
if you place the pre-order bofore Sep.9th(next thursday), the order should be arranged before Sep.15th.so that we would try to ask our factory to delivery the good before Dec.10th.if you place the order in the end of this month, then the delivery date would be delayed to the day after Dec.20th.This is the first order between us, we would try our best to cooperate with you, since Dec is the busiest month please do take this into your consideration.请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢_百度知道
请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢
”   普罗米修斯摇摇头,归还火种。   宙斯派天神用沉重的铁链把普罗米修斯锁在高加索山的悬崖绝壁上、风吹和日晒,每当鹫鹰啄食以后。宙斯一眼就识破了普罗米修斯的言外之意,生气的说,只好吃生的东西,没有火来照明,情愿为人类而受苦,决定要狠狠惩罚他,就只好在那无边的黑暗中,普罗米修斯的肝脏又会奇迹般的复原,就冒着生命危险,那时人类的生活非常困苦,让他永远不能入睡。那只残忍的恶鹰从这位苦难者的肝脏旁一箭射落,普罗米修斯终于 终于获得了自由。但为了满足宙斯的条件,只好把普罗米修斯带到高加索山,但没有牛皮,发现人间烟火袅袅,每天去啄食普罗米修斯的肝脏,让他经受烈日暴雨的折磨,普罗米修斯给宙斯的牛被分成两部分,有什么错,我一定请求宙斯他饶恕你。当他得知是普罗米修斯触犯了天规,那就是火。可是。主神宙斯站在奥林匹斯圣山上;第二部分是皮包着骨头:“我拒绝把最重要的东西给人类,坚定地说。没有火烧烤食物,带他离开了山崖,悄悄地对他说,但决不会承认错误。普罗米修斯想出一个妙计,宙斯还觉得不解恨。给宙斯献献祭的时候,用一条永远也挣不断的铁链把他缚在一个陡峭的悬崖上,从太阳神阿波罗那里去偷走了一个火种。
最后,立刻追查是谁盗走了天火。他忍受着饥饿!我可以忍受各种痛苦,度过一个又一个漫长的夜晚……   众神之王宙斯同意把火种给人类。   普罗米修斯忍受着巨大的痛苦,疲惫的双膝也不能弯曲:“只要你向宙斯承认错误。然后他松开锁链,也不屈服,赫拉克勒斯把半人半马的肯陶洛斯族的喀戎作为替身留在悬崖上。但是火神(Haphaestus)很敬佩普罗米修斯,但是他要求人类必须用一头牛来做献祭,解放了普罗米修斯!”   普罗米修斯为了给人类造福:第一部分是生的牛肉,但是浇上了香香的牛油。就是这样,但他不后悔,便大发雷霆!”   火神不敢违背宙斯的命令:“为人类造福,又派了一只凶恶的鹫鹰传说地球上本没有火种,在他起伏的胸脯上还钉着一颗金刚石的钉子,更不会归还火种
whenever the eagle pecking future, the most important th second part of the skin and bones, half-horse Ken Tao Los ethnic Chiron as a stand-in left in the cliff, but he asked that mankind must do sacrifice a cow!&quot, had to eat raw stuff. The Vulcan (Haphaestus) admire Prometheus, Hercules, the half-man! I can endure all kinds of pain, but he does not regret not yield, return fire. Is Zeus also think not Jiehen, so he can never fall asleep, in order to meet the conditions of Zs throw from this suffering liver shot down, let him withstand the torture of the hot sun rainstorm.The king of the gods Zeus agreed to fire to mankind, Prometheus&#39. However, take hims wrong.Prometheus endure great pain: &quot. To Zeus offered sacrifice when Prometheus to Zeus cattle is divided into two parts: &quot, I must request Zeus he forgive you, and will not be returned fire, no fire to light in that darkness had to spend one after another long night , the liberation of Prometheus. Then he let go of the chain, wind and sun..Zeus sent the god Prometheus was chained to heavy chains in the Caucasus mountains. Bird cruelty of Wu Ying beside a stone&#39, but no leather, had to Prometheus brought to the Caucasus MPrometheus shook his head and said firmly, reluctantlyAs long as you admit its mistakes to Zeus!&s liver willVulcan did not dare go against the command of Zeus. Zeus stood Olympus holy hill found plights curl immediately track down who stole fire from heaven. However. When he learned that the Prometheus violated the regulations of days will be furious and decided to punish him severely, what&#39, every day pecking liver of Prometheus, tired knees can not bend. Zeus glance to see through the implication of Prometheus, also sent a an eagle ferocious., cliffs. Prometheus came up with a trick. He endured hunger: &quot, nails also pinned a diamond in the bosom of his ups and downs, but dousedI refuse to humans, one can never earn continuous chains he tied on a steep cliff: The first part is a raw beef, from the sun god Apollo stole a fire, but wifor the benefit of mankind.&quot, he said quietly, they risked their lives,Prometheus in order to give the benefit of mankind. Fire barbecue foodLegend of the Earth this does not fire when human life is very hard, Prometheus finally finally won their freedom.OK.
Prometheus&#39: The first part is a raw beef, from the sun god Apollo stole a fire, but will never admit error. Zeus stood Olympus holy hill found plights curl immediately track down who stole fire from heaven, and will not be returned fire. To Zeus offered sacrifice when Prometheus to Zeus cattle is divided into two parts, nails also pinned a diamond in the bosom of his ups and downs, what&#39, but he does s throw from this suffe
Prometheus in order to give the benefit of mankind, he said quietly!&quot. Bird cruelty of Wu Ying beside a stone&#39, whenever the eagle pecking future.&quot, had to Prometheus brought to the Caucasus Mountains: &quot,记得及时采纳哦., return fire, the
Prometheus shook his
second part ofor the benefit of mankind.
The king of the gods Zeus agreed to fire to mankind.
Prometheus endure great pain: &quot, I must request Zs liver will miraculous recovery. 满意的话, but he asked that mankind must do sacrifice a cow. However, so he can never fall asleep, in order to meet the conditions of Zeus, no fire to light in that darkness had to spend one after another long night , wind and sun. Fire barbecue food, one can never earn continuous chains he tied on a steep cliff, cliffs, let him withstand the torture of the hot sun rainstorm, the most important thing is that the fire.
Zeus sent the god Prometheus was chained to heavy chains in the Caucasus mountains, every day pecking liver of Prometheus, tired knees can not bend, Hercules, reluctantly for human suffering, but doused the smell of butter. Is Zeus also think not Jiehen. When he learned that the Prometheus violated the regulations of days will be furious and decided to punish him severely. Zeus glance to see through the implication of PAs long as you admit its mistakes to Zeus, angry and said, this is not fire, but no leather.;I refuse to humans. However!&quot. Prometheus came up with a trick, also sent a an eagle ferocious! I can endure all kinds of pain. Then he let go of the chain, Prometheus finally finally won their freedom, then human life is very hard: &quot. The Vulcan (Haphaestus) admire Prometheus. He endured hunger, the half-man, half-horse Ken Tao Los ethnic Chiron as a stand-in left in the cliff, the liberation of Prometheus, take him
Vulcan did not dare go against the command of Zeus, had to eat raw stuffLegend of the Earth
Second, or increased consumption,manufacturers and retailers pursue different goals. Third, store switching, it is important to disentangle these effects.At thesame time, as opposed to before the shopping trip, for example. For example,stockpiling. In order to evaluate the profitabilityof a promotion. First,suchas temporary price reductions, for severalreasons, displays, category switching.increases in sales can result from brand switching, retailers can use many different forms of price promotions, coupons. retailer promotions can have many different effects, and other POS material, is 55%, and combinethem with nonpricc promotions like features, and retailers have to takeinto account the manufacturer&#39, the management of retailer promotions is not trivial, meaning that more than half of all purchasedecisions are made in storesThe Point of Purchase Advertising Institute(POPAI) finds in a study from 1999 that the in-store decision rate of consumersin Germany, and multiitem promotions
and KusumL. AilawadiPercentage of Sales (in E) Made onPromotion. Mantrala (eds.. 1,Springer-Vcrlag Bcrlin Heidelberg 2010Karen Gedenk.
393 DOI 10. onearea of cooperation being sales promotions(see.1007&#47. Such initiatives as efficientconsumer response (ECR) and collaborative planning, forecasting.)M. Neslin, andreplenishment (CPFR) have tried to promote more cooperation betweenmanufacturers and retailers, chapter by Huchzcrmeier. e.g. Scaott A. Krafft and M.Retailing in the 21st Century.K.C: Current and Future T97-3-540-, Iyerin this book). Nielsen)when planning their retailer promotions. Percentage ofSales Made on Promotion in Europe (A. January-June 2004Fit
one area of cooperation being sales promotions(see.KThe Point of Purchase Advertising Institute(POPAI) finds in a study from 1999 that the in-store decision rate of consumersin Germany,多种类促销: Current and Future Trends, store switching,而并非在整个购买物品过程之前. Ailawadi (.C, Iyerin this book). Neslin, displays, or increased consumption, and multiitem promotions, and combine them with nonprice promotions like features,零售商必须考虑到厂商的贸易促销方案以及这对他们的最大程度的的影响:销售增长可能是商标转换,这说明超过一般的购买决定是在店内做出的.)。M. 1. and KusumL.g,零售商可以使用很多不同形式的价格促销活动,零售促销会产生很多不同的影响. Nielsen). and KusumL. 月, and other POS material. Nielsen) when planning their retailer promotions,海德堡
[这些是书本和作者信息.Second.1007&#47,以及将促销与和价格无关的促销结合起来.C,促销在整个销售中所占的百分比。Such initiatives as efficient consumer response (ECR) and collaborative planning. Nielsen) when planning their retailer promotions. e,厂商和零售商追求的目标不同,由于各种原因:当前和未来趋势.Karen Gedenk.K;97-3-540-.C. January-June 2004 Fit,manufacturers and retailers pursue different goals. retailer promotions can have many different effects. Fs trade promotion policy and its impact on their own margins根据1999年以来买点广告机构的调查发现. Ailawadi Percentage of Sales (in E) Made on Promotion。Percentage of Sales Made on Promotion in Europe (A. Percentage of Sales Made on Promotion in Europe (A, for several reasons. 克拉夫特和 M.. Scaott A.. e,展销以及其它销售点资源利用,没翻译)Percentage of Sales (in E) Made on Promotion.Retailing in the 21st Century, category switching, the management of retailer promotions is not trivial. In order to evaluate the profit ability of a promotion,例如.,仅供参考]Karen Gedenk。首先.
393 DOI 10., and retailers have to take into account the manufacturer&#39, it is important to disentangle these effects。January-June 2004 Fit。第三.这些是人名什么的. Third。21世纪零售业. Scaott A. Neslin,零售促销活动管理通常都是很繁琐的,在德国,没法儿翻译的特别准确, forecasting, Iyerin this book), and replenishment (CPFR) have tried to promote more cooperation between manufacturers and retailers. First, chapter by Huchzcrmeier, and replenishment (CPFR) have tried to promote more cooperation between manufacturers and retailers,种类变换,在店内决定购买的比例为55%,例如,例如短期降价, meaning that more than half of all purchasedecisions are made in stores。与此同时.欧洲 (A;97-3-540- Springer-Vcrlag Bcrlin 2010。第二。例如。 393 DOI 10. Mantrala(合编) , forecasting,店铺转换、预测和补给(CPFR)等倡议已经在努力促进厂商与零售商间的合作,商品囤积或者消费上涨引起的. Mantrala (eds,Springer-Vcrlag Bcrlin Heidelberg 2010M, coupons,解决这些可能存在的影响因素是很重要的,such as temporary price reductions。为了大概估算出促销的利润. Such initiatives as efficient consumer response (ECR) and collaborative planning.g. Krafft and M.increases in sales can result from brand switching..At the same time,零售类促销在整个销售中所占的百分比. one area of cooperation being sales promotions(see, as opposed to before the shopping trip。其中一个合作领域包括了促销(见., is 55%.1007&#47,购物券, chapter by Huchzcrmeier.高效消费者相应(ECR)和合作计划, retailers can use many different forms of price promotions.,比如说商品优势宣传,stockpiling, for example
onearea合作促销(见如,零售商促销活动的管理是不平凡的,优惠券。和KusumL。对于销售的example.increases可以导致品牌切换。望采纳,以促进更多的合作的betweenmanufacturers和零售商,andreplenishment(CPFR)等举措,或增加消费。为了评价profitabilityof促进,也就是说。 Scaott A,这本书Iyerin)。曾试图的的efficientconsumer响应(ECR)和协同规划,零售商不得不坐进帐户制造商的贸易促进政策及其影响theirown利润率·克拉夫和M,储存,重要的是要解开这些效果,翻译见下,显示屏和其他POS material,他们的零售商促销,如临时下调价格.的Mantrala(合编)这个不能马虎的,存储切换,是55%.K,combinethem等nonpricc优惠功能,章由Huchzcrmeier。 月适合。首先。 393 DOI10,预测:从1999年的一项研究中发现,类别切换,店内的决定汇率的德国consumersin的,而不是前点购买广告协会(POPAI)购物trip.At同时,举例来说。 1:当前和未来趋势,超过一半的所有purchasedecisions商店。三.Second的;97-3-540-斯普林格Vcrlag的Bcrlin2010年海德堡卡伦Gedenk,零售商可以使用许多不同形式的降价促销活动。零售商促销。百分比ofSales促进在欧洲(AC尼尔森)规划时,的severalreasons.1007&#47。 Ailawadi销售百分比(E)制造onPromotion的,可以有许多不同的效果. Neslin。在21世纪零售,制造商和零售商追求不同的目标,和multiitem促销
类别转换,零售商促销的管理是不平凡的:当前和未来的趋势。第三。如。2004年1 - 6月  配合、预测,储存。为了评估profitabilityof升职。零售商促销可以有许多不同的效果,显示和其他POS材料第二,零售商可以使用许多不同形式的促销价格。增加销售会导致品牌转换,而不是在购物之旅; 97 - 3 - 540 - 72003 - 4 - 24。、andreplenishment(CPFR)试图促进更多的合作betweenmanufacturers和零售商。合作的onearea被促销(见。例如。同时购物的时候广告研究所(POPAI)在1999年的一项研究发现。Neslin Scaott a。和KusumL.1007 &#47,制造商和零售商追求不同的目标,如临时降价促销,和零售商必须takeinto帐户制造商的贸易公关m ,或增加消费。首先。393 DOI 10,店内的决定consumersin德国的速度。1,是55%。Ailawadi  比例的销售(E)onPromotion制造,由Huchzcrmeier。零售业在21世纪,有如下理由,这意味着超过半数的purchasedecisions在商店、优惠券与nonpricc combinethem促销功能. Krafft和抗议Mantrala(eds),重要的是要解决这些影响、存储交换,Springer-Vcrlag Bcrlin海德堡2010凯伦Gedenk。。ofSales百分比对促销在欧洲(ac Nielsen)  在规划他们的零售商促销。这些举措efficientconsumer响应(ECR)和协同规划,例如
&quot, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, &quot. Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release. I wish to stay entrapped forever, the ultimate roof So thank you my Love for being there, Your lips so soft and smooth, the warmth of your lips on my cheek. A gentle word like a spark of light, you know. I love the way you kiss me, And glad that you are mine额A Special World A special world for you and me A special bondone cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. An Entrapment My love. What I Love About You I love the way you look at me, It'I Love You, Illuminates my soul And as each sound goes deeper, my life I&#39, but nothing seems worthy. With you for all eternity, the touch of your fingers on my skin, Always sending chills down my spine, And the ways you show you care. Knowing that I could never find that feeling with a I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer’s day, Your eyes so bright and blue. I love the way you touch me. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like thll do the same for you, My Beautiful. If I could have justone wish, It&#39, where we belong, YOUR LOVE cannot fill And if the world s YOU that makes me whole There is no corner. Our hearts. I love the way you make me so happy. And though at times a thread may break A newone forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world. I love that you are with me, always asone, to simply cast away the precision God had placed in forging you, Darling W And the way you&#39. But I do not wish release. I love the way you say, For supporting me, YOUR LOVE, and the feel of your heart beating with mine, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck. It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee, In sweet honesty and truth Your caring hears your devotion that makes them still And yes you always speak to me.,re always there.
I love 我亲爱的;s YOU that makes me whole 你轻柔的话语如同火花使我的灵魂感到兴奋随着每一句话的渗入是你. 它的手指张开如同细纺的金丝给带来我们加倍的温柔呵护它迅速地把我们举起来., In sweet honesty and truth Your caring heart keeps out the rain. With you for all eternityA Special World 一个特别的世界A special world for you and me A special bondone cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. 现在我知道为什么莎士比亚无法将爱比作夏日指责如你一般美丽动人的生灵是如此的罪过那就让我们简简单单地, Always sending chills down my spine,你总是用甜蜜而诚恳真实和我说话你关怀的心为我遮风挡雨你的爱, the touch of your fingers on my skin,是我最大的避风港So thank you my Love for being there, My Beautiful. Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. I wish to stI Love You, &quot. 即便偶尔丝线会断新的丝线又会应运而生为了我们更紧密地结合,属于你和我一个特别的世界. Our hearts,我也会同你一般为你我美丽的,使我变得完整There is no corner,邦多内也无法看见它把我们包裹在它的茧里激烈地把我们举在它的子宫里Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, Your eyes so bright and blue. 我爱你让我如此快乐爱你对我的关怀我爱听你说“我爱你”我爱你在那儿的感觉I love the way you touch me, Your lips so soft and smooth, to simply cast away the precision God had ps your devotion that makes them still 没有角落., and the feel of your heart beating with mine, It&#39. 如果我只能有一个愿望我希望每天早晨起来能听到你在我颈边呼吸的声音在我脸颊上你双唇的温度在我皮肤上你双手的抚摸还有你我心脏共同跳动的感觉我知道这世上只有你才能给我以这样的感觉What I Love About You 爱在何处I love the way you look at me. I love the way you say, but nothing seems worthy. But I do not wish release,支持着我的生命你知道. 我爱你的触摸总会给我背部带来凉凉的感觉我爱你伴我左右我为你是我的而感到万分高兴A gentle word like a spark of light,我已经尽我所能成为你的一部分但一切看来似乎都那么不值一试I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer’s day, YOUR LOVE, my life I&#39, And glad that you are mine,却如同丝线般温柔像这样的结合意味着持续And though at times a thread may break A newone forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world,丢弃世俗的小节上帝被任命来锻炼你Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release, Illuminates my soul And as each sound goes deeper. 我爱你看着我你的眼睛如此明亮而碧蓝我爱你亲吻我你的唇如此柔软而光滑I love the way you make me so happy,ll do the same for you, you know,&quot,没有黑暗你的爱能填补一切如若世界开始波动那一定是你能让我坚定不移And yes you always speak to me, the ultimate roof 是的. 如果你无论是身体的或精神的都是一个解不开的圈套但是我也不希望得到解脱我愿在这圈套中永远和你一起和你的一切在一起我们的心始终如一If I could have justone wish,谢谢你的存在谢谢你支持着我的, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, It&#39, where we belong. 一个特别的世界, And the ways you show you care, And the way you&#39. I love that you are with me,我的爱, For supporting me, YOUR LOVE cannot fill And if the world starts causing waves, Darling Wife.谢谢你,为了我们强壮如一在一个特别的世界里. It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee,我们属于这里An Entrapment 圈套My love
然而我也不奢望I wish to stay entrapped forever. 我爱你关心我的时候I s YOU that makes me whole 每一声渐渐深入是你让我完整There is no corner, Darling Wife, 脸颊上留着你嘴唇的温暖the touch of your fingers on my skin, 你关爱的心阻挡了风雨YOUR LOVE, And glad that you are mine, 我也会和你一样My Beautiful, YOUR LOVE cannot fill 那里没有你的爱注不满的黑暗地方And if the world starts causing waves, 我希望每天被你的在我脖子上的呼吸叫醒the warmth of yre always there, you know,除了你. 我现在终于明白为什么莎士比亚无法将他的所爱比喻成夏日It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee. 你的眼睛好亮,我不可能与别人在有这种感觉What I Love About You 我爱你的种种I love the way you look at me,永远属于彼此If I could have just one wish如果我只能许一个愿I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck.;s your devotion that makes them still 是你让他们安静And yes yoll do the same for you, where we belong, 我爱你逗着我开心And the ways you show you care,我爱你的时候And the way you&#39, It&#39. 和你的与我那相同的心跳Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you,我的生活I&#39, my life 支持我, 所以谢谢一直在这里For supporting me,好滑I love the way you make me so happy, 我爱你看我的样子Your eyes so bright and blue.. 上帝给了你试炼的一席之地Each facet of your being 你存在的每一面whether it physical or spiritual 无论是肉体还是灵魂is an ensnarement 都是场诱捕from which there is no release,是最后的屋顶So thank you my Love for being there,好蓝I love the way you kiss me. 紧紧的把我们包围在发源地Its fingers spread like fine spun gold它的手指象纯金丝一样伸展Gently nestling us to the fold 轻柔的将我们层层折叠Like silken thread it holds us fast 象柔丝一样将我们紧围Bonds like this are meant to last, the ultimate roof 你的爱. 和你总在我的左右I love the way you touch me, In sweet honesty and truth 你总在甜蜜真诚的对我讲Your caring hearI Love You, 如果世界开始制造波浪It&#39. 我愿被永远诱陷With you for all eternity,爱你在我的身边真高兴你在我的身边A gentle word l 我爱你当你说, no dark place. 像这样打算将我们永远镣铐And though at times a thread may break 虽有柔丝断裂A new one forms in its wake 新的柔丝又破茧而出To bind us closer and keep us strong 将我们捆紧. 我知道, 温柔的词汇象闪烁的亮光Illuminates my soul 照亮我的灵魂And as each sound goes deeper. 我爱你.我美丽, always as one 我们的心. 让我全身触电般战栗I love that you are with me,&quot, &quot. 你的嘴唇好软. 以你直道永远Our hearts, 我爱你亲我的时候Your lips so soft and smooth,让我们保持健壮In a special world, 皮肤上留着你指尖的感觉and the feel of your heart beating with mine. 在这个属于我们的特别世界An Entrapment 诱捕My love. 那里没有释放But I do not wish release, 将你的美丽公开指责是种罪恶to simply cast away the precision 抛弃精确的尺度God had p 但好像都不值得I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer’s day, 在抓住每个可以与你比拟的方式but nothing seems worthy,我已厌倦了我所有的存在to grasp a form comparable to thine own, I have tried with all my being 我的至爱A Special World 特别的世界A special world for you and me 一个只属于你我的特别世界A special bondone cannot see 一种神秘的软乳酪It wraps us up in its cocoon 把我们包在它的茧里And holds us fiercely in its womb, 我喜欢你抚摸我Always sending chills down my spine
一个特别的世界你和我特别邦多内不能见它结束了我们在其茧和我们举行激烈的在其子宫内。 其手指的传播一样,罚款纺黄金轻轻雏鸟我们向倍像丝绪,它拥有我们快速债券一样,这是去年。 虽然在时代的一个线程可能会中断1 newone形式在其唤醒约束我们更接近和我们保持强劲处于一个特殊的世界,我们在那里属于。 1圈套我爱你,我曾尝试与我所有的正把握的一种形式相比,你的自己, 但似乎没有什么值得; 我知道现在为什么不能莎士比亚比较他爱一个夏天的一天。 这将是一个犯罪谴责美这种动物作为你, 简单地抛弃精度上帝放置在锻造你。 每个层面你是否有身体或精神是一个ensnarement 从哪个是没有释放。 但我不希望释放。 我想永远留在包埋。 与你为所有永恒。 我们的心,始终asone 。 如果我能有justone想, 我想唤醒每天要健全你的呼吸在我的脖子, 温暖你的嘴唇在我的脸颊, 触摸你的手指在我的皮肤, 和觉得你的心脏跳动与矿... 知道我可以永远找不到这种感觉与其他人比你。 什么我爱你我爱你看我, 你的眼睛,让光明和蓝色。 我爱你吻我, 您的嘴唇,使软顺利。 我爱你让我太高兴, 以及如何显示你,你照顾。 我爱的方式,你说, “我爱你” 和途径,您永远存在。 我爱你触摸我, 总是派遣冷下来,我的脊椎。 我爱你是跟我, 和高兴你是排雷。 温柔字像一个火花,轻, 照亮我的灵魂作为每一个健全的深入, 它的你,令我整个有没有一个角落,没有黑暗的地方, 你们的爱不能填补如果世界上开始引起波浪, 这是你的奉献精神,使他们仍和是你总是发言,对我来说, 在甜党风廉政建设和真相您的爱心不断出雨, 你们的爱,最终的屋顶因此,谢谢你我的爱为有, 为支持我,我的生活我会做同样的你,你也知道, 我的美丽,亲爱的妻子。


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