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& & 黄淮学院是经教育部批准,在原驻马店师范高等专科学校、中原职业技术学院、驻马店市林业科学研究所基础上于2004年合并升格的一所综合性全日制普通本科高校,已有40年的办学历史,由河南省人民政府主办,省级文明单位、河南省行风建设工作先进单位。
& & 学校占地2145亩,建筑面积53万平方米,形成了功能完善的教学科研区、体育活动区、学生和教师生活区。学校教学仪器设备资产总8100万元,馆藏图书170多万册,中外文期刊2000多种。学校网络中心是河南省教育和科研计算机网驻马店市网络接点中心,信息点遍布教学、科研和生活场所,形成了现代化、数字化的校园环境。学校现有1个国家特色专业建设点,3个省级特色专业,1个省级重点学科,4个硕士研究生联合培养学科点,6个校级重点学科,8个校级特色专业,6个省级实验教学示范中心和工程技术中心,18个校级研究所。
& & 学校设有17个院系,45个本科专业,16个专科专业(方向),涵盖文学、管理学、经济学、教育学、法学、工学、理学、农学、医学、艺术学等10大学科门类,全日制普通在校生1.8万人,继续教育在学学生1.3万人。教职工1100多人,其中教授、副教授240多人,博士、硕士550多人,国务院特殊津贴获得者、省管优秀专家、省级骨干教师等专业技术拔尖人才60多人,从国内外著名大学和科研院所聘请60多名兼职教授。学校通过加强师资队伍和学科建设,提升了科研和学科水平,取得了一批科研成果。近3年来,出版各类学术著作293部,发表学术论文2000余篇,被SCI、EI、CPCI检索论文近136篇,完成国家级、省部级科研项目163项,承担横向课题39项,获市厅级以上科研奖励258项,获得国家专利12项。学校主办的《天中学刊》被评为“全国高校百强社科期刊”、“全国百强社科学报”、“中国人文社科学报核心期刊”。
& & 学校秉承“厚德、博学、笃行、自强”的校训,坚持以教学为中心,注重教学基本建设,积极推进教学研究工作。升本以来,承担省部级教学改革项目20项,校级教学改革项目26项,获得省级教学成果6项。人才培养体现以人为本,高度重视学生素质教育,按照“就业能称职、创业有能力,深造有基础、发展有后劲”的应用型人才培养定位,依托黄淮学院合作发展联盟,坚持以第二课堂实践教学为载体,以校内外实习实训基地为平台,大力推进“工学结合”的人才培养模式改革,突出实践能力的培养和学生个性发展,促进学生创业就业。学校连续多年被评为“河南省大学生社会实践活动先进单位”、“河南省大中专毕业生就业工作先进集体”,“大学生骨干基层挂职锻炼团”等5个学生社团被命名为国家级优秀团队。
& & 学校坚持服务地方,与区域经济、社会、文化事业互动发展,以“合作、发展、共赢”为宗旨,与国内150多家大中型企业开展“校企合作”人才培养,同时,学校重视并积极开展国际交流与合作,加快推进国际化程度,与英国、印度、澳大利亚等国8所知名大学和台湾地区4所高校签订合作办学协议,加入了“1+2+1中美人才培养计划”,通过国际合作办学,有近600名学生实现出国留学。目前,学校已形成以普通本科教育为主体,普通教育与对外合作办学并重的“地方性、应用型、开放式、国际化”办学格局。
& & 站在新的历史起点上,学校正认真贯彻落实第二次党代会精神,全面实施“质量立校、人才强校、专业集群、项目带动、开放合作”五大战略,加强内涵建设,强力推进学校转型,努力创建一所特色鲜明的应用型本科高校。
& & The Introduction to Huanghuai University
& & Huanghuai University is public full-time undergraduate university with over 40 years history. It was merged in 2004 on the basis of three institutions: Zhumadian Teachers College, Central Plains Vocational Technical College, and Zhumadian Institute of Forestry. Huanghuai University has successively been awarded “Model Faculty of Higher Education Institutions” and “Model University for Students Satisfaction”.
& & The campus covers an area of 143 hectares and the construction area is 530,000 square meters with excellent modern teaching and living facilities. School teaching equipment assets equal 81 million RMB. The library catalogue surpasses 170 Chinese and foreign periodicals accumulate over 2000 entries.
& & The School Network Center is the Zhumadian network contact center of Henan Province Education and Research Network, in which information covers the areas of teaching, research, and living and resulted in the formation of a modern, digital campus environment. Huanghuai University now has a National Major Construction, 3 provincial majors, 1 key provincial discipline, 4 joint training programs of master graduates, 6 university key disciplines, 8 colonel specialties,6 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center and Engineering technology center, 18 colonel institutes.
& & Huanghuai University has 17 departments, 45 undergraduate programs, and 16 specialties (directions) including: literature, management, economics, education, law, engineering, science, agriculture, medicine, art, science amongst other disciplines. There are 18 thousands full-time students and 13 thousands continuing education students. Over1100 faculty work in the university, including 240 professors and associate professors, about 550 staff with doctoral or master’s degree, and more than 60 experts that are back-bone teachers at provincial level. There are about 50 faculty from the other countries and about 60 renowned professors and experts from well-known universities or research institutions works as indispensible part of our whole faculty.
& & The academic research of the faculty is abundant and influential home and abroad. Over the last three years, Huanghuai University published 293 produced more than 2000 papers. There are 136 theses can be searched by SCI、EI and CPCI; completed a total of 163 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research, spread over 39 received 258 research awards in the cit and, filed 12 national patents. The university-sponsored ‘Tianzhong Journal’ was named ‘National Outstanding Science Journal’, and is listed on the ‘Top 100 National Social Science Journal”.
& & The motto of Huanghuai University “well-cultivated in morality, deep in learning, disciplined in conduct, unyielding in spirit” encourages the faculty to be dedicated to teach focus on ba and promote teaching and research work actively amongst students and local population. Since upgrading its undergraduate program through commitment to a total of 29 provincial and ministerial teaching reform projects, Huanghuai University received 18 provincial teaching achievements. Staff development reflects the people-oriented spirit held high at Huanghuai University.
& & Huanhguai university attaches great importance to the quality of education. The quality of the graduates from Huanghuai University should have the following features: capable in employed field, competent in enterprising, foundation-solid for further education, up-and-coming for further development. Huanghuai University relies on the Cooperation and Development Alliance, regards the second classroom practice teaching as the carrier, through the platform of internal and external practice base, promotes the “Combination” mode reform of training vigorously, highlights the students’ practical ability and personality development and promotes the students’ employment. Amongst various critical acclaim, Huanghuai University has been referred to as having “An advanced unit of social practice for students in Henan Province”, “An advance group of undergraduates’ employment in Henan province”, “Students backbone of primary attachment training mission” by the five student organizations have been named the national outstanding teams.
& & Huanghuai University adheres to service the local area and its regional economy. Also social and cultural undertakings are conducted to make an interactive development with the purpose of “cooperation, development, and synergy”. School- enterprise cooperation is in place with 150 large and medium-sized enterprises to offer field training. Meanwhile, Huanghuai University attaches importance to, and actively carries out, international exchange and cooperation endeavours to accelerate the degree of internationalization, through signed agreements with eight well-known universities in the United Kingdom, India, Australia and 4 additional universities in Taiwan, under the header “NAU personnel training program”. Through these cooperative education programs, nearly 600 students are now studying abroad. Huanghuai University has formed a general undergraduate education as the main, and formed a general and cooperative education in “local, application, open, international” educational structure.
& & With these significant accomplishments, followed the spirit of The Second Party Congress and the five strategic orientations of “improving quality, training talents, grouping specialties, developing projects, opening and cooperating”, Huanghuai University strengthens the connotation construction, strongly promotes the school transformation, aiming at a modern university with distinctive features.
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[ 整理:&&&时间: 19:07:44 &&&来源/作者:黄淮学院&&& 浏览:8671 次 ]
录取规则&&& (1)环境设计专业、动画(游戏美术)、动画(动画设计与制作)专业、音乐表演专业:文化分达到各省(直辖市、自治区)艺术本科最低控制分数线,并获得我校专业合格证(或专业联考成绩合格证)的考生,按专业分排序从高到低依次择优录取。&&& (2)美术学专业、美术学(合作办学)专业、环境设计(城市园林艺术设计)专业、动画(动漫文学)专业、动画(合作办学)专业、音乐学、播音与主持艺术专业、广播电视编导专业:文化分达到各省(直辖市、自治区)艺术本科最低控制分数线,并获得我校专业合格证(或专业联考成绩合格证)的考生,按文化分与专业分相加后的总分从高到低依次择优录取。&&& (3)视觉传达设计专业、环境设计(建筑艺术设计方向)专业:文化分达到各省(直辖市、自治区)艺术本科最低控制分数线,并获得我校专业合格证(或专业联考成绩合格证)的考生,按文化分排序从高到低依次择优录取。&&& (4)美术类各专科专业文化分达到各省(直辖市、自治区)艺术专科控制分数线,均按专业成绩排序从高分到低分择优录取。
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