2ndpartition tolerancee翻译

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1、幸福,是用来感觉的,而不是用来比较的。生活,是用来经营的,而不是用来计较的。感情,是用来维系的,而不是用来考验的。爱人,是用来疼爱的,而不是用来伤害的。金钱,是用来付出的,而不是用来衡量的。 谎言,是用来击破的,而不是用来粉饰的。信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。&&&&& 2、假如有一天你想哭,打电话给我,不能保证逗你笑,但我能陪着你一起哭;假如有一天你想逃跑,打电话给我,不能说服你留下,但我会陪着你一起跑;假如有一天你不想听任何人说话,c打电话给我,我保证在你身边,并且保持沉默;假如有一天我没有接电话,请快来见我, 因为我可能需要你。
&&&&& 3、干不完的工作,停一停,放松心情;挣不够的钱财,看一看,身外之物;看不惯的世俗,静一静,顺其自然;生不完的闷气,说一说,心境宽广;接不完的应酬,辞一辞,有利健康;尽不完的孝心,走一走,回家看看;还不完的人情,掂一掂,量力而行;走不 完的前程,缓一缓,漫步人生!&&&&& 4、时间是治疗心灵创伤的大师,但绝不是解决问题的高手。人生三不斗:不与君子斗名,不与小人斗利,不与天地斗巧。人生三不争:不与上级争锋,不与同级争宠,不与下级争功。人生三大憾事:遇良友不交,遇良机不握,遇好书不读。&&&&& 5、【人生三论】人生三不争:不与上级争锋,不与同级争宠,不与下级争功。 人生三修炼:看得透想得开,拿得起放得下,立得正行得直。 人生三福:平安是福,健康是福,吃亏是福。 人生三为:和为贵,善为本,诚为先。 人生三不等:孝老,行善,健身。 人生三快事:美酒、 挚友、 枕边书!&&&&& 6、初恋——世界上最美丽的事情;暗恋——世界上最隐蔽的事情;热恋——世界上最糊涂的事情;痴恋——世界上最麻痹的事情;苦恋——世界上最遥远的事情。失恋——世界上最痛苦的事情。爱情就是一种轮回,一种从美丽走向痛苦,然后从痛苦中解脱,最后走向永恒的东西。&&&&& 7、有些人一直没机会见面,等有机会了,却又迟疑了。有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机遇说,等有时机说的时候,却说不出口了。有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。
&&&&& 8、有人说,跟恋人讲道理,是不想爱了;跟老婆讲道理,是不想过了;跟同事讲道理,是不想混了;跟上司讲道理,是不想干了……人生在世,有许多地方是没道理可讲。我想说,不是没有理讲,是有许多不同的理要讲。此外,除了理之外,人还要讲爱、讲情、讲法……&&&&& 9、有一种心态叫放下;有一种境界叫舍得;有一种幸福叫守候;有一种智慧叫低调;有一种选择叫放弃;有一种明白叫糊涂;有一种心态叫包容;有一种快乐叫简单;有一种美德叫微笑;有一种幸福叫珍惜;有一种美丽叫自信;有一种感动叫分享;有一种真情叫关爱;有一种温暖叫感恩;有一种成功叫坚持。&&&&& 10、可遇不可求的十种贵人,千万别错过: 1、教导及提拔你的人;2、愿意唠叨你的人;3、愿意和你分担分享的人;4、愿意无条件力挺你的人;5、愿意欣赏你的长处的人;6、愿成为你的榜样的人;7、愿意遵守承诺的人; 8、愿意不放弃而相信你的人;9、愿意生你气的人;10、愿意为你的人。&&&&& 11、爱情就像白米饭,浪漫就像桌上的菜。人饿时,会想着吃饭,但吃完后,更多人 喜欢评论菜好不好吃,而忽略白米饭的味道-----
&&&&& 12、看透了的几个名词:①解释:永远是多余的,懂你的人不需要它,不懂你的人更不需要它。②冷漠:有时候并不是无情,只是一种避免被伤害的工具。③为你难过而快乐的人是敌人;为你快乐而快乐的人是朋友;为你难过而难过的人,是那些应该放进心里的人!④朋友:就是将你看透了还能喜欢你的人。&&&&& 13、【IN语】.不要对我太好,让我分不清你是爱情还是友情。.你的话,我连标点符号都不信。.QQ的在线率越高,证明这个人越寂寞。.世界这么乱,装纯给谁看。.人生就像打电话,不是你先挂,就是我先挂。.距离产生的不是美,是小三。.自从我得了神经病之后,整个人精神多啦!!&&&&& 14、The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. ——在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。&&&&& 15、没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情】确实是这样,很多事情我们之所以过不去是因为我们心里放不下,比如被欺骗了报复放不下,被讽刺了怨恨放不下,被批评了面子放不下。大部分人都只在乎事情本身并沉迷于事情带来的不愉快的心情。其实只要把心情变一下,世界就完全不同了。&&&&& 16、男女互送礼物的含义--围巾=永远爱你;杯子=一辈子;睡衣=给你我的全部;香烟=我讨厌你;戒指=永远属于我;伞=保护你;镜子=勿忘我;巧克力=我爱你;打火机=我的初恋;花=把我的名字放在你心上;相册=永远珍藏你和我的回忆;手帕=等待分手后再相遇;皮带=栓住他一辈子。
&&&&& 1、“太漂亮的女人最后总是孤单一人,因为她不肯向爱情妥协;太帅气的男人最后总是落在不太漂亮的女人手上,因為他向生活妥协。因此太漂亮的女人和太帅气的男人总是无法长久一起的,因为他们都习惯被围绕被取悦。太漂亮的女人,是堪折的花,越早遇到越好;太帅气的男人,是待熟的果,最好别要太早遇上。”ps,幸好我不太漂亮,哈哈…yeah
&&&&& 2、“小时候,希望自己快点长大,长大了,却发现遗失了童年;单身时,开始羡慕恋人的甜蜜,恋爱时,怀念单身时的自由。很多事物,没有得到时总觉得美好,得到之后才开始明白:“我们得到的同时也在失去。”ps,有得有失,淡然面对
&&&&& 3、“在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 能够说出的委屈便不算委屈,能够抢走的爱人便不算爱人。 不说出委屈就只能委屈自己,不放走不爱你的人就得不到爱你的人。”ps,在流泪的时候觉得委屈,其实心里已经慢慢学会坚强
&&&&& 4、“人生的路上,我们都在奔跑,我们总在赶超一些人,也总在被一些人超越。人生的要义,一是欣赏沿途的风景,二是抵达遥远的终点;人生的秘诀,寻找一种最适合自己的速度,莫因疾进而不堪重荷,莫因迟缓而空耗生命;人生的快乐,走自己的路,看自己的景,超越他人不得意,他人超越不失志。”ps,在绝望时,要抬头看看天,想想存在的意义
&&&&& 5、“有一天,友情和爱情碰见。爱情问友情:世上有我了,为什么还要有你的存在?友情笑着说:爱情会让人们流泪,而友情的存在就是帮人们擦干眼泪!”ps,秤子打心眼里最重视朋友,哪怕不联系,不多言,其实也会很依赖
&&&&& 6、“我很爱你,却不知道该如何靠近你,所以觉得离开也是可以的。并没有什么不同,结果反正都是这样,是好是坏都不重要。重要的是我曾经迷恋你,就像我迷恋一把晚清的雕花椅。”ps,安妮的话总是让人在感到温暖的同时有一丝心痛,爱是一门要耗费一生去学习、经营的学问
&&&&& 7、“我想给你幸福,却走不进你的世界。我想用我的全世界来换取一张通往你的世界的入场券,不过,那只不过是我的一厢情愿而已。我的世界,你不在乎;你的世界,我被驱逐。我真的喜欢你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。”ps,答应自己,要独自承受这一切。
&&&&& 8、“不要让幸福擦肩而过:最懂你的人,总是会一直在身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈;真正爱你的人,也许不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。如果发现身边有这样的人,请你好好珍惜……幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的人和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,好好把握,不要让自己和幸福擦肩而过”ps,期待懂我的人
&&&&& 9、“人生最美最不能逊色的风景应该是努力。努力是人生的一种精神状态,是对生命的一种赤子之情。努力是拥有之母,拥有是努力之子,一心努力可谓条条大路通罗马。所以,与其规定自己一定要成为一个什么样的人物,获得什么东西,不如磨练自己做一个努力的人。”ps,早就该明白,最美的不是成功的那一刻,而是事后回想奋斗过程中的艰辛
&&&&& 10、“人生,没有永远的伤痛,没有过不去的坎。还是让我们学学杨柳,看似柔弱却坚韧,狂风吹不断;太刚强的树干,却在风中折枝。学会放弃,学会承受,学会坚强,学会微笑,那是一种别样的美丽!适当的放弃,是人生优雅的转身。”ps,没有过不去的坎,让自己跨越的姿势美一点。& ——横刀.
1st, happy, uses for to feel that but not uses for to compare. The life, uses for to manage, but not uses for to haggle over. The sentiment, uses for to maintain, but not uses for to test. The spouse, uses for to dote on, but not uses for to injure. The money, uses for to pay, but not uses for to weigh. The rumor, uses for to defeat, but not uses for to plaster. The trust, uses for to precipitate, but not uses for to challenge.&&&& 2nd, if one day of you to want to cry, telephones to give me, cannot guarantee that teases you to smile, but I can accompany If one day of you to want to escape, telephones to give me, cannot convince you to stay behind, but I will accompany If one day of you not to want to listen to any person to speak, c telephones to give me, me guarantees side you, and m If one day of me not to answer the telephone, please quickly see me, because I possibly need you.
&&&& 3rd, cannot do the work, stops, relaxes the mo
1, happiness, is used to feeling, not used to the comparison. Life, is used for business, not to dispute. Feelings, and is used to sustain, not used to the test. Love, is used to love, not to hurt. Money, is used to pay, rather than measure. Lies, is used to break, not used to whitewash. Trust, is used to precipitation, not used to the challenge.2, if one day you want to cry, give me a call, cannot guarantee that make you laugh, but I If one day you want to run away, give me a call, can't convince you to stay, but I will accomp If one day you don't want to listen to anyone to talk, c to call me, I guarantee around you, If one day I didn't pick up the phone, come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you.
Three, do not over of work, stop, Earn enough money, have a look, The occasion secular, quiet a quiet, Born not over of distress, say, Take not over of entertainment, quit a phrase, Do not over of the filial piety, take a walk, Still not over of human feelings, weighed, Go not over of the future, the wait, stroll life!!!!!4, time is the treatment of trauma master, but is not the solution to the problem of player. A: no new life and a man, not a name and a mean person, not a heaven and earth and the coincidence. Life does not with the three: first, not with the same level ZhengChong, not with the lower for work. Three big pity: life in your good friend don't pay, meet opportunities is not in good books don't read.5, the life the three 】 life with the three indisputable: no, don't die with the same level ZhengChong, not with the lower for work. Life to see through uniting the three: get over it, affordable to put next, and stand is straight line. Three f: life is a blessing of peace, health is a blessing, is a blessing. Life for the mu: three good, sincere, the first priority. Three life ranging from old, do good, filial piety: fitness. Three life, friends, speciality: wine pillow books!!!6, first love, the world's
Like--the world' Madly in love--the world's mos Chi love--the world's m Obsession--the world's most remote things. Brokenhearted, the world the most painful thing. Love is a kind of reincarnation, a from beautiful to pain, and then from the pain relief, and finally to that lasts.7, some people haven't got the chance to meet, and have a chance, but they hesitated. Some things haven't got the chance to do, and have a chance, but don't want to do that again. Some words in heart, not for a long time buried said, until a time opportunity, said don't export. Some love haven't got the chance to love, and so have a chance, have love.
8, some say, with your lover is not to want to speak the truth, With his wife didn't want to speak the truth, With colleague speak truth, is don' Speak the truth, with boss is don't want to do... In life, there are many places is no reason not to tell. I want to say, is not without reason speaking, be of many different reason to tell. In addition, apart from outside, people will speak Daniel love, off, said...9, have a state o There is a kind o There is a kind of There is a wisdom that low- There is an Have a kind of unde Have a state of There is a kind of
There is There is a kind of hap There is a beautiful that self- A kind o There
There is a warm called T There is a successful called insist.10, elusive ten kinds of noble, 10 million don't miss: 1, 2, 3, willing to share 4, willing uncond 5, to appre 6, 7, are willing to a 8, willing to believe that you did no 9, 10, willing to be you man.11, love is like rice, romantic is like the food on the table. People hungry, shall be thinking of dinner, but after that, the more DuoRen likes the comments dishes, and ignore better good rice taste-----
12, see through few nouns: (1) the explanation: forever is redundant, understand you don't need it, don't know you are more don't need it. (2) the cold: sometimes not heartless, just a way to avoid being hurt tools. (3) sorry for you and happy
For you are happy and happ Sorry for you and sad, those who should be put in heart! (4) friend: you see through also is to like you.13, 【 IN language 】. Don't too good to me, let I can't tell you love or friendship. Your word, I can't. They do not believe punctuation. QQ online. The higher the rate that the more lonely. So untidy. The world, and put pure to see who. . Life is like a phone call, not you hang up, is I hang up. The distance is not beauty. Produced, it is small three. Since I have mental derangement. After the spirit of people,!!!!!!!!!!!14, The business of making self-introduction running up, think of have The reason you work on so long as se. You want to give up--in The moment, think about why at The beginning to go in here.15, can not only things, not the mood 】 this is it, a lot of things we are not because we can't put in, for example, be cheated revenge not put, be ironic resentment not put, be criticized the face can not let go. Most people care about things itself and indulge in the unpleasant things that make the mood. In fact as long as the mood changed, and the world is completely different.16, men and women send each other gifts a meaning-scarf = The cup = Pajamas = give you all to me
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color tolerance是什么意思
中文翻译容许色差色的许容差色容许差颜色宽容度颜色宽容量颜色容差:&&&&n. 1.颜色,色彩;色调;着色;色素,颜料,染料;〔p ...:&&&&n. 忍受;容忍;宽容;耐性;【物理学】容限;【医学】耐 ...
例句与用法1.Color tolerance computer颜色容许误差计算机2.Standard practice for calculation of color tolerances and color differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates用仪器测定颜色一致性的方法计算色偏差和色公差的标准规范


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