
)2 13世纪(
”)5 1689年,威廉接受由议会拟定好的《
)权。分析:18世纪英国的内阁制与中国明朝时期的内阁制由什么区别能力提升:归纳英国君主立宪制的特征君主的地位:世袭的英国国王是国家元首,但平时只扮演仪式性的角色,国王在宪法规定的范围内行使权力; 内阁的地位:责任内阁制是君主立宪制的核心,内阁由议会产生并对议会负责,掌握国家的行政权力; 首相的地位:首相是实际上的最高行政首长,由议会多数党的领袖担任,掌握行政权和立法创议权,事实上成为国家政治生活的最高决策者和领导者;制度的基础:代议制民主是君主立宪制的政治基础。知识巩固:完成课后习题本课关键词 《大宪章》 权利法案 责任内阁制
两党制)两党(保守党、工党)第8课练习1光荣革命后,英国政治体制发生了显著变化,表现在A.内阁首相由国王兼任 B.王室成为政治统治中心C.君主立宪制度确立D.议会对内阁负责2.英国资产阶级革命爆发前,反对国王专制统治的阵地在A.议会
D.大陆会议3.在英国君主立宪制的建立过程中,1701年颁布的嗣位法发挥了重要作用。该法规定,国王所作的任何决定必须由同意该决定的大臣签署方能生效。这一规定的目的在于A.防止国王独断专行B.扩大议会的权力C.加强国王对内阁的控制 D.扩大国王的行政权⒋下列关于英国君主立宪制的表述不正确的是A.下院议员由选民选举产生B.下院大选中获胜的多数党领袖为内阁首相C.上院成为国家权力中心D.国王“统而不治”,只是最高权力的象征5了解英国君主立宪制确立之处的情况,下了文献可参考的是A《权利法案》
B《独立宣言》 C 《人权宣言》D《大西洋宪法》6、2009年为了《权利法案》颁布320周年,《权利法案》颁布后,英国体制发生了显著的变化,表现在A实行三权分立
B王室成为政治统治的中心 C
君主立宪制确立 D
共和体制确立7英国资产阶级革命爆发的重要原因是斯图亚特王朝A封建专制统治阻碍了资本主义的发展 B“专卖”政策侵犯了资产阶级的利益C实行宗教专制,迫害“清教徒”D实行民族压迫,引起爱尔兰民族起义8英国资产阶级革命完成的标志是A.处死国王查理一世
C.“光荣革命” D.《权利法案》的颁布9《权利法案》载:“凡未经议会同意,以国王权威停止法律或停止法律实施之僭越权力,为非法权力。”对这一条文最准确的理解是A法律的权威高于国王的权威
D议会权力超过国王,国王处于“统而不治”地位10、1689年《权利法案》颁布的标志着社会转型是因为A.确立了英国君主立宪制政体 B.以法律为标志的国家权力取代专制王权C.确立了资本主义社会的法律规范 D.国王“统而不治”,成为名义上的国家元首11英国君主立宪制下的责任内阁运行的基本原则有
B、①②③ C、②③
D、①④12英国君主立宪制的形成标志着资产阶级和新贵族政权的确立,这主要是因为( )A.议会权力加强
D.内阁制度形成13、17世纪70年代末,英国国会内两个政党(辉格党和托利党)的出现,表明A.英国资产阶级革命的完成 B.英国近代政党的起源C.英国近代民主政治完全确立
D.英国议会政治的开始14西方学者评价1832年英国议会制度改革是具有革命意义的改革,这是因为A无产阶级赢得了被选举权 B推翻了斯图亚特王朝的统治
D垄断资本控制了国家政权15、第二次世界大战期间,英国首相丘吉尔对美国总统罗斯福说:“总统先生??我从不为议会所困扰,但我实事都得与我的内阁商量并获得内阁的支持。”这句话主要反映了英国政治体制的哪一方面A君主立宪制 B代议制民主
D责任内阁制16 下图反映的是19世纪中英两国在重要机构,二者的最大区别是 英国议会大厦
B .人员选拔不同
C. 机构性质不同
D . 行政方式不同简答体17英国君主立宪制的特点:1) 君主立宪制度的基础和核心各是什么?2) 在君主立宪制政体下,国王地位如何?3) 首相是怎样产生的?有什么权力,地位如何?4) 内阁与议会的关系是怎样的?5) 国家的权利中心是什么?18《大宪章》被视为 “英国自由的奠基石 ”、英国的第一部“ 宪法 ”。你认为对吗?为什么? 材料题19.每日经济新闻报道:金融危机愈演愈烈,英伦三岛早已是深陷泥潭。英国财政大臣达林10月8日上午宣布了一揽子银行救助计划,英国政府将向英国各大商业银行注入高达500亿英镑 (880亿美元)的资金。甚至准备将中小银行国有化。你认为:(1)内阁成员大体上是赞同还是反对?为什么? (2)女王伊丽莎白二世如果反对,布朗首相会不会为此改变策略,为什么? (3)议会中大多数极力反对,结果又会如何? 20、材料一人民网伦敦日电:英国大选结果今天揭晓,工党以绝对多数战胜保守党,第三次获胜,工党领袖布莱尔将于今天组成新一届政府,成为英国历史上第一位三连任的工党首相。材料二
布莱尔在伊战上的所作所为,使民众支持率持续下降,工党内部越来越多的声音要求布莱尔卸任,一些在竞选较激烈选区的议员,更是急切盼望工党的高层更换问题能够尽快解决,以免使自己在未来选举中处于不利地位,败给保守党。材料三 2008年 6月27日,英国首相布莱尔与家人在位于伦敦的首相官邸唐宁街10号向媒体告别。当日,布莱尔正式向英国女王递交辞呈。材料四 日,英国新任首相布朗与夫人抵达位于伦敦的首相官邸唐宁街10号。英国女王当天正式任命现任工党领袖布朗为首相,并授权他组建新内阁。 新华社发材料五 新华网伦敦6月28日电
统而不治③。首相----多数党领袖,行政权和立法创议权,最高行政首长。④内阁----对议会负责,受议会监督。⑤议会18对。它限制了君主的权力,保障了以贵族为代表的民权自由,后来逐步发展成为普遍的宪法权利。19①赞同。集体负责,共同进退。 ②不会。首相掌握行政大权,不对国王负责。③议会可以通过对政府的不信任案,要求内阁下台;内阁要么下台,要么宣布解散议会,重新选举。
20材料一英国大选,获胜的多数党上台组阁→材料二议会对政府不信任→材料三首相及内阁辞职→材料四执政党新领袖,担任新首相,接受国王任→材料五新首相上台后重新组织内阁 包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、行业资料、文学作品欣赏、专业论文、高等教育、36岳麓版高中历史必修一第8课
 岳麓版高中历史必修一第8课 英国的制度创新学案(有答案)_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。第8课 英国的制度创新陈蕾编印 【课程标准】 课程标准:了解《权利法案》的...  一轮复习岳麓版必修一第三单元第8课 英国的制度创新_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。高二历史必修一第三单元第八课练习一、单选题 (每题 x 分,共 10 题) 1. ...  2012年高中历史 第8课 英国的制度创新学案 岳麓版必修1 隐藏&& 第8课 英国的制度创新 [课程标准] 1.了解《权利法案》制定和责任制内阁形成的史实。2.理解英国...  岳麓版历史必修一第8课英国制度的创新_高一政史地_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。...”二、1787 年联邦宪法的颁布---创立新体制 1.性质:1787 年宪法是美国政治体...  2014年高一历史学案: 第三单元 第8课《英国的制度创新》(岳麓版必修1) 隐藏&& 第三单元 近代西方资本主义政体的建立 第 8 课渐进的制度创新 教学目标: 《大...  英国的制度创新 复习课 授课教师 乔玉秀(根河二中)
海二中高二(20) 授课时间 一、教材内容分析 本课是自岳麓版高中历史必修一第三单元第 8 课。...  第8课 英国的制度创新 每课一练(岳麓版必修一)_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。...②1721 年,罗伯特?沃波尔成为英国历史上第一任内阁首相,责任内阁制正式 形成。...  岳麓版高中历史必修一第8课学案_高一政史地_政史地_高中教育_教育专区。山东省...英国的封建专制制度,走上了资产阶级政治民主化的道路, (4)对世界影响,制度创新...  高一历史:第8课 英国制度的创新同步教案(岳麓版必修一) 《大宪章》签署的背景,英国君主立宪政体确立的过程。《权利法案》的内涵,意义和影响;责任内阁制和两党制的...加载中,请稍候...
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I. 英汉互译。
1. bus station ________&&&&&&&&&& 2. depend on __________
3. take the subway&& _________&&& 4. how far __________
5. 离开去某地 _________&&&&&&&&&& 6. 乘汽车之行 ____________
7. 乘坐小船 ___________&&&&&&&&& &8. 到达 ___________
II. 短文填空,每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。
Jack l_______ near a little town. It is about 15 kilometers f______ his home to school. Every day, he g______ up at six o’clock, showers, and has a quick b_______. Then he l_______ for school at around half past six. First, he rides his bike to the bus s_______. That takes about ten m_______. Then the early b______ takes him to school. The bus ride u_______ takes about 25 minutes.
III. 按照图画内容完成下列句子。
1. They get to school on foot.&&&&&&&&& 2. They get to Xi'an _______.
&& They walk to school.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& They ________ to Xi'an.
3. They get to school _______.&&&&&&&& 4. They get to school _______.
&& They ________ to school.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& They ________ to school.
5. She get to school _______.&&&& 6. They get to Beijing _______.
&& She ________ to school.&&&&&&&&& &They ________ to Beijing.
I. 用所给的单词或词组完成下列句子。
1. ______ does it take you to get from home to school?
2. Write to me when you ______ New York.
3. _______ students are there in your school?
4. I usually ______ but sometimes I take the bus.
5. _______ do you drink milk?
6. ______ is it from his home to school?
7. I like to ______ my bike on weekend.
8. _____ do students around the world get to school?
9. ______ is it from here to the bus station?
10. _______ do you think of the transportation in your town?
II. 选词填空。(用所给词的适当形式填空,每词只用一次)
  be, it, friend, talk, in front of, in the front of, on, in
  Mr Wu is very 1._________. He usually stands 2._________ the blackboard. He often 3._________ to his students and sometimes writes on the blackboard. His class is quite big. There 4._________ a lot of students in his class. Some of 5._________ are not Chinese, but they are all good friends. They talk 6._______ Chinese or in English.
III. 完形填空。
Why __1__ children go to school? Do you know? You may __2__ that they go to school to learn Chinese, English and __3__ subjects(课程). This answer is __4__. But do you know __5___ they learn all these things? And are these things all that they can learn __6__ school?
&& The answer is “No”. Children must learn how to learn at school. No one can learn __7__ from school. When they __8__ school they must continue(继续) to learn. So a good teacher at school ___9__ his students to learn something and teaches them how to learn something and the ways to learn something. Then children can continue to learn __10__ after they leave school.
1. A. can&&&&&&&& B. do&&&&&&&&& &C. may&&&&& &D. must
2. A. talk&&&&&&& B. say&&&&&&&&& C. speak&&& &D. tell
3. A. an other&&& B. the others&& C. other&&& &D. another
4. A. right&&&&&& B. wrong&&&&&&& C. easy && &&D. hard
5. A. which&&&&& &B. who&&&&&&& & C. what&&&& &D. why
6. A. for&&&&&&&& B. to&&&&&&&&&& C. at&&&&&& &D. on
7. A. something&& B. anything&&&& C. nothing&& D. everything
8. A. leave&&&&&& B. begin&&&&&&& C. over&&&& &D. go to
9. A. teach&&&&&& B. teaches&&&&& C. teaching&&D. is teaching
10. A. good&&&&& &B. fine&&&&&&&& C. nice&&&&& D. well
IV. 阅读理解。&&&&&&&&& I rise in the east. When I rise, it is day. I send my light into your room, and tell you it’s time to get up. When I shine brightly, you mustn’t lie in bed and still sleep. You must work and study. Because every minute counts.
&& I send my light here and there. I shine upon the trees, the houses, the hills, the fields and rivers. I give you light and heat. I make the plants grow well. In the sky I’m high up, higher than the highest mountains of the world. Sometimes I hide my head behind the thin cloud, and then you may look at me. But when there are no clouds and the sky is blue, and when I shine at noon, you can’t look at me, because I’m too bright. It may hurt your eyes if you see it with your eyes directly.
1. When you see my light in your room, it’s time to ______________.
A. go to bed&& B. study and work&& C. to see me&& D. to say hello to me
2. I send my light _____________ in the day.
A. everywhere&&&
B. upon the fields, the trees, the hills, the rivers and the houses&&&
C. into your room&&&
3. Both people and plants cannot live without me because& ____________.
A. when I rise, it is day.&&&&&& &B. I tell you the&& time&&&
C. I give light and heat&&&&&& && D. I’m high up in the sky
4. Why can’t you look at me in the day when I’m very bright?& Because _____________
A. it may hurt your eyes.&&&&&&&&&B. I’m too far to see.
C. my head is behind the cloud.&&&D. I’m very hot.
5. From the passage, you may guess that I’m ____________________.
A. the earth&&& B. the moon&&& C. the spaceship&&&& D. the sun
Self Check
I. 单项填空。
1. What shall we do now? _____ for a walk?
A. How’s about going &&&&&&& B. What about going
C. How’s about to go &&&&&&& D. What about to go
2. Do you speak Japanese? Yes, but only ______.
A. few&&&&&&B. little&&&&&&&& C. a few&&&&&&D. a little
3. He came and told us ______ important news.
A. some&&&&&B. many&&&&&&&&&& C. an&&&&&&&&&D. a few
4. _______ is it from here to the bus station?
A. How far& B. How long&& && &C. How often& D. How soon
5. Many children enjoy _____ TV.
A. watch&&& B. watching&&&&&&&C. to watch&& D. watched
6. _______ does it take you to get there?
A. How far& B. How long&& & & C. How often&& D. How
7. The third bag is _______ of all, but it’s too dear.
A. well&&&& B. good&&&&&&&&&& C. better&&&&&&D. the best
8. Li Ming can’t come to help us this afternoon. He has got _______.
A. something important to do &&&&&&&&&& B. important something to do
C. to do important something &&&&&&&&&& D. to do some important
9. _______ do they get to school, by bike or by bus?&
A. How far& B. How long&& &&& &C. How often&& D. How
10. Sorry, I______ to do my homework first.
A. must&&&& B. may&&&&&&&&&&&& C. have&&&&&&& D. will
II. 根据上下文,补全对话:
A: I heard there 1.______an English evening in the school hall yesterday evening.
B: Yes, it 2.______very exciting.
A: 3._______you go and watch it.
A: What programmes did you like best?
B: I like the 4._______. After the film Jan sang 5._______ 6._____ American song. Kate played 7._______ guitar.
A: Oh. I was very busy 8._____my homework .We had 9._____ examination this afternoon.
B: 10.______ a pity.
III. 完形填空。
&&& I'm very glad to get your e-mail. _____1_____ here is OK. I like Chinese very much, especially the Chinese food and the people.
&&& We get up very early every morning here. The teacher asks us to do morning ___2_____ first. Then we have morning ______3_____ for half an hour. We have our breakfast at half past seven. Our ____4______ lesson begins at eight. Morning classes ____5______ at ten past twelve and then we have our lunch. After lunch we play with our friends or have a little rest in bed.
&&& Afternoon classes _____6____ at two. ____7______ there are two classes. They finish at four. Then we usually play games or do other things at school. We have supper at six. After supper, we ____8_____ TV or do homework in the classroom. We go to bed at about half past ten. We all go home on _____9____ afternoon and come back home on Sunday evening. We are very busy but ____10______ in our school life.
1. A. All&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. Both&&&&&&&&& &C. Neither&&&&&&&&& D. Everything
2. A. exercise&&& &&&&& B. practise&&&&&& C. exercises&&&&&&& D. practice
3. A. read&&&&& &&&&&&& B. reading&&&&&& &C. to read&&&&&&&&& D. readings
4. A. morning&& &&&&&&& B. noon&&&&&& && &C. evening&&&&&&&&& D. night
5. A. over&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. finish&&&&&& & C. ends&&&&&&&&& && D. is over
6. A. is beginning&&&&& B. began&&&&&&& & C. begin&&&&&&&&&&& D. begins
7. A. Usual&&&&& &&&&& &B. As usual&&& && C. As usually&&&&&&&D. Usually
8. A. see&&&&&&&&& &&& &B. look at&&&&&& &C. watch&&&&&&&& && D. notice
9. A. Monday&&& &&&&&&& B. Sunday&&&& && &C. Saturday&&&&&&&&&D. Friday
10. A. interested&&&&&& B. interesting&&& C. interest&&&&&&&&&D. interests
IV. 阅读理解。
&&& When Kate was eighteen, her mother gave her a beautiful ring. It was a birthday present and Kate was very pleased. A week later, when she was working in the kitchen, she lost the ring. She looked everywhere in the kitchen but she could not find it. She also looked outside the kitchen but still the ring was not to be found. Kate became very sad. She even cried.
&& That evening at supper time, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes.
&& “These are excellent cakes! Who made them?”
&& “I made them,” Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She was very fond of cooking.
&& “Are there any...? Oh! ...” he started to ask, and then suddenly stopped. He opened his mouth and took a ring out. “Where did this come from?” he asked. “Mmm, this is a strange type of cake!”
&& Kate was very excited. “My ring!” she cried. She took it to the kitchen, washed it and then came back. She thanked her brother.
&& “I’m sorry you got such a surprise,” she said, “but thank you very much for finding my ring. I’ll cook some more nice cakes for you tomorrow as a reward. ”
&1. Her mother gave Kate& ______& as a birthday present.
&& A. a nice book&&&&&&&&&&&& B. a beautiful ring
&& C. a gold watch&&&&&&&&&&& D. a new bike
&2. Kate _______ .
&& A. broke the present while she was working
&& B. lost it in her own room
&& C. broke it while she was cooking
&& D. lost it while she was making cakes
3. Kate _______ .
&& A. found the lost ring in the kitchen&& B. found it outside the house
&& C. found it in her own room&&&&&&&&&&&& D. couldn't find it anywhere
&4. Kate's brother found the ring ________ .
&& A. while he was working&&&&&&&&&&& &B. while he was playing outside
&& C. while he was eating cakes&&&&&&& D. while he was having lunch
&5. Kate got back the ring and she _________ .
&& A. thanked her brother and promised to make him more cakes
&& B. said she would pay her brother for it
&& C. she sang a nice song for her brother
&& D. she said nothing to her brother but smiled to him
1. Michael Wilson usually travels ____ one country ____ another.
& A. from, to&&& B. from, for&&& C. from, in&&& D. from, with
[答案] A。此题主要考查介词搭配from…to…(从……到……)。本句的意思是:Michael常常从一个国家游历到另一个国家。其它选项均不符合题意。故选择A。
2. -“_______ you speak Japanese?”&
-“No, I can't.”
A. Must&& B. Can&& C. May&& D. Need(北京市中考题)
[答案] B。解此题从问句中可以看出 “说某种语言指的是一种能力” ,而情态动词表达能力要用can.因此,选择B。
Birthday Present
Tim: It’s Sam’s birthday again.
Bob: Are we going to hide presents as we did last year?
Tim: No. You know he always finds it.
Bob: Well, I have got an idea. Instead of hiding the present C why don’t we hide Sam?
Tim: Good! He’ll never find his present that way!
Note:& Hide& v.& 藏……
1. 汽车站;&&&&2. 取决于;& 3. 乘地铁;& 4. 多远&&&&& 5. leave for&&& 6. bus ride
7.&& 8. get to&&
2. depend on的意思是 “依靠;依赖;视……而定”。例如:
Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.
Price depends on the quality.
Whether we’ll go camping or not this weekend depends on the weather.
&3. take the subway意思是“乘地铁”。此处的 take 作 “乘坐”, “搭乘”解, 又如 take the bus / taxi / train/ ship (乘坐公共汽车/出租汽车 / 火车/ 轮船)。此处动词 take 还可以同其他一些名词搭配,可有不同的译法,如: take a meal (就餐); take a photo (照相); take a prize (获奖); take a seat (坐下)等。例如:
&&& They’ll take a taxi to the hotel.
&&& 他们将乘出租车去饭店。
&&& I’ll take a taxi there (= I'll go there by taxi ).
&&&&&&&& usually
讲析:from ... to ...的意思是 “从……到……”。在这一结构中, from为时间(或地点)起点, to 为时间(或地点)终点。用于 from ... to ...这一结构中的名词常常不带冠词。如:
&& from one end to the other&&&&&&&&& &从一端到另一端
&& from (the) beginning to (the) end&& 从头至尾
&& from start to finish&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 从开始到结束
&& from top to bottom&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 从上到下
&& from year to year&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 年复一年&&
&& from day to day / from hour to hour 日复一日地 / 一小时又一小时地
&1. walk& 2. take the train& 3.& take the bus
&4. by boat/ take the boat/ship& 5. ride her bike
&6. by air/& take the plane
1. get to在这里意思是“到达”,通常表示这意思时,get 之后要加to。例如:
He will get to Beijing tomorrow.
Write to me when you get to New York.
get 后面若跟副词,则不加to。例如:
We got here last night.
I got home yesterday evening.
Let’s see who gets there first.
2. by 介词,作 “靠”, “用”, “通过”解,后面可跟表示旅行路线的词, 如: by land / sea / air / road 走陆路/海路/空路/公路; by 后也可以跟交通工具。特别注意, 介词 by 后面是抽象名词, 不能用冠词或物主代词。而在词组 take a(the) bus/ a(the) taxi 中, 必须用冠词。如:
by air = by plane. 乘飞机
by land = by train /bus 乘火车/汽车
by sea =& by ship / boat& 乘船
by bike 骑自行车&
by bus 乘坐公共汽车
注: 步行要用 on foot.
She hated travelling by air.&
They send the mail by road.
They went to the station by bus, not by taxi.
He wants to travel the whole country by bike.
1. How long& 2. get to&& 3. How many&& 4. walk&& 5. How often
6. How far&& 7. ride&& 8. How&& 9. How far& 10. What
1.;6. How far 和 how long 是常用的词组。虽然 far 和long都可以表示距离的“长”,但是在How far 和 how long 这两个词组里,前者表示距离的“长”,后者则表示时间的“长”。它们分别表示“多长距离/多远”;“多久”。例如:
How far is it from his home to the shop?从他家到商店有多远?
How long did you stay there? 你在那里呆了多久?
1. friendly&&&&2.in front of&& 3.talks&&& 4.are&&& 5.them& 6. in
6. In Chinese (用中文) 中的介词 in 作 “操 / 用 (某种语言/文字)” 解,如 in English (用英语), in Chinese (用汉语), in Japanese (用日语)。例如:
&& I can’t read the books written in Japanese.
&& 我读不懂用日语写的书。
&& We always speak in English.
&& 我们总是用英语交谈。
1. B& 2. B& 3. C& 4. A& 5. D& 6. C& 7. D& 8. A& 9. B& 10. D
1. B&& 2. D&& 3. C&& 4. A&& 5. D&&
Self& Check
1. B& 2. D&& 3. A& 4. A& 5. B& 6. B& 7. D&& 8. A& 9.& D& 10. C
1. How about…? 常常用来表示建议和询问别人的意见,后接名词或动名词,意思是 “……怎么样?”
& (=What about…?)。例如:&
& How about a drink?& 喝一杯怎么样?&
& How about going to the cinema?& 去看电影好不好?
4. ; 9. H H H How far的区别:
1) How long指某个动作或状态延续的时间,与延续性动词连用,回答由how long提出的问题一般用 “for+表时间的名词”,意思是 “多久”, “多长时间”。 how long 可用于多种时态。例如:
How long will you be away from home?
How long have you worked here?
2) How often指的是动作发生的频率,也就是多长时间发生一次,通常与动词的一般现在时和一般过去时连用,回答由how often 提出的问题一般用表示次数的短语。如:once a year, twice a week, every three days等。例如:
--How often do you go the park?&& 你多长时间去一次公园?
--Once a month.& 每月一次。
 3) How soon 意思是 “还要多久”, “多久以后”。指 “还要过多长时间”才能完成某事,所以有一个时间起点问题,即从说话时起 “还要多久”就能完成某事。
how soon 总是用于将来时态。 例如:
How soon will the talk be over?
How soon will he be here (back)?
& 4) How far 的意思是 “多远”,表示距离。long 也可以表示距离,但是在How long 却表示时间的 “多久”。例如:
  How far is it from here to your school? 从这里到你学校有多远?
1.& 2.&& 3. D&& 4.& 5.& 6.& 7.& 8.& 9.& 10. What&&
1. D& 2. C& 3. B& 4. A& 5. B& 6. C& 7. B& 8. C& 9. D& 10. A&&
1.B& 2.D& 3.D& 4.C& 5.A
1.地铁&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.分钟&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
3.公里&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.一半&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
5.运输&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.北部&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
7.依靠&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.必须&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
9.地图&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.担心&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
1.How do you get to school?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.take the subway&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
3.by bus& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&4.get up&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
5.It takes sb. some time to do sth.&&&&&&&&& 6.汽车站&& &&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&
7.一些……,另一些&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.离开去某地&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
9.乘汽车之行 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&10.多远&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
1.Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It&&&&&&&&&& us about two hours to get there.
A. spent&&&&B. took&&&&&&&&C. cost&&&&&&&&& D. made
2.“&&&&&&&&&&& ?” “It is wonderful.”
A. What do you like the book&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. How do you think of the book
C. What do you think of the book&&&&&&&&&&&&D. What is the book like
3. Whether we can go for a spring outing&&&&&&&&&&& the weather.
A. depend on&&&&B. depends on&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. depend&&&&&&&&&&&&D. depends
4. &&&&&&&&&&&does it take you to finish&&&&&&&&&&&& the book?
A. H to read&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. H to read
C. H reading&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. H reading
5. “&&&&&&&&&&& will Mr Smith&&&&&&&&&&&& Shanghai?”“In a week. He will have a meeting in Shanghai.”
A. H leave&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. H leave for&&&&&&&
C. H leave&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. H leave for&&
6. Some students like singing. &&&&&&&&&&&&Like dancing.
A. Other&&&&&B. Others&&&&&&C. Another&&&&&&D. The other
7. “&&&&&&&&&&&&& is it from here to the station?” “Not very far. It’s ten minutes’ ride.”
A. How long&&B. How far&&&& C. How much&&&&&D. How many
8. I usually go to work&&&&&&&& bike but today I go to work&&&&&&&&&&&& a bus.
A. by&&&&B. in&&&&&&C. in&&&&&&&D. by
9. The boy doesn’t speak English clearly. So&&&&&&&&&& people understand him.
A. few&&&&&&&B. a few&&&&&&&C. little&&&&&&&D. a little
10. “How &&&&&&&&&&&&do you clean your classroom?” “Once a week.”
A. long&&&&&&B. often&&&&&&&C. much&&&&&&&&&D. soon
11. “How are you feeling now?” “I’m feeling even&&&&&&&&&&& ”.
A. well&&&&&&B. good&&&&&&&&C. ill&&&&&&&&&&D. worse
12. I don’t think there is &&&&&&&&&&&&.
A. something serious&&&&&&&&B. nothing serious
C. anything serious&&&&&&&&&D. serious anything
13. My sister has got a cold. She doesn’t feel like&&&&&&&&&&&&& anything.
A. to eat&&&&B. eats&&&&&&&&C. eating&&&&&&&D. eat
14. What did you have&&&&&&& lunch? I had some dumplings.
A. with&&&&&&B. at&&&&&&&&&&C. in&&&&&&&&&&&D. for
15. It’s time for supper now. Let’s&&&&&&&&&&& it.
A. stop having&&&&&B. stop to have&&&&C. to stop to have&&&&D. stopping to have
&& It’s raining heavily outside ,You’d &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&at home .
& Frank goes &&&&&&&&&&fishing &&&&&&&&&&boating in the spare time .
& Lincoln’s& mother &&&&&&&&&&a lot of books for him &&&&&&&&&&&his family was poor .
& Drink more water .It is &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&you health .
&&It will take the workers over a year &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&the fly-over.
& &&&&&&& Is a clothing factory &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&the road.
&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&He &&&&&&&&&&to school? He &&&&&&&the&&&&&&&&& .
In the modern world,” how to keep healthy” becomes one of the most popular topics. But “ how to ”? Here I want &&1& you some advice. I think there& 2& three points you should pay attention to .First, you should have a regular life: go to bed&& 3&& get up early, three meals every day and medicine. Your heart, liver , spleen, kidneys and lungs are& 4&& organs and you should try to prevent viruses and bacteria from harming those organs. Suppose you are ill , what& &&
&& 5&&& of medicine you should take? Does the medicine have any side effects? Or are you allergic(过敏的) to &&&6&& ?You should know the answers to the above&& 7&& .Third, don’t think you are healthy. Maybe a tumour is growing now. Don’t think smoking can do &&&8&& bad about your health. Don’t eat food which& 9 bad.
&&&&&& Maybe it is hard for some people &&10& my advice. But I still believe in a proverb, “ Where there is a will , there is a way.”
1.A. write&&&&&&&&B. to give&&&&&&C. tell&&&&&&&&&&&&D. sending
2.A. is&&&&&&&&&&&B. will be&&&&& C. are&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. were
3. A. but&&&&&&&&&B. and&&&&&&&&&&C. or&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. nor
4. A. inside&&&&&&B. necessary&&& C. important&&&&&&&D. good
5.A. type&&&&&&&&&B. name&&&&&&&&&C. kind&&&&&&&&&&&&D. sort
6. A. it&&&&&&&&& B. that&&&&&&&&&C. this&&&&&&&&&&&&D. them
7. A. matter&&&&&&B. problems&&&& C. questions&&&&&&&D. things
8. A. anything&&&&B. nothing&&&&&&C. something&&&&&&&D. everything
9. A. is&&&&&&&&&&B. has gone&&&&&C. was&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. go
10.A. listen to&&&B. to take&&&&&&C. getting&&&&&&&&&D. had
& One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying bills. So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house. “If I do cure your wife. I am afraid you may not pay me.”
& “Sir”, replied the lawyer. “ Here is 500 .No matter whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her ,I will give you all this.”
&&The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reached the woman’s bedside,it soon became clear to him that he could do little. She was badly ill ,and though he gave her some medicine , she soon died.
&&&He told the lawyer he was very sorry, and asked for the money which he had been promised.
&&&“Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.
&&&“Of course I didn’t ,” said the doctor.
&&&“Well! Did you cure my wife? ” said the lawyer.
&& “I’m afraid that was impossible,” said the doctor.
&&&“Well then,” said the lawyer, “since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have nothing to pay you.”
1.According to the passage , the lawyer had to send for a doctor because&&&&&&&&&& .
&&A. his son had serious problems&&&&&B. his wife was ill
& C. he always felt pain&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. there was something wrong with his friend
2.In the first paragraph, we can learn&&&&&&&&&&& was very mean(小气)。
& A. the wife of the lawyer&&&&&&&&&&&B. that person
& C. the laywer&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. the lawyer’s child
3.Before the cure, the lawyer told the doctor he would pay him &&&&&&&&for the cure
& A. 700 dollars&&&B. 1,000 yuan&&&&& C. 500 dollars&&&&&& D. much money
4.The doctor couldn’t save the wife of the lawyer because&&&&&&&&&& .
& A. he came too late&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. she was badly ill
& C. she closed her eyes for ever&&&&&D. she had some dirty food
5.After reading the passage we know the doctor could get&&&&&&&&&& from the lawyer.
& A. 500 dollars&&&B. nothing&&&&& C. much money&&&&D. a little food
If you were French…your family could very well have come from another country. One out of four French people nave at least(至少)one grandparent who was born outside France.
If you were French…the biggest meal of the day is at noon. During the week ,70 per cent of French people eat lunch at home .Before a meal ,you’d like to sit with your family or friends to share a drink or have a talk for about half an hour .French people do this at home ,in a café or in a restaurant(饭馆).
If you were French…in July or August, like almost all French schoolchildren, you would probably go to the Mediterranean(地中海).In winter, you might go skiing(滑雪)in the Alps (阿卑斯山)。
If you were French…you love to go to the cinema. But you don’t watch many American movies To keep French culture(文化), the government has made laws(法律)to keep a number of English-Language movies and songs out of France.
6.The passage mainly talks about&&&&&&&&&& .
A. French food&&&&&&&&&&&B. holidays in France
C. French way of life&&&&D. French movies
7. The French families usually go to the Mediterranean for vacation in &&&&&&&&.
A. winter&&B. July or August&&& C. May&&&&&D. spring
8. Which of the following statements may NOT be true according to the passage?
A. The Alps is a good place for sking
B. French people can’t see too many American movies.
C. Most French people eat their lunch at their offices.
D. Many French people come from other countries.
9.Before a meal, French people like to &&&&&&&&&.
A. sing songs&& B. talk with friends&&&&& C. watch TV&&&&D. see a movie
10. We can infer(推断)from the passage that&&&&&&&& .
A. French people have a hard life&&&&&&&& B. France is a beautiful country
C. French people love to make money&&&&& &D. French people enjoy an easy life
Yie Qing was bom in a poor family. His father died when he was seven m &&&1& old. His mother is a farmer , and she is a great woman. She works hard to send Yie Qing to go to school,& When she is not b& 2&&& &with the farm work, she does the housework for others and c &&&3&& for the workers. In the workplace. She saves every coin for Yie Qing’s schooling.
Yie Qing is a good boy . He l &&&4&& his mother. He knows how hard his mother is w &&&5& for his schooling. He does very well in his l &&6&& . When he has time, he helps his mother c&&& 7&&& the wood and do the farm work. He l &&8&& a simple life. He has no new c &&9& ,no new school bags ,even no new pens or pencils. But he is h &&&10&& because he has got a good mother.
1.m&&&&&&&& && 2.b&&&&&&&&&&&&3.c&&&&&&&&&&& 4. l&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5.w&&&&&&&&&&&
6.I&&&&&&&&&&&&7.c&&&&&&&&&&&&8.l&&&&&&&&&&&&9. c&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10.h&&&&&&&&&&&
请根据给出的单词,以My friend’s party 为题,写一篇80字的小短文。
二.单项选择:1―5& BCBDB&& 6----10& BBCAB&&& 11----15& DCCDB
四.完形填空:& 1----5& BCBCC&&&& 6---10& ACBBB
五.阅读理解: 1----5& BCCBB&&&& 6---10& CBCBD
1.months&& 2.busy & 3.cook&& 4.love&&& 5.working&
6.lessons& 7.cut&&& 8.lives& 9.clothes 10.happy
【重要词汇概览】  ◆ subway          n. 地铁, 地下火车  ◆ train           n. 火车  ◆ minute          n. 分钟  ◆ kilometer         n. 公里,千米  ◆ quick           adj. 快的,迅速的  ◆ half           n. 一半,二分之一  ◆ past           prep. 在时间上超过,在......之后,经过  ◆ stop           n. 车站  ◆ transportation      &n. 运送,运输  ◆ north           n. 北部,北方  adj. 北部的,北方的  ◆ depend          v. 依靠,依赖  ◆ must           aux.v. 必须,一定要  ◆ bicycle          n. 自行车  ◆ ill            adj. 生病的,不健康得  ◆ worry           v. 担心,担忧,焦虑【重要词组概览】  ◆ grow up          & 长大,成长  ◆ take sb. some time to do sth.花费某人某些时间去做某事  ◆ in common         && 共有,相同   ◆ leave for         && 离开去某地           ◆ travel abroad       & &去国外旅游  ◆ go down to        &  延续至;走下去…   ◆ most of            大多数的  ◆ some of           &一些  ◆ take the subway      & 乘坐地铁  ◆ how far           &多远  ◆ bus station         &汽车站  ◆ bus ride           乘汽车之行       ◆ school bus          校车  ◆ come back          &回来  ◆ take the train        乘坐火车   ◆ take the bus         乘坐公共汽车  ◆ get to school        &到校  ◆ by boat           乘坐小船  ◆ walk to school        步行去上学  ◆ from ...to...       & 从......到......  ◆ half past six        &六点半  ◆ depend on          &依靠,依赖  ◆ be different from      &和......不同  ◆ have to           不得不【语法知识聚焦】 1. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人某些时间去做某事  例如:  It took the people a lot of time to get to the mountain.  人们花了很多时间才到了那座大山。  It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.  每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。  It will take three hours to finish the work.  完成那项工作需要花费三个小时。 2. 动词take还有其他词义;例如:  1) 得到;获得  You have to take it as you find it.  对这个你只得将就些算了。  2) 拿;握住;抓住  The mother took her child by the hand.  母亲拉着孩子的手。  3) 取走,拿走  Take this shopping home.  把这件买的东西拿回家。  The foods here are all free - take any you like.  这里的食品都是免费的,你们随便吃吧。  Who has taken my chocolate?  谁拿了我的巧克力?  4) 乘,坐,搭(车、船)  Shall we go by bus or take a cab?  我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去?  to take a bus to work  乘公共汽车上班  5) 吃;喝;服用;吸入  Take your medicine. 把药服下。  6) 进行;作;为  to take a walk  散步  If you don't take / get more exercise you'll get fat.  你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。  The state government has decided to take a 50% cut of oil profits.  州政府决定抽取石油利润的百分之五十。  We must take a long hard look at their suggestion.  他们的建议我们要好好研究一番。  to take a look around  在附近看看  7) 测出,量出  Take your temperature.  量一量你的体温。  8) 减掉,去掉  If you take 4 from 10, you have 6.  十减去四剩六。  9) 懂得;了解  Do you take me?  你懂我的意思吗?  10) 攻读,修(课)  Did you take history at school?  你在学校上过历史课吗?  11) 吸引;着迷  He is really taken by the little dog.  他对小狗着了迷。  12) 持续,花费(时间)  Just a minute, it won't take me long to change.  等一下,我很快就可以换好衣服。  This new pain-killer doesn't take long to act on the pain?  这种新止痛药不需要很长时间就能发挥止痛作用。  13) 照像,拍照  This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs
&&& and& measure temperatures.这次他设法爬进了基特罗火山口,以便能拍到照片,测量温度。  I had my picture taken this morning.今天早晨我照了像。 3. depend  v. 依靠,依赖  1) depend(常与on, upon连用)视情况而定  That depends. 视情形而定。  It all depends on how you tackle the problem.那要看你如何应付这问题而定。  2)(常与on 连用)信任,信赖;需要  I haven't a car, I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。  Children must depend on their parents. 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母  You can depend on his honesty. 你可以相信他的诚实  depend on 依靠;由...而定, 取决于;从属于;依赖其维持  depend upon 依靠;由...而定, 取决于;从属于;依赖其维持【综合能力检测】 一. 根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。  1. Granny isn't in good health. My family w__ __ __ __ about her very much.  2. A: What time is it?    B: It h__ __ __ past seven. The meeting begins at eight o'clock.     A: Oh, then we have thirty minutes to relax before the meeting.  3. Beijing is in the n__ __ __ __ of China.  4. He has a qu__ __ __ mind. He is always the first to find the answers.  5. Mary has to look after her mother at home.    Because her mother is i__ __ in bed.&二. 连词成句  1. how, your, does , father , to, go, work?  _________________________________________________________?  2. how, they, do, to, school, get, every day?  _________________________________________________________?  3. how long, it , does , take, you, get, to, home, from , to , school?  _________________________________________________________?  4. the, early, takes, bus, him, his, to, work place  __________________________________________________________.  5. in North America, to, go, school, most, students, on, school, the , bus  __________________________________________________________.三. 方框选词,用所给动词的适当形式填空。
about, how far, think of, walk, ride
 & 1. I usually _____but sometimes I take the bus.  2. The bus ride usually takes _____25 minutes.  3. We're _______ going to visit Mr. Smith.  4. He _____ the bike to the subway station.  5. A: _____ does she live from school?    B: She lives very near from school.四. 补全对话  A:  1   do you get to school?  B: I  2   the train.  A:  3   does it take?  B: Oh, around forty minutes. How about you?  A: I take the subway.  B: Ho long does that  4   ?  A: Oh,  5   thirty-five minutes.五. 完成句子  1. 昨晚我用了一小时写作业。  & &It _____ _____ one hour _____ _____ my homework yesterday evening.  2. 我可以信任你吗?  & &Can I _____ _____ you?  3. 这个航班要飞多久?  & &____ ____ does the flight take?  4. 下雨时,我乘坐出租车。   & When it _____, I take a taxi.  5. 周末我喜欢骑自行车.   & I like _____ _____ my bike on the weekends.  6. 我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。   & We had a _____ meal and then _____ _____ _____ the train.  
【参考答案点拨】 一.1. worry   2. half   3. north   4. quick   5. ill  1. worry, 根椐题意及字母提示,并worry 经常与about 连用,意为: 为...... 担心。  2. half, 根椐字母提示及题意: Oh, then we have thirty minutes to relax before the meeting.  3. north, 根椐字母提示及北京的地理位置。  4. quick,根椐字母提示及题中的He is always the first to find the answers.  5. ill, 根椐题意及字母提示。 二、  1. How does your father go to work?  2. How do they get to school every day?  3. How long does it take you to get to school from home?  4. The early bus takes him to his work place.  5. In North America most students go to school on the school bus.&三、
&&&&& 1. walk  2. about  3. thinking of  4. rides  5.How far  1. walk, 因为句中交代but sometime I take the bus, 与walk 形成对照。  2. about, about常与时间连用,表示多少时间。  3. thinking of, 动名词常与介词连用,作介词的宾语;We're 后应该接现在分词构成现在进行时。  4. rides, 主语是第三人称单数,ride the bike 为固定的动词短语。  5.How far, 句子开头要大写,意思为“多远”, 用来询问距离。四、1. How   2. take   3. How long   4. take   5. around五、&& 1.took me, to do  2. depend on 3. How long4. rains 5. to ride 6. quick, ran to catch  1. took me, to do, It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人某些时间去做某事   & 时间状语为: yesterday evening, 应该用一般过去时。  2. depend on 固定用法。  3. How long 多长时间。  4. rains, 主从句时态一致, it是第三人称单数,主谓一致。  5. to ride, like to do sth, 本题中有两个空白,不能用like doing sth.  & 6. quick, ran to catch, 形容词quick作定语修饰名词meal, ran 与had 时态一致。
1、到达&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6、a small number of
2、四十分钟&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7、take the subway
3、校车&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8、the bus stop
4、决定于&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9、six miles
5、别担心&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10、take a subway
(& )1、That book _____ Tracy 10 dollars.&&&&&&&&
A. takes&&&&&&B. costs&&&&&&C. spends
(& )2、"How can you get from Italy to Brazil?" "_______."
A. Can fly&&&&B. By air&&&& C. By a plane
(& )3、"How long does it ______ you to walk to the cinema?"& " Twenty minutes."
A. use&&&&&&& B. uses&&&&&& C. take
(& )4、"_____ is it from your home to school? " Twenty minutes' walk."
A. How long&&&B. How far&&&&C. How
(& )5、Taking a boat to school ______ a lot more fun than taking a bus.
A. must have&&B. must be have&&&&& C. must be
(& )6、"Please wait _____ the bus stop until I come back." The mother told the children.
A. for&&&&&& &B. in&&&&&&& C. at
(& )7、Thomas wants to know _______.
A. where Nina lives&& &&&B. where does Nina live&&&&&& C. Nina lives where
(& )8、Laura's home is 10 kilometers _____ the school.&&&
A. far&&&&&&& B. far from&&&&&& C. away from
(& )9、In my school, _____ students go to school on a school bus.
A. a small number of&&&&&&& B. much&&&&&&& &C. a lot
(& )10、Good health ______ good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep.
A. depend on&&&&&& B. depend by& &C. depends on
(& )11、Timmy goes to school _____ every day.&&&&
A. in a bus&&&&&&& B. by plane&&& C. on foot
(& )12、Let's go there _____ our bikes.&&&&&&&&&&
A. in&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. by&&&&&&&& &C. on
(& )13、The cake is delicious. May I have ___?&&
&A. the other&&&&& B. other&&&&& &C. anther one
(& )14、The lake is different ___ the river.&&&&&&&&&&&&&
A. in&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. from&&&&&& &C. with
(& )15、--_____football?&&&&&&&& __It's a very popular game in China.
A. What do you like&&&&&B. How do you think of&&&& C. What do you think of
(& )16、--How do you usually come to school?& -- ____ car.&&&&
A. By&&&&& B. By a&&&&&&&&& C. In
(& )17、She often goes to school on her bike. but sometimes she ____.
A. walk&&& B. is walking&&& C. walks.
(& )18、Is the bus station far _____ your home?&&&&&
&A. from&&&B. to&&&&&&&&&& &C. of
(& )19、It takes ___ thirty minutes to get to school by bike.&&&
A. my&&&&& B. me&&&&&&&&&& &C. I
(& )20、--How do you get to school, Han Mei? -- _____.&&&
A. By foot&& B. On foot&&&& C. On feet
(& )21、_____ do you get to school, Emma? I take a train.&&&
A. What&&&&& B. When&&&&&&& C. How
(& )22、Mary ____ her bike to school every day.&&&&&&&
A. takes&&&&&B. rides&&&& & C. starts
(& )23、____ does it take you to get from home to school? Thirty minutes.
A. How long&&& B. How many&&& C. How much
(& )24、How do the students ____ the world get to school?&&
A. on&&&&&&&& &B. around&&&&& C. about
(& )25、In North America, most students go to school ____ the school bus.&&
A. on&&&&&&&&& B. by&&&&&&&& &C. in
1、& What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to (1 ) but others
like to go out for (2) or to play soccer. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the (3). At the weekend, he a浪ways does the (4)thing. On Saturday he (5) his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to a village by (6 ). His uncle and aunt have a farm(7). It isn't a big (8), but there is always much to do on it. The children help to give the animals their (9). Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they' re all (10) and Jack's aunt gives them a big meal.
(& )01. A. go to work&&& B. stay at home&&&& C. go hiking&&&&& &D. see friends
(& )02 A. a walk&&&&&&&&&B. shop&&&& &&&&& &&C. school&&&&&&&&& D. something
(& )03 A. day&&&&&&&&&&&&B. year&&&&&&&&&&& &C. holiday&&&&&&& &D. week
(& )04 A. good&&&&&&&&&& B. hard&&&&&&&&&&& &C. same&&&&&&&&& & D. different
(& )05 A. drives&&&&&&&& B. mends&&&&&&&&& & C. washes&&&&&&&& &D. takes
(& )06 A. car&&&&&&&&&&&&B. bus&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. train&&&&&&&&&& D. bike
(& )07 A. too&&&&&&&&&&& B. here&&&&&&&&&& & C. there&&&&&&&&&& D. near
(& )08 A. that&&&&&&&&&& B. this&&&&&&&&&& & C. it&&&&&&&&&&&& &D. one
(& )09 A. water&&&&&&&&& B. food&&&&&&&&&&& &C. houses&&&&&&&& &D. vegetables
(& )10 A. happy&&&&&&&&& B. thirsty&&&&&&& & C. tired&&&&&&&&&& D. hungry
1、A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down. The bus conductor came to them for their money. The mother said, "I want one ticket to Oxford, "and gave her a shilling(先令).& The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, "How old are you, young man?"& The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, "I'm four years old at home, and two and a half in buses and trains."& The mother took six pence(便士) out of her bag and gave the money to the conductor. The conductor gave her one and a half tickets.
(& )l. One day the mother took a bus ______.
&A. to a small city&&&&&&B. to get some money&&&&&&C. with her son
(& )2. The mother gave the conductor_____ pence in all(总共) that day.
&A. l2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. l6&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && C. l8
(& )3. The mother was______.&&&&&
A. not honest(诚实)&&&&& B. honest&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &C. very clever
(& )4. The conductor asked ______ how old he was.
&&&&& A. the mother&&&&&&B. the little boy&&&&&&&&&C. the bus driver
(& )5. The boy was ____ years old then.&&&&&&
A. four&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. two&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && C. two and a half
1、A. John usually walks to school.(同义)&
&&&B. John usually _____ to school _________ ________.
2、A. I usually take the bus to school(同义)
&& B. I usually _______ to school _______ bus.
3、It is four miles from my home to school.(提问)
&& ____ ____ is it from my home to school?
4、It takes me twenty-five minutes to get from home to school.(提问)
&& ______ _____ _____it _____ to get from home to school?
5、Did you take a train to Beijing?(同义)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&& Did you go to Beijing____ _____?
&& ________ bus should I _________? It ________ _________ ________ you live.
&& Please tell me what are the ______ _______ _________ of _______ vacation at the moment.
&& West China ________ ________ ________ _________ East China.
&& Those old men often go bike riding. That ________ ________ _________ fun than _______ at home.
&& The school bus _______ ________ to school in the morning.
&& The bus _______ usually _______ about twenty minutes.
A. About thirty minutes' walk.&&&&&&&&& B. Which bus shall I take?
C. What's wrong with you?&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Where is the cinema?
E. Where is the bus stop?&&&&&&&&&&&&&& F. Have you been to the city?
G. Where shall I get off?
1、(M=Man&& P=Policeman)
M: Excuse me, __1__.
P: Go down this road and turn right at the third crossing, then turn left at the fourth crossing.
&& You can see the cinema on your right.
M: How far is it?
P: __2__& I think, you'd better take a bus.
P: The No.10 bus.
P: It's over there, outside the school gate.
P: Get off at the third stop and there you are.
M: Thanks a lot.
1.______&&&&& 2.______&&&&& 3._______4.______5._______
上周六,你的朋友举办生日Party. 你先到人民商场买了一份礼物(a present), 然后才去朋友家。请简要介绍你去商场和朋友家的交通方式,买礼物所花的钱,朋友家离你家的路程,去朋友家所花时间等。要求:前因后果表达清楚,单词语法正确,字数不限。
1、get to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6、一小部分
2、forty minutes&&&&&&&&&&& 7、坐地铁
3、shool bus&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8、公共汽车站
4、decide on&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9、六英里
5、don't worry&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10、坐地铁
&&& 1-5.BBCBC&&6-10.CACAC&&&11-15. CCCBC&&16-20. ACABB&&&&20-25. CBABA
&&&&1-10.BADCC ACDBD
四、阅读理解(10分)1-5. CDABA
1、goes, on foot.&&2、go, by&&3、How far&&4、How long does it take&&5、by train
1、Which, take, depends on where
2、most& popular ways& taking
3、is very different from
4、must be more fun staying
&&& 1-5.DABEG&上一页&&[1]&[2]&[3]&[4]&
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