jre unboundd variable是什么意思

&& 查看话题
Parallel variables...
& &&&grid,
& & & & distributing mesh
& & & & & & & & parts......,
& & & & & & & & faces......,
& & & & & & & & nodes......,
& &&&materials,
& &&&interface,
& &&&domains,
& & & & mixture
& &&&zones,
Error: undefined read macro
Error Object: ()
Error: eval: unbound variable
Error Object: add-fsi-panel
Error: cx-set-zero-dir: incorrect argument list
Error Object: #f
Error: wta(1st) to string_eq
Error Object: #t
网格基本相同?这是什么意思?网格变化了cas就有变化,变化后的dat不能对应变化前的cas。 Originally posted by shuangqingx at
... 是不是有些是用并行机计算的? Originally posted by seaharrier at
是不是有些是用并行机计算的? 确实都是并行计算的case和data文件,这个……有影响吗?什么原因? 多打开几次试试呢?我觉得软件都是这样经常不稳定。 那就只有重新计算了,也提醒了我们,计算好了要赶紧处理,以免出了问题没有时间来重新计算!:) Originally posted by shuangqingx at
确实都是并行计算的case和data文件,这个……有影响吗?什么原因? 貌似很久以前我用并行机也碰到这问题,已经忘了怎么解决的了,好像是要在非并行机上再算几步就可以了吧,
不记得了。 Originally posted by dunga at
那就只有重新计算了,也提醒了我们,计算好了要赶紧处理,以免出了问题没有时间来重新计算!:) 寒……我成反面教材了? Originally posted by shuangqingx at
寒……我成反面教材了? 呵呵,误会了,大家共同进步啥,我也有很多问题,只是没有好意思说出来而已:D 我也遇到相同问题,求解释? 并行计算使用并行模块保存的结果吧,不要并行覆盖原来的casewords: Unbound variable nickname in IRCUser for invalid user name
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changed from [patch] words: Unbound variable nickname in IRCUser for invalid user name to words: Unbound variable nickname in IRCUser for invalid user name
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by stephsolis
by stephsolis
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Build path
Build Path ProblemDescription
TypeUnboun in project &#39.jar'TOMCAT_HOME&#47Description
TypeThe project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved
Java ProblemDescription
Build path
Build Path ProblemDescription
TypeUnboun in project 'lib/ in project &#39.jar'jasper: 'TOMCAT_HOME/lib/servlet-annotations-api: ' in project '
Build path
Build Path ProblemDescription
TypeUnbounlib/el-TOMCAT_HOME/fshop&#39: &#39.jar&#39: 'TOMCAT_HOME/fshop'
Build path
Build Path ProblemDescription
TypeUnboun in project 'jsp-TOMCAT_HOME&#47.jar&#39.jar'fshop'lib/fshop&#39: &#39
出门在外也不愁Apache Tomcat 6.0 (6.0.44) - Building TomcatApache Tomcat 6.0Version 6.0.44, May 8 2015LinksUser GuideReferenceApache Tomcat DevelopmentApache Tomcat 6.0Building Tomcat
Building Apache Tomcat from SVN is very easy, and is the first step to contributing to
Tomcat. The following is a step by step TODO list.
The JDK can be downloaded following the "Previous Releases" link from
IMPORTANT: Set an environment variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the
directory into which you installed the JDK release.
Download a binary distribution of Ant 1.8.0 or later from
Unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location so that the
Ant release resides in its own directory (conventionally named
For the purposes of the remainder of this document,
the symbolic name "${ant.home}" is used to refer to the full pathname of
the release directory.
Create an ANT_HOME environment variable to point the directory ${ant.home},
and modify the PATH environment variable to include directory
"${ant.home}/bin" in its list.
This makes the "ant" command line script
available, which will be used to actually perform the build.
Tomcat 6.0 SVN repository URL:
Download a source package from:
Checkout the source using SVN, selecting a tag for released version or
trunk for the current development code, or download and unpack a
source package. The location where the source has been
placed will be referred as ${tomcat.source}.
Use the following commands:
cd ${tomcat.source}
ant download
WARNING: Running "ant download" command will download libraries required
to build Tomcat to the /usr/share/java directory by default.
On a typical Linux or MacOX system, an ordinary user
will not have access to write to this directory, and, even if you do,
it may not be appropriate for you to write there. On Windows
this usually corresponds to the C:\usr\share\java directory,
unless Cygwin is used. Read below to learn how to customize the directory
used to download the binaries.
NOTE: Users accessing the Internet through a proxy must use a properties
file to indicate to Ant the proxy configuration. Read below.
The build can be controlled by creating a ${tomcat.source}/build.properties
file, and adding the following content to it:
# ----- Proxy setup -----
# Uncomment if using a proxy server.
# ----- Default Base Path for Dependent Packages -----
# Replace this path with the directory path where
# dependencies binaries should be downloaded.
This is not a supported means of building T this information is
provided without warranty :-).
The only supported means of building Tomcat is with the "ant build"
described above.
However, some developers like to work on Java code with a Java IDE,
and the following steps have been used by some developers.
Note that you must complete all the above steps to fetch
dependent libraries and build some JAR files the first time.
After you have completed the above steps, you can set up an
Eclipse project.
Note that this will not let you build everything under E
the build process requires use of Ant for the many stages that aren't
simple Java compilations.
However, it will allow you to view and edit the Java code,
get warnings, reformat code, perform refactorings, run Tomcat
under the IDE, and so on.
Use Windows-&Preferences and then Java-&Build Path-&Classpath
Variables to add two new Classpath variables:
TOMCAT_LIBS_BASEthe base path where the binary dependencies have been downloaded
ANT_HOMEthe base path of Ant 1.8.0 or later
There are two files in the root directory, eclipse.classpath and
eclipse.project. Create their copies with new names,
.classpath and .project respectively.
Use File-&Import and chose "Existing Projects into Workspace".
From there import the root directory where you have checked out tomcat.
Eclipse .project and .classpath files provided in the root directory of
tomcat repository should allow Eclipse to find all source trees and jars, and
hopefully compile without problems. Note that these
files assume you are using Eclipse with a 5.0 or later JDK.
To run Tomcat without a special IDE plug-in, you can simply use Run-&Run...
enter "org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina" as the main class,
"start" as program arguments, and
"-Dcatalina.home=..." (with the name of your build directory)
as VM arguments.
The same caveats apply as for Eclipse, above.
The same general idea should work in most IDEs; it has been reported
to work in Idea, for example.
Copyright & , Apache Software Foundation


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