为什么打开nba13 14季后赛后出现一片英文would开头

各位英语高手帮我找个英语单词,NBA英语解说里常用的一个W或V开头的单词,发音像是&Would&。 出处:(一下用 Would 代表此单词 )比如说有人扣了个篮,主持人就说 :&Would“ the dunk ;有个人带球准备组织进攻,主持人就说 : &Would& the ball
;抢了个篮板,就有 &Would&
the rebound 查遍网络上的资料都没有……
Would the dunk 灌篮Would the ball 将球W俯工碘继鄢荒碉维冬哩ould
the rebound 反弹
出门在外也不愁提示:支持键盘翻页 ←左 右→
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↑↑地址如上,大家可以去尽情调戏,别爆粗口啊&()这篇JRS之声出国了![C]PacersILoveIndiana 139 分/分 11 hours ago"Why do Americans talk about salt so much?"中国球迷:“为什么美国佬这么爱酸?”――――[C]trtry 69 分/分 10 hours ago“they thirsty motherfuckers”中国球迷:“一群丧心病狂的狗币”[C]PacersGaulPeorge 627 分/分 14 hours agoShoutout to the NBA family in China天朝的NBA同胞们!你们好吗!!――――[C]WizardsMrThreeBullets 80 分/分 14 hours ago*THIS is what should be at the top of the next game thread. Not some bullshit joke.这才是以后的比赛热线该亮到最高的回帖,而不是一些烂梗笑话――――[C]RaptorsILikePinecones -22 分/分 14 小时 agoThis so called joke is really pathetic... It's basically saying "Let's get a bunch of Chinese NBA fans to think we're retarded! It'll be soooo funny!!!"这些所谓的烂梗笑话真是可悲。就好像在说“来啊天朝球迷们,来看看我们多智障!我们多逗比!”――[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 18 分/分 13 小时 agoChill man. We do understand humor, even the silly ones. I promise.淡定啊哥们。。我们能看懂那种幽默的,蠢笑话也能看懂。我保证。――[C]BucksReadThis5sA10IsTypin 10 分/分 12 小时 agoWhat's the Chinese character for salty?salty中文怎么说?――[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 23 分/分 12 小时 ago咸(中文乱入)咸(酸)――――[C]Wizardssleeperagent 56 分/分 10 hours agoAll I can think about are Chinese translators going... "Big Dick Dray...?"我只想知道,他们中国人是怎么翻译“BIG DICK DRAY”的。。?――[C]Warriorssmdkb 7 分/分 6 hours ago大鸡鸡Dray.. mission accomplished :D大鸡鸡Dray... 任务完成 :D――[C]BulletsNot-Pennys_Boat 6 分/分 9 hours agoHi China! glad you enjoy the NBA.你好 中国!很高兴你们也爱看NBA![C]SpursSpursRoy 89 分/分 14 hours agoyep, I only found this place after I saw the game threads on Hupu, and frankly being able to understand the comments in both languages has been the biggest reward for learning English for all these years...well that and a bachelor degree in Arts...耶。我就是在虎扑上看帖子才知道有REDDIT这论坛的。能流畅看懂两种语言的回帖是对我学了这么多年英语(和获得学士学位)的最好奖赏。――――[C]Cavaliersjjungsch 22 分/分 12 hours agoJust curious, do you think all he sarcastic humor translates well to the general person reading those comments?很好奇问一下,你觉得他翻译的那些讽刺幽默是不是对大多数人来说很好理解?――[C]SpursSpursRoy 36 分/分 9 hours ago*yeah i guess they did a solid job in the translation. In some cases which you can't directly translate some of the slangs that are used here at reddit or in English, they made them funny by adding some Chinese "flavours" in them. The ways of poking fun at the players in the comments are certainly different, maybe someone should do an English translation of a game thread from hupu just to see how people from another culture messing around on the Internet是的,我觉得他们翻译的很不错。有时候reddit上的一些俚语无法直接翻译,他们就会加上一些"中国风味"让句子变得更欢乐。他们调戏球星的方式跟这边大有不同。我想有人应该把一些虎扑的帖子翻译成英文,来看看不同文化的人们是怎么在网上吹水聊天的。――[C]Timberwolvessdtwo 11 分/分 7 hours agoI would love this.好想看。――――[C]GiovanniBuble 9 分/分 12 hours agoyou speak chinese?do chinese fans have some interesting basketball sites with cool content? i particulary like hi-res nba pictures你会说中文?中国球迷有没有一些内容劲爆有趣的篮球网站?我很喜欢高像素的NBA图片。――[C]SpursSpursRoy 6 分/分 9 hours ago*the one that I usually go is . but it's gonna be difficult to find your way around if you don't know Chinese.我经常上的就是虎扑。不过如果你不懂中文的话,那应该上起来很困难。――[C]BullsWatson1992 6 分/分 8 hours ago*Challenge accepted!Edit: Opened up my 5th page... lots of shoes and I think I found some kind of betting page. Will have to delve further.Edit2: Nice boxscores!! 接受挑战!!PS:嗯。。我打开了首页 ,第五个点进去。好多鞋子啊。。还有这个应该是篮彩页面。我再慢慢摸索下。PS2:哇!数据板做得很漂亮啊![C]mostly_at_work 92 分/分 13 hours agoUsing google translate give you comedy gold on that site:THE BOBCATS HAVE OFFICIALLY BEEN ELIMINATED FROM BASKETBALL FOREVERTranslates to:Bobcats officially disappeared from the basketball world forever!用谷歌机翻真是喜感十足啊!山猫正式从篮球界永远消失!把他们的中文用谷歌翻译就是:Bobcats officially disappeared from the basketball world forever!――[C]WarriorsJeffVanGundy 66 分/分 13 hours agoThat's actually a pretty good translation.事实上,这个翻译很不错。[C]Kingsrlcandlejack 218 分/分 15 hours agoOh god that means they have all our shitty jokes in chinese. "Bobcats in 8"哎哟天哪,那他们是不是知道我们“山猫8场拿下”的脑残笑话了?――――――[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 2 分/分 7 hours agoand we got ames Haren. also Hitler the beard.还有埃姆斯?哈扔梗,希特勒胡子梗。――――――――[C]Sunshookedupphat 61 分/分 12 hours agoSo many of the subtle and/or shitty jokes will get lost in translation, but I love to see this kind of international passion.在翻译过程中,很多精妙的或者脑残的笑话都会失去他的意义,不过我还是喜欢这种国际主义的热情。――――[C]Cavaliersthebazooka 64 分/分 11 hours agoThey think all NBA fans eat Primo Pasta for the playoffs now哎呀,那他们是不是以为所有的NBA球迷都会在季后赛吃Primo Pasta了?――[C]MavericksLohengren 12 分/分 9 hours agoYall dont?难道不是吗?――――[C]WarriorsIsPepsiOk 14 分/分 11 hours agoAll those Big Dick jokes would be so confusing这样的话所有的大JB梗都会变得很有歧义啊――――[C]Rocketswxneverlost 3 分/分 8 hours agoActually a LOT of Chinese fans know English very well. (Yeah, including the slangs and jokes) And it's nice to see fans from different country actually share a lot of common ideas :P事实上,很多中国球迷也是懂英帝(当然包括俚语和笑话)很高兴看到世界人民心连心,不同国家的人也有同样的观点。[C]Clippersvet_laz 137 分/分 15 hours ago"You'll have a great team next year" translates to "Your future is bright"lol“你们的球队明年会很强”翻译成“你们前途一片光明” 笑尿了。――――[C]HeatSmokingFrog 69 分/分 14 hours agoDat Confucius' philosophy.毕竟孔子儒家文化。――[C]WarriorsLews-Therin-Telamon 19 分/分 13 hours agoConfucius, he say, don't use Harden for championship defense.想要冠军就别用哈登防守――孔子――[C]Bulletsiamse7en 23 分/分 13 hours agoConfucius say Many hardens make lots of poor shot selection哈登们总是爱XJB投――孔子――――[C]Grizzliesshuidiaogetou[F] 10 分/分 10 hours ago*"明年你的篮球队会很强“ 和 ”你的未来是光明的“ 不是一个意思。中国朋友们不用翻译这个帖子 :D &(乱入中文①)――[C]Hawksderped 4 分/分 6 hours agoHell yes I don't know what the fuck this says虽然不知道你在说什么,但是感觉很厉害的样子。――[C]USAFree_Joty 2 分/分 an hour agoHE CALLED YU A BITCH他在骂你SB。[C]NBAfermi_sea 331 分/分 15 hours agoDamn. I'm an internationally published author now.我擦!我现在是享誉海外的作家了!――――[C]Celticseedevs 2 分/分 5 hours agoYou and J.K. Rowling have something in common.你和J.K 罗琳终于有共同点了。――――[C]ClippersNaturalSeaSalt 64 分/分 14 hours agoWhere's our money at?就是,我们的稿费呢?――[C]SpursKRS-I 72 分/分 13 hours agoI'mma tell you, like Wu told me. Yuan rules everything around me.就像武当派给我说的一样,我来告诉你:“元”统治一切!――[C]Heatcjones91594 17 分/分 11 hours agoRenminbi ya'll人民币 YO~――[C]SpursKRS-I 12 分/分 11 hours agoThrowing every chairman except for Mao on yo' ass.打到除了毛-主席以外的一切主席![C]Thundervforprez 71 分/分 16 hours agoHope they stay out of the clippers vs warriors saltfest threads希望他们珍惜生命远离快船VS勇士的老坛酸菜帖。――[C]Warriorseggstacy 81 分/分 15 hours agoDoes it turn into MSG?已经咸成味精了? (salty原意咸,引申为虎扑语-酸话)――[C]HeatTreasy 44 分/分 14 hours agoMy brain - "the fuck does Madison square garden have to do with this...ohhh"我看到MSG的第一反应:“尼玛又和麦迪逊广场花园有毛关系?。。噢噢噢噢!”――――[C]Trail BlazersJarekBloodDragon 17 分/分 16 hours agoOr houston portland threads还有远离火箭VS开拓者帖子――[C]RocketsRasSupreme 23 分/分 15 hours agoI'm sure they're already there masquerading as Rockets fans.我肯定他们已经伪装成了火箭球迷在里面发言了。――[C]Heatkillmatos 12 分/分 15 hours agowhy masquerading? seems like the types that would seek out and read the comments of idiots during game threads must be HUGE fans他们为什么要伪装?我感觉能进火箭帖子一条条看那些逗比评论的肯定是纯火箭球迷啊!――[C]RocketsRasSupreme 11 分/分 15 hours agoSay something remotely critical of Lin, and see what happens.你说一些黑林书豪的话试试,看看会发生什么――[C]RocketsBeevo 17 分/分 13 hours agoI just bring up Yao when I need a karma boost.反正我每次想求亮就会拿姚明出来躺枪。――[C]SayyidMonroe -5 分/分 13 hours agoLet's see how many downvotes I can get...Yao is a good player, definitely behind Shaq and Tim Duncan all time, but all that he has done for the Japanese people make him one of the most influential players of all time.我来试试有多少人“不亮”我姚明是个好球员,当然不如鲨鱼和邓肯。不过他对日本做出的贡献让他成为了史上最有影响力的人物之一。――[C]RocketsKorlorn 3 分/分 10 hours agoU know what? This is called '恶意求亮' - ‘intentional request for votes' at Hupu so we won't be taken in. lol你这叫“恶意求亮”你知道么。我们不会买你帐的,*河蟹*。[C]KnicksTheNYKnicks 24 分/分 14 hours agoah, it is time to reconnect with our Eastern roots啊,是时候开始东方寻根冥想了。[C]WestJreynold 23 分/分 15 hours agoNow I want to know what they're saying about what we said.我现在好想看看他们的看法跟我们看法有什么差别。――――[C]MavericksP1ofTheTicket 11 分/分 13 hours agoyea we need our own /r/nba translator对啊,我们应该开/r/nba的中国JRS之声。[C]Rocketsj3i 70 分/分 16 hours ago美国人很奇怪...(中文乱入②)――――[C]SunsChangsta 37 分/分 15 hours agoTranslation: Americans are weird...翻译:Americans are weird...――[C]Raptorscssher 14 分/分 14 hours ago@Changsta 是一个很聪明的光棍 (中文乱入③)――――[C]Sunsboognerd 163 分/分 15 hours agoRight? Fuck the Heat.是么?热火草泥马――[C][BOS] Jeff GreenSuzoku 13 分/分 15 hours ago干他妈的热火(中文乱入④)――[C]Wizardsnewguyonfire 27 分/分 14 hours ago干他妈的热火Dry Heat Fuck――――[C]bigmac3d 8 分/分 14 hours ago詹姆斯 “希特勒” 哈登(中文乱入⑤)――[C]Wizardsnewguyonfire 19 分/分 14 hours ago詹姆斯 “希特勒” 哈登James "Hitler" Harden――――[C]xook08 7 分/分 15 hours ago大惊小怪。加油火箭!(中文乱入⑥)――[C]Wizardsnewguyonfire 7 分/分 14 hours ago大惊小怪。加油火箭!Fuss. Come Rocket!――――[C]RaptorsABondaxFan 11 分/分 15 hours ago对不起我不会讲英语,我是法国人。(中文乱入⑦)desolee, je ne parle pas chinois parce que je suis canadienne――――[C]SpursBrianDawkins 10 分/分 15 hours ago他妈的热火(中文乱入⑧)――[C]Wizardsnewguyonfire 11 分/分 14 hours ago他妈的热火Fuck the Heat――[C]Lakersmequals1m1w 11 分/分 13 hours agoHis/her mom's hot fire――――[C]Pistonsmfisher2 3 分/分 12 hours ago他的死的死的屁股*河蟹*履腹罚ㄖ形穆胰擘幔――[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 2 分/分 7 hours ago不要丢脸丢到美帝去好吗(中文乱入10)[C]Thunderlauralately 25 分/分 16 hours agoHave they seen our trash talk threads? Heaven knows what the translations would turn those comments into.他们看了我们的垃圾话帖子了吗?鬼知道他们会把这些回复翻译成什么(注:reddit每周有垃圾话帖子,集中互喷,里面都是口水乱飙,俚语乱飞,LZ表示翻不动。)――――――[C]Warriorseggstacy 7 分/分 15 hours agoProbably make more sense than typical reddit posts. Sarcasm doesn't translate very well.可能比普通的reddit帖子更有意义,因为普通帖子里讽刺太多,他们翻译不好。――――[C]Heatkillmatos 30 分/分 15 hours agooh sure because China doesn't have sarcasm可不是,中国人从来不会讽刺――[C]KingsKlause 18 分/分 15 hours agoHmm. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.唔。不知道你是不是在讽刺中国人。――[C]Heatkillmatos 13 分/分 15 hours agoare you Chinese?你是中国人?――[C]Lakerslimchori 8 分/分 15 hours agoYes, I am.是的。――[C]RocketsDaroo425 15 分/分 13 hours agoThen you wouldn't understand the sarcasm. He just said that那你就看肯定看不懂讽刺。层主刚才说的。[C]ufailowell 13 分/分 15 hours ago"Big AL tonight, do not fight, do you think I raised him to the G7 cat these days? Or the next one and then come back?"大AL今晚不打,大家觉得我猫把他养到G7可好?或者下一轮再复出?"Under a bar, the Raptors strong bad deal."下一轮吧,猛龙很强的不好对付。"I have a mowing, low Bixibote Wade also strong."我了割草,韦德的低位比希伯特还强。"When the audience to realize that LeBron is immune against boos?"现场观众什么时候才能意识到勒布朗对嘘声是免疫的?"Can not only immunity, the stronger the more hush."可不止是免疫,越嘘越强。Never change google translate谷歌机翻,一字未改。――――[C]ufailowell 6 分/分 15 hours agoLeBron "Believe it or not burst your mud horse daisy?"勒布朗“草泥马信不信爆你菊?”[C]Clippersdarkregim 32 分/分 16 hours ago*Funny thing is that i do the opposite, i go for chinese forums to see their oppinions...to those who dont know: there are more basketball fans in China than in the rest of the world together.有意思的是我跟他们做的刚好相反,我经常去看中国论坛看看他们说什么。。顺便科普一下:中国的篮球迷比全世界其他国家加起来的人都多。――[C]Bulletsiamse7en 18 分/分 14 hours agothat's linsane to think about细思林极――[C]GiovanniBuble 4 分/分 14 hours agowhat are biggest spots in internet for chinese fans?中国球迷在网上关注最多的运动是什么?――[C]Clippersdarkregim 7 分/分 14 hours ago*Basketball by far.Their football (soccer) is growing a lot since some billionaire dudes are financing the teams (and buying brazilian player+coaches), and some other sports like gimnastics are also huge. But basketball is their main sport.if you talk about internet, League of Legends (eSports) is also huge. the best players are rich and have almost as much followers as the olympic athletes. there are more players in China than the rest of the world together, even tho it is big in europe, usa and korea too.目前是篮球。他们的足球发展也很快。因为有一些大土豪赞助球队(签约巴西球员+教练)。而别的像体操也很流行。不过篮球还是他们的主流。如果你说起网络,英雄联盟就很流行。国内顶尖选手都很有钱而且和奥运冠军的粉丝一样多。中国的LOL玩家比世界上其他国家加起来还多,虽然欧洲美国韩国也很多。――[C]GiovanniBuble 6 分/分 14 hours agothat is great for basketball.but i meant what are their biggest bball sites? maybe they have some cool interesting ones这对篮球来说真棒。那他们最大的篮球网站是什么? 说不定有一些很有趣的东西。――[C]Clippersdarkregim 4 分/分 13 hours agobaidu forum, cctv (chinese biggest tv station) forum are the ones which i visit, but i dont know much about their best forums, is all about finding a link that sends you to a new site.百度贴吧,CCTV论坛我也经常逛,不过我也不知道哪个最好,总是点一个是一个。――[C]iron24man 5 分/分 13 hours ago* best sports comments n best adult pics最好的体育论坛+黄图最多的网站!――[C][TOR] Jonas Valanciunasuberwaffle 3 分/分 10 hours agoadult pics you say? SOunds like i may have to learn some chinese.你说黄图??看来我得学一点中文了。――[C][SAS] Livio Jean-CharlesSean88888 2 分/分 7 hours ago....where are these adult pics you speak of?你们说的黄图在哪里。。我怎么没看到?[C]GiovanniBuble 18 分/分 14 hours agochinese fans are the best, most passionate fans! Hi guys!!! we love you guys!!!中国球迷最棒!最热情!筒子们好!!我们爱你们!!!――[C]trtry 3 分/分 12 hours agoas long as they don't vote Lin to the all-star team只要他们不投林书豪进全明星就好――[C]Carmalo 1 分/分 3 hours agoLin is not Chinese, he's an Asian-american林不是中国人,他是亚裔美国人――[C]trtry 2 分/分 3 hours agoyou are deluded if you think he has more fans in America than China你要是以为他在中国的粉丝没美国多,那你就被骗了。[C]Warriors2rio2 8 分/分 14 hours agoI can't wait until the day that international members of the media realize that reddit is just a bunch of assholes doing their best to amuse each other.我等这一天等好久啦!让全世界人民都知道 reddit就是一个一堆逗比互相逗乐的论坛。[C]ThunderAedanwolfe 10 分/分 17 hours agoUmmm, badass!嗯嗯嗯,天朝的傻吊们~!(褒奖)――[C]RaptorsIanicRR 11 分/分 16 hours agoI'm going to pretend we are all Chinese celebrities now.我现在要开始假装我们都是中国知名人士啦!――[C]jeremydurden 2 分/分 10 hours agoif you go to China it sometimes feels that way because all anyone wants to do is take pictures with you and give you cigarettes and beer or buy you dinner.如果你有幸去中国,你有时候就会这么感觉。因为他们所有人都想跟你合影,递你香烟或啤酒,要么为你买单。[C][GSW] Draymond GreenIfImLateDontWait 13 分/分 17 hours agoreading the google translations of the translations is hilarious读这些中文用谷歌翻译回来的译文笑死我了!――――[C][SEA] Ray Allenreality_czech 11 分/分 16 hours agoMy favorite ones我最喜欢这几句"Big AL tonight, do not fight, do you think I raised him to the G7 cat these days?""This first commendable spirit of friendship""As Eagle secret, you know how my first round encounter walkers happy?"――――[C][LAL] Jerry WestPhillyWick 3 分/分 14 hours agoBrb:"Has line and(Ps: brb = Be right back right back, meaning fast gunman)"我喜欢这句brbHas line and(已撸)(Ps: brb = Be right back right back, meaning fast gunman)"――――[C]Bulletsiamse7en 7 分/分 14 hours ago*I love this one:我喜欢这句[C]HeatSock_Monster 39 分/分 8 hours agoLebron: "Get yo broom motherfucka" 勒布朗“草泥马信不信爆你菊?lebron "believe it or not burst mud horse you daisy?――[C][BOS] Rajon RondoJALbert 4 分/分 12 hours agoMud and horse are homophones for fuck/mother in Chinese, so to avoid censorship, or just to be funny people will use the words that sound the same.草泥马和cao ni ma同音。以避免被和谐,或者是他们纯粹为了搞笑。――――[C]Bulletsiamse7en 4 分/分 14 hours ago*Man I could do this all day...这句话我笑了一整天Damn Wade plays better in the post than Hibbert我了割草,韦德的低位比希伯特还强i have a mowing, low bixibote stronger wade――[C]Kevinlee21 2 分/分 9 hours ago我了割草=what the fuck(中文乱入11)――――[C]fftalgorithms 4 分/分 12 hours agoTranslating back,这句翻译回来也很逗"On the way back to the locker room I was told Crespo Pacers behind 30 points. He laughed urine, and even do not want to hide their emotions, shouting "God Ma!!??"――――[C]MavsBext 9 分/分 16 hours agoWade's name shows up as "JaneWade"韦德的名字怎么变成了“JaneWade”?――[C][LAL] Jerry WestPhillyWick 10 分/分 14 hours agoAlso, Spoelstra turns into "Crespo"... Can we start calling him Crespo?而且斯波尔斯特拉变成了“Crespo",我们以后是不是该叫他Crespo了?――[C]SpursFuertisimo 4 分/分 11 hours agoThis needs to be a thing好主意[C]HeatMiamiFootball 5 分/分 15 hours agoi hope they like hyperbole我希望他们喜欢我们的夸张手法[C]RocketsBobHorry 5 分/分 14 hours agoIts a good thing the Chinese are inherently Rockets fans, because I've been an asssshole in the Hou v Rip thread...中国人内在都是火箭球迷,真棒。因为我感觉我在火箭VS开拓者的帖子里都被当成SB(终于有人挺我了)[C]HeatSmithkobe 5 分/分 12 hours ago*It's me.I'm the translator.就是我,我就是译者。[C]RocketsZemulon 4 分/分 16 hours agobest...gif...ever...他们的gif真棒*234.gif――[C]Bulls_Cthulhu_Fhtagn_ 4 分/分 13 hours agoThere's something inspiring about seeing Chinese people post cat reaction gifs...中国人发的这张小猫的GIF真是棒极了[C]Lakersmequals1m1w 5 分/分 13 hours ago槭颤N他一直f"}@, }那", 到底是什N意思呢?(中文乱入12)[C]SpursElGoddamnDorado 3 分/分 13 hours agoWe really, really out there now.我们真的走向世界啦!![C]CelticsThirstyHo 49 分/分 17 hours ago*Okay r/nba has GOT to play a prank on them on the next game threadSomething like writing dickbutt at the end of every comment. edit: or just write something nonsensical in the end好吧,我们是时候跟他们玩点恶作剧了。在每个回帖后面写个“啪铡敝嗟摹&PS:要么写一些毫无意义的单词,看他们怎么办――――[C]RaptorsArtvandelay1 204 分/分 16 hours agoThis is a terrible idea. Think about the youth in Asia who will be dying to read our comments and then see incomprehensible gibberish at the end. You're a fucking asshole for even suggesting it. I would say you're Hitler but you're worse than Hitler. You're literally Hitler.fuck you for that. Dickbutt.你这什么馊主意啊!想想那些亚洲的年轻人多想看到我们的回帖,结果看到的都是一些毫无意义的胡言乱语,你忍心吗?你真是个大SB。我不得不说你就是希特勒,不,你比希特勒还恶心。你简直就是希特勒!去你妹的馊主意,啪――[C]builderb 50 分/分 16 hours agoSlow golf clap. Dickbutt.鼓掌,骂得好。啪铡――――[C]HeatBDog23 8 分/分 16 hours agoI mean why would we we write that that just seems outrageous. It just seems immature. I'm not doing it. I refuse. Dickbutt就是啊,为什么我们要这么过激。感觉很幼稚啊。我才不会这么做呢,我拒绝,啪铡――――[C]victorvonboom 18 分/分 15 hours agoHello NBA fam-bam in China哈喽中国的NBA啪彰[C]SpursBrianDawkins 3 分/分 16 hours agoWe should write in Chinese from now on.好吧,我们现在开始用中文聊天吧。――――[C]Bulletsiamse7en 2 分/分 14 hours ago我J椴假恩道金斯有一ゴ蟮南敕ā#ㄖ形穆胰13)――――[C]NBALorenzomax 1 分/分 12 hours ago草泥马格勒比?;-)(中文乱入14)[C]Timberwolvesminneapolisboy 2 分/分 12 hours agoThis is the best thread ever这是有史以来最好的帖子![C]NBALorenzomax 2 分/分 12 hours ago说真的,我不大喜欢虎扑,但喜爱雷帝。TBH, I dislike HUPU, but love reddit.(中文乱入15)――――[C]WarriorsMrHeavySilence 1 分/分 8 hours agoWhy do you dislike Hupu? Is it very sensationalist or something?为什么你不喜欢虎扑?很情绪化还是怎么?――[C]Sunsphoenixhot 1 分/分 7 hours agotoo many unreasonable haters, on almost every topic.无脑黑太多,每个帖子都是。――[C]NBALorenzomax 1 分/分 6 hours agoToo many illogical bashings and personal attacks out there.很多毫无逻辑的谩骂和人身攻击[C]Lakerszzyyxxqq 3 分/分 9 hours agoWow, they even translated the titty cheerleader gif...哇哦,他们连大奶拉拉队都翻译过去啦[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 5 分/分 17 hours agoThere's a whole subforum of these threads全篇翻译都在这。[C]Bulls_Cthulhu_Fhtagn_ 5 分/分 13 hours agoI just realized something. Does this mean that Houston has the biggest fanbase in the NBA?我好像感觉到了什么 这意味着火箭球迷是NBA最多的?――[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 4 分/分 13 hours agoIt goes like Lakers→Houston→Heat应该是湖密>火密>热密――[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 3 分/分 8 hours agoor Lakers=Houston > the rest或者是湖密=火密>剩下的手工作业,有误请指出。&前期回顾:订阅请@有喜欢的朋友可以加入 美国JRS之声 爱好者QQ群:PS:1.转载请务必标明出处,尤其是包卜网,直播吧,百度贴吧,ACFUN和新浪。2、转载时请注明本人ID,以及虎扑【美国JRS之声】,不要写错。抄袭案例:包卜:&贴吧:ACFUN:新浪:直播吧:&抄袭【话题团】&抄袭火区【热线】& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &制作不易,你的推荐是我最大的动力& & & & & & & & & & & 阅后请推荐, 谢谢支持! & & & ↓↓↓
正在努力加载...[ 此帖被SmithKobe在 08:59修改 ]
的文章,可以。& & & &
引用18楼 @ 发表的:
这篇我把所有的全翻了。 可能不好玩,但是有历史意义。
楼主说了,点亮此楼一人10000卡以庆祝虎扑【美国JRS之声】正式打响全世界呃......这么多亮......我只是恶意求亮罢了[ 此帖被Ke文in在 12:42修改 ]
best sports comments n best adult pics
这特么是谁 ?
备注: &熬夜赶制不易,求推荐。。 这么多中文乱入reddit是要闹哪样? 我大中华入侵美帝吗?!统统报上名来! 交出你们的虎扑id我们还是好盆友!
[ 此帖被SmithKobe在 23:51修改 ]
[C]WarriorsLews-Therin-Telamon 19 分/分 13 hours ago
Confucius, he say, don't use Harden for championship defense.
[C]Bulletsiamse7en 23 分/分 13 hours ago
Confucius say Many hardens make lots of poor shot selection
[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 4 分/分 13 hours ago
It goes like Lakers→Houston→Heat
[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 3 分/分 8 hours ago
or Lakers=Houston > the rest
真相啊!![ 此帖被三爷对北京在 00:06修改 ]
笑爆了 至今看到最爆炸的一贴!!!尤其是老美把翻译又用谷歌机翻译了一遍以后的结果……真的和传中一样诶!随便说点什么就会被亮![ 此帖被嘻哈小狗哥在 00:17修改 ]
[C]RocketsRasSupreme 11 分/分 15 hours ago
Say something remotely critical of Lin, and see what happens.
[C]Heatkillmatos 30 分/分 15 hours ago
oh sure because China doesn't have sarcasm
×&[C]RocketsZemulon 4 分/分 16 hours ago
引用261楼 @ 发表的:
[C]SpursSpursRoy 89 分/分 14 hours agoyep, I only found this place after I saw the game threads on Hupu, and frankly being able to understand the comments in both languages has been the biggest reward for learning English for all these years...well that and a bachelor degree in Arts...耶。我就是在虎扑上看帖子才知道有REDDIT这论坛的。能流畅看懂两种语言的回帖是对我学了这么多年英语(和获得学士学位)的最好奖赏。天朝JR乱入,爆出你的虎扑ID
备注: &熬夜赶制不易,求推荐。。 这么多中文乱入reddit是要闹哪样? 我大中华入侵美帝吗?!统统报上名来! 交出你们的虎扑id我们还是好盆友!
[ 此帖被SmithKobe在 23:51修改 ]
[C]SpursSpursRoy 89 分/分 14 hours agoyep, I only found this place after I saw the game threads on Hupu, and frankly being able to understand the comments in both languages has been the biggest reward for learning English for all these years...well that and a bachelor degree in Arts...耶。我就是在虎扑上看帖子才知道有REDDIT这论坛的。能流畅看懂两种语言的回帖是对我学了这么多年英语(和获得学士学位)的最好奖赏。天朝JR乱入,爆出你的虎扑ID
楼主说了,点亮此楼一人10000卡以庆祝虎扑【美国JRS之声】正式打响全世界呃......这么多亮......我只是恶意求亮罢了[ 此帖被Ke文in在 12:42修改 ]
Instagram https://pinsta.me/kevin.ng_
LZ业界良心啊 Right? Fuck the Heat.是么?草泥马――[C][BOS] Jeff GreenSuzoku 13 分/分 15 hours ago干他妈的热火(中文乱入④)――[C]Wizardsnewguyonfire 27 分/分 14 hours ago干他妈的热火。。。。。。。。。。。额
[C]WarriorsLews-Therin-Telamon 19 分/分 13 hours ago
Confucius, he say, don't use Harden for championship defense.
[C]Bulletsiamse7en 23 分/分 13 hours ago
Confucius say Many hardens make lots of poor shot selection
[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 4 分/分 13 hours ago
It goes like Lakers→Houston→Heat
[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 3 分/分 8 hours ago
or Lakers=Houston > the rest
真相啊!![ 此帖被三爷对北京在 00:06修改 ]
坐火车对面一男的,我们同时开始泡方便面吃。在盖上盖等待的时候这货问我什么口味的,我回答红烧牛肉。他拍了拍他的方便面盖来了句:我这,海鲜的。那口气,显得生活水平要比我高出不止一个档次。 我次奥!!!
best sports comments n best adult pics
这特么是谁 ?
[C]Bulls_Cthulhu_Fhtagn_ 5 分/分 13 hours ago
I just realized something. Does this mean that Houston has the biggest fanbase in the NBA?
我好像感觉到了什么 这意味着火箭球迷是NBA最多的?
[C]Spurspetrcai[S] 4 分/分 13 hours ago
It goes like Lakers→Houston→Heat
[C]Trail BlazersChiYong 3 分/分 8 hours ago
or Lakers=Houston > the rest
[C]HeatSmithkobe 5 分/分 12 hours ago*
It's me.I'm the translator.
[C]iron24man 5 分/分 13 hours ago*
best sports comments n best adult pics
[C][SAS] Livio Jean-CharlesSean88888 2 分/分 7 hours ago....where are these adult pics you speak of?兄台你来晚了,净网行动在行动
120205 // 108.501 / 5815 // 140715
I cross,U over
[C]PacersILoveIndiana 139 分/分 11 hours ago
"Why do Americans talk about salt so much?"
没看懂怎么办? 关键词 黄图多的网站
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