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典范英语6 17本 拓荒女孩劳拉的故事课件
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Pip’s Holiday《典范英语》(6)第3本
a castle, Princess Pip and her mum and dad wanted to go on
holiday.&Pip wanted to take her pet animals Dobbin
and Bert. But her mum said:
“No!” They went to the sea. Daisy looked after her. It
was boring. Pip said: “I&WANT TO GO HOME!” Daisy took her to a shop to buy some food.
Then they made a sea castle. Then they went to a park to play. In
the end Pip’s mum
told&Princess Pip to go home. But Princess Pip
shouted: “I
Captain Comet and the Purple
the space station, Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.
Captain Comet was watering the plants. The robot Spanner wanted to
sit at the control desk. Captain Comet said
“OK,”and Spanner pressed a red
button.&Captain Comet was flying in the Space
Station and Spanner made a mess. Then&they found a
new planet and they went to the new planet. Spanner made a flagpole
and put it in the new planet. They went to the shuttle and
looked&what was that. But it
wasn’t a planet. It was
a space monster.
asteroids and the monster stopped. Everyone was very happy because
Spanner’s flagpole was
in the monster’s
The Masked Cleaning Ladies of
was a problem at the castle. The castle was very dirty. The
King&wanted to clean the castle but the Queen
“Never!” And she put a paper in the door. The paper
was about cleaning the castle but nobody wanted to come because the
castle was very dirty. One morning the Queen saw the King and his
Captain cleaning the room. The Queen was cross. She told them to go
on a quest while she was away. Then she went away and the Princess
stayed in the castle.
day, three ladies came to the castle and cleaned the castle. Then
the castle was beautiful. The Princess saw the ladies and thought
they were&burglars. She put them in a room and put
the key away. One lady said she was her dad and told the thing to
her. Her friends came to play in the castle and the castle was
dirty again. Everyone was happy.
The Ghost Ship《典范英语》(6)第13本
day Ernie was late for school. He went to the playground and saw
a&ghost ship.
was very excited. Mrs Wiggins went to the playground and told Ernie
not to tell the children. But Ernie still told this to four
children in his&class. The four children ran to
the playground in the play time, but they didn’t see the ghost ship except the little girl Jade.
Ernie told Jade about Captain Pegleg’s treasure and wanted Jade to help find the
treasure. They&took Jade’s dad’s
metal detector and looked for Captain Pegleg’s map and&found the
treasure. In the end they gave the treasure back to Captain Pegleg.
At last, the ghost ship began fading away.
ghost seagull cried. But nobody heard it except Ernie and Jade and
Mrs Wiggins.
Amy the Hedgehog
home Amy told her mum about the school thing.
“A lady gave us a talk on
wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog. I’m going to become a hedgehog expert,”
said Amy. Her mum told her to
go to the library to find some hedgehog books. Then she went to the
library. She didn’t want
to see Mr Peck because Mr Peck was a mean and miserable sort of
person. Amy didn’t like
him. There were lots of books in the library. She looked along the
shelves, trying to find a book on hedgehog. “What are you doing?” said a voice. “Oh! It’s Mr Peck. I was looking for a book about animals.”
“What animal?”
asked Mr Peck.
“Hedgehogs,” said Amy. “Hedgehogs! I don’t like hedgehogs because I think hedgehogs are so
ugly and so lazy!” said
Mr Peck. Then he found the book for Amy. Amy was so happy and went
home. Amy read the book and found out that hedgehogs ate slugs and
snails. She knew the sounds of hedgehogs. Amy ran to the garden and
made hedgehog noises. Then a voice came into the garden. It was a
hedgehog. Amy was so happy to see a hedgehog. When Mr Peck saw
that, he had a bad idea. He put a paper into Amy’s door. The paper said:
“Give Mr Peck one pound. Then
you can go to see the hedgehog girl!” Soon lots of people gave Mr Peck one pound and
they went to see the hedgehog girl. Amy was cross. Then she had a
good idea. She climbed on the wall and shouted: “All the money you have given tonight is
going to a hedgehog hospital. Let’s clap. Everyone clapped for Mr Peck. But Mr Peck
was cross. This is not quite the end of the story. Amy had a race
for Mr Peck. It was a vegetable race. Then Mr Peck won third prize.
He was so happy that he bought some food for the hedgehogs. In the
end, everyone was happy. The hedgehogs were happy
Blackbones Saves the
was the first day of term at Abbey Park School. Class 4 sat in neat
rows. They sat up straight. The Head, Miss Lupin, had told them to
wait quietly for their new teacher.
the door flew open and the new teacher strode in. Everyone gasped
because the new teacher was a pirate. His name was Blackbones,
Captain Blackbones.
started with Art and they painted a skull and crossbones on the
classroom door. Then Tara had an idea. She told Blackbones that the
swimming pool was like the sea and Blackbones told everyone to go
to the swimming pool. But Class 3 had already gone with Miss Lupin
into the swimming pool. Then the children of Class 4 ran and jumped
straight into the swimming pool. Miss Lupin and the children of
Class 3 were angry. After that, Miss Lupin told Blackbones to leave
the school. Blackbones was very upset. The children were upset too.
They had lots of ideas of how to help him but no idea was good.
Suddenly, Tara had a great idea. She told Blackbones to make and
draw some treasure maps and to sell them and make a lot of money.
Blackbones told Tara the idea was really good and he liked the
idea. So they made the maps.&
the afternoon, Blackbones sold the maps at the fair and in 10
minutes he had
£100. But Miss Lupin was cross
because it was too little. Suddenly, the PE teacher found a
treasure box that said it was for Miss Lupin. Miss Lupin was so
surprised because the treasure was for her. Blackbones
didn’t know what was
happening but he didn’t
tell anyone about it because it was a secret. In the end, everyone
was happy.
这是星期五下午。三班有穿上外套,排队等候回家。莱尼是在回来,因为他的皮猴上的拉链卡住了(防水衣)(卡住)。他如此忙于拉链,他几乎没听清楚考克斯先生说。“这里有你的一封信。'说考克斯。“别弄丢了,别忘了给你的父母。有一个好消息inside. '莱尼想知道是什么好消息。他冲过操场上迎接他的妈妈。“快!打开这封信,”他说。“考克斯说,有好消息里面的“先跟我打招呼!他的妈妈,但她笑开了那封信。她读它,告诉他。' 3班将要有足球课。下个星期。学校会借给你一些的靴子的“哇! '喊莱尼。真正的足球!我打赌我打进15球!”他的妈妈在她包里的宠物的信。“一个stripy(带条纹的)衬衫和袜子吗?我能有一个真正的足球带吗?”请求(央求)莱尼。“等一等看。'说妈妈。在家里,没有办法雷尼他和他的妈妈皮猴来帮助他。“我很高兴你既不打破拉链。我不能给你一件上衣推迟到下个月。”她说。“我不想要一件新外套,'说自祥,“但我能有一场真正的足球脱衣舞吗?请吗?”“问我喝完茶后,'说他的妈妈。他们有做茶和果酱、苹果。薄烤饼是莱尼的最爱。但是今天他吃一样快,他能。他放下刀叉当啷一声。(当啷)“你答应(许诺)谈论足球事情茶。”他说。妈妈把考克斯先生接到她的信包。“每个孩子将会需要一个旧t恤和一些袜子,”她读。“没有真正的足球的事情吗?'问莱尼。“我很抱歉,没有。除了短裤。考克斯希望你们都有新的短裤。我们明天要去市场找some. '莱尼很不高兴buthe知道他的妈妈。她下定决心,这是事实。他看起来很棒。“我打赌他们总是有一个合适的(像样的)足球地带,”他心中想。“我打赌他们没有穿旧T-shirt. '那天晚上他躺在床上睡不着,思考。他要确保他妈妈买了足球的短裤。他想要适当的白色足球短裤。然后他知道他能够打进很多球。”2早餐后第二天,他们出发去买新短裤。市场是两条街的地方住远离雷尼。他们在路上看见泰德和巴蒂尔来自三班。泰德和巴蒂尔住的地方离莱尼。他们踢球大约在路旁沙恩砰地把球交给他,莱尼一脚把它踢开了回来。“想玩吗?“叫泰德。“我不能,现在。我把我的妈妈买新的足球shorts. '“我们有我们的了,“泰德回喊道。市场非常拥挤。每个人都看着堆满了水果和蔬菜在摊位上。有卖鞋子和衣服在stripy幅油画(帆布)的屋顶(屋顶)。一个男人被出售的短裤“把你的丛林短裤!他喊道。他穿一件宽顶草帽(宽檐草帽)和一个巨大的(巨大的)对他的裤子的丛林短裤。他们有大绿的树在猴子的微笑在顶端。“大”或“小”,他们不需要花多少,”那人说。“不,谢谢”莱尼说。“我要strart足球课下虚弱。我需要真正的足球shorts. '他拉着他妈妈的手。他们奋力穿过人群试图找到真正的足球短裤。他们发现很多短裤,太大了,那是太的白色小对小的时候他们并没有找到一对莱尼的大小他们花费锡太多的钱。“我们只好把junngle短裤,'说妈妈。“颜色是可爱的。我相信你会喜欢他们的比白色ones. '莱尼拉一脸“哦,妈妈'he说,“可是……“不要说可是'说他的妈妈。他们就sloowly回人销售丛林短裤。桩(堆)在他的失速消失了很多。我知道你会回来。我存了一副'said就是为你的男人。他拿起一把junngle短裤反对(比较)莱尼的tuousers。“尽善尽美!”他笑着说。莱尼妈妈打开钱包,然后付了sharts。那人把它们放在一个袋子,把它。“你知道,儿子。穿有乐趣!”莱尼没有笑容。“我希望他们是真正的足球短裤。”他说。“Junngle短裤是下一个最好的选择。'说他的妈妈。在回家的路上,他们看见泰帕姆来自三班踢球对抗围墙(围墙)。他们住顶部的莱尼的马路上。“我们不能等到星期一为足球说女孩子。我们有新短裤!”“我也有'说莱尼。但他没有打开他的袋子给他们看的。3周一ofternoon三班正在等待他们的第一个足球课。每个人都是吵,兴奋,摆动(摇摆)的事。他们的行李足球莱尼是在后场和丛林短裤在他书包里。他不想穿上它们。考克斯拿了一大盒的靴子进入更衣室。他们花了很长时间来确保每个人都能找到靴。“现在,穿上你的足球的事物和动作要快,”他说。在一个角落雷尼演变在门后面。当他们谁都准备好了考克斯说:“排队,每个人!”莱尼确信他是在回来了。他不愿意让别人看到他,他躲在丛林短裤特德。他低头看看特德穿着,拿了一个惊喜。特德穿着丛林的短裤。莱尼用肘轻轻地碰了碰他(用肘碰)回来,说“你的短裤都和我一样!”“是的,”说泰德”一样的聚丙烯酰胺和储存和巴蒂尔这是真的。所有的朋友都戴着junngle雷尼的街头短裤。考克斯笑了。在相同的五套教育孩子的短裤。这是一个记录姐!”他说。“而我们每个人都生活在里昂街'说莱尼。“在这种情况下(既然这样)你们都必须同一支球队的比赛你可以Lions.里昂街”考克斯先生整理(挑选三更多的球队他们出去到比赛场地。他们打了五人制足球,直到回家的时间。狮子队打败了所有他人,考克斯说,他们是冠军。莱尼打进5球。更衣室里孩子们解开(解开他们的泥泞的(沾满泥水)靴子和穿上他们的衣服。“所有的工具包(球服)必须洗干净,靴子在下周一举行。“考克斯先生说:“不要离开你的妈妈。做你一到公司就马上回家,然后你不会忘记。莱尼是第一个准备跑到门口迎接他的妈妈。他告诉她有关他的5个球,里昂街的狮子“我们最好快点回家现在说莱尼。“我必须清扫我的靴子和洗我的短裤!”当他考克斯开车回家泡茶(晚些时候)他自己笑起来了。街道上有五对里昂的丛林短裤吹到清洗线,


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