高一英语作文 我的业余爱好英语作文时间喜欢看电视

我认为首先要练好基本功,景物……都,植物,不要看到一点就写作文怎么写,做生活的有心人,多看看.多观察:就是说要注意观察生活。鲁迅先生在答复《北斗》杂志社讨论怎样写文章的一封信中第一条就是“留心各样的事情.。”对于周围的人物,动物.。 1
The students will shoulder heavy load from study during
grade 3 of senior high shcool. Mother says watching TV
not only be a waste of time but also great harm to
son's eyesight because of his lack of self-control.
But acturally watching TV can both relax people after the
whole day's tiredness and keep people well informed of the events home and abroad, thus helping peole keeping pace
with the times.
It's understandable not to be allowed to watch TV the weekdays, but o
The students will shoulder heavy load from study during
grade 3 of senior high shcool. Mother says watching TV
not only be a waste of time but also great harm to
son's eyesight because of his lack of self-control.
But acturally watching TV can both relax people after the
whole day's tiredness and keep people well informed of the events home and abroad, thus helping peole keeping pace
with the times.
It's understandable not to be allowed to watch TV the weekdays, but on weekends, he should be permitted to the programs on news, arts, sports and science etc.
鞭炮声. It was very interestingSo,寒假也渐渐接近了尾声,那家伙, after breakfast, the winter vacation homework as soon as possible.(毕竟不想在过春节的时候还趴在书桌上奋斗吧,边吃饭边看电视还是一件蛮享受的事情吧.伴随着新年的钟声响起, of course,便扑上书桌开始写作业,端茶倒水, sot want to in the Spring Festival also lie struggle on the desk, everybody is very happy and excited,便过春节了, let them become a memory, just the movie channel movie playing in this period of time. But winter brings us not only a relaxed joy holiday life, don&#39,伙伴们便开始召唤了.小孩子们在外面放起了烟花,寒假生活的点点滴滴. After dinner,美好的时光.
一个学期终于在辛酸苦辣中结束, and fireworks throughout begins,偶尔还要帮忙照看一下小朋友.因为春节期间难免要走亲访友或者家中来客人. This contains the Spring Festival holiday,接下来的下午还是和上午一样. For me, the sound of firecrackers,等到了该回家的时候, the next afternoon or morning, the good times,过一个有意义的寒假, winter vacation life bit by bit. In that case.但是寒假带给我们的不仅仅是放松喜悦的假期生活, a meaningful holidayGet up in the morning,该睡觉了,全都存进去我的脑海里. (after all,尽快把寒假作业写完, I also gradually close to the end.
就这样. Run, of course.晚饭过后? First come into my holiday lifeA semester finally ended in bitterness, all put in my mind Li. Lunar January. Take a break, eat and watch TV or a very enjoyable thing, the students are doing what.到了中午,许多亲朋好友聚集在一起.眼睛一闭一睁,在寒假来临之际!)下午五点边上时,在保证质量的同时, to enjoy the visual feast. All kinds of firewors time to go home, quality assurance at the same time,我们便各作鸟兽散,一天就过去了, occasionally to help look after the kids, wash finished, the bed,火光四射, and find the mother,哟! The good time occurred in the winter of life,各找各妈.接下来开学时就不能在这么懒散了, home to the guests,大家都是无比的喜悦和兴奋, the adults are bustling playing mahjong, meal time. The child they put up the fireworks on the outside. Noon.稍事休息.一晃.还是挺有趣的, that guy.
日子吧!) five pm at the edge.正月里,于是. So the eyes closed and open,所有人都在电视前一起开始倒计时,自然我们还要完成寒假作业和老师们的任务, many friends and family gathered together, read the book.快到十二点时.大年三十的年夜饭可真是热闹. Along with the New Year bell rings, everyone in front of the TV to start the countdown.那样的话,让他们变成一个回忆.我呢;t so lazy in the study,一看表,人们到处走亲访友. The next school can&#39,恰好电影频道在这个时段有电影在播放。在这个包含着春节的假期中, yo,吃完早餐后,当然要好好的享受这番视觉盛宴, the partners began to call,作业肯定是没法做了, naturally we also completed my homework and teachers task?先来走进我的假期生活中吧. After the film, in the winter vacation is coming,当然家里也会来客人. On the thirty of the meal can be noisy, so in the past, a day laterDays,顿时间. Shortly before twelve am, rushed the desk and began to write operation, gongs and drums can be heard without end,离开学的日子越来越近了,我便和哥几个跑到户外球场上去撒欢了, here also the end, we will scatter. In a flash, learn from the more recent days, tea, go back home,大人们则热热闹闹的打起了麻将,也烟花鞭炮也在各处开始响起.各式烟花在空中盛开,各回各家.
早上起床洗漱完毕, people everywhere dear friends, I and brother few outside the court,该用功的把书读好, see table. Because of the Spring Festival period will inevitably go dear friends or family to the guests,就这样过去了,锣鼓声不绝于耳, not to the point is not scattered!把在寒假生活里所发生的美好时光, and the Spring Festival,不到一点是 不准散的, flames,,同学们都干了些什么呢!也把我的寒假生活画下了一个完美的句点With the advent of the new year(我妈是英语老师, until it&#39,到这里也该结束了, operation is certainly not do.电影放完之后,所以要把作业先给搞定,轻松搞定)伴随着新年的来临
So we should choose some good programs to watch.
Now TV has become necessary in our life,XING SHI XOU RONG and so on. The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV,information.
So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages.
TV benifits us, knowledge and so on. We can get all kinds of information through TV. And some programs are not proper for children.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happyTV is vey imporrtant in our life. The world is in front of us. It influences their lessons, laws, sometimes it has bad influence, but sometimes it has bad influence, especially for children, we can watch some funny programs to relax,such asXUE BAO. We can get to know all kinds of events around the world. After busy work.Some programs are not good for children. Some students watch TV day and night.
Although TV has some benifits. Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time. We can know the weather
看电视的好处 英语作文
来源:  16:05:02 【】 
 Advantages / Disadvantages of Watching Television  Hope someone kind will read my essay and fix my grammatical errors.  Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human kind. It&s& also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV , we can see many things happened in the surrounding us world , therefore it help us to catch and avoid being dropped back from the world of information. Everyone must agree that the advantages of watching TV are very considerable .But beside those benefits , there are some disadvantages that we must notice to be sure that we watch TV most effectively.  && Beginning from the first one, I must say that television is one of the most important invention in transforming information history . From very long ago, people had already known how to transform information in many different ways but only when the first television programme& was broadcasted , a new age had begun , the age of image transformation. Television nowadays has been very popular, and almost every family have the access to it. By sitting ideally at home , watching TV , you can get a whole look all over the world. The appearance of television and television broadcasting enriches our entertainments . Many events and competition can be watched &live& and many exclusive movies are presented as well (although it&s a bit late in comparison with seeing those movies in the cinema) , but all are legal and you&re free to enjoy them. In addition, if you want to travel but do not have enough money, I suggest you can enjoy traveling in the TV (for example watching the discovery channel or national geography channel) , they&re screened 24/24.  && Furthermore& , the television deserve considered as the unlimited source of information . There are a lot of scientific channel which is suitable for all ages. Those are the fastest and cheapest way to improve your knowledge. Today,& Television specializes into many channels , each channel satisfies the different audience&s view such as news , sport, and film . So that, we do not have to be a passive& viewer. By pressing several simple buttons , you can see your appropriate programme that fit your taste.  && Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception . Wasting time& is one of& the inherent disadvantage of watching TV. Let&s imagine : if one day , one person spends& a hour watching TV without gaining any useful information , then in one year he will waste 365 hours and in 10 year is 3605 hours. With that time , you can learn several language as well as finish some studying course. On the other hand , television programme are not always suitable for all ages.Sometimes , there are some movies contain sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of& growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched ,even by some adults. It will be extremely dangerous if parents neglect their children to discover the TV programme themselves as they will immediately take influence of what they see .& To rectify this situation , parents must supervise their children &s TV watching throughout their childhood and adolescence period. In the aspect of health , spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight . Why don&t play some sport and breathe the fresh air .When your eyes are tired , you &d better let them rest than continue to paste them in the screen.  && In my summary, I have reached a conclusion that nowadays, television is indispensable Although it will be replaced by computer someday, but TV&s benefit to our life sill guarantee it as the most important device which people need , in order to be up-to-date.&1&&&
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