fisher exact testaudio copy能抓成分轨吗

【搬運】【EAC V1.0 beta3 圖文對照教學 規範化設置】[17P] - 虾米音乐讨论区
【搬運】【EAC V1.0 beta3 圖文對照教學 規範化設置】[17P]
【搬運】【Exact Audio Copy' Setup&Ripping Guide】||| [EAC V1.0 beta3] 图文对照教学 规范化设置(旧版本基本通用)
本文原作者为热心会员: luoxh04
Exact Audio Copy:
EAC Languages:
私人绿色版分享下载: 密码: jbpz(失效请通知本人)
X:\Exact Audio Copy\Language(把自己喜歡的語言往這裡扔)
EAC Options - General - EAC language selection(選擇自己喜歡的語言)
AFTER following this guide: For EAC ripping instructions, use the guide found here.
Download link:
Current version as of this guide: EAC 1.0 Beta 3.
This guide was made for EAC version 1.0 beta 3 and will not completely work with earlier versions (which are not recommended any longer). Versions 0.99 or earlier should use the blowfish guide.
Anything with a green outline around it is a required setting. Anything orange is required but depends on your drive. Anything unmarked is optional.
This is meant to be a no-frills guide with little extra info. A more comprehensive (but outdated) guide can be found here:
Step 1: Download and install EAC(安装程式的设置)
Download the installer and fire it up.
Eventually you'll get to a screen like this. Make sure you install AccurateRip, CDRDAO, CTDB and freedb as a bare minimum. FLAC will be useful as well if you don't have it separately installed. GD3 is only useful if you want to pay for metadata results. I assume you don't.
Note: The above screenshot is from Beta 3. The new Beta 3 adds the option to include the CueTools Database Plugin. It is recommended to install it but not required. Full details for installation of the plugin on older versions is located in the appendix at the end of this guide.
Step 2: Start EAC(EAC初次启动时的偏移设置,默认是让用户放入音乐CD,软件自动会根据CD来通过几分钟调整,如果觉得的麻烦,各位可以去以下网站,ctrl+f输入你的光驱型号搜索网页内容多加载慢耐心等待,找到对应的correction offset即可,然后在EAC中选择drive option或者按f10,在第3页,offset里选择第一个use read offset correction,在下面的方框里输入刚才查到的+XXX或-xxx)
When you first start EAC, you'll see a screen like this one. Hit "Cancel". Next, put a popular CD into your drive, preferably not one that was recently released (a few months old at least). You'll see a window like the one below appear. If you have an older version of EAC or dBpoweramp installed, it's likely AccurateRip was already configured, and this may not appear.
Hit Configure. It may take a few minutes. Hit "Ok" afterward. Once again, if you have an older version of EAC or dBpoweramp installed, it's likely AccurateRip was already configured, and this may not appear.
Step 3: EAC Options(黄色框的就是需要根据图勾上和不勾上,剩余的按自己需要吧,你把鼠标停在选项上会有相应的说明,默认一般即可,不过注意一点,在tools分页上,第5个保存m3u播放列表以UTF8模式,参考是不勾的,不过个人推荐你勾上,理由:涉及不同语言系统问题,日文操作系统下的生产的文件在别的语言系统上会变成乱码,导致该播放列表无用。主要是针对抓分轨的,如果整轨的话,即使乱码也没事,因为我们有梦幻的无敌ansi2unicode直接转换cue的编码)
另外个人推荐,在extraction里,勾上最后项lock drive tray;General里勾上剩余的4个框;Tools里不勾第一项UPC/ISRC那项(勾选最佳,不过抓取速度较慢)和倒数第三项donot open external(这个随意,就是后面flac压制时可以看实时进度)
All of the options dialogs can be found from the EAC menu at the top of the screen.
Start with EAC Options. Any tabs not pictured are completely optional settings, or are irrelevant to ripping.
Make sure you set the green highlighted settings as shown. If you're using an older version of EAC, make sure "No use of null samples for CRC calculations is UNCHECKED. The rest is optional, choose as you will. Locking the drive tray during extraction isn't a bad idea though.
These settings are pretty much all optional and self explanatory. I'd recommend using Alternate CD play routines and disabling autostart though.
The "Create log files always in english language" is very important for our international users. This will let you keep EAC's language as your native one, but write the log file in English, allowing it to pass our logchecker without needing to be rescored manually.
If your drive is capable of reading UPC/ISRC codes and CD-Text (you can only really figure this out by trial and error), you're welcome to keep the top two options checked. Otherwise, uncheck them.
Other than that, these settings are pretty much ideal. I wouldn't recommend using more than 1 compressor thread even if you have a multicore computer. It doesn't take very long compared to the track extraction anyway. Note that in tests run by punkmeup, disabling the queue of external compressors in the background fixed an issue where EAC was generating WAV files instead of FLAC, so I've made that a required option. It should have no bearing on the rip quality. If rip queueing works for you (it does for me), feel free to leave it enabled.
Friends don't let friends normalize their EAC rips. Don't ever do it. It will instantly be given a 0% by the logchecker.
As shown in the screenshot above here is the proper way to name tracks.
Naming Convention : %tracknr2% - %title%
Check 'Use Various Artists Naming Scheme' and use : %tracknr2% - %artist% - %title%
The only difference acceptable here would be perhaps %tracknr2%. %title% if you prefer periods instead of dashes in the filenames. If you need track numbers to go into triple digits for some reason, use %tracknr3% instead.
Don't replace spaces by underscores. It looks ridiculous.
A note on directory naming schemes:: Show
Step 4: Drive Options(橘黄色框是需要你根据自己的光驱设置,所以最简单的方法就是使用该页下面的detective read features自动搞定,否则就按默认设置吧;第2页drive,不想让他自动设别的话,可以偷懒点第一个框选择auto detective read command,另外个人推荐当前页面下最下面2个也勾上,spin up和CD-TEXT那2项;第3页,之前第一步设置过offset后,再按图上的勾选;在gap dective这里,第二个选择secure,第一个橘黄色的,可以一个个试,在后面第二部分抓轨介绍里,有gap检测,如果通过不了或者卡住等各种非正常情况,那么你就换B,C以此类推)
Start by hitting "Detect Read Features...". This will actually take a few minutes. The only feature detection that actually matters is Accurate Stream. If your drive can use it, checkmark the setting (most modern drives have Accurate Stream). If it can't, don't.
Even if your drive doesn't cache audio, just do us a favour and leave that checked. Not only will it stop you from having to have each of your uploads rescored by hand, but it doesn't affect the audio quality at all. Yes, the rips take a bit longer with that setting enabled. Go watch TV or something while you wait.
Do not use C2, even if EAC thinks you can. Most drives have terrible C2 error implementation.
Hit "Autodetect read command now". It shouldn't take long. Leave everything else unchecked unless you're having problems. You can checkmark "CD-Text Read capable drive" if you want to test whether your drive can do it. If it can, great, otherwise, uncheck it. It's unlikely you'll ever use that feature anyway.
If you did the AccurateRip configuration at the start of this guide, the top half here will be greyed out. If not, you'll need to find your read offset correction from this list. Don't use a combined read/write offset.
If you want to figure out whether your drive needs "Overread into Lead-in and Lead-Out" checked, you can check by temporarily unchecking "Use AccurateRip with this drive". Stick a CD in the drive and hit "Detect read sample offset correction...". If you're just doing this for the Overread, see below: wrote:
Check "Overread Lead-In and Lead-Out" only if the test result says that your drive can overread from both the Lead-In and Lead-Out, or if it says Lead-Out and your offset correction is positive ,or if it says Lead-In and your offset correction is negative. Otherwise disable (uncheck) it.
Remember to check "Use AccurateRip with this drive" again once you're finished. AccurateRip is necessary for a 100% log.
Pretty much every drive should work with the settings shown. If yours stalls on detecting gaps or detects gaps that are obviously wrong (like 30 second gaps on a non-live album), try Detection method B or C. If A, B, and C all fail, you can switch "Secure" to "Accurate" and try again.
Step 5: Metadata Options(依葫芦画瓢,就那个邮箱的地方,你自己填个吧~~)
Here's where you pick your metadata provider. If you did install GD3, it'll be in the list. You can only rip 10 discs before you have to pay for a subscription though. Otherwise, you have a choice between the MusicBrainz plugin (CTDB), freedb plugin and EAC's native freedb support. I'm not really sure what the big difference is, I'm guessing it's the cover+lyrics. Anyway, change those settings above if you wish.
If you use EAC's native freedb instead, the settings should look like this. Make sure you put an email at the top, it doesn't need to be real. Hit "Get active freedb server list". Then checkmark the last option.
Step 6: Compression Options(按其设置即可,在eternal compression里,additional commandline里,复制下面一大段填进去即可,其他依葫芦画瓢)
复制以下内容:-8 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" -T "COMMENT=EAC V1.0 beta 3, Secure Mode, Test & Copy, AccurateRip, FLAC -8" %source% -o %dest%
Set up this tab exactly as shown. You'll have to browse to the path where you have flac.exe, if you installed it with EAC it's in C:Program Files (x86)Exact Audio CopyFLAC lac.exe. If you installed it separately it's wherever you installed it. The bit rate and high/low quality have no effect on the rip.
The commandline parameters have changed in this version, so this will look new to most of you. The commandline recommended for optimal completeness is this:
-8 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" %source% -o %dest%
It takes no extra effort on your part, just copy and paste that into the additional commandline options and you're done.
Note: the %comment% function is broken in version 1.0b2 (it returns the track CRC). Use something like -T "COMMENT=EAC V1.0 beta 2, Secure Mode, Test & Copy, AccurateRip, FLAC -8" instead.
Also, as of Beta 3 you may use the %tracknr1% variable instead of %tracknr% if you would like to have no leading zeroes in the track number field (like XLD does). tracknr1 will use, for example, '1' instead of '01'.
A note on the FLAC commandline in versions prior to 1.0b3: Show
A note on ripping to lossy formats like MP3: Show
Leave everything unchecked except the last option.
Congrats! EAC is now properly set up! You may wish to save your settings in a profile by hitting "New" at the bottom of the screen. However, unless you're changing your settings frequently there's no need, EAC will remember all of this on next launch regardless.
Step 7: Ripping(一些1.03的新功能介绍,自己有兴趣可以看,没啥重要)
Use the guide found here.
Appendix A: CueTools Plugin (Optional)
This is now installed by selecting "CTDB" in the EAC 1.0b3 options. Therefore, this will only be necessary for EAC 1.0b1 and 1.0b2, or if you want to update the plugin by hand to a newer version.
Starting with version 1.0b1, EAC now supports plugins! While they've so far been few and far between, the CueTools plugin is quite handy. Not only does it give you a second opinion past the AccurateRip database and include the CueTools hash in the log, but it also gives you an option to get metadata from MusicBrainz if you prefer it to freedb.
Download page:
Installation: Extract the files to EAC's root directory (containing EAC.exe). Usually this is located at C:Program Files (x86)Exact Audio Copy.
Usage: None, it works automatically. You can check whether it's installed under EAC Options-&Audio Plugins. If you wish to use MusicBrainz, go to Metadata Options and select "CUETools DB Metadata Plugin" from the list.
此帖僅爲搬運帖 若是有什麽不明白的地方歡迎跟帖 有時間的時候會作一份全中文的圖文說明 以上
對了。即使自動檢測C2是勾上的 也請把C2勾去掉 因為多數光驅的C2檢測“不值得信賴”
Daydream?说:對了。即使自動檢測C2是勾上的 也請把C2勾去掉 因為多數光驅的C2檢測“不值得信賴”
比如一張專輯的CD上有劃痕 那麽光驅讀取的時候會有錯誤 這時候就需要通過光驅的糾錯能力盡量地讀取數據 同時与網站上上傳的信息作比對 進行信息的修複工作
是、其實和foobar一樣,都是為了讓光驅穩定才特意去設置的 不過如果要抓分軌flac的話還真的是需要設置的 特別是參數方面
can EAC read & display chinese [simplified & traditional]? ... i used EAC to rip chinese cd and the album titles, track titles, singers info got from freedb were not readable chinese ... they are all ???, boxes, and funny garbage characters ... how can i set EAC so it can display readable chinese [simplified & traditional]?...
any help...
EAC可以阅读和显示中文[简体和繁体]? ... 我用EAC抓取中文CD … 从freedb獲得的专辑名称,曲目名称,演唱者的信息都是不可读的中文 ... 他们全都是有趣的乱码文字 … 我怎样才可以能设置EAC可以阅读和显示正码中文[简体和繁体]?...
<div id="brief_3
回复此话题? 请先一个虾米账号,或
不太想理采复杂的事物^ - ^
&&&&&&&&&&&& 3&. 开始转换。点击右边"Decode"按钮,程序就会弹出命令行窗口开始转换,等待完成后(有可能命令行窗口转换完后会自动关闭),在FLAC文件同路径下将会生成一个同名的WAV格式文件,OK
&&&&&&& &. 整轨TAK → 整轨WAV
&&&&&&&&&&& 1&. 这里将会用到名为TAK的软件。解压TAK软件压缩包后,打开里面的"Applications"文件夹,双击"TAK.exe"便打开了TAK程序。(不需要对该软件进行任何设置)
&&&&&&&&&&&&2&. 添加需要转换为WAV的TAK文件。点击程序中的"Decompress"按钮弹出将文件进行解码的窗口,点击"Add Files...",弹出的对话框中选择你需要转换为WAV的TAK音乐,点击“打开”,他就会把你所选的TAK文件加入到了转换列表当中了
&&&&&&&&&&& 3&. 开始转换。点击"Decompress"按钮,程序将会开始转换,等待完成后,在TAK文件同路径下将会生成一个同名的WAV格式文件,OK
&&&&&&& &. 整轨TTA → 整轨WAV
&&&&&&&&&&& 1&. 这里将会用到 Tau Producer 。打开 Tau Producer(不需要对该软件进行任何设置)
&&&&&&&&&&& 2&. 添加需要转换为WAV的TAK文件。菜单栏 → "File" → "Add Files" , 在弹出的对话框中指定你要转换为WAV的TTA音乐,点击“打开”,他就会把你所选的TTA文件加入到了转换列表当中了(或直接把TTA格式的音乐文件托放到 Tau Producer 转换列表中)
&&&&&&&&&&&& 3&. 开始转换。选中转换列表中的TTA文件,点击左边工具栏中的向右指的那个按钮(或者右键 → "Process"),程序将会开始转换,等待完成后,在TTA文件同路径下将会生成一个同名的WAV格式文件,OK
二. 整轨WAV文件 → 分轨WAV文件
&&&&&&& 这里将会用到的软件是Foobar2000。(由于这个播放器在Win7 64位中播放时,消耗太多的内存,所以一直没怎么用,但是确实是非常的优秀的软件,废话少说。。。)
&&&&&&& 1&. 更改原CUE文件内容。打开CUE文件,其中FILE属性中双引号引起来的是对应的无损音乐名和后缀名,这里我们需要把双引号里面的内容改成以wav为后缀名即可(当然对应的那个WAV音乐文件名也要和双引号里面一样),然后保存该文件
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 例如:WAV文件名为"cd1.wav"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FILE "cd1.flac" WAVE& 需要更改成 FILE "cd1.wav" WAVE
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FILE "cd1.ape" WAVE 需要更改成 FILE "cd1.wav" WAVE
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& OK,完成CUE文件的修改
&&&&&&&&2&. 用Foobar2000打开你修改好的CUE文件(先试一下是不是音轨都可以播放)。打开Foobar2000,菜单栏 → “文件” → “打开...”,指定选择你修改后的CUE文件,然后点击“打开”按钮,文件就会添加到播放列表中
&&&&&&& 3&. Foobar2000转换器的相关设置。首先我使用的是Foobar.7汉化版,菜单栏 → “文件” → “参数选项” → 左边“工具”中没有发现“转换器”的踪影,所以不能在“参数选项”,如果你是其他版本可能可以在上面提到的操作中找到“转换器”的设置对话框。
&&&&&&&&&&&&& 找不到的话,右键刚才添加进“播放列表”的音乐 → “转换”&→ “...”(最下面的那菜单),这时弹出了“转换器设置”对话框,点击右边“当前设置”中“输出格式”,在列表中选择“WAV”,点击“返回”按钮
&&&&&&&&&&&&& 接着点击“目标” → “输出样式及文件名称格式”中选择“转换每个音轨为一个单独的文件”,“名称格式”你可以按照你的Style自己输入(如果你足够熟悉的话)或选择旁边的“...”按钮选择格式,这里不重点讲解,在“预览”中你可以看到将会输出的格式和音乐文件,完成上述操作后,点击“返回”按钮
&&&&&&&&&&&&& “处理”的话就不要设置它了,“其他”中可以根据你的情况进行设置
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 上述设置都操作好之后,点击中间的“保存”按钮,然后下次就不用再进行以上的设置了,记得给“保存好的预设”起一个名,容易记忆@ @
&&&&&&& 4&. 分割WAV文件。由于上述都已经设置好了,现在可以点击“转换”按钮进行分割WAV文件了,如图出现进度条处理当中,等待ing...完成后整个“整轨WAV的分割”就完成了,同一路径中生成了分轨完的文件。
&&&&&&&&&&&&& 提醒:如果下次还要对其他的整轨WAV进行分割时,只要双击“转换器设置”中“已保存的预设”你上述中保存的预设,就可以直接点击“转换”按钮进行分割了(或直接右键你的音乐,"转换" → 点击你已保存的预设的名字)。
三. 分轨WAV → 320Kbps MP3
&&&&&&& 可能这部分对一些同学来说会有点难度,因为需要使用到命令行来转换,没办法我不怎么喜欢用Razorlame(这个我有空在说明)图形界面,因为要设置 麻烦啊~
&&&&&&& 1&. 设置系统环境变量(为了简化打命令)。右键“我的电脑” → “属性”(或直接在“运行”中输入"control.exe system",确定) → 右边“高级系统设置”(XP系统点击“高级”选项卡) → 点击最下面那个按钮“环境变量” → 在“系统变量”中找到变量名为“Path”,双击 → 在“变量值:”后面添加 Lame 3.92 所在的路径,“确定” → “确定”即可。
&&&&&&&&&&&& 例如:我电脑中Lame的路径是"D:\win7\媒体工具\lame3.92",那我就在“变量值”后面添加";D:\win7\媒体工具\lame3.92"。注意添加到“变量值”中的路径前面一定要加上一个英文分号。
&&&&&&&&&&&&& OK,完成环境变量的设置。
&&&&&&& 2&. 打开命令行窗口。“开始” → “运行”(或Ctrl+R) → 输入“cmd” 回车,打开命令行窗口
&&&&&&& 3&. 把WAV格式转换为320kbps MP3(VBR)
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &1&. 开始转换把先在命令行中打开你已经分轨WAV的路径下,输入一下命令并回车:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "cd /d 分轨WAV的路径"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 例如:我的分轨WAV在"E:\APE\情歌没有告诉你",所以应输入的命令是 "cd /d E:\APE\情歌没有告诉你"
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &2&. 根据网上的资料分析(*~*),我将会采用以下lame的参数来对WAV转化为320kbps MP3(VBR):
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "-b 32 -m j -h -V 0 -B 320 -q 0 --noath -k --noshort --strictly-enforce-ISO"
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &3&. 开始转换为320kbps MP3(VBR),输入以下命令,回车后开始转换:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "lame -b 32 -m j -h -V 0 -B 320 -q 0 --noath -k --noshort --strictly-enforce-ISO WAV文件名.wav WAV文件名.mp3"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&例如:我的WAV文件的文件名是"01. 梁静茹 - LaLaLaLa",就要输入以下命令进行转换:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& lame -b 32 -m j -h -V 0 -B 320 -q 0 --noath -k --noshort --strictly-enforce-ISO "01. 梁静茹 - LaLaLaLa.wav" "01. 梁静茹 - LaLaLaLa.mp3"
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& OK,这个时候就会在你的分轨WAV路径下生成一个跟WAV同名的320Kbps(vbr) MP3文件,其他的WAV也是同样的操作转换为MP3,是有点麻烦,我也没有办法,除非你自己会写批处理,这样转换的时候就会快一点了,转换完之后就可以Enjoying!!
&&&&&&&& 整轨WAV转分轨320Kbps(VBR)MP3就说到这里了,我们可以总结为这样过程"整轨无损音乐 → 整轨WAV → 分轨WAV → 320kbps MP3",由于我不怎么喜欢用Razorlame,所以这里我只能用命令行的形式对各位同学说明,大家也可以尝试用Razorlame来操作一下,有界面不会难得到你们的。至于其他的lame命令我并没有尝试过,大家可以参考我给出的网址或自行研究,所以我就不太多说这方面的东西了。还有同学会挑剔为什么不讲解一下转换为320kbps(CBR) mp3,这个我暂时不能说明,我并没有怎么研究CBR,嘿嘿。
&&&&&&& FLAC frontend:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& FLAC frontend 1.2.1b:
&&&&&&& Monkey's Audio:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Monkey's Audio 4.10:
&&&&&&& TAK:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TAK 2.1.0:
&&&&&&& Tau Producer:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tau Producer v1.1:
&&&&&&& Foobar2000:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Foobar.7 final:
&&&&&&& Lame 3.92 (如果过期发帖提醒,已无官方下载地址,所以就自己传一个):
&&&&&&& mscomctl.ocx:
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 备用下载地址(如果过期发帖提醒):
&&&&&&& Lame与EAC专业mp3压缩技巧说明!:
&&&&&&& APE转换为320K MP3的简单教程:
&&&&&&& EAC+LAME联手 提取CD里的高音质MP3:
&&&&&&& mp3也能hifi,hifi级mp3制作和LAME参数设置:
&&&&&&& 让你的320K MP3拥有CD的音质!神奇的LAME 3.92:
&&&&&&& Noath VBR和 --preset fast extreme 参数压制MP3对比测试!:
&&&&&&& Exact Audio Copy configuration for FLAC encoding:
blogTitle:'[分享] 常见无损音乐格式文件(APE、FLAC、TTA、TAK)转320K(VBR)高音质MP3',
&&&&&&& 由于家里只有me听无损音乐,家人不怎么懂得播放这种格式的音乐,无奈之下就用两天研究了一下如何把常见的无损音乐转换为320K的高音质MP3。由于以前没有接触过音乐格式的相关转化技术,所以参考了很多网上的资料。可能下文阐述所转出的MP3并不是最高音质的,所以大家可以各抒己见,我会进行更新。
&&&&&&& 需要准备的工具如下(下载地址将在文章末尾列出):
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &. FLAC frontend
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &. Monkey\'s Audio
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &. TAK',
hostIntro:'不太想理采复杂的事物^ - ^',
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