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本帖最后由 fadotian 于
20:03 编辑
4.The (i) nature of classical tragedy in Athens belies the modern image of tragedy: in the modern view tragedy is austere and stripped down, its representations of ideological and emotional conflicts so
superbly compressed that there’s nothing (ii) for time to erode.
i multifaceted& &
ii inalienable / exigent/ extraneous
8.The question of (i) in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints (those made by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) so drastically (ii) in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the (iii) to peddle newly created “vintage” prints for profit.
i forgery&&ii ballooned& &iii discrepancy/ambiguity/duplicity
这道题主要是第三空为什么选 discrepancy?我一点都看不出来哪里有提示?
In the 1980s, neuroscientists studying the brain processes underlying our sense of conscious will compared subjects’ judgments regarding their subjective will to move (W) and actual movement (M)
with objective electroencephalographic activity called readiness potential, or RP. As expected, W
preceded M: subjects consciously perceived the intention to move as preceding a conscious
experience of actually moving. This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondence between the
sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence of the underlying events in the brain. But researchers actually found a surprising temporal relation between subjective experience and objectively measured neural events: in direct contradiction of the classical conception of free will, neural preparation to move (RP) preceded conscious awareness of the intention to move (W) by hundreds of milliseconds.
20.Based on information contained in the passage, which of the following chains of events would most
closely conform to the classical conception of free will?
A W followed by RP followed by M
B RP followed by W followed by M
C M followed by W followed by RP
D RP followed by M followed by W
E RP followed by W and M simultaneously
In early-twentieth-century England, it was fashionable to claim that only a completely new style
of writing could address a world undergoing unprecedented transformation— just as one literary
critic recently claimed that only the new “aesthetic of exploratory excess” can address a world undergoing....well, you know. Yet in early-twentiethcentury, England, T. S. Eliot, a man fascinated by the “presence” of the past, wrote the most innovativepoetry of his time. The lesson for today’s literary community seems obvious: a reorientation toward tradition would benefit writers no less than readers. But if our writers and critics indeed respect the novel’s rich tradition (as they claim to), then why do
they disdain the urge to tell an exciting story?
23 The author of the passage suggests that present-day readers would particularly benefit from which of the following changes on the part of present-day writers and critics?
A An increased focus on the importance of engaging the audience in a narrative
B Modernization of the traditional novelistic elements already familiar to readers
C Embracing aspects of fiction that are generally peripheral to the interest of readers
D A greater recognition of how the tradition of the novel has changed over time
这道题应该选A,但是老实说我觉得这题出得怪异,上文明明说是 a reorientation toward tradition would benefit writers no less than readers,也就是回到传统的意思(我理解的),因为前面Eliot的意思也是这样啊。但是偏偏选项A是importance of engaging the audience in a narrative,是对应最后一句吗?但是最后一的disdain the urge to tell and excting story 和respect the novel's rich tradition是什么关系呢?
请麻烦解答下啊~ 很快就考试了~ 谢谢啦!! 如果哪个地方有解释的话也请帮忙贴个链接
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声望11 寄托币209 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 zcyclone 于
18:16 编辑
2:我也选错了,恶心的题。全文说的是vintage prints的价格的欺骗引人注目。
& &&&因为vintage prints价格提升的太快了,她比nonvintage prints的价格多100倍
& &&&所以有人迟早要利用这个差价来造假。
& &&&注意第一句和所有后面的句子是总分结构,我当时就没弄清全了duplicity
& &&&这里作者说了要回归传统,那就找传统是什么
& &&&最后一句话说,“既然作者和读者都说要回归传统,那么为什么他们不说一个有趣的故事呢?”
& &&&所以,传统==有趣的故事==engaging the audience in a narrative
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本帖最后由 fadotian 于
20:07 编辑
its representations of ideological and emotional conflicts so superbly compressed that there’s nothing (ii)(extraneous) for time to erode.
1.这句话的翻译是 思想和情感的冲突被压抑了,因此没有什么外来的东西可以erode?erode究竟怎么翻译呢?
2. 那个MWRP follow的问题答案是A啊。
3. 最后那个阅读的解释我是懂了,但是我觉得现在这种阅读题出得太细致了,光找到对应点还不够,还要拐个弯从一个反问句里找到作者的态度和潜在的意思。感觉考试的时候肯定错
说到答案,我下的是一个PDF格式的,书后有答案啊,但是没有解释。貌似我是在这个版的置顶帖里面所有的新G资料大汇总里面,有paper-based 书。
我记得应该是这个帖子 “其它资料”一栏
最后登录在线时间83 小时寄托币209 声望11 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分152UID3184589
寄托新兵, 积分 152, 距离下一级还需 -2 积分
声望11 寄托币209 注册时间精华0帖子
最后登录在线时间330 小时寄托币376 声望25 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分205UID3173842
初级会员, 积分 205, 距离下一级还需 145 积分
声望25 寄托币376 注册时间精华0帖子
第二个 其实要整体看&&As expected, W precede M 其实告诉我么 W 应该在M 之前
另外一句 比较隐晦的句子 是最后一句话 in direction contradiction.....&&这句话其实说明classical conception 就是 RP应该在W 之前 最后可以选择A~~~&&
同为19 ~~&&这些问题在做的时候 没有对过~~事后想的头都大了~~ 尤其是三空~~ 准备放3空了~
2013 Fall 加油
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