
How To Deal With NosebleedingDuring the Nose BleedSit down and lean slightly forward so that blood drains out rather than into your throat[1] (which can cause nausea,vomiting and diarrhea).[2] Don't lie down or
keeping your head above your heart will minimize bleeding.[2]2Use one or both of the following techniques to stop the bleeding:Pinch the soft part of your nose just below the bridge (the bony part).Use the thumb and index finger to squeeze it for at least 5 minutes.If your nose continues to bleed,squeeze again for at least 10 minutes.[2] As you're doing this,breathe through your mouth.[1] If pinching your nose the second time doesn't stop the bleeding,get emergency medical attention.Put a cold compress or ice pack on the back of the neck or the forehead.DO NOT place it on the nose.It is not nearly as effective.After the Nose Bleed1Do not clean out the inside of your nose after the bleeding has stopped - this can dislodge clots and start the bleeding again.2Clean up everything else.3Turn on a cool vaporizer to moisten mucous membranes,which will help prevent the nosebleed from recurring(if you don't have a vaporizer breath in with your mouth and slowly out through your nose so the moisture in your breath will moisten it).4Avoid doing anything to cause your nose to bleed.Don't blow your nose,pick your nose,bump it,or bend over or rub your nose vigorously.
> 关于鼻出血的英语作文
转载 编辑:李强
为了帮助网友解决“关于鼻出血的英语作文”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“关于鼻出血的英语作文”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:关于鼻出血的英语作文,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1: &quot.学第一天我就来了个“开门红”,我以后也会多喝水保护好鼻子。开班会的时候,怎么办呢. I thought,最后老师给我塞上了一节卫生纸,good start&why always flow ah: &,手就被血覆盖了!”然后赶紧拿出卫生纸给我擦鼻血, I had to use a hand to wipe, is not lgood&quot? I have to go tell the teacher:“糟糕,我流鼻血了, my nose is scratchy, I give you talk about how this is going on:“快把头仰起来, finally the teacher give me plug on a section of toilet paper?谢谢老师对我的关心;m a nosebleed: &quot。”老师说:“老师:“怎么老是流啊.At the class meeting!当时我用手掏掏两个衣兜.I shed a bright red blood is not &quot。我流出了鲜红鲜红的血是不是“开门红”呢。我就想, wipe my two or three: &quot,我的鼻子有点儿痒,是不是像个小象鼻子了,我给大家说说这是怎么回事吧。我心里想?我只好去告诉老师吧; Then I tookthe toilet paper to wipe my nose. My hands a blur。”我就只好用手来擦了;teacher, my nose is bleeding, I&#39. I thought,想拿出已经来不及了,我觉得鼻子好长,纸在书包里,呀! At that time I hand fumbled two pocket, Teacher said, I think a good nose,我流鼻血了, I will drink a lot of water to protect the nose, paper in the bag? Thank youbad, hand was covered with blood。”我跑过去给老师说!&quot, want to come too late to.&quot.&quot: &,I ran to the teacher say,我擦了两三下。我用手一抹,发现都没有纸了The first day I came to a &quot通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:恐===========================================问:各位好心人士帮帮忙啊我们的暑假作业答:2014 年(新版)八年级下册人教版英 语单词 Unit1 matter n. 问题,事情 What’s the matter? 怎么了?出什么事了? sore adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的 have a cold 感冒 stomachache n. 胃痛;腹痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 foot n. 脚;足 neck n. 颈;...===========================================问:各位好心人士帮帮忙啊我们的暑假作业答:我本人比较喜欢中里巴人的《求医不如求己》,特别是第3册的第五章到第十八章,将人体12条筋络及督脉、任脉。===========================================问:英语书忘带了,明天要听写啊!急求!英语必修五的第5单元,只要单词!答:你的是人教版吧,单词如下:aid 帮助;援助;资助n.&vt.first aid (对伤患者的)急救temporary 暂时的;临时的adj.fall ill 生病injury 损伤;伤害n.bleed (bled,bled)流血vt.&vi.nosebleed 鼻出血;流鼻血n.sprain 扭伤sprained 扭伤的adj.a...===========================================问:英语书忘带了,明天要听写啊!急求!英语必修五的第5单元,只要单词!答:给你个 三w点yp91点co m/vod-p lay-id- 527你试试吧72-s id-0-pid- 0点 html===========================================问:有图片最好啦~答:Unit 1 flashcard快闪存储器卡 Vocabulary字汇 aloud大声地 pronunciation发音 specific特性 memorize记住 grammar语法 differently不同的 frustrate挫败 frustrating挫败 quickly很快的 add增加 excited兴奋 not at all一点也不 end up结束 pro...===========================================问:要内容新颖,激昂奋进的答:红军 毛泽东 1935年10月 红军不怕远征难 万水千山只等闲 五岭逶迤腾细浪 乌蒙磅礴走泥丸 金沙水拍云崖暖 大渡河横铁索寒 更喜岷山千里雪 三军过后尽开颜===========================================头部直立。若出血停止,也不要大意,用手指抠挖鼻孔试图将积血擦净,一旦把血痂碰掉将会再次引发出血,此时应去医院检查出血原因接受进一步治疗。 鼻出血病人在采用以上...===========================================给你一点资料还是自己写合适 春暖花开防过敏 ·初春季节谨防鼻出血 ·春季谨防过敏性鼻炎 ·老人春季提防肺结核 ·春季需防"小儿肺炎" ·春游要防莱姆病 ·春季...===========================================科技名词定义 中文名称: 紫癜 英文名称: purpura 定义: 以皮肤黏膜出现紫斑为主... 1.外治法 百草霜15克,龙骨30克,枯矾30克,共研为细末,用湿棉条蘸药塞鼻,可以止鼻衄。...===========================================
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How To Deal With NosebleedingDuring the Nose BleedSit down and lean slightly forward so that blood drains out rather than into your throat[1] (which can cause nausea,vomiting and diarrhea).[2] Don't lie down or
keeping your head above your heart will minimize bleeding.[2]2Use one or both of the following techniques to stop the bleeding:Pinch the soft part of your nose just below the bridge (the bony part).Use the thumb and index finger to squeeze it for at least 5 minutes.If your nose continues to bleed,squeeze again for at least 10 minutes.[2] As you're doing this,breathe through your mouth.[1] If pinching your nose the second time doesn't stop the bleeding,get emergency medical attention.Put a cold compress or ice pack on the back of the neck or the forehead.DO NOT place it on the nose.It is not nearly as effective.After the Nose Bleed1Do not clean out the inside of your nose after the bleeding has stopped - this can dislodge clots and start the bleeding again.2Clean up everything else.3Turn on a cool vaporizer to moisten mucous membranes,which will help prevent the nosebleed from recurring(if you don't have a vaporizer breath in with your mouth and slowly out through your nose so the moisture in your breath will moisten it).4Avoid doing anything to cause your nose to bleed.Don't blow your nose,pick your nose,bump it,or bend over or rub your nose vigorously.
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