什么叫no binding of isaaccontract

4秒后,自动返回首页合同的签署:execution  合同的履行:performance    我记得刚工作的时候老是把履行翻译成 execution,包括我的那个复旦毕业的同事。后来合伙人跟我们说,execution是签署,perform才是履行。某些时候字典绝对有误导人的倾向。法律英语的一个特点就是词的背后隐含了深层次的意思。光理解英语,或者光理解法律还不够,要把两者结合起来。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  I disagree with Mecedes.    Execution is not only used in that sense but also in the second sense meaning the same as Performance.    Expression like &excution of the work& can serve as proof.    Of course there is no disagreement as to the usage of &performance&.
  xuexi zhong
  execution較常用在簽署,有些英文合同常見有&EXECUTION COPY&。performance通常用在義務的履行。mecedes說的沒有錯。    例文:    All corporate action on the part of the Company, its  officers, directors and stockholders necessary for the authorization of this Agreement, the [ performance of all obligations of the Company
hereunder and thereunder ]at the Closing and the authorization, sale, issuance and delivery of the Stock and Option Stock has been taken or will be taken prior to the Closing.    [ Upon its execution and delivery, this Agreement will be a valid and binding obligation of the Company ], enforceable in accordance with its terms.    
  有点文不对题啊。 到底怎么学法律英语的呢?从什么教材开始看?
  抱着想学好法律英语的要领进了这个帖子,  但楼主似乎只是在炫耀自己终于掌握了execution和performance  的区别。麻烦改一下题目好吗?以免让我等满怀希望而来,  抱着遗憾而去。  
  学习法律英语,算来也有10个年头了。    大学的时候,专业课里面有法律英语一块。曾经有3个老师教授过课程,其中一个讲述英美合同法,一个讲述法律英语,还有一个是个外教,据说是澳大利亚的律师,讲述的也是英美合同。    英美合同法(中国老师):这个老师年纪蛮大的了,教材是他自己编的,就是摘抄了很多英文资料(现在看来非常过时的资料),基本上就是讲讲什么是offer什么是acceptance,也涉及了一点INCOTERM。    法律英语:内容是和法律相关的英语文章的选读,翻译,基本上讲的还是什么是offer什么是acceptance(看来老师们互相都不沟通的),另外加点英美法系大陆法系的差别。    我大学时候逃课是出了名的,所以上面两位老师的课加起来没有上满几堂,考试也是勉强过关。所以到现在没有什么印象了。    英美合同法(外教):外教的课我也逃,不过不多,原因是他实行严格的点名制度,3次就不及格。但是很多时候去了也是在课堂上睡觉。不过这个老师总是布置很多作业,而且没法抄的那种,比如,帮你的邻居写个什么律师信,这个抄不了的。那个时候不知道学习的重要性,也有点自大,现在回头想来,这个老师采用的倒是英美法学院的教学方式,就是非常实务,而且后来在工作中很有用。    (吃饭了,有空继续聊)
  As far as the THE BLACK‘S says, excute as a vb, can mean &perform and complete a contract or duty&, but execution therein doesn‘t contain the corresponding meaning as a noun.    
    我比较喜欢看电影。刚上大学的时候,我们班上有两个学生特别喜欢欧美电影,一侃起来就眉飞色舞的,明星啦,片子啦,都是我没有听说过的。我和其中那个女生关系比较好,为了让自己也参与到他们的谈话中,我开始恶补。订阅《环球荧幕画刊》,每周基本看3场电影以上。那个时候盗版很快的,美国什么大片上映了,学校2个月左右就能看到了。    一个学期下来,我成了电影大全。我发现看电影是一个非常好的学英语的方式。美国片英国片发音比较标准,而且词语在现实的语境里面比较好让人理解意思,并实际应用。那时候我把听不明白的词记在本子上,把一些句子也记下来。感觉一个学期以后听力增长了很多。    我现在也喜欢看电影,看连续局,比如SEX AND THE CITY,ALLY MCBEAL等等。现在感觉看连续剧更好,因为比较短小,而且象一些新的剧集会用到一些当下使用的词语。当然分辨一下纽约口音和波士顿口音也比较容易。    以上说的是我学英语的一点经验。学习方法因人而异,我是比较能接收快乐学习的,娱乐中学东西,背字典这种事情不适合我,所以我至今也没有尝试考过GRE之类的考试。    之所以说这个,是因为我感觉,法律英语也是英语,学好法律英语,先学好英语。如果说要写一篇好的法律文书,要选择用词,可是如果词汇量不够,就没有办法选了,写出来的只能是干巴巴的文字。
  学语言的目的可以有很多种,做研究,好玩,或者说为了工作,为了更好的生存。可能我们很多人学习或者说想学好法律英语的目的是为了一份更好的工作。如果是出于这样的目的,就不妨结合自己的工作或者将来工作的方向有针对性的学习。  举个例子:在律所从事涉外业务和在政府机构从事和法律相关的涉外工作对法律英语的要求是不一样的。律所的要求会高一些,对一个合同需要斟字酌句,对一篇法律意见要求从结构、语言到行文流畅都要达到一定的水平。如果是在外经贸局做翻译,平常领导接待外商的时候做下翻译,解释一下法律,则只需要对主要的法律法规比较熟悉就可以了。比如产业指导目录,三个FIE法律和实施细则,等等。  下面就律所的例子具体说明。
  律所的工作通常分为几块:  1、和客户交流  - 电子邮件  -会议  2、起草  -法律意见  -各种合同  -其他  3、谈判    等等,不一一列举    1、和客户沟通  作为客户来讲,他在和一名律师打交道。所以他会期待你和他的沟通能为他指出问题,提出解决方案。语言要求简洁、清楚、有说服力,不能摸棱两可。通常可以复述客户邮件中的事实,然后针对事实提出自己的看法,并提出可能的解决方案。  学习语言的诀窍不是我们去创造语言,而是不断的重复,直到它变成我们自己的。我的经验是,从客户那里学习(因为大部分客户本身是公司的法律顾问,本身写的东西就非常漂亮),从同事那里学,老外同事那里可以学语言,但是他们对中国法律的理解差一点,中国同事那里可以学解决问题的思路和方式。甚至刚开始的时候我是把认为好的思路、句式都记下来,然后自己在实际工作中争取应用。
  上面说的是电邮交流。下面说会议。  一开始在律所做助理的时候,往往会担任会议的纪录工作。我曾经做过8个人开了9个小时的会议纪录,同时还给一个老外做同传(后来当天晚上就病倒了,呵呵)。感觉象被讨空了。会议纪录是一个非常锻炼人的工作。首先各方的立场不一样,围绕一个问题,先要听懂各方的观点,然后纪录下来。最后action points谁该干什么。开完会24小时内发给客户,这样他们说过什么就赖不掉了,呵呵。  会议纪录的条理一定要清楚。通常有模板可循,一次两次下来自己都能摸索了。有时候一个人可能说了十句,用的着记下来的可能只有一句。
  总之学习法律英语是一个 打好英语的基本功+针对法律应用的实际不断提高的过程。学习语言如果有窍门的话就是不断的重复+不断的累积,对法律英语也是同样如此。论坛上一定有人比我学的更好,欢迎多交流互相学习。由于工作的关系就写到这里了。
  SEX AND THE CITY,这个不喜欢    ALLY MCBEAL不错,尤其喜欢看那丫头胡思乱想的时候    严格来说,这些都不是连续剧了,接近情景剧了      
  收藏之....    偶现在是对英语也头大,对法律也头大啊
  向 Mecedes 学习,呵呵
  别法律英语了。没听说还要学法律汉语。正经在自己身边工作需要或兴趣原因好好学英语就是了。    从事涉外法律工作的,当然是在工作中学英语。MECEDES方法很好啊。其他不做法律工作的,也不过是学就近取材而已,别强要学所谓法律英语。如果法律英语仅仅是指那几个专门词汇和古板拗口的句子,其实根本不形成一个法律英语的语境。其他的也就是跟普通英语一样的用。
  谢谢各位  在基本功上我在下功夫  
  很不错 帖子我收藏了~~~  
  支持,顶!  前阵做了&&文化资源管理法及其实务&&一书的一小部分翻译.晕死了,为什么都是些又臭又长的句子,还有米国那些乱七八糟的&ACT&.对了,最近对BUSINESS METHOD PATENT感兴趣,有兴趣的一起来讨论
  最近在看美国法系列中的&侵权法&  在看前十页的时候挺吃力的,但后来感觉顺利多了,毕竟有比较扎实的法律基础,而且法律英语的单词并不多  当然也遇到了一些问题,如拉丁语,法律英语表达中很多拉丁语,对它实在是一愁莫展,再如,阅读的时候不够深入,仅停留在看懂的层次,并不能进行理论分析  哪位有兴趣可以交流交流  
  向mecedes 学习.
  关于法律拉丁语,英国的法官是世界是最喜欢用LATIN PHRASE的群体了,尽管他一般都会在后面用现代英语解释一下,美国法官用得少一些,但最高法院的大法官也常用.法官笔下的LATIN PHRASE就像大款嘴里的金牙,是水平的象征呀.容忍他们吧.    呵,建议:一是看一些基本常用的LATIN词,LATIN语其实没有语序,只要你能认出其中几个词.联系上下文就能猜出来,.  二是许多拉丁文和英文是姐妹(英文就是从它那里来的),例如prima facia, de facto这些,从英文也能猜出.  三是从互联网上找,也行.另外,王铁YA先生编过一过法律拉丁语汇,我没看到过,听说比较全.当然能找到BLACK law dictionary也能找到大部分的(这词典独特的好处还在于,它配有法律拉丁文的发音,要知道,这发音,许多英美法官虽然会写,但怎么读都是搞不准的),但常有生僻的也从中找不着.
  学习.  不错的帖.
  很好的贴 呀  
  公费?  你在高级政府部门做事?
  不错~  要向各位前辈多多学习了
  回也不愚 说的很在理哦。
  不错的帖子,多贴点细节方面的也不错,共勉吧 。我觉得不错。
  学习学习……  还是学习啊6
  另:我也不同意梅赛德斯的说法。  execution即使在法律英语里,也有执行的意思。
    请问原告被告送达回证怎么说  ---------------------  送达是“serving a summon& or &service of a summon& or &delivery of a summon&     回证应该是 &proof of service& or &confirmation of the summon received& or &confirmation of the service received&
  合同的签署,如果是transactionaldeals, usually an alternative term that has been frequently used is &closing.&
  execution 本意是对某个行为的执行,有点和中文履行的意思相近,但是不完全一样。执行死刑也说EXECUTION.  因为文件的签署,是一个行为,从罗马法的源头看,类似于契据的签署和执行,所以一般用execution.    而performance 主要是对合同义务的履行,强调遵守和执行  因此意思是不同的。    关于closing,主要是指交易的完成。    以上是个人的一点小心得
  execution有多种意思,可以表示签署,也可以表示执行,关键是看具体语境。合同中的话,多表示签署,但是,也不排除个别的表示执行。  呵呵,一个做过无数的合同翻译的人告诉你~~~~~~~~
English version    课程对象       涉外律师、企业法务等(限额20名)    课程目标       课程聘请具有中国法律执业和法律培训经验的资深美国律师授课,通过本土化英文合同撰写技巧的培养,全面提高学员撰写、修订地道英文合同和独立处理涉外法律事务的能力。    主
题       1.
英文合同常用条款与商业考虑;    2.
撰写和修订英文合同的核心原则与技巧;    3.
中国律师撰写英文合同常见错误与指导。    时
间       日(13:30~17:00)    地
点       上海 中山公园 上岛咖啡 PARK报告厅(地铁234号线直达,停车方便)    费
用       880元/人(含教材、讲义及茶点费用,3人以上享受8折优惠)    教
材       Legal Union研发讲义;国际律所内部讲义;国际律所范本    师
资       Professor Carson Block, Esq. is a New York-qualified attorney. He is an adjunct professor of the Chicago-Kent College of Law, teaching in its overseas program in Shanghai. Previously, Carson practiced law in an international law firm(Shanghai Office).         Professor Hope E. Hancock, Esq. was a prosecutor in Washington. D.C. She is a professor instructing students doing PhD degree in a famous law school. She is an expert in contract drafting, legal negotiation and legal English application.    增值服务       国际律所200余个英文合同范本;    受邀参加法律职业精英沙龙;    外地学员可协助办理食宿。    报名咨询       王老师 在线咨询    电话:021-
邮箱:wendy.wang@legalunion.org    关于Legal Union       Legal Union(“立优教育”)是国内领先的法律英语培训机构,为众多知名企业和国际律所提供专业培训服务,是中国唯一一家同时获得律师协会、法律顾问协会、外商投资企业协会正式推荐的,首个同时具有ILEC\TOLES\LEC三大法律英语证书培训资质的法律英语培训机构。Legal Union讲师由国际律师事务所资深律师及外籍语言专家担任,法律实践及培训经验丰富,其实务应用与证书考试相结合的培训模式,赢得了学员的一致肯定。                 Aloofee.Huang  Deputy General Manager     5F,Huarong International Building  1448 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai,China. 200052.  Tel :86.21.
Fax:86.21.  Web:.cn
Mail: aloofee..cn
This Master
Marketing Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as
of [MONTH DAY, YEAR] (the “Effective Date”) by and
between:& a
Delaware corporation with a principal place of business at
IN MOTION LIMITED, a company incorporated in the Province of
Ontario and having its principal place of business at 295 Phillip
Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3W8 (“RIM”)
&—295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L
a leading distributor and marketer of innovative wireless solutions
C. RIM and
VENDOR (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”) wish to
enter into an
add background information if
After friendly
consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of
equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to [describe
subject matter of the Contract] in accordance with Applicable laws
and the provisions of this Contract.
contractor arrangement whereby VENDOR shall perform certain
Services (as defined herein) on the terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement.
THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
herein contained, the Parties hereby covenant and agree as
Parties Hereby Agree as follows:
Unless the terms
or context of this contract otherwise provide, all term used in
this Contract shall have the meanings set out as
Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, the
following terms shall have the meanings set out below:
Affiliate” means any entity which, directly or
indirectly, is controlled by , under common control with, or in
control of, a P the term “control” being used in the sense of
power to elect or appoint a majority of directors or to direct the
management of a company.
Applicable Laws” mean the laws, regulations,
rules, and legislative, executive or judicial notices, orders,
decisions or other documents binding on either Party or the subject
matter of this Contract.
Business Day” means, in respect of Party A and any
action to be taken by Party B in the PRC, any day on which the
companies in the PRC are generally open for business in the PRC,
including a Saturday or Sunday which the PRC government temporarily
declares to be a working day (“Working Rest Day”), but excluding a
statutory holiday, or a Saturday or Sunday other than a Working
Rest D in respect of any action to be taken by Party B in [Party
B Home Country], any day on which the companies in [Party B Home
Country] are generally open for business in [Party B Home
China” and “PRC” mean the People’s Republic of
China, [but for purposes of this Contract do not include the
special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau and the
region of Taiwan]
Confidential Information” means any business,
marketing, technical, scientific or other information disclosed by
any Party which, at the time of disclosure, is designated as
confidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstances
of confidence, or would be undertstood by the Parties, exercising
reasonable business judgement, to be confidential.
Effective Date” means the [date of this Contract
first shown above][the date on which each of the conditions
precedent in Article&& ,
have been satisfied or waived in accordance with the terms
Expiration Date” means
the day on which the initial Term or any extended Term expires in
accordance with the provisions of Articles&&&
Intellectual Property Right” or “IPR” means any
and all rights in any invention, disvcovery, improvement, utility,
model, copyrightable work, industrial design or mask work,
algorithm, data structure, trade secrets or know-how, Confidential
Information, or any idea having commercial value. IPR shall include
any trademark, trade dress, trade name, domain name, or other marks
that serve to indetify and distinguish goods or services as coming
from, or falling under the control of, a single source.& IPR shall include all
rights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data, all
intangible rights or privileges of a nature similar to any of the
foregoing in every case in any part of te world and whether or not
registered, and all rights in any applications and granted
registrations for any of
References to Schedules, Annexes, Articles and Sections are
references to schedules, annexes, articles and sections of this
References in this
Contract to laws, rules or regulations or to contracts, contracts
or other documents, shall mean the same as amended from time, and
references to government ministries, bureaux, departments,
commissions, agencies, etc. shall include all successor entities
this Contract, the masculine form includes the feminine form and
the singular form includes the plural form, and vice
Headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect
the construction or interpretation of this Contract.
Conditions Precedent
Representatins and Warranties
Add undertakings if appropriate
Each party
represents and warrants to the other Party that on the date
&(a) it is [an
independent legal person] duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of the place of its
has full authority to enter into this Contract and to perform its
has authorized its representative to sign this Contract and from
and after the Effective Date the provisions of this Contract shall
execution of this Contract and its performance of its obligations
hereunder(i)will not violate any provision of its business license,
articles of incorporation, articles of association or similar
org (ii) will not violate any Applicable Law
or any governmental autho and (iii) will not
violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a
party or to
lawsuit, arbitration or other legal or governmental proceeding is
pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it that would
affect its ability to perform its obligations under this C
has disclosed to the other Party all documents issued by and
governmental department that may have a material adverse effect on
its ability to full perform its obligations under this Contract,
and the documents previously provided by it to the other Party do
not contain any misstatements or omissions of material
consequences of lnaccuracy in Representations
the above representations and warranties of a Party are not
accurate in all material respects on the date hereof, then such
Party shall be in breach of this Contract.
Subject to the
provisions of Article&&
.2,the term of the Contract (“Term”) shall be two years, commencing
on the Effective Date.
shall expire automatically on the Expiration Date, unless extended
for an additional term through a written contract signed by the
authorized representatives of the Parties at least [sixty (60)]
days prior to the Expiration Date.
insert other conditions triggering termination as
& Either party may
terminate this Contract if the other party fails to fulfill or
perform any of its obligations hereunder in the event that such
failure remains unremedied sixty(60)days after the service of a
written notice by the party to the defaulting party specifying the
failure in question and requiring it to be remedied. The
termination of this Contract shall not release either party form
performance any of its obligations due at the time of such
(a)& This Contract shall
terminate upon the expiration of the Term unless extended pursuant
to Article3 .2.
(b)& This Contract may be
terminated at any time prior to expiration of the Term by the
mutual written contract of the Parties.
(c)& At any time prior to
the expiration of the Term, a Party (“Notifying Party ”) may
terminate this Contract through notice to the other Party in
writing if:
iThe other Party materially breaches this contract,
and such breach is not cured within the Cure Period granted
pursuant to Article 3(a) (Remedies for Breach of Contract);
(ii)&& the
other Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for
liquidation or dissolution, or ceases to carry on business or
becomes unable to pay its de or
(iii)& the conditions or
consequences of Force Majeure (as hereinafter defined) which have a
material adverse effect on the affected Party’s ability to perform
continue for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Parties
have been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant to
.2(c) (Consequences of Force Majeure) or
(iv)& a fundamental
provision of this Contract (without which one or both of the
Parties would not have entered into the Contract) is declared or
becomes invalid under Applicable Law.
Continuing Obligations
provisions of Article&&&
(Termination), Article&&
(Breach of contract) (but only with respect to claims arising prior
to the termination hereof or with respect to other continuing
obligations), Article& (Confidentiality) and
(Settlement of Disputes) shall survive the termination of this
][& ][& ][& ]
The existence of
this Contract, as well as its content, shall be held in confidence
by both Parties and only disclosed as may be agreed to by both
Parties or as may be required to meet securities disclosure or
export permit requirements. Neither Party shall make public
statements or issue publicity or media releases with regard to this
Contract or the relationship between the Parties without the prior
written approval of the other Party.
From time to time prior to and during the term of this Contract
either Party (“disclosing Party ”) has disclosed or may disclose
Confidential Information to the other Party (“Receiving Party ”).
The receiving Party shall, during the term of this Contract and for
two years thereafter:
maintain the confidentiality of Confidential
to use Confidential Information for any purpose other than those
specifically set out in this C and
disclose any such Confidential Information to any person or entity,
except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates,its agents,
attorneys, accountants and other advisors who need to know such
information to perform their responsibilities and who have signed
written confidentiality contracts containing terms at least as
stringent as the terms provided in this Article&&
& The provisions of
Article 11 above shall not apply to information that:
be shown to be known by the receiving Party by written records made
prior to disclosure by the disclosing P
or becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the receiving
Party’s breach of this C or
obtained by the receiving Party from a third party having no
obligation of confidentiality with respect to such
& Each party shall
formulate rules and regulations to inform its directors, senior
staff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of the
confidentiality obligation set forth in this Articles& .
& Upon the expiration
or termination of this Contract, [and in any event upon the
disclosing Party’s request at any time], the receiving Party shall
(i) return to the other Party, or at the disclosing Party’s
direction destroy, all materials (including any copies thereof)
embodying the other Party’s Confidential Information and (ii)
certify in writing to the other Party, within ten days following
the other Party’s request, that all of such materials have been
returned or destroyed.
Breach of Contract
Remedies for Breach of Contract
& Except as otherwise
provided herein, if a Party (“breaching party”) fails to perform
any of its material obligations under this Contact, then the other
Party (“aggrieved party”) may at its option:
(a)&& give
written notice to the breaching party describing the nature and
scope of the breach and demand that the breaching party cure the
breach at its cost within a reasonable time specified in the notice
(“Cure Period”); and
the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure
period, the aggrieved party may claim direct and foreseeable
damages arising from the breach.
Limitation on Liability
& Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Contract, neither Party shall be liable to
the other Party for damages for loss of revenues or profits, loss
of goodwill or any indirect or consequential damages in connection
with the performance or non-performance of this Contract .The
aggregate liability of a Party for all claims for any loss, damage
or indemnity whatsoever resulting from such Party’s performance or
non-performance of this Contract shall in no case
United States Dollars (US$&&&&&&
) or the RMB equivalent thereof.
[& ]US[& ]
Force Majeure
Definition of Force Majeure
& Force Majeure” shall
mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to this
Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable,
and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the
Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood ,fire, war,
strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the
application thereof or any other instances which cannot be
foreseen, prevented or controlled, including instances which are
accepted as Force Majeure in general international commercial
Consequences of Force Majeure
& if an event of Force
Majeure occurs, a Party’s contractual obligations affected by such
an event under this Contract shall be suspended during the period
of delay caused by the Force Majeure and shall be automatically
extended, without penalty, for a period equal to such
The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other
Parties in writing and shall furnish within [fifteen (15)] days
thereafter sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of such
Force Majeure. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all
reasonable endeavours to terminate the Force Majeure.
In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediately
consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution and
shall use all reasonable endeavours to minimize the consequences of
such Force Majeure.
Settlement of Disputes
Friendly consultations
& In the event of any
dispute, controversy or claim (collectively, “dispute”) arising out
of or relating to this Contract, or the breach, termination or
invalidity hereof, the Parties shall attempt in the first instance
to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations.
& If any dispute is not
resolved by friendly consultations within [sixty (60)] days after
the date such consultations were first requested by a Party, then
any Party may submit the dispute for arbitration in [Singapore]
before the [Singapore International Arbitration Centre] in
accordance with its rules of arbitration procedure, supplemented by
the following:
There shall be one (1) arbitrator appointed by the arbitration
arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English
arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, and
the Parties agree to be bound thereby and to act
costs of arbitration shall be borned by the Parties as determined
by the arbitration tribunal..
Continuing Rights and
When any dispute occurs and is the subject of
friendly consultations or arbitration, the Parties shall continue
to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfil their
remaining respective obligations under this Contract, except in
respect of those matters under dispute.
Enforcement of Award
& Judgment upon any
arbitral award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over
the Party against which the award has been rendered, or application
may be made to any such court for judicial acceptance of the award
and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. In the event of
judicial acceptance and an order of enforcement, each Party
expressly waives all rights to object thereto, including any
defense of sovereign immunity and any other defense based on the
fact or allegation that it is an agency or instrumentality of a
sovereign state.
Injunctive Relief
& Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Parties agree that each Party has the right to seek
injunctive or other similar relief in any court of competent
jurisdiction in respect of any claims of breach of confidentiality
or IPR infringement.
Applicable Law
The validity, interpretation and implementation of this Contract
shall be governed by the laws of [the People’s Republic of
China][another jurisdiction] (without regard to its rules governing
conflict of laws).
Unless otherwise stipulated in this
contract, the terms and conditions of this contract shall be
interpreted in accordance with the “International Rules for the
Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000)” provided by
International Chamber of Commerce.
Miscellaneous Provisions
&& &Independent Contractor
The parties are
only establishing an independent contractor relationship with each
other by entering into this Contract. Nothing in this Contract
shall be construed or implied as:
establishing between the Parties hereto any partnership or any
other form of relationship entai
constituting either of the Parties hereto as the agent of the other
Party (except with the other Party’s prior written consent);
authorizing either Party to incur any expenses or any other form of
obligation on behalf of the other Party (except with the other
Party’s prior written consent).
Binding Effect
This Contract is
made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective
lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on
This Contract
shall not be changed verbally, but only by a written instrument
signed by the Parties.
Amendments to this
Contract may be made only by a written instrument signed by a duly
authorized representative of each of the parties and,unless prior
approval from the examination and approval authority is statutorily
required,such amendments shall become effective upon the signing by
the duly authorized representatives of the parties.
No Solicitation
Neither Party shall
directly solicit for employment the other Party’s personnel who are
engaged in the performance of this Contract, during the Term of
this Contract and within one (1) year after the Expiration Date,
without the prior written consent of the other Party.
Any notice or
written communication provided for in this Contract by either Party
to the other, including but not limited to any and all offers,
writings, or notices to be given hereunder, shall be made in
[language] by courier service delivered letter or by facsimile [or
electronic mail] and confirmed by courier service delivered letter,
promptly transmitted or addressed to the appropriate Party. The
date of receipt of a notice or communication hereunder shall be the
date of delivery confirmed by the courier service in the case of a
courier service delivered letter and the next working day after
dispatch in the case of a facsimile [or email]. All notices and
communications shall be sent to the appropriate address set forth
below, until the same is changed by notice given in writing to the
other Party.
Notices required
or permitted under this Contract shall be effective if in
writing,written in English,sent by registered airmail,or by telex
or facsimile confirmed by a registered airmail letter,return
receipt requested,unless otherwise specified
herein,notices shall be effective from the date of receipt of the
telex or facsimile or,in the event the telex or facsimile is not
received,eight(8) days after the service of the registered
Failure or delay on the part of
any of the Parties hereto to exercise a right under this Contract
shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or
partial exercise of such a right preclude any other future exercise
Unless otherwise specified
herein,failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any
right,power or privilege under this Contract shall not operate as a
waiver thereof,nor shall any single or partial exercise of any
right,power or privilege preclude any further exercise
This Contract may
not be assigned in whole or in part by the Party without the prior
written consent of the other Party hereto.
The invalidity of
any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity of any
other provision of this Contract.
If any of the provisions of
this Contract or any document executed in connection herewith is
hereafter determined to be invalid,illegal or unenforceable in any
respect under any applicable law,(i) the validity,legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be
affected or impaired,and such remaining provisions shall remain in
fand(ii) the invalid,illegal or unenforceable
provision shall be replaced by a valid,legal and enforceable
provision that comes closest to expressing the true intent of such
invalid,illegal or unenforceable provision.
Entire Agreement
This Contract and
the Schedules and annexes hereto constitute the entire agreement
between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of
this Contract and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations and
agreements between them.
Schedules and Annexes
The Schedules and
Annexes hereto are made an integral part of this Contract and are
equally binding with the main body of the Contract. In the event of
any conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body of
the Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisions
of the main body of this Contract shall prevail.
This Contract is
executed in the Chinese language in two originals and in the
English language in two originals. Both language versions shall be
equally authentic.
This Contract is
executed in Chinese in two(2) counterparts, and each party shall
hold one copy.If necessary,it may be translated into other
lanauages. However, if there is any discrepancy between the Chinese
version and a version in any other language, the Chinese version
shall prevail.
.EffectivenessThis Contract shall take effect from
the date of its execution by the duly authorized representatives of
the parties.
each of parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed by
its duly authorized representative on the date first set forth
The headings to the
articles hereof are for ease of reference only,and in no event
shall the substance of any paragraph or the intent of the parties
be interpreted or controlled by such headings.


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