My professor said words open and pass are notlinking verbss in the sentence for each.

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Break a connection with an organization
1.ways of greeting and addressing people问候与称呼。
2.the use of self-deprecation( 自谦 )strategies in expressing modesty.
3.invasion of privacy.侵犯隐私
Some related disciplines
Latin words:eg. a.m. cf. viz.
Greek words:pyramid&&organism
French words:ballet&&boulevard&&cuisine
Chinese elements:Taoism&&litchi&&ginseng&&li&&
& &Kuomingtang&&land reform&&Four Modernizations& & Confucianism
British and American English
Flat---apartment& &underground---subway
Coach---bus& &lorry---truck& &film---movie
Pavement---sidewalk& &homework---assignment& &post---mail&&match---game
Football---soccer& &lift---elevator
Holiday---vacation& &post code---zip code
Shop---store&&autumn---fall luggage---baggage
Semantic and Pragmatic meaning
1.Pragmatic meaning语用意义
&&A.It is cold in here. B.The donkey!
&&C.Can I put this on?&&D.a:I am hungry b:I lend you money.
2.Semantic meaning语义意义
Polysemy一词多义; Hyponymy 上下义Synonymy同义关系; Antonymy反义关系
Board:a piece of wood---a flat surface used for playing a game on( a flat material fastened to the wall to pin notice on)
& &a piece of wood---table for meals(desk for meeting)---meals or a committee.
2.Hyponymy(superordinate上义词 and subordinate下义词)
& && && && && && && && && &bush& & pine
& && && && && && && && &&&flower& &maple
3.Synonymy How to distinguish Synonyms
A.Stylistic level文体:colloquial口语体(informal);common普通体;formal正式体
?He mounted on the gee-gee.
B.Degree of emphasis强调的程度
Big and Large are both commonly used words,but Large is more formal and may be used to describe things that are unusually Big,so it is more emphatic than Big,Huge is more emphatic than Large.
corpse/carcass fry/boilescape/flee fall/topple
C.Emotional coloring感情色彩
modest(laudatory褒义)/humble(derogatory贬义)& & statesman/politician&&homely/ugly
childlike/childish&&slim/skinny& &little/small
D.Collocation搭配:large(amount/number/quantity)/great(courage/confidence/ability/wisdom);accuse—of/charge—with/denounce—make a mistake/sour milk/
? The man badly wished John to leave.
Collocation is determined by grammatical rule and semantic feature.
?1.He elapsed the man.
?2.He frightened that he was coming.
?3.He elapsed a week ago.
?4.The man frightened the idea.
?5.He organized his supporter into a political group.
?6.The girl assembled.
rich—well-to-do—well-off—hard up—poor
fresh bread(stale);fresh air(stuffy);fresh flowers(faded);He looked fresh(tired).
An old man /A
A tall man /A tall building
2.Semantic mapping
Hold back&&hold up
take/get/catch hold of
& && && && && && &&&HOLD(with hands)—shake hands
a party/a MEETING/ a match
break up/propose/vote/veto/take place(happen)
& && && && && && && && && && && && &
Crime—criminal,,: T have a think
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDOCE)
Oxford Adanced Learners Dictionary of Current English(ALD)
Websters New world Dictionary of the American Language(WNWD)
What makes words difficult?
The sploony urdle departed.
1.Either Sploony or Urdle must be a noun.
2.Sploony looks like an adjective.
3.If sploony were the noun,urdle would also be a noun.
1.She poured the water into a tock.
A bucket,a bowl, a hole?
2.Then,lifting the tock, she drank.
3.Unfortunately,as she was setting it down again,the tock slipped from her hand and broke.
4.Only the handle remained in one piece.
In order to repair the car,I shall need____
A ceolacanth is a kind of living fossil,first discovered when one was caught off Madagascar in 1938
A ceolacanth is a kind of__a.rock b.plant d.animal
American Literature
1.The Colonial Period
2.The Romantic Period(Romanticism-American Renaissance)
5.The 20th century American Literature
1.Edwards():Personal Narrative自述
He accepted the doctrine of predestination,original sin.
He was a rare genius in human history.Everything seems to meet in this one man.He became almost everything:a printer,essayist,scientist,orator,states-man,philosopher,economist,ambassador
The Autobiography自传
1.Irving:The Sketch Book见闻札记;The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷传说
3.Thoreau梭罗:Walden,or Life in the Woods林中生活
4.Hawthorne:The Scarlet Letter
Realism:Mark Twain()
The Gilded Age镀金时代(1873);The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876);
Life on the Mississippi(1883);The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1886)
Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹(1900)
An American Tragedy(1925)
Survival of the fittest(Jungle law)
The 20th century
1.Fitzgerald():The Great Gatsby writes about the frustration and despair resulting from the failure of the American dream.
1.The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起(1926)-bull-fighting.
2。A Farewell to Arms永别了,武器(1929)
The experience in World War One gave him materials for his novels.(Lost Generation)
3.For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣(1940)
4.The Old Man and the Sea(1952)
(A man may be destroyed ,but not defeated)(Death and Courage)
A Day”s wait
1.Identify the cohesive elements and find out what each refers to
Cohesion includes reference(pro-forms代词形式)and ellipsis省略
The general feeling is if positive recognition
is given in the form of a compliment,that is the subjective opinion of another person and thus should be appreciated as a reflection of their similar good taste.
2.Rewrite the sentence as 2 or more sentences by removing co-ordinating conjunctions.
He&&look at the children with surprise that he should know such words at his age and indignation that he should be permitted to use them.
A.surprise that he should know such words at his age
B.indignation that he should be permitted to use them
3.Get the essential parts of the sentence(find nouns and its modifiers)
The general feeling is X.
Four types of Writing
2.Narration(giving an account of)
A good argumentative essay
1.Your paper should have a debatable point.Bad themes:A.Mere statements of facts.B.Statements of personal preference.
?Ba Jin is my favorite author.
2.You have to provide sufficient evidence to convince the reader.Evidence includes:statistics and quotations from authorities.
3.Good&&logic:There are generally 2 ways of reasoning.
2 ways of reasoning
1.Inductive reasoning归纳推理is the more common way.
2.Deductive reasoning演绎推理。
It works on the model of syllogism三段论
a conclusion.
If A and B are true ,C is bound to be true.
Interview is a meeting where a person is asked questions by another or others.
Student A:You are a newspaper reporter.You want to write an article about “how to respond to compliments”.You are interviewing Student B.
Student B:A reporter is going to ask you some questions about “how to respond to compliments”.Answer him or her politely.
English syntax puts emphasis on Hypotaxis形合,chinese Parataxis意合.
Criteria of Translation
“I kep it from her arter I heard on it,”said Mr.Peggotty,”going on nigh a year. We was living then in a solitary place.”(from “David
Process of Translation:
A.He eats no fish and plays the game.
B.He has written to me frequently since I was ill.
‘eat no fish’ is an allusion典故 ‘play the game’ is a phrase
自从我病愈以来他经常给我写信(since I have been ill-病中)
1.Stative verbs静态动词such as:smell.
2.Dynamic verbs动态动词include:A.verbs indicate transient action B.verbs indicate continuous action
A.I have never heard of him since he graduated.
B.The house has been in bad repair since he lived in it.
2.Expression:A.literal translation(metaphrase)直译 B.liberal translation(paraphrase)意译
A. a wait-and- to kill two birds with one stone
B.1.He bent solely upon profit. 2.We are here today and gone tomorrow.
3.“How much did you suffer?””plenty”,the old man said.
4.盼星星盼月亮 5。他要是有个三长两短
他惟利是图; 人生朝露; 你吃了多少苦头?一言难尽。老头说
2.It is a gloomy thing,however,to talk about one’s own past,with the day breaking.Turn me in some other direction before I go.
1.To promote the reunification of the motherland,we must find a proper means.
3.“You shouldn’t be discouraged.”Mother said to us,we all shook our heads.
Professor of Physics:What is matter? Student:Never mind.
Professor:Then what is mind?
Student:It doesn’t matter.
老师:什么是物质?(怎么啦?) 学生:不是精神。(没有关系)
每当有人恭维你时,他可能只是想和你说说话。唯一明智的回答就是由八个小小的字母构成两个简洁的小词:Thank you!
A sonnet is a poem of 14lines,usually in iambic pentameter with various rhyming.
Iambic:a measure of poetry consisting of one weak beat followed by one strong beat,as in the word’alive’.
Pentameter: a line of poetry with 5 main beats.
1.Petrarch’s sonnet is divided into 2 parts.The fisrt8 lines are called an octave with a rhyming pattern of abba,abba.(theme)
The next 6 lines are called a sestet following a scheme cde,cde.(answer)
2.Shakespeare’s sonnet consists of 3 quatrains with a rhyming scheme abab,cdcd,efef and end with a couplet rhyming gg.
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &Couplet:2 lines of poetry, one following the other,that are of equal length and end in the same sound.对句
So long /as men /can breathe/,or eyes/ can see,
So long/ lives this /,and this/ gives life/ to thee.
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate .
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his go
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s chang
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’
Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.
So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Diction of Translation
2.Common be your prayer,
& &Common be your deliberation,
& &Common be your desires.
3.She is a good christian,a good parent,child,wife.
1.They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
4。理论水平/生活水平/劳动力水平不高/ 他的英语水平比我高/ 他们必须提高领导水平/&&开电视/开门/开船/开车/开机器/& && && &
个人卫生/公共卫生/环境卫生/&&青山/天/铜/丝/史/工/蛙& && && &&&教他们一些历史知识
4.theoretical level/living standards/the low quality of laborers/he knows more English than I/they should improve their art of leadership
Personal hygiene/public health/environmental sanitation
6.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.
7.You nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and nearly tore the boat to pieces.
5.Mistakes are unavoidable in carrying out reforms,as past experience has proved.
Assignment:He will be a valuable acquisition to the teaching staff of our school.
Outline:1.Thesis&&2.Main idea:A.Sub-idea
B.Sub-idea& & a.Supporting detail&&b.Supporting detail&&(fact 1; fact 2 )
The American writer Mark Twain once said,
“I can live for 2 months on a good compliment.”That is to say,once given as a gift to different people,compliments mean one thing ---casting warm light on their lives.&&
Compliments bring people closer to each other.
The depressed people will feel encouraged by compliments.
Conclusion:A good compliment is like a bright sun which is shining over the people.
Ways of Developing Paragraphs(Topic Sentence)
What Would Happen If There Were No Power
1.Ever since this century,electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.
2.If there were power,
1.?We have had electricity.&&?power is the most important one.
2.?We couldn’t live and work.&&?People would use fire to light the room in the evening.&&?We wouldn’t be happy.
All things would be in a mess.
Things would be quite different.
3.?power is the foundation of our society.
?power is so widely used today.
We shouldn’t waste electric power.
City and Countryside/ Smoking/ Protection of Environment
1.Both the city and countryside provide places for us to live and work.
2.Generally speaking,the environment is better in the countryside.
3.It is easy to see that the city and the countryside have their advantages and disadvantages.
1.Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to our health.& &2.There are other reasons to give up smoking in addition to health hazards.
3.Giving up smoking is not easy.
1.Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious.
2.Man has made great progress in environmental protection.
3.Still more measures should be taken to solve the problem.
An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to
Understand why flattery helps you establish better relationships with others.The root cause of the power of flattery gets at a basic principle of human behavior:People crave being appreciated.The vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.In Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition.Nevertheless,the need for recognition is present.& && &&&Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than external recognition,including flattery.
The joy of work may be a powerful motivator,but even
Those who get the biggest joy from their work---such as scientists,artists,and photographers---crave flattery and recognition.Otherwise they wouldn’t compete for Nobel Prizes or enter their work in important exhibitions.
Another reason flattery is so effective relates to the normal need to be recognized.
Although some articles and books have been written
And preached zealously about flattery,most people receive less recognition than they deserve.Many people hardly ever receive compliments either on the job or at home,thus intensifying their demand for flattery.
Develop a paragraph
1.Development by example.
& &Bike is very popular in China.The reasons are as follows:First, a bike is cheap,and most people can afford it.Second,riding a bike is a good exercise and it can help us to keep fit.Third,bikes donot cause air pollution.Finally,a bike doesnot need a large parking space.For these reasons,many people in China like a bike very much.
2.Development by comparison and contrast
& & Smoking is harmful.On one hand,it causes lung cancer.On the other hand,it speeds up the process of aging. ?
& & Health is better than wealth.Good health enables one to enjoy his life.On the other hand,poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him.Therefore,health is indispensable to one’s happy life.
Homework:Today,in Britain there are still some differences in status between men and women.
3.Development by cause and effect
I like travelling by bus better than travelling by airplane.
A large number of migrant workers enter big cities these days.
& &&&On one hand,they have helped to push forward the urban development by constructing buildings,bridges and so on.On the other hand,as too many migrant workers enter big cities at the same time,some problems are brought about.
Amplification :1.words supplied for syntactic construction结构性增补.2.words supplied for semantic completion语意性增补
1.When anyone among the people breaks the law,he too should be punished,imprisoned
or even sentenced to death.
2.Actually the earth had no roads to begin with,but when many men pass one way,a road is made.
3.My audiences vary from tens to thousands.I expect opposition but got hardly any.
过。 4.Through reading one can acquire knowledge.
Supply category words(范畴词)
indifference&&hostility&&irregularities越轨行为& &allergy& & unemployment
5.In the summer of 1969,the Administration publicly urged an easing of tensions with China.
Supply overlapping words or numerals to express the plural form of nouns.
6.Flowers bloom all over the yard.
7.The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.
6。朵朵鲜花开满了庭院 7。连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。
9.“And before you go to beg their pardon,change those trousers for a dress.You know how your mother-in-law
feels about pants on a woman.She always says,’what was hatched a hen mustnot try to be a rooster!’”
8.To have a better understanding of the food situation in China we must take a full view of her agriculture.
Many employers like to hire men rather than women.
Most women do unskilled jobs while men are likely to take decent jobs.In addition,at present boys’ schools are still much better than girls’ schools.
In his Fables,Aesop warns us :”We should look to the mind ,and not to the outward appearance.”The great ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle,however,says,”Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.” Work in groups to discuss whether people can be judged by their appearance.Use examples to support your answer.
Paragraph writing(U Coherence)
The following ways may help you to produce a fluent paragraph:
A.Repeating words.
B.Using pronouns to refer to nouns in preceding sentences.
I don’t know where to stay in Beijing.I have never been to that place.
C.Being consistent in the person and number of nouns and pronouns and tense of verbs.
?1.Students should learn to analyze and solve problems independently.Don’t rely on your teacher’s help.
2.I stopped to let the car cool off and to study the map.I had expected to be near my objective by now,but everything still alien to me.
D.Using logical connectors
1.启 To begin with/first of all/ in the first place/ Generally speaking/in general/ It goes without saying that/ everyone knows that/ no one can deny that/ it is well-known to us that/ ; At present/recently/ As can be seen from the table(chart)/from the chart,we can see that&&;
2.承 At the same time/in the meantime/meanwhile/
Similarly/after that/then/ ; Besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition/what’ For example/for instance/take sth. For an example/
3.转 However/nevertheless/but/despite/in spite of/yet/though/while/ on the contrary/conversely/on the other hand
4.合 Therefore/finally/in short/in a word/ as a result/above all/at last/in fact/ all in all/From the points mentioned above,we can draw the conclusion
I returned to my room.There was a note under my door.It was from
Bill.He said he was in the town looking for a job.He hadn’t found anything yet.He was sorry to have missed me.
Oranges are important part of a complete diet. Apples are nutritious,but they don’t have nearly as much vitamin C as oranges.Bananas are a good source of potassium,but so is the orange.
& &They have more vitamin C than apples, which are considered very nutritious.Similarly,Oranges are as good a source of potassium as bananas,which are recommended as a source of mineral.
Merchant& &bark– embark(debark/disembark)
A winning team/a winning smile
Anything clearly noticed is distinct:There’s a –smell of beer in this room.明显的,不同的。
A thing that is clearly different from others of its kind is distinctive/distinct from有特色的。Extinct/instinct
Evident (theorem定理)&&/obvious(axiom公理)
Although we are often told not to “judge a book by its cover”,
or a man’s intelligence and abilities by his looks,the truth is that a person’s appearance does say plenty about him.It tells us a lot about his personality,his education,his judgment and even the opinion he has of himself.Everyone cannot be beautiful or handsome,but everybody can make an effort to look neat and tidy.From a social point of view,taking care of one’s appearance is a way of showing self-respect and respect for others.
Private cars,as the product of modern civilization,have been
playing a vital part in the daily activities of human society.We can now drive to work,to do shopping,to visit friends and even to travel across the country.Fast and labor-saving,private cars have become so essential and indispensable to us that it is no exaggeration to say our modern society is moving on the wheels.On the other hand,more often than not,the roads in big cities are jammed with cars and the air is filled with exhaust gas.Then couldn’t we live in the fresh air while enjoying the mobility of cars? Omission
1.From the grammatical point of view.
A.Omit pronouns.(We live and learn.)
a.She went,with her neat figure,and her sober womanly step,down the dark street.
B.Omit conjunctions.
b.Despite the privation,and the mounting toll of dead and wounded,however,morale remained intact,and people still smile in the street.
C.Omit Articles or prepositions.
c.The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.
2.From the rhetorical point of view.
d.There was no snow,the leaves were gone from the trees,the grass was dead.
g.Before the night was far advanced,they began to move against the enemy.
e.The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same blood.
3.Omit category words.
g.We can gradually bridge the gap between coastal and inland
area.The state will increase it support for the central and western parts.
Simplify procedures/ strengthen the legal system/ shorten the lives of human beings.
Homework:Not less excellent,except for our less susceptibility in the afternoon,was the charm,last evening,of a January sunset.The western clouds divided and subdivided themselves into pink flakes modulated with tints of unspeakable softness,and the air had so much life and sweetness that it was a pain to come within doors.
Language is not to be taught but to be learned.
Communicative skills交际技能
Paragraph writing段落写作:1.Unity统一(topic sentence主题句—development展开)
Homework:Rewrite改写 the following passage.
I returned to my room.There was a note under my door.It was from Bill.He said he was in the town looking for a job.He hadn’t found anything yet.He was sorry to have missed me.
Sentence writing
Loose sentence松散句
Periodic sentence圆周句
From a rhetorical修辞 point of view ,sentences are loose,periodic
A loose sentence puts the main idea before all supplin other words,it puts first things first,and lets the reader know what it is mainly about when he has read the first few words.The reverse arrangement makes a periodic sentence:the main idea is expressed at or near the end of it,and it isn’t grammatically complete until the end is reached.The reader doesn’t know what is mainly about until he finishes pare:1.She decided to study English though she was interested in music.& &2.Although she was interested in music,she finally decided to study English.
The main idea of both sentences is the fact that she decided to
study English.This idea is put at the beginning of the first sentence and at the end of the second,thus making one a loose sentence and the other a periodic one.Besides,the first part of the first sentence is complete in structure,but that of the second is only an adverbial clause and cannot be called a sentence without the second part.&&
Loose sentences are easier ,simpler,more natural and direct.&&
Periodic sentences are more complex,emphatic,formal or literary.
The following is the sentence with which Jane Austen begins her Pride and Prejudice:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”(傲慢与偏见)
It is clearly of the periodic structure because neither in syntax nor in meaning is it complete before the last word.The last word is the most important,because many words are piled up before the key word,the sense of climax is made very strong.
Correctness正确性(grammar) and Appropriacy适合性(communication交际)
What does he do?He work in a factory.
What is your brother doing?He works in a factory.
What happened to the crops? The storm destroyed the crops.(We should put known information first and new information at the end of the sentence)
Effective sentences: 1.Unity统一性(a single complete thought)
A.Born in a small town in South China,he grew up to be a famous musician.
B.The waiters were serving coffee when the ship sank.
C.He came out first in the match,and which delighted us.
D.Du Fu was one of the greatest poets. 2.Coherence连贯性(means clear and reasonable connection between parts)
A.parallel constructions平行结构:parallel ideas should be expressed in parallel construction.
( neither&&either&&both&&not only&&)
a.The patient’s symptoms were fever,dizziness,and his head hurt.
b.He is not only well-known in China but also in many other countries.
c.A man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.
d.We have great faith and high hopes for her.
e.The woman denied that she had got into the shop at night and she had taken the ring.
B.Pronouns with ambiguous reference.指代模糊
a.She told my sister that she was wrong.
b.He was knocked down by a bicycle,but it was not serious.
c.Every student must hand in their paper by the end of the term.
C.Misplaced modifiers误置修饰语
a.To get ready for the trip,all the things she needed were put into a suitcase.
b.Wrapped in a piece of silk cloth,Mother sent her daughter a birthday present.
c.His habit of speaking rapidly impressed the visitors.
D.Confusing shifts 胡乱转移in person,number,or in voice,tense and mood.
a.He has worked in the college for 20 years and publishes many books.
b.Come here and you must bring your with you.(declarative陈述句/imperative sentence祈使句)
c.The prime minister stepped off the plane and the journalists immediately surrounded her.
3.Conciseness简洁性(a sentence should contain no unnecessary words)
A.He returned back in the early part of the month of May.(small in size)
B.Mr.Smith likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.
C.History,as we know,it is apt to repeat itself.(in my opinion,I think--)
D.sufficient enough/advance forward/continue on/climb up higher/resume again
Accelerate the pace of economic reform
Living standards for the people in both urban and rural areas continued to rise.
We should adopt a series of measures to ensure that---
With the final completion of construction,-
& && && && && &Homework:&&Humor
而对他做出有利的反应。他的对手则因为没有生就一副令人信任的外表而常常遭到否定的评价。这种判断是错误的,其后果可能是灾难性的。就算许多选民投一位候选人的票完全是出于政治原因,但本不该应选的人,如果他有整洁清秀的形象,就会使他在势均力敌的选举中占有优势。& & 我们常常根据一个人的表达能力而做出轻率的判断。再回到政治这一话题上,许多选民根据候选人公开演讲的方式就对他的能力做出判断。
Negation and Affirmation in Translation
Nothing succeeds like success.
Wet Paint& &&&Look blue
I did not call because I wanted to see her.
I did not call because I wanted to avoid her.
Some words,phrases or sentences are affirmative in form but negative in essence,which is worth our special care in translation.
3.February 17,1915,was just another day at the Western Bank in Chicago.That is,until 2:30PM.
1.before they have completed their studies.
2.His absence of mind during driving almost killed him.
In English “rather than” “but” “far from” “free from”&&“beyond” “fail”&&“refuse” are often translated in a negative form.
4.She has an incisive manner of speaking,happily free from urs and ers,and perhaps,a tribute to the elocution lessons she took while still a young girl.
We are familiar with the structure “too&&to”,but&&5.The process is too risky not to be checked in time.(Here “not” is placed before infinitive “to”,so it shares the meaning of affirmative.)
You can’t be too careful.你要特别小心。
All problems are unsolved.
All problems are not solved.
所有问题都没有解决。(totally negated)
并非所有问题都没有解决。(partly negated)
In a sentence,there occurs all/ both/ every/ each/many /much/ the sentence is partly negated,but it contains no/ nothing/ by no means/ never/ or prefix like dis-/un-,it is totally negated.
Negation of negation:Two noes make a yes.
In regard to double negation which denotes emphasis,no fundamental difference in the way of thing exists between Chinese and English.
You can’t make something out of nothing.(巧妇难为无米之炊)
There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。
Low productivity,inappropriate policies and inadequate effort contribute mainly to poverty in rural areas. Conversion of parts of speech
English is greatly different from Chinese in many aspects.Verbs are more frequently used in Chinese than in English.Sometimes one and only verb is used in a long English sentence,but Chinese is quite different.
1.Opponents to the Three Gorges Project argue that the new reservoir will flood
many cities and villages.
2.The Chinese show a high respect for learning and a love of knowledge.
3.The vitality of science and technology and the prosperity of economy must be based on education.
4.One after another,speakers called for the downfall of imperialism,abolition of exploitation of man by man,liberation of the oppressed of the world.
“downfall” “abolition” “exploitation” “liberation” are all nouns,but they are turned into verbs in the Chinese version.All these words in the original are nouns,yet they share the function of verbs,which are called “verbal noun”动作名词.Verbal nouns are usually changed into verbs when translated into Chinese.
5.The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.
The children are in the same school.
7.I barreled straight ahead,across the harbor and over the sea.
In English,the adjectives expressing the state of psychology such as feelings,desire,preceded by link verbs,the adjectives are translated into verbs in Chinese. 7.The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint,but I had to be cautious.
8.We are not content with our present achievements.
Sometimes,we should turn English verbs into Chinese nouns.
9.Formality has always characterized their relationship.
To them,he personified the absolute power.
Other conversion:
1.He was eloquent and elegant—but soft.
2.We took brief,restless naps,struggled to understand the intermittent broadcasting of Radio Prague.
3.They have not done so well ideologically,however,as organizationally.
If you want a winning image with others,your first concern must be a winning self-image.
The individual who has a losing self-image will never be able to project a winning image to others.He may be able to fool some people for a while,but his poor self-image will eventually make it impossible for him to relate favorably to others.Throughout the ages,great philosophers have stated, “You are what you think you are.”It is imperative for you to have a good image of yourself if you want to create the same impression in others.
No matter who you are,everything worthwhile will
depend on your own self-image.Your happiness will be based on it.You will live only one life,and in order to enjoy it,you must have a winning self-image.Since we can all choose how we want to think ourselves,we should try to have positive,winning thoughts.In your own attempt to build a winning image,you must begin with the self—otherwise,the image you strive for will be supported&&by nothing but a sand foundation.
Any athlete will tell you that you must know you’re a winner
in order to be one.To many,this kind of message will sound like double-talk,but it contains an essential truth.Although you can apply this same message to anything in life,I will use athletics as the basis for illustrating my thoughts about self-images because sports involve physical exertion by which desired results can be achieved.
Idiom translation
Both the English and the Chinese language are abundant in idioms.Chinese idioms are greatly different from English idioms,as most of the former are composed of 4 characters,whereas some of the latter are made of 2 words,and some ,of many words,even a complete sentence.English idioms include proverbs,slangs and collocations.
1.Literal Translation:There are some&&English idioms corresponding to ready-made Chinese idioms both in meaning and in structure.
Such idioms can be turned into corresponding Chinese ones and vice versa.
A.This is the rule of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
B.The onlooker sees the most of the game..
C.You lose on the swings what you make on the roundabouts.(lose at sunrise and gain at sunset)/When the cat’s away,the mice will play./跑得了和尚跑不了庙/我们希望你不要忘乎所以。/A gentleman’s agreement/the open-door policy
The most-favored clause/to praise to the sky/to fish in troubled waters/walls have ears/to add fuel to the fire./burn one’s boats/mushroom
2.Some of English idioms are only partly corresponding to those of Chinese in Chinese in
Meaning,use and structure,we should use liberal translation.
B.Among so many well-dressed and cultured people,the country girl felt like a fish out of water.
C.The sun was just entering the dappled east and his light illumined the wreathed and dewly orchard trees and shone down the quiet walks under them.
Jack of all trades/王小二过年一年不如一年。
Go from bad to worse
By using idioms properly in our version,we can have our translation more natural,flexible and expressive.But bear in mind—Never overuse idioms,never use them carelessly.
1.Earthy and gracious,he finds the city dwellers too cold and sophisticated.
2.Two heads are better than one.
3.To carry coals to Newcastle.
4.She has beauty still ,if it is not in its heyday,it is not yet in its autumn.
5.John quickly struck him as being several cuts above even the brightest students.
Pull a long face/Every cloud has a silver lining./mountains of molehills
A straw in the wind/the last straw/a spent force
愁眉苦脸/黑暗中总有一线光明/小题大做/事态发展的苗头a straw shows which way the wind blows草动知风向(见微知著)/最终使人无法忍受的事/强弩之末
Although Maugham wrote about 40novels,four of which retain
a certain popularity人间的枷锁,月亮和六便士,寻欢作乐,危险的边缘,his greatest achievement lies in his 150short stories,published in a complete edition of 3 volumes in1951.
Since he was born in Paris and spent much of his life there,he was very much under the influence of French writers.His short stories were influenced by Guy de Maupassant.He attracted readers mainly by his fascinating plots,strange characters,remote settings,humorous and colloquial language.&&The Luncheon “The Luncheon” is a well-known short story by Maugham毛姆
in which he describes an impoverished young writer who had to invite a lady to lunch.The lady said repeatedly that she preferred simple and light meals but turned out to have a very good appetite,especially for expensive things.The young writer felt he was caught in a trap of his own making.But at last he had his revenge,he found that the lady had become much too fat.
Maugham was also adept at using irony.He himself said he was “the best of the second-rate authors” and modern critics tend to agree with his assessment.
To narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events.In its broadest sense,narrative writing includes stories,biographies,histories,news items,and narrative poems.
Active/Passive Voice in Translation主动/被动语态
1.In Chinese “被” “给” “遭受” “为---所” “把” “使” “由”“ 让” “加以” “是---的”are translated into English passive voice and vice versa.
A. 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。
C.I was received by a tall woman still beautiful in her late forties.
A.Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims.
B.Printing was introduced into Europe from China.
D.Great importance must be attached to population control,the conservation of resources and environmental protection in economic growth.
2.To make the context more coherent,smooth,we often use passive voice in English.
B.It would be astonishing if that loss were not keenly felt.
C.On their domestic stations events in the Middle East were dismissed briefly.
A.He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.
3.Some English expressions.
It is said/hoped/reported/supposed/believed that----& &It is well-known that---
It must be pointed out that必须指出
It will be seen from this that由此可见
Visitors are requested to show their tickets.
Venus金星:& && && &Atmosphere:95%carbon dioxide.
Diameter:7,700miles(one of the smallest planets)
Weight:about same as earth
Distance from sun:67million miles(second nearest planet to sun)
Temperature:as high as 477
Speed of rotation:we don’t know,but probably very slow
In recent years,the number of people who take the TOEFL test has decreased.
Approaches to translation of Attributive Clauses定语从句。
In the Chinese languages a single word,when used as an attributive,is generally placed before the Hbut English has a few exceptions,such as: Secretary General总书记Scientists present在座的科学家 Investment available可用资金
&&Exception :a well-to-do family
In nine cases out of ten,English phrases when used as attributives,are placed after the Hbut a Chinese head word is normally placed after its modifiers.& && && && &A..I was,to borrow from John,the spy who was to stay out in cold.
These are facts which we must not neglect.
1.The attributive clause is translated into Chinese as a premodifier by placing it before the head word.(antecedent先行词)
This method is called Premodifier前置法
Sometimes the original attributive clause is too long or complicated,which can be rearranged as a Postmodifier后置
A.They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of
every of Chinese and for which,in the past,many Chinese have laid down their lives.
The question whether we ought to translate an attributive clause by what kind of method all depends on whether or not our version can convey the original meaning faithfully and smoothly.Practical translation calls for flexibility.
B.More candidates will be able to enter colleges and universities,which is exactly what we want.
E. “We are a nation that must beg to stay alive.”said a foreign economist.
C.It is estimated that the number of people living in China exceeds 1,300million.(who live)
D.The next sports meet will be held in Beijing,(which is)the capital of China.
F.They vanish from a world where they wewhere twhere they were a mistake and a faiwhere they have left no sign that they had existed—a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever.
Postmodifier:cutting and splitting used in translation mean taking
a long sentence apart at the joint where the main clause and subordinate one are connected,then piece together the short sentences by means of parataxis.The original attributive clause is rearranged as a postmodifier.
G.This land,which once barred the way of weary travellers,now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.
The lives of most men are determined by their environment.
They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will.They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and despise Buick that flows freely through the traffic and speeds so joyfully across the open country.Ithgood husbabut I don’t find them exciting.I am fascinated by the other men,few in number,who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking.
It may be that we have no such thing as free will,but at all events
We have the illusion of it.At a cross-road it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and the choice once made,it is difficult to see that the whole course of the world’s history obliged us to take the turning in our life we did.
Communicative English Writing (Practical Writing)
1.Letters:Business letters(recommendation,job/school application,invitation)&&and personal letters.
5 Principles:CClarity清晰;conciseness简洁;Courtesy礼貌;Consideration体贴
For example:I am writing to apply for admission to the graduate school of your university in the fall of 2004.(clarity and conciseness)
?I have received your letter of December9 (impolite)---Thank you for your letter of Dec.9
I was pleased/happy to receive your letter of Dec.9
Six parts:HISBcompli-Signature
Heading:full address of the writer and date of the letter.(upper right-hand corner)
Eg.& && && && && && &&&Medical Section,Class1
& && && && && && && && & Graduate School
& && && && && && && && &&&Anhui Medical University
& && && && && && && && && &230032,Hefei,China
& && && && && && && && && & March 2nd,2004
Complimentary close:Yours Truly,/Sincerely Yours,
Useful expressions:
Invitation:I am writing on behalf of all the members of our college to ask Doctor---
Application:I am writing to ask whether you could send me some information about your college and for the application forms.
I should like to apply for the post of which you advertised in Yesterday’s China Daily.
I am looking for a job as a doctor and would be grateful if you consider me for such a post in your hospital.
Inside address(name and full address of the addressee)
Dept. of Medicine
Columbia University
New York,NY10027
The salutation称呼 is a greeting to the addressee.It is written with the left margin two spaces below the inside address.
Dear Professor/Mr./Ms. ,/:& & Dear Sir/Madam,
End:I look forward to your early reply/the interview.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your kind early reply will be highly appreciated.
How to address an Envelope:
Dept. of medicine& && && && && && && && &Prof.John Smith
Anhui M.U.& && && && && && && && && && && &Dept.ofLinguistic
Hefei ,230032& && && && && && && && && && &Uni.of Toronto
P.R.China& && && && && && && && && && && &&&Toronto M551 A1
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &Canada
Applying for a position as a doctor
& && &I will graduate from Anhui Medical University with a Master’s Degree in this June.My major is pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate,if possible.
I have long been in hope of working for you after graduation,because I consider you the finest hospital in China.I am sure that if I have the privilege of serving your hospital,I will greatly increase my education and experience. If you have a position available after my graduation,
I would appreciate your considering my application.
& && && && && && && && && && && &Sincerely yours,
Curriculum Vitae(Resume):
NATelephone NDate of BEducation and Working Experience.
(citizenship/present position/awards/hobbies and references.)
Curriculum Vitae
Name:Wang Ming /Wang,Ming
Address:Graduate School,Anhui M.U.Hefei,230032,P.R.C.(Until June 30,2004)
Telephone Number:(o)
Date of Birth:May 8,1973
Marital Status:Single or Married
Education:& &Anhui M.U. Major:Medicine.&&
Anhui M.U. received Mater’s Degree
Professional experience: Resident,Department of
Internal Medicine&&No.1 Hospital Attached to Anhui M.U.
Awards and Scholarships:1988 “Excellent Student”,Anhui M.U.& &&&1989 recipient of Guang Hua Scholarship Anhui M.U.
1992 “Outstanding Doctor” Dept.of Internal Medicine
Publications: “Treatment of aortic dissection主动脉夹层的治疗”Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery& &March 20,2002& &P138
Professor Wang Ming,Department of Medicine Anhui M.U. Hefei,230032 P.R.C.
Telephone Number/Recommendation Letter
& && &This is to certify that the bearer of the letter.Mr.Zhang is a postgraduate of the medical department of our university,majoring in medicine.Being one of the professors of the Medical Dept. I have the pleasure to recommend him to you.He was one of the most brilliant students I have ever taught.Mr. Zhang intends to
register in your university.If given such an opportunity,he
will utilize it to the best advantage.
& && && && && && && && && && && &&&Sincerely,
Postgraduate Certificate毕业证书:
Mr. Wang Ming was born in Hefei in April,1973.From September 2003 to June 2006,he was a postgraduate student in our university,majoring in medicine.He fulfilled his study plan,and passed oral examination on his thesis in June2006.He was allowed to graduate.
Certificate of Master Degree
This is to certify that Mr.Wang Ming was duly admitted to the degree of Master of Medicine in Anhui M.U. on July 8,2006
& && && && && && && && && && && & Chancellor____
Formal Invitations:
Mr.and Mrs. Li Ming
request the pleasure of恭请
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Martin’s
company at dinner光临
On Thursday May the 6th at eight o’clock(Anhui Hotel)
Accepting Card
Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Martin
accept with pleasure
Mr.and Mrs.Li Ming’s
kind invitation for dinner
On Thursday
Declining:regret that a previous engagement preventing their accepting------
Approaches to translation of Adverbial Clause状语从句
A.Still the government is blessed by popular support for its nuclear programme.
C.Traditionally,Italian Presidents have been seen and not heard.
D.Characteristically,Mr.Smith concealed his feelings and watched and learned.
2.In English we often use participle as adverbial.
E.目前,肯德基在国内的中国雇员已达23000人。 其中2500人是餐馆管理人员,可以说已经100%的本地化了。
E.KFC is now 100 per cent localized in China,employing
23000Chinese people,of whom 2500 are restaurant management personnel.
1.At the same time,most probably,critical manpower shortages would still exist in the United States in many skilled occupational fields in addition to managerial incompetence.
2.On one of those sober and rather melancholy days,in the latter part of Autumn,when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.
3.We spent a wonderful and creative fall in Sweden and Norway five years ago shooting Autumn Sonata a film about a famous pianist and her daughter.
Figures of Speech修辞
Personification :Youth is hot and bold.
Metonymy:His purse wouldnot allow him that luxury.
Synecdoche :The farms were short of hands.
Overstatement& && &&&Oxymoron
Five score years ago,a great American,in whose symbolic
shadow we stand,signed the Emancipation Proclamation.This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.
& &&&But one hundred years later,we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.One hundred years later,the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and
The chains of discrimination.One hundred years later,the Negro
lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.One hundred years later,the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.
& && && && && & ----Martin Luther King
Translation of long sentences
Hypotaxis “a big tree with a mass of branches and foliage”
Parataxis “waves surging forward at the vast sea”
Comprehension:A.Find out the trunk through condensing the whole sentence,be sure of SVO and mood and tense.
B.Be sure of the main and subordinate clauses,modifiers and the elements they modify.
C.Sort out the arrangement of ideas,judging the train of logic thinking.
It was our view that the United States could be effective in both the tasks outlined by the president—that is,of ending hostilities as well as of making a contribution to a permanent peace in the Middle East—if we conducted ourselves so that we could remain in permanent contact with all of these elements in the equation.
2.Dividing 分译法
For a hundred years,the finest sons and daughters of the
disaster-ridden Chinese nation fought and sacrificed their lives,one stepping into the breach as another fell,in quest of the truth that would save the country and the people.This moved us to songs and tears.
The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat,which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House.
3.Recasting 综合法
A.The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their software excluded the possibility for these techniques to find their way to the commercial marketplace.
B.What the New Yorker would find missing is what many outsiders find oppressive and distasteful about New York—its rawness,tension,its bracing competitiveness and the rigor of its judgments.
纽约的粗犷,紧张,那种急迫感和催人奋发的竞争性,它的是非观念的严酷无情。这一切都使那些非纽约人感到厌恶和窒息;而这一切,又正是纽约人所眷恋的。 真正的pdf大家都喜欢,
pdg大家都讨厌。 好,
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