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Ninja edited, I accidentally a word.
Thanks for that. I meant she should inform them and inform them how to protect themselves, as this fury is being directed at all employees at this point.
She's been looking for another job when she first noticed how hard it's been. Think for a second that she's not retarded and is simply stuck between &a rock and a hard place.& I know how hard she's been looking, and right now she needs to keep working her current (and first in the industry) job. She's limited in her ability to simply invalidate her contract and cease work immediately. She's held it for a while now, but that one job continues to work her harder for the same pay. She wanted it to end well for references sake, but it's quite apparent the boss will react poorly to any suggestion of crediting and showing the products of her labor.
Very helpful. Thanks.
I hate to phrase it this way, but it's her fault for letting it get this far. She's seen it escalate to this point (there's still plenty of background information I'm holding back, although at this point I've already gathered more attention than I planned).
Did you even try to understand her position before saying that?
I understood that as meaning, &Just because she said she was salaried doesn't mean she signed anything. She could have been told she's salaried by her boss without understanding what that meant in a closed work environment, much is hearsay.&
She's also quite introverted so she hasn't stood up for herself. I'm trying to persuade her to rally all her fellow employees to record everything that goes on in the coming days. They need to be able to prove the insanity of their boss without a doubt.
Thanks for the differing opinion, but I've known her for 9 years. I trust what she says at this point.
Thank you. You rock.
An update/been in class for 6 hours. Then I did shit, but now I'm here. So I have an update: her employer's company is fronted in Hong Kong. Her employer (if this holds any relevance) is a middle-aged Lebanese. Today she had to watch her fellow employee &get yelled at like a 5 year old treats his parents.& He's also decided to hire her trainee full-time. But this is insane mid-life crisis boss we're talking about. He can't be ridiculed in any way possible, lest the empire collapse. So he's decided to hire her trainee as her (mini-)boss. Lead art director. Someone who has zero formal schooling. No art degree from a reputable art school, as my beloved friend is.
She knows her rights, I've researched and told her as much as I can about labor laws. She was finally let around 8:30. From 10:00. And she still hasn't gotten her paycheck. She doesn't have money, but she's going to figure something out between her boyfriend/roommates who agree this is total bullshit and can't be shrugged off.
This is the most helpful response. Thank you!
And now I make more money than her too .___. Oh, my aching heart!
I work part time at a restaurant, and I have a better day at work than her. That's fucked up.
I'll look into that. She sometimes sends me pictures of what she does. I know she's really talented and works way too hard to be treated this way. She doesn't know I'm asking Reddit, plus that whole NDA thing could get her in trouble, so I can't share her artwork... Thanks for the answers though!
231232233 ()sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted onloading...I' you are the epitome of what I love about humanity. I support your ways, and I admire your strength. :)
Aziz, I'm a huge fan. I bought your newest album, Dangerously Delicious, and listened to it at work... at a non-profit thrift store, in a heavily Christian demographic. Needless to say, I found myself in a precarious position when suburban mothers paused, questioned if their ears had truly heard profanity,and the subsequent look and reactions of shock and appall. I almost lost my job one day, because of you. I almost lost it a couple of times after too, when I continued to listen to you on Spotify despite warnings from my superiors.
Initially, when your album became available to listen to for free on Spotify, I thought &Holy shit, I paid money for that? I should have fucking waited, I knew Aziz would make it free so he'd get more popular.& And then I realized, why the fuck do I care?
You did something awesome by making it free, and I thank you for it. Now I don't have to log into your website. I'm a lot happier with this realization, although I retain the full comedy experience as I have downloaded the video of the show too.
Now I have to ask, do you plan on doing anything in Atlanta in the near future? I'd love to support you, but I completely understand if you want to steer clear of my native state. I'm not exactly an enthusiast, but some crazy shit can happen on occasion.
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