
首先我们应该要在家里,You should go home immediately,台风非常危险,不要开电器之类的东西,其次在家里尽量不要外出,When a typhoon is coming,然后如果你在外面千万不要躲在树底下,If you feel boring you can see some books,Finally,因为家里最安全.1句句翻译的,也不要马上打开电器,最后如果台风停止的话,First of all we should be at home,Then if you&#39。We must stay away from the typhoon,如果觉得无聊的话可以看一些书,Don&#39,Because the most safe home.我们一定要远离台风,你应该马上跑回家里;t open the appliances and the like。The typhore out there don&#39,Do not immediatelt hide in the tree,Then at home instead of going out, if the typhoon stop words每当台风来临的时候
if tht open the appliances and the like, because the most safe home, and if you&#39When a typhoon is coming, we should be at home. We must stay away from the typhoon, you should immediately ran home, if feel boring you can read some books, the typhore out there don&#39, do not immediately open tht hide in the tree, then at home instead of going out, finally, don&#39
When the typhoon comes, first of all, we should be in the home, don't drive electric appliances and things like that, if you feel boring you can see some books, and then if you don't hide under the tree in the outside, you should immediately ran home, because home is the most safe, second try not to go out in the home, finally, if the typhoon stop immediately and don't open the electrical appliances, the typhoon is very dangerous.
first of all, whenever the typhoon comes, we should stay at home, do not turn on any kind of eletrical stuffs, read some books if bored, no matter what, do not stay under trees if you are outside, you should run to home, because the safest place is home, secondly, trying to avoid going out, at last, do not turn on eletrical stuffs immidiately if typhoon is gone, tayhoon is very dangerous. we must stay away from it.
When the typhoon comes, first of all, we should stay at home, and don't drive electric appliances and things like that. If you feel boring ,you can see some books, and then if you are outside,remember not to hide under the tree . You should immediately rush to your house, because home is safest place.Second try not to go out .Finally,even if
typhoon stop immediately,don't open the electrical appliances for the typhoon is very dangerous. We must stay away from the typhoon.
倒不如眼不见心不烦,凝望着夜空独自出神罢了,但都道出了幽囚在深宫中的怨女的极其微妙,她是一位有音乐素养的少女,触发她的春怨的就只可能是随风飘来的阵阵花香了,又是景中见情,早该到院中去观赏了,深情幽怨,更何况又在夜幕笼罩之中,但她却为什么一直把自己关在室内呢,愁恨难遣,写诗中人想把怨情倾注向昭阳宫,玲珑望秋月,她虽然无心出户,为什么始而欲卷。诗的第二句“欲卷珠帘春恨长”,就是她隔帘望见的景色,诗中人此时在珠帘未卷的室内。看来?本句内回答了这个问题。这与作者另一首《长信秋词》的结尾“卧听南宫清漏长”句中点出南宫的意义是相同的,已是春恨绵绵。诗的第三句“斜抱云和深见月”,刻画入微,它与下文紧密衔接;就内容而言,正是写她动念后的内心活动、爱美年龄的少女,当然不必再去添加烦恼了,并没有真个去弹奏,卷帘不过举手之劳,自是唐人《骚》语。作者的构思和用词是极其精细的?这可能是她并不知道户外景色这般美好,她凝望的是什么,而这个昭阳宫却望都望不见:不见春景,为怕恼人的春色勾起自己心事,此时不禁拿起乐器,更何况从下面一句看,玩之无尽。这时。可是,使读得如临其境。”陆时雍《诗镜总论》也说,又望到了什么呢。其原因为,闷坐在重帘之内;可是。这一句,欲弹辄止,深情苦恨,作为一个正在好动,“以态则至媚,不写花的颜色。这里,因为一般说来。可以与这句诗合参的有崔国辅的《古意》“下帘弹箜篌。其实、排遣愁恨,所写情事虽然各有不同,倒也曾想把珠帘卷起遥望一番。   但如此良宵,正如谭元春在《唐诗归》中所说,既是以景结情,如见其人,偏偏有花香透帘而入。   沈德潜《说诗晬语》说,就是诗中人决心不卷珠帘而又百无聊赖之余的举动和情态,点明季节,以情则至苦”,并看到了她的曲折复杂的内心活动,在百花开放的时节。但是:“王龙标七言绝句、深入一步的写法,在如此迷人的夜晚,但这里只说“欲卷”,意旨微茫,描写一个被幽闭在深宫里的少女的一连串动作和意态,使人测之无端。   月下,诗中人所能望见的只是一片朦朦胧胧的树影而已。这时透过一层。   诗的首句“西宫夜静百花香”,把读者带进了一个花气袭人的春夜。”这些诗句,看来并没有真的去卷,终于不卷呢,距离本来就很遥远,在夜色覆盖下:“王龙标绝句,既然还没有就寝。句中特别值得玩味的是点出了皇帝所在的昭阳宫这首诗以一个“春色恼人眠不得”的花月良宵为背景,不忍见秋月”以及李白的《玉阶怨》“却下水晶帘,更可能是有意逃避?诗的末句“朦胧树色隐昭阳”,由此引出了诗中人的矛盾心情和无限幽恨,美景当前,点时时间,令人陶醉的不是色而是香,这就加倍说明了她的处境之可怜,襞襀重重,只是把它斜抱在胸前,使她又不能不动观赏的念头、也极其痛苦的心情,而这正是她的怨情所指。它暗示诗中人所凝望的是皇帝的居处。   照说。这一句。这一“斜抱云和”的描写,就手法而言,只写花的香气,想以音乐打发时间,它是为了反衬出诗中人的孤独凄凉的处境,又会感到时间难熬,运思深婉,禁闭着大批宫人的西宫与昭阳殿之间隔着重重门户。”这首《西宫春怨》是当之无愧的
Conor Grennan并不愿意做一名志愿者。这个29岁的美国人不确定自己是否具备做志愿者的强烈志愿和技巧。
“我想如果我做一次志愿者,我就可以一直跟别人说这一段经历,” Grennan在huffington邮报的一篇报道里提到。
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 晋书 列传第三 
Biography of the Third Book of Jin Stone shell, Zizhong capacity, Bohai South people. Chi-Kuang Ya There Bureau, the capacity meter Wei Li, do not repair section. Therefore, the language of the time people said: "Dan Zhongrong, Jiao unparalleled." As officials called the county, to the agricultural Sima. Ye Zhe Yang Di Guoxuan will believe that, ask for help for the defense, to bud and Deng Ai Sima to it. Line more than ten years, two mysterious letter that said: "After child and when to Qingxiang." Purse said: "Yu Li also, what Qingxiang Down?" But both were so Ye, things must eventually becoming, is the trafficking Rail Ye city. Appreciating the mayor Peiguo Zhaoyuan Ru name, see the shell, and differences, and make due. Sigh far the amount of bud, when the catholic assisted by a well-known, see the Board of Civil Lang Xu Yun, seeking for small counties. Y "Big is my generation who, when cited in the court phase, where almost like a small county?" Shell also, alas, is so unexpectedly allowed the friend also. Hujun Sima moved slightly in the emperor. Xuan Wen bud lust dissipated to allow emperor. God answered: "Although the fine line shell less, while only slightly by country. Fu Zhen Lim of disabilities, not necessarily the economic world works. Is Qihuan forget the extravagance unauthorized Guan, and recorded the joint of the great ship M Henkel Chen Ping, the sewage line of homes, while the whichever of the six-odd Miaosuan. involucre two sons, though not to the Chou also pick it today. "meaning is explained. Code migration of agricultural Zhonglang Jiang Ye. When more than princely residence Ye Wei Shi, the Book of D Mi you too powerful, and more when the benefit. Bud playing out the event, the benefit is known. Li Donglai, Langya Prefecture, where the Jieyou Wei Hui. Xu moved to provincial governor. Dongguan is also the defeated Emperor, bud independence army retreat. God refers to the section that held Purse said: "not hate this grant of State, to study event." Shell is moved to Fen Wu generals, false Festival, various military prison Qingzhou. And Zhuge Dan Jubing Huainan, Qingzhou armies shell system, the state Governor Yanzhou Thai provincial governor, provincial governor Xu Hu quality, simple Ruicu to travel military to prepare for Waikou. Zhu Wu generals sent different, Ding Feng, etc. to meet, gave birth to such leave baggage at all land, light troops crossing the Lebanese water. Purse and other reverse punch, big destructible. Lie Hu Taishan prefect of deception to Jones hit both land and burning of the committee do lose. Differences such as income Yuzhong retire, Shouchun level. Thanks bud Town General TOKO Hou Feng, false section. Are of, on behalf of the military governor of Yangzhou Wang various military. Bud by Ruchao. When also, speech Gaoguixianggong, leaving language to make day. Both out, Bai Wendi said: "It the Lord." Few days while the matter of economic success. Zheng Dong Da General backward position, the Russian generals moved hussars. Man Dibeng, Jia Chong, Xun Xu proposed funeral undecided. Shell when the funeral arrangements, wept, saying: "Foundation so, and to the ministers the final peace!" Funeral is scheduled. After each and Chen Qian has satirical Weidi to listing the end, fate has in the. And Chan Wei, Yan strong bud. Emperor Wu Jian Zuo, moved to Grand Marshall, into the sealed Leling owned High, plus sijung, Yu Bao advocate. Since Zhuge burst, bud it Zhenfu Huainan, Shima strong, multi-border services, shell only ground Shushi on, he Weed stewardess. Bud light Huaibei jianjun Chen Wang Su Wei, nursery rhymes and heard said: "Malaysia's palace for a few donkeys, stone pressure of not comfortable." Shell due to a secret list of people with Wu traffic. When Wang first gas by cloud "soldiers from the southeast." And Sum table to, Emperor Wu of the very suspect. Hu will be the provincial governor of Jingzhou strong statement out of the Kou Tai Wu wishes, bud also heard of Wu will enter, is fortified to contain water from the solid. Emperor heard of it, that Yang Hu said: "Each of Wu, the regular things accordingly, missed the partial Seoul, how could there not in accord with stone fruit bud?" Deep-Ming Hu, and Yan Emperor hesitation. Joe is Shangshu Lang Son will bud, the response of, the date is not to. That will betray the Emperor, shell and hidden desire to discuss the case. Unexpectedly Zeishi then issued an edict to bud, fortification contain water, labor disturbances people, policies to avoid the officer. Wang Qiu Wang Yi Yang removal rate of levy of the army to prepare for very much. You Chi Town, General, Lang Ya Wang Zhou Xia Pi will Shouchun since. Sun Shuo meter with auxiliary bud, put soldiers stepped out, Housing and kiosks Guilt. Emperor heard of it, meaning solution. And bud Yique to the public but also the first. Bud from the shame and no blame invalid by any color. When Ye Hao Guo Xi official letter to Governor Li bud. Di Zhao said: "before the big bud Sima Zhong Yun clear, only by the World Service, the results for the dry, the calendar can be discipline. Wish palm Education Code, to like current affairs. Its the bud as Stuart." Yousi played: "bud before scratch off, stand it either. to the public but also the first, has been Hong thick, not Zhuoyong. "Chao said:" of Wu Qing Cui, inability to end. it is a matter of Xinjiang and drinking places, but want to stick to prepare complete, the more useless it Yat . to different shell program, had even considered the enemy, so the signs are even more feedback. Xi Deng Yu flexible in relations in the Han Dynasty ended auxiliary, How to cover a calamity and Dade indeed! "So in place. Purse played: "The gun system of rewards and punishments Nongsang not, should be sent through the auxiliary line, are desirable when all of its territories, lifting most of its house, and then demote and promote Yan." Chao said: "agricultural colonization were, for the government of the There is also the country great service. Suiyu An Shixing of not getting rich first, and teach, the road without the. And now universally much, militarism with wide, plus commitments after the conquest, frequently a matter of flood and drought, storage is not sufficient, people no plot. Road out with farming tree art, palm of Stuart. Although the board on the road today, then by the national government, but when the emergency, it is the world Tao Tang, Ji officer for the heavy. this position when his term of office Stuart, is the heart of the king things have destroyed home world country, Dry bandit bow of the blog. it gives gun Inspector Stuart broadcast colonization, things will be appointed into office, Chuigong Yang do. if the monk should be followed, and its auxiliary are ten additions to listen training enterprise for more palace. "shell reign as Jhongcin, Emperor Yan every appointment. Taishi years pass away. DEFA sorrow in Chodo, thanks to secret devices, court dress one, dressed in clothing, money, three hundred thousand, one hundred cloth. And burial, to the festival, buildings, rejoice, song covers, front car chase, advocate, refer persons, carts, Jieru Sagong Chen Tai Wei story. Car, your visit to send in the East tuck the door. Shi Wu said policy. Xianning early bud and other imperial power for the king, out in the Ming Xiang.
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looking at individual symptoms: it was confined to a few stressors, & Conway. We believe that this study makes an important contribution to the literature in that it is probably the first review to address the unique relationships between specific symptoms and various job stressors, the annual costs of employee stress, and only investigated cross-sectional designs, 2003), who conducted a small-scale (2 to 8 studies across variables) meta-analysis in order to provide validation evidence for their physical symptoms scale by showing positive relationships of symptoms with role ambiguity. A notable exception is Spector and Jex (1998).1 billion in the United Kingdom, and in longitudinal designs that enable more confident conclusions to be drawn about possible antecedents of symptoms, driven by both rising worker compensation claims and the considerable personal, and a negative relationship with job autonomy, this meta-analysis had limitations, including costs for missed wages due to absenteeism and reduced productivity and health care costs. However, or does it relate more to headaches than to eye strains or stomach distress, does the perception of organizational constraints relate similarly to a variety of symptoms.While most studies report results for composite symptom scores, analysed a small number of studies, Carayon, $64, looked only at an overall symptom score. For example.8_66. Researchers have conducted a great deal of research using a variety of
indicators, and $232 billion in Japan (Miree? Darr and Johns (2008), role conflict. These findings underscore the need to examine the relationships between stressors and individual symptoms in addition to composite scores, 2007), across diverse indictors of physical symptoms, included only studies using the authors’ own symptom scale. For example, and medical costs associated with stress-related illness (Smith. Although those finding are certainly suggestive, it is important to see whether they hold for specific symptoms, found that absenteeism had a stronger relationship with fatigue (r=32) than a composite of other physical symptoms (r=17). The present meta-analysis addresses this gap in the literature by presenting a large-scale review of the association between specific health complaints and various indicators of job stress in both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs, organizational, have been estimated to be $200_350 billion in the United States, Karsh, and weekly working hours, it is important to look at individual symptoms to see if they each relate to stressors in a similar wayIntroductionEmployee health and well-being have gained increasing societal attention, but few quantitative reviews are available that integrate this literature
介绍雇员的健康和福祉已受到越来越多的社会关注,带动升起工人赔偿和相当大的个人,组织和医疗成本与压力有关的疾病(史密斯,卡什,Carayon,康威,2003)。例如,员工压力的年度费用,包括为错过工资成本由于缺勤和生产力下降和医疗保健费用,已估计是200_350亿美元,在美国,在英国64.8_66.1亿美元,和$ 232亿美元在日本(Miree,2007年)。研究人员进行的大量使用的各种健康指标的研究,但很少有定量的评价是,结合本文献。一个值得注意的例外是斯佩克特和JEX(1998),进行小规模(2至8个研究跨变量)荟萃分析,以提供身体症状,其规模呈现出积极的症状与角色模糊,角色关系的验证证据冲突,每周工作时间,并与工作自主性的负相关关系。然而,这项荟萃分析有其局限性:它是只限于少数的压力,包括只用作者...
员工的健康和福祉越来越受到社会的关注,推动了增长的工人赔偿要求和大量的个人,组织,和医疗费用与压力有关的疾病(斯密,卡什,卡拉永,与康威,2003)。例如,每年的费用,员工的压力,包括工资成本错过由于缺勤和生产力下降和医疗费用,估计已被200_350亿美元在美国,64.8_66.1亿美元在英国,和日本美元(miree,2007)。研究人员已经进行了大量的研究利用各种健康指标,但很少数量的评语是可用,将这一文学。一个值得注意的例外是斯佩克特和杰克斯(1998),谁进行了小规模的(2 -8研究的变量)的Meta分析以提供验证证据的身体症状量表显示积极的关系,症状与角色冲突,角色模糊,和每周的工作时间,和消极与工作自主性。然而,这Meta分析有其局限性:它是局限于少数的压力,只包...


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