No.Why would I want to dso that是什么意思思

收藏 查看&Trespassing
《Trespassing (非法入侵)》是Adam Lambert 出道以来的第二张专辑。Adam 经过一年多的精心打造以及和诸多大牌音乐人的合作,新专辑将于2012年春天发行,专辑首支单曲《Better Than I know Myself》由著名制作人Dr.Luke 量身打造,2011年12月发行。二单《Never Close Our Eyes》不仅由Dr.Luke 再次操刀,还请来流行歌手Bruno Mars 助阵,充分展现了Adam 的歌唱实力。外文名称非法入侵专辑语言专辑歌手Adam Lambert曲目数量12首发行时间日唱片公司RCA制作人Dr.Luke获得奖项美国音乐权威杂志滚石(Rolling Stone)四星评价唱片介质audio CD唱片条形码9&
专辑同名歌曲 Trespassing 由著名制作人 Pharrell Williams 和 亚当 合写完成。其中歌曲Shady 更是请来大神Nile Rodgers 合作,倾心打造。整张专辑概念完整,融合各种曲风,复古的同时又与现代流行元素巧妙的结合,同时展现了亚当的Dark 和 Light side,淋漓尽致地展示了亚当的声音实力,精妙发声技巧以及宽广的音域。
美国权威杂志Rolling Stone 更是给了此专辑四星的高评价,说亚当&All over trespassing,Glambert sings everything like Zues in a thong& 。[1]
作为Adam Lambert 出道以来的第二张专辑,adam 追求完美,首首参与创作,经过一年多的精心打造以及和诸多Ryan Tedder, Claude Kelly , Bonnie McKeee, Benny Blanco, Nile Rodgers, outlaws of love 表演现场Greg Wells, Pharrell Williams ,等当红大牌音乐人的合作,新专辑已于日发行专辑首支单曲《Better Than I Know Myself》,制作阵容:Dr.Luke,Claud Kelly[2],AMMOpro[3],Cirkut[4]。
专辑同名歌曲Trespassing 由著名制作人 Pharrell Williams 和Adam 合写完成。
专辑中还收录了亚当 根据自身经历和感受创作的歌曲 Outlaws Of Love ,其中“Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.” “Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.” “They say we'll rot in hell, but I don't think we will” 等凄美的歌词唱出了不为世俗所容的感情的各种无奈。
outlaws of love 表演现场[5]1. Trespassing
4. Never Close Our Eyes
5. Kickin' In
6. Naked Love
7. Pop That Lock
8. Better Than I Know Myself
9. Broken English
10. Underneath
11. Chokehold
12. Outlaws of Love
Bonus;Runnin (豪华版加歌)
Take Back(豪华版加歌)
By The Rules(英国,日本版加歌)
Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
Sayin &who are you and where are you from?&说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
&No Trespassing& that's what it was said它说“禁止非法入侵”
At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
One day I was trippin and that's when I could see我曾经跌倒、但同时我发现
That the ether I had tapped into could be reality曾经的梦想空间也可以成为现实
It was great、that's when I climbed that optimistic vine当我沿着蔓藤积极向上攀登、感觉非常棒!
Once I hit that mountain peak、I began to lose my mind但是一旦达到顶峰、我却开始失去理智
I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
Make their faces crack让他们脸上充满震惊
There's no turnin back没有回头路可走
Let's Go让我们出发
Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
Sayin &who are you and where are you from?&说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
&No Trespassing& that's what it was said它说“禁止非法入侵”
At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
I ain't gotBSin my bag我包里没有乱七八糟的东西
That's the one thing you can believe这点你必须相信
My heart is gold、my body is glass我心似黄金、我身似琉璃
Come on baby、can't you see?来吧、宝贝、难道你看不见么
I don't need no GPS to show me where to go我不需要GPS指导我前进的方向
But I can turn into the North Pole我也能到达北极点
And show you what is cold向你展示什么是寒冷
I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
Make their faces crack让他们脸上充满震惊
There's no turnin back没有回头路可走
Let's Go让我们出发
Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
Sayin &who are you and where are you from?&说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
&No Trespassing& that's what it was said它说“禁止非法入侵”
At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!
I say wait till yaget a load of me!我说等着仔细看我的吧!
I ain't staying at home 我不会留在家里
I got places to roll我有地方大展拳脚
I ain't staying at home、no no~我不会留在家里、不、不~
Hey Hey Hey....hey~!!
I don't need no sympathy我不需要同情怜悯
I won't cry and whine我也不会哭泣和借酒消愁
Life's my light and liberty生活是我的光明和自由
And I'll shine when I wanna shine我想要阳光普照就会灿烂发光
Let's Go让我们出发
Well I was walkin for some time有时我信步闲走
When I came across this sign当我路过这个标志
Sayin &who are you and where are you from?&说 你是谁、你从哪里来?
We don't like when visitors come我们不欢迎到访者
&No Trespassing& that's what it was said它说“禁止非法入侵”
At least that's what I could read至少我读到是如此
No Trespassing?Yeah、my ass!禁止非法入侵?耶、(尼玛)胡扯!
Wait till ya get a load of me!等着仔细看我的吧!中英文歌词:
Feels like I’m having a meltdown感觉就像我崩溃了  It feels like I’m losing control感觉就像我正在失去控制  They tell me I’m a danger to myself他们告诉我,我对自己是个危险  Now the crazy train is ready to roll, oh!现在疯狂的火车是准备好了,哦!  Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不管他们说什么  You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有权上下掌控  Electric shock no I can’t get enough我无法得到足够的电力  Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因为今晚我们把这个小镇聊翻  I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一个疯子  And cross the line和交叉线  Never looking back永不回头  We’re on the loose我们不受约束,自由散漫  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走  I’m swinging off of my hinges我摇晃着挣脱我的锁链  I’m cocked and I’m ready to go我大摇大摆地准备走了  Just go on and pack up your things and只要收拾好你的东西继续和我走  The crazy train is ready to roll, oh疯狂列车准备好了,哦  Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不让他们瞎说  You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有权利控制自己的上下节奏  Electric shock no I can’t get enough我无法得到足够的电力  Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因为今晚我们要用畅聊淹没这个城市,嘿  I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一个疯子  And cross the line和交叉线  Never looking back永不回头  We’re on the loose我们不受约束,自由散漫  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo疯了,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们带我们走  Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa必须滚出这件直线夹克   Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa yeah必须滚出这件值钱夹克,哦耶  Cross the line交叉线  We’re on the loose我们自由散漫,不受约束  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo 越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走  Party til they take us away越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走  Feels like I’m having a meltdown感觉就像我崩溃了  It feels like I’m losing control感觉就像我正在失去控制  They tell me I’m a danger to myself他们告诉我,我对自己是个危险  Now the crazy train is ready to roll, oh!现在疯狂的火车是准备好了,哦!  Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不管他们说什么  You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有权上下掌控  Electric shock no I can’t get enough我无法得到足够的电力  Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因为今晚我们把这个小镇聊翻  I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一个疯子  And cross the line和交叉线  Never looking back永不回头  We’re on the loose我们不受约束,自由散漫  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走  I’m swinging off of my hinges我摇晃着挣脱我的锁链  I’m cocked and I’m ready to go我大摇大摆地准备走了  Just go on and pack up your things and只要收拾好你的东西继续和我走  The crazy train is ready to roll, oh疯狂列车准备好了,哦  Walk that walk like you don’t give a fuck走自己的路,不让他们瞎说  You’ve got a right to turn it up and get down你有权利控制自己的上下节奏  Electric shock no I can’t get enough我无法得到足够的电力  Cause tonight we’re taking over the town, hey因为今晚我们要用畅聊淹没这个城市,嘿  I wanna lose my mind like a maniac我失去了我的理智,像一个疯子  And cross the line和交叉线  Never looking back永不回头  We’re on the loose我们不受约束,自由散漫  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo疯了,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们带我们走  Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa必须滚出这件直线夹克   Gotta get out of this straight jacket, whoa yeah必须滚出这件直线夹克,哦耶  Cross the line交叉线  We’re on the loose我们自由散漫,不受约束  Getting crazy and we’ve gone cuckoo 越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走  Party til they take us away越来越疯狂,我们已经疯了  Gonna party til they take us away继续狂欢直到他们把我们带走中英文歌词:
Baby, I'm on the hunt 宝贝,我在找乐子  baby, I got my target on you 宝贝,我看上你了  Trouble, that's what I want 我就是想找麻烦  and I'm gonna do just what I have to 我要做点我不得不做的事了  Get your ass down to the front 你给我下来,到前面来  Go on and roll it out, I dare you 过来,玩一把,敢不敢?  sorry I'm kinda drink but 对不起我有点喝高了,但是  Did you just say your game was brand new? 你刚刚儿是不是说要玩个新花样?  No I ain't broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗  That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感  I'm up all night 我整晚不睡  I'm out of sight 我玩失踪了  Don't turn on the light 别开灯  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽  Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧  deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的  come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走  freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚  Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大  don't stop the beat 别停下音乐  come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽  Gonna go and get me a shot 要去,给我一个机会  gonna knock it back forget all my blues 狂饮一通,忘掉所有沮丧  yeah that really hits the spot 耶,真过瘾  I'm feeling pretty fierce in my dancin' shoes 穿上舞鞋,我感到了疯狂  No I ain't broken but I, I need a fix 没我没崩溃但我需要治疗  That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks 找到乐子的那种满足感  I'm up all night 我整晚不睡  I'm out of sight 我玩失踪  Don't turn on the light 别开灯  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽  Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧  deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的  come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走  freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚  Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大  don't stop the beat 别停下音乐  come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽  I throw more shade than a cloudy day 我要抛开阴霾  the brakes don't work I'm just a runaway train 刹车没用了,我是一列脱缰的列车  Somebody come and help me out 来个人帮帮我  All I wanna be is free 我只想要自由  I was trying to get down now I can't out 我试着下车但出不  I'm shady lately 最近好不爽  Come on and take me underground 来吧,带我去地下酒吧  deep under the street 街道隐蔽处的  come on and take me, take me down 来吧,带我带我走  freaks like us can meet 我们这样的变态们应该聚一聚  Turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it way up 音量开大开大开大开到最最大  don't stop the beat 别停下音乐  come on and turn me, turn me out 来吧,点燃,点燃我激情  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽  Shady lately, that's how I play 最近不爽,这就是我的表现  they say maybe it's just a phase 他们说也许过一阵儿就没事了  shady lately, runaway train 最近不爽,列车脱缰  blame the game, quit blaming the gays 怪这个游戏,别怪同性恋  cause I'm feeling so shady lately 因为我最近觉得好不爽
Never close our eyes
I wish that this night would never be overNever close our eyes 单曲封面
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!
I don’t wanna let a minute get away
Cause we got no time to lose
None of us are promised to see tomorrow
And what we do is ours to choose
Forget about the sunrise
Fight the sleep in your eyes
I don’t wanna miss a second with you
Let’s stay this way forever
It’s only getting better if we want it to
You know I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!
It's so hard to think this could fade away
But what goes up must come down
Why can't we just live life with no consequence
And always live in the now
Forget about the sunrise
Fight the sleep in your eyes
I don’t wanna miss a second with you
Let’s stay this way forever
It's only gets better if we want it to
You know I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never
Ooooh, yeah
Ooooh, yeah, yeah
You know I wish that this night would never be over
There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die
So let’s just stay awake until we grow older
If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never
Never Close Our Eyes永不闭上我们的眼睛  I wish that this night would never be over 我希望这个夜晚永远不会结束  There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 当我们死后,睡觉的时间有的是  So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以让我们保持清醒直到我们变成老人  If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我们永远不闭上我们的眼睛,我们的眼睛,永远!  I don’t wanna let a minute get away 我不想让一分钟浪费  Cause we got no time to lose 因为我们已经没有时间了  None of us are promised to see tomorrow 没有人能保证看到明天  And what we do is ours to choose 我们所做的,是我们自己的选择  Forget about the sunrise 忘掉日出  Fight the sleep in your eyes 用你的眼睛和睡眠抗争  I don’t wanna miss a second with you 我不想错过和你在一起每一秒  Let’s stay this way forever 让我们永远保持这种方式  It’s only getting better if we want it to 如果我们想要它,它只会变得更好  You know I wish that this night would never be over 你知道,我希望这个夜晚永远不会结束  There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 有足够的时间睡觉,当我们死了  So let’s just stay awake until we grow older 所以让我们保持清醒直到我们变老  If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never! 如果我有我的方式,我们永远闭上我们的眼睛,我们的眼睛,永远  It's so hard to think this could fade away 很难认为这可能消失  But what goes up must come down 但什么是必须下来  Why can't we just live life with no consequence 为什么我们不能生活没有结果  And always live in the now 永远活在现在  Forget about the sunrise 忘了日出  Fight the sleep in your eyes 用你的眼睛和睡眠抗争  I don’t wanna miss a second with you 我不想错过和你在一起每一秒  Let’s stay this way forever 让我们永远保持这种方式  It's only gets better if we want it to 如果我们想要它,它只会变得更好  You know that I wish that this night would never be over 我希望这个夜晚永远不会结束  There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 当我们死后,睡觉的时间有的是  So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以让我们保持清醒直到我们变成老人  If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我们永远不闭上我们的眼睛,我们的眼睛,永远!  If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never 如果我有我的方式,我们永远不闭上我们的眼睛,我们的眼睛,永远  Ooooh, yeah 哦,是的  Ooooh, yeah, yeah 哦,是啊,是啊  You know I wish that this night would never be over 我希望这个夜晚永远不会结束  There’s plenty of time to sleep when we die 当我们死后,睡觉的时间有的是  So let’s just stay awake until we grow older所以让我们保持清醒直到我们变成老人  If I had my way we’d never close our eyes, our eyes, never!如果我有我的方式,我们永远不闭上我们的眼睛,我们的眼睛,永远!She wants to be up there
in the air where the clouds live
the sweetest seeds make the best treats
30,000 feet she can smile there
And now she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
she wants to hit the clouds
honey, are you up there?
Now, she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
girl don't you hit the ground
Is it kickin' in?
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
She wants to introduce me
to her friend Eddie
What is she tryin' to do to me?
He got words that rhyme
He got a dirty mind
Am I about to do a three?
she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
she wants to hit the clouds
honey, are you up there?
And now she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
girl don't you hit the ground
Is it kickin' in?
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
bounce bounce bounce
bounce bounce bounce
bounce bounce bounce
bounce bounce bounce
bounce bounce bounce
bounce bounce bounce
And now she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
she wants to hit the clouds
honey, are you up there?
she puts her shot glass down
she asks for another round
Is it kickin' in?
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' in
Honey, are you up there?
Kick kick kickin' inlost control
collision course  with you, my love  call 9-1-1  So ro-o-oll the dice  get lucky tonight  I know you're holding back  no more hesitation  Just come on  I want your naked love  So don't ya dress it up tonight  Yeah come on  ya know your naked love  is what I'm dreaming of tonight  Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah  Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah  Take it off  and try me on  the hottest threads  ya ever worn  So ro-o-oll the dice  get lucky tonight  I know you're holding back  no more hesitation  Just come on  I want your naked love  So don't ya dress it up tonight  Yeah come on  ya know your naked love  is what I'm dreaming of tonight  Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah  Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah  Just come on  I want your naked love  So don't ya dress it up tonight  Yeah come on  ya know your naked love  is what I'm dreaming of tonight  Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah
碰撞的轨迹  和你在一起,我的爱人  拨打911  掷掷掷骰子  今晚必将好运  我知道你在抑制  别再犹豫  来吧  我要你毫无保留的爱  今晚不须精心打扮  来吧  要知道你毫无保留的爱  占据我今晚全部所思所想  耶耶耶  耶耶耶  脱掉它  接受我  我将化作最热情的衣料包裹你  掷掷掷骰子  今晚必将好运  我知道你在抑制  别再犹豫  来吧  我要你毫无保留的爱  今晚不须精心打扮  来吧  要知道你毫无保留的爱  占据我今晚全部所思所想  耶耶耶  耶耶耶  来吧  我要你毫无保留的爱  今晚不须精心打扮  来吧  要知道你毫无保留的爱  占据我今晚全部所思所想  耶耶耶  耶耶耶
lost control 失去控制
collision course 碰撞的轨迹
with you, my love 和你在一起,我的爱人
call 9-1-1 拨打911
So ro-o-oll the dice 掷-掷-掷-骰子
get lucky tonight 今晚必将好运
I know you're holding back 我知道你在抑制
no more hesitation 别再犹豫
Just come on 来吧
I want your naked love 我要你毫无保留的爱
So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不须精心打扮
Yeah come on 来吧
ya know your naked love 要知道你毫无保留的爱
is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占据我今晚全部所思所想
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶
Take it off 脱掉它
and try me on 接受我
the hottest threads ya ever worn 我将化作最热情的衣料包裹你
So ro-o-oll the dice 掷-掷-掷-骰子
get lucky tonight 今晚必将好运
I know you're holding back 我知道你在抑制
no more hesitation 别再犹豫
Just come on 来吧
I want your naked love 我要你毫无保留的爱
So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不必精心打扮
Yeah come on 来吧
ya know your naked love 要知道你毫无保留的爱
is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占据我今晚全部所思所想
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶
Just come on 来吧
I want your naked love 我要你毫无保留的爱
So don't ya dress it up tonight 今晚不须精心打扮
Yeah come on 来吧
ya know your naked love 要知道你毫无保留的爱
is what I'm dreaming of tonight 占据我今晚全部所思所想
Oh whoa-o yeah yeah yeah 耶耶耶
Pop that lock
Left, right, step up to the spotlight  Why you actin’ uptight?  I’m takin’ you to school, that’s right  High, low, don’t tell me you don’t know  how to ever let go  I’m takin’ you to school, that’s right  Tonight we burn it all  get hot get tall  yeah we’re lighter than air  you got the key to your release  so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air.  If you wanna be that  you’ve got to dream  If you got the key then baby pop that lock  If you wanna free it  you have got to scream  if you got the key then baby pop that lock  Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down, down down  Get down, down down!  Werk bitch you don’t gotta stress this  got ‘em feeling restless show ‘em how it’s done alright  Secret don’t care if you don’t keep it don’t care if you leak it  Show ‘em how it’s done alright  Tonight we burn it all  get hot get tall  yeah we’re lighter than air  you got the key to your release  so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air  If you wanna be that  you’ve got to dream  If you got the key then baby pop that lock  If you wanna free it  you have got to scream  if you got the key then baby pop that lock  Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down down down  get down  get down  Werk Werk Werk alright  get down  Werk Werk Werk alright  Banjee Boys and Dancey Girls get down  You better pop that lock  If you wanna be that  you’ve got to dream.  If you got the key then baby pop that lock  If you wanna free it  you have got to scream  if you got the key then baby pop that lock  Get down  Baby pop that lock  Get down, get down  Pop that Lock, get down!Better than I know myselfBbBbett
Better than I know myself
Cold as iceBetter than I know myself mv截图
And more bitter than a December
Winter night
That's how I treated you
And I know that I
I sometimes tend to loose my temper
And I cross the line
Yeah that's the truth
I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave you asid
No matter what I say
Cause if I wanted to go
I would’ve gone by now
but I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I would’ve left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself
All alongI tried to pretend it didn't matter
If I was alone
Deep down I know
If you were gone
For even a dayI wouldn't know which way to turn
Cause I’m lost without you
I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave you aside
No matter what I sayI
Cause if I wanted to go
I would’ve gone by now
butI really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I would’ve left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself
I get kind of dark
Let it go too far
I can be obnoxious at times
But try and see my heart
Cause I need you now
So don't let me down
You are the only thing in this world
I would die without
Cause if I wanted to go
I would’ve gone by now
but I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leaveI would’ve left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself
Cause if I wanted to go
I would’ve gone by now
but I really need you near me
To keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave
I would’ve left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself
Cold as ice冷若冰霜
And more bitter than a December 比十二月的天气更让人难熬
Winter night 就像冬天的寒夜
That's how I treated you那就是我对待你的方式
And I know that I我也清楚
I sometimes tend to loose my temper我有时控制不住自己的脾气
And I cross the line我触犯了你的底线
Yeah that's the truth 这就是事实
I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情况有时会很糟
But I could never 但我从来没有想过
Leave you aside抛下你
No matter what I say 无论我说了什么
Cause if I wanted to go因为如果我想要走
I would’ve gone by now 我早就远走高飞了
but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身边
To keep my mind off the edge帮助我摆脱精神崩溃的边缘
If I wanted to leave 如果我想要离开
I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不见我的地方了
But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人
Better than I know myself 懂我更甚于我自己的人
All along一路走来
I tried to pretend it didn't matter我试图假装我对你毫不在意
If I was alone但一旦我独自一人
Deep down I know我了然于心
If you were gone如果你不在我身边
For even a day 哪怕只有一天
I wouldn't know which way to turn 我一定会无所适从
Cause I’m lost without you 因为没有了你,一切枉然
I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情况有时会很糟
But I could never 但我从来没有想过
Leave you aside抛下你
No matter what I say 无论我说了什么
I know it gets hard sometimes我知道情况有时会很糟
But I could never 但我从来没有想过
Leave you aside抛下你
No matter what I say 无论我说了什么
Cause if I wanted to go因为如果我想要走
I would’ve gone by now 我早就远走高飞了
but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身边
To keep my mind off the edge帮助我摆脱精神崩溃的边缘
If I wanted to leave 如果我想要离开
I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不见我的地方了
But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人
Better than I know myself 懂我更甚于我自己的人
I get kind of dark我心如死灰
Let it go too far我已犯了太多不可弥补的错误
I can be obnoxious at times我有时可以变得惹人厌
But try and see my heart但求你再看一眼我和我的诚心
Cause I need you now因为我现在需要你
So don't let me down所以不要让我失望
You are the only thing in this world你是我在这世上
I would die without 唯一留恋的事
Cause if I wanted to go因为如果我想要走
I would’ve gone by now 我早就远走高飞了
but I really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身边
To keep my mind off the edge帮助我摆脱精神崩溃的边缘
If I wanted to leave 如果我想要离开
I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不见我的地方了
But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人
Better than I know myself 懂我更甚于我自己的人
Cause if I wanted to go因为如果我想要走
I would’ve gone by now 我早就远走高飞了
butI really need you near me但我是真的需要你在我身边
To keep my mind off the edge帮助我摆脱精神崩溃的边缘
If I wanted to leave 如果我想要离开
I would’ve left by now我早就到了你看不见我的地方了
But you're the only one that knows me 但你是唯一懂我的人
Better than I know myself 懂我更甚于我自己的人
Broken English
Tower of Babel has fallen down again巴别塔又倒了  information disarray 信息混乱  I dunno who I should believe in我不知道应该相信谁  everybody's an authority每个人都是权威  fragments don't count不可计数的碎片  they always end up fallin' through the cracks他们的下场都是在破碎中穿过  don't think out loud别大声想  cause once it's out your mouth, can't take it back因为你一旦说出口就收不回了  Can't say all the little things别把我想告诉你的小事都说出来  that I wanna tell you right now  I know you won't understand我知道你不会明白  but I gotta tell you somehow但我还是要告诉你  And on and on and on I go我一直说一直  connect the neck to what's below I know联系我知道的一切  now your body language is broken现在你的肢体语言破碎了  Bro ken eng a lish破碎的英语  Lost inside communication breakdown内在的语言破碎了  better just read my lips最好看我的嘴形  coming in clearer when we get down当我们落下是更加清晰  iceberg just the tip冰山一角  my words get lost我无语了  can you read the look that's on my face?你能看懂我的表情吗  wires get crossed线变近了
communion with the human race和人类比赛交流
Can't say all the little things别把我想告诉你的小事都说出来  that I wanna tell you right now  I know you won't understand我知道你不会明白  but I gotta tell you somehow但我还是要告诉你  And on and on and on I go我一直说一直  connect the neck to what's below I know联系我知道的一切  now your body language is broken现在你的肢体语言破碎了
Can't say all the little things别把我想告诉你的小事都说出来  that I wanna tell you right now  I know you won't understand我知道你不会明白  but I gotta tell you somehow但我还是要告诉你  And on and on and on I go我一直说一直  connect the neck to what's below I know联系我知道的一切  now your body language is broken现在你的肢体语言破碎了  Broken English 破碎的英语strip away the flesh and bone  剥离骨肉  Look beyond the lies you've known  把目光从你听过的谎言移开  Everybody wants to talk about a freak  人人只想笑谈“怪物”  No one wants to dig that deep  没有人想挖掘得那么深刻  Let me take you underneath  让我来带你到深处去  Baby better watch your step  宝贝,最好注意你的脚下  Never mind what's on the left  不要管左边有什么(我也不知道这啥意思)  You're gonna see things you might not wanna see  你会看见一些你也许不想看见的东西  It's still not that easy for me  那对我来说也不是那么容易  Underneath  表面之下的真实  A red river of screams  一整条红河的喊叫  Underneath  在深处  Tears in my eyes  我眼中的泪水  Underneath  在深处  Stars in my black and blue sky  我墨蓝色天空中的星星  Underneath  在深处  Under my skin  在我的皮肤之下  Underneath  在深处  The depths of my sin  在我罪孽的深处  Look at me  看着我  Now do you see?  现在你明白了吗?Adam Lambert - Chokehold
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Sheets are in a knot
My heart is like rock, hey
Pictures flashing by inside my head
I'm hanging by a thread
But I'd do it all again, hey
I keep running away, running away
Running away from you
But I can't stand breaking the chains
Breaking the chains, breaking the chains
It's too good
Coz I know the second you go
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
And you know I want your chokehold
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Oh without your touch I suffocate
Cold asphyxiate
But I kinda like the pain, yeah
Baby, I can smell you on my clothes
I try to stay composed
But I feel a fever grow, grow
I keep running away, running away
Running away from you
But I can't stand breaking the chains
Breaking the chains, breaking the chains
It's too good
Coz I know the second you go
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
And you know I want your chokehold
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Coz I know the second you go
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
And you know I want your chokehold
Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Bring it on back to me
Staring at the ceiling in the dark 黑夜中凝视天花板   Sheets are in a knot  床单乱成一团   My heart is like rock, hey 嘿 我的心像岩石一般,  Pictures flashing by inside my head 画面在脑海闪现   I'm hanging by a thread 我命悬一线   But I'd do it all again, hey 嘿 但是我再次重复所有的事情   I keep running away, running away  我一直在逃离,一直逃离  Running away from you离你而去  But I can't stand breaking the chains但我不能接受与你断绝联系    Breaking the chains, breaking the chains 断绝关系   It's too good  太好了  Coz I know the second you go  因为我知道你走的第二天  Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back 想要你回来   Bring it on back to me回到我身边  And you know I want your chokehold 你知道我需要你窒息的爱   Want you to bring it on back, bring it on back  我想要你回来   Bring it on back to me 回到我身边   Bring it on back to me  Bring it on back to me  回到我身边   Oh without your touch I suffocate 哦 没有我觉得快窒息的抚摸  Cold asphyxiate 快无法呼吸  But I kinda like the pain, yeah 但我真的喜欢这份疼痛   Baby, I can smell you on my clothes  宝贝,我闻到衣服上你的气息  I try to stay composed 我试着一动不动  But I feel a fever grow, grow 但我感觉热流一直在上升
Outlaws of love
Outlaws of Love 爱的囚徒
Oh, nowhere left to go.
Are we getting closer, closer?
No. All we know is No.
Nights are getting colder, colder
Hey. Tears all fall the same.
We all feel the rain.
We can't change.
Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.
Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.
They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will.
They've branded us enough. Outlaws of love.
Scars make us who we are.
Hearts and homes are broken, broken.
Far, we could go so far,with our minds wide open, open.
Hey. Tears all fall the same.
We all feel the rain.
We can't change.
Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.
Nowhere to grow old. We're always on the run.
They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will.
They've branded us enough. Outlaws of love.
Outlaws of love.
Outlaws of love.
Outlaws of love.
Outlaws of love.
爱的囚徒[6]不羁的黑发,魅惑的眼线,双手涂着黑色指甲油,这已经成为Adam Lambert的标志,这位被誉为“Rock God”的音乐天才,这位刚出道便已赢得众多关注的乐坛新星,他用一场又一场演唱会级别的演出,攻陷着每一位挑剔听者的耳朵;他用华丽挥霍的嗓音,激情四射的舞台,阳光灿烂的笑容,善良幽默的品性与的魅力,虏获了无数歌迷的心。Adam Lambert风暴已经席卷而来,这不仅昭告着“Glam Rock”的强势回归,更标志着在新流行乐时代的复活和与之融合。
英文全名:Adam Mitchel LambertAdam Lambert
家乡:San Diego Rancho Penasquitos ,CA
小学:Deer Canyon Elementary School
中学:Mesa Verde Middle School
高中:Mt. Carmel High School
最喜欢的女艺人:,,,,,,Britney Spears
Adam Lambert版“Mad World” 获选《时代》杂志年度TOP10精选文娱类十大单曲
首张专辑《For Your Entertainment》获选公告牌票选年度最佳专辑NO.4,十年最佳专辑NO.6(公告牌)评选十大最性感男星NO.1
单曲Whataya Want From Me的mv 获得加拿大MMVAs“最喜爱国际MV”
格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名 Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
德国CMA(Celebrity Magazine Awards)最佳国际男歌手If I had you MV 获得加拿大MMVA's &Most Watched MV& 提名
Whataya Want From me 获得澳大利亚APRA音乐奖International Work of the Year提名
“Equality Awards” from Equality California
Do Something Awards— Music Artist 提名
Beyond the Sky Crawl Thru the Fire Glamorize I Got This Kiss and Tell Pop Goes the Camera Rough Trade The Circle Turning On
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看


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