75、What is mentioned in the voucher?A.The discount is available for one day. B.Customer information is unnecessary. C.No returns are allowed with the voucher. D.The voucher is acceptable in several departments.第一节 短文改错(76~85略)76、略第二节 书面表达77、假定你是李明。伦敦银行(Bank of London)的Williams先生即将结束为期一周的访问,请你帮助他安排回程,并据此写张便条留在他房间。内容要点: 1.适当寒暄; 2.将送他去机场,明早8点前台等候; 3.要送他一份礼物; 4.有事电话联系。 注意: 1.词数100词左右,开头和结尾已为你写好; 2.请直接将书面表达写在答题卡2背面。 第一节单项填空21.D【精析】句意:――我有两张今晚音乐剧《猫》的票,你能和我一起去看吗?――哦,真可惜!我今天要去我叔叔家。本题考查的是情景对话中表示遗憾的表达方式。A选项意为“多么美妙”,可以用来回答对某事物的赞美;B选项意为“干得好”,可以用来赞扬对方;C选项意为“这没什么”,可以用来回答别人对你的感谢;D选项意为“真可惜”,符合题意,故D正确。 【知识拓展】例:what a pity!多遗憾。 I a/n sorry to hear that.听到这个我感到很难过。 That’s OK!没关系。 It doesn’t matter.没关系。 You’re welcome.不用客气。 Can you help me?可以帮我个忙吗?22.B【精析】句意:周末,公园里到处都是享受阳光的人。本题考查的是现在分词作定语表示经常的动作。A选项是不定式,表示将来;B选项是现在分词,表示进行和主动;C选项是动词原形,这里不用原形;D选项是过去分词,表示过去和被动,现在分词作定语表示经常性的动作,故B正确。 【知识拓展】分词(participles):现在分词,过去分词 现在分词:时态上强调动作正在进行;语态上强调主动。 过去分词:时态上强调动作已经完成;语态上侧重被动。 现在分词可用于以下情况。 (1)构成进行时。例:They are singin9. (2)充当副词作状语。一般在句子中作时间、原因、方式或伴随等状语。分词作状语时,句子的主语就是该分词的逻辑主语。现在分词作状语时,与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所表示的动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。 例:Entering the room,she found the wall paint-ed.(she为主句主语,也为现在分词entering的逻辑主语,两者为主动关系,即“她进入房间”。)(3)当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 例:Falling leaves danced in the air.(作定语)I saw many birds flying along the river.(作宾语)The news is excitin9.(作表语)过去分词可用于以下情况。 (1)构成完成时。例:She has had lunch. (2)构成被动语态。例:English is widely spo-ken in the world. (3)充当副词作状语。同现在分词短语做状语一样,过去分词作状语,一般在句子中作时间、原因、方式或伴随等状语。分词作状语时,句子的主语就是该分词的逻辑主语。与现在分词用法不同的是,过去分词表示被动关系,所表示的动作一般发生在谓语动词之前或同时发生。例:Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.(the trees为主句主语,同时也为given的逻辑主语,两者为被动关系,即“树被关注”。)(4)充当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 例:They are cleaning the fallen leaves in theyard.(作定语)They had the house rebuilt last year.(作宾补)She looked disappointed.(作表语)23.A【精析】句意:初夏的暴风雨使即将收割的庄稼遭受了严重损害。本题考查冠词的用法。谈论说话者和听话者彼此双方都知道的事情时用定冠词the,“风暴”发生在你我都知道的那个“夏季”,用定冠词。引起的损害,这里的损害是抽象名词(抽象名词和物质名词属于不可数名词),所以不用冠词。故A正确。 【知识拓展】I have a beautiful wallet.But the wallet was stolen yesterday.我有一个漂亮的钱包,可是昨天它被偷了。(前文提到的事物,用定冠词。)Where is the boss?老板在哪里?(说话双方都知道的事情用定冠词。)The desk is made of wood.桌子是木头做的。(物质名词前不加冠词。)24.D【精析】句意:除了每周两次去晚上的法语课,安每周三还去打太极。本题考查的是连词的用法。A选项表示原因;B选项表示“若非,如果不是”;C选项表示反对,这三项均不符合题意;besides意为“除了…之外,还有…”,符合题意,故D正确。 【知识拓展】except除去…。例:We have an English lesson every day except Sunday.除星期天外,我们每天有一堂英语课。(星期天不上课。)besides除…之外,还…。例:We have an Eng-lish lesson every day besides Sunday.除了星期天要上课外,我们每天还有一堂英语课。(星期天要上课。)25.C【精析】句意:――你们最近怎么那么忙?――我们最近在植树。你为什么不加入我们呢?本题考查的是时态。现在进行时可表示最近一段时间都在做某事,故C正确。A选项为现在完成时,表示已经做完,不符合题意;B选项为一般将来时,表示将来要去植树,不符合题意;D选项为一般过去式,表示过去结束的事情,植树已经完成,不符合题意。 【知识拓展】时态 (1)现在完成时:结构为have+过去分词,表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响;过去发生的事情持续到现在并可能一直持续下去。 例:I have learnt English for ten years。(我学习英语已经有十年了。学习英语这个动作发生在过去,期间一直在学习,持续到现在,并可能一直持续下去。)(2)一般将来时:结构为will/be going tO+动词原形,表示将要发生的事情。 例:She will have lunch.(她将要去吃饭。)They are going to take bus.(他们将要去坐公交车。)(3)现在进行时:结构为be+动词ing形式,表示现在正在进行的动作或者现阶段正在发生的状态。 例:Look!The cat is running after the Car.(看,猫正追着车跑。)26.B【精析】句意:诚然,我本应该更努力,但是我还是认为这样的指责不公平。本题考查的是形容词比较级的用法。根据句意可知,此处表示的是将目前的情况跟应该做到的情况进行比较,需要使用形容词的比较级,故B正确。 【知识拓展】could have done虚拟语气,本来能够做而没做的事。例:He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless.本来他能够通过考试的,但是他太粗心了。 27.C【精析】句意:请在飞机停稳前坐好。本题考查的是过去分词的用法。过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作;现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作,由题意可知,此处表示的是“坐好”这状态,故选C。 【知识拓展】remain用法 (1)用作系动词,表示状态,意为“仍然;依旧”,“留;呆;住;待”,后面可接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、分词作表语。 例:It remained a secret.它仍然是个秘密。 (2)用作不及物动词,意为“剩下;遗留”,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被动语态。 例:After the fire,very little remained of his house.火灾过后,他的家所剩无几。 (3)指某事“有待于以后做”,后面常接不定式的被动形式。 例:Many problems remain to be solved.有好多问题尚待解决。 (4)作名词,表示“剩余物”,一般用其复数形式。 例:They found some remains of the Tang Dy-nasty.他们发现了一些唐代遗迹。28.A【精析】句意:埃及金字塔是三千多年前建造的,没人知道它是如何建起来的。how强调方式;when强调时间;what强调是什么;where强调地点,本题考查的是方式。故A正确。29.C【精析】句意:虽然我个人喜欢卡特,但是我认为他做的事情不对。本题考查的是连词的用法。由题意可知,句子前后两部分是转折关系,需用转折连词,while表示尽管,虽然,故C正确。A选项表示“如果”,连接条件状语从句;B选项不表示转折;D选项意为如果不,这三项均不符合题意。 【知识拓展】while用法 (1)引导时间状语从句,“当…时”,主从句的谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语通常是延续性 动词。 例:While she was listening to the music,she fell asleep.她听着音乐睡着了。 (2)表转折,意为“然而”。 例:Mary likes sports,while I prefer music.玛丽喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。 (3)表让步,通常位于句首,意为“尽管;虽然”。 例:While I agree with your reasons,I can’tal-low it.尽管我同意你的理由,但我不能允许这样做。 (4)表条件,意为“只要”,其意思和用法相当于as long as。while可位于句首,也可位于句中。 例:While there is life,there is hope.留得生命在,不怕没希望。30.C【精析】句意:那次争吵之后,科林跑了,到现在也没有他的消息。本题考查的是现在完成时被动语态的用法。根据题意科林吵架离开之后,到现在一直没有消息,所以后一空应该用现在完成时,表示动作从过去一直持续到现在,可能会一直持续下去。又由句意可知,后半句是被动语态,故C正确。31.C【精析】句意:――这个时候敲门的会是谁?――是我的邻居。他经常这么晚拜访我。本题考查的是it用作代词的用法。说话者不清楚性别时用it指代,故C正确。 【知识拓展】it用作代词。 (1)指代无生命的事物,动物,植物。 (2)代表前文已提到的或下文要出现的一件事物。 (3)代替指示代词this,that。例:一what is this?一It’S a book. (4)未指明但谈话双方都明白的事物或情况。 (5)说话者不清楚性别的人或婴儿。例:Whois it speaking?(电话用语)你是谁?一who ismaking such a noise?一It must be the children.――制造这么大噪声的是谁?――一定是孩子们。 (6)表示天气、气候、温度、时间、地点、距离、环境、季节、自然现象、环境、日期等。 (7)表示一般的笼统的情况。例:How is it 90-ing with you?你近况如何?32.A【精析】句意:天气太好,男孩们都去游泳了。 本题考查such…that的用法。 【知识拓展】such…that,S0…that(1)such+a/an+形容词+可数单数名词;such+形容词+不可数名词/名词复数。例: She is such a good teacher that all of US love and respect her.她是一位很好的老师,我们都敬爱她。 They are such interesting books that I want to read them once more.这些书非常有趣,我想再读一遍。 (2)so+adj.(adv.)+that从句。例:He ran sofastthatI couldn’t catch up with him.他跑得那么快,我赶不上他。33.B【精析】句意:门开着,却没人。苏珊肯定是忘记关门了。本题考查的是情态动词的用法。must have+过去分词表示对过去事实的肯定猜测,符合题意。故B正确。 【知识拓展】(1)should have+过去分词表示本来应该做某事,而实际没做。shouldn’t+have+done表示本不该做某事,而实际做了。含有指责对方或自责的含义。 例:Tom,you ale too lazy.The work should have been finished yesterday.汤姆,你太懒惰了。这项工作本来应该昨天就做完的。 (2)must have+过去分词用于肯定句,表示对过去事实肯定的猜测。对过去事实否定的猜测用Can’t/couldn’t have+过去分词。 例:I have lost one of my gloves.I must havedropped it somewhere.我丢了一只手套。我肯定把它丢在哪了。 (3)could have+过去分词,表示对过去事情的假设,表示本来能够做某事而实际却没有做。 例:You could have done better,but you didn’t try your best.你本可以做得更好,但是你没有尽力而为。 (4)would+have+过去分词,表示对过去事情的假设,本来会做。 例:I would have told you all about the boy’S story,but you didn’t ask me.我本来会告诉你这个小男孩的,但是你没有问我。34.B【精析】句意:――你介意帮我拿一下手提箱吗?――完全不介意。本题考查的是情景对话。A选项意为我也希望是这样;B选项是不介意;C选项意为那没什么;D选项是继续。故B正确。 【知识拓展】(1)表示同意、不介意的回答有下列几种。 N0,that’S all right.不介意,没关系。 N0,go ahead,please.不介意,请吧。 Certainly not./0f course not.当然不介意。 N0,not at all.一点也不介意。 N0,I don’t mind at all.一点也不介意。 (2)表示不同意、介意的回答如下。 Yes,I do mind.是的,我介意。 Please don’t.请别…35.A【精析】句意:迪克在聚会上只喝了点可乐,因为他一喝红酒就容易犯困。本题考查的是表语形容词的用法。表语形容词一般放在系动词后,fall为半系动词。故A正确。 【知识拓展】很多以a-开头的形容词,如a.sleep,afraid,awake,alone,aware,alive等是表语形容词。 例:The children are still awake.孩子们仍然醒着。第二节完形填空   参考译文   一个小偷在犯罪现场丢失了一张中奖的彩票,这给他上了一堂有关诚信的课。被偷的男子捡到小偷遗落的一张彩票,中了两万五千英镑,而他却试图找到这个小偷交还这些钱。 Sabbatuccci教授在高速公路上更换轮胎的时候,发生了这起抢劫事件。一名驾驶员停下来“帮助”教授,并从他车里偷走了手提包扬长而去。开车回家前,教授发现小偷掉在地上的彩票,把它放进了口袋。   第二天,教授看到电视上的彩票开奖结果,这才知道中奖了。他领取了两万五千英镑的奖金后,内心开始斗争,最后决定把钱归还给小偷,尽管小偷抢了他的手提包。他在报纸上登了则小告示,还在广播里发布了广告:我在寻找那个偷了我东西的人,这里有他中的两万五千英镑奖金。请联系我。之后教授接到了数百个电话,都是希望骗取奖金的人。他认出了一个声音,并且安排那人在公园里见面。   这个小偷泪流满面地归还了手提包。他无法想象这到底是怎么回事。他问教授“为什么你自己不留着这些钱?”教授说:“因为这些钱不是我的”。说完他就走了,并拒绝小偷提出的分享奖金的提议。36.B【精析】本题考查的是名词词义辨析。根据上下文,此处表达的是小偷学到了关于诚实的一课,故B正确。friendship意为“友谊”;bravery意为“勇气”;adventure意为“冒险”。 37.D【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析。根据上下文推断,教授捡到了彩票,故D正确。send意为“发送”;take out意为“取出”;buy意为“买”;pick up意为“捡起”。 38.C【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析。根据上下文推断,教授领取了奖金,寻找小偷并归还奖金,故C正确。crime意为“罪行”;,ticket意为“票”,这里指彩票;cash意为“现金”;evidence意为“证据”。 39.D【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析。根据前后文可知,教授的车坏了,另有开车人停下来帮助他,故D正确。repair意为“修理”;rest意为“休息”;watch意为“观看”;help意为“帮助”。 40.B【精析】本题考查的是分词辨析。根据文意,教授发现了小偷掉下的彩票,故B正确。left意为“留下的”,作后置定语;dropped意为“掉落的”:forgotten意为“被忘记的”;damaged意为“被毁坏的”。 41.C【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据上下文可知,教授是开车的,故C正确。 42.A【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。电视上公布的是彩票开奖结果,故A正确。 43.B【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析。根据前后文可推测,彩票中奖了,教授领取了奖金,故B正确。present意为“呈现”;take意为“带走”;d0-nate意为“捐赠”;share意为“分享”。 44.A【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析。根据文意,领取奖金后,教授开始了心里斗争,故A正确。battle意为“斗争(have a battle with与…作斗争)”;意为“生意”;lecture意为“讲座”;quarrel意为“争吵”。 45.C【精析】本题考查的是连词辨析。教授决定归还这笔奖金,即便自己是受害人,故C正确。since意为“因为,自从”;while意为“但是”;e-yen though意为“即便”;as if意为“好像”。 46.D【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析。在报纸上发布的一般来讲是一条公告,故D正确。review意为“检查复习”;request意为“要求”;show意为“展示”;notice意为“公告”。 47.B【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据文章内容可知,在报纸广播上发布消息,后面是消息内容,故B正确。 48.C【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析。教授发布的消息说,要给小偷两万五千英镑,这是彩票赢得的奖金,四个选项中只有win有赢得的钱之意,故C正确。 49.D【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。后面说教授听出了一个声音,那么这里表达的意思是很多人来电话,故D正确。 50.A【精析】本题考查固定短语。trick sb.into doingsm.意为“诱使某人做某事”,看到巨额奖金,很多人来电都想骗取奖金,故A正确。per-suade int0意为“劝说某人做某事”;lead…into意为“引导,导致”;draw…int0意为“拉入”。 51.A【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析。很多人来电话,这么多声音里,教授是辨认出,故A正确。recognize意为“辨认出”;remember意为“记得”;record意为“记录”;recover意为“恢复”。 52.B【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。前文提到教授被偷的是手提包,这里归还的肯定也是手提包,故B正确。 53.C【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析。根据前后文可以推断,小偷根本无法相信教授居然会把这么大一笔钱还给他,故C正确。 54.A【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析和对上下文的理解。根据文章意思,小偷疑惑为什么教授自己不留着这笔钱而是还给他了呢?故A正确。ke印意为“保存”;retum意为“归还”;give意为“给予”;earn意为“赚钱”。55.D【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析以及对上下文的理解,turn down意为“拒绝”,后面提到share the prize,根据文意,教授拒绝小偷要和他分享奖金的提议。故D正确。第三部分阅读理解  参考译文   Text 1  如果你是一个每天晚上要面对沉重作业负担的五年级学生,发现有一种机器可以帮你做作业,你会怎么办?山姆、凯尔西、朱蒂和布伦顿就遇到了这种情形。这是丹?古特曼为年轻读者奉上的最新娱乐读物《家庭作业机》。 这四个孩子都是五年级的学生,他们都是大峡谷学校拉斯马森老师班的学生。这四个孩子和其他11岁的孩子不一样,但是有一个共同点就是都在班里或多或少地受到孤立。山姆是新来的学生,他在以前的学校惹了很多麻烦。凯尔西带着失去父亲的痛苦生活着,朱蒂的正义感总是让人烦躁,布伦顿…他完全是另一种情况。布伦顿是学校里最聪明的孩子,聪明到他的父母和老师都不能跟上他的思路。布伦顿和他的三个同学被老师分到同一个学习小组,同组的其他孩子发现,布伦顿有一个省时间的装置帮他写作业。这个天才孩子当然可以自己完成作业,但是山姆、凯尔西和朱蒂却能通过该装置得到很大的帮助。   高分对这三个孩子来说是种全新的体验,他们每天一起“写作业”,越来越了解对方。然而这样的好东西不会持久,当一个神秘男子试着与他们联系时,孩子们开始变得很紧张。很快更恐怖的问题来了,为什么作业机器关不掉?  每个人都有不同的说法(所有的孩子都对大峡谷警察局作了说明),这个越来越有趣了。古特曼是一个天才作家,他写了很多本儿童读物,每一本都有一个有趣而又令人难忘的故事,深受孩子们的喜爱。 56.A【精析】主旨题。题干意为“这篇文章是什么类型的?”综合全文可知,这是一篇介绍古特曼新书的文章,故A为正确答案。 57.A【精析】细节题。题干意为“这四个孩子在学校里共同需要面对的问题是什么?”文章第二段提到“…they have one thing in common--all are somewhat separated from their classmates.”可知,这四个孩子都被孤立,要和同学友好相处是他们共同的问题,故A正确。 58.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“从文中我们可以知道布伦顿是怎样的?”从文章的第二段中间“Brenton is easily the smartest child in school,SO smart that even his parents andteachers have trouble keeping up with him.”可以得知布伦顿是个非常聪明的孩子,故B正确。 59.A【精析】细节题。题干意为“为什么这些孩子感到害怕?”根据第三段最后一句“Soon there’San even more frightening problem--why can’t the Homework Machine be turned off?”可知,孩子们害怕的是作业机器关不掉,故A正确。  参考译文   Text 2  共享用车是一个越来越流行的概念,但是传统的几个人共用一辆车轮流驾驶的拼车方式已经遭到抵制了。一项ABC新闻调查的交通问题报告显示,开车去上班的人中有84%的人独自开车上班,他们中一半以上坚持认为拼车很不方便,18%的人说他们不知道有谁可以一起拼车。   现在的科技使拼车更有趣更便捷。NuRide公司,去年开通了网上拼车业务,每天给华盛顿区域的旅行者提供可拼车人的网络清单以及行程安排。它是这样运作的:搭车者们点击进入一个页面,在里面可以输入他们旅途的起始位置,以及他们计划离开的时间,还有他们是想自己开车还是仅仅想搭别人的车等信息。网络搜索引擎就开始寻找匹配的对象,并把可能的搭车伙伴的名字列成清单,并列有车子型号,准确见面的时间地点。想拼车的人可以在线共享他们的兴趣。到了出发时间他们可以见到他们的搭车伙伴。   NuRide用户不会让没有信息的人搭车。想在网络平台上寻找搭车者,需要提供自己老板的名字以及一个工作的电子邮箱地址,两者都需要被核实后才能在网页上登出。 为了吸引用户,NuRide经常颁发搭车奖:凡是让别人搭车了,就可以获得一美元。到目前为止,已经有2300个注册用户。NuRide公司的首席执行官RickSteele说超过5万名搭车者已经在网页上预约了,这样行驶里程比原来少140万公里,机动车尾气排放量少了650吨。 60.A【精析】细节题。题干意为“研究发现人们对拼车的想法是什么?”。从文章第一段第二句“…84%of those who drive to w0、rk say that they still do it alone.more than half of those lone riders in-sist that earpooling is just too inconvenient,…”可以得知,大部分人认为拼车不方便。故A为正确答案。 61.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“当你需要服务的时候,NuRide公司可以为你提供哪些服务”。从文章第二段第二句“NuRide,a company provid―ed an online carpooling service last year,offersdaily travelers in the Washington area not just aweb―based list of would―be carpoolers but also away to arrange a trip online.”可以得知,NuRide公司提供给旅行者可能的拼车者还帮助安排线路,故B为正确答案。 62.C【精析】细节题。题干意为“想和NuRide公司用户拼车的人,必须提供什么信息?”。从第三段第二句“They are required to provide the nameof their employer and a work e-mail address…”可以得知,想和NuRide公司用户拼车的人,必须提供雇主姓名及工作的电子邮箱地址,故C为正确答案。 63.A【精析】细节题。题干意为“我们可以推断NuRide公司在什么方面有所帮助?”。从最后一段“…more than 50,000 rides have been ar-ranged on the website,resulting in l.4 million fe-wer miles driven and 650 fewer tons of automobile emissions.”可以得知,NuRide公司在提高空气质量方面有所贡献,故A为正确答案。  参考译文   Text 3  我在卡尔顿大学的日子里,收获了很多别人给予的宝贵建议,我自己也想到一些。我的大学生涯即将结束,这里有两条最宝贵的建议,真心希望我在大一的时候就可以懂得。   第一,不要期望加入所有的社团。加入社团是不错的,但是繁重的学业、与朋友们相处的有限时间会让你不能去加入那么多社团。你会发现找到一些感兴趣的事去做比花时间参加一些听起来不错的社团让你更快乐。还有,不要总想着参加社团来打发你的空闲时间。学习乐器、写作、烹饪等,都可以很好地利用你的空闲时间,即便它们不会给你的简历锦上添花。   第二,苏格拉底说“了解你自己”,他说的是你的睡眠时间表。你可以骗自己认为冬天早上八点半的课是开始你一天的最好的方式,但是很快你会发现,你在找借口给老师发邮件请假。把课全部安排在午后也非常糟糕,因为如果第二天上午没有课,前一天晚上很可能你就会很晚睡。我发现正确的选课方式是把课安排在上午9:50之后,下午3:10分之前。 64.B【精析】推理题。题干意为“这篇文章的作者可能是什么人?”由文章第一段最后一句“Withmy time here drawing to a close…”可知本文的作者是一位即将从这所大学毕业的学生。所以正确答案是B。 65.D【精析】词义题。题干意为“第二段画线单词dig是什么意思?”依据第二段推测是让学生去找些自己感兴趣的事情去做,可以得知是D。 66.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“关于如何打发大学的空余时间,作者给出什么建议?”根据文章第二段最后一句“Getting really good at some-thing-an instrument,creative writin9,cooking-is just as good a use of your free time,even if it might never be taken into any resume.”可知,作者认为多培养些兴趣来打发空闲时间更好,故B为正确答案。 67.D【精析】细节题。题干意为“最好的上课方式是什么?”根据文章最后一段内容来看,作者认为上课时问在上午9:50到下午3:10最好,否则因为上课太早会推迟课程,上课太晚而晚上晚睡,故D为正确答案。   参考译文   Text4  根据一项新的研究,狗和两岁孩子的智力差不多。狗给它的主人带来很多快乐,甚至有助于人体健康。大多数两岁的孩子会让我们的生活非常忙碌,这是让我们长寿和开心的很重要的一部分。英国哥伦比亚大学斯坦利?科伦博士说,我们的狗比我们想的要聪明。   科伦博士回顾了很多研究,发现狗和2到2.5岁的孩子智力差不多。科伦博士说,不要总想着一个字的指令,最聪明的狗可以记住高达250个字。大多数的狗可以听懂将近165个字。“狗狗学习语言能力的上限,部分基于对一只叫里科的博得牧羊犬的研究得来,它可以听懂200个字,并可以‘快速追踪学习’,这点科学家认为只有人和学习语言的猿具有这种能力。”   狗狗也很擅长恶作剧。在游戏的时候,他们有能力逗人和其他狗玩以得到奖励。科伦博士说,“他们几乎可以成功的像人逗狗玩一样逗人玩”。 狗狗可以数到4或5,这就可以解释他们玩具丢了的时候他们是怎么知道的了。科伦博士解释道:“他们令人震惊的灵光一现和在告诉我们,狗狗们虽然不是爱因斯坦,但他们的智力绝对比我们想象中更接近人类。” 动物们可以做很多让我们开心、健康,以及保护我们不受伤害的事。狗英雄的故事在网上简单一搜比比皆是。宠物教会我们责任感,让我们不孤独,还能帮助残疾人康复。狗狗比我们想象的要聪明,和两岁的孩子一样聪明。 68.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“根据文章,狗狗怎么给人类带来欢乐和健康的?”从文章第一段第二句“Most two year olds keep US busy in life-an important part of living a long and happy life.”可以得知,两岁小孩让人们忙碌,这是令人长寿和快乐的方式,而文中一直在说狗和两岁小孩智力差不多,故选B。 69.D【精析】细节题。题干意为“什么让里科很特别?”。由文章第二段“The upper limit of dogs’ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie named Rico who showed knowl.edge of 200 spoken words.”可知里科特别在他 的语言天赋上,故选D。 70.D【精析】细节题。题干意为“科伦博士是怎么评价狗狗的数数能力的?”。由文章第四段第一句“Dogs can also count to four or five…when their toys are missing.”可知狗狗会数数能帮他们保护好玩具不丢失,故选D。 71.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“针对有些对更多狗狗的故事感兴趣的人,作者建议他――。” 由文章最后一段第二句“Stories of dog heroes can be found using a simple Internet search.”可知,本题答案选B。  参考译文   Text 5麦克伊恩超市将于10月24日举办20周年店庆我们邀请您于10月24日莅临。在这个特殊的日子里,我们将提供更多的方式来纪念。将会有现场音乐会,免费食物以及为孩子们准备的游戏。今年10月24日的麦克伊恩将比往常有更多看点。我们将会提供以下服务。   ?几乎每个货品区都会有很多打折商品,包括面包区,奶制品区,水果区,蔬菜区以及电子产品中心。   ?前100名顾客将获得价值10美元,15美元,20美元的代金券。   ?麦克伊恩超市将为跟父母来购物的孩子准备很多游戏,还可以获得免费T恤和其他随赠品。   ?想知道更多关于我们10月24日特别活动的相关信息,请点击我们的网站WWW.mcevansupermarket.   com或者咨询我们200名雇员获知更多信息。请撕下代金券   20周年快乐!  麦克伊恩超市   仅限10月24日   20美元折扣   购物时请同时出示此券   标题__________  姓__________名__________  邮寄地址(包括公寓号)__________  城市__________州__________邮编__________  希望收到麦克伊恩的邮件吗?__________是__________否  通过电子邮件接收信息吗?__________是__________否  电子邮箱地址__________  我们承诺对您的信息保密。不会泄露给第三方。如果您的信息变更,请来电通知我们(520)555-0318或者发邮件至info@mcevansupermarket.como72.A【精析】推理题。题干意为“这篇文章说的是什么?”。由全文来看,文章是超市促销的宣传,所以正确选项为A。73.D【精析】细节题。题干意为“客人如何获得代金券?”。由第二段中“discount vouchers for$10.00,$15.00 or$20.00 to the first 100 custom-ers”可知,前一百名顾客将会获得代金券,正确答案是D。74.C【精析】细节题。题干意为“孩子们在麦克伊恩可以得到哪些免费的东西?”。从文章第二部分“McEvan’S supermarket games for children whose parents are shopping that include free T-shia and other giveaways.”可知,孩子们可以得到免费T恤,所以正确答案是C。75.A【精析】细节题。题干意为“关于代金券还提到了什么?”从关于代金券的使用说明中“0ctober24 0nly”可知,代金券的使用时间仅限10月24日这一天,所以正确答案是A。第四部分书面表达  【高分范文】Dear Williams,  We hope your visit here is meaningful and woah-while.   I came here to arrange your schedule,but you hap-pened to be out.Your airplane ticket has already been booked.1 will pick you up to the airport tomorrow morning.Please wait in the lobby before 8:00 a.m.Thanks for your efforts here and that will be kept in our mind.We will prepare a souvenir for you tomorrow as our best wi-shes.We sincerely hope that you can accept it.Please don’t hesitate to give me a call in case I can be of some help.   Hope that you have a good time here.Sincerely youm, Li Ming【写作点金】 这是应用文文体写作中的便条。首先应该注意便条的格式;其次写清楚写便条的原因;要说明的事情;有关的希望、建议或要求等。【高频词句】 make arrangements做安排 be out在外面 be in在家 pick sb.up接某人 best wishes最真挚的问候[
(作者:读书人网 编辑:kind887)


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