autocompletee market 和 perfect market 有何区别?

什么是per value share和market value?两者有什么不同之处?_百度作业帮
什么是per value share和market value?两者有什么不同之处?
一个是面值,一个是市值.比方说一百元的中国国债面值是100元,市值可能就是98元或95元.因为到期后才能收到100元,买的时候就便宜一些,这才有赚头.on the market 和in the market 有何区别?是否有at the market?_百度作业帮
on the market 和in the market 有何区别?是否有at the market?
I am in the market for a new car!我想买辆新车Fresh bamboo shoot will be on the market this month这个月有新竹笋卖in the market:buy somethingon the market:sell something&&&perfect market system
Stock exchange is the need for building Socialism Market Economy and it's an important mean to promote economic system reform, to perfect market system, to purify modern company system.
Moreover, the government should intensify traditional moral education, spread the function of market and perfect market system and law.
Entering WTO produces active influences on the trade of agrcultural products in Guangxi:help perfect market system;
加入WTO对广西农产品贸易的积极影响是 :有利于完善市场机制 ;
Therefore, we should analyze the opportunities and challenges, take appropriate measures, adjust the structure of software industry, improve research work, perfect market system, transfer government's functions, encourage more software enterprises to take part in international competition, develop international market, and realize the large scale and international operation of our software industry.
Therefore,we should analyze the opportunities and challenges,take appropriate measures,adjust the structure of software industry,improve research work,perfect market system,transfer government's functions,encourage more software enterprises to take part in international competition,develop international market,and realize the large scale and international operation of our software industry.
对此,我们应当放眼世界,从实际出发,认真分析入世给我国软件业带来的机遇和冲击,积极采取相应对策,促进软件业结构调整,加快核心技术研发,搞好原始创新,进一步完善市场运行机制,转变政府职能。 鼓励更多的软件企业发挥优势参与国际竞争,开拓国际市场。
It is realized by means of price mechanism and interest mechanism under the perfect urban land market which has three connotations: genuine market principal part, perfect market system and price decided by market supply and demand.
在完善的城市土地市场中,城市土地供需平衡是通过价格机制和利率机制来实现的. 完善的城市土地市场具有三个方面的内容:城市土地供需各方是真正的市场主体、完善的城市土地市场体系、价格由市场供需状况决定.
Establishing perfect market system and market order needs self-conscious actions, removing market segmentation and executive monopoly.
Independent subject,complete,full and fair competition and retreat of government the super-economic power are the prerequisite to perfect market system.
独立、自主的市场主体和完全、充分、平等的市场竞争 ,以及超经济的行政权力退出市场分配领域 ,是市场分配得以建立、健全的基本条件。
Second, Improve the management for road transport and perfect market system.
Showed with the fact and the case the petroleum system monopoly harm and the malpractice, proposed disintegrates the petroleum monopoly system the monopoly to be shoulder heavy responsibilities, and further proposed that break the petroleum oligopoly pattern not only to need to open the competition, perfect market system, but also needs international to appear the effective antimonopoly law containment monopoly influence the further expansion and from the system the basic solution for the extant questions of the petroleum system.
to perfect the labor market;
Perfect the capital market.
Perfect the system of market
查询“perfect market system”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&& The author is Director of the Research Institute of Industrial Eco-nomics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Research Fellow,and Vice-President of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Economics. Basing himself on the discussions of the targeted model of China'seconomic reform in the theoretical circle, the author holds that themodels of economic structure should be classified and the targeted modelof economic reform in China determined from the three closely relatedangles: enterprises' conditions,... &&&&&&&&&&&&在前一个时期理论界关于我国经济改革目标模式讨论的基础上,作者认为,可以从企业状况、市场状况和宏观经济管理制度三个互相联系的方面来划分经济体制模式和确定我国经济改革的目标模式。作者指出,经济改革的最主要任务是使社会主义企业成为真正的企业。真正的企业至少要具备以下三个特征:第一,自主经营、自负盈亏;第二,有扩大再生产的能力和自主权;第三,有自我调控的机制。具有这三个特征,企业才能成为真正的商品生产者和经营者。作者认为。改革后的市场应是有健全市场体系的市场;价格体系合理、价格制度灵活的市场;开展竞争的市场;同时也是社会主义性质的市场。至于宏观经济管理制度的目标模式,作者认为应具备如下特征:有健全的计划管理制度;通过政策进行间接管理;发挥经济杠杆的调节作用;建立分层次的宏观管理制度;有健全的经济立法和司法制度以及运用必要的行政手段等。&&&&&&&& Jia Lurang is Vice-Director of the Research Institute of Finance, Trade,Materials and Economy under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciencesand Associate Research F Fang Hanting is a graduate student toachieve Master's degree in the Department of Finance, Trade, Materialsand Economy of the Graduate School under the Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences. This article explores theoretical questions concerning the role of themarket, the objectivity of a perfect market system, the composition ... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文从市场的作用、完善市场体系的客观性、市场体系的构成及其内部机制等方面,探讨了有关理论问题。作者认为,社会主义商品经济也是市场经济,应以市场为中心组织社会主义经济运行。建立和完善市场体系反映了社会化商品经济发展和各种不同利益的客观要求。作者分析了由基础市场、动力市场和枢纽市场三部分构成的市场体系。其中,作者认为,在社会主义条件下,劳动力仍然是商品,劳动力商品的价格是按值(价值)分配和按劳分配的综合体现。价值规律调节的作用在市场,决定基本工资部分;按劳分配规律的调节作用在企业,决定浮动工资等部分。目前我国劳动力市场有四种形式。最后,作者分析了市场体系内部的内在性机制、整体性机制、运动性机制和平衡机制。&&&&&&&& During the restructuring of economic system and overall reform, the important tasks of agricultural reform are to establish macroeconomic managerial system foragriculture, strengthen macroregulation, realize state management from direct intoindirect regulation. It is also an important guaranttee for the sustained, steady andcoordinated development of agriculture. The core of macroeconomic regulation foragriculture is the control of aggregate demand of rural society based on economicplanning and ... &&&&&&&&&&&&在经济体制转换时期,建立新的农业宏观经济管理制度,加强和改善农业宏观调控,这是社会主义农业经济体制全面改革的重要任务,也是使整个农业经济走上持续、稳定、协调发展的一项重要保证。新的农业宏观经济调控体系要以控制农村社会总需求为核心,以经济计划作为依据,以开放的完善的市场体系作为基础,以经济社会政策作为主要手段,以经济信息作为传递媒介,以法制和教育作为保证,建立包括决策控制、政策调节、信息反馈和监督保证等4个子系统的大系统。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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626-229-3024Market Risk,Systemic Risk,Systematic Risk这三者有啥区别关系?_百度知道
Market Risk,Systemic Risk,Systematic Risk这三者有啥区别关系?
可以从Securities Investment,尤其是后两者,回答满意的我会不吝追分,这三者之间有什么区别,Risk Management,Derivatives Market等角度考虑,最好能有例子来佐证,还有这三个概念的范畴大小是怎样的?越详细越好主要是finance方面的
operations risk?,market risk?basel committee中提出 derivatives related risk 包括 credit risk,这里credit risk 和 systemic risk又是什么样的关系呢。 如果market risk=sr + ur,legal risk,liquidity risk,请问你是学金融的吗,首先感谢你的回答匿名的朋友你好
market risk = sr + ursr evaluates the risks from market risksystematic riskunsystematic riskactually, you can google them if you want to distinguish them accurately, ii guess what you mean is to analyze.from my perspectivesystemic risk & systematic risk is almost the same thing. the fluctuation of stock market it selfur evaluates the risks from the outside of the marketeg


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