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新保镖之翡翠娃娃第21-22集英文剧情New bodyguard of jadeite 21 episode introduces the doll
Weng precious little pearl learned that deng who run away from home, go to great lengths to find deng endure whereabouts, know endure in the bank against the silver ticket, deng decided to find deng himself.
The seal rouge name woke up and found seal has left, disappointed. Collect jade tell rouge decided to fulfill rouge and Guo Xu, because hear the word of the seal, found himself and his brother, and only Guo Xu rouge. Rouge after hearing of the joy of not only could not, but heavy in my heart.
Changfeng biaoju funerals for yuen Hou Kun of sacrifice. Guo Xu since then more strict with the dart team all the way to strengthen prevention.
QuXingWu tried to close to rouge, trying to impress the trust, star wu listen while rouge alone jade dolls, rouge was, star wu want to sneak attack, XinLi timely.
Collect jade with Guo Xu showdown, carmine worm, Guo Xu point out the obvious rouge her true love may be flat, so rouge was determined to find and to seal any sad, will give him the rest. Star wu take success with dart team, heard rouge leave, hurriedly said to follow, but by XinLi, reluctantly followed the dart team to move forward.
Learned SiMaXiao QuXingWu undercover, take the initiative to invite weng, to peaceful at two words, weng impatient to peaceful ones, with SiMaXiao, SiMaXiao intentionally its energy consumption, weng defeated to peaceful had to tell the secrets of thirteen statue of dolls.
Dart team on stationed camp, XinLi shock, warning QuXingWu dont make a move, a QuXingWu dark surprised but always looking to escape. Clearly to collect jade about their feelings, five cloud and iron clothes, both sides are weighing, collect jade to clearly want to know who are the people who she thought about life.
Merit sprint eager to business six wives as bludgeoned stay in the national capital, forced him to steal jade dolls.
Rouge find seal, the seal, said she fell in love with seal, seal under the Guo Xu mistook is rouge on a whim. Seal anger and push it away, rouge really losing crystal doll on horseback leave for tables. Seal to pick up the doll and upset, to drink.
New bodyguard of jadeite episode 22 plot introduced the doll
Dart team to move forward, six have been playing with the wek-jin and son, also is often absent-minded in yuen, difficult to choice. Ding Yan mountain coerced by various means, six, six helpless compromise.
Six was forced by Ding Yan mountain, helpless to collect jade jade dolls hidden place. Collect jade perceived a different expression of six. Guo Xu inadvertently found business six has contact with sprint, grief than in the heart, denounced the six ye, and coaxed. , six this to the fact that wives by sprint carry on, career, and regret. Guo Xu after learning, look for jade consult with. Two man decided to flying pigeon and books that small peng report for help.
In the capital, small peng report found weng to introduced SiMaXiao to peaceful, weng readily responded to peaceful. SiMaXiao rushed to the left of the thing is I dont know, small peng report to, and pressure, hence to six wives peace back to yuen.
Bandits and dart team will seal off, learned QuXingWu rouge alone back to the peach blossom village, an excuse to not trust, leaving the dart team. Guo Xu with seal about rouge, hit the seal is fear hurt pride may be substitutes so refused to carmine, seal rouge lost doll to crystal Guo Xu, going to broken broken falls, Guo Xu down gets to grips with seal. Iron clothes, essien urging, 13 dolls secret is known in all. XinLi suddenly thought of QuXingWu away, feeling bad, seal hurried to find rouge.
SiMaXiao at left, left rushed to release six wives, in the heart is full of hatred.
QuXingWu man whacking kneecaps for the crystal to the doll rouge, SiMaXiao came away easily beat QuXingWu rouge, seal late step. SiMaXiao, announced before the rouge and VIP day you help of, nobody may have a slight disrespectful, the rouge carefully arrange, also do not care found jade dolls rouge.
Weng precious little bead overtook changfeng biaoju a line. Weng precious little bead talk with clearly said can do deng admits she endure concubines. Clearly wronged in the heart, naturally dont want to. Precious little pearl to endure and her back, deng deng who isnt willing to, precious little bead be breath away. Weng find a precious little pearl to peaceful and comfort depresseds daughter, and told her to personally bring back the deng endure with jade dolls.
Song Wu Xing decreased, also lost a statue of dolls, anger extremely, to peaceful left.您当前位置: >>
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新保镖之翡翠娃娃第23-24集英文剧情New bodyguard of jade dolls plot 23 sets is introduced
Seal strong rush days you help, wanted to leave, with rouge rouge know seal not SiMaXiao opponent, pretend to greedy vanity, taping, driving out seal.
Deng gold sibao armor and clear to send. Clearly dont want to accept. Deng expressed intention, endure the feeling be nasty under XinLi appeared at this moment, after get lost is the most painful, this is a heart for deng bao chu safely back to home cloud, zhuang clearly finally agreed to accept sibao armour of gold.
QuXingWu wants to be precious little bead violence, told precious little pearl to yuen undercover because promised to peaceful exchange precious little pearl. Precious little pearl struggled to escape, a sword stab to star, star, his arms he breathed his last.
SiMaXiao intended to replace MuRongBai with rouge, cause MuRongBai resentment and envy. Rouge to assassinate, at the moment only to find their own floor god cannot use. SiMaXiao save rouge, the men in black, remove the mask turns out MuRongBai, MuRongBai for violating help gauge also unbearable cold himself face to face, SiMaXiao could not be 7) budged, rouge chilling. Informants, weng to mobilize a large number of security to peaceful, are advancing to changfeng dart team, SiMaXiao decided to rob the jade dolls, fly away.
Hebei north three Wolf came to the day you help send wine, see wounded seal, learned that rouge under house arrest, while SiMaXiao out, saved several people together with counsel will rouge prison. Seal rides fast line, carrying four people to leave days for total altar.
Temple, weng rate to peaceful security and changfeng yuen, face to face for the first time weng to Guo Xu to peaceful for jade dolls, both confrontation, weng ShiYao find jade dolls, to peaceful time manipulated. Guo Xu is trying to delay the time, but peaceful ones, make a determined effort to attack Guo Xu and Guo Xu loss, internal injuries vomiting blood. SiMaXiao fish in troubled waters, battle found Guo Xu made by that time, the jade dolls have been sent away, but they Guo Xu, discovered a master secretly help, Guo Xu was able to escape. On the other side, under the camouflage of Guo Xu, collect jade and clearly with jade dolls to cloud home village, iron the clothes and the two XinLi successful protection.
Precious little bead heard deng endure to cloud home village, regardless of the widely recognized, drive to alone, they were, happened to iron the clothes XinLi a line passing by, unable to help him, deng found that was precious little beads, precious little pearl was overjoyed, deng cherish bead to bear load, precious little bead filled with sweet.
New bodyguard of jade dolls 24 episode is introduced
Under the cover of Guo Xu, dart team finally arrived safely home zhuang clouds. Laymen cloud home zhuang villagers unexpectedly Guo Xu and others out of the cloud to home village, clearly recognized that five of cloud, the cloud learned five dart team escort jade baby come back, can not help grateful. Clearly all five introduces to the cloud, there hobnobbing, cloud five to learn of cloud three die sadness, Guo Xu solemnly surrendered jade dolls, changfeng biaoju Guo Xubao first dart is finally completed.
Folks know that strange disease finally save scrambled to shane, precious little beads could not help but deeply if only reminded of his own behavior. Clearly is five not cloud the door daughter-in-law, since clearly go out looking for jade doll, has been not forget for a moment, to its likelihood clearly heart iron clothes, can not help but mood complicated.
Weng desperate for the jade to peaceful dolls, enemy at the gate, they tried to stop, to war, small peng report arrive in time, bring the imperial edict, weng for killing an innocent to peaceful, were dismissed banishment. Under the weng to peaceful ones back to deng for blackmail.
Seal with rouge to cloud home village, hijacked deng who stopped by weng to peaceful, precious little bead cried to let go to peaceful, dont rob jade dolls, weng did not mean to say that is he to peaceful killed Guo Xu, iron clothes and rouges father, the shock.
Guo Xu use exchange jade dolls, while disorderly raid weng to peaceful, precious little pearl to protect deng who was killed by a palm to peaceful. Highest-ranking it was too late to peaceful, deng who finally learned, precious little beads for your affectionate and repent at leisure.
Thailand was taken back to Beijing, died from a precious little pearl mental breakdown. SiMaXiao, decided to sell.
13 plot introduced qi jade doll set, but cant work, they looked at each other.最新国产电视剧
主演: &&&&&&&&&&&&
大概剧情如下:&&&&&& 翁惜珠得知邓忍离家出走,竭尽全力查找邓忍下落,得知邓忍在钱庄兑过银票,决定亲自去找邓忍。胭脂叫着封平的名字醒来,发现封平已经离开,怅然失落。采玉告诉胭脂决定成全胭脂和郭旭,因为听了封平的话,发现自己还有哥哥,而胭脂只有郭旭。胭脂听完不仅没有预想的喜悦,反而心里沉甸甸的。长风镖局厚葬了为镖局牺牲的侯昆。郭旭从此时起更加严格要求镖队一路加强防范。曲星武想方设法接近胭脂,妄图博得信任,星武趁胭脂独处探听翡翠娃娃的消息,被胭脂识破,星武想偷袭,辛力适时出现。采玉欲跟郭旭摊牌,被胭脂捷足先登,郭旭点醒胭脂她真正爱的人可能是封平,于是胭脂决心去寻找伤心而去的封平,将后半辈子交给他。星武以退为进成功混入镖队,听闻胭脂离开,连忙表示要跟随,却被辛力阻拦,勉强跟着镖队前进。综上所述,就是对《新保镖之翡翠娃娃在线免费观看地址?》这个问题做的详细的解答,希望对所提问的人能有很大的帮助,我们真诚为您服务!
翡翠娃娃“为心爱的人而出镖、为江湖义气而保镖、劫镖者为一段飞蛾扑火的爱情,爱的缠绵……义的肝胆……恩的纠葛……仇的报复……”   传说中隐藏着绝世武学的“翡翠娃您当前位置: >>
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新保镖之翡翠娃娃第17-18集英文剧情New jade dolls 17 sets the introductions of bodyguards
Ding Yan mountain was SiMaXiao in weng side to peaceful undercover, recent Ding Yan mountain is valued to peaceful, not favor on and arrogant, song Wu Xing see but eye, the dispute. Didnt get the jade dolls to peaceful fighting skill loss to flee to BeiZhen caresses, be Ding Yan mountain as an assassin, weng composure to peaceful, surprised, flame mountain QuXingWu see in the eye.
Cant afford to iron the clothes shop in coal to kneel, sad dont eat not to drink. Iron the clothes blame Guo Xu and seal, is two peoples strategy leads to a neighborhood as toughening the murderer has vowed to hand. Seal of the assassin instantaneous loss of martial arts, decided that the matter is peaceful, weng weng collect jade qiao solution rob jade dolls to peaceful because of not all work. Weng positions to peaceful, however, they were helpless to stop him, Guo Xu only a small peng, please report to help again.
Rouge rouge woke up in the inn, SiMaXiao for dinner, to teach her fighting skill, rouge refused, going to bug out, SiMaXiao fighting skill gao qiang, rouge unavoidable tangle with him, seal, away from SiMaXiao hand rouge, naive rouge you help wang knows SiMaXiao turns out to be the day. Rouge a few rude about SiMaXiao, SiMaXiao not anger recognition, instead make MuRongBai hostility of rouge.
Small peng report on BeiZhen fondle department of government to report practice soldiers identity, weng first to Thailand a duel. Then straight to the theme, comment on the cleaned coal shop, took the opportunity of curved Wu Xing framed Ding Yan mountain to clear to peaceful, conveniently let Ding Yan mountain made horse to peaceful.
Testify of wengs failed to peaceful, but Guo Xu is certain at this point it is the best time to out of the dart, decided to take away dark mark escort clearly and jade dolls to cloud home village.
Seal told rouge Guo Xu is out of the dart, rouge grandpa went to the grave, thinking for a long time decided to follow Guo Xu ZouBiao together, before he left, rouge specially take the peach wine to seal said goodbye to her in my heart slowly beginning to accept the seal, oblivious to himself. Seal, see rouge leave alone drink up to leave.
18th episode introduces new bodyguard of jade dolls
Collect jade for Guo Xu and rouge, three feelings, also to reduce the burden of the out of the dart, agreed to marry the man spoken to. Encourage iron the clothes to collect jade married not rashly, collect jade said it had see through the fate calmly and no longer compelled. Iron the clothes find Guo Xu worried, Guo Xu know this matter, do not collect jade marry, two people finally take words, Guo Xu admitted to rouge to move feeling, but to collect jade is also have to have. Collect jade sad, want to cut the Gordian knot in person, to marry someone else to break the imbalance between the three people, Guo Xu, collect jade on Guo Xu shoulder to cry.
Outside, going to accompanying with carmine heard collect jade and Guo Xu dialogue, know their appear to collect jade and Guo Xu, quietly leave, decided to no longer entwine Guo Xu.
Seal to empty the rouge wine-press, hebei north three wolves for rouge left down in the dumps, seal let three people the opportunity to go home to see his parents, three people agreed to leave. Rouge back saw seal, sitting in a wine-press pipe both comfort each other.
In the evening, shang six confessed to his wife finish out this dart, he may can re-emerge, with his wife and children to enjoy family happiness. Dart team out of the dart, small peng report himself off, put a called game-writing protocol pigeon pigeons donative Guo Xu, and personally escort dart team out of the city.
Fort river, seven star covet jade dolls for a long time, and left lead days you help head-on, both sides fights, seven stars fort fiasco. Surrounded by a security timely, nabbing left, as an excuse to invite SiMaXiao come forward. Wants to rule the black and white and two, to peaceful hope SiMaXiao together made jade dolls, SiMaXiao frank answer and get the emerald statement after a match in the doll.
First out of the dart, collect jade is difficult to sleep, to Guo Xu speaking of rouge, express your feelings and Guo Xu arouses ache flow, but the in the mind have say a complex. Rouge in whom a person boring, seal bought stuff to come to visit, to persuade rouge to find Guo Xu, face to face with his feelings.


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